“Like every organ covered with a mucous membrane, the uterus-is, upon its internal surface, exposed to those catarrhal and croupy inflammations which generally affect mucous membranes.

“The symptoms of a congestion of the organs of the pelvis, ordinarily precede acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. The patients complain at this period of a disagreeable sensation of tension about the sacrum and both inguinal regions, and of a heat and fullness in the pelvis, with a frequent desire to urinate. Little by little the pains are concentrated around the uterine region, which is very tender on pressure, without our being able on examination to discover through the abdominal walls any augmentation in the volume of the uterus. About the fourth or sixth day, or sometimes earlier, a flow, more or less copious from the genital parts is observed, a hypersecretion of the mucous membrane of the uterus. The secreted liquid is at first not dense, almost limpid, slightly viscous, and it leaves upon the linen stiffened and clearly defined spots. At length it usually becomes yellow. Scanzoni's Diseases of Females.

This condition, like every catarrhal disease is liable to become chronic; and as in connection with the uterine difficulty there is usually an extension to the vagina and urinary organs, it is a matter of some difficulty to diagnosticate when we have purely a uterine catarrh. This is only possible by the use of the speculum, or sometimes by the state of the secretion from the genitals. If the fluid is purely alkaline, the disease is uterine; if acid, it is vaginal. Chronic uterine catarrh finally produces the systemic condition known as anaemia, the prominent symptoms of which are exhaustion and general emaciation, a marasmus of the entire organism.

The following cases may be considered a type of the disease which is curable by the remedy here used. They are selected from several cured by the same remedy, as they yielded promptly and remained permanently cured.

I. Mrs. G., forty years old, and the mother of seven children, December 31st, 1862, was aroused at midnight by the house being on fire. She ran out in her night-dress and bare feet with her youngest child in her arms. She staid in the cold nearly an hour, or until the house completely burned down, when she walked to the nearest house half a mile distant. The ground was covered with snow and ice. She was op and down after this exposure for three or four days, complaining of a soreness of the whole body The flesh felt sore. She had spells of falling down when she would remain insensible for hours. She had fainting spells whether she was up or lying. This condition lasted nearly three weeks when she became confined to her bed, from which she did not assume the upright posture until the time soon to be mentioned. There was constant discharge from the genital organs, which finally became dark and very offensive. When she was moved, the discharge was more profuse and looked like fresh blood, indeed she had several alarming floodings. There was great soreness of the bowels and she could not endure to be raised. When attempting to rise or stand up, it seemed as though the bowels would fall out. There was constant cough and the posterior portions of both lungs were completely congested and dull on percussion. Auscultation revealed only bronchial respiration. Every exertion was followed by expectoration of dark blood, with faintings and cramps. A vaginal examination revealed congestion of the neck of the womb and prolapsus. This was the condition May 7th, 1863. The case looked so hopeless that my advice to her was to send for the neighboring physician (she lived seven miles from Auburn) and let him do for her as well as he could. I gave her Lach.12, twenty pellets in half a glass of water, two teaspoonfuls every four hours.

On the 9th of May, I was again Bent for, and with great reluctance went to see her. The change was perfectly surprising. The whole case was improved, and strange to say on the 16th of the same month, just nine days from the first prescription, she went about her household duties and has continued to do her work ever since. There have been several cases of severe disease in the family since and she has nursed them all, the most trying ordeal to which she could be put. She got no medicine after the first two, days, but took Sacch. lact instead.

II. Mrs. R., forty-five years old, took cold about the middle of January, 1864. January 28th, she presented the following symptoms: prostration, especially when exercising and lifting; weight on the top of the head and back of the neck; pain in the small of the back, worse on exercising; appetite good; sensation of bearing down; leucorrhea, thick yellow, which had continued for years, more between the menstrual periods. At this present time (January 28th) it is constant. No menses for two months. The leucorrhea was worse during the day and when exercising.' There was evidently congestion of the womb with catarrh of the mucous membrane. Mrs. R. was so as not to be able to go about the house. Lachesis 200 in water, a tablespoonful night and morning for five days cured her of all complaints, even including leucorrhea. She is now about her house attending to her ordinary household affairs.

If these cases should call attention to this valuable remedy, it will not be in vain that this hasty sketch has been made.


Source: The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 04 No. 12, 1864, pages 542-545
Description: Uterine Catarrh.
Remedies: Lachesis
Author: Boyce, C.W.
Year: 1864
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum