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Bromine. The element.

Proved by C. Hg., in 1838, and later; a carefully made collection, numbering five hundred and ten symptoms, obtained with the use of high and low doses from fourteen provers, four of them being females, and containing nearly all the characteristics which have hitherto led to innumerable cures, was published in the Archives in 1846. It was proved later by Lembke in lower and by Berridge in higher potencies, the result being confirmatory.

MIND. [1]

Quick comprehension.
In evening, when alone, felt as if he would see something if he should turn around; as if some one was back of him.
Expects to see something jump around floor.
Desire for mental labor, preceded by aversion to his awn profession.
Crying and lamentations, with hoarse voice.
Aversion to any kind of work, even reading; takes no interest in household duties.
Cheerful mood, no desire for mental labor.
She does not feel as she generally does, but can't tell why.
Depression and melancholy.
Great depression of spirits. ~ Scirrhus mamma.
Very much depressed and inconsolable. ~ Cancer of mamma.
Low-spirited and out of humor.
Very low-spirited, with pain in left iliac region.
Sad, discouraged. ~ Swelling to testicle.
She is not like herself; despondent, sits alone in her room without doing anything; looks constantly in one direction without saying anything.
Violent coughing spells, with anxiety. ~ Croup.


Sensation deep in brain, as if vertigo would come on, or as if he would lose his consciousness.
Vertigo: with tendency to fall backward; if he puts his foot on a bridge; from sight of running water; in damp weather; with nausea and nosebleed.


Pain over left eye.
Headache; heaviness in forehead in heat of sun, passes off when in shade.
Pressure in left temple.
Left-sided headache.
Headache all week, hammering in temples and top of head.
Headache deep in crown of head, with palpitation.
Headache after drinking milk.


Pains in bones of head, fore and back part; towards evening in damp weather.
Scalp tender; covered with an eruption, with dirty looking and offensive smelling discharge. ~ Eczema.
Crawling beneath skin of occiput.
Malignant scald head.


Flashes of light.
Sensitiveness to bright light.
A grey point before right eye, moving up and down with movement of eye.
Dilatation of pupils.
Darting through left eye.
Throbbing stitches in left upper lid, extending to brow, forehead and left temple; agg. by external pressure, motion and stooping; amel. by rest; pain unfits him for work.
Lachrymation of right eye, with swelling of lachrymal gland. ~ Fistula lachrymalis.
Protruding eyes.


Noise in ears, like a distant rushing.
Ringing in right ear.
Stitches in ear.
Throbbing and burning in ears, may be succeeded by burning through whole body.
Discharge from ears.
Parotids, mostly left, affected. ~ After scarlatina.
Swelling and hardness of left parotid gland, swelling feeling warm to touch. ~ Sequel to scarlatina.
Suppuration of left parotid, edges of opening smooth; discharge watery and excoriating; swelling remaining hard and unyielding. ~ After scarlatina. See 44.


Fanlike motion of nostrils.
Tickling smarting, as from cobwebs, especially on moving nose; this sensation is in face particularly below nose.
Nosebleed, with relief of chest and eye symptoms.
Bleeding of nose, relieving chest.
Frequent violent sneezing.
Inhalation causes sneezing.
Fluent coryza, with frequent violent sneezing; corrosive soreness under nose and on margins of nose.
Fluent coryza, with scabby nostrils.
Severe coryza, right nostril stopped up and sore throughout; later left.
Yearly cold, with sore nostril and difficult breathing.
Fluent coryza, in which right nostril is more affected and more stopped.
Long-continued, obstinate coryza, with soreness beneath nose and on margin of nose; also catarrh in fauces.
Headache extends to right nostril.
Whole nose sore, and wings of nose swollen; a scurf forms in it, with pain and bleeding on wiping it.


Cancerous ulcer between right eye and ear, of size of palm of a child's hand.
Sensation as of spider web on face.
Face: pale, or red, or alternating.
Face of a bluish tinge, turning purplish at each effort to cough. ~ Croup.
Grey; earthy color of face; oldish appearance. ~ Cancer of mamma.
Face ashy grey. ~ Diphtheria.
Cheeks sunken. ~ Diphtheria.
Heat in cheeks; first in right, later in left.
Heat of face and head. ~ Spasm of glottis.
Pale, collapsed face. ~ Croup.


Shooting pain on vermilion border of upper lip; afterwards yellow spots, which open and discharge a yellow fluid.
Boring pain going to right, or on right side of lower jaw.
Slight swelling of articulation of left jaw, with cracking in it when chewing; swelling and hardness of left parotid, which is warm to touch; rosy-red swelling of tonsils and difficult swallowing; tension and pressure when swallowing and when not; pain in throat is especially agg. when swallowing fluids; hawking up mucus.
Left submaxillary gland swollen to size of a small hen's egg, hard, not sore to pressure; neighboring glands more or less similarly affected.
Stony, hard swelling of glands, especially on lower jaw and throat.


Decayed teeth sensitive to cold water.
Gums pain in morning.
Swelling and induration of gums.


Taste: sweetish; salty; bitter; sour; acrid.
Water tastes salty in morning, fasting.
Dry sensation on tongue.
Burning on under surface of tongue.
Stinging in tip of tongue.


Fetor oris. ~ Diphtheria.
Sensation of dryness and burning in mouth. ~ Nasal catarrh.
Mouth dry and parched. ~ Eczema.
Salivation increases and exudation decreases. ~ Diphtheria.
Ptyalism; much frothy mucus in mouth.
Heat in mouth and esophagus.
Burning sensation in mouth, esophagus and stomach.
Aphthae, with affection of eyes.


Dryness in throat. ~ Croup.
Scraping in throat, and a rough, deep voice, continued for an hour.
Burning from mouth to stomach.
Worse when swallowing drink; less frequently when swallowing food or saliva.
Swallowing especially painful to right side of fauces, which is dark red and dry.
Elongation of uvula.
Swelling of mucous membrane of fauces and pharynx.
Small follicles in posterior fauces; inflammation extending to larynx, causing a titillating cough.
Unpleasant puckered sensation in fauces, followed by burning and soreness.
Lump in throat.
Tonsils swollen, inflamed; constant pain in throat, swallowing difficult, of fluids worse than solids. ~ After measles.
Inflammation of fauces, with reticulated redness and denuded patches.
Diphtheria, commencing apparently in pharynx and extending upward.
Malignant forms of diphtheria.
Diphtheritis of larynx, or croup. [Obs. With apparent great sagacity one of our best authors says: “Bromine could not be a remedy in diphtheria and also in croup, as diphtheritis and croup are two diseases entirely different in their nature and character; a chief croup remedy cannot at the same time be a great diphtheritis remedy, because a drug has not only to cover the symptoms, but must likewise correspond to the character of the disease.” He quotes Belladonna: “Do we give Bellad. for headache in the full-blooded and robust and also in the bloodless and feeble ?” We answer, yes, we do frequently. Every fully proved drug has produced such “opposite” states and also cured them, if only the other symptoms, particularly the characteristics, correspond to the case. We have nothing to do with the disease, only with the sick and the characteristics of each case. –C. Hg.]
After all other symptoms have passed off, great weakness and lassitude. ~ Diphtheria.
In cases where membrane forms back almost over larynx, Bromium removed husky tone of voice in a few hours. ~ Diphtheria.
Preference for left side of throat. ~ Diphtheritis.
Stiffness of neck with diphtheritis.


Thirst seems to be wanting.
Desire for acids. ~ Diarrhea.
Desire for acids, which aggravate symptoms and cause diarrhea.
Aversion to customary tobacco smoking; it causes nausea and vertigo. ~ Diarrhea.
Aversion to drinking cold water.


After eating, nausea and pains in stomach better. ~ Diarrhea.
Contractive spasm of stomach passing off after eating. ~ Diarrhea.
Gastric symptoms better from black coffee. ~ Diarrhea.
Headache after drinking milk.
After a meal, diarrhea.
Worse from cold diet.
After acids: diarrhea; cough worse.
After eating oysters, diarrhea.
Worse from tobacco smoke, cough.


Hiccough and nausea.
Eructations: empty; tasteless; tasting like foul eggs; with vomiting of mucus.
Nausea and retching, better after eating.
Nausea. ~ Diarrhea.
Vomiting of bloody mucus.


Emptiness of stomach. ~ Diarrhea.
Feeling of emptiness in stomach; better after eating, for which, however, he had no longing.
Feeling of heaviness in stomach. ~ Inflammation of stomach.
Contractive cramp in stomach at 11.30 A. M., ceases after eating.
Pressure in stomach, like from a stone. ~ Emphysema.
Pain in stomach increased by pressure.


Pain in region of liver.
Stitches in hypochondria; also from right to left.
Stitches shooting from liver towards navel.
Sensation as of a ball in left hypochondrium.
Enlargement and induration of spleen. ~ After maltreated gonorrhea.


Griping and colicky pains.
Off and on a very strong pain and sore feeling in lower left part of abdomen. ~ Mental derangement.
Periodically much pain in left hypochondriac and iliac regions; pain is violent, as if there were sore spots inside. ~ Mental derangement.
Pains in abdomen and small of back; passage of much flatus.
Tympanitic distension of abdomen, and passage of much wind.
Flatulence. ~ Eczema.
Painless swelling of right inguinal glands.
Pain in left inguinal canal, especially on walking, pressure and coughing.
Eruption on perineum.


Croup of colon.
Black, fecal stools.
Yellow, green or blackish diarrhea.
Stools: bright yellow, preceded by cutting and rumbling in abdomen; light yellow, slimy mucus; painless, odorless, like scrapings from intestines.
Diarrhea after every meal ceases, but returns after oysters.
Diarrhea: after every meal; at night.
Constipation: stool hard, tough, brown and glistening; breaks to pieces like sheep-dung.
Before stool: rumbling and cutting pain in abdomen.
During stool: much flatus; painful hemorrhoids; pressing in stomach and abdomen.
Blind, painful hemorrhoids during and after stool; agg. from cold or warm water; amel. from wetting with saliva.
Blind, intensely painful varices, with black, diarrheic stools.
Varices agg. from application of cold and warm water. ~ Diarrhea.


Continued desire to urinate, with tickling sensation in tip of urethra.
Frequent urination.
High-colored urine. ~ Eczema.
Urine: scanty and dark; turbid, and deposits a whitish sediment adhering to vessel; leaves a red coating on vessel; contains large flakes of white mucus, like jelly.
Dribbling of urine, with burning after urinating.


Increased sexual desire.
Nightly emissions.
Coldness of left testicle.
Hard, painless swelling of left testicle, painful when driving.
Swelling of testicle, remaining after gonorrhea three months ago, size of a hen's egg, oval round, somewhat hard, not very sensitive to pressure, smooth; pains most when driving; Brom. [2] in water, three times daily, helped in three weeks, while working as a coachman.
Swelling and induration of left testicle, with sore pain, or sensation of coldness.
Swelling of scrotum. ~ Chronic gonorrhea.
Stitches in glans and sides of penis.


Continual dull pain in region of left ovary; mild fluor albus; no thrill in coition; childless after eight years marriage; strong woman, aet. 30; conception in three months.
Considerable pain in back and ovarian region. ~ Mental derangement.
Constant, dull, boring pain in ovary. ~ Dropsy.
Hard swelling in ovarian region.
Swelling and hardness of left ovary.
Swelling of ovarian region before and during menses.
Uterus descends about 2 inches. ~ Mental derangement.
Menses too early and too profuse; bright red blood; passive flow with much exhaustion; membranous shreds may pass.
Headache on appearance of menses.
Fullness in head and chest, with difficult respiration a few days before menses.
Indescribable, queer ill feeling all over, which makes her low-spirited, a few days before menses.
Violent contractive spasm before or during menses, lasting hours; leaving abdomen sore.
Before menses: stitches in abdomen; backache; feeling of weakness and want of appetite.
During menses: pain in abdomen and small of back; abdominal cramps, with subsequent soreness in abdomen; frontal pain, feeling as if eyes would drop out while stooping.
Suppression of menses. ~ Scirrhus mamma.
Loud emission of flatus from vagina. ~ Dysmenorrhea.
Vagina painful, as if sore.
Much itching in vagina. ~ Mental derangement.


Stitch pains from mamma to axillae, cannot bear pressure. ~ Scirrhus.
Hard, uneven tumor in right mamma, firmly adherent to its surroundings, with lancinating pains; agg. from least pressure and at night.
Cancer mamma, open, with swelling of axillary glands; stitches and burning in indurated parts; in alternation with Conium.


Wailing and crying in a hoarse tone.
Chronic hoarseness.
After overheating, hoarse for six weeks; morning, aphonic, until after long coughing, with a whistling sound, some phlegm comes up. ~ Cold after overheating.
Husky tone of voice. ~ Diphtheria.
Voice: husky; hoarse, cannot speak clearly, loss of voice; weak and soft, with raw, scraped feeling in throat.
Hoarseness several days; rough, dry cough; pain in larynx; in sleep difficult (snoring) breathing; jumping up for want of breath while eating and drinking; inhalation with a rushing sound. ~ Croup.
Hoarseness; larynx painful; barking, dry cough; a long drawn out, buzzing inhalation; hot, moist skin. ~ Croup.
Hoarseness; aphonia; snoring inhalation; no cough; relapse, with barking cough; rattling; suffocation; cold sweat. ~ Croup.
Voice hardly audible. ~ Croup.
Hoarseness, aphonia; worse in evening.
Spasm in glottis.
Stenosis of glottis.
Laryngitis; tracheitis.
On swallowing saliva a stitch in posterior portion of larynx, with a feeling of contraction.
Tickling in larynx, with irritation to cough; constrictive sensation deep in throat and dry cough.
Constriction in larynx.
Sticking constriction in larynx.
Sensation of smoothness and emptiness, at a small spot in larynx.
Scraping and rawness in larynx, provoking cough.
Scraping in larynx provoking dry cough in evening.
Cold sensation in larynx, with cold feeling when inspiring, after breakfast; amel. after shaving.
Sensation of coldness in larynx.
Soreness in larynx and roughness in throat.
Constant sore pain in larynx. ~ Cold after overheating.
Larynx painful to touch.
Beginning in larynx, coming upward, with hoarse and croupy cough; low pulse. ~ Diphtheria.
First bronchia, then larynx; slow cases of croup; large tubes have been coughed up. ~ Croup.
Sensation as if air tubes were full of smoke. ~ Catarrh.
Anxiety as from a foreign body in windpipe.
Contracted sensation internally, in trachea, or feeling as if pit of throat was pressed against trachea.
Rattling of mucus in larynx on coughing; cough having a croupy sound. ~ Diphtheria.
Rattling of mucus without choking. ~ Emphysema.
Tickling in trachea on inspiring, which causes cough.
Bronchia much irritated. ~ Croup.
When disease commences in larynx and comes up into fauces, and in some cases in which it runs down into larynx, and produces a croupy cough, with much rattling of mucus. ~ Diphtheria.
No choking in cough as there is in Hepar. ~ Croup.
Much rattling in larynx during breathing, still more when coughing; danger of suffocation from too much phlegm in larynx (Tart. em. has rattling lower down in chest). ~ Croup.
Inspiration very difficult, larynx drawn down; thorax not moving; respiration frequent; rattling; sawing; voice not audible. ~ Croup.
Cough hoarse, crowing, suffocative; breathing sawing, whistling; face red, hot; large drops on forehead; agg. bending over; scrofulous girl, aet. 5. ~ Croup.
Croup: spasms of larynx; suffocative cough; hoarse, whistling, croupy sound, with great effort; rattling, wheezing; gasping, impeded respiration; heat of face; formation of a false membrane in larynx to trachea; much rattling in larynx when coughing.
Membranous formation in larynx and trachea. ~ Croup.
Membranous forming back almost over larynx. ~ Diphtheria.
Croupous inflammation formed by exuberant growth of fungi. ~ Diphtheria. See 13.


Sensation of constriction impedes respiration, with dry, tickling cough.
Oppression of chest, with palpitation.
Oppression of breath immediately after taking it, with deep inspiration, together with a sensation as if he did not get enough air into chest, on account of which he elevates thorax and inspires forcibly.
Breathing frequent, rattling, sawing. ~ Croup.
Deep, forcible inspiration is necessary, from time to time.
Inspiration very difficult; larynx is drawn down; thorax immovable. ~ Croup.
Worse from a deep inspiration: cough.
Difficult breathing; must sit up in bed at night.
Difficulty of breathing; cannot inspire deep enough.
Sensation as if air passages were full of smoke.
Gasping for breath, with wheezing and rattling in larynx, and spasmodic closure of glottis.
Gasping and snuffing for breath, with wheezing and rattling in larynx. ~ Spasm of glottis.
Constriction in chest, with some difficulty of breathing; no cough. ~ Mental derangement.
An asthma in a girl, aet. 16, had remained for ten years after measles, so that she was never able to walk rapidly nor ascend steps without being very much exhausted, disappeared after five doses of five globules of the 30th, which she took for proving.
Tightness of chest. ~ Asthma.
Asthma agg. at night.
Asthma of sailors, as soon as they “go ashore.”
Respiration, with dry sound.
Attacks of suffocation as if from vapor of sulphur.
Great dyspnea.

COUGH. [27]

Rough, barking, croup-like cough, with suffocative feeling like sulphur smoke; breathing painful; gasping for air; convulsions; great weakness. ~ Whooping cough.
Whooping cough, with croupish hoarseness of cough.
Symptoms of croup during whooping cough.
Much fatiguing cough, with scanty, difficult loosened sputa of white, whitish-yellow or yellow phlegm; later also several times pure, dark, coagulated blood. ~ Cold after overheating.
Barking cough; tickling in throat.
Cough night and day, sounds loose, but no expectoration; aggravation from exercise and on entering a warm room.
Dry, spasmodic, wheezing cough, with rattling breathing.
Difficult, whistling cough, with hoarseness. ~ Croup.
Cough gets much agg. from dust or cold air. ~ Cold after overheating.
Cough excited by: tickling in larynx; scraping and rawness in larynx; deep inspiration; violent motion.
Cough, with sudden paroxysms of suffocation on swallowing; respiration very short; obliged to catch for breath.
Cough, with excruciating pain and anxiety; purulent, sometimes bloody expectoration; pulse 120; respiration 30; temperature 100. ~ Phthisis.
Sputa not frequent.
During cough: feeling like sulphurous vapor in throat; whistling inspiration; sore pain in chest; dullness and pressing headache; watering and contraction of eyes.
Sweat after paroxysms of cough.
Catarrhal cough.


Sensation of constriction impedes respiration, with dry, tickling cough.
Stitches in upper part of chest.
Stitches in chest; inflammation of lungs, right side. ~ Croup. ~ Diphtheria.
Affections begin with bronchi and ascend to larynx.
Sensation of weakness and exhaustion in chest.
Pressure in upper part of chest.
Sharp stitches in right side of chest, especially when walking rapidly.
Sticking pain in left side of chest towards arm.
Cutting pains running upward. ~ Phthisis.
Right lung most affected.
Paralytic drawing pain through left chest, towards scapula and into left arm.
Hepatization of lower lobes. ~ Pneumonia.
After much cough with loose, bluish, granular expectoration, attacks of dyspnea for several days, breathing difficult, laborious, short; cough becomes dry; in region of stomach, pressure and tension; breathing noisy; skin bluish, especially on hands, asthma forces her to sit up in night; sensation of being beaten all over. ~ Emphysema.


Anxious feeling about heart. ~ Mental derangement.
Violent palpitation of heart; she cannot lie on right side.
Unbearable, violent cutting, left side under last ribs, from below upward, as if it would kill her; old woman. ~ Ossification of valves.
Violent cardiac pain and palpitation, with headache deep in under crown of head; lameness of left arm.
Violent palpitation of heart in evening, so that she cannot lie on left side.
Cutting pains running upward. ~ Heart disease.
Pulse very soft. ~ Diphtheria.
Accelerated pulse.
Pulse small, weak, not countable. ~ Croup.


Tearing in left clavicle.
Pressure below left clavicle.
Pressure in sternum.


Forcing pain in temples and neck, obliged to press neck to obtain relief. ~ Eczema.
Stiffness of neck; in morning.
The left side of neck is stiff and painful.
A goitre, already increased to size of a hen's egg, with a girl, aet. 14, who had menstruated one year, blonde, lively temperament, delicate constitution, disappeared within 16 weeks; 30th in water, twice a day.
An obstinate goitre, not changed by Iodium in substance, disappeared after Brom. 30th, in water, twice daily for three months.
Glands of neck much swollen. ~ Eczema.
Two encysted tumors on both sides of neck.
Aching pain at inner border of left scapula up to neck, on moving left arm or sitting leaning to left.
Boring in spinous processes of different vertebrae.
Wandering, pressive pain in dorsal muscles below scapulae.
Tearing in right lumbar and dorsal muscles; agg. by moving these parts.
Sore pain in small of back, unchanged by motion.


Severe, rheumatic, dull, constrictive pain in right shoulder and thence into arm, while walking in open air.
Stitches in right shoulder, axilla or elbow.
Great restlessness and jactitation of arms.
Left arm feels paralyzed.
Weakness of arms.
Tearing in arms, especially in hands and fingers.
Icy cold forearms or only cold hands.
Eruption on right elbow. ~ Eczema.
Icy cold forearms. ~ Diarrhea.
Hands cold and moist.
Cold hands. ~ Diarrhea.
Boils on arms.
(In sick:) Profuse, moist eruption in armpits and perineum. ~ Eczema.
Drawing pain through left breast into left arm.


Pain in left knee and hip.
Pressive bone pain in left leg.
Weakness of left leg.
Paralytic sensation in right leg.
Pain in both knee joints.
Pressive pain in right knee, like in bone.
Boring pains in one, or both tibiae.
When stepping, violent pain in middle of ball of left foot, as if one had stepped on a hard body, with paralyzed sensation in knee joint, and somewhat in hip.
Pressure and pains in feet and toes.


Great stiffness in all the limbs at 11 A. M., better in afternoon.
Pains in limbs, alternating with chilliness and heat.
Lameness in all joints, left side.


Rest: throbbing in head better.
Can lie on neither side: palpitation.
Sitting up: asthma better.
Sitting leaning towards left: ache in scapula.
Bending over: breathing worse.
Stooping: throbbing in head worse.
Moving left arm: ache in left scapula.
Motion: throbbing in head agg.; tearing in right lumbar and dorsal muscles worse.
Walking: pain in left inguinal region agg.; stitches in chest agg.; pain in shoulder.
Exercise: cough agg.; sweat.
Stepping: pain in ball of left foot.

NERVES. [36]

Nervousness. ~ Eczema.
Great weakness.
Tremulousness all over; great languor and debility, worse after breakfast.
Great weakness and lassitude after all the symptoms have passed off. ~ Diphtheria.
Much prostration. ~ Croup.
Fainting. ~ Diphtheria.
Subject to hysterical attacks, with fits. ~ Mental derangement.

SLEEP. [37]

Yawning and sleepiness.
Continued yawning with respiratory troubles; child yawns frequently and is drowsy. ~ Croup.
Very much inclined to sleep.
Irresistible drowsiness while reading.
Dreams: vivid; of ascending a height; climbing a steep; journeyings; quarrels; dying; coffins and funerals.
Jumping up, out of sleep, with whistling breathing.
Starts from sleep with cough; drink relieves it.
Awakes unrefreshed, seems impossible to rise.

TIME. [38]

Morning: pain in gums; water tastes salty; sweat in bed; stiffness of neck.
At 11 A. M.: great stiffness of all limbs.
At 11.30 A. M.: cramp in stomach.
Day: cough worse.
Afternoon: stiffness of limbs better.
Towards evening: pain in bones of head.
Evening: when alone, felt as if he would see something if he should turn around; hoarseness agg.; aphonia agg.; scraping in larynx causes dry cough; palpitation worse.
Night: agglutination of eyelids; diarrhea; seminal emissions; mammary tumor agg.; must sit up in bed from difficult breathing; asthma agg.; cough; asthma forces her to sit up.
Day and night: cough.
Symptoms agg. first part of night, are amel. after midnight.


Temperature and Weather
Heat of sun: heaviness in sinciput.
Open air: pain in right shoulder.
Cold air: cough worse.
Cold water: decayed teeth sensitive.
Cold diet: symptoms worse.
Cold or warm washing: blind piles worse.
Wetting with saliva: blind piles better.
Entering warm room: cough worse.
Damp weather: pain in bones of head.
Desire for open air.
On shore: sailors suffer with asthma.

FEVER. [40]

Chill on alternate days, with cold feet.
Chill every other day, shaking, yawning and stretching.
Hands cold and moist.
Chilliness with shuddering.
Violent shivering with yawning and stretching; head confused; drawing in left tibia down to ankle, whereby foot becomes quite cold; this is repeated every other day, as a chilliness with cold feet.
Skin cool, covered with viscous sweat. ~ Croup.
Internal burning heat, like between skin and flesh.
Sweat on palms.
Sweat from least exertion or exercise.


Attacks, Periodicity
Periodical pains. ~ Scirrhus of mamma.


Right: grey point before eye; lachrymation of eye; ringing in ear; nostril stopped up; headache extends to nostril; cancerous ulcer between eye and ear; heat of cheek first; boring pain going to or on side of lower jaw; swallowing painful side of fauces; swelling of inguinal glands; tumor in mamma; inflammation of lung; stitches in side of chest; cannot lie on side; tearing in lumbar and dorsal muscles; pain in shoulder; stitches in shoulder, axilla or elbow; eruption on elbow; paralytic sensation of leg; pain in knee.
Right to left: stitches in hypochondria.
Left: pain in iliac region; pain over eye; pressure in temple; headache of side; darting through eye; stitches in upper eyelid; swelling and suppuration of parotid; nostril stopped up; swelling articulation of jaw; swelling of submaxillary gland; diphtheria agg.; sensation of a ball in hypochondrium; pain in lower part of abdomen; pain in inguinal canal; coldness of testicle; swelling of testicle; pain and hard swelling of ovary; stitches in side of chest; paralytic drawing pain through chest towards scapula, and into arm; cannot lie on side from palpitation; lameness of arm; tearing of clavicle; side of neck stiff and painful; arm feels paralyzed; drawing pain through breast into arm; pain in knee and hip; pain and weakness in leg; pain in ball of foot; lameness of all joints of side; drawing in tibia.
Left to right: scirrhus of mamma.
Below upward: diphtheria extends from larynx.


As from cobwebs on face; as if vertigo would come on, or as if she would lose consciousness; as if eyes would drop out when stooping; as if pit of throat was pressed against trachea; as of a ball in left hypochondrium; as if air passages were full of smoke; as if he did not get air enough into chest.
Cutting: in chest; in cardiac region.
Darting: through left eye.
Lancinating: in mammary tumor.
Stitches: in left upper lid, throbbing, to forehead and left temple; in ear; in hypochondria; from liver towards navel; in glans and side of penis; in abdomen; from mamma to axillae; in indurated parts; in larynx; in chest; in right shoulder, axilla and elbow; in skin.
Shooting: in upper lip.
Sticking pain: in chest towards arm.
Prickling: in skin.
Stinging: in tip of tongue.
Boring: lower jaw; in ovary; in vertebrae; in tibia.
Tearing: in left clavicle; in right lumbar and dorsal muscles, in arms.
Drawing: through left breast into arm.
Paralytic drawing: through left chest to scapula and arm.
Forcing pain: in temples and neck.
Pressure: in forehead; in left temple; in stomach; in upper chest; below left clavicle; in sternum; in dorsal muscles; in bones of left leg; in feet and toes.
Burning: in ears; through whole body; under tongue; in mouth, esophagus and stomach; in fauces; in indurated parts.
Scraping: in throat; in larynx.
Soreness: about nose; in fauces; in lower abdomen; in testicles; in larynx; in small of back.
Rawness: in larynx.
Tickling-smarting: in face.
Puckered sensation: in fauces.
Contraction: in trachea.
Constriction: in larynx; in chest; in right shoulder.
Griping: in abdomen.
Cramp: of colon; in abdomen; during menses; in stomach.
Rheumatic pain: in right shoulder and arm.
Dull pain: in left ovary.
Undefined pain: over left eye; in bones of head; in gums; in region of liver; in abdomen and small of back; in left inguinal canal; in left knee and hip; in knee joints; in right knee; in vagina.
Throbbing: in ears.
Fullness: in head and chest.
Emptiness: in stomach; in larynx.
Heaviness: in occiput; in stomach.
Smoothness: in larynx.
Stiffness: of neck; in limbs.
Crawling: in occiput.
Tickling: in tip of urethra; in larynx; in trachea; in skin.
Paralyzed feeling: in left arm; in right leg.
Weakness: in chest.
Coldness: of left testicle; in larynx.
Heat: in mouth and esophagus; in cheeks, face and head.
Itching: in vagina; in skin.
Dryness: on tongue; in mouth; in throat.
Lameness: in all joints.


Suppuration of left parotid gland, edges of opening smooth, ulcer unhealthy, discharge watery and excoriating; swelling remaining hard and unyielding. ~ After scarlatina.
Tonsils swollen after measles.
Scrofulous swelling of glands, several already in suppuration; in water twice daily.
Enlargement of thyroid, in children with light hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
Swelling and induration of glands (thyroid testes, submaxillary, parotid).
Affections of glands, principally without suppuration.
Swelling and hardness, even ulceration, of left parotid gland.
Emaciation. ~ Cancer of mamma.


Touch: larynx painful.
Pressure: throbbing in head agg.; pain in stomach agg.; pain left inguinal canal agg.; mammary tumor agg.; pain in neck better.
Scratching: lessens itching.
Shaving: cold sensation in larynx better.
Driving in carriage: left testicle painful.
Riding horseback gives general relief.

SKIN. [46]

Tickling, itching, prickling and stitches in skin, at various places.
Pimples and pustules.
Boils on arms and in face.
Eruption on perineum.


Blue eyes; light hair; fair skin. ~ Struma. ~ Croup.
One case of cough with black hair and eyes, dark complexion, small and spare.
Acts better, though not exclusively, on persons with light hair and blue eyes.
Increased embonpoint.
Children with thin, white, delicate skins, and very light hair and eyebrows. ~ Croup. ~ Diphtheria.
Blonde, red-cheeked, scrofulous girls.
Scrofulous boy, aet. 10, given up; 5th day of croup.
Woman, aet. 25, scrofulous, not married, menstruated regularly. ~ Mental derangement.
Woman, aet. 27, married four years and no children; dark complexion and very lively temperament. ~ Mental derangement.
Woman, aet. 35, losing too much blood every month; had no children.


Antidoted by: Camphor, Amm. carb., Magn. carb., Opium.
Compare: Apis, Arg. nitr., Arsen., Bellad., Borax (sterility); Caustic., Chlorum, Cinchon., Conium, Coffea, Cina, Cuprum, Fluor. ac., Hepar, Iodum, Laches., Lycop., Mercur., Phosphor., Rhus tox., Sepia, Spongia, Sulphur, Tart. em.
The celebrated springs of KREUZNACH owe their anti-scrofulous action to Bromium, as well as the Iodum contained therein.
Bromium has been useful in croup after failure of Iodum, Phosphor., Spongia, especially in relapses, after Iodum.
Cured goitre after failure of Iodium.
In all diseases the choice between Bromium and Iodum may be decided by the former curing in the blue-eyed, the latter in the black-eyed.
Compatibles: Arg. nitr. (generally after Bromium, not before it); Kali carb. (emphysema).


Source: The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 02, 1880
Description: Clinical materia medica of Bromium
Remedies: Bromium
Author: Hering, C.
Year: 1880
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum