====== ACONITUM NAPELLUS ====== {{anchor:s1}}Aconitum Napellus. {{anchor:s2}}Monkshood. {{anchor:s3}}Ranunculaceae. {{anchor:s4}}Abundant in the mountain forests of France, Switzerland and Germany. {{anchor:s5}}Also cultivated in gardens. {{anchor:s6}}The root is stronger than the herb, and the seed most uniform in strength. {{anchor:s7}}The symptoms of the herb, root and seed have not been separated, not even those of somewhat different species. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Now perfectly conscious, now raving.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Clairvoyance; conscious that his beloved, miles away, was singing a certain piece.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Dullness and confusion of mind.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Unconscious, as if dying; speechless. {{anchor:s13}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Insensible, stupid; also during convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Stupid, eyes closed, facial muscles twitch, mouth compressed, no power of speech.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Memory lively, or weak; what has just been done seems like a remote dream; cannot remember dates.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Ideas haunt him, cannot get rid of them.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Cannot finish a half-written idea without great effort.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Attention distracted while reading, thought seems to cease.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Cannot reflect, ideas seem to come from stomach; after two attacks of vertigo, thought is again normal.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Excited, or sits buried in thought.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Rapid change of thought; great exertion is required to fix train of thought.\\ {{anchor:s23}}On attempting to think of one thing, another intrudes; this is soon supplanted by another and so on.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Diminished intellectual power, cannot perform even light mental work.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Lively imagination.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Ecstasy; inclined to be gay, to dance and sing.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Delirium, crying out, staring look. {{anchor:s28}}~ Inflammation of brain.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Delirium, with convulsive motions. {{anchor:s30}}~ Myelitis.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Delirium, with great heat, dilated pupils or convulsions; childish, nonsensical talk.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Delirium, with talk about death. {{anchor:s33}}~ In childbed.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Delirium, especially at night, raves, springs out of bed; in morning, excessive sweat.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Pains are so intolerable, they drive him crazy; he becomes very restless.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Desire to be alone; shuns people.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Disposition to weep; cried violently, with facial jactitation.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Loquacity; speech hurried.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Alternate laughter and crying; at one time gay, at another gloomy.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Moaning, anxious lamentations; reproaches from trifling causes.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Screams aloud at slightest touch, screams with pains; cannot bear light; will not be touched or uncovered; buzzing in ears.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Impatience, throws himself about, constantly changes position.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Restlessness, agony, internal anxiety; does everything in great haste; must move about or change position often.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Cannot continue long at one thing.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Dislikes to talk; answers laconically yes or no.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Music is unbearable, it makes her quite sad.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Sadness with solicitude; concerned about future; about her recovery or fears loss of reason.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Extreme timidity, especially after a fright; afraid in dark.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Fears to go where there is any excitement or many people; thinks she is jostling against every one she meets; countenance expressive of timidity; constant dread lest she stagger and fall. {{anchor:s50}}~ During pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Fear of ghosts.\\ {{anchor:s52}}(In sick:) Fear of death: during pregnancy or confinement; with prolapsus uteri; with great loquacity or anxiety in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Thrice he became blind and affirmed that death was at hand.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Predicts day of death; bids her friends good-bye. {{anchor:s55}}~ In childbed.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Inconsolable anxiety, piteous wailing; peevish and impatient.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Anxiety: transiently amel. by drinking cold water; followed by apathy; with cold sweat (prolapsus uteri).\\ {{anchor:s58}}Has no affection for anybody. {{anchor:s59}}~ During pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Morose, misanthropic, peevish; malicious mood.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Children get angry and have spells of rage.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Vexed at trifles; takes every joke in bad part.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Quarrelsome, with constantly varying delirium; chatters like a child, is gay.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Obstinate, tosses about impatiently.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Sinks into lethargy, but rarely sleeps; complains of crawls.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Ailments from fright: afraid in dark; vertigo; faintness; trembling; cardiac weakness; threatened miscarriage; impending cessation of menstrual flow; burning in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Remote effects of fright, especially jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Ailments from vexation, with fear or vehemence: congestion; palpitation ; fever; anxiety, beside himself; threatened miscarriage; apoplectic congestion. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Confusion: as after drunkenness, with pressure in temples; early in morning on awaking.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Head feels dull, stupefied. {{anchor:s72}}~ Coryza. {{anchor:s73}}Fevers.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Dull, stupid; pressure outwards, agg. sitting up; with anxiety and fear of death. {{anchor:s75}}~ Sunstroke.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Apoplexy or apoplectic congestions.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Vertigo: after fright; from congestion, as in sun; on stooping; staggers to right; as if drunk, with nausea, agg. on rising from seat, amel. while walking, none while sitting; blackness before eyes when shaking head; with nosebleed; from sudden suppression of menses by cold.\\ {{anchor:s78}}On rising from a recumbent posture, red face becomes deathly pale, or he becomes dizzy and falls over, he fears to rise again; often accompanied by nausea, vanishing of sight or unconsciousness.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Vertigo, headache, nausea, gagging, coldness. {{anchor:s80}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Turns suddenly red and falls unconscious. {{anchor:s82}}~ Teething child.\\ {{anchor:s83}}From a fall or concussion; face pale or red, but no stupor.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Fullness of head, with erratic pains in right supraorbital, temporal or frontal regions.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Suddenly faints while standing to urinate; all blood seemed to rush to head; he fell unconscious.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Alternate stupefaction and restlessness, with mild delirium twitchings, starts as in a fright, pulse frequent. {{anchor:s87}}~ Brain fever.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Stupor, with cold feet. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Constant burning in forehead. {{anchor:s91}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Burning headache, as of brain agitated by boiling water.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Headache, as if a hot iron was bound around head.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Fullness and heavy feeling, as if everything would push out of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Squeezing in forehead above root of nose, feels as if she would lose her reason; agg. walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Furious headache, vision obscured, pain mostly pressing and contracting in upper part of forehead; face swollen, pale; agg. from light or noise; amel. lying quietly in a dark room.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Pressing shooting pain in forehead. {{anchor:s98}}~ Coryza.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Violent headache limited to a small spot over left supraorbital ridge.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Pulsation in left side of forehead along with attacks, as from severe blows in right side of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Headache in vertex, as if compressed uniformly by a pitchcap; ceases when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Sunstroke; especially from sleeping in sun's rays.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Headache, as if brain was moved or raised; agg. during motion, drinking, talking or sunlight.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Congestive headaches. {{anchor:s105}}~ Menorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Congestion, anxiety; face hot and red, or pale; carotids pulsate strongly; pulse full, strong, or small and quick; agg. toward evening. {{anchor:s107}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Headache, with increased secretion of urine.\\ {{anchor:s109}}On going into a warm room, forehead feels as if compressed.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Throbbing in temples. {{anchor:s111}}~ Rheumatic ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Pressure in forehead, temples and top of head.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Headache and roaring in ears. {{anchor:s114}}~ Coryza.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Pressive, stupefying headache; sleeplessness. {{anchor:s116}}~ Childbed fever.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Congestion to head. {{anchor:s118}}~ Heart disease.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Head hot, throbbing carotids, limbs cold; left side lame; staring; burning pain in brain. {{anchor:s120}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Inflammation of brain in children.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Congestion to head. {{anchor:s123}}~ Cystitis. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s125}}Head excessively hot.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Bends head far back. {{anchor:s127}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Sensation in vertex as if pulled by the hair.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Sensation of crackling, as from bending tinsel, in temples, forehead and nose; agg. toward evening from motion; amel. from sitting.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Formication of scalp, amel. by heat.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Constantly tosses head about. {{anchor:s132}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Sensation as if hair stood on end.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Vertex feels hot to touch; hair bristles up.\\ {{anchor:s135}}If he raises his head, he vomits phlegm or what he drank. {{anchor:s136}}~ Inflammation of brain.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Constantly puts hand to head. {{anchor:s138}}~ Meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Better lying with head high.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Stitches under scalp.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Sweat on head; amel. out of doors.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Cold sweat on forehead. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s144}}Disturbed by flickering; fears he may touch others passing by.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Vision of sparks, with burning and twitching in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Vision as if through a veil; difficult to distinguish faces; anxiety and vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Total blindness after catching cold.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Optical illusions in dark colors, or black.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Sensitive to light, especially sun; light dazzles.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Desire for light; photomania.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Eyes excessively hot and dry; conjunctiva of lids very red, constant winking and closing of lids, could hardly force them open; temporary relief from cold water; asthenopia from straining eyes.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Staring. {{anchor:s153}}~ Apoplexy. {{anchor:s154}}~ Asthma.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Eyes glaring. {{anchor:s156}}~ Pleuritis. {{anchor:s157}}~ Pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Eyes contorted. {{anchor:s159}}~ Tetanus.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Pupils contracted, then dilated.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Eyeball feels enlarged, as if coming out of socket.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Sclerotica yellow. {{anchor:s163}}~ Enteritis.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Eyes bloodshot.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Sticking pains in right eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Rough feeling, as from sand in left inner canthus.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Inflammatory conditions, resulting from irritant action of foreign bodies, as chips of steel, or stone, or coal, in cornea, which produce dry rubbing of lid over ball, with injected vessels; irritation caused by ingrowing lashes.\\ {{anchor:s168}}In true sclerosis, acute stage, with contracted pupils, sticking or tearing pains, photophobia, a blue circle around cornea and violent aching in balls.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Eyes red, inflamed, vessels deep red; burning, pressive shooting pains, especially on moving balls; no discharge; conjunctivitis from exposure to cold, dry winds.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Catarrhal inflammation, first stage prior to exudation; chemosis of conjunctiva, with pains so terrible that one wishes to die.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Ophthalmia neonatorum; in beginning.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Acute aggravations of granulated lids and pannus of cornea, with excessive hyperemia, heat and dryness especially if induced by overheating from violent exercise, or by exposure to dry, cold air.\\ {{anchor:s173}}In earlier stages of violent acute inflammations of deep structures of ball, when it becomes sensitive to touch and feels as if it were protruding; rarely after exudation.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Itching, smarting, burning in eyes, agg. in evening.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Sticking and tearing pains around eyes; agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Violent pain over right eye.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Stitches in upper orbital region, from pressure and toward evening.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Upper half of eyeball sore when moved; feels as if it would be forced out of orbit (amel. on stooping).\\ {{anchor:s179}}Eyes water, agg. evening and night; tarsi sore, red, inflamed.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Profuse lachrymation with intense pain; tears flow, with or without local inflammation.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Copious tears and red conjunctiva. {{anchor:s182}}~ Coryza. {{anchor:s183}}~ Cough.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Lids feel dry, burn and are sensitive to air.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Pressure in upper lids as if whole ball was pushed into orbit, causing a bruised pain in eye.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Lids hard, swollen, red, with a tense feeling; agg. mornings. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Averse to noises, they startle him; they are intolerable.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Music goes through every limb; makes her sad.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Roaring in ears; humming; ringing.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Left ear deaf, with buzzing in whole head. {{anchor:s192}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Tearing pain (left ear); pains in right ear.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Stinging in ear; meatus red and narrowed; external ear hot and red; noise intolerable. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Sense of smell very acute, especially for unpleasant odors.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Distressing cramp or pressure at root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Nosebleed; blood bright red. {{anchor:s199}}~ Plethora. {{anchor:s200}}~ Fever. {{anchor:s201}}~ Endocarditis. {{anchor:s202}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Nose-bleeding and headache. {{anchor:s204}}~ Menorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Frequent sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Nose dry, stopped up, cannot breathe through nose.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Coryza: dry, with headache, roaring in ears, fever, thirst, sleeplessness, caused by cold, dry winds ; checked with headache; amel. in open air, agg. from talking; fluent, frequent sneezing ; dropping of a clear, hot water; fluent mornings; inner nose red, swollen, interfering with breathing. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s209}}Anxious expression; frightened.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Face: pale, with restlessness and expression of anxiety; burning fiery red; red and pale alternately ; livid; lips blackish; bloated, unequally red; feels as if it was growing larger.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Red cheeks with fear of death. {{anchor:s212}}~ In pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s213}}One cheek red, the other pale.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Between attacks, face pale; now and then flying heat. {{anchor:s215}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Face and whole body pale. {{anchor:s217}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Face dark red. {{anchor:s219}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Face dark red, lips blue. {{anchor:s221}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Rush of blood to face. {{anchor:s223}}~ Fever.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Convulsive twitching of facial muscles.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Neuralgia of trigeminus, left side; face red and hot; restlessness, anguish; rolling about, screaming.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Rheumatism in face and teeth.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Sweat on cheek on which he lies.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Sensation as if muscles were firmly but not spasmodically contracted; numbness, heavy feeling of whole face.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Creeping, tingling, crawling in face. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s231}}Lips: blue, dry, black, peeling off; swollen, inflamed.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Complaints on upper lip.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Burning and numbness of lips and mouth; heat and tingling.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Burning of lips and tongue, as after eating pepper or smoking.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Swelling of lower jaw, with aching in face.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Stitching thrusts in lower jaw.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Mouth drawn to one side (right). {{anchor:s238}}~ Convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Lips on left side motionless, during breathing. {{anchor:s240}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Trismus.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Constantly moving lower jaw, as in chewing. {{anchor:s243}}~ Meningitis. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s245}}Cold feeling in incisors.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Grinding teeth.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Teeth sensitive to air.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Toothache: even in sound teeth; with throbbing in one side of face, intense redness of one cheek, congestion to head, restlessness; most left-sided, or going from right to left; caused by dry, cold winds ; taking cold in raw air; during pregnancy ; especially in young, plethoric sedentary persons.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Teeth feel as if they would fall out.\\ {{anchor:s250}}After getting wet, tearing, beating pain in a carious molar, increasing after going to bed. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s252}}Taste: bitter; everything tastes bitter except water; slimy (jaundice); foul; fishy; flat; nauseous, compels hawking of tough mucus, which he swallows.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Mouth as if filled with air tasting of rotten eggs.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Things which formerly tasted strong now have no taste.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Worse from talking; stinging, choking, in throat. {{anchor:s256}}~ Headache. {{anchor:s257}}~ Checked coryza.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Trembling and temporary stammering.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Speech imperfect, lisping. {{anchor:s260}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Tongue feels swollen, burning, prickling and tingling.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Tongue numb; also mouth and lips.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Sensation of dryness and numbness in middle of tongue without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Sensation of dryness and rawness in middle of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Burning on tip of tongue and lips.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Burning vesicles on tongue.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Sensation of cold air passing over tongue.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Tongue coated white or thick yellow-white. {{anchor:s269}}~ Bilious fever.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Tongue dry, furred, white. {{anchor:s271}}~ Fevers.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Tongue red, with great thirst. {{anchor:s273}}~ Liver complaint.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Tongue dry, red on sides, centre thinly coated white. {{anchor:s275}}~ Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Tongue red and dry. {{anchor:s277}}~ Cystitis.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Chronic affections of tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s280}}Mouth dry.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Burning, biting in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Saliva frothy, copious, streaked red, sweet taste in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Accumulation of water in mouth. {{anchor:s284}}~ Seat worms.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Orifices of salivary ducts sore, as if corroded.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Yellowish-white thick fur in mouth. {{anchor:s287}}~ Jaundice. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s289}}Dry feeling in palate and posterior nares.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Redness of uvula and soft palate.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Uvula: swollen and elongated; feels as if elongated and coming in contact with tongue. {{anchor:s292}}~ Cough.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Feeling of dryness and as if something stuck in throat.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Acute inflammation of throat (palate, tonsils and fauces with high fever, dark redness of parts, burning and stinging in fauces.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Burning sensation in back of throat, causing him to hawk.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Severe sticking pains in posterior fauces.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Burning and numbness in throat; throat almost in sensible.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Pricking, burning in throat and along eustachian tube compelling swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Roof of mouth and fauces dotted with eruption. {{anchor:s300}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Burning sensation in pharynx.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Constriction of throat, causing hawking and spitting even to an irritation to vomit.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Swallowing: stinging choking in throat.\\ {{anchor:s304}}When swallowing food, it feels as if it had lodged in cardiac region. {{anchor:s305}}~ Stricture of esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Swallowing much impeded. {{anchor:s307}}~ Tonsillitis.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Muscles extremely sore in swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Almost entire inability to swallow. {{anchor:s310}}~ Hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Urging to swallow.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Burning from mouth along esophagus to stomach.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Tingling in esophagus. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s316}}Lively sensation of hunger, renewed soon after eating.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Excessive hunger and thirst, but eats slowly.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Thirst burning, unquenchable. {{anchor:s319}}~ During all stages of fever. {{anchor:s320}}~ Local inflammations.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Excessive thirst, yet can retain nothing. {{anchor:s322}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s323}}No appetite; loathing of food, qualmishness.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Desires: wine; brandy; beer; bitter drinks. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s326}}Worse before breakfast.\\ {{anchor:s327}}After eating: distressed feeling; vomits food (liver complaint); bitter vomit ; violent pain in stomach, with warmth and tenderness; hiccough; nausea (after meat broths).\\ {{anchor:s328}}Momentary relief from cold water. {{anchor:s329}}~ Anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Generally worse after drinking.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Gastric catarrh from chilling stomach with ice water, especially when overheated.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Drinking ice water excites cough; generally better from cold drink, especially anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Worse from smoking. {{anchor:s334}}~ Palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Wine generally relieves, but sometimes brings on congestions, haemoptysis or palpitation, and augments rheumatic pains. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s337}}Painful hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Better from eructations. {{anchor:s339}}~ Tension in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Nausea in esophagus or stomach, rarely in throat.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Violent but ineffectual urging to vomit. {{anchor:s342}}~ Gastric catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Gagging, retching, gasping for breath. {{anchor:s344}}~ After scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Vomiting: of lumbrici; of bile; of green masses, with diarrhea of same appearance; of mucus; of blood, of bloody mucus; of what has been drunk, followed by thirst.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Vomiting bile. {{anchor:s347}}~ Incarcerated hernia with inflammation.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Vomiting with anxiety, heat, thirst, profuse sweat and increased micturition.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Green vomit, like verdigris. {{anchor:s350}}~ Meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Vomiting, meteorism and inability to make water. {{anchor:s352}}~ Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s353}}On sitting up, vomits clear water. {{anchor:s354}}~ After a fall on head.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Vomiting and purging of a green water. {{anchor:s356}}Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Vomits sour phlegm. {{anchor:s358}}~ Cholera sporadica.\\ {{anchor:s359}}After repeated vomiting and stools, still complained of a feeling as if a cold stone lay in stomach. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s361}}Region of pit of stomach sore to touch and meteoristic. {{anchor:s362}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Burning from stomach up through esophagus to mouth.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Sudden excruciating pain, with gagging, retching, vomiting blood, gasping; cold sweat on forehead; congestion of mucous lining of stomach. {{anchor:s365}}~ Scarlatina; desquamation.\\ {{anchor:s366}}When breathing, pit of stomach is drawn to spine. {{anchor:s367}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Palpitation in pit of stomach, with peevish anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Pressure in stomach and pit of stomach, as from a weight or hard stone.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Stitch-like, burning, pressing pain in pit of stomach, with fear of death. {{anchor:s371}}~ Gastritis from chilling stomach.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Warmth in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Pressive, tensive pain, as from fullness or an oppressive weight in stomach and hypochondria. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s375}}Anxious feeling in precordia.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Liver somewhat sensitive to deep pressure.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Burning, stinging, hepatic pains.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Hot, tense swelling under right short ribs.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Pressure and constriction in hepatic region, with obstruction of breathing.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Acute hepatitis, with violent fever.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Pain on pressure over left lobe of liver.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Tension and heaviness in hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Agony, has to sit straight up, can hardly breathe, pulse thread-like, vomituritio, sweats with anxiety; abdomen swollen, particularly under short ribs. {{anchor:s384}}~ After scarlet fever.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Stitches in region of liver taking the breath.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Severe and constant pain in epigastrium, pressing outward. {{anchor:s387}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Stitches and heat in diaphragm.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Pain going to umbilicus, or changing from stomach to liver. {{anchor:s390}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Jaundice: during pregnancy, liver atrophied; in newborn children; after fright; from a cold, with catarrh of small intestines.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Splenitis with inflammatory fever. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s394}}Colic forces him double, yet relieved in no position. {{anchor:s395}}~ Inflammatory after a cold.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Colic involving bladder, contraction of hypogastrium in region of bladder; constant ineffectual urging to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Cutting in intestines, extending through chest to right shoulder, almost making him cry out, during stool.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Burning in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Umbilical region hard, swollen. {{anchor:s400}}~ Seat worms.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Meteorism, vomiting, inability to urinate. {{anchor:s402}}~ Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Abdomen burning hot, tense, tympanitic, sensitive to least touch, cutting pains, fever, anguish. {{anchor:s404}}~ Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Abdomen puffed and hard.\\ {{anchor:s406}}A feeling of weight, as if a heavy load were resting on abdomen and bearing one down.\\ {{anchor:s407}}Paralyzed, inactive feeling in intestines, agg. about transverse colon.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Hernia, recent and small, also incarcerated with bilious vomiting and cold sweat; burning as from coals of fire.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Sensitiveness of lower abdomen to touch.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Pain in loins, as if bruised. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s412}}Diarrhea: watery; frequent small stools; like chopped spinach (summer complaint); bilious, of infants, with colic, which no position relieves; from getting wet; slimy, bloody, violent pains in bowels; tenesmus, also between discharges.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Scanty, loose, frequent, with tenesmus; small, brown, painful; at last bloody. {{anchor:s414}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Pure blood passes without feces. {{anchor:s416}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Urging; slimy stools; intolerable nightly tingling, itching at anus. {{anchor:s418}}~ Seat worms.\\ {{anchor:s419}}Dysentery or inflammatory diarrhea during hot days and cold nights.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Cutting, griping, followed by frequent urging to stool, after anger or fright.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Hemorrhage from bowels bright red, in streams.\\ {{anchor:s422}}Alternate slimy stools and constipation. {{anchor:s423}}~ Icterus.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Constipation; clay-colored stools.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Stool and urine suppressed. {{anchor:s426}}~ Myelitis.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Stool white, with dark red urine.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Stool white, with saffron-colored urine. {{anchor:s429}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s430}}Stools black, with dry skin and fever; despondency, anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Cholera, congestive stage; stage of reaction.\\ {{anchor:s432}}Involuntary stools, passing when flatus passes.\\ {{anchor:s433}}Bleeding piles; stinging and pressure in anus, burning and heat in piles.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Sensation as of a warm fluid escaping from anus. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s436}}Stinging and pressing pains in region of kidneys. {{anchor:s437}}~ Nephritis.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Kidneys act but slightly; urine contained albumen and fragments of casts (poisoning).\\ {{anchor:s439}}Renal region sensitive, with shooting pains. {{anchor:s440}}~ Nephritis.\\ {{anchor:s441}}Violent burning in bladder. {{anchor:s442}}~ Cystitis.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Inflammation of bladder; constant urging, water passes in drops, with burning, admixed with blood; tension, heat and tenderness over pubes.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Burning in neck of bladder when not urinating.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Tenesmus of neck of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Painful anxious urging to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Children reach with hands to genitals and cry out. {{anchor:s448}}~ Cystitis.\\ {{anchor:s449}}Burning in urethra when urinating.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Must rise each night between 12 and 3 A. M. to urinate. {{anchor:s451}}~ In pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s452}}Dysuria during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s453}}Urine scanty, red and hot. {{anchor:s454}}~ Rheumatism. {{anchor:s455}}~ Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Urine: hot, dark colored ; red, with white feces; red and clear.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Urine dark brown, frothy or yellow. {{anchor:s458}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Urine turbid. {{anchor:s460}}~ Enteritis.\\ {{anchor:s461}}Urine yellow-red and no sediment. {{anchor:s462}}~ Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Ischuria. {{anchor:s464}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Involuntary urination. {{anchor:s466}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Enuresis, with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Diuresis, with headache and profuse sweat.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Retention or suppression of urine, with pressure in bladder or stitches in region of kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s470}}Retention from cold, especially in children, with much crying and restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s471}}Haematuria, with hemorrhoids of anus or bladder; burning distress in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s472}}During urination: faint feeling; splashing sensation in region of bladder; pinching about navel; pain in glans penis. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s474}}Increased sexual desire; lascivious dreams; fits of lasciviousness.\\ {{anchor:s475}}Sexual desire lessened, parts relaxed; tingling.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Emissions even after coitus.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Testicles feel swollen and hard, as if surcharged with semen.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Bruised pain in testicles.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Violent orchitis.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Slight drawing pain in right testicle and slight uneasiness in right renal region.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Scrotum drawn up.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Skin of left side of scrotum studded with minute vesicles, pouring out a humid discharge.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Several painful, fugitive stitches in glans, as though poles of a galvanic battery had been applied to part; pains came on most unexpectedly.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Gonorrhea, first stage. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s486}}Stitching pains, more to right of fundus uteri; sharp, shooting pains, abdomen exceedingly sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Ovaritis from suddenly checked menstrual flow.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Prolapsus uteri, occurring suddenly, with inflammation, bitter vomit, cold sweat, or dry, hot skin; with or without hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Labor-like pressing in womb; has to bend double, but relieved in no position. {{anchor:s490}}~ Dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s491}}Uterine hemorrhage, active, much excitability, giddy, cannot sit up, fear of death.\\ {{anchor:s492}}After a fright with vexation; during menses, to prevent suppression.\\ {{anchor:s493}}Menses too late, diminished and protracted; plethoric females, who lead a sedentary life.\\ {{anchor:s494}}Menses profuse in plethoric women.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Menses suppressed by getting feet wet, or by a cold bath.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Amenorrhea during puberty; nosebleed; palpitation; congestions.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Restores menses of plethoric women, after their suppression from any cause.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Inflammation of genitals. {{anchor:s499}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s500}}Vagina dry, hot, sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s501}}Leucorrhea copious, tenacious, yellow. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s505}}During pregnancy; restlessness, fear of death, predicts time of death; jaundice; blood-spitting; disturbed between 12 and 3 o'clock at night, compelled to get up to urinate; has no affection for anybody.\\ {{anchor:s506}}Impending abortion from fright, with vexation; circulation excited, rapid breathing.\\ {{anchor:s507}}Pains of labor: distressing; vagina hot, dry, tender and undilatable; violent, following in rapid succession, particularly with a large child (head seems immovable), contractions insufficient, pains overwhelming; shrieking; red, sweating face; thirsty; head and hands glowing, pulse hard, skin scarcely moist, increased action of heart; ineffectual from defective position of child.\\ {{anchor:s508}}Puerperal convulsions, cerebral congestion, hot, dry skin, thirst, restlessness and fear of death.\\ {{anchor:s509}}After tedious and difficult parturition.\\ {{anchor:s510}}After-pains too painful, too long-lasting.\\ {{anchor:s511}}Milk-fever with delirium; mamma hot, hard, tense, with scanty milk.\\ {{anchor:s512}}Lochia offensive, bloody, slimy. {{anchor:s513}}~ Childbed fever.\\ {{anchor:s514}}Return of lochial discharge, when women commence going about after confinement.\\ {{anchor:s515}}Childbed fever after suppression of lochia; mamma lax, no milk; dry, hot skin; hard, frequent pulse, or tensive, contracted; fearful, wild, staring, glittering eyes; dry tongue, great thirst; inflated abdomen, sensitive to slightest touch.\\ {{anchor:s516}}Newborn children: asphyxia, apoplectic symptoms, hot, purplish, breathless, pulseless; icterus; ophthalmia; retained urine; vomit blood, with bloody stools. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s519}}Voice tremulous; croaking.\\ {{anchor:s520}}Hoarseness and rattling. {{anchor:s521}}~ Coryza.\\ {{anchor:s522}}Hoarseness, with pain when talking. {{anchor:s523}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s524}}Hoarseness after speaking or singing.\\ {{anchor:s525}}Voice crowing, croupy.\\ {{anchor:s526}}Voice husky, can scarcely speak, points to larynx, wants to cough, but cannot. {{anchor:s527}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s528}}Larynx sensitive to touch and to inspired air, as if denuded.\\ {{anchor:s529}}Laryngitis, with inflammatory fever; also with suffocative spasms (spasms of glottis).\\ {{anchor:s530}}Laryngeal complaints after straining voice.\\ {{anchor:s531}}Dryness in windpipe causing a frequent little cough.\\ {{anchor:s532}}Croup: awaking in first sleep; child in agony, impatient, tosses about; dry, short cough, but not much wheezing nor sawing breathing; cough and loud breathing during expiration; every expiration ending with a hoarse, hacking cough; after exposure to dry, cold winds.\\ {{anchor:s533}}Burning low down in larynx. {{anchor:s534}}~ Peritonitis. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s536}}Breath cold. {{anchor:s537}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s538}}Breath hot. {{anchor:s539}}~ Croup. {{anchor:s540}}~ Blood-spitting.\\ {{anchor:s541}}Breath fetid.\\ {{anchor:s542}}Breathing: short, in sleep, after 12 P. M.; labored, anxious or quick, and superficial; deep, slow, sighing; difficult, must breathe deeply; slow, rattling (apoplexy), whistling (croup in old age), short, when raising one's self.\\ {{anchor:s543}}Asthma from active hyperemia of lungs and brain; face red, eyes staring; after emotions; can talk but little at a time.\\ {{anchor:s544}}Asthma after suppression of acute rash; feeling of band around chest; muscles of chest rigid; occasionally vomiting; urine scanty, dark; after paroxysm, sputa yellow or blood-streaked.\\ {{anchor:s545}}Agony, sits up straight, can hardly breathe; pulse like a thread, vomituritio; sweat, with anxiety; swelling under short ribs. {{anchor:s546}}~ After scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s547}}Oppression of chest when moving fast or ascending. {{anchor:s548}}~ Heart disease.\\ {{anchor:s549}}Inhalation difficult and noisy. {{anchor:s550}}~ Tracheitis.\\ {{anchor:s551}}Worse during inspiration; better during expiration.\\ {{anchor:s552}}Constant short, dry cough, with feeling of suffocation, which increases with every inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s553}}Difficult breathing. {{anchor:s554}}~ Endocarditis.\\ {{anchor:s555}}Breathes only with diaphragm. {{anchor:s556}}~ Pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s557}}Cannot breathe freely from a sensation as if lungs would not expand; frequently takes deep breaths. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s559}}Clear ringing or whistling cough, caused by burning, pricking in larynx or trachea.\\ {{anchor:s560}}Cough short, dry, forcible, excited by scratching in throat.\\ {{anchor:s561}}Short cough after 12 P. M., from tickling in larynx; the more he attempts to repress it, the more severe it becomes.\\ {{anchor:s562}}Cough hoarse, dry, loud; spasmodic, rough, croaking, with danger of suffocation; dry, hard, ringing. {{anchor:s563}}~ Infantile bronchitis.\\ {{anchor:s564}}Dry cough, with shooting in chest; with raw pain in chest, caused by change of temperature.\\ {{anchor:s565}}Wants to cough, but cannot. {{anchor:s566}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s567}}Cough hollow, hoarse, choking, causing blueness of face.\\ {{anchor:s568}}Violent hollow cough at night; shorter and more panting during day. {{anchor:s569}}~ Laryngitis.\\ {{anchor:s570}}Dry, barking cough. {{anchor:s571}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s572}}Dry, whistling cough; beginning of pertussis; feverish, anxious, restless.\\ {{anchor:s573}}Haemoptysis: blood comes up with an easy hawking, hemming or slight cough; expression of anxiety; great fear of death; palpitation, quick pulse, stitches in chest; caused by mental excitement; exposure to dry, cold air, or after taking wine.\\ {{anchor:s574}}Sputa: absent; thin, gelatinous, more mornings and during day ; scanty, falls in round lumps, dark cherry-red (pneumonia); bloody or blood-streaked; bright red blood.\\ {{anchor:s575}}Expectoration brownish-red, rust-colored; cough frequent, with severe pains from shock through chest.\\ {{anchor:s576}}Cough awakens him from sleep, is dry, croupy, suffocating; great anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s577}}Cough amel. lying on back; agg. on side.\\ {{anchor:s578}}Cough with nervous excitability.\\ {{anchor:s579}}Cough worse: after eating or drinking; lying, must sit up from a constrictive feeling and suffocation (tracheitis) until 3 A. M.; evening, night, more after 12 P. M.; from tobacco smoke; during sleep; from vexation, especially fright; when overheated; from dry, cold winds, or currents of air; from walking in open air; when assuming an upright position; from deep inspiration; from speaking. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s581}}Tightness of chest.\\ {{anchor:s582}}Oppression of chest, feeling of great weight, must breathe deeply, with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s583}}Pressure, weight and burning under sternum.\\ {{anchor:s584}}Pain in middle of chest drawing toward back, agg. with every motion of body. {{anchor:s585}}~ Esophagitis.\\ {{anchor:s586}}Stitches in right side of chest, but only when lying on that side. {{anchor:s587}}~ Endocarditis.\\ {{anchor:s588}}Stitches: when breathing; with cough; from lowest rib, right side, through lung to apex of scapula; at every inspiration; in left chest; last rib, right side, through to back; transient, now here, now there; agg. bending sideways; between scapulae, on deep breathing; and burning shooting in chest.\\ {{anchor:s589}}Cannot lie on right side, only on back. {{anchor:s590}}~ Pleurisy.\\ {{anchor:s591}}Lancinating through chest, with dry heat, difficult breathing, often violent chill.\\ {{anchor:s592}}Synochal fever, hot sweat, oppression; children have rattling in chest; sensation of fullness in chest; must lie on back. {{anchor:s593}}~ Pneumonia, first stage.\\ {{anchor:s594}}Cough after drinking, sputum thin, frothy, blood-streaked; burning, shooting in chest; dullness on percussion. {{anchor:s595}}~ Pneumonia, second stage.\\ {{anchor:s596}}Heat in lungs.\\ {{anchor:s597}}Rush of blood to lungs. {{anchor:s598}}~ Childbed fever. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s600}}Palpitation, anxiety, restlessness; agg. lying; face pale, anxious. {{anchor:s601}}~ Blood-spitting.\\ {{anchor:s602}}Hyperemia of lungs, violent palpitation of heart; face red; spitting of blood.\\ {{anchor:s603}}Palpitation; feeling as if boiling water was poured into chest.\\ {{anchor:s604}}Oppression about heart, burning flushes along back.\\ {{anchor:s605}}Anxiety about precordia, heart beats quicker and stronger; fear of death. {{anchor:s606}}~ During pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s607}}Anxiety, difficulty of breathing, flying heat in face, sensation of something rushing into head.\\ {{anchor:s608}}Feeling of fullness; pulse hard, strong, contracted; stitches at heart; lies on back, with raised shoulders; constriction of chest. {{anchor:s609}}~ Pericarditis.\\ {{anchor:s610}}Uncomplicated cardiac hypertrophy; especially with numbness in left arm and tingling in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s611}}Great agitation of heart, anxiety. {{anchor:s612}}~ Acute rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s613}}Heart beats quickly, pulse slow, apparently intermitting with attacks of powerlessness.\\ {{anchor:s614}}Heart's action feeble, quick, incomplete; pulse small and weak; cardiac weakness.\\ {{anchor:s615}}Intense pains in all directions, especially down left arm, with numbness and tingling; anxiety, fear of death, coldness, cold sweat; feeble pulse. {{anchor:s616}}~ Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s617}}Fainting, with tingling. {{anchor:s618}}~ Hypertrophy.\\ {{anchor:s619}}Pulse quicker than beat of heart; during three beats apex strikes only once.\\ {{anchor:s620}}Pulse strong, full, hard. {{anchor:s621}}~ In fever and inflammations.\\ {{anchor:s622}}Full, strong, hard pulse, with heat and thirst. {{anchor:s623}}~ Meningitis infantum.\\ {{anchor:s624}}Pulse: small, intermitting, irregular (asthma); accelerated, with heat of skin (jaundice); contracted, full, powerful, over 100 per minute; full, powerful, intermitting every six beats with cardiac heaviness; slow, intermittent; slow, feeble, weak and small; like a thread, with anxiety; quick, hard and small (peritonitis).\\ {{anchor:s625}}Carotids beat violently. {{anchor:s626}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s627}}Veins of throat expanded. {{anchor:s628}}~ Inflammation of lungs. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s630}}Muscles rigid. {{anchor:s631}}~ Asthma. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s633}}Neck sore and painful; glands swollen. {{anchor:s634}}~ Scarlet fever.\\ {{anchor:s635}}Drawing in muscles of throat and neck.\\ {{anchor:s636}}Weariness in neck on motion as if involving single muscles, especially evenings and nights.\\ {{anchor:s637}}Tearing in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s638}}Painful stiff neck, agg. moving neck; pains down neck to right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s639}}Bruised pain between shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s640}}Drawing, tearing pain in scapulae.\\ {{anchor:s641}}Stiffness of back.\\ {{anchor:s642}}Burning, shooting in spine.\\ {{anchor:s643}}Cutting pains extending in a circle from spine to abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s644}}Crawling in spine, as from beetles; formication.\\ {{anchor:s645}}After injury or checked sweat. {{anchor:s646}}~ Spinal meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s647}}Pain in small of back, last lumbar vertebra, as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s648}}Numbness of small of back, extending into lower limbs. {{anchor:s649}}~ Spinal meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s650}}Spasms from inflammatory affections of spine.\\ {{anchor:s651}}Slightest touch of spine excites spasms.\\ {{anchor:s652}}Tensive, pressive pain in lumbar and sacral regions, noticed on stepping. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s654}}Tearing pain in shoulder-joint.\\ {{anchor:s655}}Formication in arms, hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s656}}Arms hang powerless, as if paralyzed by blows. {{anchor:s657}}~ Meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s658}}Numbness of left arm; can scarcely move hand; tingling of fingers. {{anchor:s659}}~ Heart disease.\\ {{anchor:s660}}Shooting, tearing, erratic; in arms, forearms, wrists and finger-joints.\\ {{anchor:s661}}Shooting in wrist joint as if from needles.\\ {{anchor:s662}}Automatic motion of left hand; he strikes his face. {{anchor:s663}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s664}}Drawing and tearing pains in wrists and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s665}}Trembling of hands.\\ {{anchor:s666}}Paralysis of wrists.\\ {{anchor:s667}}Palms of hands quite insensible.\\ {{anchor:s668}}Creeping pain in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s669}}Creeping in fingers, also while writing.\\ {{anchor:s670}}Hands icy cold; cold, sweaty palms.\\ {{anchor:s671}}Finger-nails blue.\\ {{anchor:s672}}Hot palms.\\ {{anchor:s673}}Red pimples on back of hands; stinging itching. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s675}}Hip and hip-joint (left) swollen, hot and exceedingly painful to touch; feverish, thirsty, anxious. {{anchor:s676}}~ Acute articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s677}}Drawing tearing in left hip-joint on moving.\\ {{anchor:s678}}Sensation as if drops of cold water trickled down front of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s679}}Thighs when walking feel as if tightly bandaged.\\ {{anchor:s680}}Drawing pain, especially in joints of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s681}}Drawing in tendinous expansions of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s682}}Lower limbs sore. {{anchor:s683}}~ Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s684}}Shooting, tearing pains in legs, knees, ankles, toes, etc.\\ {{anchor:s685}}Legs almost powerless; after sitting, numbness. {{anchor:s686}}~ Spinal meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s687}}Numbness in gouty limb.\\ {{anchor:s688}}Trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s689}}Unsteadiness of knees; bend while standing or walking.\\ {{anchor:s690}}Knees swollen; painful, throbbing, cutting, stinging pains; cannot sleep, had to sit up. {{anchor:s691}}~ Acute rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s692}}Knifelike pains in knee joint.\\ {{anchor:s693}}Legs stiff when moved, after taking cold.\\ {{anchor:s694}}Coldness of knee, alternating with flying shooting.\\ {{anchor:s695}}Cramps in calves, also in feet.\\ {{anchor:s696}}Legs and feet feel numb; tingling, commencing in feet and spreading upward.\\ {{anchor:s697}}Ankles feel as if tied with a ligature.\\ {{anchor:s698}}Hot pricking in toes; they "go to sleep" while walking.\\ {{anchor:s699}}Coldness of feet and ankles ; soles and toes cold and sweaty. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s701}}Drawing, tearing pains in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s702}}Transient pains, like bone pains, in long bones of limbs and in metacarpal bones.\\ {{anchor:s703}}Rheumatic inflammation of joints, agg. evening and night; intense, bright red, shining swelling of parts; sensitive to least contact, with high fever.\\ {{anchor:s704}}Crawling in upper and lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s705}}Trembling and tingling in limbs, accompanied by shooting pains.\\ {{anchor:s706}}Convulsive trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s707}}Convulsive contraction of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s708}}Slight starting of limbs, alternating with trembling. {{anchor:s709}}~ Meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s710}}Limbs feel weak, heavy and painful. {{anchor:s711}}~ Coryza.\\ {{anchor:s712}}Limbs feel tired during repose.\\ {{anchor:s713}}Lameness and numb feeling in affected parts; pain intolerable. {{anchor:s714}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s715}}Numbness, icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet. {{anchor:s716}}~ Meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s717}}Bruised, heavy feeling.\\ {{anchor:s718}}Coldness of extremities.\\ {{anchor:s719}}Hot hands and cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s720}}Twitching of fingers and toes. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s724}}Rest: generally amel., but during night, in bed, pains intolerable; limbs feel tired; rigors agg.\\ {{anchor:s725}}Lying: headache amel.; palpitation agg.; shudders; fever unbearable.\\ {{anchor:s726}}Lying on back: cough amel.; stitches in chest amel.\\ {{anchor:s727}}Lying with head high: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s728}}Lying on right side; stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s729}}Lying on side: cough agg.; cheek lain on sweats.\\ {{anchor:s730}}Must lie down: with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s731}}Cannot sit up: uterine hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s732}}Sitting: vertigo amel. : crackling in forehead amel.\\ {{anchor:s733}}Sitting up: pressure in sunstroke agg.; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s734}}Must sit up: in difficult breathing; with painful knees.\\ {{anchor:s735}}Rising from a seat: vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s736}}Rising from recumbent posture: red face becomes pale.\\ {{anchor:s737}}After sitting: legs numb.\\ {{anchor:s738}}Rising: shortness of breath; fainting.\\ {{anchor:s739}}Springs out of bed: in delirium at night.\\ {{anchor:s740}}Changes position constantly: when impatient; during anxiety; at night; puts hand to head.\\ {{anchor:s741}}Standing: faints while urinating; causes great weakness.\\ {{anchor:s742}}Stooping: vertigo agg.; as if eyeballs were forced out amel.\\ {{anchor:s743}}Bent backward: head in croup; body in spasms.\\ {{anchor:s744}}Bending sideways: stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s745}}Must bend double: colic; dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s746}}Shaking head: vertigo; blackness before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s747}}Raising head: vomits.\\ {{anchor:s748}}Walking: vertigo amel.; squeezing in forehead agg.; vertex headache amel.; cough agg.; thighs feel as if bandaged; unsteady knees; toes "go to sleep."\\ {{anchor:s749}}Stepping: tensive, pressive pain in back.\\ {{anchor:s750}}Must walk or move about: at night restlessness, fever.\\ {{anchor:s751}}Motion: sensation as if brain moved agg.; crackling in temples, forehead and nose; of eyeballs painful; pain in chest agg.; weariness in neck agg.; stiff neck agg.; drawing, tearing in left hip; legs stiff; chill; rigors amel.\\ {{anchor:s752}}Violent exercise: produces overheating and conjunctivitis. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s754}}Restless, though motion agg. pain. {{anchor:s755}}~ Pleurisy.\\ {{anchor:s756}}Nervous excitability. {{anchor:s757}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s758}}Timid and uncertain in his actions.\\ {{anchor:s759}}Excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours.\\ {{anchor:s760}}Trembling and tendency to palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s761}}Jerks of left leg or arm, grinding teeth; comatose; restless, moaning. {{anchor:s762}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s763}}Convulsions of teething children; heat, startings, twitches of single muscles; child gnaws its fists, frets, cries; costive or dark, watery stools.\\ {{anchor:s764}}Spasms of eyes; clenched jaws; body becomes rigid and bends backward; limbs distorted with spasms.\\ {{anchor:s765}}Loud lamentations; body rigid and bent backward; fists clenched across throat; gnashing of teeth; eyes drawn up spasmodically under lids.\\ {{anchor:s766}}Towards noon convulsions of whole body. {{anchor:s767}}~ Myelitis.\\ {{anchor:s768}}Whole body feels as heavy as lead; swollen in size and stature, except head and neck.\\ {{anchor:s769}}Great muscular weakness, weariness, prostration, almost total inability to stand.\\ {{anchor:s770}}Progressive failure of strength.\\ {{anchor:s771}}Feeling very drowsy, languid and unable to rise from couch; obliged to discontinue all work; system feels prostrated with sense of inward fever.\\ {{anchor:s772}}Numbness, tingling; left side. {{anchor:s773}}~ Paralysis of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s774}}Sudden falling down senseless. {{anchor:s775}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s776}}Collapse; cholera.\\ {{anchor:s777}}Faintness on attempting to sit up.\\ {{anchor:s778}}Formication, now in one, now in another part. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s780}}Sleepiness; spasmodic yawning.\\ {{anchor:s781}}On going to sleep; fever becomes intolerable; jerks; restless tossing.\\ {{anchor:s782}}Somnolency, eyes closed; in a little child.\\ {{anchor:s783}}Senseless; snoring. {{anchor:s784}}~ Apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s785}}Sleeping light, imagines in morning he has not slept at all, yet not weak.\\ {{anchor:s786}}During sleep: delirium; starts; profuse sweat; hot, restless and talking; slow breathing.\\ {{anchor:s787}}Restless nights; must walk or move about; alternately cold and hot, partial sweat.\\ {{anchor:s788}}Excessive wakefullness; nervous sleeplessness.\\ {{anchor:s789}}Sleeplessness after midnight with anxiety, restlessness, continual tossing about; eyes closed.\\ {{anchor:s790}}Sleeplessness caused by fear, fright or anxiety, with fear of future. {{anchor:s791}}~ Consumption of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s792}}Vivid dreams of day's occurrences.\\ {{anchor:s793}}At night anxious dreams, several times waking with start.\\ {{anchor:s794}}Long dreams with anxiety in chest, taking away breath and causing him to awaken.\\ {{anchor:s795}}Anxious heavy dreams with oppression of chest.\\ {{anchor:s796}}Awakened: by asthma; by nightmare; with starts; by cough.\\ {{anchor:s797}}Worse after sleep. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s799}}Night: delirium; sticking, tearing around eyes agg.; lachrymation; violent hollow cough; weariness of neck; rheumatic pains in joints agg.; sleepless; dreaming; shuddering; alternate heat and chill; pains intolerable.\\ {{anchor:s800}}Midnight: burning in throat, causing hawking.\\ {{anchor:s801}}After midnight: short breath during sleep; short cough; sweat.\\ {{anchor:s802}}Midnight to 3 A. M.: must rise to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s803}}Until 3 A. M.: cough worse.\\ {{anchor:s804}}Morning: excessive sweat; anxious lamentations; confused as if drunken; swollen eyelids agg.; coryza fluent; thin, gelatinous sputum; thinks he has not slept.\\ {{anchor:s805}}Towards noon: convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s806}}Day: short cough and panting; thin, gelatinous sputum.\\ {{anchor:s807}}Towards evening: congestion to head agg.; crackling in head; stitches in orbital region; fever unbearable.\\ {{anchor:s808}}Evening: congestive headache agg.; crackling in temples, forehead and nose; itching, burning, smarting in eye; stitches in eye agg.; lachrymation; cough agg.; weariness of neck; rheumatic pains in joints agg.; sudden chill. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s810}}Heat of sun: headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s811}}Rays of sun: produce erythema; sunstroke.\\ {{anchor:s812}}Heat: relieves formication of scalp.\\ {{anchor:s813}}Warm room: forehead feels compressed; chill agg.\\ {{anchor:s814}}Overheating: causes eye troubles; cough results.\\ {{anchor:s815}}In bed: fever unbearable.\\ {{anchor:s816}}When covered: sweats.\\ {{anchor:s817}}Uncovering: will not be uncovered.\\ {{anchor:s818}}Open air: headache in forehead agg.; vertex headache amel.; sweat on head amel.; eyelids sensitive; headache from checked coryza amel.; teeth sensitive; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s819}}Cold, dry winds: conjunctivitis, coryza, toothache, croup; cough agg.; articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s820}}Raw air: produces toothache.\\ {{anchor:s821}}Cold water: relieves conjunctivitis and anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s822}}Ice water: causes gastric catarrh; excites cough.\\ {{anchor:s823}}Cold bathing: suppresses menses.\\ {{anchor:s824}}Getting wet: causes tearing and beating in carious molar; diarrhea; suppresses menses.\\ {{anchor:s825}}Hot days, cold nights: dysentery. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s827}}Sensation of coldness in bloodvessels.\\ {{anchor:s828}}Chill: anxious; on slightest movement; being uncovered or touched ; ascends from feet to chest; with formication between shoulders and down back; finger tips cold, nails blue, agg. in a warm room.\\ {{anchor:s829}}Shuddering on lying down at night.\\ {{anchor:s830}}Rigor commencing in limbs and going over whole body, with goose-flesh; agg. in rest; disappearing on motion.\\ {{anchor:s831}}Skin cool, dry or cold and viscous; or cold to touch, but patient feels as if burning. {{anchor:s832}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s833}}Whole body stiff and cold. {{anchor:s834}}~ Myelitis.\\ {{anchor:s835}}Rigors and vomiting. {{anchor:s836}}~ Puerperal convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s837}}Frequent shudders. {{anchor:s838}}~ Inflammation of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s839}}Cold crawls over back, with hot skin. {{anchor:s840}}~ Catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s841}}Sudden chill in evening, followed by heat.\\ {{anchor:s842}}After a violent chill, dry heat with difficult breathing and lancinating pain through chest.\\ {{anchor:s843}}With chill, internal heat, anxiety, red cheeks; body chilly, hot forehead and ears, internal heat.\\ {{anchor:s844}}Chill at beginning violent, more in evening after lying down, often with one hot cheek and contracted pupils.\\ {{anchor:s845}}Alternate heat and chill all night; restless, wants to uncover, yet chilly therefrom.\\ {{anchor:s846}}Face hot, hands and feet cold; face flushes, with cold hands and feet, mostly evenings.\\ {{anchor:s847}}Skin hot and dry, with anxious tossing about. {{anchor:s848}}~ Meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s849}}Heat and dry skin. {{anchor:s850}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s851}}Heat with thirst, hard, full and frequent pulse, anxious impatience, unappeasable, beside himself, tossing about with agony.\\ {{anchor:s852}}Heat, with agonized tossing about.\\ {{anchor:s853}}Dry, burning heat, generally extending from head and face, with much thirst for cold drinks.\\ {{anchor:s854}}Heat, with inclination to uncover; fever unbearable towards evening and after getting into bed.\\ {{anchor:s855}}Heat, with chilliness at same time.\\ {{anchor:s856}}Red cheeks, with obstinacy, complaining mood; burning in region of navel and pressive headache.\\ {{anchor:s857}}Thirst for beer during heat; burning thirst during heat.\\ {{anchor:s858}}Inflammatory fevers and inflammations, with much heat, dry burning skin, violent thirst, red face, or alternate red and pale face; nervous excitability, groaning and agonized tossing about; shortness of breath, and congestion to head. {{anchor:s859}}~ Synochal fever.\\ {{anchor:s860}}Profuse sweat, with copious flow of urine and diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s861}}Free sweat.\\ {{anchor:s862}}Profuse sweat during sleep, even in consumptives; sweat after 12 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s863}}Long continued, general sweat, of a somewhat sour odor.\\ {{anchor:s864}}Affected parts and covered parts sweat; likes to be uncovered.\\ {{anchor:s865}}Worse while sweating; better afterward.\\ {{anchor:s866}}Profuse sweat relieves rheumatic pains.\\ {{anchor:s867}}Bad effects of suppressed sweat: catarrhs; fever; local inflammations, etc.\\ {{anchor:s868}}Cold sweat. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s870}}Attacks of pain, with redness of face and thirst.\\ {{anchor:s871}}Suddenly: turns red and falls unconscious; faints while standing to urinate; excruciating pain in stomach (scarlatina).\\ {{anchor:s872}}Alternately: heat and chill; stupefaction and restlessness; face red and pale; slimy stools and constipation; coldness and shooting in knee. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s874}}Right: staggers to side; erratic pains in head; pains like severe blows in forehead; sticking in eyeballs; pains over eye; ear painful; mouth drawn to right side; tense swelling under short ribs; drawing in testicle and uneasiness in renal region; stitching pains in fundus uteri; stitches in chest; pains in neck and shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s875}}Left: pain in small spot over supraorbital ridge; pulsations in forehead; side lame; apoplexy; as if sand in inner canthus; deafness, with buzzing in head; tearing in ear; neuralgia of trigeminus; lips motionless during breathing; toothache; lobe of liver painful; side of scrotum studded with vesicles; stitches in chest; numbness of arm; tingling in fingers; hip swollen; jerking of arm or leg; side lame.\\ {{anchor:s876}}Within outward: pressure in head; fullness in forehead; eyeballs feel as if protruding; pressing in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s877}}Out inward: pressure in upper eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s878}}Below upward: cutting in intestines; numbness and tingling in lower extremities; chill.\\ {{anchor:s879}}Left to right: paralysis (poisoning).\\ {{anchor:s880}}Right to left: toothache; blows in forehead, pulsations.\\ {{anchor:s881}}Front to back: pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:s882}}Towards right side: staggers to right in vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s883}}Limited to a small spot: headache over left supraorbital ridge. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s885}}Pains intolerable; more so at night.\\ {{anchor:s886}}Stitches here and there; erratic.\\ {{anchor:s887}}Stinging burning, as if in skin.\\ {{anchor:s888}}Tearing, cutting, wandering pains. {{anchor:s889}}~ Rheumatism, etc.\\ {{anchor:s890}}Neuralgia with congestions, from dry cold air or checked sweat.\\ {{anchor:s891}}Trembling, like a boiling and seething, as if parts were going to sleep; or as if becoming drunk; always with an unpleasant sensation of coldness.\\ {{anchor:s892}}As if bruised or beaten in different parts.\\ {{anchor:s893}}As if ideas came from stomach; as if she would lose her reason; as if brain was agitated by boiling water; as if a hot iron was bound around head; as if everything would push out of forehead; pulsation as from severe blows in forehead; vertex as if compressed by a pitch-cap; headache as if brain was moved or raised; as if pulled by hair on vertex; as from bending crackling tinsel in temples, forehead, nose; as if hair stood on end; as if eye would be forced out of orbit; as if eyeball was pushed into orbit; music goes through every limb; as if face was growing larger; as if muscles of face were spasmodically contracted; tongue feels as after eating pepper or smoking; as if teeth would fall out; mouth as if filled with air tasting of rotten eggs; as of cold air on tongue; as if uvula was elongated and touching tongue; as if something had stuck in throat; as if food had lodged in cardiac region when swallowing; as if a cold stone lay in stomach; anxious feeling in precordia; as if a heavy load were resting on abdomen; splashing in region of bladder; as though poles of a galvanic battery had been applied to glans penis; feeling of a band around chest; feeling of suffocation; as if boiling water was poured into chest; as of beetles crawling on spine; arms as if paralyzed by blows; as of needles in wrist joints; as if drops of water trickled down front of thighs; as if thighs were tightly bandaged when walking; ankles as if tied with a ligature.\\ {{anchor:s894}}Violent pain: over right eye; in stomach; down left arm.\\ {{anchor:s895}}Burning: headache; in eyes; of lids; of lips and mouth; of tongue; on tip of tongue; vesicles on tongue; in fauces; in back of throat; in throat; along eustachian tube; in pharynx; along esophagus to stomach; from stomach up to mouth; in pit of stomach; in hepatic region; in umbilical region; in hernia, like coals of fire; in anus; in bladder; in neck of bladder; in urethra; in larynx; under sternum; in spine.\\ {{anchor:s896}}Prickling: in tongue; in throat; in larynx or trachea; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s897}}Smarting: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s898}}Stitches: under scalp; in orbital region; in pit of stomach; in region of liver; in diaphragm; in region of kidneys; in glans; to right of fundus uteri; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s899}}Shooting pains: in renal region; in uterus; in chest; in upper limbs; in legs, knees ankles, toes.\\ {{anchor:s900}}Stitching thrusts: in lower jaw; in spine.\\ {{anchor:s901}}Knifelike pains in knee joint.\\ {{anchor:s902}}Stinging: in ear; in throat; in fauces; in hepatic region; in anus; in region of kidneys; in knees.\\ {{anchor:s903}}Sticking pains: in right eyeball; in sclerotitis; around eyes; in posterior fauces.\\ {{anchor:s904}}Cutting: in intestines; in a circle from spine to abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s905}}Twitching: in knees; in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s906}}Choking: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s907}}Swollen feeling: of tongue; of testicles; of many parts, generally with shuddering, cold or rigor.\\ {{anchor:s908}}Pain: in right ear; in epigastrium; in glans penis; in middle of chest.\\ {{anchor:s909}}Tearing pains: in sclerotitis; around eyes; in left ear; in a carious molar; in nape of neck; in scapulae; in shoulder joint; in wrists and fingers; in left hip joint; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s910}}Pressive shooting: in eyeballs.\\ {{anchor:s911}}Aching: in eyeballs; in face.\\ {{anchor:s912}}Bone-pains: in long bones of limbs and metacarpal bones.\\ {{anchor:s913}}Drawing pain: in right testicle; in muscles of neck and throat; in scapulae; in wrists and fingers; in left hip-joint; in joints of limbs; in tendinous expansions of lower limbs; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s914}}Pinching: about navel.\\ {{anchor:s915}}Squeezing: in forehead, above root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s916}}Pressing shooting: in forehead, coryza.\\ {{anchor:s917}}Pressure: in upper part of forehead; in temples; in vertex; in upper lids; at root of nose; in stomach and pit of stomach; in hepatic region; in anus; in region of kidneys; in bladder; under sternum; in lumbar and sacral region.\\ {{anchor:s918}}Bruised pain: in eye; in loins; in testicles; between shoulders; in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s919}}Fullness: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s920}}Throbbing: in temples; in one side of face; in carious molar; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s921}}Constriction: of throat; in hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:s922}}Contracting: in upper part of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s923}}Cramps: at root of nose; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s924}}Tensive pain: in lumbar and sacral regions.\\ {{anchor:s925}}Tense feeling: in eyelids; in stomach and hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s926}}Tightness: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s927}}Heaviness: in forehead; in hypochondria; in abdomen, bearing down; under sternum; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s928}}Paralyzed feeling: in intestines.\\ {{anchor:s929}}Formication: of scalp; on spine; between shoulders; in arms, hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s930}}Creeping: in face; in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s931}}Creeping pain: in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s932}}Crawling: in face, in spine; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s933}}Tickling: in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s934}}Tingling: in face, lips and mouth; in tongue; in esophagus; at anus; in sexual parts; in left arm; in fingers; in feet, spreading upward; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s935}}Roughness: as from sand in inner canthus.\\ {{anchor:s936}}Rawness: in middle of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s937}}Raw pain: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s938}}Distressed feeling: after eating.\\ {{anchor:s939}}Labor-like pressing: in womb.\\ {{anchor:s940}}Scratching: in throat causing cough.\\ {{anchor:s941}}Soreness: neck; of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s942}}Weariness: in neck.\\ {{anchor:s943}}Stiffness: of back.\\ {{anchor:s944}}Tired feeling: in limbs during repose.\\ {{anchor:s945}}Numbness: of lips and mouth; of tongue; in left arm; of small of back; in gouty limb; in legs and feet; with rheumatism of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s946}}Stinging itching: pimples on hands.\\ {{anchor:s947}}Itching: of eyes; at anus.\\ {{anchor:s948}}Heat: in eyes; of external ear; of lips and mouth; in stomach; in diaphragm; in vagina; in lungs; of palms; in left hip joint.\\ {{anchor:s949}}Coldness: in incisors; of hands; of palms; of knee; of extremities; in bloodvessels.\\ {{anchor:s950}}Dryness: of eyes; of lids; of tongue; in palate; in posterior nares; in throat; in windpipe. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s952}}Has but little effect on disorganized blood-globules, hence seldom useful in true typhoid states.\\ {{anchor:s953}}Acts more on arterial system.\\ {{anchor:s954}}Plethora; active capillary congestions (from overactive serous membranes).\\ {{anchor:s955}}Local congestions and inflammations.\\ {{anchor:s956}}Neuritis, with tingling.\\ {{anchor:s957}}Complaints in joints: shooting, cramp, cracking, loss of power; drawing in joints and aponeuroses.\\ {{anchor:s958}}Articular rheumatism, much fever, restlessness and anxiety; swellings are red and hot or pale; shifting from one point to another; especially if caused by suddenly checked sweat or by dry cold air or winds.\\ {{anchor:s959}}Acute catarrhs, with usual Aconite fever.\\ {{anchor:s960}}Skin and muscles rigid.\\ {{anchor:s961}}Muscular rheumatism with high fever.\\ {{anchor:s962}}Glands painful, hot, swollen. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s966}}Touch: causes loud screams; pains worse; eyeballs sensitive; soreness in pit of stomach agg.; pains of peritonitis agg.; lower abdomen sensitive; larynx sensitive; excites spasms; hip painful; rheumatic swelling of joints sensitive; chilly.\\ {{anchor:s967}}Pressure: stitches in supraorbital region agg.; liver sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s968}}Scratching: no effect on itching.\\ {{anchor:s969}}Fall or concussion: vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s970}}Foreign bodies: irritation and inflammation of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s971}}Wounds painfully sensitive after surgical operations; fever.\\ {{anchor:s972}}Shock from injury or surgical operations. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s974}}Skin dry; absence of sweat.\\ {{anchor:s975}}Tingling over whole surface.\\ {{anchor:s976}}Red, shining, hot swellings; violent pains.\\ {{anchor:s977}}Fine prickings, as from needles, here and there.\\ {{anchor:s978}}Spots like flea-bites; itching unchanged by scratching.\\ {{anchor:s979}}Erythema from sun's rays; papular erythema.\\ {{anchor:s980}}Erysipelas, smooth skin; violent fever.\\ {{anchor:s981}}Yellow skin. {{anchor:s982}}~ Jaundice. {{anchor:s983}}~ During pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s984}}Red rash all over, except on abdomen. {{anchor:s985}}~ Childbed fever, second week.\\ {{anchor:s986}}Measles: dry, barking cough; painful hoarseness; eyes red; cannot bear light; tongue red; jerks of left leg or arm, or grinding of teeth; restless moaning and lamenting; lying in a comatose state; pains in joints; free sweat.\\ {{anchor:s987}}In red miliary fever: increasing restlessness, agonizing anxiety and heat of body.\\ {{anchor:s988}}Rash of children.\\ {{anchor:s989}}Seldom in scarlatina, except as specified below or during desquamation.\\ {{anchor:s990}}Scarlet rash, with high fever.\\ {{anchor:s991}}Scarlet fever, with dry skin and very great restlessness and distress; must frequently sit erect in bed in consequence of dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s992}}Skin cold and dry; cold, clammy.\\ {{anchor:s993}}Single long dartings, here and there, mixed with a raw sensation, ending with pain as of a wound. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s995}}Children's diseases; with high fever.\\ {{anchor:s996}}Especially persons with tonicity (rigidity) of fibre.\\ {{anchor:s997}}Old age; sleeplessness.\\ {{anchor:s998}}Contraindicated in fevers which bring out eruptions or are otherwise salutary, unless there is agonizing tossing with dry skin.\\ {{anchor:s999}}Dark hair and eyes.\\ {{anchor:s1000}}Persons leading a sedentary life; plethora, etc.\\ {{anchor:s1001}}Tendency to apoplectic congestion; plethora. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s1003}}Antidotes to Acon.{{anchor:s1004}}: Acet. ac., Paris, Vin.\\ {{anchor:s1005}}Is antidote to: Bell., Cham., Coff, Nux v., Petr., Sep, Sulph, Verat., and secondary symptoms of Morphine.\\ {{anchor:s1006}}After Acon. follow well: Arn., Bell., in gastric states; after pulmonary febrile affections: Ip., Bry., Hep, Puls., Sep. and Sulph.; in colic: Ars.; in cough: Bry., Spong.; in croup: Spong. or Hep.; in strangury of children: Puls.; in dysentery; Merc.\\ {{anchor:s1007}}Acon. may often be indicated after Arn., Coff., Sulph. and Verat.\\ {{anchor:s1008}}Complementary to Coffea, in fever, sleeplessness, intolerance of pain; to Arn. in bruises; to Sulph. high in all cases.\\ {{anchor:s1009}}Ailments from: Act. rac., Cham., Coff., Nux v., Petr., Sep., Sulp.\\ {{anchor:s1010}}Abuse of Acon. calls for Sulphur. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 01, 1879 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r25|Aconitum napellus]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r25|Aconitum napellus]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1879 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}