====== CARBO ANIMALIS ====== {{anchor:s1}}Carbo Animalis. {{anchor:s2}}Animal charcoal. {{anchor:s3}}Burnt animal substances, porcupine, swallows, moles, human bones, etc., have been used in medicine, before and since the time of Dioscorides, for glandular affections, scirrhus, epilepsy, etc. {{anchor:s4}}1708. Quesnot, Plusieurs secrets rare et curieux, p. 124. {{anchor:s5}}Paris. {{anchor:s6}}1827. Introduced by Hahnemann in his Chronic Diseases, the symptoms numbering 190; in 1831, 191, and in 1837 they had increased to 728. {{anchor:s7}}The symptoms referred to Hartlaub and Trinks are from Nenning. {{anchor:s8}}The preparation used by Hahnemann in his provings, and which ought, therefore, to be preferred to all others, was made by placing a thick piece of ox-hide between red-hot coals, where it was allowed to remain as long as it burned with a flame. {{anchor:s9}}As soon as the flame ceased the red-hot mass was extinguished by being pressed between two flat stones. {{anchor:s10}}Contains several substances besides carbon, the principal one being phosphate of lime. {{anchor:s11}}1840. Fueter, Schweizer Zeitschrift, makes mention of burnt mole, useful in goitre, glandular indurations and scirrhus. {{anchor:s12}}1845. Drr used human-bone coal successfully in mesenteric atrophy. {{anchor:s13}}Clinical cases are reported by Payr, H. Kl., 1870, p. 158; A. E. Small, N. S. M. and S. J., April, 1871; J. Romig, Allentown Correspondenz Blatt; E. W. Berridge, H. M., 1884, p. 111, and others. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Unclouded consciousness and great anguish with sinking of vital forces.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Sensation of stupefaction in head with dullness in occiput, agg. from motion in cold, damp air, amel. when at rest in warm room.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Confused, did not know whether he had been asleep or awake; morning.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Loss of memory, forgets word just spoken.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Desire to be alone; she is sad, reflective; avoids conversation.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Variable mood; alternate cheerfullness and melancholy.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Low-spirited.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Easily frightened.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Fearful in the dark.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Anxiety and orgasm of blood at night, so severe that she was obliged to sit up.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Anxiety; apprehensive, after an emission.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Homesick.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Head heavy and dull early in morning, with irritable mood. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s29}}Vertigo and confusion on sitting up; amel. when reclining.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Vertigo: with vibrating of all objects, staggering; with falling backward; with epistaxis; early in morning; after shaving; with nausea, on rising up after morning. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s32}}Brain feels as if loose, during motion; agg. after eating and in cold; amel. when lying in bed and in warmth.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Darting pains through head, like lightning.\\ {{anchor:s34}}She has sensation as of a tornado in head.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Roaring in head.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Sensation in forehead as if something lay above eyes, on account of which she could not look up.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Heaviness in forehead on stooping, with sensation as if brain would fall forward; vertigo on rising, so that she soon feel down.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Pain in top of head, as if skull had been split or torn asunder; agg. during wet weather and at night; must press head with both hands.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Tearing in right side of head.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Pain in left side of head.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Stupefying headache in occiput, early in morning and in forenoon.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Heaviness of head, especially in occiput, and of left temple, with confusion.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Stupefaction in head, with vertigo; had to close her eyes, when rising after stool.\\ {{anchor:s44}}(In sick:) Headache, with red eyes and stopped nose.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Pressure in whole brain; on head after eating.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Throbbing headache after menses; agg. in open air.\\ {{anchor:s47}}In morning, head is confused, so that he does not know whether he has been sleeping or waking; sense as of splashing in left hemisphere of brain, when walking fast; pain in vertex, as if brain had been torn to pieces, or was open.\\ {{anchor:s48}}In morning, his head was very much confused; did not know whether he had been asleep or awake.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Heaviness in head, in morning, with dim vision and watery eyes.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Heaviness: in head, at night; weary feet; in forehead; on stooping; especially in cerebellum; agg. forenoon, in cold air; amel. after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Rush of blood to head; confusion in head.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Nervous and congestive headache and pressure in occiput soon after eating; sensitiveness of scalp; pains with rumbling of wind in abdomen. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Tenseness of scalp on forehead and vertex, with great sensitiveness of these parts to dry, cold air; agg. from pressure and touch; amel. in warmth.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Cold creeps on head, before stool.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Eruptions on head.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Indurations on scalp in scrofulous children.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Scirrhous cancer on forehead. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Farsightedness with dilated pupils.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Dim sight, eyes feel weak.\\ {{anchor:s62}}(In sick:) Begins to squint.\\ {{anchor:s63}}A net seems to swim before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s64}}(In sick:) Left eye becomes red and burning; can scarcely open lids; pus wells out; violent stitches preventing sleep at night; in morning, eye is closed.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Sensation as if eyes were lying loose in sockets.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Senile cataract.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Broken up cataract was absorbed.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Scirrhus of lachrymal glands. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Hearing weak and confused; tones become commingled; he cannot tell from which side they come, and it seems as though they came from another world.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Ringing in ears when blowing nose.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Stitches in and back of ears.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Ichorous otorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Parotid gland swollen and indurated; lancinating pains.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Periosteum behind ear swollen. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Nosebleed: every morning, preceded by dull feeling in head; preceded by vertigo. {{anchor:s78}}~ Epistaxis.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Coryza: scraping in throat, agg. evening, night, and when swallowing; with lachrymation; fluent, with loss of smell, yawning and sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s80}}(In sick:) Fluent coryza, so that she can scarcely speak, with painful sneezing; must blow nose frequently; nostril red.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Dry coryza; cannot breathe through nose in morning on waking, and for some time after.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Stoppage of nose.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Tough mucus hanging down into pharynx in strings.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Swelling of nose, with pimples inside and outside, forming scurfs which last a good while.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Tip of nose: red, painful to touch; skin feels tight, is chapped; little boils inside of nose; cracked, feeling tense, burning, agg. during menses; vesicles at right nostril with malignant ulceration.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Hard, bluish tumor on end of nose.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Dry skin about nostrils, desquamating.\\ {{anchor:s88}}(In sick:) Pain in nasal bones and stoppage of nose, on sneezing alae nasi remain stuck to septum.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Pain in nasal bones.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Scrofulous ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Carcinoma of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s93}}Face has cachectic appearance; earthy. {{anchor:s94}}~ Induration of uterus and pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Heat in face and head, in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Stitches in malar bones, lower jaw and teeth.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Shooting and stitches in malar bone, especially left, running towards ear.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Erysipelas of face.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Eruption of red spots on cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Brown or pink spots in face.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Saddle across nose.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Copper-colored eruption.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Acne; young, scrofulous persons.\\ {{anchor:s104}}A large number of pimples on face, without sensation.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Faceache.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Carcinoma of face.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Hair of beard falls out, with itching of chin. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s109}}Lips swollen, burning.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Vesicles, or cracks on lips.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Swelling of submaxillary gland.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Scirrhus of lips. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s114}}Teeth loose, sensitive on chewing, and to the least cold.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Grumbling and jerking in eye tooth; cannot bear anything cold to touch it; amel. when sweating.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Drawing pains in teeth, amel. after eating salt things; easy bleeding of gums, with looseness of teeth, sensitive to cold.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Toothache in carious teeth, on waking from sleep.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Toothache on going to bed, during day and during sleep, with night-workers.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Vesicles in mouth, forming ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Gums: red, swollen, painful, bleeding. {{anchor:s121}}~ Scurvy.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Pustules on gums, and gumboils. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s124}}Taste: bitter, especially morning; sour.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Bitter taste in mouth, with loss of appetite. {{anchor:s126}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Bitter taste, in liver affections.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Taste of manure in mouth, in morning; soft stool with mucus looking like coagulated albumen; a viscid inodorous humor oozes from rectum and perineum.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Burning on tip of tongue, and rawness in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Burning blisters on tips and edges of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Mouth and tongue feel immovable, so as to produce slow and drawling speech.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Smooth tongue.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Tongue red with yellow coating down centre, or slimy tongue. {{anchor:s134}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Dryness of palate and tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s137}}Blisters in mouth, which cause burning. {{anchor:s138}}~ Aphthae.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Burning on tip of tongue, and rawness of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Mouth and tongue dry.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Profuse tasteless, thin saliva of sweetish, putrid odor. {{anchor:s142}}~ Indurated pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Saltish water rises from stomach and runs out of mouth. {{anchor:s144}}~ Cancer of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Sensation of coldness apparently rising from abdomen into throat and mouth. {{anchor:s146}}~ Induration pancreas. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s148}}(In sick:) Sore, burning spots on palate.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Swelling of palate.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Burning sensation in throat.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Raw sensation in throat and esophagus, to pit of stomach; not increased by swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Raw feeling, like heartburn, amel. after eating.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Pressure in throat, only when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Mucus in throat, hawking.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Scirrhus of pharynx. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s158}}Ravenous hunger.\\ {{anchor:s159}}No appetite, aversion to food, particularly fatty food.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Loss of appetite, with bitter taste. {{anchor:s161}}~ Induration of uterus. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Eating causes: fatigue; distress and burning in stomach; inflation; long-lasting nausea, after meat; vomiting (indurated pancreas).\\ {{anchor:s164}}Eating relives rawness in throat.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Bad effects from spoiled fish and decayed vegetables.\\ {{anchor:s166}}So weak that she cannot eat. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s168}}Hiccough after meals.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Eructations: sudden; painful, empty; sour; tasting of food eaten long before.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Long-continued nausea, after eating meat, with qualmishness and many empty eructations.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Nausea at night.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Nausea and aversion to tobacco smoking.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Vomiting after eating.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Saltish water runs from mouth, retching, vomiting, hiccough, cold feet. {{anchor:s175}}~ Cancer of stomach. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s177}}Weak, empty feeling at pit of stomach, not amel. by eating.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Sore feeling in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Oppression in epigastrium. {{anchor:s180}}~ Indurated pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Sharp stitches to right of scrobiculum during inhalation when standing, amel. when walking.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Spasmodic cramps.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Pressing, clawing, griping, burning in stomach. {{anchor:s184}}~ Cancer of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Pressure in stomach, with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Like a load or weight in stomach on waking, mornings.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Faint, gone feeling; also from suckling child; eating does not relieve.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Fullness, cold feeling in stomach after slight meal, amel. laying hand on stomach.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Squalmishness with faint feeling.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Heartburn.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Saltish water rises from stomach; retching and vomiting; cold feet; hiccough; pressure, clawing, griping and burning in stomach. {{anchor:s192}}~ Cancer.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Digestive disturbances with eructation and diarrhea. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s195}}Aching, almost cutting in region of liver, even while lying down.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Pressing and cutting in hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Pains in liver, as from incarcerated flatus.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Burning and stitches in spleen.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Induration of pancreas. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s201}}Stitching and lancinating pains in abdomen, amel. from urinating.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Labor-like pains about umbilicus extending to small of back and thighs. {{anchor:s203}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Pinching about umbilicus, with sensation as if diarrhea would set in.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Violent pain below umbilicus extending around to back.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Gastralgia and painful abdominal affections.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Painful sensation in right lower abdomen, as if something would be squeezed through.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Soreness in abdomen while coughing.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Sensation of coldness rising from abdomen into throat and mouth. {{anchor:s210}}~ Indurated pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Abdomen greatly distended; much annoyed with flatus.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Distension of single portions of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Incarcerated flatus.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Motions in distended abdomen, with passage of offensive flatus.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Rumbling in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Tearing, transversely across pubes, and then through pudenda, as far as anus.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Sticking in groin, also at night, disturbing sleep and waking her.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Feeling in left groin, also at night, disturbing sleep and waking her.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Feeling in left groin, on sitting down, as if a hard body were lying there; amel. from pressure and by passing flatus.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Inguinal hernia.\\ {{anchor:s221}}(In sick:) Small, painful boils in inguinal region.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Maltreated buboes, with elevated margins and offensive ichorous discharge.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Buboes before discharging, as large as pigeon eggs, very hard, red, painful; stitches preventing motion; sensitive to touch; pain extending into thigh, with uncomfortable chilliness; thirst with appetite; sleepless; burning during urination.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Hard buboes, begin to suppurate; or, maltreated cases with callous edges, ichorous, offensive discharge. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s226}}Flatus cannot escape, anus seems closed.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Unsuccessful desire for stool; passes only offensive flatus; pain in back, and feeling across abdomen as if there was no expulsive power.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Stool hard, lumpy, scanty, irregular. {{anchor:s229}}~ Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Stools smell like burnt meat.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Blood passes during stool.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Stitches in rectum and anus.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Severe burning in rectum and anus.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Tapeworm.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Sticky, odorless moisture oozes from anus and perineum; anus sore.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Piles, burn and sting, agg. during walking.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Rawness and chafing about perineum.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Sweat on perineum. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s240}}Renal colic.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Frequent desire to urinate; urine increased, fetid; sometimes stream interrupted; more frequent at night.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Inefficient urging, with painful pressure in loins, groins and thighs.\\ {{anchor:s243}}During urination: burning soreness in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Urine red. {{anchor:s245}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Offensive smelling urine; sometimes discharged involuntarily.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Urine, after standing, deposits a copious whitish-yellow sediment. {{anchor:s248}}~ Indurated pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Paralysis of bladder. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s251}}Seminal emissions; parts feel weak; exhausted mentally and bodily.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Testicles seem to be growing gradually smaller, with complete relaxation of genitals and a feeling of weakness in them.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Syphilis; buboes, mostly left-sided; old maltreated buboes, cut open or cauterized, presenting large, terrible ulcers, with callous edges and a secretion of offensive ichor.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Scirrhus of scrotum. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s256}}Tearing pain, transversely across pubes, and then through pudenda, as far as anus.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Bearing down pains, with copious discharge of slimy, discolored blood. {{anchor:s258}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Menses: too early; too long; not profuse.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Menses suppressed. {{anchor:s261}}~ Indurated pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Menorrhagia from chronic induration of uterus; also in cachectic women, with glandular affections; blood black, clotted, putrid.\\ {{anchor:s263}}During menses: lameness in thighs; pressing in small of back, groins and thighs, with unsuccessful desire to eructate; chilly, yawning; the flow weakens her, she can hardly speak; blood dark.\\ {{anchor:s264}}After menses: throbbing headache, agg. in open air.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Leucorrhea: stains linen yellow; offensive; burning, biting, corroding; more when walking or standing; causes weak feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Discharge of blood from vagina, with labor-like pains. {{anchor:s267}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Erectile tumors with burning sensation.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Offensive uterine discharges. {{anchor:s270}}~ Gangrene. {{anchor:s271}}~ Carcinoma.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Chronic or subacute metritis.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Malignant ulcers of os uteri with foul discharge.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Induration of neck of uterus; burning.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Indurated, swollen uterus, after depressing emotions in delicate, weakly, pale women.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Burning into thighs; labor-like pains in pelvis and sacrum; slimy, bloody discharge, very weak. {{anchor:s277}}~ Cancer uteri.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Hypertrophy of ovaries and uterus.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Prolapsus and induration of uterus. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s283}}Nausea, agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Lochia long lasting, thin, offensive, excoriating, with numb limbs.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Milk is thin, has a salty taste.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Secretion of milk after weaning.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Mamma: sensation of expansion in mamma; darting pains of nursing women arrest breathing, agg. from pressure; hard, painful nodes; swollen, inflamed (erysipelatous) during confinement.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Mammary tumor hard, uneven, skin loose; burning pains; dirty, blue red spots; pains drawing towards axilla; night sweat; low-spirited. {{anchor:s289}}~ Scirrhus mamma.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Painless tumor in right mamma, hard, as large as a hen's egg.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Hard, painful nodules and indurations in mamma.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Painful induration below nipple, as large as a hazlenut.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Painful indurations in left mamma, of stony hardness, uneven nodules, immovable, dirty, bluish-red; tearing, stinging pains extending to side of shoulders and through arm.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Scirrhous indurations in mamma.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Carcinoma of mamma; dirty, bluish and loose skin, or red spots on skin; burning and drawing towards axillae; axillary glands indurated. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s298}}Rawness and hoarseness in morning after rising, with dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Hoarseness, agg. evenings; loss of voice during night.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Cough, hoarseness and night sweat very fetid and debilitating.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Phthisis trachealis.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Swelling of thyroid gland. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s304}}Dyspnea with anxiety and low spirits.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Oppression in morning and after eating.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Panting and rattling breathing. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s308}}Cough induced by tickling in right side of chest, or lying on right side; sputum green.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Tickling cough, with constriction of larynx and chest.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Severe dry cough, shakes abdomen as if all would fall out, must support bowels; loose rales until something is coughed up; morning on rising and nearly all day.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Dry cough only at night, when lying on right side, for several nights.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Dry cough. {{anchor:s313}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Cough with concussion or pain in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Soreness in abdomen while coughing.\\ {{anchor:s316}}(In sick:) Cough with expectoration, day and night; pain in throat.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Cough with greenish sputum. {{anchor:s318}}~ Pneumonia of right lung. {{anchor:s319}}~ Suppuration of right lung.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Sputum dark brown, tough, syrup-like, of extremely disagreeable taste. {{anchor:s321}}~ Gangrena pulmonum. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s323}}Sharp burning stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Burning in chest, with pressive pain.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Sensation of coldness in chest; through form front to back.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Pneumonia right lung, suppuration beginning; green sputum.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Phthisis pulmonalis.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Pleurisy, lingering; skin livid, emaciation, hectic or typhoid symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Sensation as though hard indurations in breast rose higher and he cannot stand pressure on it; this alternates with pain in shoulders and upper arm. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s331}}Sensation of coldness in precordial region, with horripilations. {{anchor:s332}}~ Indurated pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Palpitation: after eating; when singing in church; morning on awaking, must lie still with eyes closed; in evening.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Pulse accelerated, especially evening; beating in bloodvessels.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Rapid pulse. {{anchor:s336}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Cyanosis. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s339}}Violent pain in sternum.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Sensitive nodules on external chest.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Indurated axillary glands. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s343}}Prickling stitches in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Painful scrofulous induration of glands of neck.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Blood-boils on neck.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Scrofulous goitre.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Pressing, drawing and stiffness in lumbar region, as if broken.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Sharp drawing across small of back, sensitive to every step.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Drawing pain in small of back, and a feeling as if it was broken, when walking, standing and lying.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Pressive pain in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s351}}(In sick:) Pains in back, on coughing, ascending stairs, stepping hard, and jumping, preventing deep breathing, and causing her to have fever.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Coldness and aching in lumbar region and legs. {{anchor:s353}}~ Cough.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Tumor on inner part of right shoulder blade, red externally, soft in centre. {{anchor:s355}}~ Scirrhus mamma.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Coccyx feels bruised; burning when touched; pain like that of subcutaneous ulceration, agg. sitting or lying. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s358}}Tearing pain in neighborhood of left shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Swelling of axillary glands, with rash on back. {{anchor:s360}}~ Blepharitis.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Axillary glands indurated.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Herpes in axilla.\\ {{anchor:s363}}(In sick:) Hard swelling with great itching on right forearm, inner side, along edge of radius.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Wrists pain as if sprained.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Hands become stiffer, in connection with which finger tips became sore as though rubbed open.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Hands numb; fingers readily go to sleep; often with chest affections.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Violent trembling of hands in morning at breakfast; hands appear as if paralyzed; on grasping anything, fingers become stiff as though they had not sufficient power.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Sharp stitches in ball of right thumb and in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Numbness of fingers on inside and tips, with stiffness of finger joints; they crack on bending.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Gouty stiffness of finger joints.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Swelling of bones and induration of tendons of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Arms painful to touch. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s374}}Stitches in left lip, when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Violent drawing pains in hip, extending forward and downward.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Pain in hip causes limping.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Weakening sweats, particularly on thighs.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Sweat at night on thighs only.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Gnawing pains in shin bones, such as usually followed cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Cramp in forepart of lower leg near tibia, when walking.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Painful tension in calves, when walking.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Legs as far as calves go to sleep, during day.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Drawing and stitches in legs.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Painful contraction of tendo-achillis.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Pain in heels; feet sore.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Weakness and pain in ankle.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Weakness of ankles in children who try to walk.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Foot turns under, when walking, as from a weak ankle.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Very cold feet from 9 A. M. till 3 P. M.; also in evening in bed.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Corns, painful to touch.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Frostbitten feet and toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s393}}Bruised feeling in limbs, especially during motion.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Numbness of limbs. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s398}}Rest: agg. stupefaction in head, with dullness in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Lying down: aching in region of liver; drawing pain in small of back; coccyx feels bruised.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Sitting: up, vertigo and confusion, amel. when reclining; coccyx feels bruised.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Rising: vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Standing: leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Stooping: nausea on rising after; heaviness in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s404}}Motion: brain feels as if loose.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Walking: splashing in left hemisphere of brain; piles burn and sting; leucorrhea; drawing pain in small of back; painful tension in calves.\\ {{anchor:s406}}Eating: causes fatigue. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s408}}Weak, want of energy; head confused; prostration. {{anchor:s409}}~ Cancer.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Great prostration. {{anchor:s411}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s412}}After appearance of menses such great weakness that she could scarcely speak, with yawning and stretching.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Straining and overlifting, easily produce great debility. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s415}}Sleepy all forenoon; yawning.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Anxious, frightful visions and restlessness, keep him awake.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Sleep full of vivid fancies; talks, groans, sheds tears. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s419}}Night: heaviness in head; left eye red and burning, preventing sleep; coryza; scraping in throat; nausea; sticking in groin; frequent desire to urinate; cough with expectoration; sweat; febrile chill; fever at night, chill without thirst; backache; heat with great thirst.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Morning: confused; head heavy, irritable mood; vertigo; epistaxis; stupefying headache; dry coryza; bitter taste; taste of manure in mouth; weight in stomach; rawness and hoarseness in throat; oppression; severe dry cough; palpitation after eating; violent trembling of hands; sweat, towards.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Forenoon: stupefying headache; sleepy.\\ {{anchor:s422}}From 9 A. M. till 3 P. M.: very cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s423}}Afternoon: chill.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Evening: coryza; scraping in throat; hoarseness; pulse accelerated; chill.\\ {{anchor:s425}}At 11 P. M.: chill.\\ {{anchor:s426}}Day: during, toothache; cough with expectoration; legs "go to sleep;" chilliness. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s428}}Warmth: amel. brain feeling as if loose, during motion.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Warm room: amel. stupefaction in head, with dullness in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s430}}Cold: cannot bear anything to touch teeth; teeth sensitive to cold.\\ {{anchor:s431}}In cold air: agg. heaviness in head, at night.\\ {{anchor:s432}}Dry, cold air: agg. tenseness of scalp on forehead and vertex.\\ {{anchor:s433}}Cold, damp air: agg. stupefaction in head, with dullness in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s434}}In open air: agg. throbbing headache; sensitive to air.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Wet weather: agg. pain in top of head, as if skull had been split or torn asunder. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s437}}Chill, especially in afternoon and after eating; evening chill, followed by sweat.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Chill at 11 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s439}}Great chilliness during day.\\ {{anchor:s440}}A febrile chill awoke her at night in bed.\\ {{anchor:s441}}(In sick:) Fever at night, chill without thirst; at night backache; mornings sweat; irregular stools.\\ {{anchor:s442}}Heat always after a chill, mostly at night in bed.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Heat with great thirst. {{anchor:s444}}~ Induration of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Averse to uncovering during heat.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Sweating after eating, especially during siesta.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Sweat generally towards morning; also from slight exertion, even eating.\\ {{anchor:s448}}Night sweat fetid, debilitating, staining yellow.\\ {{anchor:s449}}Sweats when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Sweat staining brownish-yellow.\\ {{anchor:s451}}Typhus. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s453}}Left: side of head, pain; temple, heaviness; hemisphere of brain, sense of splashing; eye, becomes red and burns; shooting stitches in malar bones; feeling of a hard body in groin, on sitting down; buboes; painful induration in mamma; tearing pain near shoulder; stitches in hip.\\ {{anchor:s454}}Right: hand, tearing; nostril, malignant ulceration; painful sensation in lower abdomen; mammary tumor, hard, large as a hen's egg; cough induced by tickling in chest; dry cough when lying on side; pneumonia; tumor on inner part of shoulder blade; hard swelling, great itching on forearm; sharp stitches in ball of thumb. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s456}}As if loose, brain; as of a tornado in head; as if skull had been split or torn asunder; as if eyes were lying loose in sockets; as if something would be squeezed through abdomen; as if there was no expulsive power in rectum; as though hard induration in breast rose higher.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Pain: in left side of head; in top of head.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Jerking: in eye teeth.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Cutting: region of liver.\\ {{anchor:s460}}Darting: pains through head; pains of nursing women.\\ {{anchor:s461}}Lancinating: pains in parotid glands; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s462}}Stitches: in left eye, preventing sleep; in and back of ears; in malar bones; lower jaw and teeth; in spleen; in abdomen; in chest; in nape of neck, to right of scrobiculum; in rectum and anus; in left hip; in leg.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Stinging: in mammary indurations.\\ {{anchor:s464}}Sticking: in groin.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Shooting: in malar bones.\\ {{anchor:s466}}Pinching: about umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Tearing: in right side of head; transversely across pubes; in mammary indurations; in left shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Stupefying headache.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Burning: left eye; lips; blisters on tip and edges of tongue; in throat; in stomach; in spleen; during urination; in rectum and anus; neck of uterus; pains in mammary tumor; stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s470}}Prickling: in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s471}}Aching: region of liver; in lumbar region and legs.\\ {{anchor:s472}}Gnawing pain: in shin bones.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Soreness: of abdomen; of feet.\\ {{anchor:s474}}Sore feeling: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s475}}Raw: sense in throat and esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Sprained pain: in wrists.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Pressing: in small of back; in stomach; in hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Pressure: in whole brain; in throat; in stomach; hepatic region; lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Drawing: pains in teeth; in lumbar region; in hip; in legs.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Griping: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Cramps: in lower leg.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Clawing: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Constriction: of larynx or chest.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Splashing: left hemisphere of brain.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Bruised: feeling in coccyx; feeling in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Pains: in liver; labor-like around umbilicus; gastralgia: in back; in nasal bones; in sternum; in hip; in heels; in ankle.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Weight: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Throbbing: headache.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Heaviness: of head; in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s490}}Weak, empty feeling: at pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s491}}Stiffness: of finger joints; in lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s492}}Tenseness: of scalp on head; skin of nose; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s493}}Contraction: of tendo-achillis.\\ {{anchor:s494}}Heat: in face and head; with great thirst.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Lameness: in thighs.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Itching: of chin; of right forearm.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Cold: creeps on head; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Coldness: rising from abdomen into throat and mouth; in chest; in lumbar region and legs; in precordial region.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Numbness: of finger tips; of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s500}}Dryness: of palate and tongue. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s502}}Venous plethora; threatened stagnation of circulation, cyanosis, vital heat sinks to a minimum.\\ {{anchor:s503}}Struma varicosa.\\ {{anchor:s504}}Evil effects from loss of fluids.\\ {{anchor:s505}}Joints weak; easily sprained.\\ {{anchor:s506}}Arthritic stiffness and nodes.\\ {{anchor:s507}}Painful swelling of glands in neck, axilla, inguina and mamma.\\ {{anchor:s508}}Glands indurated, swollen, inflamed, with lancinating, cutting or burning. {{anchor:s509}}~ Scirrhus.\\ {{anchor:s510}}Sycosis.\\ {{anchor:s511}}Scrofulous affections of glands.\\ {{anchor:s512}}Dry ulceration of external parts, following tumors; true indolent ulceration.\\ {{anchor:s513}}Benignant change into ichorous suppurations.\\ {{anchor:s514}}Gummata.\\ {{anchor:s515}}Hypertrophic conditions in general, and especially of genitals and abdominal glands.\\ {{anchor:s516}}Cartilage-like polypi undergo retrograde metamorphosis; fleshy polypi slowly, but mucous polypi not at all.\\ {{anchor:s517}}Tumors; colloid deposits in the viscera, particularly stomach.\\ {{anchor:s518}}Syphilis, buboes.\\ {{anchor:s519}}Ovarian cyst.\\ {{anchor:s520}}Pain in scirrhous indurations.\\ {{anchor:s521}}Polypus and carcinoma.\\ {{anchor:s522}}Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s526}}Worse from slightest touch: buboes; arms.\\ {{anchor:s527}}Easily sprained from lifting even small weights. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s529}}Skin dry and hanging in folds. {{anchor:s530}}~ Indurated pancreas. {{anchor:s531}}~ Carcinoma.\\ {{anchor:s532}}Itching over whole body; evening in bed.\\ {{anchor:s533}}Erysipelatous swellings, with burning pain, and indurations of affected parts.\\ {{anchor:s534}}Frost-bites: inflamed, burning.\\ {{anchor:s535}}Coppery eruption over whole body, especially in face, on forehead and nose.\\ {{anchor:s536}}Smooth and bright carmine spots showing a tendency to indurate. {{anchor:s537}}~ Leprosy.\\ {{anchor:s538}}Herpes; thin, red skin, with scales on legs, in a baker, after desquamation of large pieces.\\ {{anchor:s539}}Irregular surface, violent burning pain.\\ {{anchor:s540}}Nodes in skin, with cough, in horses.\\ {{anchor:s541}}Stinging in scars; painful cicatrices, they break open, agg. in change of weather.\\ {{anchor:s542}}Induration skin and rhagades; losing hair.\\ {{anchor:s543}}Readily bleeding ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s544}}Furuncles size of pea, which opened, have a strong smell like burnt meat.\\ {{anchor:s545}}Scrofulous skin diseases.\\ {{anchor:s546}}Hairless spots, when horses are continually losing their hair. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s548}}Young, scrofulous subjects.\\ {{anchor:s549}}Elderly persons, especially with venous plethora, blue cheeks, blue lips, debility, etc.\\ {{anchor:s550}}A girl, aet. 14; indurated mammary glands.\\ {{anchor:s551}}A young girl; goitre.\\ {{anchor:s552}}A sensitive woman, aet. 20; scirrhus mamma.\\ {{anchor:s553}}A married woman, aet. 21, after confinement; indurated mammary gland.\\ {{anchor:s554}}A lady, aet. 32; phthisis.\\ {{anchor:s555}}A woman, aet. 35; scirrhus mamma.\\ {{anchor:s556}}A single lady, aet. 36, narrow, flat chest; indurated pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s557}}A woman, aet. 46, struma since twenty years.\\ {{anchor:s558}}Aneurismatica.\\ {{anchor:s559}}A scrofulous girl, aet. 15; indurated cervical glands.\\ {{anchor:s560}}A young, childless, married woman; indurated mammary glands.\\ {{anchor:s561}}A maiden lady, over 50 years old; indurated mammary tumor. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s563}}Antidoted by: Arsen., Camphor., Nux vom. vinegar.\\ {{anchor:s564}}It antidotes: bad effects of quinine.\\ {{anchor:s565}}Compatible: Arsen., Bellad., Bryon., Phosphor., Pulsat., Sepia, Silica, Sulphur, Veratr. (especially in whooping cough).\\ {{anchor:s566}}Complementary: Calc. phosph.\\ {{anchor:s567}}Compare: Badiag. and Bromium (indurations, suppurations, etc.), Calc. phosph., Carb. veg. (not so good a glandular remedy), Cinchon. (evil effects from loss of fluids), Graphit., Phosphor. (nostrils adhere to the septum), Pulsat., Sepia, Silica, Sulphur (vertigo with epistaxis), Veratr. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 03, 1881 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r52|Carbo animalis]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r52|Carbo animalis]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}