====== RHEUM PALMATUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Rheum. {{anchor:s2}}(Rheum Palmatum.) {{anchor:s3}}Rhubarb. {{anchor:s4}}Polygonaceae. {{anchor:s5}}Provings by Hahnemann, Gross, Hornburg, Rückert, Teuthorn, etc. {{anchor:s6}}See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 8, p. 303. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s8}}- Headache, Fuller, Hah. Mo., vol. 20, p. 539; Difficult dentition, Tuller, Hah. Mo., vol. 20, p. 538; Renal affections, Tuller, Hah. Mo., vol. 20, p. 542; Diarrhea, Hartmann, Tietze, Weigel, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 846; Kirsch, Müller, Hartmann, Kafka, Weber, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 430; Smalls, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 122, from U. S. Med. and Surg. {{anchor:s9}}Jour., vol. 7, p. 428; Dysentery, Gauwerky, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 447. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Child impatiently and vehemently desires many things and cries; dislikes even its favorite playthings.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Screaming of children, with urging and sour stools.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Not inclined to talk much; indolent; taciturn; morose.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Restless, with weeping. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Vertigo and heaviness, with beating in head; agg. while standing.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Sensation as if brain moved, when standing. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s19}}Beating headache.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Dull, light, dizzy sort of headache, extending over whole brain.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Dull, stupefying headache, with bloated eyes.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Heaviness of head; heat rising up to it.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pulsation in head, ascending from abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Pulsative, crampy headache.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Sensation as if brain moved when stooping.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Headache due to gastric derangement; pain on top of head; sour, flat, slimy taste in mouth; bitter taste of food; hunger, but great repugnance to food after eating a little. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Sweat on hairy scalp, constant and very profuse; whether asleep or awake, in motion or quiet, the hair is always sopping wet; sweat may or may not be sour. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s30}}Weak and dull, especially when looking intently at any object.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Swimming eyes full of water, especially in open air.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Pupils dilated, with pressing headache; later contracted, with inward restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Contracted pupils.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Pulsation in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Convulsive twitching of eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Granulated upper lids. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Stupefying drawing in root of nose, extending to tip, where it tingles. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s40}}Pale; one cheek red, the other pale.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Muscles of forehead are drawn together and wrinkled.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Tension of skin of face.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Cool sweat on face, most around nose and mouth. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s45}}Painful sensation of coldness in teeth, with accumulation of much saliva.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Difficult dentition; restlessness and irritability; child is nervous, with temporary satisfaction after its whims are gratified; pallor of face; occasional twitching of eyelids, corners of mouth, lips and fingers; the child smells sour. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s48}}Taste: sour; flat, slimy; insipid or nauseous; bitter only of food, even of sweet things.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Tongue numb, insensible. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s51}}Salivation with colic or diarrhea. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Desire for various kinds of food, which become repugnant as soon as a little is eaten. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s56}}After eating prunes, colic.\\ {{anchor:s57}}After a meal, loose stool; colic, which is worse standing. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s59}}Nausea, as from stomach or abdomen, with colic. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Fullness in stomach, as after eating too much.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Throbbing in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Disordered stomach in children; nervous, irritable, desiring many things, with repugnance to food, pale face, sour-smelling breath, nightly restlessness and crying during sleep. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s65}}Jaundice, in consequence of eating unripe fruit, accompanied by white diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Duodenal catarrh and catarrh of biliary ducts, with jaundice; stools whitish, pasty, or clay-colored; skin, earthy, jaundiced. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s68}}Sensation of nausea in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Abdomen bloated, tense; wind seems to rise into chest.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Like a lump around navel.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Cutting and rumbling as from flatulence.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Griping with great urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Cutting in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Colic: violent pain with cutting; must lie doubled up; agg. when standing; immediately before stool, not amel. by stool; before and during stool, amel. after; a quarter of an hour after dinner; with very sour stools, acid children; in children made agg. at once by uncovering an arm or a leg, child smells sour; agg. by eating plums. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s76}}Frequent urging and ineffectual straining; agg. on motion and walking.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Colicky; ineffectual urging; altered fecal stools.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Desire for stool after a meal.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Stool: brown, slimy; loose, thin, curdled, sour-smelling, fermented; corroding anus; mucous and fecal; pasty; thin, brownish, fecal; whitish, curdy, turning green on diaper on exposure to air; of a pea-green; feces mixed with green slime; fetid; frothy.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Before stool: urging; ineffectual urging to urinate; cutting colic.\\ {{anchor:s81}}During stool: colic; chilliness, cutting and constricting pains in abdomen; pale face; salivation; screaming (teething infants), with drawing up of limbs or stiffening body.\\ {{anchor:s82}}After stool: tenesmus; renewed urging (when moving); constrictive cutting colic, agg. from motion.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Aggravation: when moving about; in infants and children; after eating; during dentition; in childbed; during inflammatory rheumatism; in hot weather; when uncovering (pains).\\ {{anchor:s84}}Amelioration: by bending double (colic).\\ {{anchor:s85}}Diarrhea, with sour, slimy stool and tenesmus after abuse of Magnesia.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Almost immediately after nursing child has a loose stool, which is sour-smelling, accompanied by colic.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Liquid slimy stools, as if fermented, with pale face, ptyalism, colic, crying and restlessness; child draws up legs, smells sour despite all washing.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Very severe diarrhea, with colic and tenesmus; alternate chilliness and heat; great thirst; general sweat; great prostration, restlessness, fear of death.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Diarrhea of teething children during Summer; extreme emaciation.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Diarrhea of children who have not cut any teeth; evacuations fluid, greenish, sour-smelling, as if fermented, accompanied by colic, with flexing of thighs upon abdomen; tossing about; paleness of face; ptyalism.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Sour, fetid discharge during dentition; always some congestion about head; fever and dark-colored, smarting urine and dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Dysentery; after bloody stools have ceased, tenesmus, with brown, mushlike, slimy, sour stools.\\ {{anchor:s93}}During phthisis, greenish diarrhea, of sour smell, containing much mucus, accompanied by colic and tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Diarrhea during inflammatory rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Chronic diarrhea, sour, frothy; with moist tongue, thirst, loss of appetite. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Burning in kidneys and bladder, before and during urination.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Bladder weak, must press hard to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Urine: increased; red or greenish-yellow.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Abdomen distended; urine scanty, burning, reddish, with a pink sediment; face pale and bloated; disposition irritable; very nervous; constant disposition to sweat upon slightest motion; hair wet all the time; severe cutting drawing in left loin below short ribs, with a drawing, aching, burning sensation in left ovarian region, sometimes agonizing. {{anchor:s101}}~ Ascites.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Child lay in a stupor, from which he frequently roused and screamed; face pale and covered with cool sweat, forehead and hair sopping wet; lips, eyelids and fingers twitching; urine scanty, hot, with slimy shreds and strings of blood on diaper; renal region tender on pressure, causing child to wince and cry.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Eight months pregnant; face and eyes bloated; great pallor of countenance, irritable, nervous, easily startled by noises and apprehensive, twitching of facial muscles; great disposition to sweat on slightest motion; cool sweat on forehead; hair constantly wet; urine scanty and fragrant, high-colored. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Bearing down in uterine region, while standing. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s109}}After abortus, urinary complaints.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Milk of nursing women yellow and bitter; infant refused breast.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Diarrhea in first days after confinement, with colic, tenesmus, prostration, restlessness; fear of death; stools watery, offensive.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Stitches in nipples. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s114}}Dyspnea, as from a load on upper part of chest.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Snoring inspiration during sleep. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s117}}Pulse generally unchanged; only a little accelerated, especially in evening. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s119}}Stiffness in sacrum and hips; cannot walk straight.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Violent cutting, as if in lumbar vertebrae, agg. by stool.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Cutting, drawing in left lumbar region, beneath short ribs and in forepart of left side of lower abdomen, just above pubes; digging in intestines. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Darting pains in arms.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Twitching in arms, hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Bubbling sensation in elbow joints.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Veins of hand distended.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Cold sweat on palms of hands. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Twitching of muscles of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Sensation of fatigue in thighs, as after great exertion.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Tensive, pressing pain in hollow of left knee, extending to heel.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Stiffness in bend of knee, with pain on motion.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Bubbling sensation from bend of knee to heel. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Limbs fall asleep from lying on them, particularly the lower, in putting one over the other.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Simple pain in all the joints during motion. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s140}}Takes the queerest positions, in order to rest awhile; restless nights; cannot walk erect; flexes limbs; puts hands over head; must lie doubled up.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Lying on limbs: makes them fall asleep.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Must lie doubled up: colic.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Stooping: as if brain moved.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Standing: vertigo, as if brain moved; colic agg.; bearing down in uterine region.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Motion: urging and straining agg.; colic agg.; slightest disposition to sweat; stiffness in bend of knee painful, pain in all joints.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Walking: urging and straining.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Cannot walk straight: stiffness of limbs, hips and sacrum. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s149}}Weakness, exhaustion also of children, with diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Weakness and heaviness of whole body as if one were waking from a heavy sleep.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Child is pale, quarrels, frets in sleep; with convulsive startings in fingers. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s154}}Puts hands over head when falling asleep and in sleep.\\ {{anchor:s155}}During sleep: heat; jerking motion of muscles in face or eyelids; trembling; moving limbs; bending head backward.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Children cry and toss about all night; delirious talking; full of fear.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Vivid, sad, anxious dreams.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Walking in sleep.\\ {{anchor:s159}}On awakening from sleep, headache; bad odor from mouth.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Requires very little sleep and not much food. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Evening: pulse accelerated.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Night: restlessness; children cry and toss about. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s165}}General aggravation from uncovering, from cold.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Amelioration from wrapping up, from warmth.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Open air: eyes full of water.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Uncovering arm or leg: colic agg.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Hot weather: colic agg. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s171}}Chilliness, alternating with heat; internal, with external heat.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Heat all over, mostly on hands and feet, with cold face; no thirst.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Perspiration from slight exertions.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Sweats easily without fever.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Perspiration on forehead and scalp after slight exertion.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Cold perspiration on face, especially about mouth and nose.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Sweat on scalp and forehead.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Cold sweat about nose and mouth.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Sweat stains yellow. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Alternate: chilliness and heat. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s183}}Symptoms mostly left-sided; going (in the sick) downward, or from right to left.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Left: cutting drawing in loin; drawing, burning in ovarian region; cutting drawing in lumbar region and in forepart of side of lower abdomen; pressing pain in hollow of knee. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s186}}As if brain moved; as of a lump around navel; as of a load on upper part of chest; cutting as if in lumbar vertebrae; heaviness, as if one were waking from a heavy sleep.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Pain: on top of head; in all joints.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Violent pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Cutting: in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Cutting drawing: in left loin; in left lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Darting pains: in arms.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Digging: in intestines.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Stitches: in nipples.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Constricting pains: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Drawing, aching, burning: in left ovarian region.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Tensive, pressing pain: in hollow of knee.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Beating: in head.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Throbbing: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Pulsation: in head; in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Twitching: eyelids, corners of mouth, lips and fingers; in arms and hands; of muscles of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Burning: in kidneys and bladder.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Bearing down: in uterine region.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Stupefying drawing: in root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Dull, stupefying headache.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Dull, light, dizzy sort of headache.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Bubbling sensation: in elbow joints; from bend of knee to heel.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Fullness: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Heaviness: in head.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Numbness: of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Painful coldness: in teeth. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s212}}Diarrhea during dentition.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Acute rheumatism, going from joint to joint, right shoulder to hip, left hip to right.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Lameness of wrists and knees after sprains and dislocations.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Anasarca. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s217}}Sour smell of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Child smells sourish, even if washed or bathed. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s220}}Often suitable for children, sucklings, or during dentition.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Sour-smelling children who cry a great deal Child, aet. 5 months, suffering four days; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Boy, aet. 6 months, after diphtheria; acute nephritis.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Boy, aet. 9 months, ill three days; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Girl, aet. 2; frothy diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Woman, aet. 35, blonde, lively disposition, delivered several days ago, suffering three days; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Mrs. W., aet. 47, eight months pregnant; renal disorder.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Mrs. A., aet. 60; renal affection. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s229}}Antidoted by: Camphor., Chamom., Coloc., Mercur., Nux vom., Pulsat.\\ {{anchor:s230}}It antidotes: Canthar. and Magn. carb.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Compatible: Ipecac.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Complementary: after Magn. carb.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Compare: Arsen., Bellad., Chamom., Coloc., Dulcam., Nux vom., Podoph., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sulphur. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 09, 1890 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r191|Rheum palmatum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r191|Rheum palmatum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1890 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}