Table of Contents


Artemisia Vulgaris.

Wormwood. Compositae.

A popular drug known to the Greeks and Romans, in later times much given in epilepsy and spasms of children. The late Dr. Metcalf published, in 1853, in the North American Journal of Homeopathy, vol. iii, p. 74, a very valuable collection of cases cured by the Old School, defending at the same time the use of drugs (pro tem.) before proving. It was also recommended and given in our School, before provings had been made, by Frederick Miller, now in Montreal, and his cures were subsequently corroborated. Only the corroborated symptoms ar marked in bold.

What Noak had collected and Allen translated are observations of Allopathists on the sick only, but as they are very useful they have been added, and marked “(In sick:)”.

Tincture of the fibrillae of the root has been used.

MIND. [1]

Complete unconsciousness. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Insensible for two hours. ~ Epilepsy.
Stupor following convulsions; child, aet. 4.
Mental powers become gradually extinct. ~ Epilepsy.
Delirium. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Hallucinations during lucid intervals; manifests fear and horror.
Gets up every night and does her daily work as a house servant, with closed eyes, lies down again and cannot remember anything next morning. ~ Somnambulism.
Inclination to steal. ~ Boy with epilepsy.
Sudden whining. ~ Before eclampsia.
Piercing shriek, turns eyes, with violent clonic spasms of all limbs. ~ Child with eclampsia.
Picking of bedcovers, making a fold of skin on back of her mother's hand, saying that it will not come off, wants a knife to cut it off. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Peevish and inclined to weep. ~ Chorea.
Very much vexed, irritable, depressed during day before an attack at night. ~ Epilepsy.
Moroseness. ~ Epilepsy.
Morose and tearful. ~ Chorea.
Excitability all day before an attack at night. ~ Epilepsy.
After a sudden fright. ~ Epilepsy.
Fright and other emotions are followed by epilepsy.
Weak-minded with epileptic fits.
Attacks brought on particularly by bodily exertion or by alluding to disease. ~ Catalepsy.


Great heaviness in head on moving it.
Stupor; after convulsions. ~ Hydrocephalus. See 3.
Insensibility after fit. ~ Epilepsy.
Vertigo caused by colored window glass, but not by white light.
Epileptic vertigo.


Sharp, shooting pain through head. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Great heaviness and pressure. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Great heaviness in head, morning. ~ Nocturnal epilepsy.
Hydrocephalus acutus; second stage.
Great congestion of cerebro-spinal vessels of meninges.
Extreme hyperemia of medulla, spine and meninges.


Heaviness of head. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Cannot hold head up after spasms.
Head drawn backward by spasmodic twitchings.
Head bent backward and sideward. ~ Hydrocephalic spasms.
Very copious sweat on occiput during recovery. ~ Hydrocephalus.


Colored light, as light falling through stained glass windows, makes head dizzy; white light does not.
Letters run together while studying or reading.
Sees double; eyes fatigue from study, sight dims.
Staring at ceiling. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Staring straight forward with immovable eyes. ~ Catalepsy.
Staring eyes with dilated pupils. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Left pupil dilated more than right. ~ Epilepsy.
Eyes turned upward, half open. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Turning up his eyes, only a trace of cornea to be seen; before spasms. ~ A child.
Turning eyes; iris out of sight. ~ Eclampsia.
Tears run from eyes during attack. ~ Catalepsy.
Eyes streamed water. ~ Catalepsy.


Twitchings in face, the only neuralgic movements. ~ Catalepsy.
Mouth drawn to left side. ~ Epilepsy.
Face pale, looks oldish. ~ Hydrocephalus.


Lower jaw pressed forward. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Mouth cannot be opened except with great difficulty. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Chewing motion of gums; grinding teeth. ~ Hydrocephalus.


Grinding of teeth, froth at mouth, thumbs drawn into fist, eyes half open, drawn upward. ~ Hydrocephalic spasms.


Tongue bitten in morning. ~ Epilepsy.
Tongue dry. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Bites tongue in spasms.
Considerable laceration of tongue. ~ Epilepsy.
Speech unintelligible-can utter but single words, and these only with great exertion. ~ Chorea.


Froth at mouth. ~ Spasm. ~ Chorea. ~ Hydrocephalus.


Hunger, but cannot get food down.
Swallowing difficult. ~ Chorea. ~ Cynanche cellularis.
Swallowing difficult; food escapes from mouth. ~ Chorea.


Nausea and vomiting.


Cramp in stomach.


Occasionally slight colicky pains. ~ Chorea.
Violent cramps in abdomen; irregular, insufficient menses. ~ Epilepsy.
Abdomen sunk in. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Abdomen swollen. ~ Hydrocephalus.
(OBS:) Worms.


Greenish diarrhea. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Passes feces and urine with spasm.


(In sick:) On morning after second dose increased urination of yellow unsedimentary urine. ~ Epilepsy.
Urine increased, yellowish. ~ Epilepsy.
Since midnight, several times, a thick, turbid urine; dark red, yellow. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Obstinate strangury of a child.


Nightly pollutions. ~ Youth, aet. 16.
Seminal ejaculations with spasms.


(In sick:) Prolapsus uteri.
(In sick:) Violent contractions of uterus; labor pains.
(In sick:) Rupture of uterus.
(In sick:) Metrorrhagia.
(OBS:) Spasmodic affection during menses.
(OBS:) Suppressed menses.
Irregular or deficient menses with epileptic convulsions.
Suppressed menses or amenorrhea. ~ Epilepsy.
Nervous chlorosis with a very dry skin.


(In sick:) Miscarriage.
Violent contractions of pregnant uterus.
Retained afterbirth.
Spasms in childbed from fright.
(In sick:) Increase of lochial discharge.
(OBS:) Lochial discharge interrupted.
Eclampsia of sucklings.


Rattling breathing with spasms.
Breathing checked; suddenly a deep inhalation ends the attack. ~ Catalepsy.

COUGH. [27]

A half dry, painless cough, disturbing sleep. ~ After recovery from hydrocephalus.


Audible rattling in chest. ~ Eclampsia.


Palpitation. ~ Hysteria.
Small ecchymoses on endocardium and pericardium.


Trembling hands, spasmodically affected, are lifted and put near head. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalic spasms.
Clenched thumbs.


Overfatigue and weakness of feet after long walks, or after long illness.


Spasms of hands and feet.
Tormenting stretching of limbs.


Has to sit but cannot without support, or she would be thrown from chair. ~ Chorea.
Exertion: attacks agg.; overfatigue.
Motion: heaviness in head.

NERVES. [36]

(In sick:) Sensation of nervous system.
In a very nervous state; constantly picking with fingers. ~ Epilepsy.
Very much exhausted, obliged to sit down after attack. ~ Catalepsy.
Dogs for a while motionless, remain standing half unconscious, head and tail lowered.
Paroxysms followed by a perfect though short soporous state.
(In sick:) Spasmodic twitchings, most in cervical muscles, drawing head upward and backward, later extending also to shoulders and back.
Spasms and convulsions.
Spasms lasting ten minutes or longer, ending in perfect relaxation resembling paralysis, followed by a sound sleep of half an hour or more.
Hysterical fits.
Convulsions, preventing falling asleep, more right side. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Right side convulsed, left paralyzed. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Urine and feces pass involuntarily during spasms.
Tetanus in periodical attacks, with pain in whole chest and increased trismus.
Falling to ground with trismus, tonic spasms of one side of body, followed by clonic spasms.
Remaining in same position, she stares straight before her with fixed eyes. ~ Catalepsy.
Catalepsy since a great fright with anxiety and fear, in a man, aet. 25; attacks return after each vexation.
All the limbs in a violent clonic spasm, lasting about ten minutes, leaving a paralytic relaxation. ~ Eclampsia.
Exhaustion and sleep after eclampsia.
Clonic spasms of hands and feet. ~ Eclampsia.
Eclampsia of sucklings or teething children.
Epileptic spasms of children.
(In sick:) Increase of epileptic paroxysms.
Epilepsy; often repeated attacks; day before attacks excitable, irritable; deep sleep after it; later, offensive sweat. ~ Epilepsy.
Suddenly seized with an electric shock, making him insensible two hours; foaming at mouth, which was drawn to left side; has considerable laceration of tongue after fit, and left side numb for two days. ~ Epilepsy.
Epileptic convulsions mostly in morning, at intervals of 2 of 4 months. Child, aet. 4 years.
Nocturnal epilepsy with a man, aet. 42.
Frequent nocturnal epileptic paroxysms after suffering great grief.
Epileptic attacks in childbed after a fright.
Epileptic spasms after cooling off while overheated from dancing.
Epileptic attacks consequent upon a drunken tumble into water.
Epilepsy with menstrual disturbances.
Convulsions in daytime, consequent upon fever and diarrhea.
Epileptic attacks, several every day.
Epileptic attacks follow each other so soon that the sick do not come to a full and clear consciousness.
(OBS:) Epilepsy with imbecility.
Epileptic vertigo.
(OBS:) Epilepsy with congestion to head.
Convulsions every 10 or 15 minutes, bending head backward and sideward. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Nocturnal epilepsy with violent trismus, injuring teeth.
During epileptic attacks violent sweat of an offensive odor.

SLEEP. [37]

Long and deep sleep after the attack. ~ Epilepsy. ~ Eclampsia.
Sopor. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Dreams of snow and strange people in room. ~ Hydrocephalus.
No muscular motions at night. ~ Chorea.
Somnambulism, gets up at night and resumes her daily work.

TIME. [38]

Morning: heaviness in head; tongue bitter; increased urination; epilepsy.
Towards noon: epilepsy recurs.
During day: irritable; excitable; convulsions.
Towards evening: fainting fit.
Night: pollutions; epilepsy; walks in sleep.
After midnight: turbid urine.


Temperature and Weather
After a fall in water, while drunk. ~ Epilepsy.

FEVER. [40]

Chilly; generally unwell and drawing in limbs before an attack. ~ Convulsions.
Body cold. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Warm sweat all over, most on occiput; after remedy.
Febris nervosa stupida. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Sweat is a sign of relief. ~ Epilepsy.
(In sick:) Strong sweat, with a specific bad odor, cadaverous or garlicky. ~ Ague.


Fits every five weeks, menses regular. ~ Epilepsy.
Often repeated attacks. ~ Epilepsy.
Attacks of three to five minutes duration, twice within half an hour. ~ Catalepsy.
Attacks recur: at night; every five weeks; every 2 to 4 months.


Right side convulsed, left paralyzed. ~ Hydrocephalus.
Right side somewhat lame since birth, still convulsions on both sides with a boy, aet. 18 months.
Left: pupil dilated; mouth drawn; side numb.
Forward: lower jaw protrudes.
Upward: eyes turn.
Backward and sideways: head bends.


Shooting: through head.
Drawing: in limbs.
Cramps: in stomach.
Electric shock: in epilepsy.
Heaviness: in head.


Extreme hyperemia of medulla oblongata.
Congestion of brain and spine. See Convulsions.
Small ecchymoses found on pericardium and endocardium.


Epilepsy from a blow on head, commencing three years after.

SKIN. [46]

(In sick:) Large scrofulous blotch after recovery of hydrocephalic spasms.


Strong, full-blooded, well fed children, during dentition; eclampsia.
Boy, aet. 14 weeks, 15 attacks in 24 hours; eclampsia.
A child, aet. 6 months; after mother had suffered much from grief during pregnancy; from 4 to 6 paroxysms a day for 2 months; eclampsia.
Boy, aet. 18 months; skull injured during birth; frightened by a bite of a dog; croup and convulsions.
A weakly, miserable boy, aet. 2, emaciated after typhus with diarrhea, loss of consciousness and constant boring with occiput in cushions; hydrocephalic spasms.
Girl, aet. 10, delicate, irritable; chorea; scrofula.
Boy, aet. 12, after ascarides had been removed; chorea.
A stout, active, healthy boy, aet. 13, suffering for three years from epilepsy, after a box on ear, having for six months from 6 to 18 paroxysms a day, besides 3 to 5 at night.
Robust girl, aet. 10, has not menstruated; suffered since 18 months with somnambulism.
Girl, aet. 16; attacked during her development; occurred every 48 hours; cured by a single dose; epilepsy.
Girl, aet. 16, 3 or 4 epileptic attacks within a week, with irregular menses or after the menses.
Girl, aet. 17, for 4 months 3 to 4 fits every day; epilepsy.
A girl, aet. 17, since 5 years affected with epileptic attacks.
Girl, aet. 18, strong, well developed, plethoric; epilepsy.
Man, aet. 20, since 2 years; epilepsy.
Man, aet. 20, after fright an epileptic paroxysm, later from taking cold, recurring every 3, 4 weeks, towards noon, finally every other day, between 9 and 10 A. M.
Girl, aet. 27, fits since 12 years without an aura; menses regular; epilepsy.
Weakly, hysteric women; menorrhagia.
Woman, aet. 28, slender, weakly constitution, dry skin, after hearing frightful news, had two attacks of from 3 to 5 minutes duration in half an hour; catalepsy.
Man, aet. 29, periodically epileptic for four years.
Man, aet. 32, strong, powerful, fresh appearance and choleric temperament, epileptic attacks when he got angry.
A somewhat imbecile man, aet. 36, attacked from childhood twice a week, sometimes oftener; first reduced to one a month, and by a stronger dose entirely removed; epilepsy.
Woman, aet. 41, after changing an active for a sedentary life, attended by grief and menstrual irregularities, first hysterical difficulties, succeeded by convulsions passing into true epilepsy.
Man, aet. 42, for a year and a half nocturnal epilepsy, recurring at intervals from 2 to 3 months.
Man, aet. 45, lank, choleric, frequent attacks of catalepsy, six or more a day, aggravated by passion.
A healthy man, aet. 60, suffering for years great care and grief, was attacked by fainting fit generally towards evening and finally decided epilepsy since 18 months.


Acts better given with wine than with water.
Nearest relation: Absinth., Abrot.
More distant: Cina, Tanac., Chamom., Arnic, Millef.
Compare with: Caustic., Pulsat., Ruta, Secale, Stramon.
In alternation: Stramon., Pulsat., Aurum.
After Acon., Bellad., Bryon., Helleb., Cina; on 5th day. ~ Hydrocephalus acutus.
After Iodium, acted well. ~ Epilepsy.
Caustic. in epilepsy after Artemisia.
Similar to: Absinth. (family relation); Cicut. (staring, jerking head, etc.); Cina (eyes); Apis (hydrocephalus); Helleb. (hydrocephalus); Bufo (irritable before epileptic attack); Caustic., Chamom.


Source: The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 02, 1880
Description: Clinical materia medica of Artemisia Vulgaris
Remedies: Artemisia Vulgaris
Author: Hering, C.
Year: 1880
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum