====== DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF MERC. IOD. FLAV. AND MERC. IOD. RUBER, IN DIPHTHERIA ====== {{anchor:s3}}BY C. CARLETON SMITH, M.D., PHILA | //{{anchor:s4}}Flavus.// | //{{anchor:s5}}Ruber.// | | {{anchor:s6}}1. Both have tonsils, uvula and pharynx swollen//. {{anchor:s7}}Slightly// swollen in flavus. | {{anchor:s8}}1. Tonsils //greatly// swollen and very painful, with prominent enlargement of sub maxillary glands. | | {{anchor:s9}}2. Disposition to hawk, which is caused by excessive secretion of mucus, very //difficult// to dislodge. | {{anchor:s10}}2. Same disposition to hawk, but here is caused by a sensation as of a lump in throat: occasionally this so-called lump is hawked up, when it is found to consist of hardened green mucus. | | {{anchor:s11}}3. Posteria wall of pharynx is found studded all over with //spots// looking like small //ulcerated// points. | {{anchor:s12}}3. These not found under the bin-iod. | | {{anchor:s13}}4. Severe burning in right side of //neck// as if coal of fire was laying on it, at the same time stiffness of neck. {{anchor:s14}}( //Phytolac.// red-hot ball in fauces). | {{anchor:s15}}4. Burning is //in// throat and feels as if //recently scalded//, and with this we have outside //glandular swellings//, sore to touch. {{anchor:s16}}But no //stiffness// of neck. {{anchor:s17}}Patches of inflammation in larynx which become livid purple. | | {{anchor:s18}}5. Throat and nose //dry// as if closed up //with mucus.// | {{anchor:s19}}5. Throat and nose dry, but without the feeling of being closed up or obstructed. | | {{anchor:s20}}6. Disposition to swallow frequently, from a feeling of swelling in throat. | {{anchor:s21}}6. Constant disposition to swallow on account of a large collection of water in mouth. | | {{anchor:s22}}7. Has profuse secretion of mucus in throat, the effort to dislodge which causes retching. {{anchor:s23}}(Patients vomit, not from nausea, but from trying to raise this mucus.) | | | {{anchor:s24}}8. Both drugs have enlarged glands. | {{anchor:s25}}8. Throat looks much //less red// and //angry//. | | {{anchor:s26}}9. One of the most important indications for use of //Merc. Iod. Fl.// is the condition of the tongue. {{anchor:s27}}The back portion only of tongue is coated a //bright yellow//, becoming somewhat darker if it remains long; through this coating can be seen the //enlarged// papillae, quite red, standing up; while anterior portion of tongue is //clean.// //{{anchor:s28}}Mouth// is dry, but not the tongue. | {{anchor:s29}}9. Great dryness of tongue with desire to wet the mouth, also feeling as if tongue and whole buccal cavity were badly scalded with some hot fluid. | | {{anchor:s30}}10. Lips //dry// and //burning,// especially the lower. | {{anchor:s31}}10. Lips very slimy, so that they //stick together.// | | {{anchor:s32}}11. Mental, a decided tendency to //destroy// on part of patient. | {{anchor:s33}}11. Patient low spirited and weeps very easily. | | {{anchor:s34}}12. Taste, craves acid //drink//. | {{anchor:s35}}12. Wants food well //salted//, but still he drinks but little. | | {{anchor:s36}}13. Bright red fine eruption on //chest// and //abdomen//. | {{anchor:s37}}13. Syphilitic ulcers over skin. | //{{anchor:s38}}Mercurius, vivus, corr., jod., sulphate// and //cinnab.,// all have one symptom in common, viz., pain through //right// chest to back. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 03, 1881, pages 105-107 | ^ Description: | DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF MERC. IOD. FLAV. {{anchor:s42}}AND MERC. IOD. RUBER, IN DIPHTHERIA | ^ Remedies: | Mercurius iodatus flavus; Mercurius iodatus ruber | ^ Author: | Carleton Smith, C. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |