====== VIOLA ODORATA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Viola Odorata. {{anchor:s2}}Sweet-scented Violet. {{anchor:s3}}Violaceae. {{anchor:s4}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant in flower. {{anchor:s5}}Introduced by Wm. Gross. {{anchor:s6}}Provings by Gross, Hahnemann and Stapf, Archiv fr Hom., vol. 8, p. 182. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s8}}- Rheumatism, Kitchen, Phila. {{anchor:s9}}Jour. Hom., vol. 1, p. 49; B. J. H., vol. 24, p. 314; Hysteria, P. Pop. Hom. Zeitschr., vol. 13. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Very great intellectual and emotional activity, with constant weak memory, followed by headache.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Weakness of memory; or increased mental activity, easy comprehension; intellect predominates over emotions.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Momentary vanishing of thought.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Weakness of memory; when he reaches a period in reading, he has already forgotten beginning of sentence.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Confusion of thought; when he attempted to express his thoughts in words, they immediately disappeared, and strange thoughts took their place; he could not recall former.\\ {{anchor:s16}}He seems able to recognize but half an idea; he puts it in proper place but cannot hold it; he makes great effort to grasp the other half, but at same moment half of another incomplete idea presses upon him, and so on; thoughts chase one another, but he always has but half a thought which he cannot hold to and cannot think out; judgment remains, he recognizes morbid fancies, but cannot prevent them; he looks like one meditating and despondent.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Disconnected thoughts thronged one upon the other, he was able to grasp none of them; his judgment remained good because he knew how little he would be under-stood if he expressed his thoughts; on this account he kept quiet, yet for most part was unable to express his phantasies even by a word.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Hysterical; inclined to weep without knowing why.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Sadness turning to gloomy despondency; hypochondriacal mood.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Aversion to all music, especially violin.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Aversion to talking.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Very restless, talking much. {{anchor:s23}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Insane confusion, childish behavior, disobedience, refusing nourishment, talks in a low, soft voice. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s26}}Vertigo: while sitting; everything in head seems to whirl around. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Dull, confused headache.\\ {{anchor:s29}}A pricking in forehead from rush of blood.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Heaviness of whole head, it sinks forward, cervical muscles seem very weak.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Headache, with cramp in one eye, with vision of a fiery tremulous half-circle. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Drawing in left frontal eminence.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Head feels heavy and sinks forward.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Tension in scalp extending to upper part of face.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Tension of scalp of occiput even when not moving, though agg. on bending head forward and backward; a painful sensation which compels him to wrinkle frontal muscles. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Toward evening a feeling of dryness and burning in lids; sensitiveness to light; painful forcible drawing together of lids as from irresistible sleep.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Sharp vision, ease in looking.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Contours of letters are not sharply defined while reading, they seem to run together.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Is obliged to hold objects somewhat nearer than usual in order to see distinctly.\\ {{anchor:s42}}It seems thick before eyes and everything seems dim.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Illusion of vision; at point to which he looks he seems to see a half point which then becomes a tremulous light, constantly more fiery, at last looks like a half circle, and a zigzag fiery appearance following a serpentine course which at last becomes weaker and gradually disappears; white of eye looks red.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Pupils contracted.\\ {{anchor:s45}}It seems to him as if each eyeball were compressed from both sides.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Heat and burning in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Burning pain in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Cramplike spasms in eyelids, extending to malar region, especially of left side.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Heaviness of lids, as from sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Tendency of lids to close without physical sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Tension beneath eyes. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s53}}Rushing and ringing in ears.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Aversion to music, especially to violin; agg. from music.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Stitches in and around ears.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Drawing and tension in left ear, rather externally.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Sticking from within outward in left ear.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Deep, transient stitches alternately beneath one or other ear, especially left.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Pressing pain behind left ear, externally. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Numbness of tip of nose, as if it had been beaten and blood were pressing out. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Hot forehead.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Tension below eyes and above nose to temples.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Tension in scalp, which at times extends to upper half of face, especially of nose, then to forehead and temples, as far as ears, alternating with a similar sensation in occiput and cervical muscles.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Pressure on malar bone.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Violent drawing pressure from malar bone to temple. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Tearing pain in left lower jaw extending to ear. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s71}}Tearing in teeth of right lower jaw. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s73}}A sensation in hard palate as if it were completely dried up.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Aphthae of infants. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s76}}Distension of abdomen. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s78}}Helminthiasis.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Itching of anus, every afternoon. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s82}}Extremely unusual nocturnal emission, which does him no good, followed by headache. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s86}}During pregnancy, dyspnea. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s89}}Hoarseness, followed by coryza. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Short breath.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Difficulty of breathing, with painful exhalation, anxiety and palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Dyspnea, with occasional cough; agg. in daytime than at night. {{anchor:s94}}~ Pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Shortness of breathing and violent dyspnea, as if a stone were lying on chest.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Soft, noiseless breathing, respiration is scarcely noticed. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s98}}By day chiefly, in long-lasting spells, dry, short, violent, with much dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Whooping cough in nervous, thin little girls.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Sputum profuse, clear, ropy, jellylike. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s102}}Oppression of chest as from a weight, awakening her at night. {{anchor:s103}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Frightful oppression of chest and dyspnea, with pain in chest as from a stone lying upon it. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s106}}Jerking drawing in cervical muscles near nape of neck, extending downward, in evening, while lying on opposite side. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s108}}Slight trembling of arms; dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Rheumatic affections of upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Aching in wrists, particularly right.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Drawing in elbow joint and in dorsum of hand.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Rheumatism of deltoid muscle for nearly two weeks; wrist and hand of same side also affected.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Drawing pain in right elbow.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Pressing pain in right wrist.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Drawing pain in back of left metacarpus, extending toward wrist.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Cramplike pain in first joint of left index finger, even during rest.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Sticking in tip of middle finger.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Man, aet. 31, rheumatism of joints of right hand; robust, slightly lymphatic, not scrofulous; swelling of right wrist, also hand and fingers of same side, with intense heat in these parts; acute pains; motions impossible, hand being half flexed on forearm; slight pains and swelling in left wrist; sleeplessness; temperature of skin greatly elevated with some acceleration of pulse; sounds of heart normal.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Rheumatism affecting right carpal and metacarpal joints. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s121}}Edematous swelling of lower limbs, with stitching pains. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Rheumatism of right side; upper and lower extremities; lancinating pains in joints of fingers of right hand: right wrist joint painful, swollen, stiff and cannot be moved without great pain; right shoulder slightly painful, but no swelling; right foot and ankle joints painful, swollen, least motion painful, almost impossible; right knee joint swollen and painful; wandering pains, occasionally in right side of head; no fever; heart normal; slightly emaciated; motion of right side almost impossible.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Bruised pain in all bones in morning, in bed, after waking, disappears after rising. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Lies on back during sleep, left hand above head, knees bent.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Bending head forward and backward: tension in scalp agg. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s132}}Trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Relaxation of all muscles.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Great nervous debility.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Hypochondriasis.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Hysteria; much weeping without knowing why; difficulty of breathing; anxiety and palpitation. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s138}}Yawning: and stretching without sleepiness; every morning so that eyes fill with water.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Sleepiness in eyes and lids, they will close.\\ {{anchor:s140}}He lies on back at night during sleep with left hand above head contrary to habit, and with knees bent and lying far to side. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s142}}Morning: bruised pain in bones on awaking; yawning.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Daytime: dyspnea and cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Toward evening: dryness and burning in lids.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Evening: pain in cervical muscles. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s147}}After staying in a cold room during Fall season: hoarseness. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s149}}Forehead hot.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Chilly disposition.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Febrile shivering.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Night sweats. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s154}}Every afternoon: itching of anus. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s156}}Left: drawing in frontal eminence; burning in eye; cramp in eyelids to malar region; drawing and tension in ear; sticking from within outward in ear; pressing pain behind ear; tearing in lower jaw to ear; drawing pain in back of hand toward wrist; cramplike pain in index finger.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Right: tearing in teeth of lower jaw; drawing in elbow; pressing pain in wrist; rheumatism of wrist; rheumatism agg. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s159}}As if everything in head whirled around; as if eyeballs were compressed; as if nose had been beaten and blood were pressing out; as if hard palate were dried up; as if a stone were lying on chest; burning like a small transient flame in spots here and there.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Lancinating: in joints of fingers of right hand.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Stitches: in and about ears; in swelling of lower lids.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Sticking: from within outward in left ear; in tip of middle finger.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Prickling: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Jerking: in cervical muscles.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Tearing: in left lower jaw to ear; in teeth of right lower jaw.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Aching: in wrists.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Pressure: behind left ear; in malar bone; in right wrist.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Burning: in lids; in eyes; transient, in various places.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Drawing: in left frontal eminence; in left ear; from malar bone to temple; in cervical muscles; in elbow joint and dorsum of hand; in right elbow; on back of left metacarpus toward wrist.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Bruised pain: in bones.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Cramp: in eye, with headache; in eyelids; in first joint of left index finger.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Tension: in scalp; beneath eyes; in left ear.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Heaviness: in head; of lids.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Numbness: of tip of nose.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Heat: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Itching: of anus.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Dryness: in lids. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s179}}Dry, warm skin, want of sweat; only palms moist; measles running an irregular course.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Transient burning here and there on body; seems concentrated in a small spot, like a small transient flame, while sitting during day, as well as while lying at night. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s182}}Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Tall, thin, nervous girls; mild, impressive, of fair complexion; tuberculous.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Boy, aet. 19; rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Woman, aet. 29, robust; rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Man, aet. 31, robust, slightly lymphatic; rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Man, aet. 61; rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Mrs. ---, aet. 70; rheumatism. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s190}}Compatible: Corall. in whooping cough; Cina in helminthiasis. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 10, 1891 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r375|Viola odorata]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r375|Viola odorata]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ year: | 1891 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}