====== HIPPOZAENINUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Hippozaenin. {{anchor:s2}}(Hippozaeninum.) {{anchor:s3}}Glanderine and Farcine. {{anchor:s4}}A Nosode. {{anchor:s5}}Introduced by Drysdale. {{anchor:s6}}The extracts (made by Hering) are from Wilkinson, Spinola, Bollinger (Ziemsen) and Virchow. {{anchor:s7}}They are the effects observed on horses and men affected with this disease. {{anchor:s8}}Gl. = Glanderine. F. = Farcine. {{anchor:s9}}Symptoms so marked are suggested for clinical use by Wilkinson. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s11}}- Ozaena, Wilkinson, B. J. H., vol. 15, p. 627; Morgan, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 79; Chronic ozaena, Hiller, Organon, vol. 2, p. 381; Diphtheria, Wilkinson, B. J. H., vol. 15, p. 627; Bronchitis, Wilkinson, B. J. H., vol. 15, p. 625; Putrid fever, Wilkinson, B. J. H., vol. 15, p. 627; Glanderoid influenza, Baer, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 108; Scrofulous swelling of parotid gland, Nichols, Organon, vol. 3, p. 345. {{anchor:s12}}Cases by Berridge not found. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s14}}Fainting turns with headache. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Inflammation of membranes of brain.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Purulent collections between bones of skull and dura mater.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Scattered abscesses in brain substance.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Tubercles may appear in periosteum of skull, in dura mater, in plexus choroides.\\ {{anchor:s20}}A diffused myelitis malleosa, attributable to infiltration. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s22}}Bones of skull and face, most frontal, necrosed.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Hair loses its glisten. {{anchor:s24}}Gl. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s26}}Eyes full of tears or slime.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Pupils dilated, with collapse.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Papules on choroid coat of eye. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s30}}Tinkling sounds in ears.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Hoarse and deaf, before fatal termination.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Inflammation of parotid gland. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Swelling and redness of nose and adjacent parts, with severe pain.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Diffused redness of nose spreading over forehead and face.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Upper portion of nose especially sensitive to touch, exhibiting a diffuse, erysipelatous swelling.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Erysipelas especially upon nose and face.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Gangrenous erysipelas of external integuments of nose, discharge of pus and viscid mucus down one or both nostrils. {{anchor:s39}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Discharge of a thin, viscid, light colored mucus from nose.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Offensive muco-purulent discharge from nose.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Nasal secretions have a foul appearance, before fatal termination.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Nasal discharge often from one side only.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Discharge from nose becomes later of a thicker consistency, more purulent, often of a brownish-yellow color, sanguineous and offensive.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Catarrh: nose inflamed with thick and tinged defluxion; tonsils swollen, fauces gorged. {{anchor:s46}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Obstinate catarrh. {{anchor:s48}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Ozaena; ulcers inside of nose.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Discharge: often one-sided, albuminous, tough, viscous, discolored, gray, greenish, even bloody and offensive; acrid, corroding.\\ {{anchor:s51}}One nostril appears smaller from swelling.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Little yellow pustules size of a hemp seed on nose.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Ulcers deep, lard-like fundus; edges pectinated, elevated, viscous secretion, no scurfs, most in groups at first size of a lentil, running together.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Ulcerations progress from below upwards.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Chronic ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Small papules of yellowish color are seated upon mucous membrane of nose.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Distinct tubercles situated mostly upon alae nasi.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Pustules and ulcers on mucous membrane of nose, terminating in erosion of perichondrium and perforation of septum and vomer.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Nostrils covered with foul, crustaceous deposits.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Nostrils covered with a viscous phlegm. {{anchor:s61}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Nose and mouth ulcerated. {{anchor:s63}}~ Catarrh. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Malignant ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Gangrene of swollen root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Cartilages of nose become exposed and necrosed, septum, vomer and palatebone disorganized.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Cartilages of the nose are destroyed. {{anchor:s68}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s69}}(OBS:) Caries of nasal bones.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Catarrhal, inflammatory, ulcerative processes in other mucous membranes than of nose, conjunctiva of eyes, mucous membranes of mouth, gums, fauces and entire respiratory canal.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Checks the liability to catarrhal affection. {{anchor:s72}}Gl. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Maxillary gland swollen, like a distinct ball or sausage, firmly attached to the maxilla, uneven, rugged, tuberculated; mostly painless, burning only at times.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Submaxillary and sublingual glands swollen and painful at times; abscesses are formed which open externally. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Gums show a tendency to blow.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Gums covered with a black, sooty deposit. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s80}}Act of speaking difficult.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Tongue dry, thickly covered with a black, sooty deposit. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Dryness of mucous membranes of mouth and pharynx, before fatal termination.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Stomatitis.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Ulcers appear in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s86}}(OBS:) Buccal passages filled with tenacious lymph and mucus. {{anchor:s87}}~ Scarlatina. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Croupous exudation upon mucous membrane of mouth and throat.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Apparently suffocating from diphtheritis in mouth and nose, agonized with buccal ulcerations. {{anchor:s90}}~ Diphtheria. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s91}}(OBS:) Odor of breath putrid. {{anchor:s92}}~ Scarlatina. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Scrofulous swelling of left parotid gland in a child. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s95}}Ulcerations upon velum of palate.\\ {{anchor:s96}}(OBS:) Swollen tonsils closing posterior channels. {{anchor:s97}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Increased difficulty in swallowing, before fatal termination.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Mucous membrane of fauces ulcerated, yellow, like bacon.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Upon mucous membrane of pharynx ecchymoses, redness, swelling, eruptions and foul ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Inflamed condition of pharynx makes swallowing difficult.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Patient apparently suffocating from diphtheritis in mouth and nose; buccal ulceration present. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Appetite failing; loss of appetite. {{anchor:s106}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Thirst excessive, especially with diarrhea. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s109}}Gastro-intestinal catarrh; loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation, in later stage diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Large ecchymoses on mucous lining of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Papula shaped formations in substance of lining membrane of stomach. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s113}}Liver greatly enlarged, often showing signs of fatty degeneration.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Hepatitis with gangrenous and ulcerative inflammation of gall ducts.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Enlargement of spleen.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Spleen enlarged, filled with blood; softened and liquefied, of a grayish-red or dark color; wedge-shaped abscesses in spleen. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s118}}Inguinal glands swollen. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s120}}Colliquative diarrhea with a general cachexia and exhaustion precede the fatal termination.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Involuntary evacuations with collapse.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Constipation. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s124}}Tubercles and abscesses in kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Suppuration in one kidney. {{anchor:s126}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Albumen in urine, also leucine and tyrosine. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Tubercles and abscesses: of glans penis; of testicles; in kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Sarcocele malleosa.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Swelling and inflammation of testicles. {{anchor:s132}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s133}}(OBS:) Syphilis. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Slimy discharge from vagina.\\ {{anchor:s136}}(OBS:) Uterine phlebitis. {{anchor:s137}}F. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s141}}Abortion. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s144}}Papules and ulcerations in frontal sinuses, pharynx, larynx and trachea.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Extensive lesions in larynx, subsequent edema of glottis.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Hoarseness from the altered condition of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Neglected cases of bronchitis.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Bronchitis: in the worst forms; especially in elderly persons; where suffocation from excessive secretion is imminent. {{anchor:s149}}Gl. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Noisy breathing; loud snoring respiration before fatal termination; breath fetid.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Respiration short and irregular, with collapse.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Slight difficulty in breathing.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Cough and obstructed respiration, resulting from cicatricial contraction of mucous membrane of nose and larynx; had lasted eleven years; patient presented picture of decided cachexia.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Respiration at first partially impeded, later absolute dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Actual dyspnea from affection of larynx or lungs.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Suffocation from excessive secretions. {{anchor:s158}}~ Bronchitis. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Bronchial asthma. {{anchor:s160}}Gl. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Irritative cough.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Slight cough and hoarseness, sputa often bloody.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Cough commenced at Christmas and lasted till June. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Whooping cough. {{anchor:s166}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Patients cough severely and expectorate profusely, sputa usually bearing a strong resemblance to the discharge from the nostrils. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s169}}Extensive rhonchi are heard over walls of chest.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Large sections of lungs in a state of gray hepatization and purulent infiltration, while other portions are in a state of collateral hyperemia.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Pneumonia with rusty sputa. {{anchor:s172}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Pneumonia malleosa; nodules larger, forming isolated hepatizations and abscesses.\\ {{anchor:s174}}One or two infarctions in lungs, size of a bean developed in one lobe, distinctly circumscribed dark red color, in and around which lie small abscesses.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Nodules in lung size of a pea, of a gray whitish appearance and a firm, lardaceous consistence.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Tubercles in lungs.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Tubercles, size of millet seed to a pea, of a firm texture and of a gray, yellowish or reddish color.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Tubercles in lungs are never missed in glanders, rarely in farcy.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Tubercles in lungs, nodules and specific inflammatory processes.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Small tubercles upon pleura; sub-pleural ecchymoses.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Pulmonary abscesses with pleuritis.\\ {{anchor:s182}}(OBS:) Given in phthisis, it diminishes expectoration, abates constantly recurring aggravations of inflammation, and checks liability to catarrhal affections.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Suppuration of lungs. {{anchor:s184}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s185}}(OBS:) Lung diseases of cattle. {{anchor:s186}}F. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Pulse very frequent and small in volume, 110 to 120; in some cases retarded. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s190}}With sore finger, swelling of arm, phlegmonous and erysipelatous with pustules and ulcers. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s192}}(OBS:) Hip disease.\\ {{anchor:s193}}(OBS:) Psoas and lumbar abscesses. {{anchor:s194}}F.\\ {{anchor:s195}}(OBS:) Old bad legs (ulcers). {{anchor:s196}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Suppuration in each knee-joint; a large quantity of pus in bursa of knee-joint. {{anchor:s198}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Anasarca of lower limbs. {{anchor:s200}}F. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s202}}Obscure pain in limbs, most in muscles and joints. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s204}}Weakness, fatigue, general discomfort; they give up their business (not in carbuncle).\\ {{anchor:s205}}Malaise, fatigue, prostration, accompanied by headache and chills.\\ {{anchor:s206}}General prostration with considerable emaciation. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s208}}Insomnia and great restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Nocturnal delirium. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s211}}Frequent chilliness. {{anchor:s212}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Chills and fever in cases of abscesses or ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Skin becomes cool with collapse.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Symptoms like the early stage of typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Fever exacerbations irregular or of a regular intermittent character.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Febrile disturbances constantly increasing.\\ {{anchor:s218}}As the pains become more severe, regular fever turns often supervene or a continued fever prevails.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Fever when a series of abscesses follow in rapid succession.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Temperature reaches 104F. and over.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Fever raging without intermission, even in morning, temperature 106F.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Fever increases, pulse grows weaker, delirium sets in, stupor.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Putrid fever. {{anchor:s224}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s225}}(OBS:) Plague. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s226}}(OBS:) May be tried in scarlatina, where odor of breath is putrid, buccal passages filled with tenacious lymph and mucus, tonsils greatly swollen. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s228}}At times: burning in maxillary glands; pain in submaxillary and sublingual glands.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Cough commenced at Christmas and lasted till June.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Lasted eleven years; cough and obstructed respiration. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s232}}Left: scrofulous swelling of parotid gland. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s234}}Pain is excessive in acute articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Attacks of muscular cramps before fatal termination.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Violent pains: in joints and muscles.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Severe pain: in nose and adjacent parts.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Obscure pain: in limbs; in muscles and joints.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Painfullness: of tumors and abscesses; of submaxillary and sublingual glands.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Painful swelling: of joints.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Burning: in maxillary glands.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Dryness: of mucous membranes of mouth and pharynx. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Greatly debilitated and emaciated, presenting a very similar appearance to that seen in chronic tuberculosis with hectic fever.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Extrusion of contents overbalances supply of nutrition.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Numerous ecchymoses in internal organs.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Inflammation of lymphatic vessels and swelling of glands.\\ {{anchor:s248}}(OBS:) Lymphatic swellings and inflammation.\\ {{anchor:s249}}On legs, head, sides, chest, near genitals, in long strings, hard swellings from size of a pea to that of a hazel or walnut; after enlarging they break open and discharge a viscous, yellow brownish ichor.\\ {{anchor:s250}}(OBS:) Phlegmasia dolens.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Entire process presents a strong resemblance to certain forms of pyaemia.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Pyaemia and inflammation of veins and lymphatics, particularly when pus is formed.\\ {{anchor:s253}}The mucous membranes (first of all that of the nose) manifest symptoms of inflammatory and ulcerative disease.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Inflammatory affection of mucous membrane of mouth followed by swelling of tongue, salivation, ulcers upon gums and throat, finally angina.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Purulent inflammation in serous membranes, especially lining membrane of joints, particularly of knee, hips and hand.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Painful swelling of joints.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Pain in joints and muscles become violent.\\ {{anchor:s258}}(OBS:) Enlarged joints.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Periarticular non-fluctuating tumefactions.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Large projecting tumors and abscesses becoming extremely painful and hard, then gradually changing to a doughy consistence; fluctuating; after opening, appear as extensive ulcers with irregular edges covered with a white deposit.\\ {{anchor:s261}}The specific nodules mostly in biceps, flexors of forearm, rectus, pectoralis and at point of insertion of deltoid; Beneath larger blebs well defined sloughs of a dull gray color.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Putrescence, destructive, quasi malignant ulcerative tendency to decomposition of tissues. {{anchor:s263}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Malignant erysipelas, particularly if attended with large formation of pus, destruction of parts. {{anchor:s265}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s266}}(OBS:) Dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s267}}All the attacked parts swell, get edematous.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Beneath edema are small nodules, varying in size and filled with reddish pus.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Skin cracks in bend of joints, a brownish fluid oozes out, and gets ulcerous.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Purulent infiltrations of skin and cellular tissues, especially upon forehead and eyelids and in vicinity of joints.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Abscesses in various parts of body in course of absorbents.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Carbuncle.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Plague.\\ {{anchor:s274}}(OBS:) Cancer.\\ {{anchor:s275}}(OBS:) Elephantiasis.\\ {{anchor:s276}}(OBS:) Obstinate syphilitic sores, with great fetor.\\ {{anchor:s277}}(OBS:) Scrofulosa.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Abates recurring aggravation of inflammation.\\ {{anchor:s279}}(OBS:) Murrain of cattle. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s283}}Touch: upper portion of nose sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s284}}(OBS:) Putrid bedsores. {{anchor:s285}}Gl. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s287}}Erythema, erysipelatous or phlegmonous processes, abscesses, pustules and ulcers are spread so extensively over surface of body that hardly any part remains free.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Malignant erysipelas, particularly if attended by large formations of pus, and destruction of parts. {{anchor:s289}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s290}}(OBS:) Scarlatina. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Sensation of pain on part of inoculation followed by a redness and inflammation, fever, finally swollen, inflamed lymphatic vessels.\\ {{anchor:s292}}On different parts of skin red spots, changing into pustules like those of small-pox, less often into pemphigus blebs.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Pustules of size of pea often arise in large numbers, bursting by discharging a thick, mucous, sanguineous pus, often emitting an offensive odor.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Surrounding subfascial abscesses the numerous layers are pale, discolored and readily torn.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Large abscesses upon different regions of the body, with inflamed lymphatic vessels and glands.\\ {{anchor:s296}}New abscesses are constantly forming in vicinity of the ulcers, especially about joints.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Contents of abscesses often tinged with blood, have a more viscous consistence, while connective tissue or muscular substance is softened.\\ {{anchor:s298}}(OBS:) Malignant pustule. {{anchor:s299}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s300}}(OBS:) Carbuncle. Gl.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Boils and ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Confluent small-pox. {{anchor:s303}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Malignant external ulcerations; putrid bedsores; obstinate syphilitic sores attended with great fetor.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Ulcers often penetrate so deep as to lay bare the tendons and bone.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Ulcers deep, lard-like fundus, elevated, pectinated edges, slow healing, leaving a star-shaped white scar.\\ {{anchor:s307}}(OBS:) Putrescence, destructive or quasi malignant ulceration, and tendency to decomposition of tissues.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Malignant external ulcerations. {{anchor:s309}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Ulcers have no disposition to heal, livid appearance.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Ulcers assume a corroded, chancroid character and a dirty white hue.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Ulcers enlarge, edges and base acquire an unhealthy aspect, pus offensive.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Sinuous and fistulous ulcers, secreting an offensive, watery pus, showing no tendency to throw out granulations.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Pustules appear gradually on every part of body.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Pustules contain caseous purulent contents.\\ {{anchor:s316}}(OBS:) Malignant, phagedenic skin diseases. {{anchor:s317}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s318}}(OBS:) Pustular ringworm. {{anchor:s319}}Gl.\\ {{anchor:s320}}(OBS:) Lupus exedens.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Circumscribed or diffused lesions on skin.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Fluctuating tumors in muscular tissue.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Frequently upon the limbs nodular tumors discharging, on being opened, thick, purulent masses mixed with blood and serum.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Icterus appears before fatal termination.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Here and there healing by forming cicatricial tissue. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 06, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r665|Hippozaeninum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r665|Hippozaeninum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}