====== XANTHOXYLUM FRAXINEUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Xanthoxylum. {{anchor:s2}}(Xanthoxylum Fraxineum.) {{anchor:s3}}Prickly Ash. Rutaceae. {{anchor:s4}}A shrub from five to ten feet in height, growing in woods and moist, shady places throughout the Northern, Middle and Western States. {{anchor:s5}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh bark. {{anchor:s6}}Proved by Cullis, Pub. Mass. Hom. Soc., vol. 2, p. 1861-6, p. 267. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s8}}- Dysmenorrhea, Burck, Org., vol. 1, p. 484; Woodvine, N. E. M. G., vol. 8, p. 22; Frantz, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 382; Amenorrhea, N. N., Anal. {{anchor:s9}}Therap., vol. 1, p. 129; Williams, U. S. M. & S. J., Oct., 1871; Davis, M. I., vol. 11, p. 584; Incipient phthisis, Conant, Org., vol. 1, p. 324; Cough, Davis, M. I., vol. 11, p. 584. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Nervous, frightened feeling.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Depression and weakness.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Indifference and malaise. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Pain over eyes, with throbbing above root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Head dull and aching.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Severe frontal headache with dizziness.\\ {{anchor:s19}}A dull headache, in a space not larger than half a dollar, over nose.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Diffused pain in upper part of forehead; agg. in right side; pain extends to base of brain, with soreness.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Throbbing headache over right eye, with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Darting pain in left temple, recurring again and again.\\ {{anchor:s23}}A tightening of scalp and heavy pain in temples; increase of head difficulties with a great heat and quiet flowing (menstrual), being two days in advance of proper time; some headache.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Pain in left side of head and left elbow.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Heavy feeling in top of head.\\ {{anchor:s26}}About upper part of cranium, an achy feeling accompanied by flashes of throblike pain, as if top of head were about to be taken off.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Pain in back of head, also a bewildered sensation.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Head feels full.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Pressure in head, with fullness of veins.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Tightness of head, with pain increasing over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Headache, with sleepy feeling in morning.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Shaking head produces a feeling of looseness or quivering of brain, followed by dizziness.\\ {{anchor:s33}}As if head were surrounded by a tight band. {{anchor:s34}}~ Dysmenorrhea. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s36}}Watering of eyes and nose.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Lachrymation, pain in lid of right eye.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Dull, heavy, grinding pain in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Ophthalmia. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Ringing in ears, more particularly in right Dull pain in right ear seeming to affect jaw socket; does not know whether his tooth or his ear aches.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Darting pain under and back of right ear. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s44}}Right nostril seems filled up; discharge of dry and bloody scales of mucus.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Dryness of both nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Discharge of mucus from nose, with congested feeling, as if it were about to bleed.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Fluent coryza. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s49}}Pain in right jaw-socket. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s51}}Dull pain in left side of lower jaw. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s53}}Ptyalism; tongue coated yellow. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Peppery taste in mouth, fauces and throat.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Burning and dry feeling in mouth and tongue. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Peppery sensation; soreness, with expectoration of tough mucus.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Feeling of a bunch in left side of throat when swallowing, shifting to right.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Pain and soreness in right side of throat.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Throbbing in throat, and sensation of swelling.\\ {{anchor:s62}}A feeling of enlargement of throat. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s65}}No appetite. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Anorexia, could eat but a few mouthfuls at breakfast, and could only drink half a cup of coffee, which was vomited soon afterward. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Empty eructations, with slight taste of ingesta.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Nausea, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Slight nausea, with sense of oppression at stomach; nausea increased, accompanied by frequent chills. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Feeling of fullness or pressure in epigastrium; fluttering. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Some pain in right side below ribs. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Colic pain in right iliac region.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Rumbling, with soreness on pressure.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Flatulence.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Soon after waking, at 7 A. M., severe griping abdominal pains, with thin, brown, diarrheic discharge, mixed with some mucus.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Griping pain, on waking, in morning, continued at intervals through day, with general feeling of indifference and malaise. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Constipation in morning.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Griping pains 7 A. M., with thin, brown stools, mixed with mucus.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Epidemic dysentery, characterized by spasmodic tenesmus, intestinal spasms, tympanitis, etc.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Inodorous discharges, with tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Cholera, in stage of collapse. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s89}}Urine at night and next morning, scanty and high-colored.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Profuse, light-colored urine: nervous women. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s92}}Ovarian pain: with scanty and retarded menses; extending down genito-crural nerves; and sacral pains during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Menses appeared one week before usual time; attended with a good deal of pain.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Dysmenorrhea: with agonizing pains, driving patient almost distracted; neuralgic pain runs along course of genito-crural nerve; in women of spare habit and of a delicate, nervous temperament; with headache, especially over left eye, commencing day before menses; fullness in head; eyes congested, with photophobia; face flushed and feverish; agonizing bearing down; abundant discharge; excruciating pain in loins and lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Menstrual flow: too early and profuse; pains down thighs; scanty and retarded.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Constant headache, agg. during menses, at which time she also suffered agonizing pains in pelvic region.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Severe headache, generally over left eye, commencing day before menses; sense of fullness in head, with feeling as if surrounded by a tight band; eyes congested, great photophobia; noises aggravate symptoms; face flushed and feverish; constant agonizing bearing-down in abdomen as if everything were being forced out; pain in back as if broken; pain starting at iliac crest and shooting down limbs to knees; screams out in agony; no relief in any position; discharge very scanty, thick, almost black, in strings and clots, intermitting every other day, and lasting two weeks; perfectly well between periods. {{anchor:s98}}~ Dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Amenorrhea for five months; face and legs edematous; very nervous, sensitive to least noise, hysterical mood; voice tremulous; fears she is going to die; general chlorotic appearance, constipation, scanty frequent and dark urine.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Amenorrhea for five months, with severe pains in right ovary; constant headache; bearing down and tension in hypogastric region.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Amenorrhea from getting feet wet; lasting six months; emaciation with cough; dirty-grey expectoration; pale face, night sweats.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Miss ---, aet. 19, four months ago took cold by getting her feet wet; no menses since; no appetite; the sight of food almost nauseates, smallest amount distresses; cannot sleep; bowels constipated, bloated; urine scant and high-colored; nervous; discouraged, don't care whether she lives or dies; limbs below knees bloated; shortness of breath; cheeks colorless. {{anchor:s103}}~ Amenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Great increase of leucorrhea during the time when menses should appear. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s108}}After-pains.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Profuse lochia. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Hoarseness, with husky feeling in throat; obliged to clear throat frequently.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Aphonia from cold or general debility. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s115}}Shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Constant desire to take a long breath. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s118}}Slight hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Dry cough night and day, from sheer exhaustion could scarcely turn herself in bed; face pale, bloated; dark rings about eyes; head full and heavy; lips colorless; tongue pale and flabby; shortness of breath; no appetite; bowels constipated; urine light-colored, alkaline, sp. gr. 1025; fluttering in stomach, pain in left side; limbs weak and bloated. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s121}}Tightening about chest, with inclination to gape.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Tightness of chest, difficulty to inflate chest.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Pain in left side, under fourth rib.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Sharp pains in right side, of a neuralgic character.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Oppression of chest, with a desire to take deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Sharp shooting pains in right side (like pleurisy pains), occasionally extending through to shoulder blade; continual desire to take a long breath.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Menses irregular and scanty; tight, dry cough, which hurts chest and shoulders; bowels almost constantly loose; profuse night sweats; is getting very much wasted and weakened; frequent violent headache, affecting whole head, and sometimes accompanied by vomiting; feet and ankles edematous; bubbly mucous rales, especially distinct in apex of left lung; whole appearance bloodless and miserable; family history of phthisis; thinks she is "going into a decline." ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Slight pain in left side and under left shoulder blade, also in left hip. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s131}}Pain in right shoulder and arm.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pain and pricking feeling in right arm, extending to third finger.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Pricking and throbbing sensation in left arm and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Severe pain in right arm, commencing just above bend of elbow.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Whole left arm and shoulder numb.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Pain in left elbow and left side of head.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Dull pain in left elbow, passing to palm of hand, then to shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Pain in both elbows.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Severe pain in wrist, extending to thumb.\\ {{anchor:s140}}A flash of pain in right thumb, extending to hand. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s142}}Severe neuralgic pains in course of genito-crural nerves. {{anchor:s143}}~ Dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Excessive weakness of lower limbs. {{anchor:s145}}~ Chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Pain in left leg, between hip and knee.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Weakness in lower limbs, with pain in knees; pain of extremities increased, accompanied by frequent chills.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Legs and feet feel tired.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Pain in left knee very severe; pain has lasted, without cessation, a little more than half an hour.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Dull pain in right knee.\\ {{anchor:s151}}A flash of pain in calf of right leg.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Pain in ankle.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Pain in left heel.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Pain in both feet, shooting up to knees. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s156}}Pain in limbs, neuralgic, shooting; numbness and weakness.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Dull pain in left knee; also in left elbow, extending to hand, then in left side and top of left foot. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s159}}Paralysis of single members.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Hemiplegia (after Nux vom. failed).\\ {{anchor:s161}}Pricking sensation, shocks as from electricity.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Numbness, agg. on left side. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s164}}Continued gaping; drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Slept hard and heavy; dreamed of flying about over tops of houses.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Awoke in morning, languid and depressed. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s168}}Morning: headache, with sleepy feeling; griping pain on waking; languid and depressed.\\ {{anchor:s169}}At 7 A. M.: griping pains in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Night and day: dry cough. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Getting feet wet: amenorrhea. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s174}}Sense of heat all over veins, with a desire to be bled; flash of heat from head to foot.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Frequent chills, with pains in extremities; nausea.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Typhoid fever, in stage of collapse. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Intermittent: darting in left temple.\\ {{anchor:s179}}At intervals: griping pain. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s181}}A feeling of numbness through whole of left side of body from head to foot, the division made perceptible in head, affecting half of nose; this feeling lasted two or three minutes.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Left: darting in temple; pain in head and elbow; pain in eye; pain in lower jaw; headache over eye; pain under fourth rib; pain under shoulder blade; pain in hip; pricking and throbbing in arm and fingers; arm and shoulder numb; pain in thigh; pain in knee; pain in heel; pain in top of foot; numbness agg.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Right: pain in forehead agg.; throbbing over eye; pain in eyelid; ringing in ear agg.; dull pain in ear and jaw-socket; darting under and back of ear; pain and soreness in throat; pain below ribs; neuralgic pain in side; pain in shoulder and arm; pricking in arm; flash of pain in thumb; pain in knee; pain in calf.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Left to right: feeling of a bunch in throat. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s186}}As if top of head would be taken off by flashes of throblike pain; as if bewildered, with pain in back of head; a feeling of looseness or quivering of brain; as of pepper in mouth and throat; as of a bunch in throat; as if throat were swollen and enlarged; as if head were surrounded by a tight band; as if legs and feet were tired; pricking as from electric shocks.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Pain: over eyes; in left side of head; in back of head; in lid of right eye; in right jaw-socket; in right side of throat; in right side below ribs; in left side under shoulder blade and in hip; in right shoulder and arm; in right arm to third finger; in left elbow; in elbows; in left leg between hip and knee; in knees; in ankle and left heel.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Agonizing pain: dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Excruciating pain: in loins and lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Severe pain: in right ovary; in right arm above bend of elbow; in wrist to thumb.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Dull, heavy, grinding pain: in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Shooting: like pleurisy; in right side; from feet to knees; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Pricking: in right arm to third finger; in left arm and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Darting: in left temple; under and back of right ear.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Neuralgic pain: along course of genito-crural nerve; in right side; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Colic pain: in right iliac region; after waking.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Throbbing: above root of nose; over right eye; in vertex; in throat.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Burning: in mouth and tongue.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Soreness: in right side of throat.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Dull pain: in right ear and jaw-socket; in left side of lower jaw; in left elbow to palm of hand, then to shoulder; in right knee; in left knee; in top of left foot.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Pressure: in head; in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Tension: in hypogastric region; about chest.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Tightness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Fullness: in head; in veins; in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Heaviness: in top of head.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Heat: in veins; in flashes from head to foot.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Dryness: of nostrils; in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Numbness: in left arm and shoulder; in limbs; of left side. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Acts upon nervous system, mostly upon sensory nerves, but causes a marked depression of vitality, a non-reactive state; hence its use in chlorosis, measles, neuralgia, etc., when there is sensorial and bodily depression.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Mucous membrane smarts as from pepper.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Old and indolent ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Dysmenorrhea. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s215}}Measles, dullness, bewilderment, drowsiness, want of sufficient development of the eruption. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s217}}Spare habit, nervous temperament, delicate organization.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Girl, aet. 16, suffering four years; dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Girl, aet. 17, family history of phthisis; incipient phthisis.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Girl, aet. 20, well developed and healthy-looking, nervous temperament; dysmenorrhea. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Compare: Act. rac. (headache), Bryon. (lack of eruption in measles, etc.), Colocyn. (dysmenorrhea with reflex neuralgias), Gnaphal. (sciatica). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 10, 1891 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r291|Xanthoxylum fraxineum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r291|Xanthoxylum fraxineum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ year: | 1891 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}