====== CIMEX LECTULARIUS ====== {{anchor:s1}}Cimex Lectularius. {{anchor:s2}}The bedbug. {{anchor:s3}}Hemiptera. {{anchor:s4}}Known to Dioscorides, who mentions it in the treatment of fevers, and to Ebn Sina, who prescribed it in hysterical affections. {{anchor:s5}}It preserved its reputation through the Middle Ages, and is still in use among the people, especially the Italians, as a remedy for fever and ague. {{anchor:s6}}Proved by W. Wahle, of Rome, in the 2d and 3d trituration, on Dr. Bertoldi, a woman past the change of life, and a girl aet. 17; also by Dr. Berridge, in the 200th dilution, on a man. {{anchor:s7}}Wahle made use of the 6th and 12th dilutions in the successful treatment of "most malignant and most obstinate tertian and quartan fevers, from three to four doses being sufficient." ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s9}}- Headache with hiccough and dryness of throat, proving, N. Y. J. H., vol. 2, p. 462, 1874; Nocturnal emissions, Jeanes, Intermittent, T. D. Stowe, Allen's Therapeutics of Intermittent; H. M., vol. 7, p. 162. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Anxiousness.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Anxious with the oppression of chest, pains in shoulder, and during the sweat has no rest anywhere.\\ {{anchor:s13}}At the setting in of the chilly stage her hands become clinched; she becomes vehement; would like to tear everything to pieces, and is scarcely able to restrain her rage. {{anchor:s14}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Sensation as if he would creep into himself, and on that account could not sufficiently crouch together.\\ {{anchor:s16}}His own sweat is disgusting to him. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Dullness of head. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s20}}Confusion of head, as if headache would ensue.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Pressing outward in forehead, first left then right side.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Drawing headache, particularly under right frontal bone.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pain like stitches with needles in middle of vertex, and pressing pain in vertex with cough. {{anchor:s24}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache, almost depriving him of power of thinking.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Headache of the most violent kind. {{anchor:s27}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Violent headache caused by drinking. {{anchor:s29}}~ After chill. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s31}}Sweating on head and nose or on head and chest. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Annoying dryness of nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Fluent coryza, with pressure in frontal sinuses.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Constant sneezing in forenoon; sneezing for an hour, at noon.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Sweat on nose in morning, during rest. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Violent itching on inner side of gum of upper jaw; is compelled to rub it with tongue and finger, after which it pains as if burnt. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s40}}Swollen feeling of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Tongue feels as if scalded; coated whitish.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Feeling as if burnt on tongue, in region of palate and upper anterior gums.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Tongue whitish furred, feels scalded.\\ {{anchor:s44}}A taste like iron to the saliva. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s46}}Pressure and gagging in esophagus, which affects whole chest and impedes respiration; although she is not thirsty, she drinks for the purpose of stopping the gagging.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Pressure and choking in gullet during fever heat, spreading through chest, impeding breathing; no thirst, but when drinking to overcome the choking, the water goes down only at intervals, as if throat was contracted; or, as if she had swallowed too large a morsel.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Palate and upper gums feel as if scalded.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Dryness of throat, causing him to drink all day. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Great hunger after heat.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Thirst: with dryness in throat; but afraid to move to get a drink; during apyrexia; after chill; before chill and immediately after, not with it.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Desire to drink, without thirst. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s56}}Water can only be swallowed at intervals, as if esophagus were constricted.\\ {{anchor:s57}}After drinking, violent headache, tickling and cough, oppressive breathing, heaviness in chest and anxiousness.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Drinking during chill causes headache.\\ {{anchor:s59}}When the patient drank she lost breath, gagged, had dyspnea and a gagging cough. {{anchor:s60}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Many complaints do not appear at all if they abstain from drinking. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Hiccough slightly painful.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Qualmishness with fever.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Sour eructations; sour vomit with cough.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Vomits ingesta from day before.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Vomituritio. {{anchor:s68}}~ Dry cough. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Pain in liver, as if it had been strained by bending right side inward; the spot is painful when touching it and when coughing.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Chronic liver complaint. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Abdomen puffed up with backache.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Colic, followed by emissions of flatus or liquid stools.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Colic ceases after wind passes. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Relief from discharge of wind.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Constipation, feces dry and hard, like dog stool.\\ {{anchor:s79}}No stool for six days. {{anchor:s80}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Urging to stool; after discharge of a small piece of white stool rectum closes firmly.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Hemorrhoidal complaints; hemorrhoidal pains with stool. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Incontinentia urinae; ischuria.\\ {{anchor:s85}}During and after fever, urine very hot.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Urine brown, with a deposit of sediment.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Urine deposits a red coating on inside of vessel.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Urine less, more saturated, next day a red sediment. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Frequent erections in morning hours.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Seminal emissions. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s93}}Hot sensation inside the labia. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s97}}(OBS:) Expels dead fetus and afterbirth. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s100}}Tickling in larynx, causes a dry, continued cough as long as fever lasts.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Tightening pains in left side of trachea. {{anchor:s102}}~ Dry cough. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s104}}Oppression of chest, shortness of breath, and frequent deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Loses breath when drinking, gags, has dyspnea and a gagging cough. {{anchor:s106}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s107}}During chill a constriction of chest, has often to take a deep inspiration. {{anchor:s108}}~ Intermittent. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Constant, short, dry cough, with painfullness.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Gagging cough when drinking. {{anchor:s112}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Violent cough, with purulent sputa, and chill and fever in daily attacks.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Cough with a tense pain from upper left chest across to right, causing a shock, then dry cough often repeated, shaking middle part of lower chest, extending to liver.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Cough, with belching, gagging, or vomiting; with perspiration; at intervals with gagging and pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Scratching sensation behind upper part of sternum causes a continued short cough.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Scraping, paroxysmal cough, which causes retching, with pain in middle of chest after coughing; sternum painful to touch. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s119}}Concussive pain and pressure in chest behind sternum. {{anchor:s120}}~ Dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Chronic chest complaints. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Pulse feeble, intermitting. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s125}}Sternum painful to touch.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Scraping sensation beneath sternum with short cough. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s128}}Sensation of weariness and soreness in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Pain in small of back, extending over abdomen, with distension of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Pain in small of back; agg. when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Pain in region of sacrum and loins. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s133}}Pain in right shoulder and anterior muscles of chest, extending through whole arm down to nails; fingers feel as if they had gone to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Intermittent pricking pain in muscles at back of right upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s135}}At beginning of chill draws fingers together, making a fist. {{anchor:s136}}~ Intermittent. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s138}}Uneasiness in lower limbs as if she was tired by walking. {{anchor:s139}}~ After chill.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Heaviness in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Great weariness in loins, she is obliged to sit down.\\ {{anchor:s142}}The pain in sacrum and right hip bone extends below knee; has to loosen her garter and lie down.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Pain in recti muscles of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Chill with pain in muscles of thighs, knee joints and legs.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Knees feel cold, like from a cold wind.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Hamstrings feel too short, knees are flexed; attempting to stretch them causes pain in thighs. {{anchor:s147}}~ During chill.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Cold feet at beginning of fever. {{anchor:s149}}~ Intermittent. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Great weariness in limbs, with sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s152}}She must change position of limbs constantly. {{anchor:s153}}~ After chill.\\ {{anchor:s154}}During chill hands and feet get cold and numb as if dead. {{anchor:s155}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Every attempt to stretch out arms or legs causes tensive pains in these parts, and he suffers thirst rather than move.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Pains in all joints as if tendons were contracted and too short. {{anchor:s158}}~ During chill. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s162}}During rest: in morning, sweat on nose.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Sitting: pain in small of back agg.; falls asleep in morning.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Has to sit down; loins or limbs are weary.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Must lie down; on account of pain in sacrum and right hip bone.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Suffers thirst rather than move.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Great restlessness of lower limbs, like from overfatigue.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Must change position of limbs constantly.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Every movement, especially extending a limb, gives tensive pain in extensor tendons.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Stretching: on attempting to stretch legs, pain in thighs; causes tensive pains in limbs; all day inclination to; during chill causes pains.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Weariness with inclination to stretch all day. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s173}}Frequent yawning as if he had not slept well, with a feeling of coldness on skin, and a sensation as if wind was blowing on knees for several hours.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Gaping with cold feeling of skin.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Irresistible sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s176}}She falls asleep in morning while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Sleepy with great weariness in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Sleep very restless during fever, wakens often and falls asleep again. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s180}}In morning: sweat on nose; falls asleep while sitting; phlegm in throat; dry cough from scratching under sternum; chill and flushes on head; sweating.\\ {{anchor:s181}}In forenoon: constant sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s182}}At noon: sneezing for an hour; after aching in belly, loose stool.\\ {{anchor:s183}}At 3 P. M.: backache most violent.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Towards evening: urging without stool.\\ {{anchor:s185}}In evening: chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s186}}At night: night sweats. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Before chill, thirst and heaviness in legs.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Chill, commencing with clenching of hands and violent raging.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Evening chilliness without thirst; her feet become cold first; after this she has a cold shuddering, as if cold water had been poured over her, with painful prickings in centre of vertex for two hours.\\ {{anchor:s191}}During chilliness all her joints are painful, as if tendons were too short.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Chill, attended with pain in all joints; sensation as if tendons were too short, knee joints are usually contracted, so that legs cannot be stretched; chest feels oppressed, must take a long breath, frequently; irresistible sleepiness; hands and feet as if dead.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Well-marked chill followed by thirst, no fever. {{anchor:s194}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s195}}After chill thirst, drinking, however, causes violent headache; tickling in larynx, causing dry, continuous cough, which lasts through heat; oppression of breathing, heaviness in middle of chest, and anxiety; abstaining from drinking amel. all this.\\ {{anchor:s196}}The most violent headache, but only after chill. {{anchor:s197}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s198}}During apyrexia much thirst, less with chill, during dry heat still less, none with sweat.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Chill terminates with a tired feeling in legs, obliging one to change position constantly.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Chilliness, followed by creeping flushes of heat on body, with sensation as if sweat would break out.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Chilliness over whole body, followed by dry heat, which is succeeded by some moisture over skin.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Heat: without thirst; with gagging; esophagus feels constricted; respiration is impeded.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Sweat, mostly on head and chest, accompanied by hunger but no thirst.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Musty smelling sweat, the odor to him is very offensive.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Sweat relieves all other symptoms; during feverish affections.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Night sweats of several years' standing. {{anchor:s207}}~ Hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Tertian and quartan intermittent. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Often repeated: dry cough; yawning; waking; taking a long breath.\\ {{anchor:s211}}For an hour: sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s212}}For two hours: pricking in centre of vertex.\\ {{anchor:s213}}For several hours: sensation as if wind was blowing on knees.\\ {{anchor:s214}}All day: drinking on account of dryness of throat; weariness with inclination to stretch.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Tertian and quartan intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s216}}For six days: no stool.\\ {{anchor:s217}}For several years: night sweats. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s219}}Right: pressing outward in side of forehead; headache under frontal bone; pain in liver as if he had strained side by bending inward; twitching in muscle of neck; pain in shoulder extending through whole arm down to nails; pricking pain in muscles at back of upper arm; pain in hip bone extending below knee.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Left: pressing outward in side of forehead; tightening pains in side of trachea.\\ {{anchor:s221}}From left to right: pain in upper chest; headache. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s223}}As if he would creep into himself and could not sufficiently crouch together; as if tongue was swollen; as if tongue was scalded; as if burnt on tongue, in region of palate and upper anterior gums; as if throat was contracted; as if she had swallowed too large a morsel; palate and upper gums as if scalded; as if esophagus was constricted; as if he had liver strained by bending right side inward; as if fingers were asleep; as if hamstrings were too short; as if hands and feet were dead; as if tendons were contracted and too short; as if wind was blowing on knees; as if cold water had been poured over her, causing shuddering; as if sweat would break out.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Pain: in small of back and abdomen; in region of sacrum and loins; in right shoulder; muscles of chest; in recti muscles of thigh.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Concussion: in chest behind sternum.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Scraping: cough causing retching; beneath sternum.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Scratching: behind upper portion of sternum, causing cough.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Constriction: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Tightening pains: in left side of trachea; in tendons and extensor muscles on motion.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Tense pain: from left upper chest across to right; in arms and legs on attempting to stretch them; in extensors.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Drawing: headache.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Pricking: in muscles at back of right upper arm; in centre of vertex.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Pain like stitches with needles: in middle of vertex.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Pressure: in forehead; in vertex with cough; in frontal sinuses; in esophagus; in chest behind sternum.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Oppression: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Heaviness: in chest; in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Soreness: in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Pains: in shoulder; in liver; with stool; in chest; in middle of chest after coughing; in small of back; in region of sacrum and loins; in right hip bone; in thighs; in all joints.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Dullness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Itching: on inner side of gum of upper jaw.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Tickling: after drinking; in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Numbness: of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Weariness: in small of back; in loins; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Tiredness: in legs; at termination of chill.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Uneasiness: in lower limbs as if she had been tired by walking.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Hotness: inside labia.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Cold feeling: on skin.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Dryness: of nostrils; of throat. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s250}}Acts principally on portal system and liver.\\ {{anchor:s251}}The flexors are most affected; every motion or stretching of extensor muscles causes a tightening pain in tendons and extensors. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s255}}Touch: spot on right side painful to; sternum painful to.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Pressure lessens aching in upper and lower jaw; has to loosen her garter.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Rubbing: pain as if burnt in gum after. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s259}}Compare: Natr. mur. (headache lessens the sweating stage); Arsen. (headache remains or increases in the sweating stage); Bellad. (throbbing of head in intermittents). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 04, 1884 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r512|Cimex lectularius]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r512|Cimex lectularius]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1884 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}