====== FLUORICUM ACIDUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Fluoricum Acidum. {{anchor:s2}}Hydrofluoric acid. {{anchor:s3}}HF. {{anchor:s4}}"This acid is prepared by distilling pure fluor spar (Calcium fluoride) in a state of fine powder with sulphuric acid. {{anchor:s5}}As the acid dissolves glass, the distillation must be performed in platinum vessels, and the acid can only be preserved in bottles of the same, or in bottles made of gutta percha". {{anchor:s6}}--Amer. Hom. Pharm., 1882, p. 83. {{anchor:s7}}Fluorine appears to be the predominant healing agent in the Missisquoi Springs. {{anchor:s8}}The real cures reported to have been made by the waters and clay correspond to the symptoms obtained by the provings, as well as to the clinical results obtained since by the guidance of these symptoms. {{anchor:s9}}Introduced and proved in low and high dilutions (30th), by Hering, assisted by Jeanes, Williamson, Neidhard, Behlert, Campos, Freitag, Geist, Gosewich, Husman, Lippe, Peterson, Kreiner and Thnard. {{anchor:s10}}See Rsum, Neue Archiv., 2, 1, 100, and Trans. of Am. Institute, 1846. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s12}}- Alopecia, Williamson, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 7; Caries of temporal bone, C. Hg., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 434; Sensation of cold wind blowing in eye, Allen and Norton's Oph. Therap., p. 84; Martin, Organon, vol. 3, p. 374; Lachrymal fistula, Müller, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 119; C. Hering, Allen and Norton's Oph. Ther., p. 84; Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 119; Hardness of hearing, Gross, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 159; Aural itching, Cochran, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 81; Ulceration of ala nasi, Kirsch, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 172; Fistula dentalis, Hrg., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 461; Ulceration of uvula, Haubold, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 239; Disease of liver and dropsy, Haubold, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 345; Chronic diarrhea and bilious vomiting, Laurie, B. J. H., vol. 24, p. 156; Bilio-mucous diarrhea, Laurie, B. J. H., vol. 24, p. 157; Gonorrhea, Rosenberg, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 85; Ulcerations, necrosis, joint affections, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 434; Diseases of bone, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 434; Syphilis (2 cases), Laurie, B. J. H., vol. 24, p. 154; (6 cases), Beyer, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 559; Coccyodynia, Mohr, Trans. {{anchor:s13}}State Soc. Penna., 1886, p. 158. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Great loss of memory; forgets almost everything.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Forgetfullness every evening; good memory in the morning.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Forgetfullness: in his daily employment; of dates; on making notes he mistakes "right" for "left".\\ {{anchor:s18}}Mental weakness. {{anchor:s19}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Mental excitability.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Feeling of indifference towards those he loves best, has no objection to their presence but does not care to converse with them, yet it strangers or mere acquaintances come in will enter into animated conversation.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Aversion to his own family, bordering on insanity.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Gay disposition, everything is satisfactory.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Excessive hilarity; great buoyancy of mind, happy, serene.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Greatly depressed in mind. {{anchor:s26}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Disposition to be exceedingly anxious, causing sweat; amel. in morning than in evening.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Sensation as if danger menaced him, but without fear.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Felt certain that something dreadful would happen, with dullness in head, mostly in front, left side, extending into middle of brain.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Fear of apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Anxiety. {{anchor:s32}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Irritable, disagreeable mood.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Moodiness in evening, amel. in morning.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Very ill humored. {{anchor:s36}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Discontent and excessive ill humor followed by indifference and forgetfullness, and finally by perfect contentment and uncommonly gay disposition of mind. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s39}}Congestion of blood mostly to forehead, with dullness in occiput toward night.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Feeling in brain as if on the verge of being struck with apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Vertigo with sickness of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s42}}A kind of sinking weakness, has to sit down.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Feeling as if in an earthquake.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Sensation of weakness, like numbness in head, same in hands. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s46}}Sensation of numbness in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Congestion of blood to forehead with dullness in occiput towards night.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Heaviness above eyes, with nausea, agg. by motion.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Severe pressing in both temples, from within outward.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Compressing pain in temples.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Slight pain in right temple, five hours after in left.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Headache in sutures behind ears at 3 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Headache accompanied by congestion of blood to head, sensation of numbness, with heaviness and compressive pains.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Headache every morning amel. by micturition.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Sensation of weakness, like numbness in head.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Numbness in head and hands.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Dull, heavy headache. {{anchor:s58}}~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Congestive headache.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Dullness and pressure in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Dullness of occiput; towards right in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Pressure on both sides of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Headache in occiput, with fullness in head.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Headache from nape, extending through centre of head to forehead; also dull feeling in head.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Atrophy of brain. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Sensation of numbness in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Scalp sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Pain along the sutures.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Itching of head; baldness.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Congestion of blood to scalp; hair becomes dry, breaks off and falls out.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Falling off of hair.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Hair falling out after typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Alopecia areata.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Must comb hair frequently, it mats so at the end. {{anchor:s76}}~ Pica polonica.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Scaly eruptions on head.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Crusta lactea, dry, scaly, itches very much, makes bald.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Caries of temporal bone, discharging offensive-smelling pus periodically; whole left side of head retarded in growth, left eye seems smaller.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Syphilitic caries of bones of skull. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s82}}Clearness of sight and increased power of vision.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Pleasant sensation as though the eyelids were opened wider, or eyes more prominent, whereby circle of vision becomes enlarged, the sight clearer and he feels a luxurious enjoyment in looking at the same things he is accustomed to see every day.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Retinal excitement with red photopsia.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Flashes like lightning before the eyes.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Amaurosis; dreaming of fire.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Dark spot before eye, agg. from reading.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Heaviness above eyes, with nausea; agg. on motion.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Pressure, as if behind right ball.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Burning in the eyes.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Pain in left inner canthus.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Sensation as of a cold wind blowing under lids, even in a warm room, must tie them up and keep them warm.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Sensation of sand in eyes, or as if a fresh wind was blowing on them.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Chronic ophthalmia; feeling of sand in eye, must wink constantly.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Feeling as if he must wink, as if something was in eye that could be rubbed out.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Increased lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Itching in canthi.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Fistula lachrymalis.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Lachrymal fistula on left side, of one year's duration; a clear yellow scab on cheek near inner angle, which is but slightly red and painful to pressure; every three or four days it begins to itch and grow moist, then heals again; sometimes painful before it opens. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s101}}Great sensitiveness in morning to little noises.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Hardness of hearing with rheumatism; constant disagreeable ringing in ears and sensation of numbness in bones of face around right ear.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Hardness of hearing amel. on bending head back; falling out of hair with sensitiveness of scalp.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Difficulty in hearing human voices; numbness of bones around ear.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Singing in ears.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Ringing in ears and numb feeling in bones of face near right ear.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Intolerable itching in both ears.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Itching momentarily amel. from scratching, but followed by burning.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Otorrhea; discharge copious.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Otitis externa; chronic diffuse otitis. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Cold water produces coryza.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Posterior nares feel expanded, during a walk.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Chronic nasitis, with pain; chronic obstruction of nose, with dull, heavy pain in forehead, followed by semi-fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Chronic nasal catarrh, with ulceration of septum.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Pimple on left wing of nose perforated and left an opening as large as a pea.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Pimple with extensive inflamed base on top of nose.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Red, swollen, inflamed nose. {{anchor:s120}}~ Rhinitis.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Itching on right side of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Pale face.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Heat in face, wants to wash it with cold water.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Perspiration, particularly in face.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Tubercles in skin of forehead and face, suppurating. {{anchor:s127}}~ Syphilis infantum. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Right lower jaw swollen. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s131}}The teeth feel warm (felt side, upper jaw).\\ {{anchor:s132}}Heaviness of the teeth.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Sensation of roughness (lower incisor teeth).\\ {{anchor:s134}}Great sensitiveness of teeth; cannot be plugged.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Toothache agg. from cold drink; or amel. until water becomes warm in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Mouth and teeth coated with mucus in morning.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Violent pains at root of right eye-tooth, with frequent discharge of pus.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Fistula at root of tooth, or of gum; teeth exceedingly sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Acrid, foul taste from roots of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Rapid caries of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s141}}The teeth come late in children; wisdom teeth come late.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Great sensitiveness to pressure on gum over right eye-tooth. {{anchor:s143}}~ Fistula dentalis. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s145}}Acrid foul taste from roots of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Tongue always more or less tender, feeling of rigidity in it, with restricted mobility. {{anchor:s147}}~ Secondary syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Tongue painful when talking.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Tingling and numbness of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Tongue vivid red at tip and edges, coated yellow in centre.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Tongue whitish and dry. {{anchor:s152}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Tongue deeply and widely fissured in all directions, with a large, deep, phagedenic looking ulcer in centre.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Ulcer on and under tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s156}}Increased flow of saliva; with sneezing; with pricking of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Mouth and teeth are full of mucus, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Teeth and mouth covered with dark mucus. {{anchor:s159}}~ Typhus.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Viscid, tasteless saliva in mouth; before stool; at night on waking.\\ {{anchor:s161}}A very painful little ulcer in back part of mouth, on right side, in angle of upper and lower jaw; very troublesome during mastication and otherwise. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Constriction in throat with difficult deglutition; in the morning, hawking of phlegm mixed with blood.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Red blotches, size of half pea, over palate and sides of cheeks, bleeding easily.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Tonsils, uvula and soft palate of a livid red color, and greatly swollen.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Excessive suffering on swallowing or talking.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Sleep disturbed by accumulation of mucus in fauces.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Throat irritable and peculiarly sensitive to cold, slightest exposure resulting in inflammatory action with increase of pain and impeded deglutition.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Syphilitic affections of fauces and tongue.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Soft palate and uvula intensely red and much tumefied; breath fetid, voice nasal, articulation indistinct and unintelligible. {{anchor:s171}}~ Secondary syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Ulceration of uvula a portion of which seems only attached by a thread; ulceration of nose; fetid smell from nose and mouth; hardness of hearing; stubborn exanthema.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Chronic catarrhal inflammation of pharynx and fauces, with ptyalism: especially if syphilitic. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Hunger predominates; great appetite in evening.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Loss of appetite. {{anchor:s178}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Speedy satiety.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Thirst; craves refreshing drinks.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Craves cold water, and is continually hungry.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Desire: for highly seasoned and piquant things; for wine.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Aversion to coffee. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Complaints worse from sweet things and from coffee.\\ {{anchor:s186}}After eating salmon. {{anchor:s187}}~ Bilious diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s188}}During the day, mainly soon after drinking, especially warm drinks, such as tea, cocoa, beef tea, bilious diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Sweat lessened after meals. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s191}}Nausea and eructations, with lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Heartburn and offensive smelling eructations.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Frequent eructations and discharge of flatulency.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Constant nausea, with heat, vertigo and headache.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Sickness and nausea, combined with general heat and heat at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Bilious vomiting: after slight errors in diet; with increased alvine discharges, preceded by tormina. {{anchor:s197}}~ Chronic diarrhea. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s199}}Feeling of fullness and pressure in epigastrium. {{anchor:s200}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Feeling of weight in stomach between meals.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Heat in stomach before a meal.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Chronic gastritis. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s205}}Sensitive to pressure in right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Pressing pain in region of spleen and left arm.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Pinching in region of spleen.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Itching under ribs left side.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Liver very sensitive to pressure; ulceration of liver; ascites from hepatic induration and portal congestion.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Skin pale, grayish, dry; emaciation; great weakness, can hardly walk across room; mind impaired; anorexia; tongue white and dry; fullness and pressure in epigastrium; great tension and dropsical swelling of abdomen; stools tardy and hard; scanty, dark-red urine; painful urination; scrotum swollen as large as a child's head; penis S shaped and terribly swollen, prepuce so edematous as to completely hide orifice of urethra; dry cough with occasional frothy expectoration; dyspnea, can only lie in an elevated position; anxiety; sleeps little and but for a short time; violent, unquenchable thirst; longs for refreshing drinks; great edema of lower limbs, extending from feet to abdomen; great depression of spirits; pulse small and frequent; speech listless; liver enlarged and indurated, particularly left lobe. {{anchor:s211}}~ Affection of liver with dropsy. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s213}}Sensation of distension from flatulence before stool.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Sensation of emptiness in region of navel, with desire to take a deep breath; amel. from bandaging or tightening the clothing.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Burning, pinching pain in stomach and about navel.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Pinching in region of spleen, extending to hip.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Pain from left side of chest to groin, agg. by deep inspiration, particularly in groin and back, like a stitch.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Great tension and dropsical swelling of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Ascites from hepatic disorder.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Ascites from enlarged and indurated liver, in consequence of drinking whisky. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Frequent passage of flatus, and belching, with constriction of anus.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Watery diarrhea in morning after rising, protrusion of anus during stool.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Offensive, watery, yellowish-brown stools, in the morning after coffee.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Soft, small stools in morning after drinking coffee, and again in evening, with protrusion of hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Stools pappy, yellowish-brown, fetid, with tenesmus and prolapsus ani.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Very loose, bright yellow stools, with a quantity of mucus, preceded by considerable griping.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Bilious diarrhea agg. during day, soon after drinking, especially warm drinks.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Diarrhea and bilious vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Before stool: viscid, tasteless saliva in mouth; burning, pinching pain in stomach and about navel; sensation of distension from flatulence.\\ {{anchor:s231}}During stool: protrusion of hemorrhoids; prolapsus ani; pain about navel.\\ {{anchor:s232}}After stool: tenesmus; abdominal pain.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Aggravation: in morning; after coffee; on alternate days, a later hour each time.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Tongue vivid red at tip and margins and coated yellow in centre; appetite good; evacuations never less than twice a day of liquid, bilious fecal matter, intermixed with frothy mucus; no griping and no tenesmus; some sensibility to external pressure in right hypochondrium; face pale; muscles soft and flabby; bilious vomiting after trivial errors in diet, with aggravation of the diarrhea, stools on such occasions being preceded by tormina. {{anchor:s235}}~ Chronic looseness of bowels and bilious vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Six to eight evacuations in twenty-four hours, consisting of "very loose, bright yellow matter and a quantity of mucus," each relief being preceded by considerable griping; dejections occur chiefly during night, or early in morning; during day the mainly occur soon after drinking, especially warm fluids. {{anchor:s237}}~ Bilio-mucous diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Severe pain in lower part of abdomen, with desire to evacuate; rumbling pain most acute in left side; followed by a free discharge of yellow, bilious matter about 4 A. M., recurring daily for a week at same hour.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Tardy, infrequent and hard stools. {{anchor:s240}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Constipation, with great varicosis of hemorrhoidal veins.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Copious hemorrhage after constipated stool.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Protrusion of anus during defecation.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Itching within and around anus, in perineum.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Pruritus ani. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s247}}Frequent and free discharge of light-colored urine, with increased thirst.\\ {{anchor:s248}}(In sick:) Frequent urging to make water, if he cannot immediately it causes pressing pain on vertex, at other times pressing in temples.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Involuntary discharge of urine in night.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Urine scanty and dark, painful in passing. {{anchor:s251}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Urine pungent and fetid.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Urine alkaline.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Whitish or purple-colored sediment.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Burning before and after urination, with aching in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s256}}After urination: elastic feeling in urinary organs, with subsequent pleasurable sensation. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s258}}Satyriasis.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Sexual passion increased, with erections at night during sleep.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Sexual passion strong, with violent erections all night, and desire to cohabit.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Highly excessive enjoyment and pleasure during coition, which was not the case before.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Seminal discharge not so quick and early as usual, but free and without any bad after-feeling.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Increased sexual desire in old men, with violent erections at night.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Pollutions without erection.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Sudden loss of sexual power; impotence.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Sensation of fullness in both spermatic cords.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Yellow drop from urethra in morning.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Gleety discharge at night, staining linen yellow.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Fullness of glans penis and lower part of scrotum.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Dropsical swelling of penis.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Penis curved in the shape of an S, and swollen at least four inches in circumference, the prepuce edematous to such a degree as to hide the orifice of the urethra.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Hydrocele.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Oily, pungent smelling sweat on genitals.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Gonorrhea. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s276}}Nymphomania.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Obstinate cases of ulcerated os uteri; sharp, darting pains about half an inch in length, like streaks of lightning.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Too frequent appearance of menses.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Much congestion of sexual organs.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Menses too early; too copious; blood thick and coagulated.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Metrorrhagia with, or in alternation with, difficulty of breathing.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Leucorrhea acrid, excoriating, with itching.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Itching on left breast and right side of nose. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s287}}During pregnancy has much congestion of blood to head.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Itching, redness and swelling of right nipple.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Nipples very red, sore and cracked. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s292}}Weak, hoarse voice.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Dryness in larynx and trachea.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Itching in larynx, causing hawking and swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Soreness and increased irritability in larynx, with impeded respiration and wheezing.\\ {{anchor:s296}}A sore, raw feeling in trachea.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Goitre. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s299}}Oppression of chest, amel. when bending backwards.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Difficult breathing, afternoon and evening.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Wheezing respiration. {{anchor:s302}}~ Hydrothorax.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Great dyspnea, has to be propped up in bed. {{anchor:s304}}~ Ascites. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s306}}Short, frequent cough, mostly dry, occasionally some whitish, frothy, mucous expectoration. {{anchor:s307}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Hawking of phlegm mixed with blood, especially in morning. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s310}}Upper part of chest seems most affected.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Phthisis pulmonalis.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Dropsy of chest; pulse frequent, small and often irregular; cannot lie down; dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Hydrothorax. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s315}}Sore pain at heart; soreness and jerking.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Small, frequent pulse. {{anchor:s317}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Pulse somewhat accelerated, only during exercise. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s320}}Outer Chest\\ {{anchor:s321}}Scaly eruption on chest and arms. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s323}}Pain in third cervical vertebra.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Pain from nape of neck, extending through centre of head to forehead.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Rigidity of nape.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Lameness in back, hips and legs.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Aching in os sacrum and lumbar region, amel. by stretching and bending backwards, especially by pressure.\\ {{anchor:s328}}(In sick:) Pain in os coccygis, sore to touch, on pressure pain extends through to bladder, agg. from motion, and exercise.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Bruised pain in sacrum. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s331}}Pain in right shoulder-joint; shoulder-joints stiffened by rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Pain in right shoulder-joint extending towards fingers, as if air was passing down.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Rheumatism, especially venereal; arms and shoulders are very lame and painful.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Rheumatic pains in left arm, from shoulder to elbow, with lameness.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Slight lameness in right arm; has some difficulty in writing.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Trembling in biceps and triceps of right arm.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Numbness and powerlessness of hands.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Constant redness of hands, especially palms.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Burning in hands.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Heat and sweat of palms of hands; moist palms regain their healthy condition.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Acute pricking, as with needles, in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Pain in left index finger, as if bone, now and then during day; whole finger painful internally, particularly in evening.\\ {{anchor:s343}}First and second phalanx of left index finger swollen to four times natural size; first phalanx particularly swollen so that finger is pear-shaped; on dorsum of finger an opening occasionally occurs from which an ichorous, purulent discharge takes place.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Sharp sticking pain at root of thumb-nail.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Whitlow.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Panaritium; also simple onychia, ulceration having set in.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Nails grow more rapidly; crumpled, or longitudinal ridges in them.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Sharp sticking pain at root of right thumb nail. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s350}}Acute stitches in right hip-bone.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Lameness in left hip.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Coxalgia.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Edematous swelling of legs up to abdomen. {{anchor:s354}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Left leg goes "to sleep" easily.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Varicosis of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Varicose veins upon legs, tend to ulceration.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Pain in right knee-joint.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Synovitis of knee-joint; much pain, followed by dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Top of foot edematous; instep.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Chronic ulcerations on feet, particularly about joints and on tibia; bones more or less affected.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Burning stitches in soles.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Feet hot and burn much.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Soreness between toes.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Soreness of all the corns. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s367}}Pain in all the limbs, with weakness and numbness.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Limbs go to sleep, although he does not lie on them.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Feet and hands excessively moist. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s373}}Many symptoms agg. when standing, though amel. when standing than when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Can only lie in an elevated position.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Cannot lie down.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Has to be propped up in bed.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Limbs go to sleep, although he does not lie on them.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Vertigo compels her to sit down.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Motion: heaviness above eyes with nausea agg.; accelerates pulse; pain in os coccygis agg.; nausea; clammy sweat.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Bending backwards: oppression of chest amel.; aching in os sacrum and lumbar region amel.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Bending head back: hardness of hearing amel.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Talking: tongue painful.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Can hardly walk across room. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s385}}Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue; is less affected by excessive heat in summer or cold in winter.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Sensation of going to sleep of side not lain on.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Limbs go to sleep, although he does not lie on them.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Great diurnal languor. {{anchor:s390}}~ Secondary syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Loss of strength; great prostration and fear of death.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Coccyodynia, with excessive aching, especially in rheumatic subjects.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Progressive locomotor ataxia.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Tabes dorsalis with great excitement of sexual system. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s396}}Drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Sleep earlier in evening; sudden sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Loss of sleep in evening, from crowding of thoughts.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Sleeplessness, without inclination to sleep; a short sleep suffices and refreshes him.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Sleep restless and unrefreshing. {{anchor:s401}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Dreams towards morning. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s404}}Morning: good memory; anxiety amel.; moodiness amel., headache; great sensitiveness to noise; mouth and teeth coated with mucus; viscid, tasteless saliva in mouth; constriction of throat; watery diarrhea with protrusion of anus; offensive yellowish-brown stools; soft small stools; early, dejections, yellow drops from urethra; hawking of phlegm; dreams.\\ {{anchor:s405}}At 4 A. M.: discharge of yellow bilious matter.\\ {{anchor:s406}}During day: diarrhea; bilious diarrhea agg.; pain in index-finger.\\ {{anchor:s407}}At 3 P. M.: headache behind ears.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Afternoon: difficult breathing; clammy sweat.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Evening: forgets everything; anxiety agg.; moodiness; great appetite; soft small stools; protrusion of hemorrhoids; difficult breathing; sleep earlier; loss of sleep from crowding of thoughts; clammy sweat.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Night: congestion of blood to forehead and dullness in occiput towards night; dejections; involuntary discharge of urine; erections; gleety discharge; pains in bones; pains agg. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s412}}Is less susceptible to extreme heat of summer and cold of winter.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Worse in wet, cold weather.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Must keep eyes tied up and warm.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Warm drinks cause bilious diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Teeth feel warm.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Desire to wash hot face with cold water.\\ {{anchor:s418}}Cold drink: toothache agg.\\ {{anchor:s419}}Ulcers amel. by washing or sponging them with cold water, agg. from heat applied. {{anchor:s420}}(Silic. has reverse). ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s422}}Chill entirely wanting.\\ {{anchor:s423}}General heat, with nausea from slightest motion, with inclination to uncover, and to wash with cold water.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Face constantly hot, wants to bathe it continually in cold water.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Heat returns every evening with frequent pulse and thirst, lasting 3 to 4 hours. {{anchor:s426}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Hectic fever, with sour sweat, emaciation and great debility.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Rheumatic fever, or gout, with sour, clammy, fetid sweat.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Decubitus. {{anchor:s430}}~ Typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Clammy, sour and unpleasant smelling sweat, mostly on upper body, particularly during exercise in afternoon and evening.\\ {{anchor:s432}}Heat and sweat of palms of hands.\\ {{anchor:s433}}Perspiration particularly in face.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Sweat excessive on feet.\\ {{anchor:s435}}The sweat promotes excoriation and decubitus.\\ {{anchor:s436}}One-sided sweat, left side; sweat on diseased part.\\ {{anchor:s437}}Better during sweat.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Symptoms following typhus fever. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s440}}Frequent urging to make water.\\ {{anchor:s441}}Twice a day: evacuations.\\ {{anchor:s442}}Twenty-four hours: six to eight evacuations.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Every day for a week at same hour: discharge of yellow bilious matter.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Every morning: headache.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Every evening: heat returns lasting three to four hours.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Alternate days: aggravation an hour later each time.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Every three or four days: scar begins to itch. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s449}}Right: pain in temples; numbness of bones around ear; itching on side on nose; lower jaw swollen; violent pains at root of eye-tooth; pressure on gum over eye-tooth; back part of mouth, painful little ulcer; hypochondrium sensitive to pressure; itching on side of nose; pain in shoulder-joint; slight lameness of arm; trembling of biceps and triceps of arm.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Left: dullness in side of head; pain in temple; side of head retarded in growth; eye seems smaller; pain in inner canthus; lachrymal fistula on side; pimple on wing of nose; pressing pain in arm; itching under ribs; lobe of liver enlarged and indurated; pain from side of chest to groin; rumbling pain most acute in side; itching on breast; itching of nipple; rheumatic pains in arm; pain in index-finger; first and second phalanx of index-finger swollen; one-sided sweat.\\ {{anchor:s451}}Right to left: pain in temples.\\ {{anchor:s452}}Symptoms seem to go from below up.\\ {{anchor:s453}}Within outward: pressing in temples. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s455}}As if danger menaced him; brain feels as if on the verge of being struck with apoplexy; as if in an earthquake; as of a cold wind blowing under lids even in a warm room; as if sand were in eyes; as if he must wink; as if something were in eye that could be rubbed out; as if air was passing down from shoulder-joint to fingers; pain as if in bone of left index-finger; as if a burning vapor was emitted from pores of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Pain: in right temple; in sutures behind ears; from nape extending through centre of head to forehead; in left inner canthus; in chronic nasitis; in tongue; from left side of chest to groin; about navel; in abdomen; urine painful in passing; in third cervical vertebra; in os coccygis; in right shoulder-joint; in right knee-joint; in all the limbs; in bones.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Violent pains at root of right eye-tooth.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Severe pain: in lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Stitches: in right hip-bone; in soles.\\ {{anchor:s460}}Sharp darting pains about half an inch in length, like streaks of lightning.\\ {{anchor:s461}}Sticking pains at root of thumb-nail.\\ {{anchor:s462}}Pinching in region of spleen; in stomach; about navel.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Griping in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s464}}Burning pain: on small spots of skin.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Bruised pain: in sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s466}}Pressing pain: in region of spleen; in left arm; in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Compressing pain: in temples.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Rumbling pain: in left side.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Rheumatism: in arms and shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s470}}Dull heavy headache: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s471}}Sore pain: at heart.\\ {{anchor:s472}}Aching: in bladder; in os sacrum; in lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Burning: in eyes; in ears; in stomach; about navel; before and after urination; in hands.\\ {{anchor:s474}}Soreness: of larynx; at heart; between toes; of all the corns.\\ {{anchor:s475}}Raw feeling: of trachea.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Irritability: of throat; of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Sensitiveness: of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Constriction: in throat; of anus.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Oppression: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Heat: at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Distension: of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Fullness: in head; in epigastrium; in both spermatic cords; of glans penis; lower part of scrotum.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Pricking: of tongue; in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Tingling: of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Emptiness: in region of navel.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Singing: in ears.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Ringing: in ears.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Roughness: of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Dryness: of larynx; of trachea.\\ {{anchor:s490}}Dullness: of head; in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s491}}Pressing: in both temples; in occiput; as if behind right eyeball; in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s492}}Heaviness: above eyes; of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s493}}Weight: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s494}}Lameness: in back; in hip; in legs; in arms; in shoulders; in left hip.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Elastic feeling: in urinary organs.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Sinking weakness: in head.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Numbness: in forehead; in hands; in bones around ear; of tongue; of hands.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Sensation of going to sleep of side lain on; legs go to sleep easily.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Itching: of head; in canthi; of fistula on left side of cheek; in both ears; on right side of nose; under ribs; within and around anus; on left breast; on right side of nose; of right nipple; in larynx; of skin; of ulcers. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s501}}Atrophy of brain.\\ {{anchor:s502}}Chronic irritation of mucous membranes.\\ {{anchor:s503}}Emaciation. {{anchor:s504}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s505}}Muscles soft and flabby. {{anchor:s506}}~ Chronic diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s507}}Alopecia.\\ {{anchor:s508}}Goitre.\\ {{anchor:s509}}Liver enlarged and indurated.\\ {{anchor:s510}}Dropsy of drunkards.\\ {{anchor:s511}}Acute suppurations.\\ {{anchor:s512}}Threatening gangrene in swollen scrotum and penis.\\ {{anchor:s513}}Varicose veins of legs.\\ {{anchor:s514}}Nevus, flat.\\ {{anchor:s515}}Varicose veins, obstinate and long standing cases, especially in women who have borne many children.\\ {{anchor:s516}}Varicose ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s517}}Pains in the bones.\\ {{anchor:s518}}Swelling of bones.\\ {{anchor:s519}}Osteitis.\\ {{anchor:s520}}Exostoses and nightly pains in bones.\\ {{anchor:s521}}Diseases of bones, particularly of long bones; suppurate and get better and worse periodically; pains agg. at night, with great prostration.\\ {{anchor:s522}}Diseases of bones; particularly of long bones; caries and necrosis, especially when they are of a psoric or syphilitic nature; or from abuse of mercury.\\ {{anchor:s523}}Promotes expulsion of necrotic bones.\\ {{anchor:s524}}Syphilis. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s528}}Touch: sore pain in os coccygis.\\ {{anchor:s529}}Pressure: scab on cheek painful to; right hypochondrium sensitive; liver sensitive; of clothes amel.; emptiness in region of navel; amel. aching in os sacrum and lumbar region; makes pain extend from os coccygis through to bladder.\\ {{anchor:s530}}Bedsores on parts which do not sweat much.\\ {{anchor:s531}}Decubitus. {{anchor:s532}}~ Typhus. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s534}}Sallow skin.\\ {{anchor:s535}}Skin grayish-white. {{anchor:s536}}~ Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s537}}Burning pains on small spots of skin.\\ {{anchor:s538}}Itching of skin.\\ {{anchor:s539}}Sensation as if a burning vapor was emitted from the pores of the whole body.\\ {{anchor:s540}}Elevated red blotches.\\ {{anchor:s541}}Several small round blood-vesicles, elevated, of a light carmine color, soft and compressible and resembling little flesh warts.\\ {{anchor:s542}}Skin tubercles on forehead and face, even when ulcerating; elevated red blotches on palm of hands; squamous eruptions on body (psoriasis guttata); syphilitic erosions, mucous tubercles; exostoses and nightly pains in bones.\\ {{anchor:s543}}Frequent small boils; carbuncles.\\ {{anchor:s544}}Pustules.\\ {{anchor:s545}}Dry cutaneous eruptions.\\ {{anchor:s546}}Squamous eruptions on body.\\ {{anchor:s547}}Nevus of children (on right temple); capillary aneurism.\\ {{anchor:s548}}Erosions, mucous tubercles.\\ {{anchor:s549}}Varicose veins and ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s550}}Ulcers: painful; agg. from warmth, amel. from cold; with copious discharge; with red borders and vesicles.\\ {{anchor:s551}}Old cicatrices become red around edges, covered or surrounded by itching vesicles or they itch violently.\\ {{anchor:s552}}Bedsores; nevi materni; pimples.\\ {{anchor:s553}}Carious ulcers becoming agg. from too large or too frequently repeated doses of Silic. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s555}}Complaints of old age, also premature old age, in consequence of syphilitic-mercurial dyscrasia.\\ {{anchor:s556}}Young people look very old.\\ {{anchor:s557}}Weakly constitutions, sallow skin, emaciation.\\ {{anchor:s558}}Secondary syphilis; syphilis infantum.\\ {{anchor:s559}}Boy, aet. 9, after scarlet fever; caries of temporal bone.\\ {{anchor:s560}}Man, aet. 24, primary sore two years ago which disappeared under use of blue pill, and topical application of black wash, four months afterwards had secondary ulceration of throat, which also temporarily healed under blue pill; syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s561}}Mrs. G., suffering for a month; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s562}}Man, aet. 30, secondary symptoms for five or six months; syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s563}}Man, aet. 32, formerly much troubled with scrofulous eruptions; ulceration of uvula.\\ {{anchor:s564}}Man, aet. 40, subject to indigestion and attacks of bilious vomiting and diarrhea nearly all his like; diarrhea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s565}}Mr. B., aet. 50; aural itching.\\ {{anchor:s566}}Man, aet. 59, weak constitution, hard drinker, has enlargement of liver; dropsy. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s568}}Compatible: after Arsen. in ascites from gindrinker's liver; after Kali carb. in hip disease; after Phos. ac. in diabetes; after Silic. in bone affections.\\ {{anchor:s569}}Compare: Coca in increased ability to exercise; Coffea in toothache; Citr. ac. and Sepia in aversion to one's family; Oxal. ac. in diarrhea, agg. from coffee; Rhus tox. and Ruta in coccygodynia; Silic. in dental fistula, onychia, bone diseases and coccygodynia; Spongia and Kali carb. in goitre; Staphis. in sensitive teeth. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r107|Fluoricum acidum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r107|Fluoricum acidum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1887 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}