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en:ahr:ahomeo01-miscellaneous-11-158-10282 [2012/07/12 10:54] (current)
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 +====== MISCELLANEOUS.====== ​
 +{{anchor:​s2}}THE DRESS OF THE PEOPLE.{{anchor:​s3}}-From an article with the above title in <span grade2>​The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review,</​span>​ for April 1859, we make the following extract:-
 +{{anchor:​s4}}That the quality of radiation is not an indifferent one in relation to dress cannot be questioned. {{anchor:​s5}}As a rule, it is well known that the worst conductors of heat are the best radiators. {{anchor:​s6}}Were it otherwise the uses of both classes would be diminished: the polished silver teapot would deservedly fall into discredit, and the flannel dress might even become oppressively heating. {{anchor:​s7}}Those who have not made the trial would probably hardly believe that a polished metallic vessel, filled with hot water, will be accelerated in cooling by giving it a covering of flannel. {{anchor:​s8}}This radiating power of flannel, in addition to its bad conducting quality and power of absorbing hygrometrical moisture, with evolution of heat, renders it, we may remark, admirably fitted as an article of clothing, not paradoxically,​ as at the same time warming and cooling, but as a moderator and regulator of temperature.
 +{{anchor:​s9}}The different degrees of inflammability of the common materials of dress are easily shown by one or two simple experiments-we allude to silk, wool, flax and cotton. {{anchor:​s10}}If a slip of each, in a woven state, is placed on a support of platinum foil and held over the flame of a candle, the silk and wool will become charred without inflaming, whilst the cotton and linen will take fire and consume with flame; but of the two latter, the cotton more readily and rapidly than the linen. {{anchor:​s11}}Further,​ if slips of each be wound round a copper wire of one-fifth of an inch in diameter (we particularize because H is on experiment) and used as a taper, the cotton brought to the lighted candle, will inflame readily, and held perpendicular will burn to the bottom, leaving only the trace of a white ash; tne linen will do the same, but slower, leaving a similar ash; but not so the wollen and silk-these hardly break into flame; the flame, when it occurs, lasts only for a moment, and leaves a coal, which burns with difficulty and soon goes out. {{anchor:​s12}}The application of such results as these to dress, especially to women'​s dress, entailing so much danger of person from fire, are so obvious as to require no comment. {{anchor:​s13}}It would be well were the subject brought forward and illustrated by experiments before popular audiences. {{anchor:​s14}}The demonstration through the eye would probably be more impressive than any words, even if uttered by the most persuasive of orators.
 +{{anchor:​s15}}As to fitness of the materials for washing it may be sufficient to remark, that in point of degree there is but little difference between them, with the exception of wool, which from the structure of its fibre, not smooth like that of silk, cotton, and flax, but having minute processes or offshoots, is subject to entanglement or felting, giving rise to a shrinking of superficies with increase of thickness; but which fortunately can to a considerable extent, be prevented by peculiar modes of washing and drying well known to the skilful laundry, maid. {{anchor:​s16}}Here we would offer a passing remark on a laundry practice much to be deprecated-the use and abuse of starch, sacrificing thereby a great amount of valuable food; and at the same time by its hardening, stiffening effect when applied to articles of dress, rendering them colder and less agreeable to the feel. {{anchor:​s17}}Even oar towels and pocket handkerchief cannot escape the addition, as may be proved by testing them with iodine.
 +{{anchor:​s18}}Another property, the last we shall advert to, as influencing the materials of dress is color. {{anchor:​s19}}Its influence is most strikingly witnessed in the heating effects of the sun's rays. {{anchor:​s20}}From the experiments which have been made, all of them of a simple and conclusive kind, it would appear that, <span grade2>​ceteris paribus,</​span>​ darkcolored bodies become soonest and most heated on exposure to the sun, varying with the degree of intensity of color, the extremes of the scale being black and white. {{anchor:​s21}}It also appears to be proved that when the sun's rays are absorbed by a dark surface, the heat evolved ceases to be radiant in a great measure, and loses, consequently,​ its peculiar powers, one of which is that of exciting inflammation,​ as witnessed in sun-burn. {{anchor:​s22}}These are facts applicable to dress especially in a hot climate. {{anchor:​s23}}They tend to show that, for protection s sake, the two colors should be used at the same time, white in the outer garments exposed to the sun's rays, black in the inner clothing to prevent these rays from acting injuriously on the skin. {{anchor:​s24}}In the African, with a black skin, there is a strong taste for white clothing; in the instance of the Arab horse, of purest breed, the hair is white the skin black; and, universally,​ as regards the effects of the sun's rays, whilst they conduce to the bleaching of the hair, they equally contribute to the darkening of the skin. {{anchor:​s25}}This is well witnessed in the cotter'​s child left to his own enjoyment in fine weather, <span grade2>​sub dio,</​span>​ bare-headed and barefooted, in the darkening to nut-brown of his complexion, and the lightening, often to whiteness, of his hair. {{anchor:​s26}}We remember how we once gained a little credit with a friend, peculiarly sensitive to the sun's rays, and suffering from them, by suggesting an umbrella constructed on the above principle. {{anchor:​s27}}He had the courage to spread his protector with its contrast of colors-white outside, black inside-and he assured us with the most satisfactory result as to his comfort. {{anchor:​s28}}Confirmation is readily obtained experimentally. {{anchor:​s29}}We shall give an example: Four vials, of the same form and size, were charged with a prepared mixture consisting of weak mucilage and a little nitrate of silver and exposed to the sun's rays; one (No. 1) was left uncovered; one (No. 2) was covered with white silk; one (No. 3) with black silk; one (No. 4) with white silk over black silk; and one (No. 5) with tinfoil. {{anchor:​s30}}Examined after three hours, the fluid in No. 1 had become almost black, its temperature 75°; No. 2, dark brown, temperature 68°; No. 3, only just perceptibly colored, temperature 75°; No. 4, just perceptibly colored, temperature 69°; No. 5, just perceptibly colored (the foil had some minute holes, allowing the passage of some rays), its temperature was 71°. The air at the time was 61°; water in a vial, without the addition of mucilage and nitrate of silver, was 64°.
 +{{anchor:​s32}}ALLOPATHIC MISREPRESENTATION.{{anchor:​s33}}-We have received for publication,​ the following statement from Drs. Wells and Bailey of Utica. {{anchor:​s34}}In the report alluded to, the authors states that during the prevailence of acute Pharyngitis,​ "​Homoeopathy and Eclectism professed wonders in the treatment of this disease, giving it the cognomen of Scarlatina, they boasted of their cures without a death,"​ and cite several cases treated homoeopathically. {{anchor:​s35}}The report is to an allopathic society, and our correspondents say the treatment is greatly misrepresented.
 +{{anchor:​s36}}"​In the lost vol. of the Transactions of the N. Y. State Medical Society, is what purports to be a Sanitary Report of Brookfield, Madison Co., by Dr. A. L. Saunders, in which is made a covert and discourteous attack upon Homoeopathy in a garbled and false statement of the condition of the cases referred to, as well as the treatment adopted. {{anchor:​s37}}But for the authority this paper attains in being published in the Transactions,​ no attention would be given it. {{anchor:​s38}}But it is due to the honorable members of that Society, as well as to the homoeopathic system of medicine, that a truthful exposure should be made. {{anchor:​s39}}We give the following reasons why the report referred to is entirely worthless for any useful or honorable purpose:
 +{{anchor:​s40}}1st. {{anchor:​s41}}The confirmed habit of plagiarism which the reporter is known to indulge, would throw a suspicion of untruthfulness upon whatever he might present to the public. {{anchor:​s42}}In proof of which we have received a letter from the venerable Dr. E. S. Bailey, who is the homoeopathic physician referred to in Dr. S's report.
 +{{anchor:​s43}}2nd. {{anchor:​s44}}It is apparent on the face of the report itself that Dr. S. knew nothing of the cases which he reports as treated homoeopathically,​ except what he obtained from neighborhood gossip. {{anchor:​s45}}And Dr. B. writes us that "in view of the importance of the cases, I invited him to visit them with me which he declined and he never saw them to my knowledge."​
 +{{anchor:​s46}}No case could be of much practical value when reported from the memory of the attending physician alone, and certainly no honorable mind would attempt to report cases under the care of a competitor, from information only obtained from rumor.
 +{{anchor:​s47}}3rd. {{anchor:​s48}}This report is not. only very imperfect but glaringly untrue. {{anchor:​s49}}They were all sudden and violent attacks of brain fever, and with the exception of Mr. M. running into a typhoid type. {{anchor:​s50}}G. K. had a happy and perfect recovery; Mrs. G. was apparently doing well till moved by her friends four miles, against the wishes of the patient and advice of her physician. {{anchor:​s51}}That there should be a fatal termination under these circumstances was not singular, which the Dr. left entirely out of the account.
 +{{anchor:​s52}}Dr. Bailey writes us that with reference to the case of G. H. K.:​-"​It is seldom that I see so many errors couched in so few words. {{anchor:​s53}}It is a complete tissue of misrepresentations.{{anchor:​s54}}"​ We have also in our possession a statement from Mrs. K., who was the wife of one and the mother of another of the patients agreeing with Dr. B. in his statements, and denying positively and feelingly the truthfulness of Dr. S's report of the cases in her family.
 +{{anchor:​s55}}It is only necessary further to state in order to a proper expose of the matter, that Dr. Bailey who had the care of the cases treated homoeopathically,​ is a physician of good reputation and large experience, both as an allopathist and a homoeopathist,​ having practiced the former over 30 years and the latter 7 or 8 and only practicing the latter <span grade2>​now</​span>​ from his love and confidence in our beautiful system His age and position would have excused him from such honorous labors years ago, and should have excused him from the covert attack of one who might learn wisdom from his councils.
 +{{anchor:​s56}}It is much to be regretted by all honorable and high minded members of the profession, of whatever school, that there are persons to be found in it who seek to maintain a position by misrepresentation and fraud, which they are not capable of doing by fair and honorable means."​
 +{{anchor:​s58}}PROPHYLACTIC PROPERTIES OF BELLADONNA.{{anchor:​s59}}-I have several times noticed remarks in the REVIEW, in regard to the prophylactic properties of Belladonna -allow me to add a tribute. {{anchor:​s60}}During the Spring of 1858, the Scarlet Fever broke out among the students of Newbury Seminary and Female Collegiate Institute. {{anchor:​s61}}There being 300 students, it caused considerable alarm, and many were preparing to leave. {{anchor:​s62}}My brother (Rev. C. W. Cushinng of Albany) had then commenced his last term as Principal, and wishing to retire with unbroken ranks, applied to me for means, by which to stay its progress. {{anchor:​s63}}In order to convince myself, I cheerfully volunteered to furnish a preventive remedy. {{anchor:​s64}}More through <span grade2>​fear</​span>​ than <span grade2>​faith,</​span>​ they rushed to my brother'​s room for the sugar pills, and I am happy to say, there was not another case of Scarlatina in the school during the term although it extended around it. {{anchor:​s65}}I gave Belladonna 3d. two doses a day. {{anchor:​s66}}A. M. CUSHING, M.D., Bradford, Vt.,
 +{{anchor:​s68}}REVACCINATION OF THE PRUSSIAN ARMY.{{anchor:​s69}}-The following statement has been published by the Prussian Government, in continuation of those made public annually by it since 1833. {{anchor:​s70}}During 1858 there were 46,521 soldiers vaccinated or revaccinated,​ 39.669 exhibiting distinct scars from former vaccination,​ 4,708 having them indistinctly,​ and 2,144 having no cicatrices. {{anchor:​s71}}The result was regular in 29,390, irregular in 5,748, failed in 11,383; total 46,521. {{anchor:​s72}}On a repetition of the vaccination in the 11,383, in whom no effect had been produced, it succeeded in 3089 of the number. {{anchor:​s73}}Of the soldiers successfully revaccinated in this or former years 5 were attacked during 1858 with varicella and 11 with varioloid, but no case of true variola appeared among them. {{anchor:​s74}}During the year, variola prevailed much among the civil population in almost all parts of the monarchy; and the army exhibited also more cases than usual, small in number though these were. {{anchor:​s75}}Altogether in the whole army there occurred 64 cases of the different forms. {{anchor:​s76}}Of these 30, viz: 7 cases of varicella, 19 of varioloid, and 4 of true variola, occurred in subjects who had not been revaccinated;​ 18 cases, viz: 6 of varicella, and 12 of varioloid in those who had been revaccinated but without effect; and 16 cases, viz. 5 of varicella and 11 of varioloid in soldiers who had been successfully revaccinated. {{anchor:​s77}}The great bulk of the cases were observed in new recruits. {{anchor:​s78}}No death from variola took place in <span grade2>​the entire army</​span>​ during 1858.{{anchor:​s79}}-<​span grade2>​Med. Times and Gazette</​span>​ May, 1859.
 +{{anchor:​s80}}LONDON HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL.{{anchor:​s81}}-We learn from the <span grade2>​Monthly Homoeopathic Review,</​span>​ London, that the ceremony of opening the new Hospital building in Great Ormond Street, took place some time in May. The building, which was originally three stone dwellings, has been arranged so as to present a fine front and furnishing ample internal accommodations.
 +{{anchor:​s82}}It is estimated that the building will cost about £11,840 of which £9,905 is already subscribed, leaving a small balance of £1,435 to be raised.
 +{{anchor:​s83}}During the last year, in consequence of the preparation of the new building, the operations had been confined to the treatment of out-door patients. {{anchor:​s84}}At the close of the year 1857, 464 out-door patients were under treatment, and during the year ending December 31st, 1858, 1809 cases were registered. {{anchor:​s85}}Of these 664 were cured; 374 relieved; 6 died, 764 result unknown, or remaining under treatment. {{anchor:​s86}}During the year ending December 31st, 1858, the total receipts amounted to £3982 5s.3d.
 +{{anchor:​s88}}WESTERN HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, ST. LOUIS.-{{anchor:​s89}}In a previous number we published a short sketch of this institution.
 +{{anchor:​s90}}The Board of Trustees have published their First Annual Announcement. {{anchor:​s91}}From it we learn that the course of lectures will commence on the fourth Monday in October next and will continue until about the first of March ensuing. {{anchor:​s92}}The faculty is composed of John T. Temple, M.D., of St. Souis, Professor of Materia Medica; R. E. W. Adams, M.D., of Springfield,​ III., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine; B. L. Hill, M.D., of Cleveland, Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Surgery; J. Brainerd, M.D., of Cleveland, Professor of Chemistry and Botany; A. B. Bartlett, M.D., St. Louis, Professor of Physiology and General Pathology; E. A. Guilbert, M.D., of Dubuque, Iowa, Professor of Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children; Wm. Tod Helmuth, M.D., of St. Louis, Professor of Anatomy.
 +{{anchor:​s93}}Four of these gentlemen, Drs. Hill, Brainerd, Bartlett and Guilbert, have been professors in the Western Homoeopathic College at Cleveland; and Dr. Helmuth, for sometime, occupied the chair of Anatomy in the Homoeopathic College at Philadelphia.
 +{{anchor:​s94}}There is now in operation in St. Louis, the "Good Samaritan Hospital'​ under the care of Dr. T. G. Comstock, which will probably be open to students and be of great advantage to them.
 +{{anchor:​s95}}The following are the fees:
 +{{anchor:​s96}}Amount of fees for a full course of lectures (invariably cash), $70 00
 +{{anchor:​s97}}Matriculation fee (paid only once), 5 00
 +{{anchor:​s98}}Practical Anatomy, 10 00
 +{{anchor:​s99}}Graduation fee, 30 00
 +{{anchor:​s100}}Fee for students who have attended two full courses in other medical
 +{{anchor:​s101}}colleges,​ 35 00
 +{{anchor:​s102}}Graduates of other Medical Colleges, 30 00
 +{{anchor:​s103}}In order to offer facilities to students who are unable, to pay the full amount of fees for a. full course of lectures, five beneficiary students will be received, and entitled to a full course of lectures, by paying forty dollars each. {{anchor:​s104}}The application for admission to be made to the Faculty previous to the first of Sept. in each year, and to be endorsed by at least two repayable Homoeopathic physicians, testifying to the good moral character and worthiness of the candidate for such favor, and his inability to pay. {{anchor:​s105}}Dr. J. T Temple is Dean of the Faculty, letters of enquiry maybe addressed to him or Dr. W. T. Helmuth, Register.
 +{{anchor:​s107}}HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY FOR THE COUNTY OF RENSSELAER.{{anchor:​s108}}- We learn from Dr. S. A. Cook that this Society has lately been organized, in accordance with the requirements of an act of the Legislature,​ authorizing the formation of Homoeopathic Medical Societies. {{anchor:​s109}}At the first Regular Meeting, held' in Troy, N. Y., June 9th, 1859, the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year:-Dr. R. S. Bryan President; Dr. J. Mosher Vice President; Dr. S. A. Cooke Secretary and Treasurer; Drs. H. E. Fuller, R. D. Bloss and J. Searle, Censors; Dr. R. S. Bryan delegate to the State Society. {{anchor:​s110}}The next meeting of the Society is to be held in Troy, October 6th, 1859.
 +{{anchor:​s112}}NORTHERN HOMOEOPATHIC DISPENSARY-New York.{{anchor:​s113}}-The Second Annual Report of this Institution has just been published. {{anchor:​s114}}The whole number of patients treated within the year was 1399, and the whole number of prescriptions given 3185. {{anchor:​s115}}Number known to have been cured, 1022; relieved, 114; result unknown, 196; remaining under treatment, 60; died, 4. {{anchor:​s116}}Of the four fatal cases, three died from cholera infantum, and the fourth from general anasarca, originating in disease of the heart. {{anchor:​s117}}The receipts and expenses for the year amounted to $89,50. {{anchor:​s118}}The expenses being for rent, $25; stationary, $3; printing first annual report, $28,50; medicines, $33.
 +{{anchor:​s120}}NEWARK HOMOEOPATHIC DISPENSARY.-Mr. Baker, pharmaceutist of Newark, sends us an account of this dispensary. {{anchor:​s121}}It was opened Nov. 1st, 1857, by Drs. Lafon and Richards, and is now attended daily, Sundays excepted, by Drs. Annin, Lafon and Richards.
 +{{anchor:​s122}}The number of patients treated since the commencement has been few, only about 800. {{anchor:​s123}}The Institution has been wholly sustained by private contributions;​ application for pecuniary assistance having been made to the Common Council but refused, although it was not until the establishment of this dispensary and its results becoming known, that any public charity of this kind was organized. {{anchor:​s124}}There is now an allopathic dispensary supported by the city.
 +{{anchor:​s125}}NORTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN-Philadelphia.{{anchor:​s126}}-We have received from Dr. Adolphus Lippe of Philadelphia,​ the Annual Report of this Institution for the year ending April 20th, 1859. {{anchor:​s127}}We have not room to publish the long tabular statement, but give the following summary: Number of cases treated 328; cured 315; relieved 12; died 1. {{anchor:​s128}}Drs. D. James and Chas. C. Raue are the attending physicians, and Drs. C. Hering and A. Lippe consulting physicians. {{anchor:​s129}}Dr Thomas Moore, surgeon to the Home, reports 38 surgical cases in addition to those given above. 35 were cured and I relieved.
 +{{anchor:​s131}}HOMOEOPATHY IN SIAM.{{anchor:​s132}}-A correspondent of the <span grade2>​N. Y. Tribune</​span>​ writing from Siam, says:-
 +{{anchor:​s133}}"​All the missionaries now have good houses, to which, in conjunction with the use of homoeopathic remedies, they attribute their present good health. {{anchor:​s134}}It is a great contrast to the old times of damp houses and allopathic poisons. {{anchor:​s135}}The missionaries tell me (and two were educated as doctors) that they were compelled to give up allopathy, owing to the hot climate, as they could not contend against both the heat and the poisons."​
 +**{{anchor:​s137}}BOOKS RECEIVED.**
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s138}}Semi Monthly Medical News;</​span>​ Louisville, Ky., July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s139}}Medical News and Library;</​span>​ Philadelphia. {{anchor:​s140}}July,​ 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s141}}L'​Homoion;</​span>​ Organe de la Doctrina Hahnemanniene. {{anchor:​s142}}DERIGE PAR LE DR. TAXIL., New Orleans. Vol. I, No. 3.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s143}}Peninsular and Independent Medical Journal;</​span>​ Detroit, July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s144}}American Journal of Pharmacy;</​span>​ Philadelphia,​ July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s145}}The American Druggists Circular;</​span>​ New York, July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s146}}Neue Zeitschrift fur Homoeopatische Klinik;</​span>​ Dresden. Vol. IV, Nos. 10 11.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s147}}N. E. Historico Geneological Register;</​span>​ Boston, July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s148}}College Journal of Medical Science;</​span>​ Cincinnati, July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s149}}American Medical Monthly;</​span>​ New York, July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s150}}The Eclectic Medical Journal;</​span>​ Philadelphia,​ July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s151}}Monthly Homoeopathic Review;</​span>​ London, July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s152}}The New York Medical and Pathological Journal;</​span>​ New York, July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s153}}Notes of a New Truth;</​span>​ Edited by an association of Homoeopathic Physicians London. {{anchor:​s154}}July,​ 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s155}}The North American Medical Reporter;</​span>​ New York, May, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s156}}Masonic Signet and Journal,</​span>​ Atlanta Ga. July, 1859.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s157}}Tiffany'​s Monthly;</​span>​ New York, July, 1859.
 +^ Source: | The AMERICAN HOMOEOPATHIC REVIEW Vol. 01 No. 11, 1859, page 522-528 |
 +^ Description:​ | MISCELLANEOUS. |
 +^ Author: | AHomeo01 |
 +^ Year: | 1859 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |
en/ahr/ahomeo01-miscellaneous-11-158-10282.txt · Last modified: 2012/07/12 10:54 (external edit)