====== INTERMITTENT FEVER. ====== {{anchor:s2}}//Hellebore// , //Ars//., //Rhus//, //Natr. mur.// {{anchor:s3}}E. W. RUSHMORE, M. D., PLAINFIELD, N. J. {{anchor:s4}}(//Read before N. J. State Homoeopathic Medical Society//, //at Newark//, //May//, 1881.) {{anchor:s5}}//Helleborus.// {{anchor:s6}}—August 23d, 1879. {{anchor:s7}}Mr.------has been attacked for three days, at 7.{{anchor:s8}}30 P. M., with shivering, heat and sweating at same time, without coldness, lasting several hours. {{anchor:s9}}With the first attack, pain in the back; with the second, in heart; with the last, in pit of stomach. {{anchor:s10}}With the attack he has empty retching, headache, gaping, empty eructations and hot urine, and no thirst; feels better from cold. //{{anchor:s11}}Helleborus Niger// 900 (Fincke), in one prescription, cured. {{anchor:s12}}%%_______________%% //{{anchor:s13}}Arsenicum.// {{anchor:s14}}—August 24th, 1880. {{anchor:s15}}Mrs.------has, with chill, gaping, stretching, numb feet, general aching worse after going up-stairs, coldness and thirst. {{anchor:s16}}With the heat, nausea, headache, desire to be uncovered and increased thirst. {{anchor:s17}}Sweat, with relief of symptoms. //{{anchor:s18}}Arsenicum// 900 (Fincke) every two hours to-day, and after the heat if attacked to-morrow. {{anchor:s19}}Recovered without more medicine. {{anchor:s20}}%%_______________%% //{{anchor:s21}}Rhus tox.{{anchor:s22}}—// October 11th, 1880. {{anchor:s23}}Mary Ann P., aged 11 years. {{anchor:s24}}Has had several paroxysms of tertian intermittent, without medicine. {{anchor:s25}}The chill begins just before dinner. {{anchor:s26}}Before chill, thirst, tired and weak, can hardly stand; with chill, coldness, shivering, face and lips blue, slight chattering of teeth, no thirst, pain in lower back, shoulders, calves and behind ears. //{{anchor:s27}}The cold begins in the feet.// {{anchor:s28}}Had taste of blood in the mouth. {{anchor:s29}}The chill ameliorated by covering. {{anchor:s30}}The heat is burning in cheeks and hands, with red face, pain in forehead, lachrymation burning eyelids, fluent coryza; thirst for large drinks, seldom; nausea, and once vomiting of food. {{anchor:s31}}Is sleepy, but cannot sleep; wants to be covered. {{anchor:s32}}Sweat only at night; hurts to swallow at times; coughs more after heat; headache during apyrexia; urinates often in all stages. //{{anchor:s33}}Rhus tox.// {{anchor:s34}}900 (Fincke) every two hours. {{anchor:s35}}October 14th.{{anchor:s36}}—No chill. {{anchor:s37}}There has been no subsequent return. {{anchor:s38}}%%_______________%% //{{anchor:s39}}Arsenicum.// {{anchor:s40}}—October 16th, 1880. {{anchor:s41}}Mr.------had chill yesterday at 3 P. M., with pain in head and bones, lassitude, shivering and coldness, alternating with heat; thirst for small drinks of //cold// water; aching in hips and legs. {{anchor:s42}}In the heat, delirious tossing; sleepiness without sleep; increased thirst; greenish bitter, violent, copious vomiting, worse after drinking. {{anchor:s43}}No sweat. {{anchor:s44}}Tongue whitish, taste bad, worse from drinking; during apyrexia, headache, redness of face and eyes; soreness of neck and throat. {{anchor:s45}}Has had chills and fevers suppressed several times by allopathic treatment. //{{anchor:s46}}Arsenicum// , 45 M (Fincke), three powders, to be taken two hours apart. {{anchor:s47}}October 18th.{{anchor:s48}}—No more chills. {{anchor:s49}}%%_______________%% //{{anchor:s50}}Arsenicum and Nat. mur.// —November 12th, 1880. {{anchor:s51}}Mr.------has had several attacks of intermittent fever during the past season treated with //Quinine,// and one, the last before this, homoeopathically. {{anchor:s52}}Had this afternoon much gaping; heat mingled with chilliness; a feeling like sick headache in forehead and occiput. {{anchor:s53}}Heat at stomach and nausea. {{anchor:s54}}Before the attack, increased flow of yellow urine. //{{anchor:s55}}Ars.// CM (Swan), two powders, one night and morning. {{anchor:s56}}14th. {{anchor:s57}}Coldness, with headache, at 10 A. M. Thirst at 1 P. M. Soreness about waist and back. {{anchor:s58}}About the same in all ways. //{{anchor:s59}}Ars.// CM (Swan), two powders, one night and morning. {{anchor:s60}}16th. {{anchor:s61}}Chill at 10 A. M., preceded by headache and nausea. {{anchor:s62}}With the chill, headache, much thirst, shivering, blue lips and nails, gaping, sore pain in bones and vomiting, first of food, and then water, at the end of the chill. {{anchor:s63}}Heat, with sleep, red face, stupor, less thirst, woke in copious sweat of short duration. {{anchor:s64}}Headache in apyrexia. {{anchor:s65}}He received //Nat. mur.// CM (Swan), which was not repeated after later attacks. {{anchor:s66}}The next chill was more severe; the second was the longest of all, but was not followed with heat, and was the last. {{anchor:s67}}He has since been well ======DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 10, 1881, pages 490-491 | ^ Description: | INTERMITTENT FEVER. | ^ Remedies: | Helleborus niger; Arsenicum album; Rhus toxicodendron; Natrium muriaticum | ^ Author: | Rushmore, E.W. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |