====== COPAIVA OFFICINALIS ====== {{anchor:s1}}Copaiva. {{anchor:s2}}Balsam Copaiva. {{anchor:s3}}Leguminosae. {{anchor:s4}}Mentioned by Hahnemann in Fragmenta de Vir. Proved by Teste in the 6th dilution. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s6}}- Epistaxis, Carl Müller, N. A. J. H., vol. 11, p. 454; Chronic nasal catarrh, E. M. Hale, Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 163; Acne of face, Hughes, p. 325; Gastric catarrh, E. M. Hale, Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 163; Intestinal catarrh, E. M. Hale, Hom. Clinics, vol. 1, p. 21; Dysentery, E. M. Hale, Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 165; Fistula in ano with chronic cough, Cp. K., Frank's Mag., vol. 1, p. 202; Dysuria, Denker, Frank's Mag., vol. 2, p. 347; Urinary difficulties after catching cold, Wolf, B. J. H., vol. 30, p. 584; Induration of prostate gland, mentioned by Lippe, Am. Hom. Rev., vol. 3, p. 154; Gonorrhea, Hartmann, Attomyr, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 82; Gollman, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 542; Z. Friedreich (three cases), Frank's Mag., vol. 4, p. 794; Velpeau, Frank's Mag., vol. 3, p. 112; Gonorrheal rheumatism, Rehfuss, Raue's R., 1870, p. 239; Gonorrheal neuralgia, D. K. Gutherz, Frank's Mag., vol. 4, p. 794; Pruritus vulvae, Ruan, Archiv, vol. 9, p. 156; Burning red spots in vulva, Berridge, MSS.; Bronchial and vesical catarrh, Hale, Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 163; Cough during measles, MSS; Blennorrhagia, Lisle, Frank's Mag., vol. 3, p. 710; Urticaria, Weil, Raue's R., 1874, p. 291; Turrell, Raue's R., 1875, p. 290. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s8}}General sense of uneasiness; depression.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Delirium. {{anchor:s10}}~ Urticaria. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s12}}Delirium, intense headache, drowsiness, embarrassed speech. {{anchor:s13}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Vertigo. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Violent headache. {{anchor:s17}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Headache as from congestion, with heat in face and sensation of trembling in head; delirium.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Headache and general malaise, with chills. {{anchor:s20}}~ Nettlerash. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s22}}Inflammation and itching of eyes; dim-sightedness. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s24}}Severe spontaneous epistaxis of small boys, lasting several days.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Epistaxis; hemorrhages after wounds.\\ {{anchor:s26}}(OBS:) Profuse, yellow and green, thick, fetid discharge from nasal passages of several years' duration; at night the discharge runs down posterior nares, causing choking and other disagreeable symptoms. {{anchor:s27}}~ Chronic nasal catarrh. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s29}}Flushed face, interspersed with rose-colored spots. {{anchor:s30}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Red face and urticaria over whole body; face, eyelids, lips, ears and hands swollen.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Acne which had for a long time disfigured face. {{anchor:s33}}~ Urinary troubles. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s35}}Speech embarrassed, cannot talk well. {{anchor:s36}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Tongue coated white. {{anchor:s38}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s40}}Pain in mouth, throat and joints.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Slight but painful swelling of lips and mouth.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Dryness of tongue, with inflammation of throat and mouth.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Increased flow of saliva. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s45}}Chronic inflammation of throat.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Marked inflammation of throat with great swelling of submaxillary glands and threatened suffocation. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s49}}Loss of appetite. {{anchor:s50}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh. {{anchor:s51}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Great thirst. {{anchor:s53}}~ Urticaria. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Eructations, excessive nausea; nausea in throat; gagging and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Great nausea with severe colic, somewhat amel. by sweat.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Spitting up of ingesta, with large quantities of mucus; sometimes vomiting of mucus. {{anchor:s58}}~ Gastric catarrh. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Heartburn; pressure and uneasiness in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Pain in stomach and limbs.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Distension and fullness after eating; spitting up of ingesta, with large quantities of mucus; stools coated with mucus; frequent mucous diarrhea. {{anchor:s63}}~ Gastric catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Gastric troubles during menses, or following urticaria. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s66}}Borborygmus; rumbling in abdomen so loud that it is heard by others; abdomen distended as if it would burst.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Pressure and burning in abdomen in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Severe colic with great nausea, somewhat amel. by sweat.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Colic, with flatulency, indigestion and looseness.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Colic, with watery diarrhea; colicky tearing pains in abdomen, preceded by drawing pains in bones of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Hypogastrium sensitive. {{anchor:s72}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Painful swelling of inguinal glands. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Diarrhea, with loss of appetite; nausea and vomiting; copious, involuntary, watery stools; agg. in morning; colic, amel. by bending double.\\ {{anchor:s76}}White, diarrheic stools, generally in morning, with chilliness and colic, obliging one to bend double.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Greenish passages, mixed mucous flocculi. {{anchor:s78}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s79}}White, diarrheic, mucous stools in morning, mucus is not tenacious or stringy, but comes away in masses. {{anchor:s80}}~ Intestinal catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Stools often coated with mucus; frequent attacks of mucous diarrhea. {{anchor:s82}}~ Gastric catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Debilitating diarrhea, with tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Chronic diarrhea and dysentery, with or without fever.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Diarrhea alternating with obstinate constipation.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Constipation, with large red blotches over whole body, and fever.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Stools: white, fecal; bloody; watery; copious; involuntary.\\ {{anchor:s88}}During stool: chilliness, tenesmus, drawing, tearing colic.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Stitches in rectum and intolerable burning at anus.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Hemorrhoidal tumors lasting for years disappeared under its use, in a case of gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s91}}(OBS:) Fistula in ano of ten years standing, with a chronic cough.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Sensation of weight in perineum.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Expulsion of several yards of tapeworm. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s95}}Inflammation of kidneys. {{anchor:s96}}~ Bright's disease.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Chronic vesical catarrh; excessive irritation of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Spasmodic pains in bladder every morning, at nearly same hour. {{anchor:s99}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Frequent calls to urinate, with violent pains in neck of bladder on attempting it, occasional retention of urine; after catching cold.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Pressure on bladder, with fruitless urinary tenesmus and passage of urine in drops.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Tenesmus of bladder and urethritis.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Irritation of urethra and neck of bladder, occurring in old women.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Burning in neck of bladder and urethra.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Induration of prostate gland, and great pain in it on urinating.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Inflammation of urinary organs; swelling, dilatation and tickling at orifice of urethra, with pulsative pain throughout penis. {{anchor:s107}}~ Gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Urinary difficulties with haematuria.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Copious secretion or retention of urine.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Constant ineffectual desire to urinate; contraction of urethra; emission of urine in drops.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Great dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Urine can only be discharged after great effort; stream thinner than usual, causing great pain under fourchette, when reaching glans penis. {{anchor:s113}}~ Dysuria after gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Itching, biting and burning in urethra, both before and after urination.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Urine emitted in drops. {{anchor:s116}}~ Induration of prostate.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Urine: foaming; greenish; turbid; with odor of violets.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Urine scant and full of sediment, with burning in urethra after micturition. {{anchor:s119}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Urine high colored and thick, depositing abundant reddish sediment. {{anchor:s121}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Dark red, scanty urine, with brick-dust sediment. {{anchor:s123}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Urine hot and scalding, red, depositing thick, mucous sediment. {{anchor:s125}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Evacuations of thick, brown, tenacious mucus, tinged with blood; tormina and tenesmus; sensitive hypogastrium. {{anchor:s127}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Large amount of viscid mucus, some blood and detached portions of mucous tissue in urine. {{anchor:s129}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Haematuria in women.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Frequent copious discharges of urine, with diabetes. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s133}}Violent emotions, with lascivious thoughts, constant excitement of sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Long-continued weakness of sexual organs with absence of sexual desire, and irritation of the parts.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Chronic cystitis.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Induration of prostate with no increase in size, or slight augmentation with extreme hardness.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Burning and sensation of dryness in region of prostate gland, and in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Soreness, smarting, itching and swelling of urethra; purulent discharge; urine smells of violets; eruption like measles or urticaria with great itching.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Biting pain, burning and itching in urethra before and after urination; meatus swollen and inflamed, with soreness and discharge of pus. {{anchor:s140}}~ Gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Swelling and dilatation of orifice of urethra, with pulsative pains throughout penis.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Gonorrhea in the early stage, no strangury.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Gonorrhea: mild cases, or in first part of second stage, when discharge is moderate; much urinary irritation, but no particular difficulty.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Yellow, purulent, or mucous discharge from urethra.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Chronic gleet with muco-purulent discharge.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Swelling and induration of testicles.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Aching-drawing in testicles.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Redness and acrid humor on scrotum and between it and thighs, swelling and tenderness of inguinal glands.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Gonorrheal rheumatism. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Throbbing and pains in ovaries.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Forcing down in bladder and uterine region; drawing in uterus, neck of bladder and vagina; burning and itching in urethra and vagina.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Wandering uterine pains.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Uterine hemorrhages.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Discharge of bloody and thick, purulent mucus from uterus with pressure.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Leucorrhea arising from gonorrhea; yellow, purulent gonorrhea; haematuria; strangury.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Milky, acrid, sore-making discharge, with painful micturition.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Profuse, green gonorrheal discharge, with distressing burning and sensation of warmth in vagina, particularly when urinating.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Burning red spots in vulva.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Itching of vulva. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Dryness and roughness in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Constant irritation in larynx, exciting cough.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Hoarseness, especially in morning.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Excoriating pain in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Bronchial catarrh, soreness of chest and cough.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Bronchitis, with profuse expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Chronic bronchorrhea (dilated bronchi), with profuse expectoration of greenish, purulent, fetid mucus. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s171}}Oppression of chest, with labored breathing, while working in a stooping position, as when digging; pressure on sternum; slow respiration.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Respiration quick and panting; could breathe easily when bolstered up in bed, mucous rales in whole chest, most in left lung. {{anchor:s173}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s175}}Cough, with soreness of chest.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Mucous cough; cough, with shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Dry, painful cough, with dryness in larynx and huskiness.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Cough during measles.\\ {{anchor:s179}}(OBS:) Chronic cough, with fistula in ano.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Profuse expectoration of greenish-grey, purulent mucus, of a disgusting odor, sometimes mixed with blood.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Severe, harassing cough, with profuse expectoration of thick, heavy masses of yellow or greenish and putrid tasting mucus, sometimes bloody and in such quantities as to cause choking and vomiting. {{anchor:s182}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Increased expectoration in phthisis pulmonalis.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Spitting of blood. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s186}}Oppression of chest, with labored breathing as if respiratory passage was filled with mucus.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Pressure and anxiety in chest, with transient flushes of heat to face and burning in palms of hands and soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Burning in chest; soreness and cough.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Dyspnea, soreness and rawness in chest and occasional stitches in left side. {{anchor:s190}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Mucous rales in whole chest, most in left lung; dullness under left clavicle and want of normal resonance on whole of left side. {{anchor:s192}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Chronic pulmonary catarrh, with profuse expectoration of a greenish-grey, purulent mucus, of a disgusting odor, sometimes mixed with blood.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Haemoptysis. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Heart's action tumultuous, pulse irritable and 100 per minute. {{anchor:s198}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Quick pulse. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s201}}Pain and swelling of knees and malleoli.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Gonorrheal rheumatism, especially if located in fibrous part of knee joint.\\ {{anchor:s203}}(OBS:) Neuralgia of nervus pudendus internus, in consequence of gonorrhea; pains begin in scrotum and anus, and extend down to right side of foot, with severe cramps. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s205}}Great restlessness of extremities. {{anchor:s206}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Pain in limbs, stomach and joints. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s211}}When bolstered up in bed: can breathe easily.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Unable to sit up: weariness, debility.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Bending double: colic amel.\\ {{anchor:s214}}While working in stooping position: pressure on sternum, slow respiration. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s216}}Greatly excited during night. {{anchor:s217}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s218}}General malaise. {{anchor:s219}}~ Nettlerash.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Weariness; debility, unable to sit up. {{anchor:s221}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Involuntary trembling and movements of head, trunk and extremities.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Hemiplegia after disappearance of a measle-like eruption which had covered whole body. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s225}}Drowsiness or sleepiness. {{anchor:s226}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Restless nights. {{anchor:s228}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s230}}In morning: diarrhea agg.; white diarrheic stools, with chilliness and colic; hoarseness; chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s231}}In afternoon: heat and thirst.\\ {{anchor:s232}}At night: discharge runs down posterior nares, causing choking and other disagreeable symptoms; greatly excited; restless; sweating. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s234}}After catching cold: pains in neck of bladder on attempting to urinate, occasional retention of urine. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s236}}Violent chills, with headache and general malaise. {{anchor:s237}}~ Nettlerash.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Chilliness and coldness in forenoon, with pain in dorsa of feet; in afternoon, heat and thirst for water.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Uneasiness during two days, followed by a very hard chill, which is succeeded by heat and an eruption; on third day, fever subsides and eruption grows paler.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Fever and burning sensation, insomnia and nocturnal agitation. {{anchor:s241}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Fever with large red blotches over body, constipation.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Perspiration profuse, of a pungent smell.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Sweat somewhat relieves nausea and colic.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Night sweats. {{anchor:s246}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Febrile disturbance during inflammatory stage of gonorrhea. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Frequent: mucous diarrhea; calls to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Spasmodic: pains in bladder, every morning at same hour.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Occasional: stitches in left side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Long-continued: weakness of sexual organs.\\ {{anchor:s253}}During two days: uneasiness, followed by chill, heat and eruption, which subside on third day.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Constant: ineffectual desire to urinate; excitement of sexual desire; irritation in larynx, exciting cough.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Lasting several days: epistaxis of small boys.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Chronic: nasal catarrh; inflammation of throat; diarrhea and dysentery; hemorrhoidal tumors; cough with fistula in ano; vesical catarrh; cystitis; gleet; bronchorrhea; pulmonary catarrh. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s258}}Right: pains from scrotum and anus extend down to side of foot.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Left: mucous rales in lung; occasional stitches in side of chest; dullness under clavicle and want of normal resonance on whole side. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s261}}As if abdomen would burst; as if respiratory passage was filled with mucus.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Pain: in mouth, throat and joints; in stomach and limbs; in bladder every morning; in neck of bladder on attempting to urinate; in prostate gland on urinating; under fourchette when urine reaches glans penis; in knees; in scrotum and anus, extending down right side of foot, with severe cramps; in dorsa of feet; in ovaries.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Stitches: in rectum; in left side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Tearing: colicky pains in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Drawing-tearing: colic during stool; in abdomen; in thighs.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Drawing: in bones of thighs; in uterus, mouth of bladder and vagina.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Aching-drawing: in testicles.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Itching-drawing: in testicles.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Burning: in abdomen and umbilical region; intolerable, at anus; in neck of bladder and urethra; in urethra; in region of prostate gland; in vagina; red spots in vulva; in palms of hands and soles of feet; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Forcing down: in bladder and uterine region.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Throbbing: in ovaries.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Pulsative: pain throughout penis.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Twitching: in skin, urethra.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Biting: in urethra; of skin.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Pricking: in skin.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Excoriating pain: in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Smarting: of urethra.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Soreness: of urethra; of meatus urinarius; of chest.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Rawness: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Roughness: in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Wandering uterine pains.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Pressure: in stomach; in abdomen and umbilical region; on bladder; in uterus; on sternum; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Trembling: in head.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Fullness: after eating.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Oppression: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Weight: in perineum.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Anxiety: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Uneasiness: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Tickling: at orifice of urethra.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Dryness: of tongue; in region of prostate gland, and in urethra; in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Warmth: in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Itching: of eyes; in urethra; of measle-like eruption; in vagina; of vulva; of skin; of nettlerash. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s294}}Blennorrhagia or profuse discharges from various mucous surfaces; chronic catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Inflammatory affections of intestinal canal, genital and urinary systems.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Vesical and urethral catarrh of both sexes.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Emaciation. {{anchor:s298}}~ Bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Post-scarlatinal dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Dropsy from liver and heart.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Ascites, general anasarca from renal disease, especially albuminuria after scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Gonorrheal rheumatism. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s306}}Touch: urticaria, skin disagreeable. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s308}}Jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Violent itching. {{anchor:s310}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Itching and pricking in skin; annoying itching with severe inflammation in parts denuded of epithelium.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Chilblains.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Nettlerash, isolated patches, pale red or bright red, with violent itching.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Urticaria over whole body, face red; dry, hot and biting skin (calor mordax), especially disagreeable to touch. {{anchor:s315}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Urticaria from gastric irritation with fever and intolerable itching.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Acne of long duration, with much disfigurement of face.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Papular or pustular skin eruption occurring in groups, with pain in limbs and disordered stomach.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Large red blotches all over body, with constipation and some fever.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Dark-colored or bright red, elevated, intolerably itching, lentil-sized, measle-shaped exanthema, in clusters, flowing one into another.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Uneasiness during two days, followed by a very hard chill, which is succeeded by heat and an eruption of very circumscribed lenticular patches; this eruption gives rise to intense itching and pricking of skin; it is like measles, but without any catarrhal symptoms; on third day fever subsides, and eruption grows paler; on seventh skin has a mottled appearance; the eruption does not wholly disappear for five days; no desquamation.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Violent chill, headache and general malaise; red, hot skin, nettlerash all over body, delirium, drowsiness, scanty urine, which is dark, with brick-dust sediment.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Eczema, consisting of small vesicles, smaller and flatter than the mercurial eczema.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Tormenting eruptions only between fingers, and on both forearms as far as bend of elbow; pustules like the itch, with red areola, containing a red, watery fluid, with itching pain, desquamation after a few days.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Measles, scarlet rash, roseola; miliary eruption; itch. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s327}}Girl, aet. 4, scrofulous; dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Boy, aet. 12; urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Mr. R., aet. 12; urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Miss G., aet. 15; lymphatic-sanguine temperament; caught severe cold; bronchial and vesical catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Miss B., aet. 24; urticaria and gastric disturbances.\\ {{anchor:s332}}MS., aet. 25, teacher, delicate health, and frequently suffering from throat affections, neuralgic toothache, gastralgia, with constipation; all her ailments are more on right side; urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Young German girl; gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s334}}A mason, suffering a year with urinary difficulties arising from catching cold and indulgence in beer and spirits.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Man, aet. 48, with tendency to hemorrhoids, had gonorrhea several times, in consequence of which he suffered from strictures and dysuria, he was relieved by caustics, nevertheless great irritability or urethra remained; dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Man, aet. 50, suffering ten years from fistula in ano conjoined with a chronic cough; had an attack of gonorrhea, for which large doses of balsam copaiva were given, which resulted in curing the fistula and cough.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Mrs. B., aet. 62; nettlerash. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s339}}Antidoted by: Bellad., Calcar., Mercur., Sulphur.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Compatible: After Acon., when acute symptoms of gonorrhea have been subdued.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Compare: Cannab., Canthar., Cubeba, Erig., Kali brom., Pulsat., Kali iod., Sepia., Senec. grac., all of which cause analogous symptoms of mucous membrane, especially of urinary organs. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 04, 1884 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r245|Copaiva officinalis]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r245|Copaiva officinalis]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1884 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}