====== BOOK REVIEWS, NOTICES, ETC ====== {{anchor:s2}}In compliance with the expressed wish of some of our readers, we shall give, from time to time, a short list of the most prominent and interesting books published, pertaining to medicine; also note a few of the more interesting essays published in the journals. {{anchor:s3}}We can give no more space than suffices to mention subject and author; hence, will attempt no //review// of their subject-matter. {{anchor:s4}}This is done to keep our readers acquainted, without trouble to themselves, with the current medical literature, and so facilitate their purchasing such works as they may desire. {{anchor:s5}}We would respectfully request all medical publishing houses to keep us informed, from time to time, as to the new books they have, either “in press or just out.” {{anchor:s6}}NOTES ON CURRENT LITERATURE //{{anchor:s7}}Recently Published by Wm. Wood & Co// {{anchor:s8}}LECTURES ON DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OP DISEASES OF THE CHEST, THROAT AND NASAL CAVITIES. {{anchor:s9}}By //E. Fletcher Ingals.// pp. 437; price $4.00. {{anchor:s10}}LECTURES ON SURGICAL DISORDERS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. 2d Edition. {{anchor:s11}}By //Reginald Harrison// pp. 400; price $5.00. {{anchor:s12}}DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. //{{anchor:s13}}Coulson.// {{anchor:s14}}(July Volume of Library Series.) {{anchor:s15}}INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, Gout, Etc. //Fothergill.// pp. 316; price $2.25. {{anchor:s16}}THE SYMPATHETIC DISEASES OF THE EYE. By //Ludwig Mauthner.// {{anchor:s17}}Translated from the German. //{{anchor:s18}}In Press.// //{{anchor:s19}}Recently Published by H. C. Lea’s Son & Co.// {{anchor:s20}}A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON IMPOTENCE, STERILITY, Etc. By //S. W. Oross.// pp. 174; price $1.50. {{anchor:s21}}A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON ELECTRICITY IN ITS APPLICATION TO MEDICINE. {{anchor:s22}}By //Roberts Bartholow.// pp. 270; price $2.50. {{anchor:s23}}LECTURES ON DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, ESPECIALLY IN WOMEN. {{anchor:s24}}By //S. Weir Mitchell,// pp. 250; price $1.75. //{{anchor:s25}}D. Appleton & Co.// {{anchor:s26}}THE APPLIED ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. //A. L. Ramy.// pp. 500; price $4.00. //{{anchor:s27}}Priesley Blakiston.// {{anchor:s28}}A TEXT-BOOK OF MODERN MIDWIFERY. {{anchor:s29}}By //Rodney Glisan.// pp. 640; price §4.00. //{{anchor:s30}}Lindsay & Blakiston.// {{anchor:s31}}PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY APPLIED TO DISEASES AND ACCIDENTS INCIDENT TO WOMEN. {{anchor:s32}}By //W. H. Byford.// pp. 682; price $5.00. //{{anchor:s33}}Boericke & Tafel. {{anchor:s34}}In Press.// {{anchor:s35}}RAUE ON PATHOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS. 2d Edition. {{anchor:s36}}THE HUMAN EAR AND ITS DISEASES. {{anchor:s37}}By //Wm. H. Winslow.// {{anchor:s38}}NORTON’s (formerly Allen & Norton) Ophthalmic Therapeutics 2d Ed. {{anchor:s39}}WORCESTER ON INSANITY**.** {{anchor:s40}}NOTES ON THERAPEUTICS. //G. Pecholier,// writes (//Gaz Med. de Paris//) on Physiological Action of Hellebore. //E. T. Ricchert,// ( //N. Y. Med. J.//) on Amyl nitr. as Powerful Cardiac Stimulant. //J. Ossikorszky,// points out Similarity between Symptoms of Phosphorus and Chronic Hepatitis. {{anchor:s41}}TOXICOLOGY. //A. J. Alliott,// (//Brit. M. J.//) Case of Poisoning by Arum Maculatum. //J. A. Bull,// (//Boston M.&S.J.//) Strychnia Poison treated with Cannabis Indica and Chi. Hydrate. //N. Gratlan,// (//London Lancet//) Belladonna Poison treated with Philocarpin. //J. Hudson,// (//Brit. M. J.//) Belladonna Poisoning treated with Physostigma. //A.D//)//. MacDonald,// (//Edinb. M. J.//) a Case of Hydro-chloric Acid Poisoning, and Some Points in Practical Therapeutics. //E. R. Mansell, (Lancet)// Chloral //vs.// {{anchor:s42}}Strychnia. //J. M. DaCosta,// (//Phila. Med. Times)// writes on Arsenical Paralysis. //{{anchor:s43}}Hildebrandt, (Deutsche Med. Wchnshr// Berlin, 1881) writes on Poisoning by Carbolic Acid. {{anchor:s44}}OPIUM. //J. L. Beerdeen,// (//Mich. M. News//) writes on Jaborandi and Belladonna in Opium Poisoning. //J. W. Bull,// ( //Boston M. & S. J.//) Opium Poisoning treated with Atropia. //{{anchor:s45}}Ford,// (//St. Louis M. and S. J.//) on Atropia Antagonism to Opium. //H. H. Kahe,// (//Med. and S. Rep., Phila//.) on Rapid and Easy Cure of a Case of Morphia Habit of Twelve Years’ Standing; amount used per day, sixteen grains. //{{anchor:s46}}C. M. Nutt,// (//Louisville M. News//) Alarming Narcosis from a small dose of Morphia. //T. Wayne, (Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta)// Treatment of Opium Eaters. {{anchor:s47}}SCARLATINA. {{anchor:s48}}Cold Baths, etc., are recommended in a work by //L. Duchesne.// {{anchor:s49}}BRIGHT’S DISEASE. //T. S. Dabney// (//Indep. {{anchor:s50}}Pract., N.Y.//) recommends Apocynum Can. //J. E. Atchinson,// inquires ( //Am. Jr. Med. Scs.//) if Potas. Iod. may not excite Bright’s Disease. {{anchor:s51}}DIPHTHERIA. //A. M. Williamson (Cinn. {{anchor:s52}}Lancet and Clinic)// recommends Persulph. of Iron. //{{anchor:s53}}Boine, Boon// and others, recommend Tannic Acid. //E. Bonchut// (//Compt. rend. {{anchor:s54}}Acad. de Paris//) Local Application of Papine. (//Med. Rec., N. Y.//) //Whaler// has tried Jaborandi. //{{anchor:s55}}Forest// and //K. Dehio// believes in Philacorpine; others in its nuriate. {{anchor:s56}}SEPTICAEMIA, etc. //T. J. Burrill,// writes (,//Am. Nat// 1381, V. XV.) on Bacteria as a Cause of Disease in Plants. //A. Clauveau, “// Ferments and Virus.” //L. A- Stimson, (Med. Record)// Acute Septicaemia; Influence of Germs in the Putrefactive Process. {{anchor:s57}}PASTEUR’S ADDRESS, before the recent International Congress, on Germs, etc., is reprinted in //N//. //Y. Medical Record// of August 27th, 1881. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 10, 1881, pages 507-508 | ^ Description: | NOTES ON CURRENT LITERATURE | ^ Author: | HPhys01 | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |