====== CLINICAL CASES AND OBSERVATIONS ON HIGH POTENCIES====== {{anchor:s2}}BY B. FINCKE, M. D., BROOKLYN, N. Y. {{anchor:s3}}THIRD SERIES. {{anchor:s4}}"Capable of being treated in the rigid manner of the positive sciences, and removed, by reason of the nature of the topics with which it is concerned, from the strifes of medical sectarianism, this noble subject can develops itself in silence, without disturbance and without restraint; and yet such an advance cannot take place without compelling a reflecting effect to ensue in statical physiology, and hastening the time, when, by the united consent of all physicians, it, too, will be cleared from every mystification, and brought within the pale of exact and positive science" — Draper. {{anchor:s5}}'Rylavote xal vooavois ravxov. {{anchor:s6}}"Hermias in Plat Phaedr" {{anchor:s7}}The following cases have been treated with High Dilution Potencies prepared in the following manner: One or more globules of a given centigrade potency were dissolved in a few drops of water, and about as much alcohol (94*) was poured upon this solution, as would give a volume of one hundred drops of alcohol for all together; from this dilution globules were medicated in the ratio of one drop to ten grains. {{anchor:s8}}One or more globules of the so obtained potency were then used for a second dilation, and the same process was repeated a third time. {{anchor:s9}}It will be seen that this mode of potentization coincides with the one adopted by Jeanes, but it differs from that by the method of starting the first dilution from a given centigrade dilation potency, and not from the mother tincture or saturated solution. {{anchor:s10}}According to my method the refining process is considerably accelerated, and I understand that Hahnemann pursued a similar plan in his later years. {{anchor:s11}}The notation of these potencies consists in fractional figures, the numerator indicating the number of globules given, the denominator the number of the potency out of which the Globule-potency was prepared, and in the globule sign of Hahnemann with the potency number above, e.g., Merc. V. 2/30 3/0, which means: Merc. v. two globules of the third Globule Dilution Potency out of one or more globules of the thirtieth centigrade Dilution Potency. {{anchor:s12}}CASES. {{anchor:s13}}I. Hemorrhoides ani COECAE. — Mrs. N., 30 years of age, of German descent, black hair and blue eyes, small stature. {{anchor:s14}}December 12th, 1858. {{anchor:s15}}Complains since this morning of burning pains in the anus with protrusion of a varix as large as a pea, very painful on sitting upon. {{anchor:s16}}Sep. 4/30 2/0. {{anchor:s17}}This dose relieved the pain, as soon as it melted upon the tongue, as if from an aura (Hauch). {{anchor:s18}}Patient also felt easy as if there was no protrusion whatever, which disappeared pretty soon altogether. {{anchor:s19}}II. Irritatio spinalis. {{anchor:s20}}— Mrs. D., 80 years of age, American, black hair and blue eyes, of nervous temperament, middle size. {{anchor:s21}}September 23d, 1856. {{anchor:s22}}Complains of pain in her left side as if she had lifted something heavy, and of weakness under her left shoulder-blade from fatigue. {{anchor:s23}}Her whole left side is weak habitually. {{anchor:s24}}The pain came on ten years ago during pregnancy and lasted till after confinement when it went away for a short time. {{anchor:s25}}It then returned and continued ever since. {{anchor:s26}}Calc. 6/30 3/0 {{anchor:s27}}October 11th. {{anchor:s28}}Patient felt much stronger after that, and was decidedly improved. {{anchor:s29}}The pain was gone, and has not returned since. {{anchor:s30}}III. RHEUMATISMUS a cirrus. {{anchor:s31}}— Mr. N., a full-sized gentleman of German descent, 45 years of age, blond, subject to rheumatic attacks from time to time. {{anchor:s32}}February, 1860, was down very hard with inflammatory rheumatism in his knees and feet, which were considerably swollen, red, and extremely sensitive to the least touch or motion. {{anchor:s33}}His susceptibility by want of sleep and by pain was increased to such a degree that when I had ordered Bry. 2/30 1/0 to be given three times during the night, it was found that every dose severely aggravated his pains immediately after taking, and his wife remarked to me the next morning, "your medicine is too fine, it affects his nerves too much" {{anchor:s34}}High inflammatory fever continuing without intermission caused me to order one drop of Acon. 1 to be given in one gill of water by the tea-spoonful. {{anchor:s35}}The first dose immediately brought on strong undulation of the heart and did not diminish the fever on the contrary the fever ran higher and alarming delirium took place. {{anchor:s36}}Other low potencies Nux v. 12, Bry. 8 & 4 were of no better use. {{anchor:s37}}I then prepared and gave to the patient a dose of Acon.2000 1/0 which cooled him off immediately, and then at short intervals of two or three hours Bry.10000, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, which brought on for the first time rest and sleep. {{anchor:s38}}These potencies were then administered in the further course of this case with marked beneficial effect, and patient got well. **{{anchor:s39}}OBSERVATIONS.** {{anchor:s40}}"Nur das Gleich — Gegen heilt.{{anchor:s41}}" — Hering. {{anchor:s42}}Relating to these High Potencies, I beg to submit the following observations: {{anchor:s43}}1. High Globule Dilution Potencies prove efficacious and curative in single doses. {{anchor:s44}}2. They sometimes present the phenomenon of Homoeopathic aggravation, though it would seem in a lesser degree than the other High Potencies. {{anchor:s45}}3. They, therefore, seem to be especially adapted to the higher grades o susceptibility of the organism, and also in those low states where aggravations are to be dreaded as lessening the chance of cure. {{anchor:s46}}4. They, for this reason, are most valuable agents to meet distinct harassing symptoms in those oases, where the fund of life is oscillating towards sure dissolution. {{anchor:s47}}5. These preparations are very practicable in regard to their potentization since a higher degree of fineness' is obtained in a shorter time and with less labor and expense than by Hahnemann's and Korsakoff s method, especially if the proportions are enlarged in the inverse ratio, what Hexing calls' 'erweitern.' {{anchor:s48}}6. The common mode of giving the pellets, by dissolving in gills of water and by tea-spoonful, is a preparation similar to these High Dilution Potencies — Refracta dosis. {{anchor:s49}}7 The curative action of Homoeopathic remedies consists in the mutual action of remedy and organism, that is, of the drug in its proper selection and application and of the organism in its actual state and susceptibility — Mutuum. {{anchor:s50}}8 Mutual action consists of action and reaction and they are always contrary and equal under the third Newtonian Law — Contrariety and Equality of Mutual Action. {{anchor:s51}}9 Mutuality of action is the qualitative principle of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s52}}10. For the purpose of effecting the cure, as the organism must be susceptible of the remedy, so the remedy must be susceptible by the organism and its concerning organs. {{anchor:s53}}11. The susceptibility of the organism is varying and different in each individual case. {{anchor:s54}}12. For this reason, it is necessary to individualize the susceptibility as well as the dose and the remedy. {{anchor:s55}}(Organon, $% 92, 95, 97.) {{anchor:s56}}13. The susceptibility actually stands as the indication and measure for the form and quantity of remedial action required in the given case, i.e., for potency and dose. {{anchor:s57}}14. The correct judgment of the actual susceptibility in the given case implies not only the careful examination of the case, considering the morbid symptoms of the organism, in its present state as well as the aetiological symptoms of previous health and habit and disease, and including the physical method of inspection, palpation, pressure, succussion, percussion, auscultation, mensuration, chemical and microscopical investigation, and the like; but also the perfect knowledge of the mode of action and power of the medicine upon the healthy and sick organism, and its probable ratio to the organism in question, derived from the above elements, being eliminated. {{anchor:s58}}15. The susceptibility, therefore, serves as the diagnostic principle of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s59}}16. Susceptibility depends upon assimilability of matter in general. {{anchor:s60}}As the organism is assimilative to the remedy, so the remedy is assimilable by the organism and vice versa. {{anchor:s61}}17. Pathologically, as well as physiologically, life is conditioned by assimilation, and it depends upon assimilation in disease as well as in health, and as much was taught by Hippocrates. {{anchor:s62}}18. Health and disease are not contradictory things, but, as has been observed by Hahnemann, Reil and Comte, contrasted forms and modes of existence, and contrary states, of the same organism, and both are governed by the same laws. {{anchor:s63}}19. Consequently, pathology is the counterpart of physiology, both being correlate to the given state of the organism and under the dominion of the same law of natural processes. {{anchor:s64}}20. Therefore, in a physiological and pathological aspect, the healing process by High Potencies, in its modality, appears to be a process of assimilation, the disease, as Hexing expresses it, assuming the form of the remedy. {{anchor:s65}}21. The Law of assimilation serves as the physiological and pathological principle of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s66}}22. Quantitatively, assimilation is molecular, and depends upon the fineness and infinitesimality of matter and motion both of the drugs and the concerning organs. {{anchor:s67}}— Homoeoleptomeria. {{anchor:s68}}23. Assimilation by the organism, is quantitatively carried on and mediated, by the elementary organs and imperceptibly fine and delicate conduits in the organism. {{anchor:s69}}24. Accordingly, a corresponding fineness of the drug matter is required, proportionate to the assimilability of the organs. {{anchor:s70}}25. The crude and massive form of the drug is not such as to admit of the required assimilation. {{anchor:s71}}26. The required fineness and assimilability of the drug-matter is obtained by Potentization. {{anchor:s72}}27. The quantity of remedy thus obtained is necessarily molecular and infinitesimal. {{anchor:s73}}28. Infinitesimality is the quantity of remedy required for the action which is to be curative, and to constitute the healing process, the remedy assuming the form of the disease. {{anchor:s74}}29. Therefore, infinitesimality stands as the indication and measure for the remedial quantity required for the curative process — Posological Endeixis. {{anchor:s75}}30. Infinitesimality is in point of fact the quantity of the Homoeopathic remedy — High Potency, Minimum. {{anchor:s76}}31. Consequently, infinitesimality is the quantitative principle of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s77}}32. Infintesimal or High Potentization, and Microdosia, serve as the pharmacological principles of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s78}}33 Qualitatively, assimilation depends on the material nature and distinctive quality of matter and action, both of the concerning organs and the drug, and upon their specific relation to each other. {{anchor:s79}}34 his quality and relation to each other of drug and organism in the healing process must necessarily be the same with the nature of all matter and action in mutual action, that is under the third Newtonian Law of Motion — Contrariety (and equality) of action and reaction. {{anchor:s80}}35 Accordingly, the very nature and conception of a remedy or medicine consists in that it is opposed and contrary to the given state of the organism — Contrariety. {{anchor:s81}}36 Therefore, a drug, in order to be a remedy or curative medicine, is necessarily opposed and contrary to disease when that is the given state of the organism and equally opposed and contrary to health when that is the given state of the organism, — Contrarium. {{anchor:s82}}37 Consequently, every drug which is a remedy or curative medicine is always a medium, i. e., means of changing the given state of the organism into its contrast — health into disease (Nosansis, Pathopoesis, Nosopoesis, Pathogenesis), and disease into health (Hygiansis, Hygiopoesis, Pathoktony). {{anchor:s83}}38 This contrariety is found, according to the above quoted maxim with which Hippocrates opens his book on the office of the physician, by contrasting the dissimilities, that is by contrasting the given states of the organism, as they are affected by the drug, which are contrary, and also the effects of the drag upon the organism in its contrasted states. {{anchor:s84}}39 By so contrasting, the contrariety is shown in the positive fact, that the effect of the drug administered upon the healthy is opposite and contrary to that of the same drag administered to the diseased, and viee versa, that the effect of the drag administered to the diseased is opposite and contrary to that of the same drug administered to the healthy — Nosanti Hygiansie. {{anchor:s85}}40 This contrariety is the real character of the Homoeopathic remedies, and positively proved by experiment and experience, our provings and clinics, since Hahnemann invented and operated upon his ever admirable plan of pathogenetically testing drags upon the organism in its healthy state. {{anchor:s86}}41 This contrariety stands as the indication and measure for the direction of the remedial action required for the mutual action of which the Homoeopathic healing process consists. {{anchor:s87}}42 Therefore, Contrariety is the pharmacodynamical principle of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s88}}43 In a chemical aspect this contrariety, or opposition, is represented by the physical force, or property of matter, which is known to physical and chemical science by the affirmative term of Affinity, which is the affinity of opposition between two different bodies and particles of different nature to one another, and depends, as Faraday states, upon the energy with which particles of different kinds attract each other — Molecular Attraction. {{anchor:s89}}44 The effects of Affinity are neutralization, as shown by Berthollet, and all cure, as observed by Hering, is conditioned by a kind of neutralization effected by chemical affinity between drug-matter and disease-matter. {{anchor:s90}}45 Consequently, this affinity and contrariety represents in fact what Hahnemann called "medicatnentorum vires positive;" that is the specific quality and relation to the organism of those substances which are known as Homoeopathic potencies — Pharmacodynamical Specification; physiological, pathological and therapeutical {{anchor:s91}}46 The proof for this fact is in the effects of these potencies, which are contrary to the disease, the Homoeopathic simile and chemical affinity being identical, as Hering states, and the evidence of it is in our Materia Medica Pura, confirmed by its counterpart, our clinical experience. {{anchor:s92}}47 It is a fact, that not every contrarium is curative, because, as Hippocrates says, the most contraries are not the most contraries, and it is, therefore, for our therapeutical purpose, necessary, to find which is the curative Contrarium in the given case. {{anchor:s93}}48 This is to be done under the guidance of the Law of Homoeogeneity adverted to in the above maxim of Hippocrates, and which Hamilton affirms, but inaccurately] names the Law of "Homogeneity," and which enunciates that things the most dissimilar must in certain respects be similar — Principium Similitudinis. {{anchor:s94}}49 In order to find the curative Contrarium we must follow out the Hippocratean rule, placed at the head of these observations, by comparing the similities, that is by comparing the similar given states of the organism, as they are effected by the drag, and also the effects of the drug upon the organism in its similar states. {{anchor:s95}}50 Hahnemann was the first who understood this, and acted upon the true understanding, when he compared the symptoms observed as the effects of disease upon the organism in its diseased state with those which appear as the efleet of medicine upon the organism when applied to its healthy state — H ygianris ? {{anchor:s96}}Nosansis. {{anchor:s97}}51 By so comparing, it appears, positively, that the effects upon the organism of the medicine which is contrary to its given state, and the effects upon the organism of the cause of disease, are resembling or similar to one another according as applied to the one or to the other of the contrasted states of the organism, such effects being disease either way, and always corelative to the state of the organism — Simility; Parallelism of Symptom; Semiological Resemblance of morbific and remedial action; — Hygiopoesis in Pathopoesis. {{anchor:s98}}52 This Simility is the real and distinctive character of the effects of Homoeopathic remedies in relation to the effects of disease, and it has been positively proved, over and over again by experiment and experience, since Hahnemann first undertook to revive the true doctrine of Hippocrates, and the evidence for it is in our provings and clinics — ' Oµoiov, Simile. {{anchor:s99}}53 Mutual action is impossible between contraries only, and also between similars only, as Anaxagoras already observed, but it is possible, and really taking place, between contraries and similars, when acting together — Relation. {{anchor:s100}}54 Consequently, simility and contrariety together form the fundamental relation between drug and organism, and govern the quality of this mutual action in the healing process, and are, like health and disease, not contradictories, but correlates to and convertible into one another. {{anchor:s101}}55 Both, Simility and Contrariety, are also, like health and disease, correlatives to the state of the organism, and the effect of the remedy and the disease is always similar, and always contrary, to the given state of the organism, according as applied — Correlation. {{anchor:s102}}56 Whilst a remedy as such, must always in abstracto or a priori be a Contrarium, in concreto the simile is always the Contrarium in the given case, because a dissimile is not contrary to the disease in concreto — Simile Contrarium. {{anchor:s103}}57 The existence and reality of the correlation between Simility and Contrariety in remedy and disease, is proved by the fact that symptoms appearing in the disease similar to those obtained by (medicine in) provings in health, are unerringly, and with certainty, neutralized by the administration of that medicine which produces in the healthy the most similar symptoms (Org.§ 50) — Homoeopathicity.authorativelypraecor {{anchor:s104}}58 This Homoeopathicity, the immortal discovery of Hahnemann, is the medical property of every remedy which is as contrastable, as comparable in its effects to that Pathema or disease which it is able to produce, and is the property by which it is capable of initiating the mutual action of the healing process, which it could not do, if it was not simile and contrarium and correlation at the same time — Homaeopathology. {{anchor:s105}}59 From this results as a logical deduction the undeniable fact, that the same medicine or potency makes and unmakes the disease, as the case may be — Similia Similibus curantur. {{anchor:s106}}60 This is precisely the doctrine of Hippocrates, laid down by him repeatedly, and with numerous illustrations, not to be misunderstood, if correctly and entirely read, and which is concentrated into these two sentences: "each (disease) has its own peculiar nature and process, and none is of an ambiguous nature or irremediable and the most of them are curable by the same means, as those by which they were produced" (De morb. sacr.); and "disease is produced by the similars and by the administered similars, from being sick they convalesce.{{anchor:s107}}"(De loc in hom.) {{anchor:s108}}61 Such is the true orthodoxy of Hippocrates, ignored by Galen and his followers, which was many times touched upon by various philosophers, such as Democritus, Anaxagoras, Arndt, St. Augustinus, Baco de Verulam, Basilius Valentinus, St. Bernhardus, Boyle, Cardanus, Auguste Comte, Cartesius, Darwin, Thomas Erastus, Benjamin Franklin, Fechner, Goethe, Haller, Lagrange, Leibnitz, Mill, Nikander, Ozanam, Pascal, Shakespeare, Tycho de Brahe, Zeising, Zimmermann, etc., and which also, was here and there practically applied by many professional physicians — Homoeopathia involuntaria. {{anchor:s109}}But it was first scientifically and practically established and revindicated by our own Hahnemann. {{anchor:s110}}62 The Law of Homoeopathicity (Similia Similibus) is the law of proving and cure, or the therapeutical principle of mediciue. {{anchor:s111}}63 Logically examined, this Homoeopathicity is correct, and as far from being paradox, as the truth, that the same hammering makes and unmakes magnet, or that the same magnet attracts and repels. {{anchor:s112}}64 The rationale of this Homoeopathicity, as the combined result of the correlation of Simile and Contrarium, is found, not only in the very nature and conception of medicine or remedy, which is, that it must be opposed and contrary to the given state of the organism, upon which it is to act, therefore must necessarily cause disease when applied to the healthy, and cure disease when applied to the diseased state of the organism (because only thus it can possibly be contrary to the given state in either case); but, also in the fact, that the pathematic effect of the remedy upon the healthy is similar to the pathematic effect of the disease upon the healthy in the given case — 'Oµo?o???? {{anchor:s113}}65 Since as Hamilton expresses it, Relation and Correlation are mutually referred, and can always be reciprocated and converted, and since the healing process is a mutual action, neutralizing the disease, it is (clear, that disease and cure, perturbation and restoration of health, aegrotation and probation, nosansis and hygiansis, nosopoesis and hygiopoesis, pathogeny and pathoktony, are relations which mutally imply each other — Conversion. {{anchor:s114}}66 Therefore, Conversion ("contrariorum eadem est sententia") serves as the logical principle of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s115}}67 The Galenic school only contrasted the contrary states of the same organism, and only the effects of the drugs upon the diseased states of the organism. {{anchor:s116}}That method was necessarily incomplete, and gave incorrect results. being an imperfect comparison, and hence an erring diagnosis. {{anchor:s117}}68 They failed entirely to realize, that not only one thing or action is similar to its parts or elements or to those of another, but that also two things or actions, which are similar to a third, are similar to themselves. {{anchor:s118}}69 Hahnemann, however, was the first who comprehended, this and took the fall bearings of the Hippocratean rule, and extended the comparison to different organisms, and to the similar states of them, as affected by the drug in proving and cure, and compared the symptoms obtained by provings with the symptoms caused by disease, and the symptoms removed by the remedy with those caused by health. {{anchor:s119}}In this manner, the comparison instituted, comprehended both contraries and similars, and this method became necessarily complete and correct, resulting in a true diagnosis and therapia. {{anchor:s120}}71. The Hippocratean Rule of Similities and Dissimilities, or what Comte and Mill call the method of companion, and which of old has been known as Principium Similitudinis, is the philosophical principle of Medicine. {{anchor:s121}}72. By the Law of Homoeopathicity the given disease itself, in its symptoms, furnishes the endeixis of the remedy, and the remedy itself, in its symptoms, furnishes the diagnosis of the disease-Endeixis and Diagnosis. {{anchor:s122}}73. And Simility is practically the endeictical, theoretically the inductive principle of medicine. {{anchor:s123}}74. On the strength of the actual correlation and logical conversion of disease and cure, pathogenesis and pathoktony, nosopoesis and hygiopoesis, nosansis and hygiansis, morbification and sanation, agrotation and convalescence are as little contradictories as the contrasted states of the organism of which they are predicated, but they are commutable and convertible terms, likewise and contrariwise applicable to the properties and powers of the medicine. {{anchor:s124}}75. Consequently, a potency properly applied to the organism must be by its own nature, equally morbific and curative, nosopoetic and hygiopoetic, nosantic and hygiantic, pathogenetic and pathoktonic, — medium and remedium, — and it most exert its properties and powers as either, likewise and contrariwise, according as it acts upon and with the one or the other of the contrasted states of the organism in the given case. {{anchor:s125}}76. Accordingly, the very nature and conception of a Homoeopathic remedy or potency consists in that it is the "simile contrarium" related to and in mutual action with the diseased organism — Simile Contrarium Relatum and Correlaium. {{anchor:s126}}77. A High Potency is an infinitesimal quantity of such a remedy — Simile Contrarium Minimum. {{anchor:s127}}78 In the views here taken, it appears that the formula, contraria contrariit, as applied to curative action, is the converse of and tantamount to our formula, similia similibus, and this is as much as was observed by Hering as early as 1826, and by Goeschel in 1832, and recently acknowledged by Von Grauvogl and Politini. {{anchor:s128}}Either formula is much like a proverb which, somebody remarked, is a short sentence, grammatically saying one thing and essentially meaning another. {{anchor:s129}}But both formula combined would avoid the ambiguity and make the formula more complete: — Contraria Similia Similibus Contrariis Curantur. {{anchor:s130}}79. This equipollency of both formulas of medical treatment was indeed known, to and appreciated by Hippocrates, in whose book de locis in homine, both methods, that per similia as well as that per contraria, are laid down as being proper treatment, as both being "contrary" modes; and where it is stated by him, that "the most contraries are not the most contraries," and that "as any body's nature is changed and perverted, complaints are produced and cured by contraries "and it is emphatically added that "thus by both contrary modes health is restored, and if it was the same in all cases, the matter would be understood and thus these would be remedied by the contraries whatever they are, and by whatever they are produced, but these by similars, whatever they are, and by whatever they are produced" {{anchor:s131}}80. This doctrine of Hippocrates is an entirety, comprehending both the contraria and similia, alike, and together. {{anchor:s132}}This was overlooked by the onesided expositor Galen and his followers who, by omitting the similia altogether, as it were, left the part of Hamlet out of the play, and thus established a false orthodoxy in medicine. {{anchor:s133}}The full meaning of Hippocrates was first correctly understood by Hahnemann who recovered the original ground, and carried out the whole of the true doctrine in its scientific and practical bearings, and thus, out of his genial investigation of the positive forces of medicaments, created Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s134}}81. From the preceding observations results our complete formula: Maxima }Curantur ) Similibus Contraria Curantur Contrariis Similia Minimis {{anchor:s135}}that is SIMILIA MINIMUS CURANTUR. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 03 No. 02, 1862, pages 88-96 | ^ Description: | Clinical Cases and Observations on High Potencies | ^ Author: | Fincke, B. | ^ Year: | 1862 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |