====== COMOCLADIA DENTATA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Comocladia Dentata. {{anchor:s2}}Guao. {{anchor:s3}}Anacardiaceae. {{anchor:s4}}A very common tree in the island of Cuba, where it is found growing near the coast, luxuriating mostly on barren or stony soils. {{anchor:s5}}It is from six to eight feet high, having beautiful dark green leaves, with a brownish border. {{anchor:s6}}The flowers are small, bluish-brown, and clustered like grapes. {{anchor:s7}}The trunk and branches contain a milky fluid that turns black on exposure to sunlight, discoloring the skin, linen, etc. {{anchor:s8}}A suspicion is entertained that death results from sleeping in its shade. {{anchor:s9}}--Hom. Pharmacopoeia. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s11}}- Catarrhal ophthalmia, Hyde, Retrospect, 1876, p. 8; Swelling of face, ear of same side involved, Navarro, Hale's Symp., p. 240; Toothache from caries, Hyde, A. O., vol. 13, p. 601; Retrospect, 1876, p. 8; Neuralgic pains in costal region, Hyde, A. O., vol. 13, p. 602; Retrospect, 1876, p. 8; Sloughing ulcer of right breast, Navarro, Hale's Symp., p. 241; Inflammation of left leg and foot, Navarro, Hale's Symp., p. 241; Indolent ulcer on leg, Navarro, Hale's Symp., p. 241; Rheumatic pains, Hyde, Retrospect, 1876, p. 8; Leprosy, Hale's Th., p. 205. {{anchor:s12}}This arrangement includes the principal symptoms of J. Hyde's excellent proving published in A. O., vol. 13, p. 593, 1876, not out in time for vol. 3 of the Encyclopaedia. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s14}}Dizziness and heaviness of head, with shooting pains, amel. from motion.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Giddiness on rising from bed; everything looks dark; motion amel. all pains in head, agg. from heat. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s17}}Dull aching in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Shooting pains through left temple.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Severe pain at intervals from posterior portion of eyeballs to occipital protuberance.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Head agg. near warm stove, and when stooping it is almost impossible to hold the head down, amel. in open air. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s22}}Corrosive itching of head, with shooting pains, amel. by movement. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s24}}On rising from bed, everything looks dark.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Face most dreadfully swollen, eyes project far out of sockets, can see but a faint glimmer of light with left.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Sees from right eye a red ring around light of lamp, which disappears on closing eye.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Eyes feel very heavy, larger than usual, painful and pressing out of head, as if something was pressing on top of eyeballs, moving then downward and outward.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Aching soreness of eyeballs, which feel heavy and too large.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Right eye very painful, feeling much larger and more protruded than left.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Right eyeball very sore, agg. on moving eye.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Severe pains through eyeballs, extending to occiput.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Eyeballs feel agg. on moving them.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Catarrhal ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Erysipelatous inflammation of tissues in and around eye.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Ciliary neuralgia from asthenopia and chronic iritis.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Eyes more painful near warm stove, with profuse lachrymation. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Heat and fullness in interior of right ear.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Left ear all cracked and desquamating a substance like powdered starch. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Intolerable itching of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s43}}Burning on face and eyes, agg. towards evening.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Painful burning on face, particularly about eyes.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Excessive swelling of face, with tormenting itching and swelling.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Heat and sense of fullness in face over superior maxillary bone, and sensation as of a pimple over right antrum.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Left side of face swollen; left ear all cracked and desquamating a substance like powdered starch.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Very great swelling of face. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Lower lip blistered and swollen. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Sensation as if molar teeth on right side were loose.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Sensation as if tooth was drawing out of its socket.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Aching pains in teeth.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Second molar tooth right side carious; pain commences in it at 4.30 to 5 P. M.; at times shoots down in line with larynx, leaving sore track; pain agg. in bed, amel. from external warmth and pressure.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Pains in teeth amel. by pressure.\\ {{anchor:s57}}When toothache stops, head feels large.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Inflammation of gums of lower jaw. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Tongue coated dirty yellow. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s62}}Mouth dry. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Sour eructations two hours after eating.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Sickness of stomach. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Pressure and heaviness in region of stomach. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Abdomen feels swollen.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Dull pain, gurgling and uneasiness in intestines in hypogastric region, with emission of odorless flatus.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Acute sore pains extending across abdomen above umbilicus, affecting the breathing.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Dull pain in abdomen, clothes too tight.\\ {{anchor:s73}}A pale red flush, as if an eruption would make its appearance across abdomen. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Severe flatulent pain in abdomen, preceding and during a diarrheic stool; followed by a feeling of weakness and perspiration on face and neck. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Intense itching on lower part of penis, also on inner side of prepuce.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Continued tingling, itching of scrotum during night. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s80}}Oppression of breathing.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Oppression of breath on account of sharp pains in left side. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Spasmodic dry cough at night, with tickling in throat and constant dull pain under left nipple, extending through to left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Rheumatic and pleurodynic pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Titillating cough; hacking cough in daytime. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s87}}Cannot draw a long breath on account of sharp pain felt at centre of thorax on left side.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Soreness in left lung, such as is felt during convalescence from pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Rheumatic and pleurodynic pains in chest; pain under left nipple through to scapula.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Constant pain across chest. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s92}}Drawing in right anterior wall of chest.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Drawing, cramping in right anterior of chest and axilla, extending down arm to fingers, jerking of little finger.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Acute sharp pains in left mammary gland, about one inch above nipple and leaves a burning sensation; it goes to right side and down right arm.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Intermitting, throbbing, pressing pain in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side, leaving a burning, raw sensation, agg. during rest.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Sloughing ulcer on right breast. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s98}}On moving head, sense of fullness, rigidity and lameness of muscles of neck.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Rheumatic pains and stitches in back; stitches leave a burning. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s101}}Sharp pain through right shoulder to scapula.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Painful burning on arms.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Crampy sensation in muscles of right upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Numb, tensive pain in forearm, and rheumatic stiffness of shoulders and elbow joints.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Drawing, aching in forearm.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Drawing, cramping in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Frequent rheumatic pains in hands, arms and legs.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Vesicular eruption on arms and hands. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Intermittent, pressing outward pain in left sacro-iliac articulation, sensitive to pressure, amel. by walking, but feels lame and sore.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Pulsating pain in neck of right femur and in right thigh.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Severe pains in both knees; pressing down to feet on inside of legs.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Drawing in right knee, extending into anterior muscles of thigh.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Drawing, cramping in hollow of right foot, passing along outer border of gastrocnemius muscle to knee, then in tibia, where it becomes a numb aching, then in tarsus, where it becomes a drawing-aching, as if foot would cramp.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Lameness and loss of strength in left ankle.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Crampy lameness in right leg, above instep, amel. by walking.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Inflammation of left leg and foot, with violent fever; the swelling increased enormously when the pain subsided; the skin became white and covered with thin scales, cracked and discharged a sanious fluid.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Vesicular eruption on legs changing to pustules, and sometimes to deep, unhealthy ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Indolent ulcer of six years' standing, on lower third of right leg, near external malleolus, of irregular shape and hard edges; the ulcer was deep and discharged a sanious, fetid pus.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Herpes on legs. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s122}}Lame, aching pain in right upper arm; in right knee. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s126}}Rest: pain in costal cartilage of fifth rib agg.; rheumatic pains and swellings worse.\\ {{anchor:s127}}In bed: pain in second molar of right side worse.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Motion: dizziness and heaviness of head, with shooting pains amel.; all pains in head amel.; rheumatic pains and swellings amel. by continued.\\ {{anchor:s129}}On moving head: sense of fullness, rigidity and lameness of muscles of neck.\\ {{anchor:s130}}On moving eyes: right eyeball very sore; eyeballs worse.\\ {{anchor:s131}}On rising from bed; giddiness; everything looks dark.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Stooping: almost impossible to hold head down.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Walking: intermittent, pressing outward pain in left sacro-iliac articulation amel.; crampy lameness in right leg above instep better. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Dreamy, refreshing sleep, with pleasant dreams, almost clairvoyant. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s137}}During day: hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:s138}}From 4.30 to 5 P. M.: pain commences in second molar tooth of right side.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Towards evening: burning on face and eyes worse.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Night: continued tingling, itching of scrotum during; spasmodic dry cough with tickling in throat and constant dull pain under left nipple extending through to left scapula. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s142}}Heat: agg. pains in head.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Warm stove: head agg.; eyes more painful.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Warmth: pain in second molar of right side amel. by external.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Open air: head amel. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s147}}Violent fever. {{anchor:s148}}~ Inflammation of left leg and foot.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Sense of weakness, with heat and perspiration of face and neck. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Frequent: rheumatic pains in hands, arms and legs.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Constant: pressure and heaviness in region of stomach; dull pain under left nipple, extending into left scapula; pain across chest.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Of six years' standing: indolent ulcer on right leg, near external malleolus. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Right: sees a red ring around light of lamp; eye very painful, feeling much larger and more protruded than left; eyeball very sore; heat and fullness in interior of ear; as of a pimple over antrum; as if molar teeth were loose; second molar tooth carious; drawing in anterior wall of chest; drawing-cramping in anterior of chest and axilla, extending down arm to fingers, jerking of little finger; intermitting, throbbing, pressing pain in costal cartilage of fifth rib, leaving a burning, raw sensation; sloughing ulcer on breast; sharp pain through shoulder to scapula; crampy sensation in muscles of upper arm; pulsating pain in neck of femur and thigh; drawing in knee, extending into anterior muscles of thigh; drawing-cramping in hollow of foot passing along outer border of gastrocnemius muscle to knee, then in tibia, where it becomes a numb aching, then in tarsus, where it becomes a drawing aching, as if foot would cramp; crampy lameness in leg above instep; indolent ulcer on lower third of leg near external malleolus; lame, aching pain in upper arm, in knee.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Left: shooting pains through temple; can see but a faint glimmer of light with eye; ear cracked and desquamating a substance like powdered starch; side of face swollen; sharp pains in side oppressing breathing; constant dull pain under nipple extending through to scapula; sharp pain at centre of thorax on side; soreness in lung; acute sharp pain in mammary gland about one inch above nipple and leaves a burning sensation, it goes to right side and down right arm; intermittent, pressing outward pain in sacro-iliac articulation; lameness and loss of strength in ankle; inflammation of leg and foot, skin white and covered with scales, cracked and discharging a sanious fluid. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s158}}As if eyes were larger than usual; as if something was pressing on top of eyeballs, moving them downward and outward; as if eyeballs were too large; as if right eyeball was much larger and more protruded than left; as of a pimple over right antrum; as if molar teeth on right side were loose; as if tooth was drawing out of socket; as if head was large, after toothache; as if abdomen was swollen; as if foot would cramp.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Pain: at intervals from posterior portion of eyeballs to occipital protuberance; in eyes; in second molar tooth of right side, shoots down in line with larynx, leaving sore track; in teeth; dull, in intestines and hypogastric region; dull, in abdomen; sharp, in left side, oppressing breathing; dull, under left nipple extending through to left scapula; sharp, in centre of thorax on left side; acute, sharp, in left mammary gland about one inch above nipple, and leaves a burning sensation, it goes to right side and down right arm; sharp, through right shoulder to scapula; severe in both knees.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Stitches: in back, leaving a burning.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Shooting pains: in head; through left temple.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Drawing: in right anterior wall of chest and axilla, extending down arm to fingers; in forearm; in fingers; in right knee, extending into anterior muscles of thigh; in hollow of right foot, passing along outer border of gastrocnemius muscle to knee, then in tibia, then in tarsus.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Throbbing pain: in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side, leaving a burning, raw sensation.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Burning: on face and eyes; painful, on face and arms, and particularly about eyes; about one inch above left nipple; in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side; in back; painful, on arms; over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Numb, tensive pain: of forearm, and rheumatic stiffness of shoulders and elbow joints.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Pressing pain: in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side, leaving a burning, raw sensation.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Cramping: in right anterior of chest and axilla, extending down arm to fingers; in muscles of right upper arm; in fingers; in hollow of right foot passing along outer border of gastrocnemius muscle to knee, then in tibia, then in tarsus.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Acute sore pains: extending across abdomen above umbilicus, affecting breathing.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Aching soreness: of eyeballs.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Soreness: of right eyeball; in left lung.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Rheumatic pains: in chest; in back; in hands, arms and legs.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Pleurodynic pains: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Aching: dull, in forehead; in teeth; in forearm; numb, in tibia; in tarsus; in right upper arm; in right knee.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Pressure: constant, in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Pressing: down to feet on inside of legs.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Intermittent, pressing outward pain: in left sacro-iliac articulation, amel. by walking, but feels lame and sore.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Crampy lameness: in right leg above instep.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Lameness: in left ankle; in right upper arm; in right knee.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Pulsating pain: in neck of right femur and thigh.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Raw sensation: in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Tingling: of scrotum.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Heaviness: of head; of eyes; of eyeballs; in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Fullness: in interior of right ear; in face over superior maxillary bone; of head on moving head.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Itching: corrosive, of head; intolerable, of nose; excessive swelling of face with tormenting; intense, on lower part of penis, also on inner side of prepuce; of scrotum; tormenting, over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Tickling: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Heat: in interior of right ear; in face over superior maxillary bone. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Rheumatic pains and swellings, agg. by rest, amel. by continued motion.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Affects the skin in a marked degree. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s193}}Pressure: amel. pain in second molar of right side; pains in teeth amel.; pressing outward pain in left sacro-iliac articulation, sensitive to. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s195}}Tormenting itching and burning over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Painful burning on face and arms; face enormously swollen.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Violent itching burning, redness and erysipelatous swelling of face, hands and other parts of body, followed by yellow vesication and desquamation of cuticle.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Red color all over body, resembling scarlet fever.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Skin white and covered with shiny scales; cracked and discharged sanious fluid. {{anchor:s200}}~ Inflammation leg and foot.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Inflammation of the part, with deep, hard-edged ulcers, which discharge a thick, purulent, greenish-yellow matter, having a very peculiar, fetid smell, parts becoming in appearance similar to a piece of raw, decayed meat, while surrounding skin is covered with small shining scales.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Malignant erysipelas; herpes; zona; leprosy. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s204}}Miss H., aet. 17, a student, dark, thin hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, mixed temperament; toothache.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Mrs. C., aet. 25, mother of one child, auburn hair, fair complexion, blue eyes, nervo-sanguine temperament; neuralgic pains in costal region, right side.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Lady, aet. 38, sloughing ulcer of breast. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s208}}Compare: Anac., Rhus tox., Rhus rad., Rhus ven. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 04, 1884 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r249|Comocladia dentata]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r249|Comocladia dentata]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1884 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}