====== AETHUSA CYNAPIUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Aethusa Cynapium. {{anchor:s2}}Fool's Parsley. {{anchor:s3}}Umbelliferae. {{anchor:s4}}Apt to be mistaken for parsley; a narcotico-acrid poison on account of an adherent alkaloid substance called cynapine. {{anchor:s5}}The plant mentioned by Hahnemann in the Organon. {{anchor:s6}}Proved 1828 by Nenning, later by Hartlaub, Sr.; edited with the toxic symptoms, Annalen, 4, 113, 1833. {{anchor:s7}}Observations on a patient by Bigler, 1872. {{anchor:s8}}Brugman's and Touman's valuable observations, A. H. Z., 72, 56, and Catell's in Br. Q., 11, 523, from Med. Times, omitted by Allen. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s10}}Lies unconscious, dilated pupils, staring eyes (child).\\ {{anchor:s11}}Loss of comprehension; a kind of stupefaction, as if there was a barrier between senses and external objects.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Unable to read after overexertion of mental faculties.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Incapacity to think; confused.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Cannot retain any idea.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Idiocy, in some cases alternating with furor.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Idiotic children.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Hallucinations.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Imagined she saw rats run across room.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Delirium: imagines he sees cats and dogs; jumps out of window; even with the chill.\\ {{anchor:s20}}After a glass of wine, mind symptoms became predominant.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Cries of anguish (in a child).\\ {{anchor:s22}}Well-disposed, serene, in forenoon; in afternoon, ill-humored, anxious and sad.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Great sadness when alone.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Anxiousness, sensation as if a heavy load was lying on chest.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Constant anxiety and weak feeling.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Great anxiety and restlessness; soon afterwards, violent pains in head and abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Moroseness: with heavy feeling in forehead; with heat in head.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Bad humor, irritability, especially in afternoon, and in open air.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Great agitation.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Anxiety and restlessness. {{anchor:s31}}~ Megrim.\\ {{anchor:s32}}After social talking, all symptoms disappear. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s34}}A kind of stupefaction, as if there was a barrier between his organs of sense and external objects.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Dizziness, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Head confused; brain feels bound up.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Dizziness; he cannot keep erect.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Vertigo: with sleepiness, can't raise head; giddiness ceases and head gets hot; with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Vertigo and weakness.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Complete insensibility; eyes staring, pupils dilated.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Stupor. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s43}}Heaviness in forehead; ill humor.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Headache in whole forepart of head, as if strongly compressed, behind and above.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Sensation as if both sides of head were in a vise.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Pressing pain in forehead, as if it would split; at its height vomiting and finally diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s47}}All day throbbing pain in left forehead, temple and side of head, amel. by pressure (felt as though she would like a band tightly fixed around head) and in open air, agg. by walking.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Stitches and pulsations in head.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Violent pain, as if brain was dashed to pieces.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Headache with vertigo, agg. walking and looking upward.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Violent headache, with thirst and nausea.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Headache ceases, with discharge of flatus downward.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Headache since five weeks, after checked menses.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Pains in head return periodically, are often accompanied by pale face, trembling in jaws and pains in precordial region.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Heat rises to head; body becomes warmer; face becomes red and giddiness ceases. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s57}}Distressing pain in occiput, nape and down spine, amel. by friction with hot whiskey.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Inability to hold head erect or to sit up.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Sensation as if she was constantly pulled by the hair. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Looking upward increases headache with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Pupils dilated, but sensitive to touch.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Pupils dilated, staring eyes, stupid. {{anchor:s64}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Chronic photophobia.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Objects seem much larger than natural.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Vision confused, sometimes objects appear double.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Great pain in eyes; eyes inflamed and bloodshot.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Eyes brilliant and protruding.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Eyeballs turned downward. {{anchor:s71}}~ Convulsions of children.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Pustules on cornea.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Chronic inflammation of edges of eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Adhesion of eyelids in morning, requiring them to be softened by a fluid to prevent pulling out lashes.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Scrofulous ophthalmia; swelling of Meibomian glands. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Stitches in ears, especially in right; sensation as if something hot was streaming from it.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Yellow discharge from right ear, with stitching pains. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s80}}Nose stopped up with thick mucus; frequent but ineffectual desire to sneeze.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Herpetic eruption at end of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Tearing in face, in malar bones.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Face wears a cold expression.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Displeased morose face, during headache.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Face pale. {{anchor:s87}}~ Megrim.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Face sunken, earthy pale, withered. {{anchor:s89}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Red, sunken face.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Edematous swelling of cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Circumscribed and painful swellings in face, transient and flying from place to place.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Heat in face with trembling in head. {{anchor:s94}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Face pale, puffed and spotted red.\\ {{anchor:s96}}A drawn condition, beginning at alae nasi, and extending to angle of mouth, gave face an expression of great anxiety and pain.\\ {{anchor:s97}}The features have an expression of anguish and pain. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s99}}Trembling of jaws.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Inability to swallow; lower jaw is fixed to upper.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Chin and corners of mouth feel cold. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s103}}Stinging or tearing in gums. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Taste: bitter; like cheese; like onions; sweetish in morning when awaking.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Speech impeded, slow.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Feeling as if tongue was too long. {{anchor:s108}}~ Aphthae.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Moist tongue.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Tongue black. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s112}}A very copious salivation relieved poisoning symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Aphthae in mouth and throat; tongue feels as if too long. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s115}}Soft palate, red and swollen.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Burning in throat.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Sensation of pungent heat in mouth and throat, with great difficulty in swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Sensation of constriction, preventing deglutition.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Stinging in throat, between acts of deglutition.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Inflamed aphthae and pustules in throat, making patient's condition almost desperate. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Thirst with total loss of appetite for every kind of aliment.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Burning thirst; t.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Desire for wine, aggravation from its use.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Intolerance of milk. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s128}}While eating: sudden heaviness in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s129}}After eating: pain below navel, lienteric stool, dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Regurgitation of food an hour or so after eating.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Suitable to children who cannot bear milk.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Worse from coffee.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Desire for wine, but mental symptoms are increased. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Spasmodic hiccough. {{anchor:s136}}~ Megrim. {{anchor:s137}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Empty eructation. {{anchor:s139}}~ Megrim.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Violent sudden vomiting; of a frothy milk-white substance; of yellow fluid, followed by curdled milk and cheesy matter.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Vomiting of greenish phlegm, similar to stools.\\ {{anchor:s142}}The milk is forcibly ejected soon after taken; then weakness causes drowsiness. {{anchor:s143}}~ Nursing children.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Profuse vomiting of water. {{anchor:s145}}~ Young children.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Copious greenish vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Gripes accompanied by fearful vomiting, weakness and indescribable anguish.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Vomits bloody mucus, with swollen abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Vomiting spells at height of headache. {{anchor:s150}}~ Megrim.\\ {{anchor:s151}}After vomiting, cold and clammy. {{anchor:s152}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Vomiting, with diarrhea. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Tearing, rending pains in pit of stomach, extending to esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Pain in pit of stomach and abdomen, followed by nausea, with or without vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Cramp in stomach. {{anchor:s158}}~ Megrim.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Painful contractions of stomach so severe as to prevent vomiting. {{anchor:s160}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Sense of pungent heat in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Complaints with cramp in stomach and cries and anguish. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s164}}Painfullness of epigastric region, nausea.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Stitches in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Lancinating in right hypochondrium, in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Painful pressing, with burning and stitching in left hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Shooting in left hypochondrium, often and long continued.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Soreness and painfullness in both hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Liver hard, yellowish, spleen livid, tongue black; t. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Excessive griping pains in belly.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Colic, with diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Excessive griping pain in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Colic, followed by vomiting, vertigo and weakness.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Cutting and violent vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Cutting, with distension of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Contracted and tense abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Abdomen puffed sensitive to touch; convulsions of children. {{anchor:s180}}~ Gastroenteritis.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Violent colic, followed by death of the boy.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Abdomen distended, with tension; t.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Sensation of coldness in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Coldness of abdomen and lower limbs, especially left one, with aching of bowels; amel. by warm, wet applications.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Black bluish swelling of abdomen. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s187}}Loose stools, preceded by cutting in abdomen, with tenesmus in morning, after rising.\\ {{anchor:s188}}A thin stool finishes headache. {{anchor:s189}}~ Megrim.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Stools of partly digested food, shortly after a meal or at night.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Diarrhea; discharges green, thin, bilious, with violent tenesmus before and after stool. {{anchor:s192}}~ Convulsions of children. {{anchor:s193}}~ Gastroenteritis.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Bright yellow or greenish, watery, slimy stools; crying, drawing up feet. {{anchor:s195}}Child, aet. 6 months.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Evacuations of a thin, bright yellow or greenish fluid, mixed with much bile, with severe tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Greyish-green fluid stools. {{anchor:s198}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Bloody stools.\\ {{anchor:s200}}With stools, painful contraction in stomach. {{anchor:s201}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Most obstinate constipation, with feeling as if all action of bowels had been lost. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s204}}Pain in kidneys, agg. from sneezing, deep inhalation and lying down.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Cutting pains in bladder, with frequent calls to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Urine: red, sediment white; copious, clear as water; too frequent after exertion.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Nocturnal enuresis, with vomiting of coagulated milk after sucking bottle; greenish watery diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s208}}No urine. {{anchor:s209}}~ Cholerine. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s211}}Right testicle drawn up, with pain in kidneys. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s213}}Checked menses.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Menses checked by a warm bath. {{anchor:s215}}~ Headache.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Menses watery.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Lancinating pains in sexual organs.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Pimples on external parts, itching when patient becomes warm. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Labor-pains: too weak; not regular.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Violent stinging pain in mamma; t.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Intolerance of milk; child by a sudden and violent effort throws it up, curdled or not; then weakness makes it drowsy for some minutes. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s227}}No voice. {{anchor:s228}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s229}}The sufferings seem to render him speechless. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s231}}Short breath, interrupted by hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Short, anxious, whistling breathing, while lying on back.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Great dyspnea; t. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s235}}Cough, with stunning pain in head. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s237}}Stitches in left side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Sensation as if chest was in a vise, with difficult breathing. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s240}}Anxiety in precordia; t.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Violent palpitation of heart.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Palpitation: with headache; with vertigo; with weariness and exaltation; t.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Pulse frequent, small, some what hard and unrhythmical.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Pulse full, rapid.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Weak intermittent pulse, with palpitation and headache.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Pulse feeble, sometimes not to be felt, much exhausted. {{anchor:s247}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Slow strong beats of heart, stupor and death (dog). ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s250}}Distressing pain in occiput and nape of neck, extending down spine, amel. by friction with hot whiskey.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Lymphatic ganglions of neck swollen, like beads.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Sensation as if small of back was in a vise.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Painful furuncle in sacral region.\\ {{anchor:s254}}A feeling as if pain in back would be amel. by straightening out and bending stiffly backward, as in opisthotonos. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s256}}Axillary glands swollen.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Sensation as if arms had become much shorter.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Numbness of arms.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Aching about scapulae, extending to arms.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Thumb and fingers bent inward. {{anchor:s261}}~ Convulsions of children. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s263}}Excoriations of thighs from walking.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Boring and shooting in lower limbs, with great weariness.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Lancinating and drawing from left hip into thigh.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Laming ache in middle of right thigh while sitting; amel. when rubbing.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Lancinating in sole, from right heel as far as balls of toes.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Crawling in feet. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s270}}Coldness, stiffness and rigor of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Cold limbs and body convulsed.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Eruption in neighborhood of joints. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s276}}Cannot keep erect: when dizzy.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Inability to raise head: with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Cannot sit up.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Cannot stand: from weakness.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Lying down: pain in kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Lying on back: short, anxious, whistling breathing.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Sitting: laming ache in right thigh.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Exertion: urinates too frequently; sweats therefrom.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Walking: throbbing headache agg.; headache with vertigo agg.; excoriation of thighs; languor and listlessness to such a degree that he supports himself with difficulty. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s286}}Trembling at heart with anxious restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Body convulsed, with cold limbs; t.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Epileptic spasms, with clenched thumbs, red face, eyes turned downward, pupils fixed, dilated; foam at mouth, jaws locked; small, hard and quick pulse.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Spasms, with stupor and delirium.\\ {{anchor:s290}}General malaise.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Convulsions. {{anchor:s292}}~ Gastroenteritis.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Weakness after colic.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Great weakness; children cannot stand; cannot hold up head.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Great weakness and prostration, with sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s296}}He lies stretched out without consciousness. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s298}}Sleepiness all day.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Longing for sleep.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Dozing of child after vomiting spells or after stool.\\ {{anchor:s301}}On falling asleep, rolling of eyes or slight convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Sleep after headache. {{anchor:s303}}~ Megrim.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Sopor, dilated pupils; t.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Sleep restless first hours.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Restless night; great disposition to slumber, but calm repose is prevented by frequent startings and excessive agitation.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Deep sleep, with snoring.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Sopor, dilated pupils and death (dog). ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s310}}Night: stools of partly digested food; enuresis and vomiting; restless, cannot sleep, though disposed to.\\ {{anchor:s311}}From 3 to 4 A. M.: aggravation of all symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Morning: sweetish taste on awaking; tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Day: sleepy.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Forenoon: well disposed and serene.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Afternoon: ill-humored, anxious and sad; lancinating in right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Towards evening: aggravation of all symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s317}}At 6 P. M.: cramps in stomach. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s319}}Frequently indicated in Summer.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Open air: relieves throbbing in head.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Room: relieves mental conditions; relieves sensation of swelling of head, face and hands.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Warmth: causes itching.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Warmth of bed: causes vesicular eruption to itch.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Heat: causes itching and burning.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Moist heat: relieves itching, and coldness in abdomen and lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Warm bath: checked menses.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Hot whiskey: friction amel. pain in occiput, neck and spine.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Washing: increases sensation of swelling of head, face and hands. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s330}}Delirium even during cold stage.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Coldness, rigors, stiffness of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Skin hot, dry; absence of thirst.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Sweat: from least exertion; cannot bear uncovering; profuse, cold; malaise and tendency to delirium amel. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s335}}Periodical headache. {{anchor:s336}}~ Megrim. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s338}}Right: discharge from ear; stitches in ear; sensation of something hot streaming from ear; lancinating in hypochondrium; testicle drawn up; laming ache in middle of thigh.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Left: throbbing in head; pressing, burning, stitching and shooting in hypochondrium; coldness of leg; stitches in chest; lancinating and drawing from hip into thigh; appearance and disappearance of reddish-blue spots on leg.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Fly from place to place: painful swellings in face. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s342}}Sensation as if head, face and hands were swollen; agg. after washing; amel. coming into room.\\ {{anchor:s343}}As if a heavy load was lying on chest; as if there was a barrier between his organs of sense and external objects; brain feels bound up; compressed feeling in head; as if both sides of head were in a vise; as if forehead would split; as if brain was dashed to pieces; as if she was pulled by the hair; as if something hot was streaming from ear; as if tongue was too long; indescribable anguish with gripes; as if all action of bowels had been lost; as if chest was in a vise; anxiety in precordia; as if small of back was in a vise; as if arms had become shorter.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Pain: in eyes; in pit of stomach and abdomen; in hypochondria; below navel, after eating; in kidneys; in furuncle, sacral region.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Griping: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Distressing pains: in occiput, nape and down spine.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Boring: in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Lancinating: in left hypochondrium; in female sexual organs; from left hip into thigh; in sole, from right heel to balls of toes.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Cutting: in abdomen; in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Stitches: in head; in ears; in right ear; in epigastrium; in left hypochondrium; in left side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Stinging: in gums; in throat; in mamma.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Shooting: in left hypochondrium; in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Tearing: in face, in malar bones; in gums; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Rending: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Burning: in throat; in left hypochondrium; of herpetic eruption.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Drawing: from left hip into thigh.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Pressing pain: in forehead; in left hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Aching: in bowels; about scapulae; extending to arms.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Soreness: in hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Throbbing pain: in left side of head.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Pulsations: in head.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Stunning pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Crawling: in feet.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Heaviness: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Constriction: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Contraction: painful, or stomach.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Cramp: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Laming ache: in middle of right thigh.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Heat: in forehead; in face; pungent, in mouth and throat.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Coldness: of chin and corners of mouth; in abdomen; of lower limbs; of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Numbness: of arms.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Stiffness: of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Itching: of pimples; of water-blisters; of eruption in heat.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Dryness: of skin. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s376}}Ecchymoses; black and blue spots all over.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Whole body livid and swollen, and death of boy; poisoning.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Anasarca.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Wasting away of children. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s383}}Touch: abdomen sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Pressure: relieves throbbing headache.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Rubbing: with hot whiskey relieves pain in occiput, neck and spine; relieves laming ache of right thigh. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s387}}Dryness of skin.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Dry burning skin; red spots.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Cool skin. {{anchor:s390}}~ Cholerine.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Hard knots in skin.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Liability to excoriation of thighs when walking.\\ {{anchor:s393}}During one day, appearance and disappearance of reddish blue spots on trunk and left leg, causing an apprehension of spotted fever; aggravation of all symptoms towards evening and during night, 3 to 4 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Tetters bleed easily.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Little water-blisters; itching in bed.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Eruption itching when exposed to heat.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Herpetic eruptions; itching and burning during head.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Phlyctenular eruption; t. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s400}}Children, during dentition.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Old woman during cholera season. {{anchor:s402}}~ Cholerine. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s404}}Similar to: Ant. Crud. (vomiting of milk); Aren.; Asar.; Calc. ostr. (vomiting of milk); Cuprum; Ipec.; Opium.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Related to Cicut., Conium, Oenanth. croc.\\ {{anchor:s406}}Is antidoted by vegetable acids.\\ {{anchor:s407}}It antidotes Opium. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 01, 1879 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r165|Aethusa cynapium]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r165|Aethusa cynapium]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1879 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}