====== KALIUM SULPHURICUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Kali Sulphuricum. {{anchor:s2}}Sulphate of Potash. {{anchor:s3}}K2 SO4. {{anchor:s4}}One of the Twelve Tissue Remedies introduced by Schuessler. {{anchor:s5}}Needs proving. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Vertigo, Schlegelmann, Schuessler's Biochem., p. 75; Falling off of hair, Wesselhoeft, Schuessler's Tissue Remedies, p. 27; Ear affection, Wesselhoeft, Schssler's Tissue Remedies, p. 25; Disease of antrum Highmori, Wesselhoeft, Schuessler's Tissue Remedies, p. 26; Ozaena, Wesselhoeft, Schuessler's Tissue Remedies, p. 27; Whooping cough, Wesselhoeft, Schuessler's Tissue Remedies, p. 25; Whooping cough, Knerr, Schuessler's Tissue Remedies, p. 26; Chorea (13 cases), Cattell, B. J. H., vol. 11, p. 343; Articular rheumatism, Schlegelmann, Schuessler's Biochem., p. 75; Epithelioma (2 cases), Orth, Schuessler's Biochem., p. 68; Itch eruption in children, Cattell, B. J. H., vol. 11, p. 352; Ivy poisoning (Rhus tox.), Wesselhoeft, Schuessler's Tissue Remedies, p. 26. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Dreadful vertigo, especially on rising from lying, on standing from sitting, and when looking upwards; every moment in fear of falling and dare not leave her room. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Rheumatic headache, agg. in warm room and in evening, amel. in open air. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s13}}Great pain on moving head from side to side or backwards; can move it forward without pain.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Yellow scales (dandruff) on scalp.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Bald spot as large as a silver dollar on left side of head; hair falls out easily when combing, all over head, also hair of beard. {{anchor:s16}}~ After gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Copious scaling of scalp, moist and sticky.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Yellow dandruff. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s20}}Purulent or yellow mucus in eye diseases.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Catarrh of conjunctiva, with yellow secretion.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Ophthalmia neonatorum.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Eyelids, with thin, yellow crusts.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Discharge from eyes yellow, slimy, or sticky watery.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Cataract. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s27}}Deafness caused by catarrh and swelling of Eustachian tube and middle ear.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Watery, mattery discharge from ear; yellow slimy tongue.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Secretion of thin, yellow, sticky fluid after inflammation.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Brown offensive secretion from right ear; polypoid excrescence closes meatus near opening; entirely deaf in right ear for eight weeks.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Stinking otorrhea of four years' standing. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Taste and smell lost. {{anchor:s34}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Coryza, yellow mucous discharge.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Thick, yellow, offensive discharge, alternating with watery discharge for eighteen months; left nostril agg.; menses every three weeks; takes cold easily. {{anchor:s37}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s38}}About once a week a thick, dark brown, semi-fluid accumulation of pus formed in upper left nostril, on being blown out emitted a terrible stench; about a month previous a piece of carious bone was taken from antrum Highmori, through an upper left alveolus, from which a tooth had been drawn four years previous.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Old catarrh with yellowish viscous secretion. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Faceache, agg. in warm room and in evening; amel. in cool or open air.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Epithelioma on right cheek, extending from lower eyelid to ala nasi; size of a silver dollar; ulcerating stage; indurated base and wall-like, hard, elevated edges (greatly improved).\\ {{anchor:s43}}Epithelioma, size of half dollar, situated on right side of nose just under canthus of eye; eye sympathetically affected, either through extension of disease process, or through irritating discharge, entrance of which was facilitated by a slight destruction of edge of lower lid at canthus; conjunctivitis palpebrarum et bulbi, with haziness of cornea. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s45}}Blistered lips and mouth. {{anchor:s46}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Lower lip swollen. {{anchor:s48}}~ Epithelioma. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Toothache agg. in warm room and toward evening, amel. in cool open air. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Loss of taste. {{anchor:s53}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Insipid, pappy taste.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Tongue: coated with yellow mucus; yellow, slimy, sometimes with whitish edge. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s57}}Sensation of faintness at stomach, and befogged feeling in heard, fearing to lose her reason.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Pressure and feeling of fullness in stomach with a yellow mucus coating on tongue.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Indigestion, with sensation of pressure as of a load, and fullness at pit of stomach. {{anchor:s60}}~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Chronic catarrh of stomach; yellow, slimy coated tongue.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Catarrh of stomach and duodenum, with a yellow coated tongue; jaundice from it. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Gastro-duodenal catarrh; jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Hard and tympanitic abdomen. {{anchor:s66}}~ Whooping cough. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s68}}Diarrhea: yellow, slimy or watery mattery stools.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Black, thin, offensive stools. {{anchor:s70}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Habitual constipation with coated tongue.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Hemorrhoids with catarrh of stomach and yellow, mucus coated tongue. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Gonorrhea of glans or urethra; discharge purulent, yellow mucous, or greenish.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Orchitis after suppression of gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Gleet. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s78}}Menses, too late and too scanty, with a feeling of weight and fullness in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Menses every three weeks. {{anchor:s80}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Headache during menses.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Metrorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Leucorrhea yellowish, or watery mattery. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s86}}Hoarseness after taking cold.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Bronchitis, if mucus is distinctly yellow and slimy, thin, or watery mattery and profuse.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Yellow mucus coughed up without great exertion. {{anchor:s89}}~ Bronchitic asthma. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Whooping cough, with retching, without vomiting; inflammatory catarrhal stage; decidedly yellow, slimy expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Last stage of whooping cough; blistered lips and mouth; black, thin, offensive stools five times a day, hard, tympanitic abdomen; wasted to a shadow, given up to die.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Coarse rales; cannot cough up large amount of mucus. {{anchor:s94}}~ Pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Yellow mucous expectoration. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Inflammation of lungs, with wheezing; if yellow, loose rattling phlegm be coughed up with difficulty, or sputa consist of watery matter.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Pneumonia with coarse rales, cannot cough up mucus. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s100}}Pains in back, nape of neck, or in limbs; periodical agg. in evening, or in warm room; amel. in cool or open air.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Backache and pains in limbs; agg. in warm room and towards evening, amel. in cool open air.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Stiff neck, head inclined towards left; shoulder raised. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s104}}Eruption in left axilla, about neck and on back of both hands (Rhus poisoning).\\ {{anchor:s105}}Scaly eruption mostly on arms, amel. from hot water. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s107}}Varicose ulcer on right leg just above instep, after kick of a horse three years ago; eight inches in circumference, concave, dark blue, emitting a stinking odor. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s109}}Pain in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Acute and wandering rheumatism of joints.\\ {{anchor:s111}}After being chilled while overheated, frightful pains in right shoulder and violent fever; pains leave shoulder and attack left knee, then go from joint to joint, and again several joints affected at a time; maddening pains, unceasing, day and night. {{anchor:s112}}~ Articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Pains passing from joint to joint; serous exudations. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s117}}Rising from lying: dreadful vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Sitting: dreadful vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Standing: dreadful vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Moving head from side to side or backwards: great pain. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s122}}Chorea. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s124}}Very vivid dreams. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s126}}Evening: rheumatic headache agg.; faceache agg.; toothache agg.; pains in back and limbs agg. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s128}}Pains grow agg. in warm room and in evening; amel. in open, cool air.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Hot water: scaly eruption on arms amel.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Warm room: rheumatic headache agg.; faceache agg.; toothache agg.; pains in back, neck and limbs agg.\\ {{anchor:s131}}After being chilled while overheated: frightful pains in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Open air: rheumatic headache amel.; faceache amel.; toothache amel.; pains in back, neck and limbs amel.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Cold water: eruption amel. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Intermittent fever with yellow, slimy coated tongue.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Rheumatic fever; pains shifting, wandering. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s138}}Five times a day: black, thin, offensive stools.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Periodical pains: in back, neck and limbs agg. in evening.\\ {{anchor:s140}}About once a week: a thick, dark brown semi-fluid accumulation of pus formed in upper left nostril.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Every three weeks: menses.\\ {{anchor:s142}}For eight weeks: entirely deaf in right ear.\\ {{anchor:s143}}For eight months: effects of ivy poisoning.\\ {{anchor:s144}}For eighteen months: thick, yellow, offensive discharge from nose.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Four years' standing: stinking otorrhea. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s147}}Right: brown offensive secretion from ear; entirely deaf for eight weeks; epithelioma on cheek; epithelioma on side of nose; varicose ulcer on leg just above instep; frightful pains in shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Left: bald spot on side of head; a thick dark brown semi-fluid accumulation of pus formed in upper nostril; a piece of carious bone was taken from antrum Highmori through an upper alveolus; head inclined to shoulder; eruption in axilla; pains leave shoulder and attack knee. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s150}}Pressure as of a load: at pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Pains: in back; nape of neck; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Maddening pains: in joints.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Frightful pains: in right shoulder; in left knee; from joint to joint.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Great pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Acute and wandering rheumatism of joints.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Rheumatic headache.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Pressure: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Feeling of fullness: in stomach; at pit of stomach; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Befogged feeling: in head.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Faintness: at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Burning, itching papular eruption.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Itching pimples arising singly on skin. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s164}}Its sphere of action is in lymphatic vessels; when there is a lack of this substance, a yellow mucous catarrh arises or a yellow sticky discharge from isolated places on membranes.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Secretions from mucous membranes yellowish; green.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Catarrhs, colds, with yellow, slimy secretions or expectoration of watery matter.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Inflammations, with yellow, slimy or serous secretions.\\ {{anchor:s168}}In third stage of inflammation, resolution, when a yellow mucous discharge occurs.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Effusions, watery mattery; favors resorption.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Fungoid inflammation of joints; white swelling.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Migratory rheumatism of joints.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Wasted to a shadow. {{anchor:s173}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Epithelioma; soft polypi.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Ailments accompanied by desquamation, peeling off skin, or with itching pimples arising singly on skin. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s179}}After kick of a horse three years ago: varicose ulcer on right leg. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Jaundice caused by gastro-duodenal catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Suppressed rash of measles or other eruptive diseases, with harsh and dry skin.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Abundant scaling of epidermis.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Promotes desquamation after erysipelas; accelerates removal of scabs in smallpox.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Scarlet fever; stage of desquamation.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Burning, itching, papular eruption exuding pus-like moisture.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Recurring eruption of fine red pimples running together, presenting a red, swollen appearance; a thoroughly alkaline fluid oozes out copiously; after subsiding cuticle comes off in fine scales; itches and stings intensely amel.; formerly by cold water, lately by hot.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Scurfs, scaling, chapping.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Sores on skin, with yellow, sticky secretions on limited portions, or discharges of thin, watery matter, sometimes with peeling of surrounding skin.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Epithelial cancer, discharge thin, yellow, serous.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Eczema, or skin affections; discharge decidedly yellow, slimy, sometimes sticky or watery mattery; when suddenly suppressed.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Effects of ivy poisoning (Rhus tox.) for eight months; repeatedly broke out with small, hard, herpetic vesicles, forming a thin scab, with itching and some moisture; eruption appears in left axilla, about neck and on back of both hands; she has a sensation of faintness at stomach and befogged feeling in head, fearing to lose her reason; very vivid dreams.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Nettlerash, with or without yellow slimy tongue, generally caused by indigestion.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Itch eruption in children.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Chafing of children.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Diseased condition of nails, shown in interrupted growth. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Child, aet. 18 months; whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Boy, aet. 10, small, dark, lean; whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Girl, aet. 19, light complexion, scrofulous; ear affection.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Woman, aet. 25, single, dark complexion, suffering eight months; ivy poisoning (Rhus tox.).\\ {{anchor:s202}}Woman, aet. 25, married, dark complexion; ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Man, aet. 26, healthy, powerful; articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Man, aet. 27, dark; falling off of hair, after gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Man, aet. 30, light complexion; disease of antrum Highmori.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Man, aet. 33, light complexion; ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Woman, aet. 54; vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Man, aet. 55, factory operative, ulcer on side of nose for four years, at first there was a somewhat reddened spot which was moderately elevated, and which became afterward covered with a horny crust, which later, dropping off, left an ulcer which steadily increased in depth and breadth; epithelioma.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Widow, aet. 70, suffering for years; epithelioma. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s211}}Compare: Kali mur., in deafness, hoarseness, pertussis; Natr. mur., in deafness, pains in stomach, coarse rales, profuse exudations.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Compatible: Acet. ac., in itching and redness of skin; Arsen., Calc. ostr., Hepar, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sepia, Silica, Sulphur. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 06, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r200|Kalium sulphuricum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r200|Kalium sulphuricum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}