====== AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum. {{anchor:s2}}Chloro-aurate of Soda. {{anchor:s3}}NaCl, AuCl3, 2H2O. {{anchor:s4}}A double salt like the alum and tart. emet. {{anchor:s5}}Not proved, but used at random; preferred by the Old School. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s7}}(In sick:) His disposition is much brighter. {{anchor:s8}}~ Mercurio-syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Feeling of unrest and impatience.\\ {{anchor:s10}}After vexation. {{anchor:s11}}~ Jaundice. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s13}}Continual humming in head, with beating of carotids (See 29), almost causing delirium. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Violent pains on whole left side of head, mostly over eye. {{anchor:s16}}~ Mercurio-syphilitic affections.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Every morning pressure over eyes, pains in forehead, dullness in head, lasting until afternoon; amel. in evening; nasal discharge bloody, fetid, ichorous. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s19}}Hair falls out. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s21}}Amaurosis.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Chronic ophthalmia; malignant, cancerous; at same time, nose scurfy.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Scrofulous ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Yellow albuginea. {{anchor:s25}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Swelling above left eye. {{anchor:s27}}~ Mercurio-syphilis. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s29}}Destruction of nasal bones. {{anchor:s30}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Nasal discharge bloody, ichorous, fetid.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Ulcers in nose.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Nose swollen, hard, shining (scrofula); if he takes cold, erysipelas sets in.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Scurfy, oozing tetter on nose.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Deep spreading syphilitic ulcer of skin. {{anchor:s36}}~ Affection of nasal bones. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Ulcers in cavities of upper jaw.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Complexion pale; embonpoint nearly lost. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Periosteal indurations; after a cellulitis on lower jaw.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Ulcer in right corner of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Opening mouth difficult. {{anchor:s44}}~ After cynanche cellularis. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s46}}Teeth look dirty, get loose and gums recede; caries of jaw. {{anchor:s47}}~ Mercurio-syphilis. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s49}}Tongue furred; bitter taste.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Tongue white. {{anchor:s51}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Warts on tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Fetid odor from mouth. {{anchor:s55}}~ Mercurio-syphilis. {{anchor:s56}}~ Leucorrhea. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Small blisters on fauces with swelling and inflammation of fauces.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Two small ulcers on right tonsil. {{anchor:s60}}~ Mercurio-syphilis. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s63}}No appetite. {{anchor:s64}}~ Jaundice. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s66}}Pressure in right hypochondrium. {{anchor:s67}}~ Jaundice. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Dropsy without fever but threatening suffocation. {{anchor:s70}}~ Ascites. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s72}}Feces like whitish clay. {{anchor:s73}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Stools harder. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s76}}Diuresis. {{anchor:s77}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s78}}(In sick:) Suppression of urine.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Urine dark. {{anchor:s80}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Urine gets turbid; more profuse than usual.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Morbus Brightii. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Chancre, on internal surface of prepuce.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Bubo in fold of groin.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Ulcers on foreskin; warts around them; ulcers on glans eating deeply. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s88}}Enormous distension of an ovary.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Induration of one part and softening of another part of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Ulcers with induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Neoplasmata in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Ovarian enlargement; even dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Leucorrhea corroding parts.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Pustules on genitals. {{anchor:s95}}~ Leucorrhea. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s99}}Abortion from uterine indurations.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Given to syphilitic mothers to prevent disease in offspring.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Scirrhus of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Carcinoma mamma et uteri. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s104}}(In sick:) Beating of carotid and temporal arteries visible to eye; violence of this beating became extremely annoying, so violent nothing could calm it; the disquiet caused by it put the sufferer into constant terror, almost to delirium. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s106}}Pustular eruption on back. {{anchor:s107}}~ Leucorrhea. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s109}}Old cases of rheumatism or gouty pains. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s111}}Morning: pressure over eyes; pains in forehead; dullness in head.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Evening: headache better. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s114}}From October until Spring: violent headache; four years in succession. {{anchor:s115}}~ Mercurio-syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s116}}(In sick:) Dry, warm weather favors its action.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Cold, wet weather causes inconvenience. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s119}}(In sick:) Unusual heat and malaise.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Violent fever, forcing him to keep his bed, urine copious. {{anchor:s121}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Sweats only on right side, left (affected) side of head remains dry. {{anchor:s123}}~ Mercurio-syphilitic affections.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Excessive perspiration.\\ {{anchor:s125}}(In sick:) Suppression of perspiration. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s127}}Right: ulcer on cornea of mouth; ulcers on tonsil; pressure in hypochondrium; sweats only on side of head.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Left: pains in side of head; swelling above eye; affected side of head does not sweat.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Violent pains: on left side of head.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Pressure: over eyes; in right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Itching: all over body. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s133}}Dropsy from induration of abdominal organs.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Scrofula.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Chronic suppuration of glands and bones.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Indurations.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Caries. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s140}}(In sick:) Intolerable itching all over body; soon followed by an eruption of tubercles (little lumps), several of which become covered with dark-looking scabs.\\ {{anchor:s141}}The little lumps increased and became as hard as horn; a beginning gutta serena was soon added.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Yellow skin. {{anchor:s143}}~ Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Deep-spreading syphilitic ulcers of skin. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s146}}Carbo-nitrogenoid constitutions.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Mercurio-syphilitic constitutions.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Irritable, sanguine, bilious persons are more obnoxious to its effects than phlegmatic. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s150}}Similar to: Aurum and Aur. mur. (chemically); Arg. nitr., Arsen., Badiag., Bryon. (ascites); Cist. can., Conium (indurations); Graphit., Hepar, Iodium, Kali bichr., Kali hydr. (mercurio syphilis); Lycop. (ascites); Mercur. virus et sulphur (ascites); Merc. {{anchor:s151}}Jod. (caries, syphilis, glandular enlargements, etc.); Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Phosph. ac., Sulphur, Thuya (warts).\\ {{anchor:s152}}Incompatible: coffee and alcohol. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r188|Aurum muriaticum natronatum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r188|Aurum muriaticum natronatum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}