====== PERISCOPE ====== {{anchor:s2}}NEW YORK MEDICAL TIMES, MAY:—Dr. Conlyn reports a case of chronic cystitis after venereal disease, in which the main symptoms were: //constant urging to urinate; passes but a small quantity each time with great burning; severe pains from bladder to kidneys//; sediment of muco-purulent matter. //{{anchor:s3}}Cantharis// (3) relieved considerably. //{{anchor:s4}}Urging// became more intense. {{anchor:s5}}Constant bearing down sensation. {{anchor:s6}}Burning remains a long time after urinating with //feeling as if more would pass. {{anchor:s7}}Nux vomica// (3) cured. {{anchor:s8}}MEDICAL INVESTIGATOR, AUG:—Dr. McClanahan reports cures of diabetes and enuresis with //Rhus aromatica.// {{anchor:s9}}His indications are not very clear. {{anchor:s10}}They are as follows: profuse stools, cool sallow skin, small feeble pulse, emaciation, flabby abdomen, tongue pale, trembling and moist, trembling of lower limbs, sense of lassitude. {{anchor:s11}}Dr. Morgan rearranges a translation by “S. L.” of remedies for rheumatism. {{anchor:s12}}Giving the symptoms of //Sepia// with “modalities,” and ‘comparisons with other remedies. {{anchor:s13}}It is well done. {{anchor:s14}}He has done the same with //Nat. mur.// in same disease. {{anchor:s15}}The whole thing could be copied into the physician’s note-book with advantage. {{anchor:s16}}Dr. Morgan also gives some “seasonable indications” for a few remedies in summer bowel complaints. {{anchor:s17}}These also are useful. {{anchor:s18}}MEDICAL ADVANCE, AUG.:—Dr. Camp reports a very interesting case of intermittent fever, which he first treated after a mongrel fashion for a period of thirty days. {{anchor:s19}}He then, very sensibly, tried to clear up the case by administration of //Sulphur.// {{anchor:s20}}The result was that a violent chill was brought on with symptoms, as follows: Chill lasting two hours; chill commencing in lumbar region, and spreading up and down spine to extremities; chill with thirst; //chill much worse from uncovering//, //even a hand. {{anchor:s21}}Desire to be heavily covered in bed. {{anchor:s22}}Hepar// was given, which //prevented// the next chill, and in ten days she was perfectly well. {{anchor:s23}}Dr. McNeil translates the following: A man threatened with phthisis. {{anchor:s24}}Violent cough with aphonia. //{{anchor:s25}}Cough is worse from midnight until// 5 A. M. //Oppression of chest//, //which compels him to sit//, //bent forward. {{anchor:s26}}Cough compels him to sit bent forward. {{anchor:s27}}Kali carb.// relieved at once. {{anchor:s28}}At the same time this remedy caused the disappearance of two lipomata under lower angle of each shoulder blade. {{anchor:s29}}A woman had had an attack of peritonitis, which had been treated by an old school doctor. {{anchor:s30}}She now had exudation in right side of pelvic cavity, weakness, small pulse, sleeplessness, constipation, etc, //Kali carb.// caused decrease of swelling and general improvement. {{anchor:s31}}A man suffered for two years with asthma and emphysema. {{anchor:s32}}The paroxysms occurred every eight days, //beginning at two or three o//’//clock// A. M.,//and lasting about two hours. {{anchor:s33}}Kali carb.// caused immediate improvement. {{anchor:s34}}A woman had violent toothache, //worse in the early morning hours. {{anchor:s35}}Kali carb.// cured. {{anchor:s36}}THE CLINIQUE, JULY 15:—The “Bureau of Diseases of Children” reports four cases of diarrhoea as follow: First, a female infant, stools of water, mucus, and undigested matter. //{{anchor:s37}}Heavy//, //white coating on tongue. {{anchor:s38}}Antimon. crud.// (3) cured. {{anchor:s39}}No. 2. Diarrhoea //with long-continued vomiting//, //tongue heavily coated white.// {{anchor:s40}}Stools, greenish water and mucus. //{{anchor:s41}}Antimon. crud.// (3) cured. {{anchor:s42}}No. 3. Diarrhoea of watery stools mixed with //curds of casein// and shreds of mucus. //{{anchor:s43}}Child could not bear to be touched or looked at. {{anchor:s44}}Tongue covered with heavy white coating. {{anchor:s45}}Aggravation of stool from cold water. {{anchor:s46}}Antimon. crud.// (3) cured. {{anchor:s47}}No. 4. Child of five years had //diarrhoea after drinking cold water. {{anchor:s48}}Vomiting of ingesta. {{anchor:s49}}Tongue had heavy white coating. {{anchor:s50}}Antimon. crud.// (3) cured. {{anchor:s51}}Dr. Fellows, in “Neurological Clinic” reports following: Boy of thirteen years had epilepsy, treated unsuccessfully with several remedies. {{anchor:s52}}Upon the following italicized indications, viz: //Vertigo//, //followed by falling down in an unconscious state with convulsive movement//, he received //Oenanthe crocato// (3), which apparently cured him in four months. {{anchor:s53}}In another case the same symptoms appeared, and the same remedy was given with, apparently, curative results. {{anchor:s54}}This last case was marred by the alternation for a short time of //Digitalis// with the //Oenanthe.// ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 11, 1881, pages 557-559 | ^ Description: | PERISCOPE. | ^ Author: | HPhys01 | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |