====== SULPHURICUM ACIDUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Sulphuricum Acidum. ====== Sulphuric Acid. SO3. ====== {{anchor:s4}}Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, F. Hahnemann, Franz, Gross, Langhammer, and Ng., Chronische Krankheiten, vol. 5, p. 405. {{anchor:s5}}Toxicological reports are numerous; see Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 9, p. 417. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Mental dejection, Russell, B. J. H., vol. 14, p. 550; Sensation of lump in canthus, Berridge, Hahn. Mo., vol. 10, p. 111; Facial neuralgia, Theobald, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 111; Epistaxis, Stens, A. H. Z., vol. 91, p. 196; Toothache, Bruckner, N. A. J. H., vol. 19, p. 417; Aphthae, Ehrhardt, Gross, Hrg., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 513; Hirsch, Schmidt, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 225; Diphtheria, Kafka, A. H. Z., vol. 90, p. 181; Williams, Ill. Trans., p. 143; Dipsomania, Hrg., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 555; Hiccough, Schneider, B. J. H., vol. 8, p. 458; Gastralgia, Cooper, B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 704; Indigestion, Mitchael, M. I., vol. 4, p. 439; Dyspepsia, Kurtz, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 66; Williamson, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 46; Pain in groin, Berridge, N. Y. J. H., vol. 2, p. 312; Hernia, Traub, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 793; Diarrhea, Farrington, M. I., vol. 4, p. 132; Buck, Hom. Rev., vol. 20, p. 620; Dysentery, Murray, M. I., 1876; Vomiting of pregnancy, Morrow, Med. Adv., vol. 20, p. 356; Cough, Berridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 211; Haemoptysis, Rückert, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 225; Pleuritic exudation; Palpitation of heart, Sybel, A. H. Z., vol. 92, pp. 5, 20; Phthisis, Stens, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 445; Excoriation of thighs, Crushes, Seidel, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 1030; Ague, Cooper, H. M., vol. 13, p. 59; Yellow fever, Wade, Med. Inv., vol. 7, p. 72; Purpura haemorrhagica, Stens, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 451; Purpura, Schnappauf, Battmann, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 207; Ecchymoses, Guernsey, M. I., vol. 3, p. 280; Pruritus, Buck, Hom. Rev., vol. 20, p. 620; Scrofulous eruptions, Johannsen, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 415. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Mental excitability.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Must do everything in a great hurry; nothing can be finished quickly enough.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Unwilling to answer; says yes or no with difficulty; pulse small and frequent.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Disheartened; inclined to weep.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Irritable, restless; fretful and peevish if his work is not done to suit.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Extreme mental dejection; unfit for work, would sit and weep whole day long; constant pain at vertex; after a fall upon head. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Vertigo, in room, going off in open air; must lie down, as soon as he raises himself dizziness returns. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Sensation in forehead as if brain were loose and falling from side to side; agg. walking in open air; amel. sitting quiet in room.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Rush of blood to head, headache.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Painful shocks in forehead and temples, agg. in forenoon and evening.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Headache as if a plug were thrust quickly, by increasingly severe blows, into head.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing headache.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Chronic headache in leuco-phlegmatic people, with relaxed muscles and general debility. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s25}}Hair turns grey, falls out; eruption on scalp very sore; agg. in open air.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Cold sweat on forehead when eating, even warm food.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Pain of outer parts of head, as from subcutaneous ulceration, parts painful to touch. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s29}}Eyes fill with tears when reading.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Tension in lids in morning; difficult to open.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Sensation of a foreign body in right outer canthus, in morning, when walking.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Feeling as of a lump in right outer canthus; on closing eye seems to move to inner canthus, and to return on opening it.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Deep blue circle under right eye.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Chronic inflammation of eyes; frequently useful in beginning (later Sulph.). ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s36}}Hardness of hearing; feeling as of a leaf lying before ear.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Buzzing in right ear; neuralgia. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s39}}Nosebleed; oozing of dark, thin blood; evenings; agg. from smelling coffee; of old people; in cachectic persons.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Coryza: alternately dry and fluent; with loss of smell and taste, hunger, sore eyes and tension in forehead. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s42}}Face: deadly pale; feels swollen and as if white of egg had dried on it.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Dry, shrivelled spots in face. {{anchor:s44}}~ Hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Crusta lactea, with stringy, yellow stools.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Gnawing pain commences at 9 P. M.; affects ramus of lower jaw, and temple of right side, amel. by warmth and lying on affected side; comes on gradually and leaves suddenly.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Right-sided neuralgia, affecting face from temple to lower canine teeth, aching and jerking pain, with twitches and contortion of face, and deep blue circle under right eye; chattering of teeth; dimness of sight; black appearance of objects; wavering of objects.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Buzzing in right ear; frequent sensation as if skin of cheek and chin were pinched; pain came gradually and left suddenly; agg. in bed, and from excess of heat or cold. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Shooting, stinging pain in a red scar on lower jaw.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Lips peel off.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Swelling and inflammation of submaxillary glands.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Pain in submaxillary gland, extends to tongue; tongue feels burnt. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Toothache: agg. in evening in bed, and from cold; amel. from heat; dull, concentrating in right eyetooth, hurts when eating and on pressure; pain increases slowly, ceases suddenly when reaching highest point.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Dullness of teeth; teeth on edge.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Destruction of teeth. {{anchor:s58}}~ Diabetes mellitus. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Loss of taste.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Talking difficult, as from want of elasticity of parts.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Tongue dry.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Ulcers on inflamed tongue. {{anchor:s64}}~ Glossitis. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s66}}Sensation of dryness in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Profuse flow of tasteless or sweetish saliva.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Breath very offensive.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Vesicles on inside of cheek.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Aphthous mouth and gums; painful yellowish or whitish ulcers. {{anchor:s71}}~ Stomatitis ulcerosa. {{anchor:s72}}~ Thrush.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Swollen, ulcerated and readily bleeding gums.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Aphthous ulceration of entire inner mouth surface; sour eructations and heartburn; longing for acids, especially fresh tart fruits; pallor of skin; trembling and weakness all over; sense of general soreness; capricious temper; restless or irritable.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Hemorrhage from mucous membrane of mouth and from gums on slightest motion of tongue, also when speaking, drinking, or blowing nose; purpura spots over body.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Cancrum oris, not so much sloughing, but rapid extension of ulceration; parts seem to be eaten away; ulcers irregular in shape, edges sharp cut and flat; much bleeding but not violent or long-continued. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s78}}Throat sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Roughness and rawness in throat.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Lancinating pain in throat.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Stinging in chest and throat at same time.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Constricted feeling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Great difficulty in swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Throat swollen as if there were a lump in it.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Uvula and root of palate edematous.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Mucous membrane of palate and pharynx swollen and injected; several ulcerations.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Thick yellow membrane on fauces, tonsils, teeth and lips, sticks like glue; impeded deglutition; voice thick; parotids swollen, hard; sopor; stench from mouth. {{anchor:s88}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Diphtheria; ulceration of throat, with large exudations, thick, greyish or yellowish, sticky and tenacious; tonsils bright red; liquids run out of nose; speech and respiration difficult on account of accumulation of exudation in fauces; excessive salivation; fetor oris; pulse frequent, small, weak; apathy, somnolency; excessive paleness and weakness.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Swelling of mucous membrane of palate and pharynx, with white spots which cannot be removed; difficult swallowing; over entire cavity of mouth a thick, white coating; large, painful swelling of left parotid; excessive paleness; weakness, languor; severe sopor.\\ {{anchor:s91}}On bright-red swollen tonsils a white coating, which changed after a few days to a thick greyish or yellowishwhite substance, also on hard palate and inside of cheeks; when pressing tongue down a quantity of exudate was squeezed out of fauces; it feels like paste, and is so tenacious that it can scarcely be crushed between fingers; very difficult swallowing, all liquids run out of nose; no appetite; apathy, somnolency; child whines when being lifted; pulse frequent, small; excessive fetor oris. {{anchor:s92}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s93}}On fourth day teeth, lips and inside of cheeks covered with a thick, yellow, membranous substance, which can be removed only with greatest difficulty, and is very sticky; tonsils cannot be seen; speech thick, indistinct; swallowing almost impossible; frequent loose cough; both parotids swollen and very hard; great apathy; sopor; very fetid breath; pulse frequent and weak; breathing difficult on account of accumulation of exudate. {{anchor:s94}}~ Diphtheria. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Desire: for fresh fruit; for brandy.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Loss of appetite and great debility.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Chronic alcoholism; vomiting in morning; acidity of stomach; burning in esophagus and stomach; sour, acrid or foul eructations. {{anchor:s100}}[Obs. Successfully used in subduing craving for liquor by taking for two or four weeks, three times daily, from ten to fifteen drops of a mixture of one part of sulphuric acid with three parts of alcohol.]\\ {{anchor:s101}}Aversion to smell of coffee. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s103}}Water chills stomach if not mixed with alcoholic liquor.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Ailments from drinking brandy (symptoms are palliated by drinking wine).\\ {{anchor:s105}}After eating, pain in stomach and rising of food by mouthful.\\ {{anchor:s106}}After warm food: sweat. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s108}}Hiccough: violent; obstinate; causing great suffering and exhaustion.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Belching after cough: sour.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Chronic heartburn; acidity of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Nausea with chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Vomiting: of drunkards; of cachectic persons; sour, first water, then food.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Rising of mucus so sour that it sets teeth on edge. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s115}}Coldness of stomach, with relaxed feeling; loss of appetite and great debility.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Cold water chills stomach and is rejected unless mixed with alcoholic liquor.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Acidity of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Gastralgia; pains contractive and violent or of a dull, heavy, aching character, with pyrosis and much flatulence.\\ {{anchor:s119}}For two years pains in pit of stomach, first with sickness and severe gastralgia; for months unable to walk about house from excessive weakness and painfullness of limbs and cramp; pains across stomach terrific, causing him to writhe in agony; too powerless to get in and out of bed without help; one attack confined him to house seven weeks, and from this he has never fully recovered; pain at lower part of chest, commences at left and extends around hypochondria to right side; comes on every now and then during day so that he can do only very light work, but is agg. at night; pain agg. about an hour before going to bed, wakens him before midnight, beginning about 11 and lasting till about 1 or 2 A. M.; commences very suddenly and with intense severity, and declines gradually; urine thick and high-colored, with red sediment; constipation; teeth loose and decayed, ascribes this to effects of strong medicines he has taken. {{anchor:s120}}~ Gastralgia, probably due to metallic poisoning.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Indigestion in a child from too frequent and too rapid feeding; stool of chopped-up yellow and green matter, held together by long strings of yellowish matter; irritable, feverish and exceedingly prostrated.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Dyspepsia; vomiting in morning; constant acidity of stomach; empty, sour, acrid, offensive belching; sour vomiting, particularly after eating.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Dyspepsia, with great debility, constriction of throat, raising of mucus so sour that it sets teeth on edge.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Increased secretion of gastric mucus, which rises into mouth and sets teeth on edge. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s126}}Spleen enlarged: hard and painful; hurts when coughing; after intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Stitches in liver and spleen. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Weak feeling in abdomen, as if menses would come on.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Labor-like pains in abdomen extending to hips and back.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Lead colic (antidote).\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pain like an instrument going through right groin into abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Colic, with sensation as if a hernia would protrude.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Inguinal hernia.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Incarcerated hernia in old people, constriction coming on in a very gradual manner; pinching constricted feeling in hernia; sensation of fullness in abdomen; periodical nausea and constipation; hernia not very sensitive; incarcerated part not very hard or tense, but has a doughy feel; incarceration may last for days without symptoms growing severe; gradual accumulation of flatus, pinching in abdomen, periodical transient tearing pains, constant nausea, belching of sweet, salty or bitter fluid, finally vomiting; hernia on left side; melancholic-phlegmatic temperament. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s137}}Stools: yellowish-white; diarrheic, with passage of much flatus; saffron-yellow; bright yellow, mucous, looking stringy or chopped (cholera infantum); of hard, small, black lumps, mixed with blood, with violent pinching in anus; green, watery; black, undigested; watery and offensive, smelling like rotten eggs; soft, followed by a feeling of emptiness in abdomen; soft, pasty, with pressing in anus.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Aggravation: in children during dentition; after eating; after oysters.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Before stool: pressing in anus.\\ {{anchor:s140}}During stool: burning in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s141}}After stool: empty, weary, exhausted feeling in abdomen; pressing in anus.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Diarrhea with great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over body.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Diarrhea of yellow, stringy mucus. {{anchor:s144}}~ Crusta lactea.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Summer diarrhea from eating bad or unripe fruit; commencing with nausea, sweat, violent colic, pinching and burning in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Chronic diarrhea: bowels moved frequently; during intervals free from pain in abdomen, nausea, etc.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Violent pricking in anus, she has to rise up on account of pain.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Varices feel damp and are painful to touch; itch violently; pain at stool, as if rectum were torn to pieces; stool like sheep's dung; piles in hard drinkers. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s150}}Diabetes; lassitude; debility; despondency, dullness of mind and of sight, itching over whole body; flatulency; stitches in hepatic region; skin completely inactive, cold and dry; large quantities of sugar in urine; typhoid condition.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Diminished secretion of brown urine becoming turbid, like loam water, on standing.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Sediment like blood and a cuticle on urine.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Pain in bladder if call to urinate is postponed. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Orchitis, right side. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s157}}Menses too early and too profuse, preceded by distressing nightmare.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Oozing of dark, thin blood.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Prolapsus of vagina; parts look greenish and smell badly.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Leucorrhea: acrid or burning; milky or transparent; of bloody mucus, with sensation as if menses would appear.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Climacteric age, with constant hot flushes, and a feeling of tremor all over body, with great debility, and as if everything must be done in a hurry; spitting of blood; constipation; symptoms are agg. by smelling (not drinking) coffee. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s165}}Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Sterility; menses too early and too profuse.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Never vomited food, but could not eat because it increased distress in stomach and vomiting of mucus. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s170}}Hoarseness with dryness and roughness in throat and larynx.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Larynx painful; feels inelastic, causing difficulty in swallowing. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s173}}Shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Respiration: rapid with shooting in cervical muscles, and movement of wings of nose; very difficult, larynx moved up and down violently. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Cough: dry, two short hacks, soreness between scapulae, tiredness; from irritation in chest, with expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of a thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus tasting sour; followed by belching (phthisis); in open air, agg. from walking, riding, cold water and odor of coffee; and haemoptysis after typhus. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Stitches: in chest; about heart; through upper part of left chest to shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Sensation of great weakness in chest.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Burning in left side of chest to throat.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Shooting stinging, now in scapula, again in armpit, or in chest.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Pressure on left side of chest and in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Irritation in chest with cough and expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus, generally of a sourish taste.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Profuse hemorrhage from lungs. {{anchor:s185}}~ Tuberculosis.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Haemoptysis; after pneumonia; in climacteric period.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Ulceration in different parts of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Abundant pleuritic exudation, patient could not sit up, heart displaced; legs had to hang, otherwise oppression of chest.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Phthisis; severe hemorrhages; ulcers in lungs broke and expectoration was exceedingly foul, exhausting sweats, great prostration. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s191}}Palpitation, without fear or anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Shooting through heart.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Pulse: small, feeble, accelerated; affected by alcoholic drinks. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s195}}Sternum sore, as if beaten. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s197}}Pain in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Weakness in back, can scarcely stand alone.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Stiffness in back on rising in morning.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Blood-boils on back.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Large suppurating swelling on right side of neck. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s203}}Stitches: in shoulder joints on lifting arms; in finger joints.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Tension in elbow joint.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Blue spots on arms; purpura.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Chilblains on hands.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Red swelling on back of hands, not painful.\\ {{anchor:s208}}After erysipelas, inflamed swelling of little finger. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Inner surface of thighs red, sore, excoriated after riding.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Knees painfully weak.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Red itching spots on tibia.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Blood-red very painful scar on tibia.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Ankles weak, cannot walk.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Feet cold, swollen.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Distension of veins of feet.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Stitches in corns. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s221}}Lying down: dizziness amel.; on affected side, gnawing in face amel.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Sitting: could not, pleuritic exudation.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Legs have to hang: otherwise oppression of chest; pleuritic exudation.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Motion: of tongue causes bleeding of gums; coughing hurts spleen.\\ {{anchor:s225}}On rising: vertigo returns; stiffness in back.\\ {{anchor:s226}}On lifting arms: stitches in shoulder joints.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Walking: in open air, brain as if loose; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Riding: cough agg.; soreness of thighs. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s230}}Great debility; sensation of tremor all over body, without trembling.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Great exhaustion and nervous prostration.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Restlessness; does everything hurriedly. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s234}}Falls asleep late and wakens too early.\\ {{anchor:s235}}During sleep twitches, especially of fingers. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s237}}Morning: tension in lids, difficult to open; as of a lump or foreign body in right outer canthus; vomiting, in alcoholism, and dyspepsia; expectoration of dark blood; stiffness in back; sweat.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Forenoon: painful shocks in head agg.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Evening: painful shocks in head; nosebleed; toothache agg.; heat agg.\\ {{anchor:s240}}At 9 P. M.: facial neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Night: gastralgic pain agg., wakes him before midnight, lasts until 2 A. M.; sweat. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s243}}Open air: soreness in scalp agg.; cough.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Indoors: chilliness agg.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Warmth: gnawing pain in face amel.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Heat: toothache amel.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Cold: toothache agg.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Cold water: chills stomach; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Excess of heat or cold: agg. faceache. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s251}}Frequently chilly during day; agg. indoors, amel. outdoors when exercising.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Frequent chills running down body.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Heat in evening and in bed.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Flushes of heat, with sweat. {{anchor:s255}}~ Climaxis.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Sweat: excessive, mostly on upper body; from motion, continued after sitting down; sour; cold, immediately after eating warm food; mornings; at night, profuse, amel. by drinking wine; with great debility.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Pains across loins, much shaking of whole body, with shivering as from cold, coming in paroxysms; attacks begin with coldness and trembling, then comes general tremor; keeps about for two or three days, attacks come irregularly, sometimes in evening, sometimes in morning; tongue parched, appetite failing, urination painful, much ardor urinae and tenesmus; after cold shivers cease gets warm and perspires; thirst throughout. {{anchor:s258}}~ Ague.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Typhus putridus, with great disposition to hemorrhage from capillaries and rapid sinking of vital forces; oozing of dark, thin blood; face deadly pale; tendency to gangrene.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Black vomit. {{anchor:s261}}~ Yellow fever. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s263}}Attacks come on regularly: ague.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Commences suddenly, declines gradually: gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing: headache; gnawing pain in face; toothache.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Climacteric period: hot flushes; haemoptysis.\\ {{anchor:s267}}For two years: gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s268}}For seven weeks: attack of gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Every Spring: pustular eruption after itch. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s271}}Left: swelling of parotis; hernia; stitches from chest to shoulder blade; burning in chest; pressure on chest.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Right: outer canthus as of a lump or foreign body; blue circle under eye; buzzing in ear; neuralgia in ear; gnawing pain in temple and jaw; pain in eyetooth; pain in groin; suppurating swelling in neck.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Left to right: pain around hypochondria. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s275}}As if brain were loose and falling from side to side; as if a plug were thrust quickly into head; as from subcutaneous ulceration in scalp; as of a foreign body in right outer canthus; as of a lump in right outer canthus; as of a leaf lying before ear; as if white of egg had dried on face; as if skin of cheek and chin were pinched; as of want of elasticity of vocal organs; as if there were a lump in throat; as if menses would come on; as of an instrument going through right groin into abdomen; as if a hernia would protrude; as if rectum were torn to pieces during stool.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Pain: in submaxillary glands; in stomach after eating; in pit of stomach; in spleen; in small of back; in scar on tibia; across loins.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Terrific pain: across stomach.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Painful shocks: in forehead and temples.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Lancinating: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Jerking pain: from temple to lower teeth.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Tearing pain: in abdomen; in knees, joints of feet, arms, etc.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Labor-like pains: in abdomen, hips and back.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Stitches: in liver; in spleen; in chest; about heart; through upper left chest to shoulder blade; in shoulder joints; in finger joints; in corns.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Shooting stinging: in scar on lower jaws; in scapula; armpit and chest.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Shooting: in cervical muscles; through heart.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Stinging: in chest and throat.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Pricking: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Gnawing pain: in ramus of lower jaw and temple; in ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Burning: in esophagus and stomach; in rectum; in abdomen; in left chest to throat.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Burnt feeling: on tongue.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Pinching: in abdomen; in anus.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Contractive pain: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Constriction: in throat; in hernia.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Dull, heavy pain: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Aching pain: from temple to lower teeth; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Soreness: general; between scapulae; of sternum, as if beaten; of skin.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Rawness: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Pressure: on left chest; in pit of stomach; painful, in different parts, increases slowly, suddenly disappears.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Stiffness: in back.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Tension: in lids; in forehead; in elbow joints.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Roughness: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Tingling: of skin.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Weakness: in abdomen; in chest; in back; of knees; of ankles.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Trembling sensation: all over body.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Emptiness: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Fullness: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Dullness: of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Coldness: and relaxed feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Itching: in varices; over whole body; spots on tibia; of eruptions.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Dryness: in mouth. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s312}}Purpura haemorrhagica.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Scars become blood-red or blue, and painful.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Painful sensitiveness of glands.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Veins (of feet) distended; venous plethora.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Weak and exhausted from deep-seated dyscrasia.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Hemorrhages of black blood from all outlets of body.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Marasmus in nervous, restless, weakly children; they do everything hurriedly but without vim; child smells sour despite most careful washing.\\ {{anchor:s319}}In injuries from being bruised or cut, especially when ecchymosed.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Pressing pains in different parts, increasing slowly and suddenly disappearing. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s324}}Bad effects from mechanical injuries, when there are bruises, chafing, lividity of skin.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Scratching seldom relieves itching, but changes its locality.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Touch: scalp painful.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Pressure: pain in eyetooth agg. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s329}}Distressing itching and tingling of skin with eruptions; urticaria; pemphigus; pruritus vulvae.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Scars turn blood-red and hurt.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Blue spots like ecchymosis, or as from suggillation; purpura haemorrhagica.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Red itching blotches on skin.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Yellow skin, livid spots.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Gangrenous tendency after bruises; particularly in old people.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Soreness of skin; chafed when walking or riding; gangrenous ulceration.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Painful sensitiveness of glands.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Gnawing pain in ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Itchiness of skin; single pustules appear every Spring, after imperfectly cured itch.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Secondary syphilis, aphthae, maculae, etc.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Hemorrhages from all outlets of body. {{anchor:s341}}~ Purpura.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Boils, bruises, bedsores, contusions, injuries by falling, knocking, etc., chilblains.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Erythema nodosum.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Appearance of small, red spots about ankles, thence spreading rapidly over whole body, becoming grouped, coalescing, forming suggillations as large as palm of hand, at first bright-red, then bluish, violet-colored, finally greenish-yellow; mucous membrane of nose and mouth affected; hemorrhages from these parts.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Man syphilitic, taken large quantities of Mercury, and had been salivated; during war ball entered right eye, destroying it, and remained embedded in brain; tearing pains in knees, joints of feet, arms and nearly all joints; purpura haemorrhagica; gums bleed and fall off in pieces; at inside of cheeks cancrum oris, with disgustingly foul odor; whole face swelled and general anasarca; urine showed seven-eighths albumen. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s347}}Frequently indicated for old people, particularly women.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Child sour despite careful washing.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Light-haired people.\\ {{anchor:s350}}In climacteric years, flushes of heat.\\ {{anchor:s351}}When some deep-seated dyscrasia prevails, the child weak and exhausted, with no other symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Child, aet. 2; diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Child, aet. 3; diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Girl, aet. 9, delicate, slender, anemic; purpura.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Girl, aet. 9; morbus maculosis.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Young man, aet. 17; pleuritic exudation and palpitation of heart.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Lady, aet. 25; facial neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Woman, aet. 30; pleuritic exudation.\\ {{anchor:s359}}French woman, aet. 35; toothache.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Man, aet. 36, during rheumatic attack; purpura.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Woman, aet. 36, always had a very irritable stomach; during fourth pregnancy, vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Man, aet. 46, apparently strong and healthy, suffering two years; gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Man, aet. 49, gardener, fine hearty looking, three years ago fell thirty feet and struck top of head, after which he was unconscious five weeks, since then suffering; mental dejection. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s365}}Antidoted by: Pulsat.\\ {{anchor:s366}}It antidotes: lead poisoning.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Compatible: after Arnic.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Complementary: Pulsat. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 10, 1891 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r71|Sulphuricum acidum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r71|Sulphuricum acidum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ year: | 1891 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}