====== KALMIA LATIFOLIA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Kalmia Latifolia. {{anchor:s2}}Mountain Laurel. {{anchor:s3}}Ericaceae. {{anchor:s4}}An evergreen shrub, found on rocky hills, flowering in May and June. {{anchor:s5}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh leaves. {{anchor:s6}}Introduced by Hering and proved by himself, Kummer, Behler, Bute, Clark, Haeseler, Williamson, Freitag, Reichelm and others. {{anchor:s7}}See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 5, p. 388. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s9}}- Sun headache, Thayer, N. E. M. G., vol. 9, p. 149; Retinitis albuminurica, Allen, Norton's Oph. Therap., p. 107; Sclero-choroiditis anterior, Allen, Norton's Oph. Therap., p. 107; Sclerotitis, Boyle, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 77; Neuralgia oculorum, Johnson, A. H. O., vol. 1, p. 168; Chronic sore throat, Clifton, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 29; Pressure in epigastrium, Hansen, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 113, p. 62; Gastralgia, Clifton, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 29; Abdominal neuralgia (5 cases), Cushing, Times Retros., vol. 2, p. 14; Ring, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 260; Bright's disease, Macy, A. H. Rev., vol. 3, p. 364; Angina pectoris, Clifton, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 29; Endocarditis, Dunham, Dunham's Lectures, p. 194; Heart disease, Hering, MSS.; Dunham, MSS.; Siegrist, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 127; False pleurisy, Pretsch, A. H. Rev., vol. 1, p. 326; Neuralgia, Clifton, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 29; Ball, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 92; Neuralgia of spine, Sonnenshmidt, MSS.; Acute articular rheumatism, Clifton, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 29; Rheumatism, Pretseh, A. H. Rev., vol. 1, pp. 325-6; Boyce, Org., vol. 1, p. 323. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}In a recumbent posture, mental faculties and memory perfect, but on attempting to move, vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Anxiety with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Toward evening and next forenoon very cross. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Vertigo: with headache, blindness, pains in limbs and weariness; while stooping and looking down.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Vertigo: with aching in face. {{anchor:s17}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Giddiness, with headache and nausea. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s20}}Pulsating headache in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Pain in forehead in morning when waking, agg. after rising.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Aching in forehead, followed by rending in bones of right or left side of face; shooting downward into eye teeth; moving backward down neck and outwardly on both sides; succeeded by pain in left shoulder; rending in bones of legs to feet.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pain over right eye; giddiness; eyes weak and watery.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Pressing pain on a small spot on right side of head.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache internally, with sensation, when turning, of something loose in head, diagonally across top.\\ {{anchor:s26}}A cracking in head frightens him, it ends in a sound in ears like blowing a horn.\\ {{anchor:s27}}A shuddering without coldness commence with cracking as if surcharged with electricity.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Severe pressing headache, agg. and amel. with sun.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Sensation of heat in head in morning.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Dullness in head; headache; backache.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Neuralgic paroxysmal pains.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Headache agg. in evening and in open air. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Pain from back of neck up over scalp to top of head and temples, also affecting face right side; tender to touch; pain shooting twitching; sometimes in spots; amel. from cold, agg. from heat; every afternoon, last with great severity, through night. {{anchor:s35}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Rheumatic pain in scalp. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Glimmering before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Everything black before eye when he looks downward; nausea and eructations of wind (in morning).\\ {{anchor:s40}}Dull, weak eyes.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Retinitis albuminurica, occurring during pregnancy; pains in back.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Nephritic retinitis accompanied by much pain in back, as if it would break.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Sclera inflamed, vitreous perfectly filled with exudation, and glimmering before eye, especially on reading with the other. {{anchor:s44}}~ Sclero-choroiditis anterior.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Sclerosis, particularly in rheumatic subjects; eyeball painful on motion.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Parenchymatous keratitis.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Severe pain in right eye, extending to forehead; commences at sunrise, agg. until noon; then amel. and leaves at sunset. {{anchor:s48}}~ Neuralgia oculorum. {{anchor:s49}}(After Acon. and Bellad. failed.)\\ {{anchor:s50}}Pressure in right eye (evening); also above right eye.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Stitches in eyes, ears, fingers and feet.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Itching in eyes; when rubbing them they sting.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Pain in eyes, which makes it painful to turn them.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Sensation of stiffness in muscles around eyes, and of eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Asthenopia; stiff, drawing sensation in muscles upon moving eyes.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Eye symptoms agg. evening and in open air. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Stitches in and behind right ear; in neck and thighs, at night.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Sound like blowing a horn, after cracking in head.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Meniere's disease. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s62}}Coryza: with increased sense of smell; with sneezing, dullness, headache and hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Tearing in root of nose and nasal bones, with nausea. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s65}}Face: red, with throbbing headache; pale.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Anxious expression of countenance. {{anchor:s67}}~ Rheumatism of heart.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Flushing of face, with vertigo. {{anchor:s69}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Pressing pains in right side of face, especially between eye and nose.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Prosopalgia, right sided; pains rending; agonizing; stupefying or threatening delirium.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Fothergill's faceache.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Severe neuralgia in right cheek, with alkaline taste in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Facial neuralgia, involving teeth of upper jaw, but not from caries.\\ {{anchor:s75}}After exposure to cold, pains in right side of head, ear and face, and even going down to arm, sometimes attended with numbness, or succeeded by numbness in parts affected; pains sticking, teasing, pressing, or shooting in a downward direction; pains occur at irregular times, continue for no definite period, coming suddenly or gradually, and leaving as uncertainly; agg. by worry or mental exertion; amel. by food. {{anchor:s76}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Facial neuralgia after zoster.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Face itches at night.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Roughness of cheeks (during every Summer). ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s81}}Lips swollen, dry and stiff.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Cracked lips with dry skin.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Stinging in jawbones.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Tired feeling in chewing muscles.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Stitches and tearing in lower jaw. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s87}}Teeth tender, with neuralgia of face.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Pressing pain in molars, late in evening. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Bitter taste with nausea, amel. after eating.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Tongue: white, dry; sore left side; hurts hen talking.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Stitches in tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s94}}Tingling in salivary glands, immediately after eating, with sense of fermentation in esophagus and copious salivation.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Sublingual salivary gland inflamed. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Throat feels swollen; sensation as if a ball was rising.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Sensation of dryness in throat, difficult deglutition, thirst.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Pressure in throat; stitches in eyes and nausea.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Great dryness of throat, with aching pains, the dryness causing frequent cough. {{anchor:s101}}~ Chronic syphilitic sore throat. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s103}}Pains amel. by food. {{anchor:s104}}~ Neuralgia. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s106}}Eructations of wind. {{anchor:s107}}~ Angina pectoris. {{anchor:s108}}~ Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Nausea, everything becomes black before eyes, pressure in throat, incarcerated flatus, oppression of breathing, rheumatic pains in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Wine relieves vomiting. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Pressure in pit of stomach, like a marble; agg. sitting in a stooping position, amel. sitting erect; sensation as if something would be pressed off below pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Pit of stomach sore to touch.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Pains agg. sitting bent, yet a feeling as if to do so was necessary, amel. by sitting or standing upright; crampy pain, with eructations of wind, palpitation of heart. {{anchor:s115}}~ Gastralgia. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s117}}Pains in region of liver. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s119}}Incarcerated flatus, with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Sensation of weakness in abdomen, extending to throat; amel. by eructation.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Sudden pains in paroxysms, across abdomen above umbilicus, from lower border of liver, downward toward left, then ceasing in right side; agg. from motion and from lying on either side, obliged to lie on back; amel. when sitting up. {{anchor:s122}}~ Abdominal neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Neuralgia of bowels in married women. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s125}}Stool like mush, easily discharged, as if glazed, followed by pressure on rectum.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Diarrhea, with dullness, dizziness, weariness, nausea and bellyache. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s128}}Frequent micturition of large quantities of yellow urine.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Profuse micturition amel. headache.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Albuminuria; also with pains in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Abdomen greatly distended; extremities, especially lower ones, swollen; much difficulty in standing and walking; urine scanty, high colored, 5 per cent. albumen, fibrinous casts, large epithelial scales, one prismatic crystal of triple phosphate; vertigo; occasional pain in head; much pain in lower extremities; complexion sallow and skin unnaturally dry. {{anchor:s132}}~ Bright's disease. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s134}}Menses too soon; regular, but painful.\\ {{anchor:s135}}During menses, pain in limbs, loins, back and interior of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Suppressed menses, with severe neuralgic pains throughout whole body.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Leucorrhea yellowish; one week after menses; symptoms agg. then. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s140}}Pressure as if some one squeezed throat with thumb and finger.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Noise as from spasm in glottis when breathing.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Hoarseness, with coryza.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Tickling in trachea. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s145}}Difficult and oppressed breathing; throat feels swollen, nausea. {{anchor:s146}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Oppression and short breathed, which obliges him to breathe quickly, involuntarily.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Oppressed breathing, with palpitation of heart, anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Dyspnea and pain. {{anchor:s150}}~ Angina pectoris. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s152}}Frequent cough, caused by dryness or scraping in throat.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Expectoration easy, smooth, grey; tasting putrid; saltish. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Feverish heat, with great pain in chest; agg. when breathing and from slightest motion.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Pain in chest as from a sprain.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Shooting through chest above heart into shoulder blade; pain in left arm.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Stitches in lower part of chest. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s160}}Fluttering of heart.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Palpitation of heart, with anxiety and oppressed breathing; with faint feeling.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Palpitation up into throat, after going to bed; trembling all over; agg. lying on left side; amel. lying on back; anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Palpitation, dyspnea, pain in limbs, stitch in lower part of chest; right sided prosopalgia.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Heart's action very tumultuous, rapid and visible.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Attacks of angina pectoris. {{anchor:s166}}T Fatty degeneration of heart.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Angina pectoris; slow, feeble pulse; eructations of wind; dyspnea and pain.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Severe pain in cardiac region, with slow, small pulse. {{anchor:s169}}~ Hypertrophy with dilation and aortic obstruction.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Paroxysms of anguish about heart, dyspnea, febrile excitement; rheumatic endocarditis, with consequent hypertrophy and valvular disease.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Pressure like a marble from epigastrium toward heart, with a strong, quick heart beat; every beat has a strumming as if it would burst, along sternum to throat; third or fourth beat harder, followed by an intermission.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Pressure behind middle of sternum, agg. morning and evening, and when stooping; palpitation of heart with anxiety; pulse regular; first sound of heart somewhat harsh; pressure behind sternum and in epigastrium, amel. sitting erect; as if something was being pressed away from under sternum.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Severe palpitation of heart, with constriction of throat, agg. from motion, deep inspiration, or holding breath; pressure and stitching in region of heart; severe one sided, tearing headache, agg. over eye and in bulbus oculi; during attack anxiety and shortness of breath; between attacks, dry cough; first sound of heart strongly accentuated and often intermitting; (ictus cordis) impulse of heart plainly visible, lifting stethoscope; pulse intermittent; pressure in epigastrium, agg. in bent position, amel. sitting erect; pressing down sensation in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Wandering rheumatic pains in region of heart, extending down left arm.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Shooting, stabbing pain from heart through to left scapula, causing violent beating of heart. {{anchor:s176}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Pains suddenly leave extremities and go to heart; shooting, stabbing pain, through to left scapula, causing violent beating of heart, with anxious expression of countenance, quick but weak pulse and difficult breathing. {{anchor:s178}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Articular rheumatism has been treated externally, and cardiac symptoms ensue.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Heart disease, after frequent attacks of rheumatism, or alternating with it.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Hypertrophy and valvular insufficiency, or thickening, after rheumatism, paroxysms of anguish about heart, with dyspnea and febrile excitement.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Propped up in bed, with anxious expression of face, livid hue of countenance; visible, tumultuous and very rapid action of heart; after acute rheumatism. {{anchor:s183}}~ Endocarditis.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Quickened but weak pulse. {{anchor:s185}}~ Rheumatism of heart.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Pulse: slow, weak; arms feel weak; scarcely perceptible, limbs cold; irregular.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Remarkable slowness of pulse, 48 in minute. {{anchor:s188}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Slow, small pulse. {{anchor:s190}}~ Hypertrophy of heart.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Pulse slow and feeble. {{anchor:s192}}~ Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Pulse very slow. {{anchor:s194}}~ Dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Very feeble pulse, 40 beats per minute. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s197}}Pleuritis falsa in winter season.\\ {{anchor:s198}}High fever; breathing oppressed, must lie quietly on back, every motion attended with violent pains in thorax, back and axillary joints. {{anchor:s199}}~ Rheumatism of muscles of thorax and back. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s201}}Muscles of neck sore to touch and on moving them.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Pains from neck down arm to little and fourth finger; neck tender to touch; pains paroxysmal, agg. in early part of night, and attended by stiffness; marked slowness of pulse, 48 beats per minute. {{anchor:s203}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Violent pain in upper three dorsal vertebrae, extending through shoulder blades.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Sensation of lameness in back, evening in bed.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Constant pain in spine, sometimes agg. in lumbar region, with great heat and burning.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Feeling of paralysis in sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Aching across joints. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Pain in shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Deltoid rheumatism, especially on right side.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Stitches in lower part of left shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Paroxysmal pains in right arm. {{anchor:s214}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Pains in left arm.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Rheumatic pains in arms.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Cracking in elbow joint.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Stitches in hands; hands feel as if they hand been sprained.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Pain in left wrist, causing hand to feel paralyzed.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Erysipelatous eruption on hands extending further.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Weakness in arms; pulse slow. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s223}}Tearing pain from hip down leg to feet.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Rheumatic pains in leg from hip down.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Pains in lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Rheumatic pains in right leg, extending as far as toes, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Stitches: externally on knee; in feet, soles, toes, big toe.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Sensation of weakness in calves.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Feet feel sprained.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Unable to walk; ankles swollen; pains, though mostly confined to ankles, shift about from joint to joint. {{anchor:s231}}~ Chronic rheumatism. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s233}}Rheumatism often attacks heart, and generally goes from upper to lower parts; pains shift suddenly.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Rheumatic pains, mostly in upper arms and lower parts of legs; agg. when going to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Joints hot, red, swollen. {{anchor:s236}}~ Acute rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Acute articular rheumatism; pains shift about from point to point, especially when beginning in upper extremities and subsequently felt in lower; joints hot, red and swollen; pains agg. on least motion and during evening, or soon after going to bed; rheumatoid pains from sudden chill or exposure to cold wind.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Arms feel weak, limbs cold. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s242}}Pains agg. : sitting bent, yet a feeling as if to do so was necessary, but amel. by sitting or standing upright. {{anchor:s243}}~ Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Pains agg. on least motion. {{anchor:s245}}~ Acute rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s246}}In a recumbent posture: mental faculties and memory perfect, but on attempting to move vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Lying on left side, palpitation agg.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Lying on back: palpitation amel.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Must lie on back: on account of oppressed breathing; abdominal neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Sitting in a stooping position: pressure in pit of stomach agg.; palpitation agg.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Sitting erect: pressure in pit of stomach, pains across abdomen amel.; pressure behind sternum amel.; palpitation amel.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Stooping: vertigo; pressure behind sternum agg.\\ {{anchor:s253}}After rising: pain in forehead agg.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Standing: difficult on account of swelling of lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Stands up and walks in his sleep.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Motion: of eyeballs causes pain; pains across abdomen agg.; slightest, pain in chest agg.; palpitation agg.; attended with violent pains in thorax, back and axillary joints; of muscles of neck painful; pains agg.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Turning head: sensation as of something loose in it.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Walking: difficult on account of swelling of lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Shuns all exertion; weariness in all muscles.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Unable to walk: ankles swollen; can hardly go up stairs. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s262}}Weariness in all muscles; shuns all exertion, can hardly go up stairs.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Weary and giddy, with diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Weakness the only general symptom with neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Trembling, thrilling, strumming, with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Weakness and paralytic condition of limbs. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s268}}Restless sleep, turns often.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Periosteal pains prevent sleep.\\ {{anchor:s270}}While sleeping stands up and walks about; talks in sleep.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Dreams: racking his brains; fantastic; of murder. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s273}}Pains agg. during early part of night, or soon after going to sleep. {{anchor:s274}}~ Neuralgia. {{anchor:s275}}~ Acute rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Morning: pain in forehead; heat in head; nausea and eructations of wind; pressure behind sternum agg.; rheumatic pains in right leg.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Towards evening and next forenoon; very cross.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Evening: headache agg.; pressure in right eye; eye symptoms agg.; pressing pain in molars; pressure behind sternum; lameness of back; pains agg.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Night: headache; stitches in neck and thighs; face itches; early part, pains from neck down arms. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s281}}Pains are felt from a sudden chill, or exposure to a sudden wind. {{anchor:s282}}~ Acute rheumatism. {{anchor:s283}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Heat: pain in head agg.\\ {{anchor:s285}}With sun: headache agg. and amel.; pain in right eye agg. and amel.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Open air: headache agg.; eyes agg.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Cold: pain in head amel.\\ {{anchor:s288}}After exposure to cold: pain in right side of head, ear and face; rheumatoid pains. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s290}}Chilliness, with coldness; shaking chill in cold air; chills run over back.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Febrile excitement. {{anchor:s292}}~ Endocarditis.\\ {{anchor:s293}}General heat; with burning and pain in back and loins.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Cold sweat. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s296}}Pain occurring at irregular times, continuing for no definite period, coming suddenly or gradually, and leaving as uncertainly. {{anchor:s297}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Paroxysmal pains: in head; across abdomen above umbilicus; from neck down arms; in arms.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Every afternoon: headache, lasts through night.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Every Summer: roughness of cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s301}}One week after menses: leucorrhea. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s303}}Right: rending in bones of side of face; pain over eye; pressing pain on a small spot on side of head, severe pain in eye; pressure in eye, above eye; stitches in and behind ear; pressing pains in side of face; prosopalgia; severe neuralgia; pains in side of head, face and ear; deltoid rheumatism agg.; pains in arm; rheumatic pain in leg.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Left: rending in bones of side of face; pain in shoulder; tongue sore on side; pain in arm; lying on side palpitation agg.; wandering rheumatic pains down arm; shooting pains from heart through to scapula; stitches in lower part of shoulder blade; pains in arm; pain in wrist.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Downward: pain shooting into eye teeth; pain across abdomen from lower border of liver down to left, then ceasing in right side.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Moving backward: pain down neck and outwardly on both sides.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Pains change places. {{anchor:s308}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Pains move downward: head; bones of face; from ear to arm; down spine; down leg; arm to fingers.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Pains move upward: neck over head; ball in throat; lower limbs, then upper. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s312}}Sensation as if body was surcharged with electricity.\\ {{anchor:s313}}As of something loose in head diagonally across top; a shuddering without coldness commences with cracking, as if surcharged with electricity; as if back would break; as if a ball was rising in throat; as if something would be pressed off below pit of stomach; stool as if glazed; as if some one squeezed throat with thumb and finger; pain in chest as from a sprain; pressure like a marble from epigastrium towards heart; a cracking in head frightens him, it ends in a sound in ears like blowing a horn; every heart beat has a strumming as if it would burst, along sternum to throat; as if something was being pressed away from under sternum; hands as if they had been sprained; feet as if sprained; as if furuncles would form here and there.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Pains: in limbs; in forehead; in left shoulder; over right eye; in head; in back; from back of neck up over scalp to top of head and temples; in eyeball; in eyes; in right side of head, ear and face; in region of liver; in lower limbs; in loins; in interior of thighs; in chest; in left arm; suddenly leave extremities and go to heart; from neck down arm to little and fourth finger; in spine; in left wrist, causing hand to feel paralyzed.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Sudden pains in paroxysms: across abdomen, above umbilicus, from lower border of liver, downward toward left; in right arm.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Anguish: about heart.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Violent pain: in upper three dorsal vertebrae.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Severe pain: in right eye to forehead; in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Great pain: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Much pain: in lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Tearing: in root of nose and nasal bones; in lower jaw; in one side of head from hip down leg to feet.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Rending: in bones of right or left side of face; in bones of legs to feet.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Shooting, stabbing pain: from heart through to left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Shooting, twitching pain: over head.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Shooting: downward into eye teeth; through chest above heart into shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Stitches: in eyes, ears, fingers and feet; in and behind right ear; in neck and thighs; in lower jaw; in tongue; in lower part of chest; in lower part of shoulder blade; in hands; externally on knee; in feet, soles, toes, big toe.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Stitching: in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Stitching, tearing, pressing or shooting pains; in a downward direction in face.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Stinging: in jawbones.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Pricking sensation: in skin.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Rheumatic pain: in scalp; in heart; in limbs; in region of heart, extending down left arm; in arms; in leg from hip down; in right leg; shift from joint to joint; mostly in upper arms and lower parts of legs; all over body.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Severe neuralgia: in right cheek; throughout whole body.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Neuralgic paroxysmal pains: in head.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Neuralgia: in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Throbbing headache.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Pulsating headache: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Aching: in face; in forehead; in throat; across loins.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Severe pressing headache.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Pressing pain: on a small spot on right side of head; in right side of face; in molars.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Pressure: in right eye; above right eye; in throat; in pit of stomach; from epigastrium to heart; behind sternum; in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Burning: in spine.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Great heat: in spine.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Heat: in head.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Soreness: of left side of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Dryness: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Dullness: in head.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Swollen feeling: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Constriction: of throat.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Stiff, drawing sensation: in muscles on moving eyes.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Rigidity of skin.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Numbness: in affected parts after pain.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Feeling of paralysis: in sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Stiffness: of muscles around eyes and of eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Lameness: in back.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Weakness: in abdomen extending to throat; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Tired feeling: in chewing muscles.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Cracking: in elbow joints.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Tingling: in salivary glands.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Tickling: in trachea.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Itching: in eyes; in face. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s362}}Acute rheumatism, going from joint to joint; violent fever; pains intense; ankles most painful and swollen; agg. from least movement.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Rheumatic pains all over body.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Pains shifting, pains suddenly changing position; tendency to metastasis to heart. {{anchor:s365}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Every joint and every muscle of body affected; high fever; every attempt to move attended with excruciating pains; afterwards paralysis of arms and legs. {{anchor:s367}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Dropsy from cold with rheumatic complaints. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s372}}Touch: face tender; pit of stomach sore; muscles of neck sore.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Rubbing: eyes causes stinging. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s375}}Sensation of rigidity of skin.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Pricking sensation in skin, with moderate sweat.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Dry skin.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Erysipelatous, inflamed eruption on hand (similar to eruption caused by Rhus tox.), with oppressed breathing.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Eruption like itch.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Red, inflamed places here and there, exceedingly painful, as if furuncles would form. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s382}}Girl, aet. 10, scrofulous diathesis, suffering three months; Bright's disease.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Girl, aet. 10, suffering ten days; endocarditis.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Boy, aet. 12; rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Young German; chronic rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Servant girl, suffering three months; sun headache.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Woman, suffering one week; neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Man, aet. 27, fourth attack within ten years, each attack lasting from two to four months; neuralgia oculorum.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Man, aet. 33, formerly treated for ulcer of stomach; pressure in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Man, aet. 47, rheumatic; pressure in epigastrium. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s392}}Antidoted by: Acon., Bellad.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Compare: Bellad. (throbbing head, erysipelas); Benz. ac. (gout, valvular disease); Calc. ostr. (cardiac hypertrophy); Diosc. (gastralgia); Kali bich. (catarrhs, rheumatism); Lith. carb. (valvular disease); Lycop. (rheumatic gout, urinary symptoms); Natr. mur. (hemiopia); Pulsat., rheumatism, shifting pains; Rhus tox. (rheumatism); Spigel. (rheumatic endocarditis). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 06, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r180|Kalmia latifolia]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r180|Kalmia latifolia]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}