====== ALUMINA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Alumina. {{anchor:s2}}(Argilla.) {{anchor:s3}}Pure Clay. {{anchor:s4}}Aluminium Oxide. {{anchor:s5}}Al2.O3. {{anchor:s6}}Used by the Old School, but only according to very poor indications. {{anchor:s7}}Hahnemann had proved the pure earth when Hartlaub edited a collection of 975 symptoms, obtained from four provers, in his Mat. Med., in 1829. {{anchor:s8}}The year after, Hahnemann published his own observations in Stapf's Archiv., viz., 215 symptoms, from a much better preparation. {{anchor:s9}}Hartlaub simply purified his preparation by washing it, which never can suffice, but Hahnemann subjected his to red heat. {{anchor:s10}}A careful comparison of symptoms will show that there is a difference. {{anchor:s11}}In 1835, in the second edition of his Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann gives it place among the antipsorics, adding a few symptoms from Dr. Bute, and condensing Hartlaub's collection to about 900 symptoms. {{anchor:s12}}Boenninghausen published very remarkable cures with the pure metal, in the A. H. Z., being guided by the symptoms of the oxide. {{anchor:s13}}The symptoms of a remarkable cure of spinal disease with Alum. metallicum, by Rehfuss, translated by Dunham, and distinguished by the abbreviation met., are here included. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Consciousness not clear.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Consciousness of his personal identity confused. {{anchor:s17}}~ Paralysis.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Great weakness or loss of memory.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Inability to recollect things or follow up a train of thought. {{anchor:s20}}~ Cephalalgia.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Confusion and obscuration of intellect; met. {{anchor:s22}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Makes mistakes in speaking, using words not intended.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Time passes too slowly; intolerable ennui; an hour seems half a day.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Difficulty of thinking.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Mania to kill himself with a sharp weapon.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Seeing blood on a knife, she has horrid ideas of killing herself, though she abhors the idea.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Crying, against his will.\\ {{anchor:s29}}No desire to do anything, especially anything serious. {{anchor:s30}}~ Cephalalgia.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Depressed and lachrymose. {{anchor:s32}}~ Melancholia.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Fearfullness.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Sad thoughts in morning, joyless and comfortless on awaking.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Low-spirited, trifling things appeared insurmountable. {{anchor:s36}}~ Liver complaint.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Apprehensiveness.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Apprehensive of losing his reason.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Uneasy evenings, as from impending evil.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Fears he is not to recover.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Dread of death, with thoughts of suicide.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Great anxiety, is fearful and peevish.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Anguish, oppressive and vague fearfullness, or uneasiness, as if he had committed a crime. {{anchor:s44}}~ Cephalalgia.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Anxiety as if threatened with an epileptic fit; depressed with grief.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Variable mood, at one time confident, at another timid.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Disposition quiet and resigned; met. {{anchor:s48}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Moroseness.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Peevish and whining, with hot earlobes.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Easily startled.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Sufferings following anger.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Mental symptoms worse in morning on awaking. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Quickly passing vertigo in morning.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Vertigo: everything turns in a circle; with nausea; agg. before breakfast; on opening eyes; on stooping; amel. after breakfast, and from wiping eyes; nausea, faintness, pain in nape of neck; as if drunken; with seeing white stars; when closing eyes.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Stupefaction, with dread of falling forward.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Heaviness of head, with pale, languid face.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Dullness and numbness of head.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Inability to walk, except with eyes open, and in daytime. {{anchor:s61}}~ Locomotor ataxia.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Cloudiness and drunken feeling, alternating with pain in kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Easily made drunk, even by weakest spirituous drink.\\ {{anchor:s64}}When his eyes were closed, his whole body tottered; if not firmly held, he fell to ground; met. {{anchor:s65}}~ Spinal disease. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Headache attended with nausea, pressure in forehead and congestion to eyes and nose, with nosebleed.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Pressure in forehead from without inward, or rather outward, or over eyes; in evening, sometimes with a chill, or nocturnal heat or sweat.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Throbbing, frontal pain, agg. going up-stairs, or stepping.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Burning, pressive pain, with heat in forehead, while standing or sitting, amel. in open air.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Headache sometimes in left side, agg. by walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Lacerating pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Severe stitches in brain, with nausea and dullness of mind.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Sensation in head as if its contents were in a vise, with a weight on top.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Headache: from chronic catarrhs of head; with constipation; amel. by lying quiet in bed, or resting head upon a cushion.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Heaviness of head, with pale, languid face; vertex painful to touch.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Pulsations in vertex with congestion to eyes and nose.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Stupefying tightness in right temple, amel. by pressing upon it.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Heat in head.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Headache in region of both parietal bones. {{anchor:s81}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Pulsative headache in vertex, over right temple, early on waking.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Pain in vertex, agg. on moving head or stooping, amel. by pressure; shooting in vertex on coughing.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Tightness, with drawing and beating in right side of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Pain in head and nape of neck, it increases on going to bed, and only leaves off in morning on rising.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Semilateral affections of head, old rheumatic affections, always appearing on same side.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Increased pulsation of temporal arteries. {{anchor:s88}}~ Spinal disease. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Itching of scalp, with dry, white scales.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Humid scurf, agg. about temples, bleeding when scratched; agg. in evening, or at new and full moon.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Scalp feels numb.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Pressure on forehead, as from a tight hat.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Headache, as if hair was pulled; with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Falling off and excessive dryness of hair; scalp sore when hair is touched; creeping and titillation of scalp.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Pain in head and nape of neck agg. on going to bed; leaves on rising in morning.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Itching on forehead.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Exanthema on forehead, feels as if glue had dried on it. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s100}}Far-sightedness.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Vision dim and eyes dry in evening. {{anchor:s102}}~ Chronic catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Seeing fiery spots; met. {{anchor:s104}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s105}}White stars before eyes, with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Dim-sightedness, like looking through a fog, or as if feathers were before eyes; must rub eyes.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Objects appear yellow. {{anchor:s108}}~ Liver complaint.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Burning and pressure in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Red eyes with lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Eyes inflamed, itching at inner canthus; agglutination at night, and lachrymation by day; yellow halo around candle; burning and dryness, smarting, but with very little ulceration.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Sensation of coldness in eyes when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Spasmodic closure of lids at night, and burning in eyes in morning and evening. {{anchor:s114}}~ Ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Inclination to stare.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Strabismus of either eye; especially from loss of power of internal rectus.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Pressure in eyes, which are sensitive to light.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Stitches in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s119}}In evening pressure in canthus as from a grain of sand.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Eyelids thickened, dry, burning.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Chronic granular lids.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Eyelids stick together with matter; lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Upper lids seem to hang down as if paralyzed, especially left. {{anchor:s124}}~ Old, dry granular lids.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Burning and dryness in lids every evening, with pain in internal canthus of left eye, with much dry mucus in morning on waking.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Burning, dryness; burning on waking, especially on looking up, with dread of light.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Eyes generally better from being bathed.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Itching in canthi with burning.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Eyelashes fall out.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Tottering and falling when closing eyes; met. {{anchor:s131}}~ Spinal disease. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s133}}Buzzing as if outside ear.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Humming; roaring; whistling; sound as of large bells.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Redness and heat of one ear; evenings.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Hot earlobes with peevishness and whining.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Sensation as if something lay before ear; on blowing nose it is felt, swallowing removes it.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Stitches in ears, evening or night.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Purulent otorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Crepitation in ears on swallowing or chewing. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s142}}Sense of smell weak.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Nosebleed with pressure in forehead and congestion to eyes.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Disposition to colds in head.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Nose stopped up, more left side, with glairy mucus.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, free from one nostril, the other obstructed; lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy sore nostrils, and discharge of thick yellow mucus.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Catarrhs of long standing with old people.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Discharge of dry, hard, yellow-green mucus from nose; nose swollen, red and sore to touch, worse in evening.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Nose dry; met. {{anchor:s151}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Violent pain in root of nose. {{anchor:s153}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Copious, yellow, sour-smelling mucus, with sore nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Septum narium swollen, red and painful to touch; more painful evenings.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Redness of nose.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Nose ulcerated.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Swelling and hardness of left alae nasi.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Point of nose cracked.\\ {{anchor:s160}}After blowing nose, glittering before eyes. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Sallow skin.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Pale languid face with heaviness of head.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Tearing and lancinating in malar bone.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Tension of skin of face, as though white of egg had dried on it.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Itching of various parts of face; of forehead, with rough skin.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Blood-boils on face and nose.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Tetter on temples and forearm. {{anchor:s169}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Gloomy, pale, or alternately red and pale.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Heat and redness; met. {{anchor:s172}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Coppery cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Bloated places, like bulbous excrescences; nodular swellings. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Tension and drawing in jaws and cheeks, with increase of saliva.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Tensive pain in articulation of jaw, when chewing or opening mouth.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Upper lip covered with little blisters.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Lower jaw seems shortened.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Lips dry, chapped.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Involuntary spasmodic twitching of lower jaw, with hemorrhage of bowels; dark, offensive stools.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Trismus. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s184}}Teeth feel long and sore.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Toothache; teeth feel loose and elongated, agg. from chewing, in open air, evening.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Drawing toothache, extending to other parts, as down larynx, neck or shoulders. {{anchor:s187}}~ During pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Teeth covered with sordes.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Swelling of gums; they easily bleed and ulcerate.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Saltish blood seems to come from teeth. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s192}}Taste flat; met. {{anchor:s193}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Tongue coated with a thin slimy fur; met. {{anchor:s195}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Taste: acrid, sweetish or fatty; almost lost; like blood.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Tingling, itching on tongue, must scratch it. {{anchor:s198}}~ During pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Bites his tongue while asleep. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s201}}Musty, bad odor from mouth.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Small ulcers in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Saliva increased, although mouth may feel dry.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Sensation of soreness in mouth when eating.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Increased saliva and mucus.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Dryness in mouth. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s208}}Inflammatory redness in back of throat.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Transient stitches in throat.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Dryness of throat, as if parched.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Rawness and roughness in throat, inducing hawking or coughing in evening, with secretion of mucus.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Pressure in throat as from a plug, with soreness and dryness.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Sensation of swelling in sides of throat.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Sense of constriction from pharynx down to stomach, as if food could not pass.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Great dryness of throat especially on awaking, voice husky; constant hawking, and sensation of a lump in throat. {{anchor:s216}}~ Chronic catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Feeling of a splinter in throat, stinging on swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Copious, thick, tenacious mucus in throat, evening and morning on awaking; can be expectorated only in lumps, with great effort.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Thick mucus, dropping from posterior nares.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Ulcers in fauces, spongy; secreting a yellowish-brown, badly smelling pus; with boring pains from fauces to right temple and head.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Painful soreness in throat and upper part of esophagus, agg. swallowing empty.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Throat feels relaxed.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Feels food whole length of esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Swallowing painful, amel. after warm drinks; swallowing saliva or liquids often amel.; swallows solids with difficulty.\\ {{anchor:s225}}On waking in morning, pharynx feels narrower than usual, as if contracted and lame.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Violent pressive pain, as if a portion of esophagus was contracted or compressed, in middle of chest, especially during deglutition, but also when not swallowing, with oppression of chest, alternately with palpitation of heart, especially after a meal.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Swallowing causes crepitation in ears.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Pains in throat; agg. evening and night. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s231}}No desire to eat.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Has no appetite, food has no taste.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Irregular appetite.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Longing for fruit and vegetables; potatoes disagree.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Aversion to meat; to beer; meat has no taste.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Thirst all day.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Appetite for starch, chalk; clean white rags; charcoal, cloves, acids, coffee or tea-grounds, dry rice, and other indigestible things. {{anchor:s238}}~ Chlorosis. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s240}}Before eating: canine hunger; seems to quiver all over.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Better while eating.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Worse from eating potatoes. {{anchor:s243}}~ Colic. {{anchor:s244}}~ Indigestion.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Worse from tobacco smoke.\\ {{anchor:s246}}All irritating things, like salt, wine, vinegar, pepper, etc., immediately start cough.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Throat sore after using onions in food.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Easily drunken from weakest spirituous drinks.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Mucus in throat, tasting sweet, after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Worse from cold, amel. from warm diet.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Worse after eating soups.\\ {{anchor:s252}}After eating: languor in evening; must lie down at noon; phlegm in chest.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Eating removes faintness at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s254}}After breakfast: vertigo; nausea better.\\ {{anchor:s255}}After dinner: sweet tasting mucus.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Aggravation or appearance of all symptoms immediately after dinner or in evening.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Worse from warm drink: chill.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Better from warm drink: throat. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s260}}Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting\\ {{anchor:s261}}Chronic inclination to belch, in old people.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Eructations: sour; bitter, after potatoes; agg. evenings.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Heartburn after supper; sourish risings, with profuse flow of water from mouth.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Nausea: with vertigo; stitches in brain; chilliness; pale face, desire to lie down, faintness; amel. after breakfast.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Frequent nausea; faint nausea.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Vomits mucus and water.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Vomiting of food, mucus or bile; met. {{anchor:s268}}~ Spinal disease. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s270}}Distension of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Constriction and twisting in stomach, extending up esophagus to throat.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Stitches in pit of stomach, extending upward to chest.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Drawing or oppressive pain, going upward to chest and throat; after potatoes. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s275}}Pains in epigastrium and hypochondria when stooping.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Contractions in both hypochonders.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Spasmodic pains in hypochondria and stomach with dyspnea almost to suffocation.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Liver pains, as if bruised, when stooping; stitches when rising again.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Tearing from liver to hip.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Shooting pain in region of spleen.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Stitches in both hypochondria; agg. from motion.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Shooting in left hypochondrium going upward and forward to cardiac region, agg. on deep inspiration. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s284}}Seems to hang down heavily, like a load, when walking, afternoons.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Reaching too high strains abdominal muscles.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Pains agg. sitting bent.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Pressing in both groins, towards sexual organs, evenings.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Stitching, pressing pain in region of abdominal ring, like from hernia, with tension as far as side of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Flatulent colic, bellyache.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Colic in morning.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Painters' colic.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Soreness and twitching of right inguinal glands. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s294}}Inactivity of rectum; even soft stool requires great straining.\\ {{anchor:s295}}No desire for, and no ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumulation.\\ {{anchor:s296}}After each dysenteric stool, involuntary urination.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Severe hemorrhage from bowels with flow of urine. {{anchor:s298}}~ Typhoid.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Pressing to stool aggravates her symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Tenesmus in rectum and bladder at same time. {{anchor:s301}}~ Proctitis.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Stools too scanty.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Stools: hard and knotty or covered with mucus; like sheep's dung, with cutting in anus, followed by blood; like pipe stems.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Constipation from great dryness of mucous follicles of rectum, with long-lasting pain in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Diarrhea, urging in rectum, bloody, scanty stools.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Clots of blood pass from anus.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Dropping of blood during an evacuation.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Hemorrhoids, agg. in evening, amel. after night's rest.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Itching and burning at anus.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Perineum: pressure when blowing nose; sweats and is tender to touch.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Soft and thin stool, passing with difficulty.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Chronic diarrhea; agg. on alternate days; from walking; amel. from a short sleep or warm applications.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Diarrhea whenever she urinates.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Chronic diarrhea. {{anchor:s315}}~ Chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Blind piles protrude, become moist, with lancinating pain; are hard and itch.\\ {{anchor:s317}}During stool: rectum as if constricted and dried up; throbbing in small of back; excoriated feeling in rectum; chills all over; discharge of prostatic juice.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Varices become moist, sting and burn.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Itching with burning excoriation and great sensitiveness. {{anchor:s320}}~ Hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Fistula ani.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Sensation of weakness of sphincter ani.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Pulsating in anus.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Torpidity of rectum; rectum seems paralyzed.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Itching of anus. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s327}}Renal pains as from riding over a rough road; alternating with cloudiness as if drunk; dancing makes worse.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Frequent micturition. {{anchor:s329}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Tenesmus vesicae. {{anchor:s331}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Urine voided while straining at stool; or cannot pass urine without such straining.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Frequent urination at night.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Frequent emissions of very small quantities of lightcolored urine with great straining, severe smarting and burning, with a feeling as though a few drops remained in urethra which could not be expelled.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Urine: scanty, with red sediment, in arthritic affections; copious and pale, in nervous diseases; with thick, white sediment; more frequent, copious and dark.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Urine red without sediment; met. {{anchor:s337}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Feeling of weakness in bladder and genitals, in evening, with fear that he will wet the bed.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Pouting of meatus urinarius, with swelling and discharge of light yellow pus from urethra.\\ {{anchor:s340}}During urination: burning, with discharge of urine and desire to evacuate bowels.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Urine smarting, corroding. {{anchor:s342}}~ Prolapsus uteri. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s344}}Excessive sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Frequent and painful erections, agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Involuntary emissions, followed by all his old symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Sexual desire lessened. {{anchor:s348}}~ Impotence.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Feeling of weakness in bladder and genitals; he fears he will wet the bed.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Discharge of prostatic fluid during difficult stool.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Light yellow pus from urethra, causing itching of glans penis.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Sensation of weakness in penis.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Left testicle hard and very painful.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Tickling on genitals and thighs.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Sweat on perineum, with sensitiveness to touch.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Pressure in perineum at beginning of an erection or during coitus. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s358}}Sexual desire decreased.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Weakness of sexual parts.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Bland, painless ulcers upon os. {{anchor:s362}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Severe painful swelling in either or both ovaries, very sensitive to touch. {{anchor:s364}}~ Metritis.\\ {{anchor:s365}}During an evacuation before menses, she has pinching, writhing and pressing like labor-pains.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Menses: too early, short, scanty, and of pale blood; too early; preceded by headache; delay, finally appear, being pale and scanty.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Menses scanty, pale and painful. {{anchor:s368}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Before menses: many dreams, on awaking face hot, headache and palpitation; abundant mucous discharge.\\ {{anchor:s370}}During menses: corroding urine and diarrhea; bloatedness.\\ {{anchor:s371}}After menses: exhausted in body and mind. {{anchor:s372}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Leucorrhea: of transparent mucus, attended with tremor and sensation as if everything would fall out of abdomen; acrid, corrosive; profuse, relieved by cold washing; during day; with tetter on temples; corroding, profuse, running down to heels, often only in daytime, relieved by cold washes.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Painful throbbing in left side of vagina, like the tick of a watch.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Stitches in left side of vulva, extending up to chest.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Free light yellow excoriating discharge from vagina.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Itching and burning pimples on labia.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Inflammation and swelling of vagina.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Stitches, throbbing and itching in vagina. {{anchor:s380}}~ Prolapsus uteri. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s384}}Gastric and abdominal symptoms during pregnancy: heartburn; constipation from inactive rectum ; groaning at night, crying out "it is not I," begging them to stop; tongue tingles; mucous leucorrhea, which runs down limbs.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Itching in mamma.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Constipation of sucklings. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s389}}Voice: has a nasal twang; husky; rough.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Hoarseness, evening and night, especially towards morning; disappearing while walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Sudden, complete aphonia.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Hoarse afternoons and evenings, with roughness and dryness.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Voice hoarse, rough, hollow, almost aphonic; met. {{anchor:s395}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Much talking, particularly in lively company, makes her hoarse.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Talking or singing makes him cough.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Talking increases soreness of chest.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Rawness in larynx on awaking.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Tickling in larynx, with irritation to cough.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Sensation of tightly adhering phlegm in larynx, not removed by hawking or cough; wheezing on inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Thyroid cartilage painful to touch.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Throat dry and voice husky on waking. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s405}}Rattling, asthmatic breathing; agg. coughing.\\ {{anchor:s406}}Oppression agg. when sitting stooped; amel. straightening up, or walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s407}}Talking or singing makes him cough.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Breathing arrested by copious, thick, tenacious, saltish mucus.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Oppressive pain in chest, tight feeling.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Dyspnea, with spasmodic pains in stomach and hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s411}}Short-breathed when lying on back; goes off by turning on side.\\ {{anchor:s412}}Worse getting tired from exerting voice.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Worse from deep inspiration; shooting from left hypochondria to heart.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Wheezing inspiration, with tough mucus in larynx. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s416}}Dry, hacking cough, with frequent sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Cough: from sensation as of loose skin hanging in throat; from tickling in larynx; from elongated uvula; from talking or singing; short; causes pains in right temple and top of head, sometimes also difficult breathing; soon after waking in morning; every morning a long attack of dry cough, ending in difficult raising of a little white mucus; with tearing pain and involuntary emission of urine, in old or withered looking people; sudden, violent irrepressible cough in evening while sitting; sometimes yields a piece of mucus mixed with blood; causes shooting in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s418}}All irritating things excite cough.\\ {{anchor:s419}}Painless evening cough.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Dry cough at night, with dryness of throat.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Continued dry hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing.\\ {{anchor:s422}}Sputum difficult and of a putrid taste. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s424}}Chronic bronchitis with inclination to sing.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Constriction of chest, with apprehension.\\ {{anchor:s426}}Oppression of chest, with constriction in esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Violent, oppressive pain in chest, agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Chest feels constricted, agg. from sitting bent or stooping, amel. on straightening up, or on walking.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Congestion of blood to chest and head, with redness of face and one ear, caused by suppressed hemorrhoidal flux.\\ {{anchor:s430}}Shooting stitches in chest right to left in afternoon, agg. on going down-stairs.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Talking increases soreness of chest; lifting aggravates or produces soreness in left chest.\\ {{anchor:s432}}Riding in a carriage gives pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:s433}}When stooping, a stitch from left side of abdomen to middle of chest.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Stitches extending from left side of vulva to chest.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Chest feels as if too large.\\ {{anchor:s436}}Chilliness in chest. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s438}}In cardiac region: shocks; shooting from left hypochonder.\\ {{anchor:s439}}Awakens with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s440}}Palpitation of heart. {{anchor:s441}}~ Prolapsus uteri. {{anchor:s442}}~ Dysphagia.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Palpitation irregular, large and small beats intermixed.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Pulse either unchanged, or full and accelerated.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Pulse hard, 90 to 100; met. {{anchor:s446}}~ Spinal disease. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s448}}Itching in nape of neck and of throat.\\ {{anchor:s449}}Shooting in right side of neck, posterior portion.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Pain in back and small of back, as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s451}}Pain in back, as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae.\\ {{anchor:s452}}At intervals, sudden sharp pains like a stab in lower part of back, which made her feel for the moment as if she could not straighten spine.\\ {{anchor:s453}}Cervical muscles drew head back during sleep; met. {{anchor:s454}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s455}}Violent stitch in middle of back.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Gnawing pain in back.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Throbbing in small of back during stool.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Pain in small of back during rest.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Pain in sacrum. {{anchor:s460}}~ Uterine troubles. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s462}}Skin of hands peels off.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Red rhagades on hands, worse in winter and from washing.\\ {{anchor:s464}}Panaritium, with brittle nails, lancinating pains and tendency to ulceration of finger-tips.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Brittle nails and brittle skin on tips of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s466}}Nails brittle, or thick; spots on nails.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Pain in arms when letting them hang down, or on stretching in bed.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Sudden jerk or concussion in shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Pain, as from a sprain, in shoulder joint, especially on raising arm.\\ {{anchor:s470}}Sense of tightness in arm, as from cold.\\ {{anchor:s471}}Burning on arms and fingers, and in elbow, as from a glowing iron.\\ {{anchor:s472}}Arms feel heavy, as if paralyzed; they go to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Arms feel shorter.\\ {{anchor:s474}}Tetter on forearm. {{anchor:s475}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Veins of hands distended.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Gnawing beneath finger nails, with crawling along arm, as far as clavicle.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Stitches in wrist while working. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s480}}Tearing in thighs and legs, when sitting and lying, especially at night.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Long continued tension in thighs and legs, almost like a cramp, extending downward.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Legs feel numb and stiff, especially at night.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Nates go to sleep when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Great heaviness in lower limbs, can scarcely drag them; when walking he staggers, and must sit down; evenings.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Burning and smarting itching on thighs, amel. from scratching.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Frequent cramps in calves.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Tearing in knees and patellae, or from knee to toes.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Trembling of knees.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Numbness of heel when stepping.\\ {{anchor:s490}}Soles of feet too sore to step on.\\ {{anchor:s491}}Pain in sole of foot, on stepping, as though it were too soft and swollen. {{anchor:s492}}~ Tabes dorsalis.\\ {{anchor:s493}}Itching and redness of toes, agg. after scratching.\\ {{anchor:s494}}Stitches in corns and toes.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Great weariness of legs when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Heaviness in feet with great lassitude of legs.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Cold feet, followed by burning under toes.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Smarting stitches in corns.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Pain as from fatigue, in articulation of foot when sitting. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s501}}Arms and legs feel heavy.\\ {{anchor:s502}}Frequent stretching of limbs when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s503}}Trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s504}}Jerking and twitching of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s505}}Pains in limbs as if bones were squeezed narrower, with pressure in joints.\\ {{anchor:s506}}Drawing in extremities. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s510}}Resting head relieves headache.\\ {{anchor:s511}}Raising head: increases vertigo, nausea and vomiting; met. {{anchor:s512}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s513}}During rest: pain in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s514}}Aversion to motion.\\ {{anchor:s515}}Complaints from carrying on back; or bodily exertion.\\ {{anchor:s516}}Pain in chest from lifting or carrying things.\\ {{anchor:s517}}Stitches in hypochondria, worse from motion.\\ {{anchor:s518}}Moderate exercise (in open air) relieves.\\ {{anchor:s519}}Walking about or moving feet relieves uneasiness.\\ {{anchor:s520}}Headache, amel. lying, agg. walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s521}}When attempting to walk, great weakness and uncertainty in lower limbs, has to be led; met. {{anchor:s522}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s523}}When walking: abdomen hangs heavily; discharge of dark blood from rectum; fluor albus more profuse.\\ {{anchor:s524}}Talking or a short walk fatigues very much; causes numbness of limbs, flushes of heat.\\ {{anchor:s525}}Lying down: amel. headache; agg. lassitude, yet there is desire to lie down.\\ {{anchor:s526}}Going down-stairs: stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s527}}Worse from dancing: renal pains.\\ {{anchor:s528}}Worse ascending: frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s529}}Stepping: agg. frontal headache; numbness of heel; pain in sole of foot.\\ {{anchor:s530}}Straining, lifting, etc., cause soreness in chest and abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s531}}Reaching high: strains abdominal muscles.\\ {{anchor:s532}}Sitting: weariness of legs; pain in foot joint; stretching limbs.\\ {{anchor:s533}}Sitting bent: pain in abdomen agg.; oppressed respiration; constriction in chest.\\ {{anchor:s534}}Stooping: vertigo; pain in vertex; constriction of chest; pain in scrobiculum, liver, hypochondria and abdomen; stitch from abdomen to chest.\\ {{anchor:s535}}Short-breathed lying on back, not on side.\\ {{anchor:s536}}Better lying on left side; agg. lying on right.\\ {{anchor:s537}}Worse from standing and sitting: pain and heat in forehead. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s539}}Want of bodily irritability.\\ {{anchor:s540}}Great exhaustion of strength, especially after walking in open air; accompanied by yawning, stretching, drowsiness and inclination to lie down; lying, however, increases lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s541}}Much fatigued by talking.\\ {{anchor:s542}}Faint and tired, must sit down.\\ {{anchor:s543}}Involuntary movements of single parts.\\ {{anchor:s544}}Spasms, with attacks of laughing and weeping.\\ {{anchor:s545}}Paralysis from spinal disease; cannot walk with eyes closed.\\ {{anchor:s546}}Rheumatic and traumatic paralysis, in gouty patients.\\ {{anchor:s547}}One-sided paralysis, especially of extensors.\\ {{anchor:s548}}Hysteria. {{anchor:s549}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s550}}Excited condition of mind and body; acute smell, red face, tingling tongue, constriction in internal parts, involuntary jerks, all alternating with dullness of sight, loss of smell, pale face, lassitude and drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s551}}Tremor. {{anchor:s552}}~ Leucorrhea and prolapsus.\\ {{anchor:s553}}Tremulousness, when he touches anything, he feels electrified.\\ {{anchor:s554}}Suddenly jerks head backward; involuntary motions; laughing and crying.\\ {{anchor:s555}}Slow tottering gait, as after severe illness. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s557}}Drowsiness by day.\\ {{anchor:s558}}Lies awake from crowding of ideas or fancies, or from heaviness in arms.\\ {{anchor:s559}}Sleepiness, with inclination to lie down.\\ {{anchor:s560}}Unrefreshing night sleep; a mere slumbering, with feeling in morning as if he had not slept enough. {{anchor:s561}}~ Cephalalgia.\\ {{anchor:s562}}Restless sleep; turns frequently; feels too warm; lies uncovered in unrefreshing slumber, with many dreams and frequent awaking; starts in affright; muttering or crying.\\ {{anchor:s563}}Restless sleep, always awaking with palpitation of heart.\\ {{anchor:s564}}Dreams, anxious; of boat foundering; ghosts; thieves; confused.\\ {{anchor:s565}}During sleep: lies on side; bites his tongue.\\ {{anchor:s566}}Frequent urination in night.\\ {{anchor:s567}}During sleep cervical muscles drew head backward; met. {{anchor:s568}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s569}}Worse on awaking: mind; weak and faint, until he eats; wakes unrefreshed; heat in face; huskiness; dryness in throat, tenacious mucus; rawness in larynx; palpitation. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s571}}Time passes too slowly.\\ {{anchor:s572}}Remission from evening until morning.\\ {{anchor:s573}}Worse evening and night: throat complaints.\\ {{anchor:s574}}Towards morning: hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s575}}Before breakfast: vertigo, faint nausea, relieved after eating.\\ {{anchor:s576}}Morning: mental depression; transient vertigo; pain in head and neck amel.; burning in eyes; dry mucus in eyes; cough and sputa; pressure on chest; colic.\\ {{anchor:s577}}Worse morning and evening: burning of eyes; mucus in throat.\\ {{anchor:s578}}Worse all day: mucous leucorrhea; drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s579}}Worse alternate days: constipation; chronic diarrhea; prolapsus uteri; chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s580}}Worse afternoon: hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s581}}Worse evening: apprehension; tetter on scalp; dim sight, dryness, pressure and burning in eyes; spasmodic closure of eyelids; one ear red and hot; tearing and stitches in ear; ozaena; toothache; pains in throat; eructations; hemorrhoids; weakness in bladder; hoarseness; languor; heaviness in lower limbs; heat.\\ {{anchor:s582}}On going to bed: pains in head and neck.\\ {{anchor:s583}}From 4 P. M. till going to bed she feels well. {{anchor:s584}}~ Melancholy.\\ {{anchor:s585}}At night: headache agg.; spasmodic closure of lids; pains in throat agg.; frequent urination; pain in chest agg.\\ {{anchor:s586}}New and full moon: tetter on scalp; heat. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s588}}Unpleasant want of animal heat.\\ {{anchor:s589}}Warm food and drinks relieve throat.\\ {{anchor:s590}}She feels better in open air. {{anchor:s591}}~ Prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s592}}Takes cold easily sitting in room, gets hoarse; this lessens when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s593}}Generally amel. in warmth; agg. in cold air, outdoors.\\ {{anchor:s594}}Better walking, outdoors, in mild weather; inclination to be in open air.\\ {{anchor:s595}}Cannot bear the cold, nor a warm room.\\ {{anchor:s596}}Warmth of bed: body itches.\\ {{anchor:s597}}Open air: pain in forehead, dullness of sight, cold feeling in eyes; toothache agg.; hoarseness; oppressed breathing amel.; chilliness with headache.\\ {{anchor:s598}}Worse in dry weather; thin fecal stools.\\ {{anchor:s599}}Winter: rhagades; eruptions.\\ {{anchor:s600}}Cold washing: leucorrhea amel.; rhagades.\\ {{anchor:s601}}Better in wet weather or moistening the diseased part. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s603}}Chill: with great thirst; with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s604}}Internal chill and shivering, with desire for warmth of stove, with stretching and bending of limbs, agg. after warm drink; often with heat of face.\\ {{anchor:s605}}Chill during day, heat at night.\\ {{anchor:s606}}Frequent repetition of chills in evening.\\ {{anchor:s607}}Heat at night, with anxiety and sweat.\\ {{anchor:s608}}Heat in evening, commencing in and spreading from face, sometimes of only right side.\\ {{anchor:s609}}Chill appeared after eating soup at dinner. {{anchor:s610}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s611}}Slight chill in evening; met. {{anchor:s612}}~ Spinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s613}}Sweat at night, towards morning most profuse in face, frequently only on right side of face; less when walking out of doors.\\ {{anchor:s614}}Entire inability to sweat. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s616}}At intervals sudden, sharp pains, like a stab.\\ {{anchor:s617}}Worse at new and full moon. {{anchor:s618}}~ Skin symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s619}}Worse in winter. {{anchor:s620}}~ Skin symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s621}}Worse on alternate days. {{anchor:s622}}~ Chronic diarrhea. {{anchor:s623}}~ Chlorosis. {{anchor:s624}}~ Prolapsus uteri. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s626}}Complaints chiefly in external parts (burning, etc.).\\ {{anchor:s627}}Semilateral affections of head.\\ {{anchor:s628}}Paralysis left sided, painless.\\ {{anchor:s629}}Pains go upward.\\ {{anchor:s630}}Jerks go from head over body.\\ {{anchor:s631}}Upper left, lower right side, most affected.\\ {{anchor:s632}}Drawing toothache, extending to other parts, as down to larynx, neck, shoulder, etc.\\ {{anchor:s633}}Left: headache; upper lid hangs down; pain in internal canthus; side of nose stopped up; throbbing from hypochondria to heart; throbbing in vagina; stitches in vulva.\\ {{anchor:s634}}Right: heat and sweat of face; inguinal glands sore and swollen; shooting in side of neck.\\ {{anchor:s635}}Right to left: stitches in lungs. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s637}}Cloudiness and drunken feeling; as if contents of head were in a vise; pressure on forehead as from a tight hat; as if hair was pulled; pressure as from a grain of sand in canthus; as if something lay before ear; as if white of egg had dried on face; teeth feel long and sore; as from a plug or lump in throat; as if food could not pass to stomach; as of a splinter in throat; pharynx feels narrower on waking, as if contracted and lame; abdomen seems to hang down heavily; rectum as if paralyzed; renal pains as from riding over a rough road; as if a few drops remained in urethra; as if everything would fall out of abdomen: like tick of a watch in left side of vagina; as of tightly adhering phlegm in larynx; as of loose skin hanging in throat; as if beaten in small of back; as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae; like a stab in lower part of back; sudden jerk or concussion in shoulder; arms feel shorter; as from fatigue in articulation of foot; as if bones were squeezed narrower; feels electrified when touching anything.\\ {{anchor:s638}}Pain: in vertex; in head and nape of neck; in root of nose; in throat; in epigastrium and hypochondria; in left testicle; in back; in small of back; in sacrum; in arms; in sole of foot.\\ {{anchor:s639}}Burning: in forehead; in eyes; of lids; at anus; in varices; in urethra; pimples on labia; on arms and fingers; on elbow; on thighs; under toes.\\ {{anchor:s640}}Tearing: in malar bone; from liver to hip; in thighs and legs; in knees and patellae; from knees to toes.\\ {{anchor:s641}}Lancinating: in malar bone; in hemorrhoids; in finger tips.\\ {{anchor:s642}}Lacerating: in head.\\ {{anchor:s643}}Gnawing pain: in back; beneath finger nails.\\ {{anchor:s644}}Cutting: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s645}}Stitches: in brain; in eyes; in ears; in throat; in pit of stomach; in liver; in both hypochondria; in region of abdominal ring; in left side of vulva; in vagina; in middle of back.\\ {{anchor:s646}}Shooting stitches: in chest, right to left; from left hypochonder to cardiac region; in wrist; in corns and toes.\\ {{anchor:s647}}Smarting stitches: in corns.\\ {{anchor:s648}}Shooting: in vertex; in region of spleen; from left hypochondrium to cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s649}}Stinging: on swallowing; in varices.\\ {{anchor:s650}}Drawing: in right side of occiput; in jaws and cheeks; toothache, extending to other parts; from stomach to chest and throat; in extremities.\\ {{anchor:s651}}Painful throbbing: in left side of vagina.\\ {{anchor:s652}}Spasmodic pains: in hypochondria and stomach.\\ {{anchor:s653}}Pressive pain: in forehead; as if a portion of esophagus was contracted in middle of chest.\\ {{anchor:s654}}Tensive pain: in articulation of jaw.\\ {{anchor:s655}}Bruised pains: of liver.\\ {{anchor:s656}}Soreness: of scalp; in mouth; in throat, or right inguinal glands; in chest; of soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s657}}Smarting: in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s658}}Rawness: in throat; in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s659}}Excoriated feeling: in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s660}}Urging: in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s661}}Pressure: in forehead; over eyes; in eyes; in throat; in both groins; in perineum; in joints.\\ {{anchor:s662}}Constriction: from pharynx to stomach; in stomach; in esophagus; of rectum; of chest.\\ {{anchor:s663}}Contractions: in both hypochonders.\\ {{anchor:s664}}Cramps: in calves.\\ {{anchor:s665}}Tightness: in right side of occiput; in chest; in arm.\\ {{anchor:s666}}Tension: of skin of face; in jaws; in region of abdominal ring; in thighs and legs.\\ {{anchor:s667}}Stupefying tightness: in right temple.\\ {{anchor:s668}}Beating: in right side of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s669}}Throbbing: in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s670}}Pulsations: in vertex; over right temple; in temporal arteries increased; in anus; in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s671}}Roughness: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s672}}Sprained feeling: in shoulder joint.\\ {{anchor:s673}}Swollen feeling: in sides of throat; in sole of foot.\\ {{anchor:s674}}Weakness: of sphincter ani; in bladder and genitals; in penis; of female sexual parts; of legs.\\ {{anchor:s675}}Heaviness: of head; in abdomen; of arms; in lower limbs; in arms and legs.\\ {{anchor:s676}}Oppressive pain: in chest; in feet.\\ {{anchor:s677}}Weight: on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s678}}Paralyzed feeling: of arms.\\ {{anchor:s679}}Numbness: of head; of scalp; in legs; of heel.\\ {{anchor:s680}}Tingling: in tongue.\\ {{anchor:s681}}Itching: of scalp; at inner canthus; of canthi; of various parts of face; on tongue; at anus; of piles; of glans penis; of pimples on labia; in vagina; in mamma; in nape of neck; of thighs; on thighs; of throat; of toes; of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s682}}Crawling: along arm as far as clavicle.\\ {{anchor:s683}}Creeping titillation: of scalp.\\ {{anchor:s684}}Tickling: on genitals and thighs; in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s685}}Heat: in head.\\ {{anchor:s686}}Coldness: in eyes; of feet.\\ {{anchor:s687}}Stiffness: in legs.\\ {{anchor:s688}}Dryness: of hair; in eyes; of lids; in mouth; of throat; in throat. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s690}}Veins distended.\\ {{anchor:s691}}Mucous membranes very dry or secreting scantily.\\ {{anchor:s692}}Emaciation.\\ {{anchor:s693}}Chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s694}}Scrofula. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s698}}Injuries. {{anchor:s699}}Touch and pressure relieve pain in right temple.\\ {{anchor:s700}}Sensitive to touch: vertex; scalp; perineum; ovaries.\\ {{anchor:s701}}Better from scratching, but bleeding follows.\\ {{anchor:s702}}Pressing teeth together aggravates.\\ {{anchor:s703}}Better from wiping eyes.\\ {{anchor:s704}}Riding in carriage gives her pain in chest. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s706}}Skin yellow. {{anchor:s707}}~ Liver complaint.\\ {{anchor:s708}}Intolerable itching of whole body, especially when getting warm in bed; scratches until skin bleeds, which is then painful.\\ {{anchor:s709}}Eruptions humid, scabby, sore, gnawing.\\ {{anchor:s710}}Ulcerated surface secretes a yellow-brownish, badly smelling pus.\\ {{anchor:s711}}Blood-boils. {{anchor:s712}}Rhagades. {{anchor:s713}}Bulbous excrescences.\\ {{anchor:s714}}Leprosy.\\ {{anchor:s715}}Dry, tettery, itching eruption.\\ {{anchor:s716}}Tetter itching in evening.\\ {{anchor:s717}}Formication in skin. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s719}}Suitable to persons of a scrofulous habit who suffer from chronic diseases.\\ {{anchor:s720}}Constitutions with diminished animal heat.\\ {{anchor:s721}}Infancy: constipation, especially when artificial food is used.\\ {{anchor:s722}}Cholera infantum, stools green; acidity of primae viae.\\ {{anchor:s723}}Puberty: chlorosis, with longing for indigestible substances.\\ {{anchor:s724}}Dark complexion, excitable.\\ {{anchor:s725}}Mild disposition: mild, tearful, anxious. {{anchor:s726}}~ Constipation and catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s727}}Spare habit; dry, thin subjects.\\ {{anchor:s728}}Boy, aet. 12, cerebro-spinal disease. {{anchor:s729}}After Bellad., Phos. and Nux vom. had been given with very little improvement, Alum. met. [30] cured.\\ {{anchor:s730}}Old people, hypochondriacal, or suffering from chronic diseases, especially catarrhs.\\ {{anchor:s731}}Vertigo in old people, with atheromata or earthy deposits on the cerebral or cardiac arteries.\\ {{anchor:s732}}Chronic catarrh of head.\\ {{anchor:s733}}Cough with involuntary emission of urine in old withered looking people. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s735}}Similar to: Bar. carb. (hypochondriasis of aged; constipation); Bryon. (peevish, irritable; gastric and abdominal symptoms; constipation; throbbing headache; dry cough with vomiting; stitches in chest; dryness of mucous surfaces; fever, etc.); Calc. ostr.; Chamom. (useful as an intermediate remedy); Conium (old people; loss of power of internal recti of eyes); Ferrum (chlorosis; relaxed abdomen; disgust for meat, etc.); Ferr. jod. (profuse, transparent leucorrhea); Graphit. (chlorosis; skin rough, chapped, itching; nails; blepharitis, etc.); Ipec.; Laches. (sad on waking; climaxis); Pulsat. (tearful, peevish; head, etc., better in open air; ozaena; taste lost; averse to meat; chlorosis; scanty menses; complaints at puberty; lack of animal heat; soles of feet sore, agg. walking; toes red, itching, etc.); Plumbum (colic; constipation, etc.); Ruta (loss of power of internal recti of eyes); Sepia (irritable, tearful; ozaena; scanty menses; puberty; prolapsus uteri; inactive rectum; weakness in urinary organs, etc.); Silic.; Sulphur; Zincum (inner canthus; granular lids).\\ {{anchor:s736}}Compare with the following in clergyman's sore throat: Arg. nitr., Kali bich., Lycop., etc.\\ {{anchor:s737}}Alumin. follows: Bryon., Laches., Sulphur; and is followed by: Bryon.\\ {{anchor:s738}}Alumin. and Bryon. are complementary.\\ {{anchor:s739}}Antidotes to Alumin.{{anchor:s740}}: Bryon., Camphor, Chamom., Ipec.\\ {{anchor:s741}}Alumin. antidotes: lead-poisoning, as in painter's colic; ailments from lead. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 01, 1879 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r26|Alumina]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r26|Alumina]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1879 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}