====== CANNABIS SATIVA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Cannabis Sativa. {{anchor:s2}}American or European Hemp. {{anchor:s3}}Cannabineae. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s5}}Seems to be in a dream, as if things were not real; feels as if she did not know where she was; objects seem strange; feels at times as if she was somebody else; memory bad; forgets when speaking what she is going to say, or what she is going to do, unless she makes a note of it,; cannot follow what persons say to her; when writing repeats or omits words. {{anchor:s6}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s7}}Makes mistakes in writing.\\ {{anchor:s8}}Says one thing for another when speaking.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Time seems prolonged. {{anchor:s10}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Voices, including her own, seem to come from a distance; her own voice seems strange, as if it was somebody else speaking. {{anchor:s12}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Thoughts seem to stand still.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Feeling as if she would lose her senses. {{anchor:s15}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Hasty manner, with chill.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Sadness and melancholy.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Despondent in forenoon, lively in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Lectrophobia.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Anxious and apprehensive feeling at pit of stomach, with oppression of breath and palpitation; rising of something warm into throat, with arrest of breathing; soon something became lodged in trachea, with flushes of heat. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s22}}Vertigo: when standing, with swimming of head; when walking, with tendency to fall sideways.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Giddiness, when walking, with fear of falling. {{anchor:s24}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Head feels as if it would fall in all directions. {{anchor:s26}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Rush of blood to head, causing heat and flushes.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Violent throbbing, with heat of head, and fever.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Forehead feels compressed, from margins of orbits to temples; not relieved by bending forward.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Pressure below frontal eminences, extending deep through brain to occiput.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Pressure in temples.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Pain in right temple and vertex, as if opening and shutting; begins on waking, lasts all day; agg. from noise. {{anchor:s34}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s36}}Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling on head.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Crawling in scalp. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s39}}After looking long, mistiness before eyes. {{anchor:s40}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Weakness of eyes and diminished vision.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Alternating dilatation and contraction of pupils in same light.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Sensation of spasmodic drawing in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Pressure from back of eyes forward.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Sensation as if sand was in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Keratitis parenchymatosa (not pannus), in which whole thickness of cornea is red and vascular.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Cornea becomes obscured (film before eyes).\\ {{anchor:s48}}Leukoma.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Cornea becomes opaque and pellicle appears on it.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Opacity of cornea after a bee-sting.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Maculae and ulcers on cornea.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Scrofulous eye troubles.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Cataract. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Ringing in ears, and throbbing. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s57}}Dryness in nose, and sensation of stoppage.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Stupefying pressure, like from a blunt point, on root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Bleeding of nose, sometimes to fainting.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Large pimples on nose, surrounded by red swelling.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Sensation as if nose was enlarging and obstructing vision.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Swelling and copper redness of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Face pale.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Left cheek red, not hot; right one pale; pain in right tooth.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Slight pulsations in various portions of face, particularly in left buccinator. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s68}}Eruption on vermilion border of lips.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Numbing compressing pain in left side of chin, affects teeth of same side. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s71}}Pain in hollow teeth. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Nasty taste in mouth, on waking, returns after meals. {{anchor:s74}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Loss of taste.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Difficult speech, at times stuttering. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s78}}Dryness of mouth, throat and lips. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s80}}Burning dryness of palate, mornings.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Dryness of throat. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Does not like meat, of which she used to be fond. {{anchor:s85}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s87}}Eructations of air; of bitter, acrid fluid. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s89}}Cramp in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Uninterrupted dull stitches near pit of stomach, just below ribs, momentarily amel. by bending trunk backward and forward. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s92}}Dull stitching in left side, just below ribs, when breathing and when not. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s94}}Intestines feel bruised.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Painful jerks in abdomen, moving from place to place, as if something living was in it, accompanied by drawing from left hip bone across to right, and thence to knee; still, however, the pain remained in hip, where it seemed like a tearing, pushing pain.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Pain and pressing outward in abdominal ring, as if parts would suppurate.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Feeling as if intestines would drop.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Outward pressure in abdominal ring.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Ascites after abuse of quinine. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s101}}During and after stool burning in anus.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Pressure in rectum and sacral region, as if intestines were sinking down and would be pressed out, while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Constrictive pain in anus, together with a sensation as if thighs were drawn together, so that she was obliged to close them.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Sensation like trickling of cold water in anus.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Constriction of anus.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Constipation. {{anchor:s107}}~ Urinary troubles. {{anchor:s108}}~ Phimosis. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Ulcerative pain in region of kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Nephritic colic of horses.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Sensation of soreness, and inflammation of kidneys and bladder.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Penis swollen; thick purulent discharge; difficulty in making water, not from burning, but from stoppage at intervals, as if from spasm; child, aet. 6. {{anchor:s114}}~ Urethritis.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Drawing pain from region of kidneys to inguinal glands; with anxious, nauseous sensation in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Burning smarting in urethra, from meatus backward; posteriorly stitching while urinating.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Urethra feels inflamed and sore to touch, along its whole length; during erections tensive pain; feels drawn up into knots.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Burning while urinating, but especially just after.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Burning along urethra, at commencement and end of urinating.\\ {{anchor:s120}}When not urinating, burning pain in forepart of urethra, with pressure to urinate almost constantly.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Stitches along urethra, when not urinating.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Jerking stitches in posterior portion of urethra, when standing.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Long standing dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Pain extending from orifice of urethra backward, burning-biting, posteriorly more sticking, while urinating.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Tearing as if in fibres of urethra, in form of zigzag.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Urging to urinate, with pressive pain.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Stream of urine forked.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Urine: white, turbid, or red and turbid; full of fibres.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Enuresis; paralysis of bladder, particularly in old people.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Pain in neck of bladder and both kidneys; urging to urinate every fifteen or twenty minutes; urine yellowish-white and the last mixed with blood, scalding when passed, but agg. after; at close of urination very painful spasmodic closing of sphincter and, at same time, very severe stricture and drawing up of anus; constant urging to stool, with inability. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s132}}Priapism, with free mucoid discharge. {{anchor:s133}}~ Gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Increased sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s135}}(In sick:) Nocturnal emission mixed with blood.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Frequent erections, followed by stitches in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Prepuce dark red, greatly swollen, sensitive to touch.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Penis swollen, without marked erections.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Penis painful, as if sore or burnt, when walking.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Pressive dragging sensation in testicles, when standing.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Great swelling of prepuce, approaching to phimosis.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Dark redness of glans and prepuce.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Light red, lentil-sized spots on glans.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Phimosis, accompanied by constipation.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Inflammatory stage of gonorrhea. {{anchor:s146}}See 21.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Discharge of watery mucus from urethra; painless discharge of a clear transparent mucus from urethra, without erection; closing of orifice by mucus.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Swelling of glans penis; a sort of erection without sensation; coldness of genital organs, with warmth of rest of body; prepuce dark red, hot and inflamed (See Sulphur).\\ {{anchor:s149}}Smarting, as from excoriation of margin and inner side of prepuce; continual burning of prepuce and glans for four days; bathing it in cold water brought on a pain as from excoriation; skin of prepuce is covered with bright red spots size of a pea; when walking, penis feels sore and burnt. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Increased sexual desire; nymphomania; sterility.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Too profuse menses, with dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Infantile leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Gonorrhea: cutting between labia during micturition, swelling of vagina, orifice of urethra closed with muco-pus, urine voided in a spray. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s158}}Threatened abortion in gonorrheic patients.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Post-partum hemorrhage. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Voice weak, often inaudible.\\ {{anchor:s163}}In morning, though mucus in lower portion of trachea, cannot be dislodged by coughing and hawking; after hawking and coughing trachea feels raw and sore; finally mucus loosens of itself, and he must hawk it up frequently.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Things go down "the wrong way" in swallowing. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s166}}Oppression of breathing, from tensive, pressive pains in middle of sternum, which is also sore to touch; sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Obliged to breathe deeply; chest oppressed; sensation of apprehension in throat.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Dyspnea and extreme agitation; must sit most of the time. {{anchor:s169}}~ Humid asthma.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Wheezing and mucous rales. {{anchor:s171}}~ Bronchitis.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Has to stand by open window, leaning forward. {{anchor:s173}}~ Asthma. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s175}}Hacking cough, arises from pit of throat, with a cool, salty fluid deep in throat, posteriorly.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Cough, with a green, viscid expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Cough, with burning in chest.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Cough, with blood-spitting and stitches in right side. {{anchor:s179}}~ Pleurisy. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Sore feeling under upper part of sternum.\\ {{anchor:s182}}A digging beneath upper part of sternum, without oppression of breath.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Stitches in right side. {{anchor:s184}}~ Pleurisy.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Spasmodic affections of chest and abdomen, accompanied by urinary troubles. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s187}}Throbbing in scrobiculum.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Visible palpitation. {{anchor:s189}}~ Pneumonia of horses.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Violent beating of heart, on moving body and on stooping, with warm sensation about heart.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Pulse very weak, slow, frequently almost imperceptible. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s193}}Drawing in neck, extending upward.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Pain in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Pain in middle of back, as if some one was pinching it with pincers; pain extending gradually towards abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Pressure as if with a sharp point in coccyx. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Rending pressure on shoulder, in attacks.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Coldness and cold feeling of hands.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Formication and numb feeling in tips of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Sudden lameness of hand: trembling of hand, when attempting to clasp anything.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Palms of hands hot and dry, with kidney trouble.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Contraction of fingers after a sprain. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s205}}Cramplike, jerking, digging pain in right hip.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Drawing pains in feet.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Violent pain with contraction in tendo-achillis and left foot. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s209}}Weariness of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Neuralgic pains in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Rheumatic drawing in periosteum of long bones, as if they had been bruised by blows; during motion.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Arthritic rheumatism, with dyspnea. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s216}}Sitting: pressure in rectum and sacral region.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Standing: swimming of head; pressive, dragging sensation in testicles.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Bending forward: forehead feels compressed, not relieved.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Motion: rheumatic drawing in long bones.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Walking: fear of falling; giddiness; penis feels sore and burnt. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Tetanic spasms of upper limbs and trunk.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Faint feeling, sometimes faints right off. {{anchor:s225}}~ Post-partum hemorrhage. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s227}}Sleepiness, but fear of bed.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Uneasy sleep at night.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Dreams disagreeable and frightful; disappointed in everything and is filled with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Awoke at night from slumber, with frightful dreams, not knowing where he was.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Vivid, lascivious dreams after midnight. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s233}}Night: sweat wanting, or, only on forehead; burning heat.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Morning: dryness of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Day: pain in right temple and vertex. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s237}}Uncovering: amel. unendurable, fine stitching over whole body, like from a thousand needle-points, at night, when sweating from warm covering. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s239}}Chill, with thirst and shaking.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Shivering over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s241}}External coldness of whole body, with exception of face.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Heat only in face, and slight.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Nightly burning heat.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Sweat wanting, or, only on forehead and neck, at night. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s246}}Right: temple and vertex pain; side of chest, stitches; digging pain in hip.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Left: side of chin, numbing compressing pain; dull stitching just below ribs; drawing from hip bone across to right. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Feels as if hot water was poured over him.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling: on head; from anus; from heart.\\ {{anchor:s251}}As if opening and shutting, temples and vertex; as if sand was in eyes; as if nose was enlarging and obstructing vision; as if something living was in abdomen; as if intestines would drop; as if thighs were drawn together; as if cold water trickled in anus; urethra feels as if drawn up into knots; penis as if ore or burnt, as if excoriated; long bones, as if bruised; as if some one was pinching middle of back with pincers; as if parts had enlarged.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Unendurable fine stitching over whole body, like from a thousand needle-points, at night, when sweating from warm covering, amel. when uncovering.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Violent pain: in tendo-achillis and left foot.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Jerks: painful, in abdomen; in urethra; lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Stitches: near pit of stomach; while urinating; along urethra; in right side of chest; fine, unendurable over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Sticking: in urethra while urinating.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Cutting: between labia.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Tearing: pain in hip; as if in fibres of urethra.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Rending: pressure on shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Neuralgic pain: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Digging: of back; pain in right lip; beneath upper part of sternum.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Drawing: in eyes; pain from region of kidneys to inguinal glands; up of anus; in neck; pains in feet; rheumatic, in periosteum of long bones; from left hipbone to right and thence to knee.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Spasmodic: drawing in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Pushing: pain in hip.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Burning: dryness of palate; in anus; smarting in urethra; while urinating; along urethra; of prepuce; in chest; heat at night.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Smarting: of prepuce; in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Pressure: below frontal eminences; in temples; from back of eyes forward; in abdominal ring; as if to urinate; as if with a sharp point in coccyx; on root of nose; in rectum and sacral region.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Pressive dragging: in testicles.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Soreness: in kidneys and bladder; under upper sternum; of penis.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Bruised: intestines feel.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Ulcerative pain: in region of kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Pain: in hollow tooth; in abdominal ring; in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Beating: of heart violent.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Throbbing: violent, with heat of head and fever; and ringing in ears; in scrobiculum.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Compressed: forehead; pain in chin.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Cramp: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Cramplike: jerking in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Constrictive: pain in anus.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Contraction: of fingers after a sprain; in tendo-achillis; in left foot.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Formication: and numb feeling in tips of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Numbing: pain in chin.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Crawling: in scalp.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Warm sensation: about heart.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Dryness: of mouth, throat and lips; of nose. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s288}}Touch: sensitiveness to, prepuce; middle of sternum sore to touch. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s290}}Unendurable fine stitching over whole body, like from a thousand needle-points, at night, when sweating from warm covering; amel. when uncovering.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Itching pimples.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Vesicles on head and chest, filled with serum and surrounded by red areola; burn when touched. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s294}}Child, aet. 6. {{anchor:s295}}~ Urethritis. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s297}}Antidotes: of large doses, lemon juice, Strychnia, and faradization of respiratory muscles to maintain respiration; of small doses, Camphor., Mercur.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Compatible: Bellad., Hyosc., Lycop., Nux vom., Opium, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Veratr.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Compare: Cann. ind., the drugs mentioned above, as well as Act. rac., Arnic., Bryon., Canthar., Petrol., Petros., Stannum, Stramon., Sulphur. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 03, 1881 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r115|Cannabis sativa]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r115|Cannabis sativa]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}