====== EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Eupatorium Perfoliatum. {{anchor:s2}}Boneset; Thoroughwort. {{anchor:s3}}Compositae. {{anchor:s4}}It was recommended by Dioscorides for ill-conditioned ulcers, dysentery, and the stings of reptiles; chronic fevers, obstructions of liver. {{anchor:s5}}--Leadam., B. J. H., vol. 8, p. 381. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Ophthalmia, Miller, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 66; Cracks in corners of mouth, Williamson, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 104; Cough (2 cases), Berridge, Organon, vol. 3, p. 114; Intermittent fever, Neidhard, Lippe, Williamson, Frost, Fisher, Allen, Miller, Allen's Int. Fever, p. 124-7; (3 cases) Ingersoll and Goodno, Organon, vol. 3, p. 370; Dunham, see Lectures on Mat. Med.; Swan, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 195; Williamson, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 21, and 1873, p. 20; Landesmann, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 213; (3 cases) Frost, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 213, and 1875, p. 271; (23 cases) Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 269; Bilious fever, Dunham, Hughes' Pharm., p. 359. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Feels at night as if he was going out of his mind.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Moaning: with the aching pain; during cold stage.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Anxious countenance.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Despondency, with fever.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Anxiety, despair, depression.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Headache amel. by conversation. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Faintness from motion, during fever.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Early in morning an attack of whirling around in brain, or, as he described it, "as if he had been placed in a coal screen and whirled around two or three times, repeated after a short cessation".\\ {{anchor:s18}}Sensation as if falling to the left.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Vertigo on attempting to rise in bed. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s21}}Aching in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Throbbing headache, pain extending from forehead to occiput, agg. left side.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Beating pain in forehead and occiput, amel. after rising.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Darting pains through temples, with sensation of blood rushing across head.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Shooting from left to right side of head.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Thumping in side of head above right ear.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Painful soreness in right parietal protuberance.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Heat on top of head, with pain, amel. by pressure.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Distress on top and in back part of head.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Soreness and pulsation in back part of head.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Intense pain in occiput; distress.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Beating pain in nape and occiput; amel. after rising.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Pain in occiput after lying, with sense of weight, must aid with hand in lifting head.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Headache, with sensation of soreness internally, amel. in the house, agg. when first going into open air, amel. by conversation.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Violent pain in head and back before chill or during chill.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Throbbing headache during chill and heat.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Headache and trembling during hot stage. {{anchor:s38}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Headache and nausea every other morning, when awaking.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Nervous headache; hemicrania.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Sick headache: when first awaking, continuing all day; every other morning.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Suitable to bilious headache; also headaches of persons suffering from ague.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Headache arising from disordered stomach. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s45}}Heat on top of head, with buzzing in ears.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Right parietal protuberance sore.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Insupportable heaviness in head.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Head drawn spasmodically backwards. {{anchor:s49}}~ Spotted fever.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Tinea capitis. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Great aversion to light.\\ {{anchor:s53}}(In sick:) Dimness over eyes when looking at small things; could not sew for a whole week, all being dark.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Intense pain darting through eyes, as from needles; eyes not inflamed.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Painful soreness of eyeballs.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Eyes glistened.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Sclerotica yellowish red.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Increased lachrymation, with cough.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Redness of margins of lids, with glutinous secretion from Meibomean glands.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Lachrymation and photophobia, left eye worse. {{anchor:s61}}~ Conjunctivitis. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Buzzing in ears; heat on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Could hear everything while seemingly in profound sleep, but could not speak. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s66}}The smell of food, odors and cooking produced qualmishness.\\ {{anchor:s67}}(In sick:) Nose very dry and stopped up.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Fluent coryza; sneezing; hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Coryza, with aching in every bone.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Catarrh, with sore fauces; with costiveness.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Influenza: with weakness of pulse and great prostration; with pain in bones; with pain in back and limbs; lassitude; skin bathed in perspiration; surface pale and morbidly sensitive; of old people and inebriates.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Epidemic influenza. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Anxious countenance with difficulty of breathing.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Sickly, sallow countenance.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Pale and stretchy.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Face: pale, sunken; cholera like.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Cough, with flushed face and painful eyes.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Flushed face: with dry, hot skin; during the fever; with cough; flushes of heat.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Redness of cheeks, with dry skin.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Face of a dull red color.\\ {{anchor:s82}}During heat face is of a dull mahogany-red color, and eyes glisten; sclerotica yellow.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Sudden severe contraction of muscles of right cheek. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s85}}Cracks in corners of mouth: yellow-coated tongue; thirst. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s87}}Taste: bitter; insipid.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Tastelessness of food; want of appetite.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Tongue coated yellow, or covered with white fur. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Paleness of mucous membrane of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Breath smells mouldy, sourish. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s94}}Fauces sore, dryness of throat.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Soreness of fauces, with catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Throat dry; at times becomes hoarse and loses her voice. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s99}}Good appetite every intervening day; other days sick headache.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Canine hunger with or before ague, or after quinine.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Longs for ice-cream.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Disgust for food.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Anorexia of drunkards.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Very thirsty during chill and heat; took only a little sip of water at a time.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Thirst for cold water.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Thirst throughout night before paroxysm. {{anchor:s107}}~ Tertian ague.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Thirst a long time before chill, continues during chill and heat; no thirst during sweat.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Thirst, sometimes for warm drinks, from one to three hours before chill; knows chill is coming because he cannot drink enough.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Desire for acid drinks. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s112}}After eating: violent distressing pains; no ease until all is vomited.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Insatiable thirst, but drinking causes nausea and vomiting, and hastens the chill.\\ {{anchor:s114}}After drinking cold water: shuddering; vomiting bile. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s116}}Eructations: of bitter, tasteless wind, with feeling of obstruction in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Qualmishness from odors, the smell of food, cooking, etc.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Sick stomach, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Nausea from least motion, with chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Nausea with excessive trembling and chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Sick stomach, night before ague paroxysm.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Nausea and sense of extreme prostration, not real.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Distressing disposition to vomit, and weakness of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Nausea as the chill goes off.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Nausea and vomiting of food.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Nausea and sickness of stomach (in one case vomiting) at beginning of heat, with violent, throbbing headache.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Nausea and vomiting, with free perspiration and copious expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Vomiting preceded by thirst.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Vomiting immediately after drinking.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Vomiting: of whatever is taken into stomach, and of bile or mucus.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Vomiting if bile with great tenderness in epigastrium, and trembling.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Vomiting: preceding, during, or at conclusion of chill; during fever; of bile at close of hot stage.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Retching and vomiting of bile. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Extreme tenderness in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Beating in epigastrium at night.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Distressing pain in scrobiculum during chill and heat.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Sensation of something in stomach that ought to come up, without ability to raise it.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Weakness of stomach after the chill.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Sensation of fullness in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s141}}General shuddering proceeding from stomach.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Heat in the stomach.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Most violent pains in stomach after eating something; no rest until all is vomited up again, aided by drinking warm water.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Indigestion consequent on the use of alcoholic drinks.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Indigestion of old people. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s147}}Soreness in region of liver.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Fullness and tenderness in hepatic region, with stitches and soreness on moving and coughing.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Tightness in left hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Tight clothing is oppressive. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s152}}Soreness around waist; tight clothing oppressive.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Violent colicky pains in upper abdomen, with headache and other pains.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Abdomen full and tympanitic. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s156}}Tenesmus, with small discharge of loose stool.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Purging stools, with smarting and heat in anus.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Considerable griping, agg. after stool, with tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Emission of fetid flatus, with relief.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Morning diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Frequent green, watery stools.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Profuse bilious, watery stools, with nausea and severe colic; prostration.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Constipation, with catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Smarting and heat in anus. {{anchor:s165}}~ Cholera asiatica, after subsidence of urgent symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Herpetic eruption, affecting anus and surrounding parts, scrotum and thighs. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s168}}Dark colored clear urine.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Urine: dark brown, scanty, depositing a whitish, clay-like sediment; profuse, pale, with gout; dark, in bilious disorders; watery, during intermittents.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Inflammation of meatus urinarius, in a woman. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Itching of the mons veneris.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Herpes on scrotum and thighs. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Throat dry, sore, hoarse; can hardly talk; agg. mornings, when he gets up.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Hoarseness; roughness of voice; cough agg. evenings; aching in all the bones; much sweat; lassitude; pale; sensitive; secretion passive. {{anchor:s178}}~ Nasal catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Soreness, scraping and heat in bronchi, with cough. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Great oppression of chest; a full breath hurts; rattling on chest.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Difficulty of breathing, attended with perspiration and anxious countenance.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Dyspnea very great, obliging patient to lie with head and shoulders high.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Dyspnea, with hard, dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s185}}With a deep inspiration, grating in chest; on full inspiration, soreness. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s187}}Disposition to cough, with dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Hoarse, rough cough, with scraping in bronchia.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Cough with soreness and heat in bronchia; flushed face; tearful eyes.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Rough, scraping cough, chest sore; must support it with hands; flushed face, tearful eyes.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Violent cough, with soreness in chest.\\ {{anchor:s192}}After catching cold, cough, agg. 2 to 4 A. M.; excited by tickling in chest, causing tightness of chest; cough agg. lying on back, amel. kneeling with face towards pillow; scanty expectoration; painful fullness in head on coughing or blowing nose; lowness of spirits.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Stitches in liver when coughing.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Hacking cough in evening.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Cough at night with headache.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Nocturnal loose cough; particularly after eruptive stage of measles.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Cough preceding or following measles.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Fatiguing cough with heat.\\ {{anchor:s199}}During apyrexia, loose cough.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Hectic cough from suppressed intermittent fever. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s202}}Soreness and grating sensation in chest, at every deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Soreness in chest; worse from inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Pain and soreness behind sternum; heart feels as if in too small a place.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Oppression in middle of sternum; feels as if something was pressing against his heart; palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Cannot take a natural inspiration, or twist body either to right or left, because of soreness behind sternum.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Soreness in chest, with cough.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Pain through right nipple when breathing.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Aching pain under left breast, cannot lie on left side.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Deep-seated pain in left side and in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Supports chest with his hands during cough.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Painful irritation of pulmonary organs, with heat in chest. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s214}}Pain, soreness and heaviness behind sternum and in cardiac region; agg. by least motion or turning body around.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Palpitation of heart.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Heart feels as if in too small a place; as if something was pressing against it.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Beating pain in occiput, agg. by motion; pain and soreness of eyeballs. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s219}}Aching pain under left breast, and inability to lie on left side.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Pain through right nipple when he breathes. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Beating pain in neck and occiput; amel. after rising.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Pain in back of neck and between shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Creeping chills, principally on back.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Trembling in back during fever.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Weakness in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Intolerable aching soreness, as if beaten, in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Pain in back as from a bruise.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Pain in back before and during chill.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Intense aching in back and limbs; extremities as if broken.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Deep-seated pains in loins, with soreness from motion.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Severe pain and bruised sensation in sacrum and extremities; copious sweat without relief; spasms. {{anchor:s233}}~ Intermittent. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s235}}Stiffness of arms and fingers during chill.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Aching pain and soreness, as from having been beaten in arms, above and below elbows.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Soreness and aching in arms and forearms; painful soreness in both wrists, as if broken or dislocated.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Hands icy cold.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Heat in palms of hands; sometimes with moisture.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Moisture of hands with chill.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Stiffness of fingers, with obtuseness of sense of touch. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s243}}Aching pain in right hip while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Lameness in right hip and leg when walking.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Pain above right ilium before chill.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Pain in spot not larger than a pea, over left hip; with soreness.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Pain with extreme sensitiveness in left glutei muscles, passing around in front of trochanter major.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Flagging of muscles of left thigh, as if they were falling off the bone.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Burning in skin on inner side of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Herpes on thighs.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Rheumatic pain on inside of left knee.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Soreness and aching of lower limbs; stiffness and general soreness when rising to walk.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Pains in joints of lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Severe pains, like cramps, waken out of sleep; cold sweat follows.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Calves of legs feel as though they had been beaten.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Sprained ankle-joint.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Pain and soreness of upper part of left foot, with increased sensibility of big toe.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Pain in foot agg. by standing upon it.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Stinging in feet, as from pins, at beginning of chill.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Sharp burning pain in feet, could not keep her shoes on while pain in feet lasted; feet seemed swollen.\\ {{anchor:s261}}(In sick:) Soreness and swelling of both feet when standing on them, in a gouty subject.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Throbbing in right foot.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Pricking in soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Feet icy cold.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Heat in soles of feet in morning.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Pain in heel, as if stabbed.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Dropsical swelling of feet and ankles.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Gouty swelling of big toe; profuse pale urine; dropsical swelling of ankles and feet, after gout, with profuse urinary discharge.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Pain in first joint of left great toe, which suddenly moves to corresponding joint of right one.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Intolerable pain under toe nails of both feet. {{anchor:s271}}~ Intermittent. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s273}}Gouty inflammation of left knee and right elbow; pains agg. from 10 A. M. until 4 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Sharp pain in left ankle, hip and shoulder, came on instantly and went away as quickly.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Intense aching in limbs and back, as if bones were broken. {{anchor:s276}}~ Influenza. {{anchor:s277}}~ Ague.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Aching pain and soreness, as if beaten, in calves of legs, small of back, and in arms, above and below elbows.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Pain in bones early in morning, before paroxysm. {{anchor:s280}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Pains in bones accompanying influenza.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Aching in bones of extremities, with soreness of flesh; soreness in bones.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Aching pain, with moaning throughout cold stage.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Bones of extremities ache in latter part of chill, and beginning of heat.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Rheumatic affections, accompanied by perspiration and soreness of bones.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Syphilitic pains.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Stretching and pale, 9 A. M., before chill.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Walks about crouched up.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Cramps. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s293}}Must lie high with head and shoulders, on account of dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s294}}After lying: pain in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s295}}While in great pain he lies quiet.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Lying on back: cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Could not raise head from pillow.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Kneeling with face towards pillow: cough amel.\\ {{anchor:s299}}While sitting, aching in hips.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Must support chest with hands during cough.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Cannot lie on left side.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Rising: in bed, vertigo; pain in forehead amel.; pain in neck and occiput amel.; stiffness and general soreness when rising.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Standing on foot: pain agg.; soreness.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Walks about crouched up.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Walking: lameness of right hip and leg.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Motion: faintness; nausea; stitches and soreness in hepatic region; pains in cardiac region and behind sternum; pain in occiput agg.; pains in loins and soreness; chilliness; sweat agg.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Cannot turn body because of soreness behind sternum.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Cannot keep still, although there is great desire to do so. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s310}}Very restless, cannot keep still, although there is great desire to do so.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Trembling: with vomiting; with chill; internal; with external heat; during heat; in back; during fever.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Great weakness and prostration during fever, with faintness from motion.\\ {{anchor:s313}}During fever, weak, faint, nervous, trembling.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Hands have to assist the head in lifting it; with headache.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Weakness during fever; could not raise head from pillow.\\ {{anchor:s316}}General debility from intemperance.\\ {{anchor:s317}}General lassitude with influenza.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Great prostration, almost syncope.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Faintness from motion, during fever.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Cerebro-spinal meningitis, with intense soreness and aching all over, vomiting, pain in back of head and neck. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s322}}Stretching and yawning. {{anchor:s323}}~ Intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Disposed to yawn before chill.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Sleepiness with difficult breathing.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Profound sleep at noon; could hear everything, but could not speak.\\ {{anchor:s327}}During sleep, some sweat in evening.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Has to lie with his head high.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Headache on awaking. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s331}}Morning: attack of whirling around in brain; attacks of chills; diarrhea; sore throat agg.; heat in soles of feet; pains in bones; chilliness; slight perspiration.\\ {{anchor:s332}}From 2 to 4 A. M.: cough.\\ {{anchor:s333}}At 7 A. M.: chill.\\ {{anchor:s334}}At 9 A. M.: stretchy and pale; chill.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Forenoon: fever.\\ {{anchor:s336}}At 2 P. M.: severe headache with chill.\\ {{anchor:s337}}From 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.: pains agg.\\ {{anchor:s338}}All day: sick headache.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Evenings: cough agg.; during sleep some sweat.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Night: feels as if he was going out of his mind; thirst; sick stomach; beating in epigastrium; cough with headache; chilliness; coldness during sweat; pungent heat and sweat. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s342}}Wants to be warmly covered during chill.\\ {{anchor:s343}}From uncovering: chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Better in house: headache.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Aggravated when first going in open air: headache.\\ {{anchor:s346}}After being in an ice-house: chill and fever. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s348}}Chilliness in morning, heat throughout rest of day, no perspiration, or slight in morning.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Attacks of chills in morning, no fever; so chilly, could not get warm; throat dry, becomes hoarse at times and loses her voice; very great oppression in chest; sharp burning pain in feet, could not keep her shoes on while pain in feet lasted, feet seemed swollen; cough short and dry; sharp pains in left ankle, hip and shoulder, come on instantly and go away as quickly.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Chilliness through night and in morning, with nausea from least motion.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Chilliness, with excessive trembling and nausea.\\ {{anchor:s352}}A greater amount of shivering during chill than is warranted by the degree of coldness.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Coldness during nocturnal perspiration.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Alternate chilliness and flushes of heat.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Sick stomach, night before paroxysm.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Cough in night previous to paroxysm.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Paroxysm generally commences in morning.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Thirst several hours before chill, continues during chill and heat.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Chill preceded by pain above right ilium, with thirst and a disposition to yawn.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Pain in all the bones, as if broken, before commencement of chill.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Coldness and stinging or pricking, as from pins, in both feet at commencement of chill.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Violent pain in head and back before chill.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Chill induced or hastened by drinking cold water.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Chill at 7 A. M., preceded by thirst, and attended with moisture of hands.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Chill at 9 o'clock in morning.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Intermittent fever with a heavy chill, early in morning of one day, and a light chill about noon next day, and so on successively.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Chill spreads from back; begins between 7 and 9 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Severe headache, with slight chill at 2 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s369}}During chill: thirst, headache and backache; aching all over, as if in bones; more shivering than degree of coldness warrants; trembling, nausea; moaning with pains, wants to be covered.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Thirst during chill and heat, with vomiting after least drink of water. {{anchor:s371}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Distressing pain in scrobiculus cordis, throughout chill and heat.\\ {{anchor:s373}}At conclusion of chill: vomiting of bile; loose cough.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Fever, with despondency, morbid sensitiveness of skin, and sleeplessness.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Fever preceded by thirst, cannot raise head; cheeks red; throbbing headache; sleep and moaning; trembling, faint from motion.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Vomiting of bile at end of hot stage, followed by slight sweat and sleep.\\ {{anchor:s377}}During heat: trembling in back; headache; thirst continues; patient is very sensitive to the aggravation from drinking, "a swallow of water will make him shiver"; the less thirst the more severe the cephalalgia and bone pains; great weakness, cannot raise head; faintness from motion; cheeks mahogany red; dry, hot skin.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Fever in forenoon, preceded by thirst early in morning, but no chill; attended by fatiguing cough, and not followed by perspiration.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Pungent heat attending the perspiration at night.\\ {{anchor:s380}}During apyrexia, loose cough.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Sweat: light or wanting; amel. all pains but headache, which is agg.; profuse at night in old cases, agg. by uncovering or least motion, rarely debilitating.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Pains did not abate with the occurrence of the sweat.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Copious sweat with rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Skin bathed in sweat; or sweat scanty.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Nightly sweat, with chilliness, from moving or uncovering.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Anteponing chill, with congestive throbbing, thirst and aching in bones.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Cold stage in afternoon each alternate day an hour earlier, never amounted to a chill; thirst before and during cold stage, which lasted three hours; vomiting much bile after drinking; muscles painful, agg. in cold stage, followed by intense heat, with perspiration; hot stage lasting six to eight hours, with thirst; during attack she would be warmly covered, then profuse perspiration, without heat, continuing during sleep all night; great debility even when free from fever; liver much enlarged and very sensitive to touch; urine extremely scanty, turbid, and of an offensive odor; no appetite.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Exceedingly severe chill followed by burning fever; face of a dull red color; glistening eyes, sclerotica yellowish red; tongue covered with thick, yellowish fur; intense headache in occiput and insupportable heaviness; nausea and frequent effort to vomit; extreme tenderness in epigastrium; fullness and tenderness in hepatic region, with stitches and soreness on moving and coughing; intolerable aching in back and limbs, "as if bones were broken"; urine scanty and of a dark mahogany color; hard, dry cough and some dyspnea. {{anchor:s389}}~ Intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Intense headache with soreness of scalp, soreness of eyes, redness of face, nausea and prostration, soreness in region of liver, constipation, high colored urine, violent bone-pains. {{anchor:s391}}~ Bilious fever.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Remittent fever, bilious and malarial; with severe gastric and intestinal irritation.\\ {{anchor:s393}}In first stage of yellow fever as an intercurrent remedy, when the bones ache as if broken, with headache and backache, thirst and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Intermittent fever, quotidian, tertian and quartan.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Chill and fever after staying in an ice-house.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Fever attended with gastric derangement.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Hectic cough from suppressed intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Bilious fever; remittent fever; dengue; typhoid. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s400}}Frequent: green watery stools; effort to vomit.\\ {{anchor:s401}}At times: becomes hoarse.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Intermittents of any type, but especially the tertian.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Pains come quickly and go quickly.\\ {{anchor:s404}}Every other morning: headache and nausea; good appetite; alternate heavy and light chill.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Alternate afternoons: cold stage each day an hour earlier. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s407}}Right: thumping in head above ear; soreness of parietal protuberance; pain through nipple; pain in shoulder; pain in hip; lameness in hip and leg; pain above ilium; rheumatic pain on inside of knee; throbbing in foot; pain in joint of great toe; gouty inflammation of elbow; foot throbbing.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Left: as if falling to side; throbbing headache; eyeball, pain and soreness; lachrymation and photophobia; tightness in hypochondrium; aching pain under breast; pain in side; pain over hip; pain and extreme sensitiveness of glutei muscles; flagging of muscles of thigh; pain and soreness of upper part of foot; pain in joint of great toe; gouty inflammation of knee; sharp pain in ankle, hip and shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Left to right: shooting pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Left great toe to right toe: moving pain. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s412}}Feels as if he was going out of his mind; as if he had been placed in a coal screen and whirled around two or three times; as if falling to left; as if blood was rushing across head; sensation of weight; inner head feels sore; pain as if from needles; feeling of obstruction in epigastrium; as if extremely prostrated, not real; as if something were in stomach that ought to come up; heart as if in too small a place: as if something was pressing against heart; back as if beaten; pain in back as if from a bruise; extremities as if broken; wrists as if dislocated or broken; as if muscles were falling off bones of left thigh; calves of legs feel as if beaten; heel as if stabbed.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Bruised feeling, as if broken, all over body.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Pain: in occiput; in eyeballs; in bones; in back; in limbs; behind sternum; through right nipple; in cardiac region; in back of neck and between shoulders; in back; in right ilium; in small spot over left hip; in left glutei muscles, passing round in front of trochanter major; in joints; in upper part of left foot; in foot; in heel; in first joint of great toe.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Numbness: as if flesh was falling from bones.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Intolerable pain: under toe nails.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Intense pain: in occiput; darting through eyes.\\ {{anchor:s418}}Violent pain: in head and back; after eating; in stomach; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s419}}Severe pain: in sacrum; in extremities.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Sharp pain: in left ankle; in hip; in shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Shooting: from left to right side of head.\\ {{anchor:s422}}Darting pains: through temples.\\ {{anchor:s423}}Stitches: in hepatic region; in liver.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Colicky pains: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Griping: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s426}}Burning pain: in feet.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Pricking: in soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Painful soreness: in right parietal protuberance; of eyeballs; in small of back; of wrists.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Distressing pain: after eating; in scrobiculum.\\ {{anchor:s430}}Deep-seated pain: in left side and right shoulder; in loins.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Beating pain: in forehead and occiput; in nape.\\ {{anchor:s432}}Throbbing: headache; pain from forehead to occiput; in right foot.\\ {{anchor:s433}}Beating: in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Thumping: in side of head above ear.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Aching: in forehead; in every bone; under left breast; in back and limbs; in arms above and below elbows; in right hip; of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s436}}Rheumatic pain: on inside of left knee.\\ {{anchor:s437}}Bruised sensation: in sacrum; in extremities.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Grating: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s439}}Scraping: in bronchi.\\ {{anchor:s440}}Stinging: in feet, as from pins.\\ {{anchor:s441}}Distress: on top and on back part of head; occiput; with pain after eating.\\ {{anchor:s442}}Heat: on top of head; in stomach; in anus; in bronchi; in palms of hands; in soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Burning: in skin; on inner side of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Soreness: in back part of head; of scalp; in eyeballs; of fauces; in region of liver; around waist; in bronchi; of chest; behind sternum; in cardiac region; in arms above and below elbows; above left hip; of lower limbs; general; of upper part of left foot; of feet.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Smarting: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Painful irritation of pulmonary organs.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Sensitiveness: of big toe on left foot; of left glutei muscles.\\ {{anchor:s448}}Tenderness: of epigastrium; in hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:s449}}Pulsation in back part of head.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Trembling: in back.\\ {{anchor:s451}}Shuddering.\\ {{anchor:s452}}Buzzing in ear.\\ {{anchor:s453}}Stiffness: of arms; of fingers; Faintness.\\ {{anchor:s454}}Lameness: in right hip and leg.\\ {{anchor:s455}}Tightness: in left hypochondrium; of chest.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Fullness: in head; in stomach; in hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Oppression: of chest; in middle of sternum.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Heaviness: in head; behind sternum; in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Weakness: in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s460}}Itching: of mons veneris. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s462}}Acts upon gastro-hepatic system, fibrous tissues and bronchial mucous membranes, its most characteristic condition being a bilious derangement partaking of a malarial character.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Rheumatism and gouty affection. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s467}}Pressure: heat on top of head amel.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Tight clothing is oppressive.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Standing upon it, increases pain in foot; soreness and swelling of feet. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s471}}Jaundiced color. {{anchor:s472}}~ Intermittent and bilious fevers.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Anasarcous swellings of extremities, depending on general debility.\\ {{anchor:s474}}Surface pale and morbidly sensitive; morbid sensitiveness of skin, with fever.\\ {{anchor:s475}}Tardy development of eruptive diseases, and especially measles.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Measles preceding or following cough.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Petechial or spotted fever; head drawn spasmodically backward.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Spotted fever, with severe aching and soreness of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Ringworms and herpetic eruptions. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s481}}Cachectic condition of system from long continued or frequent attacks of bilious and intermittent fevers.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Adapted to diseases of old people; worn-out constitutions, especially from inebriety.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Old people suffering from indigestion.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Boy, aet. 8; tertian intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Boy, aet. 14, sallow face, sickly aspect; tertian ague.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Boy, aet. 18; intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Mrs. A. T., aet. 22; intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Strong man, aet. 27; second attack of tertian ague.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Miss ---, caught cold ten days previously; cough.\\ {{anchor:s490}}Mrs. A., four months pregnant; intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s491}}RD., aet. 35, stout mechanic, dark complexion, after remaining in an ice-house for quarter of an hour, during a warm August morning; intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s492}}Miss W., aet. 50, corpulent; intermittent fever. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s494}}Compatible: Natr. mur. and Sepia, which follow well.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Compare: Chelid., Podoph. and Lycop., but especially Bryon, which is its closest analogue. {{anchor:s496}}These may be distinguished by Bryon. having free sweat, and pains keep patient quiet, and by Eupat. having deficient sweat, and pains make the patient restless. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r242|Eupatorium perfoliatum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r242|Eupatorium perfoliatum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1887 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}