====== AMMONIACUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Ammoniacum. {{anchor:s2}}Gum Ammoniac. {{anchor:s3}}Umbelliferae. {{anchor:s4}}A Persian gum obtained from Dorema ammoniacum, an umbelliferous plant. {{anchor:s5}}A drug famous since ancient times. {{anchor:s6}}Proved and introduced by I. G. Jahnel in 1837, proved again by J. B. Buchner in 1840, and by several others in 1847. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s8}}Anxiety, with congestion of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Low-spirited; sluggish; drowsy.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Indisposed to mental work.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Intellectual labor prevented by headache. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s13}}Aching in forehead with confusion of whole head, and such drowsiness that any effort or labor was impossible.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Forehead confused, with weakness of sight and heaviness in loins.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Confusion of head and sleepiness, with a sensation as if bruised in limbs, and pains in course of crural nerve. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s17}}Pains throughout whole forehead; increasing all day till evening, preventing intellectual labor.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Severe headache continuing during night, preventing sleep.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Aching in forehead, with confusion of whole head, and such drowsiness that any effort or labor was utterly impossible.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Pressive pains in whole forehead, and over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Transient, stitching pains in left temporal region.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Tearings in left side of head.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pressive pain in whole head, especially in supraorbital region and occiput.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Stitching pains through head.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Heaviness of the head. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s27}}Itching, mostly on border of hair in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Pimples on border of scalp.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Frequently returning knifelike stitches in middle of hairy scalp.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Stitching in occiput, on edge of hair; under hair pustules formed.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Numbness in occiput. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Stars and fiery points floating before his eyes.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Beams of light and sparks proceeding from eyes.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Candlelight surrounded by brilliant colored rings.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Glaring as from melted metal before eyes; sparks and streaks agg. in evening.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Sees things through a thick mist or a cloud of dust.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Dim sight after a blow on head.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Eyes fatigued from reading; they become injected and throb.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Dimness and obstruction of sight in evening, amounting almost to blindness.\\ {{anchor:s41}}He sees before him smoke, which, taking flight of small birds, forms a large circle and is most distinct at twenty paces, on a white ground. {{anchor:s42}}Generally smaller circles are present; in which case the smoke seems only an appendage to these circles. {{anchor:s43}}The appearance and motion of these circles depend upon the unsteadiness of the look and correspond to an appearance of congestion at internal corners of eye. {{anchor:s44}}The margins of the circles are always grey, and become black on sudden motion. {{anchor:s45}}On first looking at an object, circles appear above lens, but on looking steadily they sink to middle and remain floating there. {{anchor:s46}}They are clearer in clear weather and dimmer in dark weather. {{anchor:s47}}Sometimes he also sees a black spot which becomes larger as night advances. {{anchor:s48}}~ Amblyopia, after a blow.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Daylight hurts his eyes.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Aching in upper part of eye. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Buzzing, roaring in ears, with hardness of hearing.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Pain in ears, with toothache.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Large secretion of earwax. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s56}}Mucous discharge from nose with frequent sneezing and mucous expectoration. {{anchor:s57}}~ Coryza.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Dry nose on waking.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Constant motion of alae nasi. {{anchor:s60}}~ Congestion of lungs. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s62}}Pale face, feels sick; frequent change of color.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Drawing in right malar bone towards temple.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Dark face, anxious, parched look. {{anchor:s65}}~ Congestion of lungs. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Darting from region of lower jaw to interior of mouth. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Toothache, pain extending into ear. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s71}}Insipid taste. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Darting from region of lower jaw into mouth. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Bitterish unpleasant taste in throat.\\ {{anchor:s76}}After swallowing, a sensation in throat as from a dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Sensation of sharpness and burning in throat and esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Dryness of throat, most troublesome in morning, always increases by inhaling fresh air. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s81}}Want of appetite. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Belching after eating. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s85}}Disgust, with inclination to vomit.\\ {{anchor:s86}}(OBS:) Vomiting and purging. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s88}}Aching in pit of stomach. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Induration of liver.\\ {{anchor:s91}}(OBS:) Infarcts of liver, spleen and pancreas. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s93}}Slight pains in belly with borborygmi.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Chilliness and wandering pain in abdomen, followed by an abundant mucous stool.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Dull, shooting, jerking pain in region of cecum; agg. when turning on to right side.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Pressure and heaviness in pubic region. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s98}}Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Abundant mucous stool, after chilliness and wandering pain in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Stools sometimes fluid.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Fetid flatulence with papescent stool.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Chronic diarrhea, with cutting pains, weakness, discharges bilious or mucous.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Summer complaint of children. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s105}}After a few days many torulae were formed in urine.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Lactate of urea much increased.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Burning in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Dribbling after urination. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Heaviness and aching in pubic region.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Itching in pubic region.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Shooting and drawing in right spermatic cord and penis.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Indurated testicles.\\ {{anchor:s114}}(OBS:) Hydrocele. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s116}}Menotasia, dysmenorrhea from obstructions in portal system.\\ {{anchor:s117}}(OBS:) Irregular menses, amenorrhea from chlorosis. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s120}}Rough throat.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Tickling without cough.\\ {{anchor:s122}}(OBS:) Chronic bronchitis. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s124}}Short, loud, accelerated breathing, with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Oppression and stitches in left chest, when inspiring.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Difficult breathing. {{anchor:s127}}~ Congestion of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Oppression of chest relieved by raising tough phlegm.\\ {{anchor:s129}}(OBS:) Spasmodic asthma. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s131}}Mucous expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s132}}(OBS:) Asthenic pulmonary complaints.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Promotes power of ejecting sputa if sick have not the strength.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Mucus tough, profuse and hard.\\ {{anchor:s135}}(OBS:) Chronic pulmonary and bronchial catarrh, with nauseous thick fluid, puslike sputa.\\ {{anchor:s136}}(OBS:) Large accumulation of purulent or viscid matter, with feeble or difficult expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Aged people suffer in cold weather from bronchial affections, with accumulation of mucus and much difficulty in raising it. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s139}}Pressure in chest.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Dull and numb feeling in posterior part of right chest, followed by pressure deep in.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Lungs congested; dullness on both sides; great difficulty in breathing and anxiety, constant motion of alae nasi; face dark with anxious and parched look; no expectoration; with this an attack of asthma. {{anchor:s142}}~ Suppressed eczema following vaccination. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s144}}Heart-beat stronger, but not more rapid; extends into pit of stomach; agg. in evening when lying down and when lying on back or left side.\\ {{anchor:s145}}At night, when lying down, heart and arteries throb; eyes weary after reading; cannot get to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Pulse small, corded, quick and hard.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Pulse quickened, frequent and hard.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Pulse tense. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s150}}Weight and pressure in lumbar vertebrae, with stitches in loins during inhalation, and rheumatic pain in left pelvis. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s152}}Lancination in shoulder joints.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Left arm weak.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Rheumatic pain, as if bruised, most in elbow joint and left wrist, with tearing in right hand.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Pain in left shoulder joint and arm.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Panaritium. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s158}}Stitches in right hip when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Stitches over hip when walking, he limps.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Cannot walk from pain in right hip joint.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Darting pain in left thigh along crural nerve.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Violent pain over knee when walking.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Knee swollen in evening, while sitting, with pinching in bend of joint.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Stitches in right knee, in tibia and tarsal joint.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Gouty pain in left big toe.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Itching on soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Tingling in right foot.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Pinching, tearing, drawing, burning in left foot.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Swelling of toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s171}}Tearing pain in wrist and ankles, followed by swollen toes and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Tired feeling and heaviness in limbs, even after slightest exertion. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Lying down on back or on left side; heart symptoms worse.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Turning on right side: increases pain in cecum.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Sitting: stitches in right hip; knee swollen, pricking in bend of joint.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Walking; stitches over hip; pain over knee.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Cannot walk: from pain in right hip joint.\\ {{anchor:s181}}After slightest exertion: tiredness and heaviness of limbs. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s183}}Uneasiness; weariness.\\ {{anchor:s184}}(OBS:) Hysteria with weakness. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s186}}Drowsiness all day, sleep full of dreams.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Drowsiness with headache, making labor impossible.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Gaping because stomach is empty, brings tears in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s189}}On awaking: nose, mouth and throat very dry.\\ {{anchor:s190}}On getting up in morning: lazy, drowsy and depressed in spirits. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s192}}Night: headache continues; heart and arteries throb.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Morning: dryness of throat agg.; lazy, drowsy and depressed on rising.\\ {{anchor:s194}}All day till evening: pain throughout whole forehead.\\ {{anchor:s195}}All day: drowsy.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Evening: glaring before eyes; sparks and streaks before eyes agg.; dimness of vision; heart symptoms agg.; knee swollen.\\ {{anchor:s197}}As night advances: sees a black spot. {{anchor:s198}}~ Amblyopia. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s200}}Fresh air: inhaling it makes dryness of throat worse.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Cold weather: increase of bronchial troubles.\\ {{anchor:s202}}In clear weather, objects look clearer; in dull weather, dimmer. {{anchor:s203}}~ Amblyopia. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s205}}Chilliness followed by slight fever and headache.\\ {{anchor:s206}}A running chill from feet up over back.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Disposition to sweat. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s209}}Right: drawing in malar bone; dull and numb, posterior part of chest; tearing in hand; stitches in hip; stitches in knee; tingling in foot.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Left: transient stitches in temple; tearing in side of head; stitches in chest; rheumatic pains in pelvis; arm weak; rheumatic pains in wrist, arm and shoulder joint; darting pain in thigh; gouty pain in big toe; pinching, tearing, drawing and burning in foot.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Below upward: running chill from feet up back. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s213}}Stitches: in left temporal region; through head; in hairy scalp; in occiput on edge of hair; in left chest when inspiring; in loins during inhalation; in shoulder joints; in right hip when sitting; over hip when walking; in right knee, tibia and tarsal joint; as from dry cough in throat after swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Lancination: in shoulder joints.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Darting: from region of lower jaw into mouth; in left thigh along crural nerve.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Shooting: in right spermatic cord and penis.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Tearing: in left side of head; in right hand; in wrist and ankles; in left foot.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Cutting pain: with diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Sharpness and burning: in throat and esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Drawing: in right malar bone towards temple; in spermatic cord and penis; in left foot.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Burning: in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Aching: in forehead; in upper part of eye; in pit of stomach; in pubic region.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Bruised feeling: in limbs; in upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Pinching: in bend of joint; in left foot.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Heaviness: of head; in loins with headache; in pubic region; in lumbar vertebrae; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Itching: on border of hair in nape of neck; in pubic region; on soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Tingling: in right foot.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Numbness: in occiput; in posterior part of right chest.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Dryness: of nose; in throat.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Chilliness: in abdomen with wandering pain.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Pain: in forehead; in course of crural nerves; in ears; in left shoulder joint and arm; over knee.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Stinging, tearing, pricking pain, here and there, mostly in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Tired feeling and heaviness: in limbs after slight exertion.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Dull shooting jerking pain: in region of cecum.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Toothache extending into ears.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Pressure: in chest; in pubic region; in lumbar vertebrae.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Rheumatic pain: in left pelvis; in elbow joint and left wrist.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Gouty pain: in left big toe.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Pressive pains: in forehead; in whole head. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s241}}(OBS:) Hemorrhages.\\ {{anchor:s242}}(OBS:) Causes abundant serous discharges.\\ {{anchor:s243}}(OBS:) Dropsical complaints.\\ {{anchor:s244}}(OBS:) Gout not developing in usual form of attacks, but disturbing general health.\\ {{anchor:s245}}(OBS:) Scrofulous tumors or enlarged joints. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Blows with a stick over the head, followed by dim sight. {{anchor:s250}}~ Amblyopia. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s252}}Red rash over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s253}}After itching, little blisters like rash in typhus, but containing a yellow fluid; afternoon, violent fever with swelling of face, more like a red rash.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Suppression of eczema following vaccination. {{anchor:s255}}~ Congestion of lungs. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s257}}Constitution. {{anchor:s258}}Man, aet. 26, fair haired, robust frame. {{anchor:s259}}~ Amblyopia.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Aged people suffering during cold weather. {{anchor:s261}}See bronchial affections. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s263}}Similar to its relatives: the umbelliferae, especially Conium (glands, eyes, etc.); Opoponax; Asaf. (asthma); Cicut. (eruption in whiskers); Galban.; Sagap.; Sumbul (heart-throb too strong). {{anchor:s264}}Also: Acon. (heart); Ambra (asthma); Arnic. (traumatic amblyopia); Arsen. (heart; asthma); Aurum (congestion to eyes; heart; indurated testicle, etc.); Bellad. (eyes; heart; Ammoniac in asthenopia, stands between Bellad. and Ruta.); Chelid. (strong, but not quickened heart-throb); Cotyl. (strong heart-throb); Fagopyr. (strong throb of heart and arteries); Iber. (strong heart-beat); Lycop.; Myrrh.; Natr. mur. (asthenopia, eruption at nape, etc.); Nitr. ac. (See 27); Oliban.; Phosphor. (strong heart-throb; eyes; asthma); Pulsat. (styes; heart agg. when lying on left side); Sulphur (congestive palpitation and throbbing all over at night, etc.); Seneg. (asthma from mucus; heart-beat too strong, etc.).\\ {{anchor:s265}}Antidoted by: Arnic. and Bryon. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 01, 1879 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r351|Ammoniacum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r351|Ammoniacum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1879 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}