====== BARYTA MURIATICA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Baryta Muriatica. {{anchor:s2}}Chloride of Barium. {{anchor:s3}}BaClA2 2H20. {{anchor:s4}}Proved by Hahnemann, and published by Stapf, in 1824, in the Archives with the symptoms of the acetica. {{anchor:s5}}In 1836, for the first time, separately published in the Allentown Correspondenz-Blatt, and in the English translation of Jahr, page 84, 1838; later by Jahr in his German Manuals, and by Noak, Handbuch, vol. i, page 202, 1843; last in Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 2, page 65, 1875. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s7}}The locality around him seems transformed.\\ {{anchor:s8}}Children are inattentive when studying, sit in corners and give confused answers.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Idiocy.\\ {{anchor:s10}}In every form of mania, as soon as the sexual desire is increased.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Children do not desire to play.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Dejection and dread of men.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Sense of oppressive anxiety, accompanied by the illusory notion that he is walking on his knees, without legs.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Great anxiety, with pressure in stomach, nausea and retching; has to bend double.\\ {{anchor:s15}}(OBS:) Attacks of anxiety and want of breath, so that he rolls on the ground.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Appears like an epileptic, with full consciousness. {{anchor:s17}}~ Induration of pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s18}}During an attack of fear, she says in a weak, husky voice, she must die; t.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Despondent and anxious. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s21}}Is easily startled.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Vertigo; things turn around.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Head so heavy that he cannot keep up. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s25}}Headache, with angina.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Headache with the vomiting. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Tinea capitis extending to sides and posterior portion of neck.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Tinea, with abundant discharge of pus.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Itch-like eruption on scalp and neck.\\ {{anchor:s31}}The whole scalp covered by a thick, offensive crust. {{anchor:s32}}~ Scrofulous ulcers. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Shuns light, child lies all the time on its face. {{anchor:s35}}~ Scrofulous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Pupils dilated and immovable.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Albuginea injected.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Eyeballs much inflamed. {{anchor:s39}}~ Scrofulous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Eyes stiff, cannot move them.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Lids on both eyes swollen and inflamed. {{anchor:s42}}~ Scrofulous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Ophthalmia scrofulosis.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Staphyloma spurium with a boy, aet. 9, on inner edge of left cornea.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Hernia tunicae humoris aquei. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s47}}Deaf, with vomiting; headache; burning in stomach and convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Ears pain. {{anchor:s49}}~ Angina.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Earache right side; agg. lying on painful side; amel. sipping cold water.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Catarrh of ears.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Discharge from both ears of an odor like rotten cheese.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Otorrhea after frequent otitis.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Post-scarlatinal otorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Profuse purulent otorrhea of five years' standing.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Otorrhea on both sides, offensive discharge. {{anchor:s57}}~ Glandular swelling.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Abscess behind both ears, discharging offensive pus. {{anchor:s59}}~ Scrofulous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Parotis on right side swollen, with a swelling of submaxillary and cervical glands.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Both parotids, most right side, swell after scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Parotis swollen hard, not very painful, but extending to edge of lower maxilla. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Sneezing in sleep, four, five times before midnight, not wakening; a boy.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Catarrh of nose.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Coryza with fever heat.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Broad, red nodule on side of point of nose; biting, tickling soreness and with fine stitches in it when touched. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Red face, with fever heat.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Tension in whole face, with nausea and diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Drawing and spasmodic contraction of facial muscles. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Enlarged, indurated and painful submaxillary glands. {{anchor:s74}}~ Otorrhea. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s76}}After fine stitching a pulse-like jerking and throbbing toothache; agg. after midnight; agg. after sleep; is compelled to sit up in bed.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Looseness of teeth, with salivation. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s79}}Putrid taste in mouth, even food has a putrid taste; tongue and mouth dry.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Tongue furred. {{anchor:s81}}~ Glandular swelling.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Tongue covered with mucus. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Stench from mouth, like after mercury.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Great salivation. {{anchor:s86}}~ Angina.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Saliva runs out of mouth in large quantities, with every paroxysm. {{anchor:s88}}~ Induration of pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s89}}(In sick:) Salivation, with looseness of teeth, swelling of salivary glands and palate, odor like from mercurialism.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Swelling of salivary glands. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s92}}Palate swollen. {{anchor:s93}}See 12.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Elongation of uvula, with hyperemia and blennorrhea. {{anchor:s95}}~ Angina tonsillaris.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Inner throat hyperemic and blennorrheic.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Varicose veins in throat.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Pharynx and esophagus inflamed; t.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Difficult swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Catarrh extends over tonsils, epiglottis, glottis, into tubes. {{anchor:s101}}~ Angina tonsillaris.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Angina tonsillaris, with suppuration, after every cold, with variola or varioloid.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Severe pain in right side of throat and ear; saliva ran from mouth in large quantities; fauces, especially on right side, of a deep red color; tonsils but little swollen. {{anchor:s104}}~ Angina.\\ {{anchor:s105}}In a girl, both tonsils enlarged; chills and heat alternately with general malaise, headache, thirst, etc.; pulse 120; deglutition painful on right side, extending to ear; tonsil red. {{anchor:s106}}~ Chronic hypertrophy of tonsils.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Disposition to tonsillitis, with suppuration each time after taking cold.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Chronic scrofulous enlargement and induration of tonsils. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s111}}Increased appetite.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Appetite diminished. {{anchor:s113}}~ Glandular swelling.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Desire for dry wheat bread.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Glandular swelling.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Much thirst, with a dry tongue.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Thirst; chill and fever alternately. {{anchor:s118}}~ Angina. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s120}}Nausea and sickness.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Retching.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Nausea, with vomiting and violent colic. {{anchor:s123}}~ Hydrops.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Nausea, retching; slimy, watery vomiting; t.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Nausea, vomiting, with worms and colic. {{anchor:s126}}~ After scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Hematemesis.\\ {{anchor:s128}}(In sick:) Vomiting every morning after taking it.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Violent vomiting and purging, with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s130}}During six hours he vomits small quantities of a disgusting matter, looking and tasting bad. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s132}}Oversensitiveness of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Stomach feels heavy; a pressure in stomach, most after eating solid food.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Cramps in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Great indigestion.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Warm sensation rises up to chest and head.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Inflammation of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s138}}The fundus inflamed and several ecchymoses; t.\\ {{anchor:s139}}The mucous membrane blue red, with red spots in muscular coat; t.\\ {{anchor:s140}}External coat of stomach dark brown and inflamed.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Below stomach to left side a hardness, from which paroxysms of want of breath originate. {{anchor:s142}}~ Induration of pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Considerable hardness in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Cardia, pylorus, duodenum inflamed, dark red, highly congested; t. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s146}}Liver and spleen full of thick black blood; gall-bladder filled with pale yellow, watery bile; t.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Tumefaction of liver. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s149}}Colic; burning pains.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Pain in region of navel; agg. in morning; dry cough; great appetite; slime-covered tongue. {{anchor:s151}}~ Ascarides.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Borborygmus.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Distressing throbbing in a tumor inside of abdomen. {{anchor:s154}}~ Abdominal aneurism.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Abdomen much swollen. {{anchor:s156}}~ Scrofulous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Abdomen distended. {{anchor:s158}}~ Glandular swelling.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Swelling and induration of abdominal glands.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Swelling of abdomen and lower limbs. {{anchor:s161}}~ After scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Abdomen distended and hard. {{anchor:s163}}~ Scrofulosis glandulosa.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Ecchymoses in colon; t.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Omenta reddened; t.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Inguinal glands swollen and painful.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Fetid, ichorous ulcers in inguinal region.\\ {{anchor:s168}}(OBS:) Worm diseases. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s170}}Obstinate constipation.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Stool covered with mucus.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Stools of a jelly-like appearance, with blood, no pain at all, discharges every 15 or 20 minutes. {{anchor:s173}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Bloody, mucous stools, without much pain, several times a day; child. {{anchor:s175}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Chronic, painless diarrhea, yellow, slimy stools; vomiting and exhaustion.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Colic and several stools; boy, aet. 9.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Stools green and chopped.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Thin, watery, very fetid stools. {{anchor:s180}}~ Scrofulous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Bleeding from intestinal canal.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Paralysis of sphincter ani.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Stool only after injections, excrement white and hard as stones. {{anchor:s184}}~ Scrofulous glands.\\ {{anchor:s185}}(In sick:) Passage of ascarides and slime. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s187}}Cystitis.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Frequent urination.\\ {{anchor:s189}}(In sick:) Continual violent urging to urinate; sometimes involuntary.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Urine yellowish, of a very offensive odor. {{anchor:s191}}~ Glandular swelling.\\ {{anchor:s192}}(In sick:) Frequent urination, whitish sediment.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Urine yellowish, of great stench. {{anchor:s194}}~ Scrofulous glands. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Sexual desire. {{anchor:s197}}See 1.\\ {{anchor:s198}}(In sick:) Nightly pollutions.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Gonorrhea and gleet.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Hypertrophied testicle after suppressed gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Testicles increased in size, hard and painful stitches; for nine years.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Swelling of testicles and scrotum, painless. {{anchor:s203}}~ After a contusion while riding on horseback.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Buboes after suppressed gonorrhea. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s206}}Sterility.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Induration, tumor, or atrophy of ovaries.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Nymphomania.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Squeezing pains in pelvis. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s213}}Weak, husky voice. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s215}}Attacks of anxious dyspnea; rolls on floor, several attacks a day, also in night. {{anchor:s216}}~ Epilepsy, with full consciousness.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Dyspnea and oppression.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Has to sit up, head bent forward; slime and saliva runs from mouth, without cough. {{anchor:s219}}~ Induration of pancreas. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s221}}Dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Chronic cough of scrofulous children. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s224}}Inward heat in upper chest.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Blennorrhea of lungs with scrofula.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Phthisis scrofulosa, with herpetic eruption and indurated testicle. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s228}}Palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Pulse 120. {{anchor:s230}}~ Angina.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Abdominal aneurism. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s233}}Myelitis.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Beginning struma; child, aet. 6 months, breathing with a rattle.\\ {{anchor:s235}}The whole neck and throat full of hard glandular swellings, size of eggs.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Enlargement and induration of cervical glands. {{anchor:s237}}~ Otorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Submaxillary and cervical glands swollen to size of pigeon eggs, two like hen's eggs, very hard, and painful on slight pressure. {{anchor:s239}}~ Swelling of parotis.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Two cervical glands swollen and fluctuating. {{anchor:s241}}~ Swelling of parotids.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Vertebrae 7 and 8 are protruding, forming a hump. {{anchor:s243}}~ Glandular swelling, scrofula.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Tinea from scalp to neck. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s246}}Painless jerking in arms, principally at night.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Eruption like millet seed on hands. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Tension in thighs.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Emaciation of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s251}}When kneeling, a violent stitch, followed by a peculiar tension in right patella, making it difficult to walk. {{anchor:s252}}~ Hemorrhagic extravasation of knee.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Tension and increased warmth in knee. {{anchor:s254}}~ Swelling of knee.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Fine stinging in and around swollen knee.\\ {{anchor:s256}}A globular swelling on tip of right knee, increasing quickly but without much pain. {{anchor:s257}}~ Hemorrhagic swelling of knee.\\ {{anchor:s258}}A round, sharply defined swelling, size of a goose egg, of a dark color and clearly fluctuating, surrounded by bluish-red spots, not disappearing on pressure, with a greenish-yellow halo. {{anchor:s259}}~ Hemorrhagic extravasation.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Hemorrhagic extravasation in bursa patellae.\\ {{anchor:s261}}After checking foot sweat. {{anchor:s262}}~ Tonsillitis.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Feet swollen. {{anchor:s264}}~ Glandular swelling.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Cramps in toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s267}}Trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Convulsive jerkings of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Paralysis of upper and lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Swelling of hands and feet. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s274}}Lying on painful side: earache worse.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Has to sit up, head bent forward: breathing amel. {{anchor:s276}}~ Induration of pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s277}}When kneeling: violent stitch in right patella.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Neither motion nor pressure is painful. {{anchor:s279}}~ Gonitis. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s281}}Convulsive tremor and twitches.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Convulsions, accompanied by shocks which shake whole body.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Periodical attacks of convulsions, with excessive jactitation of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Heaviness and prostration, must lie down.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Prostration, can scarcely move a limb.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Paralysis.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Paralysis of left side, with aphasia.\\ {{anchor:s288}}General muscular weakness.\\ {{anchor:s289}}General malaise. {{anchor:s290}}~ Angina.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Faintings. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s293}}Sneezing in sleep not wakening.\\ {{anchor:s294}}After sleep toothache worse. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s296}}Morning: pain in region of navel worse.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Day: attacks of dyspnea; dry heat.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Evening: chill, with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Night: pollutions; dyspnea; painless jerking in arms.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Before midnight: sneezing in sleep.\\ {{anchor:s301}}After midnight: toothache. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s303}}Sipping cold water: earache better.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Spring and Fall attacks of angina tonsillaris. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s306}}Fever: thirst; loss of appetite; dry mouth and tongue; dysphagia; frequent, full pulse; flushed face; prostration generally lasting seven days, occasionally accompanied by catarrh of eye, ear or nose, or inflammatory action of skin.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Chill with thirst in evening; loss of appetite and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Dry heat all day; pulse excitable; head affected.\\ {{anchor:s309}}During fever increased suppuration of ulcers with boys, and enlargement of swollen cervical glands with girls.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Heat, with coryza.\\ {{anchor:s311}}(In sick:) All day dry heat; pulse irritated; head affected.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Discoloring sweat.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Cold sweat.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Tertian intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Chills with heat, alternately with angina tonsillaris. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s317}}Right: earache; parotids; pain side of throat and ear; fauces of side deep red color; deglutition painful on side; stitch in patella; globular swelling tip of knee.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Left: staphyloma on inner edge of cornea; below stomach to side a hardness from which paroxysms of want of breath originate; paralysis of side.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Below upward: burning. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s321}}Stitches: in nodule on nose; in teeth; in testicles; in right patella.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Stinging: in and around knee.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Jerking: in teeth; in arms.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Drawing: in facial muscles.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Biting: in nodule on nose; in skin.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Burning: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Pressure: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Soreness: in nodule on nose.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Squeezing pains: in pelvis.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Cramps: in stomach; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Undefined pain: in ears; in right side of throat and ear; in region of navel.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Throbbing: toothache; in tumor in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Tension: in face; in thigh; in right patella; in knee.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Tickling: in nodule on nose.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Warmth: rises to chest and head. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s337}}Increased irritability of nerves.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Varicose veins. {{anchor:s339}}~ Angina tonsillaris.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Affection of lymphatic vessels and glands in scrofula.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Hydrops after scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Painful glandular swellings and indurations of scrofulous people.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Adenitis.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Catarrhal affections.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Pale and emaciated. {{anchor:s346}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Emaciation. {{anchor:s348}}~ Swelling of cervical glands. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s352}}Pressure: submaxillary and cervical glands agg.; no effect on swollen knee.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Swelling of testicle and scrotum from bruising, caused by riding horseback.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Touch: stitches in nodule side of nose. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s356}}Biting sensation in skin.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Spasmodic contraction of skin.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Skin not reddened, not warmer than usual. {{anchor:s359}}~ Swelling of parotis.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Inflammation of skin.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Itch-like pimples on head, nape of neck, abdomen and thighs.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Yellowish, scaly eruptions.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Herpes on various parts. {{anchor:s364}}~ Hypertrophy of testicle.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Herpes favinosus all over body, face excepted.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Tetters.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Scrofulous eruptions.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Fetid ichorous ulcers in inguinal region.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Whole body covered with ulcers. {{anchor:s370}}~ Scrofula.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Complaints after scarlet fever. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s373}}Scrofulous children. {{anchor:s374}}See 13, 27, 31.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Child, aet. 18 months. {{anchor:s376}}~ Dysentery after humid tetter.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Girl, aet. 18 months. {{anchor:s378}}~ Scrofulous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Boy, aet. 2, scrofulous, emaciated. {{anchor:s380}}~ Indurated cervical glands.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Boy, aet. 4, three weeks after scarlatina. {{anchor:s382}}~ Swelling of parotis.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Blonde, blue-eyed girl. {{anchor:s384}}~ Earache.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Scrofulous child, aet. 10, since five years otorrhea and glandular swellings, cured by one dose daily for two weeks.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Girls, aet. 39. {{anchor:s387}}~ Hemorrhagic extravasation of knee.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Man, aet. 50, strong constitution, inclined to catarrhal affections, and great disposition to angina tonsillaris.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Woman, aet. 53, small, weakly, poorly fed. {{anchor:s390}}~ Parotid swelling.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Woman, aet. 65, after five months absolute rest and strict diet having been useless, 1/5 grain in distilled water, three times daily, for several weeks. {{anchor:s392}}~ Abdominal aneurism. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s394}}Absinthe antidotes the vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Useful after Arnic. in extravasations of blood.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Similar to Conium in indurations of abdominal glands. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r298|Baryta muriatica]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r298|Baryta muriatica]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}