====== ASA FOETIDA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Asafoetida. {{anchor:s2}}Assafetida. {{anchor:s3}}Umbelliferae. {{anchor:s4}}Introduced and proved by Franz, in 1822. {{anchor:s5}}See Stapf's Archives, vol. i, No. 3, p. 187; 326 symptoms from Hahnemann, Stapf, Gross and Gutmann. {{anchor:s6}}In 1829, Jrg's were added by Hartlaub (1833). {{anchor:s7}}In 1839 one symptom of Jahn, not of Trinks, who never has proved. {{anchor:s8}}In 1868, a full proving of Lembke, with the substance. {{anchor:s9}}Translated by Lilienthal, and published in the New York Quarterly, page 475, 1869, with remarks. {{anchor:s10}}The last proving of E. W. Berridge, Organon, vol. ii, is of great importance. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s12}}Consciousness unaffected. {{anchor:s13}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Fits of joy with bursts of laughter. {{anchor:s15}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Excitement of mind. {{anchor:s17}}See 29.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Unsteady and fickle, cannot persevere in anything; wants now one thing, then another; walks hither and thither.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Anxious sadness and apprehensions of dying.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Apprehension seemingly arising from abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Apprehension. {{anchor:s22}}See 29.\\ {{anchor:s23}}With heart symptoms, fear of death.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Fears paralysis or softening of brain.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Dislike for solitude.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Constant change of mind; fits of grief, of joy; laughter or anxious sadness.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Depression.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Fits of low spirits with heart symptoms; low-spirited between heart attacks.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Ill humor, irritable mood, and yet indifferent to everything.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Ill humor, irritable mood, dislike to work. {{anchor:s31}}~ Caries.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Hypochondriac and hysteric restlessness and anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s33}}If he thinks of having taken drug, it brings on faintness. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s35}}Very sensitive and excitable; all perception of senses lessened, but not consciousness.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Oversensitiveness, either physical or mental.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Fainting during height of paroxysm of colic.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Stupefying tension in head, mostly left side; agg. afternoon or evening, sitting bent forward, after going to bed; amel. sitting up.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Vertigo with violent pressing in head, vanishing of sight in evening and afterwards cold sweat on forehead and limbs; colic; flatulence; portal congestion.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Unconsciousness; with bellyache. {{anchor:s41}}See 19. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s43}}Pain in left side of head extending to eyes, changing into intermitting, severe pain and slight fullness of brain.\\ {{anchor:s44}}A sudden pain in left temple, like an inward-pressing pointed plug.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Inner semilateral headache, oftener on left side.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Pressive pain in forehead and left side of head from within outward.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Dull pain and fullness in left side of head, with bleeding from left nostril, heart beating slowly.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Fullness and throbbing in head, heart beats feebly, with apprehension.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Fullness of head when riding in a carriage.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Pressure in sides of head or temples, like from a dull stick, better from touch.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Fullness of head, changing gradually into aching and pressing pain, as if whole brain was compressed; with dizziness, increased heat of skin and some quickness of pulse.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Awoke with fullness of head, which gradually changed to periodically recurring pains, lasting, more or less, into next night.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Drawing, wavelike pressure through left half of forehead, ending in dull pressure on frontal eminence.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Flying stitch from within outward, in forehead, temples and sides of head.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Jerking through head.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Single, sudden, and deep penetrating stitches under left frontal eminence, like shocks followed by some sensitiveness.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Pain as if a nail or plug was driven into brain.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Crampy pain in forehead above eyebrows.\\ {{anchor:s59}}The brain seems tense.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Rush of blood to head, and warmth of face.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Congestive headache.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Sensation of swashing in head as of water, and gurgling behind upper part of frontal bone.\\ {{anchor:s63}}All headaches agg. towards evening, in room, while at rest, sitting or lying; amel. when rising or moving about in open air.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Reading and writing make her worse.\\ {{anchor:s65}}The pains in the head cease, or change from touch.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Nervous headache of hysterical or scrofulous people.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Cold sensation in head. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Pain in right parietal, as from a deeply penetrating plug.\\ {{anchor:s70}}The pains in head cease or are changed from external touch.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Cold sweat on forehead. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Dimness of sight; letters become darker on writing; disappear after blinking.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Mist before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Muscae volitantes.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Sight worn from reading or writing.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Boring pain above eyebrows; burning, especially at night. {{anchor:s78}}~ Iritis, kerato-iritis, retinitis, of syphilitic origin.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Dull pressure at external border of left orbit.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Troublesome dryness of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Burning in eyes; stitches; dryness.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Periodic burning in eyes and pressing together of lids as if overcome with sleep.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Burning in eyeballs; in left as from within outward.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Sharp pain extending through eye into head, upon touching.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Nocturnal, throbbing pains in and around eye and head. {{anchor:s86}}~ Syphilitic iritis, abuse of mercury.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Deep-seated inflammation of eyeball, attended by ciliary pains. {{anchor:s88}}~ Iritis, kerato-iritis, irido-choroiditis and retinitis, especially if of syphilitic origin.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Extensive superficial ulceration of cornea, with burning, sticking or pressing pains, from within outward; rest and pressure relieve; also amel. in open air; numbness around eye.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Itching in right eye.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Periodic burning in eyes and pressing together of lids; as if overcome with sleep. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s93}}The faintness is brought on by noise, or being in crowded streets.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Hardness of hearing, with discharge of pus from ears.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Hardness of hearing, with thin, purulent discharge of an extremely offensive odor. {{anchor:s96}}~ After scarlatina, or abuse of mercury.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Otorrhea with offensive discharge and diseased bones. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s99}}Offensive discharge from nose; stench from nose. {{anchor:s100}}~ After mercury or in scrofula.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Unpainful tension over bones of nose, with feeling of numbness.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Swelling and inflammation affecting bones, with a feeling as if nose would burst.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Pressure in nose, especially right wing, as if it would burst.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Feeling as if nose stopped up high up, so that he cannot breathe through it, with fullness of head, when riding in a carriage.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Discharge of very offensive matter from nose; with caries of bones. {{anchor:s107}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s108}}A little pimple on tip of nose.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Flushes and heat of face, of one cheek after eating.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Small tubercules in cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Numbness of bones of face; painless tension in various places. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s113}}Drawing pains in caries of lower maxilla, with salivation; after abuse of mercury.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Swelling of lower lip.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Lips puffed up, lower lip and left corner of mouth most.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Numb pressure on chin. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s118}}Grinding of teeth; starting at night; transient griping pains in region of navel. {{anchor:s119}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Bluntness of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Severe drawing in lower incisors.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Soreness of gums. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s124}}Greasy, rancid taste in mouth and of phlegm hawked up.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Speech unintelligible; tongue white, swollen. {{anchor:s126}}~ Chorea. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s128}}Sensation of dryness in mouth and throat, even when moist, without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Saliva predominantly decreased, except in mercurial caries, when acrid salivation exists.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Burning in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Constantly chewing and working frothy slime out of mouth, with swollen tongue. {{anchor:s132}}~ Chorea. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s134}}Sensation as if peristaltic motion was reversed and esophagus being drawn from stomach up towards throat.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Sensation of pressure, as if a body or lump was ascending in throat, has to swallow frequently.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Burning, followed by soreness, in fauces and pharynx.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Darting stitches, from chest upward towards esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Tender feeling in throat, agg. when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Sensation of a ball rising in throat, causes difficulty in breathing. {{anchor:s140}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Hysterical spasms affecting esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s142}}In evening a hysterical rising in throat, as if a ball or large body ascended from stomach to esophagus, or even pharynx, obliging him repeatedly to attempt to swallow it. {{anchor:s143}}~ Globus hystericus.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Dryness and burning in esophagus. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s147}}Ravenous hunger, with pain in upper abdomen, as from a cold, and as if diarrhea would set in.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Hunger with desire for strong, cooling food.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Desire for wine.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Great disgust for all food. {{anchor:s151}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Beer tastes slimy, aversion to it. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s154}}Great dejection, with epigastric pressure after eating: hypochondriacal.\\ {{anchor:s155}}After eating: heat in face, with anguish; pressure in stomach; stitches about lower ribs; tension in abdomen; winding and twisting in bowels; great difficulty in breathing; febrile state.\\ {{anchor:s156}}After drinking: diarrhea; heaviness and cold feeling in intestines.\\ {{anchor:s157}}After meals flatulent distension of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s158}}After eating anything sour griping pains in region of navel. {{anchor:s159}}~ Chorea. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s161}}Eructations: smelling like garlic; tasting rancid, sharp, or putrid; smelling like feces; tasting like carrion.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Flatus passing upward, none down.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Hiccough-like contractions of diaphragm. {{anchor:s164}}~ Chorea. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s166}}Pressing, cutting, stitching pains in spells, not regular; full of wind; pressing upward (never down); gulping up rancid fluid; constipation. {{anchor:s167}}~ Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Dyspepsia, with much pulsation in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Pulsation in pit of stomach, perceptible to sight and touch.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Sensation of fullness in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s171}}"Gone," empty feeling in pit of stomach, not a pain, but "it hurts there;" pulsations after eating; agg. about 11 o'clock A. M.; faint feeling. {{anchor:s172}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Cardialgia.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Meteorism of stomach when feeling of tension is great and eructating is difficult.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Increased warmth and aching in stomach, towards left side, not all on right, but more up into esophagus, like globus hystericus. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s177}}In morning sensation in epigastric region and in whole abdomen, as if it were beaten, with sense of fullness in former, and eructations.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Stitches in right hypochondrium, towards diaphragm.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Pressure from interior of liver, to chest, after dinner, with labored breathing and violent pulsations.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Violent pressure in scrobiculum, towards liver, while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Stitches as if in diaphragm, right side.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Heat in spleen and abdomen. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s184}}Gastric and abdominal sufferings, accompanied by pulsations in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Heat in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Pressure in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Griping (into a ball) pain below navel when standing.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Intermittent griping in upper abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Pain in upper abdomen, as from taking cold, and as if diarrhea would ensue, with a kind of ravenous hunger.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Bellyache, as if intestines were torn or cut; places in side sore, as if raw, with it feeling as of something rising from chest to throat; pressure relieves.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Gripings, with flatulence.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Wind colic, with abdominal pulsations; very painful distension of abdomen, rumbling; relieved by passing wind.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Pinching colic and escape of wind.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Flatulent colic and diarrhea; distension of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Colic, with distension and a "rising up feeling," as if peristaltic action was reversed; amel. from external pressure; causes fainting. {{anchor:s196}}See 13.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Abdomen soft, distended. {{anchor:s198}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s199}}In flanks a pressive pain or drawing in abdominal muscles.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Sensation in epigastric region and abdomen in morning, as if beaten. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s202}}Painful diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Watery, liquid stools of most disgusting smell; pains in abdomen and discharge of fetid flatus.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Watery stools of disgusting odor; discharge profuse and greenish.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Blackish-brown, papescent, offensive stools, which relieve.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Stool profuse, thick, papescent, brown, and very offensive.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Only slime passes, no feces.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Obstinate constipation, with abdominal and hemorrhoidal cramps, tenesmus and distended abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Pain in perineum, as from something dull pressing out. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s211}}Soreness in kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Urine warm and of a pungent, ammoniacal smell.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Spasm in bladder during and after urination. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s215}}Genitals irritated.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Faintness is agg. after seminal emissions.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Urging towards genitals; aching of testicles, agg. from touch and after motion.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Needle-like stitches in penis.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Drawing in glans, more during afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Outward pressure in perineum. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Excited sexual desire. {{anchor:s223}}~ Nymphomania in a plethoric woman.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Bearing down in genitals, agg. when riding in a carriage.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Uterine ulcer, sensitive and painful, with offensive discharge.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Menses too early, too scanty, and last but a short time.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Labor-like pains in uterine region, with cutting and bearing down.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Leucorrhea profuse, greenish, thin and offensive.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Swelling and inflammation of genitals. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s233}}Miscarriages.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Is said to kill fetus and dries up milk.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Mamma turgid with milk, like in ninth month; without being pregnant.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Deficient of milk, with oversensitiveness.\\ {{anchor:s237}}(In sick:) Labor-like pains; cutting, bearing down, intermitting.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Milk increased or diminished.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Restores wasted and drying up "breast of milk."\\ {{anchor:s240}}Ten days after delivery milk diminished; 14th day only a few drops could be squeezed out with difficulty; after 5 drops of tincture, copious milk, but offensive to child; 3d centesimal answered as well.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Milk had disappeared within three weeks of her delivery; six confinements. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Voice weaker, hoarse, changed, sometimes cough.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Spasm of glottis, alternating with contraction of fingers and toes. {{anchor:s246}}~ Hysteria. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s248}}Difficult breathing. {{anchor:s249}}See 13.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Difficult breathing, from abdominal disease.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Feeling of suffocation in throat on taking a full inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Constriction of chest, extending to throat, with hurried breathing.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Asthmatic complaints of scrofulous persons.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Asthmatic feeling in trachea, dry cough; spasmodic dyspnea as if lungs could not be sufficiently expanded.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Oppression of chest increasing to agony, cannot breathe, restless moving about.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Oppression of chest, with hurried breathing; contracted, small pulse, or, frequent pulse; asthma after too hearty a meal; too great exertion.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Oppression of breathing; pain temporarily relieved by eructations.\\ {{anchor:s258}}When faint, if he breathes deeper, heart beats fuller, and faintness decreases; if he holds breath heart becomes very feeble.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Asthmatic attacks at least one a day all her life, brought on by every bodily exertion, coition, especially by every satisfying meal.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Frequent breathing, rattling; restless tossing before attack, anxious with it.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Sitting up relieves suffocative feeling. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s263}}Obstinate titillating cough, agg. at night, with grown persons.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Cough predominantly dry; expectoration infrequent, during day.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Irritation to dry cough; attacks at night.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Cough on gaping.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Whooping cough, even of sucklings, sounding like croup; rattling breathing, anxious and restless, chest and abdomen hot, urine pale.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Hoarse ringing short cough, excited by tickling in trachea, with asthmatic feeling therein; spasmodic contraction of thorax and accumulation of stringy mucus.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Cough in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Cough, with cessation of sputa.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Sputa have a greasy taste.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Cough, with accumulation of stringy mucus in trachea. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s274}}Pressure on sternum, when stooping, writing; going off by deep breathing.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Pressure and burning under sternum; frequent disposition to cough.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Compression of chest, as from a heavy weight. {{anchor:s277}}See 26.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Pressing stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Pressure on chest, with a constriction in throat.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Oppressive aching feeling in chest; amel. from expectorating mucus.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Pressive pain in right side of chest, from within outward.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Pressure in left intercostal muscles, from within outward, agg. during inspiration and expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Stitches in chest from within outward. {{anchor:s284}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Burning in chest, runs through both arms and through lower limbs down into toes.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Single violent stitches from within outward, at short intervals; renewed when chest is touched. {{anchor:s287}}~ Pleuro-pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Shooting from just below left nipple through to back on walking.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Spasmodic constriction of thorax with cough.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Spasmodic constriction, as if lungs could not properly expand, respiration normal.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Spasmodic contractions of chest, with slow, small contracted, irregular pulse.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Throbbing in chest.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Dropsy of chest; relieved the oppression in 6, 12, or 36 hours; 3d every 2 or 4 hours.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Discomfort of thorax from want of distension of lungs. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s296}}Increased action of heart on slightest excitement.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Palpitation, with faintness, rush of blood to head, flushing of face, anxiety and slow breathing, from excitement. {{anchor:s298}}~ Irritable heart.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Violent palpitation of heart and excitement of mind.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Acute rheumatic heart disease, with tightness across chest. {{anchor:s301}}~ Hydrothorax.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Continual pain about region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s303}}At times heart feels bound together tightly, as if it could not beat; afterwards only on exertion or walking.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Congestion towards heart; feeling of fullness; small pulse; followed by loose stool.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Slight palpitation of heart, more like a tremor, several times when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Nervous palpitation, with small pulse; from overexertion or suppression of discharges (in women).\\ {{anchor:s307}}Pressure in region of heart, as if heart was too full and expanded; pulse small.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Feeling as if heart would burst; quick breathing and apprehension; has to walk in open air.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Feeling as if heart was swollen, preventing a deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Palpitation like a tremor while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Beating of heart small, quick, irregular.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Heart sometimes beats very feebly.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Sometimes heart beats short and quick, at other times he feels as if there was no action of it.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Heart's action is quickened by a deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s315}}At night, when lying on back, palpitation and suffocative feeling, as if heart would burst, he must sit up, which relieves him.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Heart symptoms and faintness agg. after seminal emission.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Pulse small, spasmodically contracted, rather quick. {{anchor:s318}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Small, infrequent pulse, with violent action of heart and no disturbance of respiration indicating nervous weakness of organ.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Pulse small, rapid, irregular. {{anchor:s321}}See 28.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Pulse accelerated, but unequal, small. {{anchor:s323}}~ Asthma, congestion to heart, etc. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s325}}Sensation as if one pressed very sharply with point of finger on xiphoid cartilage; also when swallowing. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s327}}Fine, burning stitches in and behind right scapula, extending towards ribs.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Drawing downward, in left side of neck, on motion.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Stitches in muscles of back.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Dull pains, or drawing and cutting below scapulae.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Burning along vertebrae, to left.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Aching inwardly, along last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Boring sticking in left loin, from within outward, going off during an inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Lancinations from right loin towards ribs.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Sticking, with pressure in region of right ribs towards spine.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Cannot work on account of backache.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Stitches along sacrum down to anus.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Pain in sacrum while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Crawls run over back, in afternoon. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s341}}Twitching in left upper arm joint, extending inward.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Fine stitch in elbows.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Quivering in shoulder joint; in deltoid muscle.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Stitches and jerking in upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Drawing pain along upper arm down to elbow, a fine stitch in elbow.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Child always missed laying hold of anything she wished. {{anchor:s347}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Frequent muscular jactitation in arms and hands.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Tearing in forearm down to tips of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s350}}When moving fingers, pain in forearm.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Tearing stitches followed by burning in right forearm.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Scraping sensation on styloid process of ulna.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Cramplike, sensitive twitching in metacarpal bone of left thumb.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Whitlow, violent nightly pains, threatened necrosis.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Pain as if beaten in bones of wrist.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Aching, drawing in wrist joints. {{anchor:s357}}~ Syphilis. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s359}}Carious ulcer on tibia, extremely sore around, discharge offensive; skin adheres to bone.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Muscular twitching in legs and feet.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Child, aet. 9, could not walk. {{anchor:s362}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Caries of tibia.\\ {{anchor:s364}}The apparently healthy portion of tibia lying beneath peculiar carious ulcer became again sensitive and painful to slightest touch, or even approach of finger, so also to removal of charpie, and at night almost unendurable.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Swelling around ankle joint, cannot use foot.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Burning in roots of toe nails, prevents sleep.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Psoitis if suppuration seems impending; also if pelvic bones are involved.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Lassitude of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Quivering of portions of muscles on thighs.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Occasional tingling in legs after much walking.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Twitching on inner side of right knee joint.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Swelling and caries of bones of feet.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Sticking sensation on ball of great toe when putting foot to ground.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Pain as if a splinter of bone was sticking in right fibula, just above outer malleolus. {{anchor:s375}}~ After a sprain.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Cold swelling around ankles.\\ {{anchor:s377}}A sensitive throbbing in left great toe from time to time.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Stitches and pulsation in big toe.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Painful throbbing in tip of great toe.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Heat in toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s382}}Constant convulsive tremor of limbs, could be amel. by hands of another person. {{anchor:s383}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Twitching of muscles of arms and legs.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Pains mostly on flexor sides of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Pains in inside of joints and limbs. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s390}}Rest: headache agg.; eyes amel.; agg. in bed.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Sitting up: headache agg.; tension in head amel.; pressure in scrobiculum agg.; suffocative feeling amel.; palpitation agg.; pains in sacrum agg.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Standing: griping below navel; weakness.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Stooping: pressure on sternum.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Lying: weakness; headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Putting foot to ground: sticking in great toe.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Moving fingers: pain in forearm agg.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Motion: headache amel.; asthma agg.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Overexertion: palpitation agg.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Swallowing: tenderness in throat agg.\\ {{anchor:s400}}After motion: aching in testicles.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Gaping; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Deep breathing: pressure in sternum amel.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Inspiration: pain in intercostal muscles agg.\\ {{anchor:s404}}Walking: shooting from nipple to back.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Excitement: palpitation agg. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s407}}Nervousness.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Hypersensitiveness; when nervous system predominates over the arterial.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Hysteria, with much trouble about throat or esophagus; well-marked globus hystericus; spasms of lungs, etc.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Hysteria, hysteralgia; hypersensitiveness; every excitement that brings on an attack causes globus hystericus.\\ {{anchor:s411}}Twitching and jerking of muscles.\\ {{anchor:s412}}Nervous affections after suppressed discharges.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Epileptiform convulsions caused by worms.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Fainting with colic.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Clumsiness of body; feeling of rigor.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Feeling of general heaviness; weak when standing or lying; dry mouth.\\ {{anchor:s418}}At times slight inclination to faint, accompanied by great apprehension.\\ {{anchor:s419}}Faintness, with quick pulse.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Attacks of faintness, followed by fluttering of heart.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Attacks of faintness, with anxiety, as if he would die, and with one attack desire for suicide.\\ {{anchor:s422}}With one attack of faintness there was shaking of limbs and as if bowels shook.\\ {{anchor:s423}}With faintness, shivering and very feeble action of heart.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Faintness on beginning to eat, especially at dinner, with full and frequent beating of heart.\\ {{anchor:s425}}With faintness, alternate heat and chill; sweat on small of back and trembling.\\ {{anchor:s426}}Faintness worse day after a seminal emission. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s428}}Inclined to sleep, much against his habit.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Drowsy with sweat.\\ {{anchor:s430}}Sleepy in evening; weariness.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Sleeplessness after midnight. {{anchor:s432}}(Conium before midnight).\\ {{anchor:s433}}About midnight violent pains through left half of body, from top to toe.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Pain in ulcer at night, almost unendurable.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Woke in night with distension of stomach, pain across chest and feeble heart.\\ {{anchor:s436}}Worse in bed and after sleep; amel. after getting out of bed. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s438}}Morning: abdomen feels beaten; fullness and eructations; tearings in joints; chest oppressed.\\ {{anchor:s439}}At 8.30 to 9 A. M.: chills, with heat of face.\\ {{anchor:s440}}At 11 A. M.: faint feeling agg.; goneness in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s441}}During day: expectoration worse.\\ {{anchor:s442}}Afternoon: tension in head agg.; drawing in glans penis; cough; shivering over back; heat in toes.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Between 3 and 4 P. M.: coldness and trembling, with stitches in head.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Evening: vanishing of sight; headache agg.; hysteria; pains often better; sleepy.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Evening till 2 A. M.: neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Night: pain in eyes agg.; cough agg.; palpitation; ulcer agg.; pain across chest; bone pains; pain in ulcer unbearable.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Midnight: pain left half of body.\\ {{anchor:s448}}After midnight: sleeplessness. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s450}}In room: all headaches worse.\\ {{anchor:s451}}Open air: headache amel.; eye amel.; heart amel.; desires to be in open air.\\ {{anchor:s452}}Could not remain in-doors, must walk about in open air.\\ {{anchor:s453}}In warm feather beds: lower limbs ache more. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s455}}Chills run over body from time to time.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Sense of rigor.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Crawls run over back, in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Chill, coldness and dryness of skin.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Every day, between 3 and 4 P. M., coldness and trembling, with unbearable stitches in head.\\ {{anchor:s460}}One-sided heat.\\ {{anchor:s461}}Heat in toes; afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s462}}With heat of face; cold hands and feet, and chills of back from 8.30 to 9 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s463}}With faintness sweat on small of back, hot and cold alternately and trembling.\\ {{anchor:s464}}Want of thirst, particularly heat without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Heat in face, after dinner, with anxiety and sleepiness; without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s466}}Sweat wanting; only occasionally cold, moist skin; cold sweat on limbs; vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Sweat with drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Shiverings, most over back, afternoon; heat in face, with anxiety and sleepiness, but without thirst. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s470}}Pains intermit at regular intervals.\\ {{anchor:s471}}Intermitting pinching pains in ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s472}}Crushing pain regularly agg. from evening till 2 A. M. ~ Neuralgia after amputation.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Every day between 3 and 4 P. M.: coldness and trembling, with unbearable stitches in head. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s475}}Right: pain in parietal; itching in eye; pressure in wing of nose; stitches in hypochondrium; stitches in diaphragm; pain side of chest; stitches behind scapula; pain in fibula.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Left: pain and tension in head; sudden pain in temple; bleeding from nostril; pressure in orbit; corner of mouth puffed; pressure in intercostal muscles; shooting below nipple; drawing side of neck; burning along vertebrae; twitching upper arm joint; cramplike twitching in thumb; throbbing in great toe; pain in half of body.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Above downward: burning in chest; tearing in forearm.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Within outward: burning in eyeballs; pain in chest; pressure in intercostal muscles.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Below upward: esophagus seeming drawn upward; darting stitches in chest; globus hystericus; flatus passes; pressure in liver.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Before backward: shooting from nipple.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Reverse action of involuntary muscles; a sort of antiperistaltic motion. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s483}}As if a nail or plug were driven into brain; as if nose would burst; as if a ball or lump were ascending in throat; as if beaten in epigastric region and abdomen; as if whole brain was compressed; as if intestines were torn out; as if lungs could not be expanded; heart feels bound tightly together as if it could not beat; as if heart was swollen; as if one pressed very sharply with point of finger on xiphoid cartilage; as if splinter of bone was sticking in the right fibula; as if peristaltic motion were reversed; as if heart would burst.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Like from a dull stick, pressure in temples.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Sharp pain through eye into head.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Sudden pain, inward pressing, like pointed plug in left temple.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Sudden deep penetrating stitches like shocks under left frontal eminence.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Drawing wavelike pressure through left forehead.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Gurgling sensation in head.\\ {{anchor:s490}}Sensation of water swashing in head.\\ {{anchor:s491}}Tender feeling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s492}}"Gone feeling" in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s493}}Pain as from a cold in upper abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s494}}Lancinating: from right loin towards ribs.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Winding and twisting in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Griping: in region of navel.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Labor-like pain: in uterus.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Flying stitches: in forehead, temples and sides of head.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Stitches: under left frontal eminence; in eyes; darting from chest to esophagus; about lower ribs; in stomach; in right hypochondrium; in diaphragm; on penis; in chest; in big toe; in and behind right scapula; in muscles of back; along sacrum down to anus; in elbow; in upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s500}}Tearing stitches: in right forearm.\\ {{anchor:s501}}Tearing: in forearm down to tips of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s502}}Cutting: in stomach; in uterus; below scapula.\\ {{anchor:s503}}Jerking: through head; in upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s504}}Boring: above eyebrows; left loin.\\ {{anchor:s505}}Shooting: below left nipple through to back; around arm.\\ {{anchor:s506}}Sticking; in eyes; in left loin; from right ribs to spine; on ball of great toe.\\ {{anchor:s507}}Burning: above eyebrows; in eyes; in mouth; in fauces and pharynx; in esophagus; under sternum; in chest; along vertebrae; in roots of toe nails; of skin.\\ {{anchor:s508}}Drawing: in caries of lower maxilla; in lower incisors; in abdominal muscles; in glans penis; below scapula; along upper arm to elbow; in wrist joints.\\ {{anchor:s509}}Pressing: in head; in forehead and left head; in temples; on frontal eminence; external border of left orbit; in eyes; in nose; on chin; in epigastrium; in stomach; from liver to chest; in abdomen; in perineum; in sternum; in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s510}}Pressing together of lids as if overcome with sleep.\\ {{anchor:s511}}Bearing down: in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s512}}Constriction: of chest; of throat; about heart.\\ {{anchor:s513}}Cramp: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s514}}Cramp-like sensitive twitching: metacarpal bone of left thumb.\\ {{anchor:s515}}Scraping sensation: on styloid process of ulna.\\ {{anchor:s516}}Soreness: in kidneys; of gums.\\ {{anchor:s517}}Aching: of testicles; along vertebrae; in wrist joints.\\ {{anchor:s518}}Dull pain: in left side of head.\\ {{anchor:s519}}Undefined pain: in left side of head to eyes; about heart; in joints and limbs; in ulcers; in perineum; in sacrum; in forearm.\\ {{anchor:s520}}Tension: in head; of brain; over nasal bones; in various places in face; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s521}}Throbbing: in head; in and around eye; in pit of stomach; in chest; in big toe.\\ {{anchor:s522}}Fullness: in head; in stomach; about heart.\\ {{anchor:s523}}Heaviness: in intestines.\\ {{anchor:s524}}Numbness: over nasal bones; of bones of face; on chin.\\ {{anchor:s525}}Heat: of face; increased warmth in stomach; in spleen; in abdomen; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s526}}Dryness: of eyes; in mouth and throat; in esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s527}}Coldness: in head; in intestines (See 15); crawls over back; of skin.\\ {{anchor:s528}}Tickling: in trachea.\\ {{anchor:s529}}Itching: in right eye; of skin. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s531}}Dark red, hot swellings.\\ {{anchor:s532}}Arthritic and cold swellings.\\ {{anchor:s533}}Venous pulsations; congestion of portal vein; congestive fullness about heart and chest, with asthma; heat of face and ears, after eating; pressure on chest, etc.; copious discharges; all signs of fullness of venous system.\\ {{anchor:s534}}Dropsy, ascites, from abdominal venous stasis.\\ {{anchor:s535}}Obesity; seldom of use in bone diseases unless body is heavy, bloated.\\ {{anchor:s536}}Scraping sensation on bones; whole body puffed.\\ {{anchor:s537}}Caries in scrofulous, and after abuse of mercury.\\ {{anchor:s538}}Glands hard, swollen, hot and throbbing, with shooting, jerking pains; scrofulous complaints.\\ {{anchor:s539}}Neuralgia of stump after amputation of thigh.\\ {{anchor:s540}}Osteitis, caries, bluish redness and swelling of parts.\\ {{anchor:s541}}Ulcers, with bluish edges, hard, painful to slightest touch; thin, very offensive pus.\\ {{anchor:s542}}Interstitial distension of bones.\\ {{anchor:s543}}Soft enlargement of bones, also curvature.\\ {{anchor:s544}}Softening of bones.\\ {{anchor:s545}}Nightly bone pains in syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s546}}Painful osteitis.\\ {{anchor:s547}}Bones threatened by syphilis. {{anchor:s548}}~ Iritis.\\ {{anchor:s549}}Caries of bones; adhesion of skin in caries.\\ {{anchor:s550}}Scrofulous caries of bones, even necrosis.\\ {{anchor:s551}}Ulcers with fetid, ichorous, bloody, serous pus; with bluish, partly raised edges, painful to slightest touch.\\ {{anchor:s552}}Ulcers deep, flat, fistulous, affecting bone. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s556}}Touch: pain in head amel.; pains extend through eye into head; aching of testicle; ulcers extremely sensitive; pains cease or change place.\\ {{anchor:s557}}Pressure: eye amel.; colic improved.\\ {{anchor:s558}}Most extreme sensitiveness in vicinity of carious ulcer of tibia, of superficial skin-sores, and also of ulcer itself; patient cries out if finger touched a place distant from ulcer; removal of charpie causes most severe pain.\\ {{anchor:s559}}Better from rubbing.\\ {{anchor:s560}}Scratching: itching better.\\ {{anchor:s561}}Riding in carriage: fullness in head agg.; drawing side of neck agg.; bearing down in genitals agg.\\ {{anchor:s562}}Injuries suppurate.\\ {{anchor:s563}}Cold gangrene.\\ {{anchor:s564}}Wounds appear bright red, raw, covered with crust of tenacious lymph.\\ {{anchor:s565}}After amputation: neuralgia of stump.\\ {{anchor:s566}}Ulceration from burns or scalds or other causes, with great sensitiveness to suffering; child screams on seeing dressings prepared, dreads and shrinks from the approach of any one likely to touch sore. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s568}}Dark red, hot swellings.\\ {{anchor:s569}}Itching, pricking, burning of skin; itching amel. by scratching.\\ {{anchor:s570}}Skin puffed up, inflamed.\\ {{anchor:s571}}Sphacelus.\\ {{anchor:s572}}Flat eruptions, painful.\\ {{anchor:s573}}Ulcers with extreme sensitiveness; patient flinches from even the softest dressing; or from near approach of any one.\\ {{anchor:s574}}Ulcers with high, hard, bluish edges, sensitive to touch, easily bleeding; pus profuse, greenish, thin, offensive, even ichorous. {{anchor:s575}}See 44.\\ {{anchor:s576}}Shooting pain around ulcer.\\ {{anchor:s577}}Ulcers grow black.\\ {{anchor:s578}}Old scars break open and turn black.\\ {{anchor:s579}}Ulcers penetrating to bones, discharging thin, fetid ichor.\\ {{anchor:s580}}Ulcers or sores looking raw, bloody or dark; or discharge copiously.\\ {{anchor:s581}}Quivering in skin. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s583}}Nervous women, subject to hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s584}}Phlegmatic temperament.\\ {{anchor:s585}}Scrofulous, bloated, clumsy children.\\ {{anchor:s586}}Venous, hemorrhoidal constitutions.\\ {{anchor:s587}}Nervous people.\\ {{anchor:s588}}Very weak or delicate persons suffering from very great sensitiveness.\\ {{anchor:s589}}Syphilitic patients who have taken much mercury.\\ {{anchor:s590}}Girl, aet. 9, chorea.\\ {{anchor:s591}}Woman, aet. 21, in sixth week after first confinement not milk enough, after third could nurse full nine months.\\ {{anchor:s592}}A multipara, aet. 34; milk had disappeared tenth day in seven confinements. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s594}}Antidotes to Asaf: Pulsat., Caustic., Camphor., Cinchon., Mercur., Valer.\\ {{anchor:s595}}Useful in ailments from Pulsat., or from abuse of Mercur. in syphilis, and from effects of alcoholism.\\ {{anchor:s596}}Similar to: Arg. nitr. (better open air); Aurum met. (bone diseases, iritis, etc.); Castor., Cinchon., Caustic., Crot. tig. (pertussis); Hepar (sensitiveness around ulcers; faints from pains); Ignat. (hysteria); Mercur. (syphilis); Mosch. (hysteria, spasms of lungs, fainting, etc.); Phosphor. (pertussis); Pulsat., Thuya, Valer.\\ {{anchor:s597}}Family relations: Ammon., Cicut., Conium, etc.\\ {{anchor:s598}}Frequently indicated after Pulsat. and Thuya. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r101|Asa foetida]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r101|Asa foetida]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}