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Natrum Phosphoricum.

Sodium Phosphate. Na2 H P O4 12 H2O.

Prepared from calcined bone; the crystals are colorless, transparent, obliquely four-sided, specific gravity 1.55, slightly alkaline, and have a cooling saline taste; insoluble in alcohol; imparts a yellow color to flame. –Am. Hom. Pharm.

Provings by Farrington on twelve provers, Hahn. Mo., vol. 12, p. 172; also proved by Corson, Thesis, Hahn. Med. Col., 1877. The provings were made principally with the higher potencies.


- Conjunctivitis, Schssler's Tissue Remedies, p. 114; Chronic dyspepsia, Hering, Schssler's Tissue Remedies, B. and D., p. 148; Gastralgia and enteralgia, Schssler, A. H. Z., vol. 103, p. 93; Goitre, Skeels, Hahn. Mo., vol. 15, p. 104; Weakness of legs, Farrington, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. Pa., 1874, p. 272; Swelling of glands of neck, Fischer, Hom. Times, 1876, p. 92.

MIND. [1]

Mental dullness; difficult to remember.
Nervous, irritable; vexed at trifles.
Anxious and apprehensive; despondent.
Melancholy, especially after emissions.


Giddiness; vertigo with gastric derangement.


Headache: in temples; on crown of head on awaking in morning; after taking thick sour milk.
Intense pressure and heat on top of head as if it would open.
Severe pain in head as if skull was too full; frontal or occipital, with nausea or sour slimy vomiting.
Sickening headaches, ejection of sour froth.


Dim sight as if veil was over eyes; dull, heavy headache.
Flickering of sight in left eye, on rising 5 A. M.
Halo around gaslight.
Eyes feel weak, agg. from gaslight; sore when reading.
Burning, stitching, cutting in eyes.
Eyes feel as if sand was in them, mostly left.
Burning lachrymation, eyes bloodshot.
Discharge of golden yellow, creamy matter from eyes.
Ophthalmia, conjunctivitis, discharge of yellow, creamy matter, lids glued together in morning.
Conjunctivitis with great dread of light, since measles some years previous; enlargement of glands of neck, creamy secretion from eyelids.
Granular conjunctivitis when granulations look like small blisters.
Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Dryness of left eyeball, with soreness as if bruised.
Squinting caused by intestinal irritation from worms.
Quivering of right eyelid while reading.
Eyelids feel sore, itch and burn.
Pain over eyes.


Sensation in ears as of water dropping from a height into a long, narrow vessel, while lying down.
Fullness in ears.
Aching and itching in right meatus.
Tickling from middle ear into eustachian tube.
Ears sore externally, burn and itch, thin, cream-like scabbing; yellow tongue.
One ear red, hot, frequently itchy, accompanied by gastric derangement and acidity.
Lobe of right ear burns intolerably, scratches until it bleeds.


Subjective offensive odor before nose in morning.
Left nostril sore, painful; picks it, scabs form.
Pricking in nares, brings tears to eyes.
Picking at nose, associated with acidity and worms.
Fullness at root of nose.


Red and blotched face, yet not feverish.
Paleness, or bluish, florid appearance.
Face white about nose or mouth.
Facial neuralgia, shooting, stitching pains.


Soreness in right side of lower jaw, at angle, occasional darting.


Grinding of teeth in children in sleep.


Acid taste; bad taste on awaking.
Thin, moist coating on tongue.
Tongue coated dirty white, dark brown centre.
Yellow, moist tongue.
Moist, creamy or golden yellow coating at back of tongue.
Blisters and sensation of hair on tip of tongue; pricking numbness of whole mouth.
On rising in morning, tongue has a thin, moist coating, a creamy deposit at back, or as if raw or yellow sugar had been partaken of.
Tries to say a word, but it will not come out; feels as if something closed in throat, preventing speech.


Yellow, creamy coating at back part of roof of mouth.
Soft palate has a yellowish, creamy look.
Catarrh of tonsils, with a golden yellow-tinged exudation; acid condition of stomach.


Tough, clear, white phlegm from posterior nares; much hawking.
Dropping of thick, yellow mucus from posterior nares, agg. at night; awakens him, must sit up and clear throat.
Sensation of a lump in throat; right side sore, pricking as of a pin; agg. swallowing liquids, amel. solids.
Throbbing in left tonsil.
Sore throat, tonsils coated with a yellow, creamy mucus, raw feeling, moist deposit on tongue mornings, looking yellow.
Diphtheritic sore throat, falsely so called.
Inflammation of any part of throat with characteristic coating; accompanied by an acid condition of stomach.


Canine hunger, or loss of appetite.
Desire for: strong-tasting things, beer, alcohol.
Aversion to bread and butter.


Heartburn and acidity; waterbrash.
Flatulence with sour rising.
Nausea and vomiting of acid fluids and curdled masses (not food).
Sour eructations, sour vomiting, greenish diarrhea, pains, spasms and fever with acid symptoms.
Vomiting of sour fluids or of a dark substance like coffee-grounds, sour risings, loss of appetite.


Empty, gone feeling in stomach, with feeling of weight above ensiform cartilage.
Pain sometimes comes on two hours after taking food.
Every day several attacks of gastralgia and enteralgia, accompanied by vomiting of fluid sour as vinegar; oversecretion of lactic acid.
Stomachache when worms are present, accompanied by acid risings.
Gastric derangements with symptoms of acidity.
Dyspepsia with characteristic eructations and tongue, sour taste.
Chronic dyspepsia; thin, yellow, creamy coating on soft palate.
Ulceration of stomach, pain in one spot after food, sometimes sour risings, loss of appetite, face red and blotched, yet not feverish.
Gastric abrasions and ulcers.


Sclerosis of liver and hepatic form of diabetes, especially when there is a succession of boils.


Pain in bowels, restless sleep.
Flatulent colic.
Colic in children, with symptoms of acidity, such as green, sour-smelling stools, vomiting of curdled milk, etc.
Ulceration of stomach or bowels.
Pain through right groin, after seminal emissions.


Diarrheic stools with flatus, weak feeling in rectum and sphincter; afraid to pass flatus lest feces escape.
Diarrhea caused by excess of acidity, stools sour-smelling, green; jelly-like masses of mucus, painful straining, coagulated casein, scanty and frequent.
White or green stools, with diarrhea or jaundice.
Summer diarrhea, with lack of digestive power, stools clay-colored or greenish.
Habitual constipation, with occasional attacks of diarrhea, in young children.
Obstinate constipation.
Itching, sore and raw anus.
Itching at anus from worms, especially at night when warm in bed.
Intestinal, long or thread worms, with picking at nose, occasional squinting, pain in bowels, restless sleep, etc.


Burning during urination; frequent micturition.
Urine: dark red, with arthritis; pale; increased, scanty and dark.
Polyuria; diabetes.
Atony of bladder.
Incontinence of urine in children, with acidity of stomach.


After coitus burning and itching at meatus.
Sexual desire increased or absent; desire without erections.
Seminal emissions every night, at first with erethism and lascivious dreams, but later without any sensation whatever; followed by weakness of back and trembling of knees, which felt as though they would give way.
Seminal emissions, without dreams.
Semen thin, watery, smells like stale urine.


Weakness and distress in uterine region.
Prolapsus uteri, with weak, sinking feeling, after defecation.
Uterine displacements with rheumatic pains.
Discharges from uterus sour smelling, acid. ~ Sterility.
Menses: too early and pale, with afternoon headache over eyes, agg. after menses, with sensation in knees as if cords were shortened; sore wrists; chilliness; restless sleep; feet icy cold by day and burn by night.
Leucorrhea: creamy or honey-colored; acrid and watery.


Morning sickness, with vomiting of sour masses or fluids.


Pain through chest and in left shoulder.
Pain from right clavicle, diagonally to stomach; hoarseness.
Pains in chest, agg. from deep breathing and pressure.
Burning deep in chest, agg. right side, evening in bed.
Sudden feeling of fullness in upper part of chest.
Phthisis florida in young subjects.


Feels as if a lump, or a bubble started from heart and was forced through arteries.
Trembling about heart; agg. walking up-stairs.
Pains about base of heart, relieving pains in limbs and great toe.
Palpitation: caused by every strange noise; feels pulse in different parts of body.
Heart feels uneasy and pains, when pains in limbs and great toe are better.
Sensation as though shot was rolling through artery.


Intercostal muscles feel sore as if drawn.
Lower third of sternum pains as if torn in two.


Crick in both sides of neck.
Swelling of glands of neck, extending to chest.
Goitre (in thirteen cases), the feeling of pressure was relieved in three to five days; in some cases a cure was effected.
Weak feeling in back and limbs.
Spinal anemia; paralytic weakness of lower extremities, with general prostration, heaviness and sensation of fatigue, especially after a short walk or ascending steps; legs give way, so as to be unable to progress further.
Pain in articulation of lumbar vertebrae and sacrum, left side; pressing spot causes pain down thigh to knee; leg gives way when walking.


Rheumatic pains in right shoulder; feels nervous.
Slight drawing in left deltoid, morning.
Arms tired.
Contraction of extensor muscles on back of arm.
Crampy pain in hands while writing; hand trembles; contraction of extensor muscles on back of arm.
Aching wrists; rheumatic pains in joints of fingers.
Rheumatic arthritis, especially of joints of fingers, pains suddenly go to heart.


Sudden giving way of legs while walking, as though they would be paralyzed.
Drawing on inside of thighs.
Sore hamstrings; feels stiff on rising, cords feel too short.
Calves pain or feel as if too tightly bandaged.
Pain in knees, ankles, shins, in hollow and ball of foot.
Right big toe pains; when amel., pain in heart.


Sore feeling in joints.
Right wrist and left ankle weak, ache as if paralyzed; after menses.
Synovial crepitation.


Lying down: sensation of water dropping in ear.
Must sit up: at night to clear throat.
Sitting: falls asleep.
Writing: crampy pains in hands.
Walking up-stairs: trembling about heart agg.; sensation of fatigue.
Walking: legs give way.

NERVES. [36]

Nervousness: tired feeling, with goneness of stomach, crick in neck, trembling and palpitation; in a thunderstorm.
Irritation of intestines by worms, causing squinting and twitching of facial muscles.

SLEEP. [37]

Drowsy feeling, yet not sleepy.
Sleep restless with worm troubles.
Very drowsy, falls asleep while sitting.

TIME. [38]

At 5 A. M.: on rising, flickering of sight.
Morning: headache on crown of head on awaking; lids glued together; offensive odor before nose; on rising, tongue has a thin, moist coating; slight drawing in left deltoid.
Day: feet icy cold.
Evening: in bed, burning deep in chest.
Night: dropping of thick, yellow mucus from posterior nares agg.; itching at anus agg.; feet burn.
During menses many symptoms have an afternoon and evening aggravation.


Warmth of bed: itching at anus from worms.
In a thunderstorm: trembling and palpitation; pains agg.

FEVER. [40]

Chilliness: during menses; in chest; followed by hot flashes.
Flashes of heat and headache every afternoon.
Acid, exceedingly sour-smelling sweats.
Intermittent fever, with vomiting of acid, sour masses.


Two hours: after food, pain in stomach.
Every day: several attacks of gastralgia and enteralgia.
Every night: seminal emissions.
Every afternoon: flashes of heat and headache.
Summer diarrhea.


Right: quivering of eyelid; aching and itching in meatus; lobe of ear burns intolerably; soreness in side of lower jaw; side of throat sore; pain through groin; pain from clavicle to stomach; burning deep in chest, agg. side; rheumatic pain in shoulder; wrist weak.
Left: flickering of sight in eye; as if sand was in eye; dryness of eyeball; nostril sore; throbbing in tonsil; pain in shoulder; pain in sacrum; slight drawing in deltoid; ankle weak.


As if top of head would open; as if skull was too full; as if veil was over eyes; as if sand was in eyes; as if eyeball was bruised; in ears as of water dropping from a height into a long, narrow vessel; as of hair on tip of tongue; as if something closed in throat; as of a lump in throat; pricking as of a pin in throat; limbs as though they would give way; as if cords of knees were shortened; as if a lump, a bubble started from the heart and was forced through arteries; as though shot was forced or rolling through arteries; intercostal muscles as if drawn; lower third of sternum as if torn in two; as though legs would be paralyzed; cords of legs feel too short; as if calves were too tightly bandaged.
Pain: over eyes; in stomach, in one spot after food; in bowels; through right groin; through chest and in left shoulder; from right clavicle, diagonally, to stomach; in chest; about base of heart, relieving pains in limbs and great toe; in lower third of sternum; in articulation of lumbar vertebrae and sacrum, left side; down thigh to knee; in calves; in knees, ankles, shins; in hollow and ball of feet; in right big toe.
Severe pain: in head.
Shooting, stitching pain: in face.
Burning, stitching, cutting: in eyes.
Throbbing: in left tonsil.
Crampy pain: in hands.
Rheumatic pain: in right shoulder; in joints of fingers.
Aching: in right meatus; in wrists; in left ankle.
Dull, heavy pain: in head.
Drawing: slight, in left deltoid; on inside thighs.
Crick: in both sides of neck.
Burning: of eyelids; of external ear; of lobe of right ear; at meatus; deep in chest.
Soreness: of left eyeball; of eyelids; of external ear; of left nostril; of right side of lower jaw; of anus; of hamstrings.
Sore feeling: in joints.
Raw feeling: in throat; in anus.
Pricking: in nares.
Pricking numbness: of whole mouth.
Tickling: from middle ear into eustachian tube.
Dryness: on left eyeball.
Fullness: at root of nose; sudden, in upper part of chest.
Intense pressure and heat: in top of head.
Feeling of weight: above ensiform cartilage.
Empty, gone feeling: in stomach.
Weak feeling: in rectum and sphincter; in back and limbs.
Itching: of eyelids; in right meatus; of external ear; of anus; at meatus.
Intense itching: in various places over body.


Acts upon glandular organs of intestinal tract.
Marasmus of children who are bottle-fed; abdomen swollen, liver large; colic after eating; stools containing undigested food.
Diseases of infants suffering from excess of lactic acid, resulting from overfeeding of milk and sugar.
Ailments with excess of acidity.
Exudations and secretions yellow, honey-colored.
Swelling of lymphatic glands before hardening; scrofula.
Leucocytosis, swellings of lymphatic glands; scrofulous inflammation of eyes.
Rheumatic arthritis.


Pressure: pains in chest.

SKIN. [46]

Chafing of skin.
Eczema with symptoms of acidity, secretion creamy, honey-colored.
Erythema; “rose rash;” golden yellow scabs.
Crusta lactea.
Hives, itching all over body, like insect-bites.
“Rose” erysipelas, smooth, red, shiny, tingling or painful swelling of skin, intense itching; in various places over body; of nose; of prepuce; of scrotum; about anus; on joints.


Boy, aet. 2 1/2, suffering from a chronic diarrhea, cured finally by Cinchona; swelling of glands of neck.
Girl, aet. 8, several years ago had measles, since then eyes affected; conjunctivitis.
Woman, aet. 50, suffering for two years; gastralgia and enteralgia.


Antidoted by Sepia, particularly the eruption and swelling about joints; Apis relieved the hives.
Compare: Calc. ost. in scrofulosis with acidity; Calc. ost., Carbo veg., Coccul., Carbol. ac., Kali carb., Nux vom., Robinia in gastric catarrhs; Rheum in sour stools and sour smell of body; Benz. ac., Colchic., Guaiac., Lycop. and Sulphur in gouty dyspepsia.


Source: The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 08, 1889
Description: Clinical materia medica of Natrium phosphoricum
Remedies: Natrium phosphoricum
Author: Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C.
Year: 1889
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum