This institution is located at Syracuse, N. Y., the number of its inmates averaging about 125.

The report embraces the period of one year extending from March 1859, during which time, the following cases were treated by the attending physician: —

Abscess, 5; Anasarca, 1; Angina, 7; Bronchitis, 1; Cholera Morbus, 1; Constipation, 3; Convulsions, 1; Diarrhea, 8; Enuresis nocturnal, 2; Fever, catarrhal, 18; Fever, intermittent, 3; Glandular Swellings, 6; Helminthiasis, 9; Herpes, 9; Hepatitis, 2; Impetigo, 4; Indigestion, 3; Ophthalmia, 83; Otitis, 4; Otorrhoea, 3; Pneumonia, 6; Pertussis, 28; Prolapses recti, 1; Rheumatism, inflammatory, 1; Scabies, 3; Stomacace, 43; Ulcer, malignant, 1; Ulceration of Cornea. 7.

Making a total of 268, of which number 253 were cured; two cases of Ophthalmia, two of Stomacace, and one ulceration of the Cornea, being still under treatment. There have been no deaths.

For the last nine or ten years, the asylum has been severely afflicted by Ophthalmia. Most of the cases were of the Catarrhal variety, and occurred in scrofulous subjects. The symptoms characterizing them were, intense redness and swelling, profuse secretion of mucus and tears, and excessive photophobia, for which was prescribed — Aconite, Belladonna, Euphrasia, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Merc. corr., Bry, Hep. sulph., Nux vom., Sulphur. Ac. according to their apparent indications, without entirely satisfactory results.

New cases were constantly occurring, and in spite of every precaution new comers were almost sure to be attacked.

Long and careful investigation failed to reveal any positive exciting cause of the malady, but it was observed that in all the cases which exhibited any trace of scrofula (including a large majority) the gums were more or less affected, some with scarcely perceptible redness and swelling, while others were extensively ulcerated, spongy, easily bleeding, teeth loosened, breath offensive, salivation, & c.

The following plan was then adopted, (with but few exceptions) Sulph.30 was administered once per week to all the well children, while those suffering from the disease were immediately placed under the influence of Belladonna and Merc. sol. in alternation, attenuations ranging from 3d to 12th, repetition, according to severity of symptoms from every hour to a dose every morning and evening, with occasionally a dose of Sulphur 30.

This course of treatment has been crowned with the happiest results, only two cases remaining under treatment at the time the report was made — they having since recovered — leaving the institution at present free from the scourge which has so long infected it; vision not being impaired in a single instance.

While this city and vicinity has, during the past winter, suffered from Diphtheria, which has prevailed with fatal severity, the asylum has been entirely free from it, a fact which is probably due to the prophylactic virtues of the Sulphur given.

Belladonna has been highly recommended as a prophylactic in this disease, but so far as my experience goes, in private practice, it has no such virtue, case after case springing up after its cautious administration.

Owing to the judicious management of a very intelligent and faithful matron, but few cases have resulted seriously from “colds.”

Many maladies, succeeding exposure, such as simple fever, cold in head, cough, croup, &c, were promptly met and controlled by her skill, as were also several cases of Varicella, thus decidedly reducing the number of patients on the physician's list.

A. R. Morgan, M.D.


Source: The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 02 No. 08, 1860, pages 375-376
Description: Medical Report of The Onondaga County Orphan Asylum.
Author: Morgan, A.R.
Year: 1860
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum