====== BENZOICUM ACIDUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Benzoic Acid. ====== Benzoic acid. C6H5, CO,OH. ====== {{anchor:s4}}Proved since 1838, and used in many cases by Dr. Jeanes; arranged and published by him, with the additional proving of Dr. Lingen (1844), in Transactions of American Institute, 1846, vol. i, page 13 to 25. {{anchor:s5}}Chapman published some cures in 1849 in the British Quarterly, vol. vii, page 390, without giving credit to Jeanes. C. Hering received a proving of Dr. Nusser in 1845, and published a translation of Jeanes' report in his Amerikanische Arzneiprüfungen, adding all the cures known at the time and the proving of Petroz from 1847. {{anchor:s6}}This received the honor of republication in the famous Lehrbuch of Grauvogl, who was in our medical School what Schopenhauer was in the philosophical school of Kant. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s8}}Confused head.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Omits words while writing.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Cannot get rid of an idea.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Activity of mind while at work, followed by anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Inclined to dwell on unpleasant things; if he saw any one deformed it made him shudder.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Sadness.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Anxiety; while sweating.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Child cross, wants to be nursed in arms.\\ {{anchor:s16}}After mental emotions headache. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Vertigo, fearful of falling sideways, usually in the afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Confusion of head.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Sensation as if there was air in head.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Tired feeling in head, as from night watching. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s23}}While sitting, pressure on whole lower part of head and whole spine, as if they were pressed like an elastic body, so that he stretched himself involuntarily and bent forward; anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Pain and heat in region of organs of reverence and firmness.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Hammering pain in temples, has to lie down.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Pressure on vertex extending to spine, with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Tearing pain in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Fearful pain in occiput or cerebellum, which had confined the young man to bed for three weeks.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Cold feeling in head.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Shaking in head.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Rheumatic pains in head.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Head worse: from mental emotions; exposure to a draught of air; uncovering of head; in morning on awaking; in rest; periodically.\\ {{anchor:s33}}With head symptoms depression, lassitude and loss of appetite. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s35}}Formication in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Rheumatic pain on outside of head.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Inner pain and bruised feeling inside of head.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Cold sweat on head. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s40}}Burning heat in eyes and lids.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Throbbing in eyeballs.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Worse reading by artificial light; walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Distress in eyes, as from want of sleep.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Irritates conjunctiva, causes pressive feeling in bulbus. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s46}}Sensation in ears like a sound of confused voices, most when swallowing or walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Throbbing and hissing in ears synchronous with beats of heart.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Swelling behind ears, which seems to reach to periosteum. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Seems to smell dust, cabbage, or something stinking.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Sense of smell diminished.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Pain in nasal bones.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Pressure on root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Epistaxis.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Sneezing: with lightness of head, excitement; with hoarseness; morning.\\ {{anchor:s56}}A cold in head readily occurs from exposure to cold, and is renewed every day.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Sensitiveness of nose.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Redness in corners of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Sense of pressure, as if face had gone to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Tension in one side of face.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Numb feeling in face.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Burning heat of face; or of one side.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Symptoms amel. by external heat, by pressure, or friction.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Cold sweat on face.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Circumscribed redness on cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Copper-colored spots on face.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Face red, with little blisters. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Trembling of lips.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Involuntarily biting lower lip at dinner.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Itching on chin. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Toothache. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s76}}Taste: of blood; bitter; with eructations and pressure at stomach; on drinking coffee or milk; food salty; flat, soapy after drinking water; bread smoky; aftertaste of food.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Tongue of a slight bluish color.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Velvety coating on tongue, with high-colored, strong-smelling urine.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Tongue coated with white mucus; morning.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Soreness of back part of tongue, felt most while swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Glossitis.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Tongue is spongy on surface, with deep cracks, and with spreading ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Extensive ulcerations of tongue, with deeply chapped or fungoid surfaces. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s85}}An ulcerated tumor on left side of mouth, upon soft commissure of jaws, behind last molar.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Slightly acid mucus.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Heat around mouth. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s89}}Swallowing difficult, incomplete; with noise in ears; with soreness on back of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Sensation of swelling, or of constriction of throat.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Mouth and throat symptoms relieved by eating.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Heat in esophagus, as from acid eructations.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Angina faucium and tonsillaris with characteristic high-colored, strong urine.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Collection of mucus in throat.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Thyroid gland feels swollen. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s98}}Appetite in evening; lost in morning; nausea.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Thirst with sleepiness; evening. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s101}}The throat symptoms are relieved by eating.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Sweat while eating. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s104}}Loathing sickness at stomach, pain and discomfort; with gagging.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Vomiting of a salty or bitter substance.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Nausea: with gagging; with disturbance about head; with loathing; with constant malaise.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Vomiting: of a salty substance; bitter. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s109}}Weak digestion.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Burning or warmth; pressure on stomach.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Gastric symptoms increased when walking, especially ascending.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Sensation, as of a lump in pit of throat, as if some food had lodged there.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Sensation of heat in stomach. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s115}}Sense of weakness in precordia.\\ {{anchor:s116}}In region of liver constant fine stitching midway in upper portion thereof, not increased by pressure.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Obstruction of liver.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Pain below left short ribs. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s120}}Heat through abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Cutting about navel; relieved by stool.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Pressure of clothing makes him feel wearied.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Tearing bellyache.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Tensive pains in loins and groins. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s126}}Stitching in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Urging to stool, with ineffectual straining.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Sensation of constriction at lower end of rectum.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Horripilations, or chilliness before stool.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Stools: copious, watery, greyish-white, like dirty soapsuds; excessively offensive, scenting whole house; of a strong, pungent smell, like that of urine; putrid, bloody; frothy; insufficient.\\ {{anchor:s131}}White, stinking, liquid stools. {{anchor:s132}}~ Diarrhea of children.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Watery; light-colored, very offensive stools (in children), with unusually strong-smelling urine.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Fetid, watery, white stools, very copious and exhausting, in infants, urine being of a deep red color.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Diarrhea of children, discharge copious, watery, clearcolored, very fetid; profuse, watery, running through diaper; urine uncommonly deep red, and urinous odor very strong.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Formication at anus.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Slightly elevated, wart-like, round surfaces around anus, varying from a half to one-and-a-half inches in diameter; with smarting soreness; urine strong-scented and high-colored; after using copaiva for chancre. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s139}}Sore pain in back; burning in left kidney, with drawing when stooping; dull pain in kidneys, loins stiff; right knee swollen.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Kidney pains, which penetrate chest on taking a deep breath. {{anchor:s141}}~ Nephritis.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Nephritic colic; urine deep red, of a strong odor.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Irritability of bladder: muco-purulent discharges, enlarged prostate; concretions of urate of ammonia; calculus.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Pains in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Dysuria senilis, when the gravel is trifling and the irritable state of bladder and pains are induced by other causes.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Too frequent desire to evacuate bladder, urine normal.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Profuse urine, very debilitating.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Urine diminished; thick; bloody.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Urine dark, urinous odor highly intensified. {{anchor:s150}}~ Sore throats; diarrhea; menstrual derangements; hypochondriasis; rheumatism; nephritic colic; after gonorrhea; gleet, or syphilis; prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Brown urine, smells sour, scalding in passing.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Renders urine acid; hippuric acid.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Urine of aromatic odor and saline taste, highly colored sometimes color of brandy; urinous odor exceedingly strong; urine greater, of a very deep red color, depositing no sediment.\\ {{anchor:s154}}White flocculent sediment immediately after voiding urine, composed of phosphate and carbonate of lime, without uric acid; pale, languid; weak loins.\\ {{anchor:s155}}A granular kind of mucus mixed with phosphate in sediment; urine dark, reddish-brown; acid reaction, or very offensive; fleeting pains in bladder, not when urinating, but at other times. {{anchor:s156}}~ Vesical catarrh, from suppressed gonorrhea, calculi, or gout.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Morbid condition of urine, as in persons with calculous or gouty diathesis.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Urine contains mucus and pus. {{anchor:s159}}~ Enlargement of prostate.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Enuresis nocturna of children.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Urine with concretions of urate of ammonia.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Enuresis from infancy, girl, aet. 15.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Sensibility of bladder with muco-purulent discharge. {{anchor:s164}}~ Enlargement of prostate.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Urine highly colored, sometimes of color of French brandy, urinous odor exceedingly strong.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Urine of a greater specific gravity; if passed in same vessel it retains its place below healthy urine, without admixture, and, though of a very deep red color, deposits no sediment.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Hot, scalding urine, deep red, of strong odor, causing so much suffering in its passage that this was performed but once a day.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Dark, or highly colored, offensive urine, after suppressed syphilis or gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Fetid urine, with prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Urine clearer after one dose and soon free from mucous deposits.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Excess of uric acid.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Enuresis nocturna of children where Nitrum failed.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Urine of a very repulsive odor, changeable color, brownish, cloudy, of an alkaline reaction; effervescing with hydrochloric acid; white, flocculent sediment soon after its passage; phosphate and carbonate of lime, without uric acid. {{anchor:s174}}~ A pale; languid patient, with weakness in loins.\\ {{anchor:s175}}The urinary odor is very strongly ammoniacal.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Urine dark brown, of a putrid, cadaverous smell. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Pain in genitals; pressure; raw pain; splitting pains.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Gleet; urine offensive.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Gonorrhea suppressed (by copaiva); with offensive urine.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Smarting of frenum praeputii.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Itching in sulcus, behind corona glandis.\\ {{anchor:s183}}A thrilling, almost painful sensation left side of glans, ending in a sensation of tickling and itching. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Menses too early or retarded.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Weakness after menses.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Amenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Prolapsus uteri with fetid urine. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s192}}Gastric derangements when ascending a height. {{anchor:s193}}~ Pregnant women.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Retention of urine with infants.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Lochia last too long. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Slight hoarseness in morning; sneezing. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s200}}Difficulty of breathing on awaking.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Asthma with inflammatory rheumatic complaints.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Mucous oppression of lungs. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s204}}Cough: after a slight cold; excited by inspiration; produced by something acrid or dry in chest.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Dry, constant, hacking cough. {{anchor:s206}}~ After suppressed gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Dry, tormenting cough; great weakness; sweat; comatose state.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Cough followed by expectoration of green mucus.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Copious secretion of mucus in bronchi. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s211}}Painful trembling in chest.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Morbid agitation and restlessness in chest.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Pressure on ribs.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Sensation in chest of swelling; of roughness; painful starting; cutting.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Pains often change their place suddenly, causing a dry cough and asthma.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Stitching in right side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Stitches in chest, especially on breathing deeply; evening.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Pain about third rib, right side, midway between sternum and side, agg. by breathing.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Pain in left side, about sixth rib, increased by deep inspiration and bending to either side.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Asthenic pneumonia of a young man; after strength had sunk daily; difficulty of breathing increased every hour to a fearful degree.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Pneumonia, asthenic form.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Great weakness; difficult breathing, increasing every hour.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Promotes expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Mucous oppression of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Catarrhal diseases of lungs, coughs and asthmatic attacks.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Puerperal albuminuria, uraemia and convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s227}}In the last period of simple pneumonia, when great weakness prevails.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Typhoid pneumonia. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s230}}Pains change place incessantly, but are most constant about heart.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Pains in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Undulating, or intermittent beats of heart.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Palpitation of heart, with trembling.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Palpitation while sitting; agg. after drinking; at night.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Awakens after midnight with violent palpitation and hard beating of temporal arteries.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Awakens with oppression of breathing; with palpitation of heart (after midnight); with heat and hard pulse.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Awakens after midnight with violent pulsations of heart and temporal arteries, 110 per minute; internal but no external heat; cannot go to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Palpitation agg. at night, lying; at times tearing rheumatic pains in extremities, relieving heart.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Gout, or rheumatism, affecting heart.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Pulse accelerated; full; slower and weaker; intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Hard, frequent pulse; fever heat; sweat. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s243}}Sternum sensitive to touch.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Pressure of clothing on chest is annoying.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Burning in nipples.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Sensation of swelling in mammary glands; also in thyroid gland. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s248}}Stiffness of neck only on one side.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Pressure in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Violent itching in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Deep penetrating pain in posterior part of left side, at about sixth rib.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Pain right side of back between tenth dorsal vertebra and side.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Dull pain in region of kidneys; stiffness in loins.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Trembling in lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Myelitis.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Sense of coldness at sacrum. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s258}}Sensation of swelling under axillae.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Tearing pains, apparently in bones of upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Cold hands, with head symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Paralytic pain of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Fingers swollen; tearing and fine stitching pains in various parts of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Eruption of red spots on fingers.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Gouty deposits in both wrists, between metacarpal bones; swelling of elbow joints.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Itching in palm of right hand; slight, but deep tearing in upper part of metacarpal joints of little and ring fingers. {{anchor:s266}}~ Gout.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Panaritium. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s269}}Lassitude in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Sensation as if lower limbs were tightly bandaged.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Tearing pain in anterior surface of thigh.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Pain in left hip, knee and toes; thence into muscles of calf, and then in knee; after it has left these parts it appears in right thigh and ankle.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Swelling of right knee; ulcerative pain in whole leg; with pains in kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Pain in right knee; then in left.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Cracking, or sense of dryness in knee joints.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Drawing pain in knees after drinking wine.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Cold feet and cold foot sweat.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Pain in right, later in left tendo-achillis.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Severe pain in left tendo-achillis, close to os calcis, when supporting a slight part of weight of body while walking.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Tearing and stitches, especially in metatarsal joints of right great toe. {{anchor:s281}}~ Gout.\\ {{anchor:s282}}During night gout commences in right great toe; his gout going from left to right.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Stitch passing upward through right great toe, followed by burning, which increases to a stitch; afterwards it appears in left great toe, from which it vanishes with a thrill.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Numbness in toes.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Pain in large joints of big toe, with tumefaction and redness. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s287}}Gouty concretions.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Nodes on joints of upper and lower limbs, cracking and knicking on motion.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Tearing, fine stitches in various parts of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Syphilitic rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Pain from right hand to left arm down into elbow, and thence to region of heart; later in right thigh and ankle.\\ {{anchor:s292}}In both wrists, between metacarpal bones, abundant gouty deposits with swelling of elbow joints. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s296}}Rest: head symptoms worse.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Sitting: palpitation worse.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Bending to either side: pain in left side about sixth rib worse.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Lying: palpitation agg.; toothache worse.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Turning in bed: symptoms worse.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Stooping: drawing left kidney.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Walking: throbbing in eyeballs agg.; confused sound of voices in ear agg.; gastric symptoms agg.; pain in left tendo-achillis; sweat.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Moving: cracking of joints.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Motion after long sitting: symptoms worse.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Ascending: gastric symptoms worse. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s307}}Trembling: with palpitation of heart; in loins.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Weariness, lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Extreme weakness; sweat and comatose condition.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Hysteria. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s312}}Sleepiness, with dullness of head.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Awakens: with difficulty of breathing; with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Starting up from sleep.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Pulsation of temporal arteries from falling asleep again.\\ {{anchor:s316}}He wakes every morning about two o'clock, from strong internal head and a hard, bounding, but not quickened pulse. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s318}}At 2 A. M.: awakened by strong internal heat.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Morning: head symptoms agg.; sneezing and hoarseness; white tongue; appetite lost; sweat in bed.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Afternoon: vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Evening: appetite amel.; thirst with sleepiness; stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Night: enuresis; palpitation; gout in right great toe.\\ {{anchor:s323}}After midnight: awakens with palpitation; oppression of breathing. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s325}}Open air: throbbing in eyeballs agg.; sound of confused voices in ears worse.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Draught of air: head symptoms agg., especially when uncovering head.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Exposure to cold: "cold" in head.\\ {{anchor:s328}}External heat: symptoms better. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s330}}Cold hands, feet, back, knees, as from cold wind.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Coldness with feeling of heat.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Coldness, then heat and sweat.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Sense of heat in esophagus; stomach; belly.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Heat: with sweat; with cold in head; with nightly palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Awakens every morning at 2 o'clock with violent internal heat, and hard, beating pulse, compelling him to lie on back, because beating of temporal arteries causes a humming in ears, and prevents him from going to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Sweat: while eating; while walking; morning in bed, especially in face; with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Cold sweat: on head; on face; on feet.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Sweat with itching.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Sweat with aromatic odor.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Skin pale, cool, with sweat, weakness, coma. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s342}}Head symptoms return periodically. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s344}}Right: knee swollen; stitches side of chest; pain about third rib of side; pain side of back, between tenth dorsal vertebra and side; itching in palm of hand; pain in knee; tearing and stitches in great toe; gout in toe.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Right to left: pain in right, later in left tendo-achillis; pain from right hand to left arm, later in right thigh and ankles; pain in right knee, then left knee.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Left to right: pain in left hip, knee and toes, appears in right thigh and ankle; gout.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Left: ulcerated tumor side of mouth; pain below short ribs; burning in kidney; thrilling pain side of glans; pain in side, about sixth rib; pain in hip, knee and toes; pain in tendo-achillis.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Symptoms in sick go from right to left mostly, and from below upward, especially in rheumatism and gout. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s350}}As if there was air in head; as if spine and head were pressed like an electric body; as if face had gone to sleep; as from want of sleep in eyes; as of confused voices in ears; as of a lump in throat-pit; as if lower limbs were tightly bandaged.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Screwing pains.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Cutting: about navel; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Deep penetrating pain: in posterior part of left side.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Stitching: in rectum; in right side of chest; in right great toe.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Fine stitching: in hepatic region; in various parts of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Tearing: in vertex; bellyache; in bones of upper limbs; in various parts of limbs; in upper part of metacarpal joint of little and ring fingers; in anterior surface of thigh; in right great toe.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Drawing: in left kidney; in knees.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Splitting: in male genitals.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Burning: in left kidney; in nipples; in right great toe.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Scalding: of urine in passing.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Smarting: of frenum praeputii.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Soreness: of back part of tongue; in back.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Raw pain: in male genitals.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Pressure: on lower part of head; on spine; in eyeball; on root of nose; in stomach; in male genitals; on ribs; in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Bruised feeling: inside of head.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Rheumatic pain: in head; on outside of head; in extremities.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Ulcerative pain: in whole leg.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Paralytic pain: of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Fearful pain: in occiput or cerebellum.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Fleeting pains: in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Painful trembling: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Thrilling: left side of jaws; in great toes.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Dull pain: in kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Undefined pain: in region of reverence and firmness; in nasal bones; below left short ribs; in bladder; in genitals; about third rib, right side; about sixth rib, left side; in cardiac region; in back; in left hip, knee and toes; in right thigh and ankle; in left and right tendo-achillis; in kidneys; in large joint of big toe.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Coldness: in head; at sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Throbbing: in eyeballs; in ears.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Hammering: in temples.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Swelling: in throat; in chest; in mammary glands; in thyroid gland; under axillae.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Painful starting: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Shaking: in head.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Stiffness: one side of neck; in loins.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Tension: in one side of face; in loins and groins.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Constriction: or swelling of throat; at lower end of rectum.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Trembling: in lumbar region; in loins.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Tired feeling: in head.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Formication: in forehead; at anus.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Numbness: in face; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Roughness: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Weakness: in precordia; after menses.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Heat: in region of reverence and firmness; around mouth; through abdomen; internal, on awaking; in esophagus; in stomach; in belly.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Burning heat: in eyes and lids; of face; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Itching: on chin; in sulcus, behind corona glandis; in left side of glans penis; in nape of neck; in palm of right hand; with sweat.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Tickling: in left side of glans penis.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Dryness: in knee joints. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s396}}Mucous states.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Gouty diathesis; arthritis vaga.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Affects all joints, particularly knee, swelling it.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Gout with arthritic nodosities.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Syphilitic rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Emaciation. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s405}}Touch: sternum sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s406}}Pressure: symptoms amel.; of clothing about chest and abdomen annoys.\\ {{anchor:s407}}Friction: symptoms better. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s409}}Itching on various parts, yielding a rather agreeable sensation on being scratched, but leaving a burning.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Sweat with itching.\\ {{anchor:s411}}Syphilitic spots and marks.\\ {{anchor:s412}}Ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Slightly elevated round surfaces of a wart-like appearance, and of circular form, varying in diameter from half an inch to 1 1/2 inches; at places running into each other; nearly covered both sides and bottom of sulcus ani, and caused much smarting and soreness of part; with strong-scented and highly-colored urine; after abuse of copaiva. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s415}}Gouty diathesis.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Rheumatic diathesis in syphilitic or gonorrheal patients.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Woman, aet. 38, considered herself in dissolution with uterine complaints. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s419}}Useful in gout after Colchic. fails.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Useful after abuse of Copaiva in suppression of gonorrhea; or for warts around anus, appearing after Copaiva has been used for chancre.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Useful in enuresis after failure of Nitrum.\\ {{anchor:s422}}Has been used for dysuria senilis from enlarged prostate, in conjunction with Copaiva.\\ {{anchor:s423}}It has been reported of Natr. benz. as having cured many apparently hopeless cases of consumption in Vienna.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Similar to: Copaiva, Ferrum, Zincum.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Incompatible: wine, which aggravates pains in kidneys, drawing in knees, etc. (compare Zincum). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r264|Benzoicum acidum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r264|Benzoicum acidum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}