====== CARDUUS MARIANUS ====== {{anchor:s1}}Carduus Marianus. {{anchor:s2}}Silybum Marianum Gaertno. {{anchor:s3}}Compositae. {{anchor:s4}}Radix, Herba et Semen Cardui Mariae, in use since olden times. {{anchor:s5}}Revived by Rademacher in 1848. {{anchor:s6}}A very complete history and some symptoms given by Reil (Clotar Müller's Quarterly, vol. iii, p. 453, 1852); proved by Lembke (Zeit. fr Klin., vol. vi., p. 18); a most excellent proving by Dr. Buchmann (Allg. Zeit. fr Hom., vol. xcviii, 1879), the same who has shown by his microscopic investigations his great superiority as a scientific man, and the discoverer of the solubility of all metals and other substances, presupposed by Hahnemann. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s8}}Forgets what he has just intended to do.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Sadness with tendency to weep.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Fullness in head with disposition to become angry. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s12}}Sensation of fullness and heaviness in head.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Pressing pain on inner surface of skull, in region of coronal suture.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Pressure in forehead, most marked directly over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Pressing pain in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Transient headache in forehead and temples.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Pressive headache, as in incipient coryza.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Headache shortly before meals, disappearing after eating. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s20}}Tensive pressure in scalp, as if constricted around skull.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Fullness of head, with tensive pain in scalp, over left parietal bone.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Feeling of constriction over eyebrows.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pain in left parietal bone.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Drawing pain in scalp of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Great sensitiveness of head to cold. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s27}}Burning and pressure in eyeballs.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Pressure in eyeballs as if they were pressed against side of orbits.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Pain in right eye.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Redness of conjunctiva.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Burning sensation in edges of upper and lower lids.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Pressive, burning sensation in eyelids, with swelling and heaviness of same; more especially in left eye, which can with difficulty be opened.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Pressure over left eye.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Pain in orbits. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s36}}Pain in right auricle, in circumference of meatus. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Loss of smell.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Tickling sensation at outer edge of nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Tickling sensation at first in right, then in left nostril, with watery discharge.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Burning in nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Burning in right nostril, with watery discharge from same.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Epistaxis. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s45}}Sensation of heat in face.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Complexion dirty or florid. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s48}}Drawing pains in carious teeth.\\ {{anchor:s49}}A hollow tooth is painful to contact of tongue. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s51}}Whitish coating of middle of tongue, with redness of edges.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Metallic taste, constricting palate and pharynx.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Bitter taste in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Soups salted as usual tasted insipid; at other times well salted food is repugnant. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s56}}Collection of water in mouth. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Feeling of roughness and dryness in palate.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Smooth sensation of mucous membrane of palate, as though it was covered with fat.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Sensation of dryness in palate and on lips.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Repeated eructation of air, with burning in esophagus like heartburn.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Dysphagia. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s65}}Smoking, though usually repugnant in evening, is agreeable.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Want of appetite.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Voracity. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s69}}(In sick:) Sour eructations.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Empty eructations, after food taken with aversion.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Nausea, with collection of water in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Continual nausea with desire to vomit.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Intense nausea, painful retching and vomiting of sour, greenish fluid. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Stitches in scrobiculum.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Pressing pains at pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Drawing pains from left to right through pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Contents of stomach and intestines sour. {{anchor:s79}}~ Epidemic affection.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Pain in stomach, lasting for two hours, preceded by vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Pressure in stomach: with eructation of air; at night awakening; lasting all day; coming and disappearing during day.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Sensation of emptiness in stomach, as before meals.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Burning in stomach, as of acidity, with transient pressure in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Stitches in left of stomach, agg. on inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Uncomfortable sensation in epigastrium region.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Painful griping in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Colicky pains in stomach, with waterbrash.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Hematemesis; cardialgia; vomiting of pregnancy; melena. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Feeling of fullness in hypochondria, necessitating deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Hepatic region sensitive to pressure.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Pressure, drawing pain and stitches in hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Sensation of tension and pressure in liver, on lying on left side.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Crawling sensation, like passage of a small body size of a pea through a narrow canal, on posterior side of liver from right to left extending to pit of stomach, on a level with border of ribs; repeated three times after a pause of one minute, and lasting three seconds each time.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Feeling of pressure as of flatus, under margin of ribs to left, lasting ten minutes, then to right, then to right posteriorly, finally posteriorly to left.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Stitching pains in region of spleen, especially on inspiration and stooping.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Liver complaint; icterus; gall stones.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Plethora in portal circulation; hyperemia of liver; catarrh of gall passages; sluggish peristalsis in colon.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Swelling, sensitiveness and induration of left lobe of liver; causing, by compression, respiratory embarrassment and cough with thick expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Dull pain in right hypochondrium, from time to time, with stitches; short, dry cough; difficult breathing; bitter taste and yellowish complexion; subacute fever. {{anchor:s101}}~ Liver complaint.\\ {{anchor:s102}}The diseased liver has either already implicated the lungs, showing itself by haemoptysis, as in simple congestion, or as inflammation of liver and lungs; vomiting of blood. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s104}}Typhlitis.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Painful sensation of an undefined character in abdomen, necessitating deep inspiration, increased by vigorous movements of body.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Drawing pain between umbilicus and pit of stomach, coming and going, in peritoneum of abdominal wall, from right to left, followed by pain, with sensation of heat in a sport as large as a hen's egg, between umbilicus and inguinal region to left.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Violent pain in right side of abdomen, agg. by pressure, continuing uniform until sleep sets in.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Pressing pain in abdomen on right side, between margin of ribs and hip, while riding in a carriage, lasting for one hour.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Drawing pain in hypogastric region.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Pulsation in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Awakens with pains in abdomen, near right hip bone.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Stitching pain in abdomen, one hand's breadth to left of right hip bone.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Pressing pain in abdomen to right; body in a horizontal position, with sensation of heat.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Drawing pain extending through right inguinal region.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Burning pain in small intestine, in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Sensation of motion in intestines on expiration, extending breadth of a hand around umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Pressure with sensation of warmth in small intestine, on left side of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Stitches in small intestine, amel. by pressure.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Griping pain in intestines, on left side.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Painless flatulency in small intestine.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Distension of abdomen, especially on right side.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Rumbling in small intestine.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Violent, painful rumbling in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Cutting pain in bowels, changing from place to place.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Passage of flatus, unusually copious.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Ascites; peritonitis puerperalis; typhlitis stercorales. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s128}}Melena.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Stools now hard, now soft.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Stool hard and knotty.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Stool very hard and insufficient.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Hard stool, followed after an hour by a soft chocolate colored passage, slightly colored with bile.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Paste-like, clayey stool, without bilious coloring.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Sluggish stool.\\ {{anchor:s136}}After drinking weiss-bier, is taken on the way by the most violent urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Burning pain in rectum and anus, which interferes with sitting.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Itching in anus.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Hemorrhoids, with acidity of stomach and distension of bowels.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Visceral obstruction. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s142}}Urging to urinate, without necessity of passing water.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Pressure on bladder, producing dribbling of urine, after unavailing urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Chilliness on awakening, with vigorous urging, to urinate, with voiding of only two tablespoonfuls of normally colored urine.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Burning at meatus after urination.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Burning pain in urethra, with sensation as of swelling of neighboring parts, compelling her to arise from sitting posture.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Drawing pain: with burning sensation in bladder; in bladder while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Awakening by pain in urethra, with pain in right lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Copious passage of urine of a golden yellow color, with drawing sensation in inguinal region.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Drawing sensation in right side of abdomen during urination.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Copious passage of urine, with deposit of red sediment.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Urine turbid, golden yellow, and acid.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Urine like whey, yellowish-brown, and diminished in quantity.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Urine diminished in quantity; depositing sediment and containing traces of bilious coloring matter.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Urine scanty; brownish in color, and containing bilious coloring matter.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Strangury; calculi. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s158}}Erection on awakening.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Pressure in urethral portion of glans.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Drawing pains in testicles. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Menses too profuse or suppressed.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Chronic uterine hemorrhage, with derangement of portal circulation.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Drawing pain in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Leucorrhea; amenorrhea; metrorrhagia. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s169}}Vomiting of pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Agalactia.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Simple inflammatory irritation of mamma. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s174}}Pressing pain in speaking and swallowing, in neighborhood of hyoid bone on left side, increased by pressure from without, with sensation of swelling at this point.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Sensation of dryness in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Irritation in posterior part of larynx, causing cough. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Drawing pain on margin left rib, with pain during breathing; especially during expiration.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Stitches at lower margin of ribs, between both linea mammalis, with each inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Stitches in right side in neighborhood of seventh rib; on deep inspiration and on bending.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Stitches on inspiration between linea mammalis and axillaris at sixth rib. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s183}}Sympathetic cough, dry, hacking, agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Cough with stitches in sides of chest, and bloody sputa. {{anchor:s185}}~ Epidemic affection.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Haemoptysis with frequent dry tickling.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Irritation to cough, excited by roughness in fauces.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Irritation to cough, on posterior side of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Awakened by irritation to cough, behind larynx, with chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Several attacks of short, dry cough, without tickling.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Short, dry cough; irritation proceeding from throat pit.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Scraping sensation in throat producing cough.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Cough with gastric symptoms, and painfullness of epigastrium to pressure.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Cough dependent on old hepatic or splenetic troubles.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Expectoration: pure blood; mucus mixed with blood. {{anchor:s196}}~ Disease of liver. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Pains in chest going to front part, to shoulders, back, loins and abdomen, combined with urging to urinate. {{anchor:s199}}~ Epidemic affection.\\ {{anchor:s200}}(In sick:) Drawing pains in left side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Stitches in side, with fever, cough and spitting of blood, in affections of liver, and jaundiced complexion.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Drawing pains in chest, left side; increased by pressure in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Oppression in left side of chest, with pain, especially during deep breathing.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Pleuritis; chronic bronchial catarrh; phthisis; haemoptysis; asthma. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s206}}Pain, pressure and stitches in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Drawing pain in region of heart, with oppression on deep inspiration. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s209}}Stitching pain at a small spot in neighborhood of sixth rib; in line of axilla to left, with continued drawing pain; stitching pain passes gradually to front and interferes with inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Drawing pain on margin left rib, with pain during breathing, especially during expiration.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Short stitches behind short ribs of left side.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Stitching pain extending breadth of a hand over right nipple, on stooping and on raising right arm.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Stitches at margin of lower ribs, between both mammary lines, at each inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Stitches during inspiration, between mammary and axillary lines on sixth rib.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Drawing pain through left pectoral muscle, and left intercostal muscles, below axilla.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Drawing pain through right pectoral muscle.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Pressure in right pectoral muscle.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Stitches from left nipple to right and downward, lasting several seconds.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Stitches in right side, near the seventh rib, on deep inspiration and on stooping.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Continual drawing pain in left side of chest, extending to axilla, with stitching pain in same place near fifth rib on expiration; agg. after deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Drawing sensation from left side of chest to back.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Pains extend over entire front of chest, and are so violent as to make motion of arms, walking and stooping almost impossible. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s224}}Pressing pain in a spot about size of a small coin in nape of neck to left, and on a level with the mastoid process; after a few moments the pain subsides and occurs on corresponding part of right side.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Pressure in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Drawing pains in entire back, followed by fatigue.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Drawing pain on right side of back, from shoulder blade to lumbar region, changing locality.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Drawing pains: in muscles of back; in lumbar region; in small of back; on inner margin of right shoulder blade; in left shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Pressure in back below shoulder blades.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Drawing sensation on outer margin of left shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Tearing sensation in left shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Burning and sore pain in region of left shoulder blade, agg. by inspiration, pressure and reclining.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Sensitiveness of dorsal and cervical vertebrae. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s235}}Bruised feeling in arms.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Pain in shoulder joint on raising right arm.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Rheumatic pain in shoulder, radiating from neck.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Pressure in shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Drawing pain in right upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Violent pains of a rheumatic character in right deltoid.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Pains in right arm are at times so violent that groaning cannot be suppressed.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Tearing in left upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Burning pain in skin, on inner side of lower half of left forearm.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Drawing pain in muscles covering left radius, alternating with pain in same muscles of right side.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Cramplike pain in muscles covering left radius.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Pressure in wrist joints.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Cramplike, drawing pains, in inner side of right hand, extending to first two joints of fourth finger.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Burning pain on outer surface of left index finger, in skin.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Rheumatic, drawing sensation, in first joint of fourth finger on left hand.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Rheumatic, drawing sensation, in first joint of right index finger.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Drawing pain in fourth finger of right hand, on outer side.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Cramplike pain in fingers of left hand, lasting for ten minutes.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Cramplike pain in second, third and fourth fingers of right hand, on outer side. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s255}}Pain in hip joints, spreading through buttocks, causing difficulty in arising, agg. from stooping.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Bruised pain in buttocks and legs.\\ {{anchor:s257}}(In sick:) Drawing pain in right thigh.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Drawing pain in skin on outer side of left knee.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Drawing pain in left knee joint.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Stiffness in knees while walking, of patella and in tendons of popliteal space, with sensation of lameness in lower parts of thighs, causing unsteady and stumbling gait.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Sensation of coldness in knees.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Pain in hollow of knees while walking, more especially in left.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Sensation while walking as of a band around calves, or of pantaloons being too tight a few inches below knee.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Drawing pain: in superficial nerves, below patella on outer side of lower thigh, over a space of four fingers in breadth; from outer side of knees to outer malleolus; from inner side of lower thigh to inner malleolus; from left knee into lower thigh.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Paralyzing pain in left tibia.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Cramplike pain in calves.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Pain in dorsum of right foot.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Sudden, cramplike pain in muscles of sole of right foot, flexing the toes; after disappearance of same, intense itching in front of heel.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Pain on lower part of right heel, agg. from walking.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Sensation of coldness in toes and soles.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Sciatica.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Rheumatism and spasms of the extremities.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Varicose ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Edema of the feet. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s276}}Lassitude in arms and legs in morning after rising, not amel. by walking in open air. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s280}}Lying on back: nightmare.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Sitting: drawing pain in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Stooping: stitches in right side and over right nipple; in hip joints.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Arising: difficult, pain in hip joints.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Raisin arm: stitching pain over right nipple.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Walking: almost impossible, with pains in chest; stiffness of knees; pain in hollow of knee; as if a band around calves; pain in heel.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Motion: of arm, pains extend over the entire front of chest.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Every sudden or violent movement of body is painful, both in chest and abdomen. {{anchor:s288}}~ Cough. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s290}}General feeling of discomfort, lassitude and malaise.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Great fatigue after eating, and fatigue with frequent yawning. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s293}}Restless sleep, with frequent awakening and many dreams.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Lying on back produces nightmare.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Fatigue about 4 P. M., with sleep while riding, lasting ten minutes.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Great fatigue with frequent yawning.\\ {{anchor:s297}}On awakening, great fatigue with disinclination to rise.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Uncontrollable yawning in quick succession.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Irritation to cough, felt behind larynx on awakening, with chilliness. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s301}}Night: dry, hacking cough; itching of skin; coldness.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Morning: lassitude of arms and legs.\\ {{anchor:s303}}At 4 P. M.: fatigue with sleep while riding.\\ {{anchor:s304}}All day: pressure of stomach, with eructation of air. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s306}}Cold: great sensitiveness of the head. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s308}}Epidemic affection (See Chest and Stomach), lasting seven weeks, was lessened to a few days; the longest seven days.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Gastric, catarrhal, or rheumatic fever, with pain in stomach and region of liver, increased by pressing on it; symptoms frequent in epidemic influenza.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Chilliness on awakening, with strong urging to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Chill, with pulse increased from 75 to 90.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Chill, with sensation of a pulse beat in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Chilliness at night, agg. by uncovering; pulse in morning 82.\\ {{anchor:s314}}General sweating and lassitude on awakening.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Sweating of forehead and back after meals. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s317}}Left: parietal bone, pain; eyelids, difficult to open; nostril, watery discharge; tension, lying on side; pressure of flatus, under ribs; lobe of liver, swelling, sensitiveness; small intestine, pressure; chest, drawing pain; in chest, oppression; in side, stitches; pectoral region, drawing pain; in neck and shoulder blade, pressing pain; upper arm, tearing; forearm, burning pain; in radius, drawing pain; index finger, burning pain; fourth finger, rheumatic drawing; in fingers, cramplike pain; in knee, drawing pain; in tibia, paralyzed pain.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Right: in eye, pain; auricle, pain; nostril, burning; under margin of ribs, pressure of flatus; in hypochondria, dull pain; abdominal wall, drawing pain; abdomen, near hip, pains; in lumbar region, pain; side of abdomen, drawing sensation; nipple, stitching pain; pectoral region, drawing pain; in neck, pressure, pressing pain; side of back, drawing pain; shoulder blade, drawing pain; shoulder joint, pans; in deltoid, violent pain; in arm, violent pains; in radius, drawing pain; muscles of hand, cramp-like drawing; index finger, rheumatic drawing; fourth finger, drawing pain; in fingers, cramplike pain; in thigh, drawing pain; in dorsum of foot, pain; in heel, pain.\\ {{anchor:s319}}From right to left: crawling in liver; pain in abdominal wall.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Left to right: drawing pain through pit of stomach; stitches in nipples. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s322}}As if eyeballs were pressed against side of orbits; as though palate was covered with fat; as of a band around knees.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Stitches: in scrobiculum; in stomach; hepatic region; region of spleen; hypochondrium; small intestine; near sixth rib, left side; over right nipple; in abdomen; in right side.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Cutting: in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Colicky pains: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Griping: in stomach; in intestines.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Tearing: left upper arm; in left shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Rheumatic pains: in shoulder; fourth finger, left hand; right index finger; in right deltoid.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Drawing pain: in scalp of occiput; in teeth; through pit of stomach; hepatic region; about umbilicus; through right inguinal region; in bladder; in inguinal region; in testicles; in vagina; margin of left rib; in hypogastric region; in chest; region of heart; through right pectoral region; in entire back; in right upper arm; in superficial nerves about knee; lower thigh; right thigh; in skin of outer left knee joint; in muscles of left radius; inner side of right hand; fingers; in muscles covering radius.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Burning: in eyeballs; edges of lids; in nostrils; in esophagus; above umbilicus; pain in small intestine; in rectum and anus; in meatus, after urination; in bladder; left shoulder blade; in skin; left index finger; pain in urethra; in forearm.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Dull pain: in right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Pressing pain: inner surface of skull; in occiput; in stomach; in abdomen; pain in speaking; small of back.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Pressure: in forehead; in eyeballs; in eyelids; hepatic region; under ribs; small intestine; on bladder; in nape of neck; in back, below shoulder blades; in wrist joints; in glans; in right pectoral muscle.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Tensive pressure: in scalp; pain in liver.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Bruised feeling: in arms; in buttocks and legs.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Paralyzing pain: left tibia.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Pain: in stomach; in auricle; in urethra; in right lumbar region; in chest; in shoulder joint; in hollow of knees; violent in abdomen; in hip joints; in dorsum of right foot; right heel; in left parietal bone; in right eye; in orbits.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Roughness: in palate.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Scraping: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Fullness: of head; in hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Swelling: in larynx; sensation of in female urinary organs.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Heaviness: of head and eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Emptiness: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Constriction: over eyebrows.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Band: around calves.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Cramplike: muscles left radius; inner side right hand; in fingers; pain in calves; right foot.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Motion: in intestines.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Tickling: at edge of nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Crawling: in posterior side of liver.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Coldness: in knees; in toes and soles.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Uncomfortable sensation: of epigastric region.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Warmth: in small intestines.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Heat: in face; about umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Dryness: in palate and lips; in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Itching: in anus; in front of heel. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s357}}Portal hyperemia; catarrh of biliary ducts; tardy peristaltic movements in large intestines; hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Dropsical diseases, depending on organic affections of the liver; frequently of long standing.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Passive hemorrhages, connected with diseased liver or spleen. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s363}}Pressure: hepatic region, sensitive; agg. rheumatic pain in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Riding: fatigue; pressing pain in abdomen. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s366}}Itching on lying down at night. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s368}}Woman who was exhausted by much suffering and repeated hemorrhages from womb after abortion, with frequent attacks of bilious colic. {{anchor:s369}}~ Typhlitis stercoralis. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s371}}Compare: Bryon., Chelid., Mercur., Nux vom., and Podoph., in hepatic affections, especially jaundice. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 03, 1881 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r300|Carduus marianus]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r300|Carduus marianus]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}