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(Common Onion.)

Translated from Hering's Americanische Arzneiprefuugen,

by T. F. Allen, M.D.

Synopsis of The Contents. — History - Review of Its Old History - Next in Importance — Preparation — Chemistry - Signature and Law of the Distribution of Medicines - Signs for the Names of the Provers - Comparative Review of the Symptoms, from Disposition and Intellect to the Skin - Kind of Constitution and Ages — Conditions - Times of Year - Times of Day - Right and Left - Varieties of Sensation — Antidotes — Relationship - Review of the most General and Special Characteristics - Indications - Names of Diseases — Epilogue - Critical Examination of the Onion.

History. - On the 15th of September, 1847, as we were talking about the yellow fever then raging in New Orleans, a female friend told me that in the last epidemic in Philadelphia, one of the refugees was attacked on the way into the country, and was allowed to crawl into a barn, there he discovered a heap of onions with which he quenched his thirst and recovered without any further trouble. On the same day, a patient told me that when he was a boy, in the country, he had the measles, and was given up as a hopeless case. He stretched out his little hands after some onions which were being carried past him, and through pity he received one from the servant and devoured it eagerly, thereupon he fell into a sweat sleep, and thereafter speedily recovered, contrary to general expectation.

This coincidence induced me, on the same day, to cut up a few onions and treat them with spirits of wine, to take thereof, and at once search my library, where much was met with concerning onions, in old books, in works on popular remedies and accounts of diseases or idiosyncrasies.

I was attacked with a coryza and a so-called catarrhal throat ache. Now, indeed, there were then other causes enough in the weather, and at that time I was especially inclined thereto; but I can distinguish the difference between a coryza that is produced by a drug and one that the weather occasions, and knew this was the action of Cepa. He who has made a couple of dozen of drug provings can also learn it, and not only as regards coryzas, but also with pains in the limbs and other things; it is an entirely different sensation, and indeed different with every remedy. However I again took the drug later in better weather.

My Cepa coryza seemed to me to be similar to that from Chlorine, and now was it easy to knock up a bridge to the reports of the ancients to whom the onion was, as Chlorine has become to us, a destroyer of miasms. But thereby a classic illumination fell upon the two little wonderful narrations which I mentioned at the outset. To reject these on critical grounds, would not require more than the most ordinary wit, for measles is also a catarrh, and yellow fever a contagious miasm. The symptoms and curative experiences of the old herbals led me farther.

And so not many weeks had passed ere the onion had become a polychrest to me and my friends, and so it remains to this day. It fills a gap between Aconite and Ipecacuanha; at all times it can be used in certain cases, but many times when a “catarrhal genius epidemicus” prevails (N.B. — Corresponding to this remedy), it can be used in almost all cases with advantage. Now since at such times the Aconite jacks get their noses pinched because Aconite does not “cure fever,” because in all their cases it does only harm, so perhaps they may the more readily and willingly make use of their catarrhal jack.

Now, as the egg stands on its tip, or more aptly the onion on its tap, I should not be at all surprised if others now “had thought the same thing.” May it serve to benefit and rejoice their patients, and may they succeed in completing the list of characteristics of the onion which I have added in a symptomatic register. Others will hedge about this simple naked form with pathological terms, and believe when they have let the remedy play a roll “in the catarrhal process” they have said something - I do not believe it. Habeant sibi.

But I believe it serves for an inclosure, and I hope that thereby something new may come out of it which, it is well known, has not been the case hitherto with the reconstructed remedies. Also it would pay to make experiments after the manner of Boecker, whereby especially the peculiar chemical nature of the kinds of gases would be established, which it is well known are wont to be given off of a peculiarly specific character by the onion eater.

All this is worth the while. In the mean time, may the here following very incomplete collection suffice and what is always the main thing, contribute to right many cures.

I had taken only ten drops of the tincture and bestowed ten hours time at most thereon, when it already sufficed to cure hundreds of cases or surely to alleviate them. Thereto most especially contributes the view that the onion, while it shows itself related only partially to Chlorine, has a complementary relation to Phosphorus, that is, according to my oft-mentioned theory minerals correspond to plants just as nearly related, an experience just as important to the elevation of science as it can be to the practitioner in his choice.

I consider these successive and gradual relationships as one of the laws in the distribution of the curative powers in nature. I mentioned this twenty years ago indeed, but was laughed at for it. In the course of provings, on the healthy, of complete unbiased collection of experiences and prescriptions at the sick bed, let it be confirmed, but we must have many more remedies yet, and one person cannot do everything. It needs no divining rod to find many such polychrests which then remain living springs. Moreover it does not need such great exertion and neither excessive sacrifices nor the voluntary poisoning of all societies. We have, in the same way as it happened with the onion, made an important polychrest of garlic also, probably it will also be the case with ginger, calamus, caraway, fennel, anise, horse-raddish, celery, mustard, thyme, majorum, mint, sage, black pepper, cinnamon and many others besides; just as it has been with Coffea, Capsicum, Crocus, Nux moschata, Lupulus, Raphanus.

If one has made one single proving with a single massive dose, decided symptoms follow this dose, so among these not only can but must characteristic of the remedy be continued, if one only understands how to grasp them.

One has then curative indications from the same remedy, be it only the bare names of diseases, one holds a handle to make use of. If cases present in which no other remedy shows itself appropriate, or when that which seems to fit misses fire, and the case has come, if only probable, characteristic of a new remedy, then may it also be given. Either it accomplishes nothing, then one stands where he stood before, or it acts, and then it acts either for a cure, or developing new symptoms, or both. The curative action becomes recorded as such, and the new symptoms as probable. In this manner the remedy grows, like the onion.

I remember having read the very naive question, in relation to Cistus canad. and Daphne indica and also Podophyllum peltatum, that decided polychrest, how then do the cures harmonize with the medicinal symptom? He who has learned to accomplish much with little, only laughs at such objections.

It must certainly not be expected that all this happens in so short a time as one takes to read it. Many remedies grow slowly, and many not at all. All need labor, much toilsome labor, even the rapid growing. How much in the beginning must be regarded as only probable, and written in special notes. In how many cases must it be applicable or not; help or no help, before one settles upon this or that symptom as probable, or at last as most certainly characteristic. How many times must the whole collection be revised and enlarged, and how often rewritten, and every time the copy be compared word for word. But all this care richly repays if it now and then succeeds, and a cast brings in a net full of living flapping symptoms.

It has been called a duty to prove drugs, and it is desirable to do so if need be from a sense of duty, I have nothing against it, so that it is only accomplished; but confess that it seems to me like begetting and rearing children; “therein one takes pleasure!” but he, who can mount marriage bed, nurse, rear and send his children to school from a sense of duty, can also prove medicines from a sense of duty; then at least he is not classed with the old maids and bachelors, the sneerers, critics, reviewers, and those who worry themselves gray over the bad habits of the rising generation.

Retrospect of its Ancient History. - Egyptian mummies held onions in their hands for thousands of years. The mummies did not move neither did the onions. The mummy was a dead thing, but the onions possessed living powers. Theories are mummies: pure experiences are living; but only so when they receive light and air. As I the other day, at Philadelphia, cut up a red onion from Connecticut and poured spirits of wine over it, and took thereof when in full health, the old observations received light and air. Then was the onion taken from the hand of a dry mummy, carefully planted in the earth and watered, and it grew and blossomed, and brought forth fruit and will now continue to grow unto the end of days.

At Pelusium the fortress, surrounded by marshes, at the most Easterly mouth of the Nile, which takes it name from the mud, “ nearby where the Typhon breaths,” godly veneration was bestowed upon one single temple - the Cromyon, which in holy language is called Typhon's eye, for it cured, just as Scilla, the dropsy, which was caused by the Typhon's plague, the marsh-air (Strumpf, 2, p. 32). The original use was, however, very probably in prevailing fevers. It must have been often noticed, that a coryza protects from these fevers, and since the onion produces it, so it has been used. It was discovered, or thought to have been discovered, that it would destroy miasms and, therefore, it was a remedy against all noxious vapors. It was hung up in noxious corners, carried about with one, taken for the consequences of bad water, and at last, according to the general view of poisons, even used for the stings of insects, and because it then did surprising good (although from other reasons as we now know), it was indeed used for animal poisons, even the bite of the mad dog. Therefore it was classed among the sweating remedies. It was believed, how many believe it still at the present day, that, if the exhibition of a remedy in diseases was followed by sweat, the remedy is a sweat-drawer. But all remedies are sweat remedies if they remove the disease and it ends by a sweat.

It was found that it made the skin red and itching, hence it was applied as an irritant and matured abscesses, even carbuncles. Then it was used for frozen feet, and even Dioscorides mentions that is efficacious when feet are rubbed sore. Then it was also used as a remedy for promoting the growth of the hair, as also for destroying warts and corns, so was it also given for the sequelae of “white and black measles in the body.” Therefore was its remedy also for making hoofs grow.

Dioscorides manifestly judged from the similarity of symptoms cured, not from any supposed nature or indeed from the most superficial conclusions; there may be organ-remedies.

It was of service in frozen feet, he gave it for podagra.

The two experiences that the mucous membranes was excited to watery secretions and the external skin to maturing suppuration led the physicians to more extended, very manifold exhibitions. The onion was an eye-remedy, an ear-remedy, especially serviceable in angina and for loosening mucus, if it rattled in the throat and bronchials of children and old people. The stomach was by it aroused, and the intestines made to cast off wind; this also opened a wide field. The efflux of blood in women was by its exhibition promoted, as well as the salutary flow of blood from the anus, and here again one had frequent occasion to conjecture it will be of service in “constipation.” That the kidneys removed the excess of acridity was enough that it was given as a kidney remedy, i.e., urine-drawing, when the urine would not pass, whether the hinderance were cramp or weakness, - a stone or the “water.”

In this whole circle, from malarious fever to dropsy, the most simple principles led the way; experience willingly adapted itself to experience, however incomplete the views and expressions were.

So far came Dioscorides and the physicians following him among the Arabs, and later in the middle ages.

But as Galen obtained influence, in the same measure all reasonable investigation ceased. With the preposterous teachings of the four qualities, all progress must cease. Now the onion warms and dries in the fourth grade! What acuteness! So also a blacksmith here in this country discovered, who certainly bad not read Galen, who said, “heat is life, cold is death; what heats, promotes life.” So Spanish pepper keeps people alive; hence we must first give an emetic and then pepper. That also was simple and astute, and he was even a founder of a sect in the healing art, and hundreds of thousands followed this astuteness and still run after him. Everything in life only repeats itself.

I must leave to others to hunt up the sources of the history and use of this remedy, since my collection only extends itself to the old herbals and what they extracted from the works of the Greeks. Very especially Dioscorides deserves to be thoroughly overhauled, since his observations, going into particulars, are fully confirmed. I will give only a few citations as I came across them.

In the bible, bejel is mentioned as food, after which the Jews longed, just as our people long for a cup of coffee and a pipe of tobacco.

Homer speaks of it, Iliad. XI, 629; Od. XIX, 233; Herodotus Histories, II; Euterpe N., 125: Hippocrates De diaeta, II, 359; De affect., 529; De morbo sacro, 302; Theoprast., Vol. VII, 4; Plinius, XX (5) 20; Oribasius Med. Coll, XI, XV; AEtius Zetr., I serm. I; Paulius AEginet. de re med., VII.

Almost all that the ancients observed were preserved through the thousand years, and still live among the people. Everywhere, “for severe nose bleed,” or “if one cannot pass water,” and in “croup of children,” in “worm troubles,” especially tearing in the ears and for ripening boils, making the hair grow, for strengthening the hoof, and many other complaints, this very onion is used still the same.

Indeed we find the belief among people that onions must never be eaten, had they lain sealed or cut up for any length of time in the air, they would then be poisonous, they had abstracted the poison from the air and then produced cutting pains in the abdomen, diarrhea and the like (epistolatory communications from Dr. Raue). Even now are fishes, crabs and especially mushrooms added, because they “draw out the poison” and then become black. I have given the popular uses as completely as was possible for me, in this review; have gone through Osiander's and other collections and prescribed it in almost all such cases, if they showed similar symptoms, and indeed with effect.

Next important would be the history of the onion as a pot herb.

What was medicinal, was considered healthy and added as a corrector of the food and drinks, was daily food and thereby acted upon the popular health. Onions primarily produce dullness and stupidity, hence in their secondary action, or if they act curatively on those otherwise made dull, they make one wide awake, cunning, sly.

As an herb, it was generally diffused and liked. Indeed it is said, in Schroeder's Arzneischatz, page 921, that it was so common in cakes that no cook could easily dispense with it, though there are people who can neither eat nor smell it. It made the perspiration, the milk, the air expelled upward or downward somewhat offensive; if cows ate it, their milk and butter tasted thereof, a flavor which even most zealous onion-eaters did not relish. Yet we find it added to the chief victuals to improve their smell, hence comes garlic with mutton, onion with beef. And it is, indeed, an improvement if cooks would only observe moderation. We find, further, when we look at the dishes, when they have been prepared by real experts, that it is flatulent food to which it is added, for example, rice, potatoes. But if onions themselves are cooked as a dish, then is the carminative caraway added to it as a corrective. These do not unite, and hence do not interfere with each other's peculiar action, whilst if two substance unite chemically, that which is alike and similar in their action becomes more prominently developed in the compounds according to a law propounded by me.

The onion, like other plants, was improved by cultivation in the field and garden. Loudon enumerates eighteen varieties; among which is the white onion, very sweet, nearly destitute of acridity, which is cultivated in Spain especially. The newer the soil the more alkaloids, acids and acrid oils do the plants contain. The more they find alkalies and excess of organic nourishment in the soil, the more mealy, sweeter, pleasant and aromatic do they become. So the wheat-flour which comes from virgin soil contains a horribly offensive fusel oil which one does not find in Sicilian flour; while the latter has more alkali, the former less. This have I discovered while seeking out the causes of the diseases prevalent here in America.

Preparation. - For medicinal use we use the red, longish, in general the most acrid onions, and from experience those which do not come from soil cultivated for a century.

Dioscorides, Plinius, OEribasius, AEtins and Paulus AEgineta declare the long onions more acrid than the round, the red than the white, the dry than the fresh, the raw than the cooked or salted (Strumpf, 2, p. 23, Amm.

Serapion also says that the red are stronger than the white. Others have observed that the farther North they grow the more acrid they become. Shroeder considers the long onions the most acrid. The roots must be cut off (for the onion is not a root as the learned Strumpf said), also the placenta furnishes very little juice and the dry outer husks none at all. The juice must be expressed from the inner soft parts; strong alcohol is then to be added and after a few days decanted. Or, the onion may be crushed, treated with alcohol and then expressed. Still better would be the distilate, although it is weaker, whereof we will speak in Hamamelis.

Chemical. - The volatile oil should contain Sulphur. Braconnot found pectic acid in it. Foucroy (Ann. de chim., 1808, 65,161) and Vanquelin (Receueil period., 1,416) give analysis. According to them, onions contain Phosphoric, Acetic and Citric acids and Phosphate of lime.

Whether, what we have been accustomed to call alkali in plants has any influence in its action, comparisons hitherto have afforded no conclusion. But it is possible that these substances exist in such combinations with organic matter that their action, i.e., their influence on the functions is greatly restricted. Since we know that there are combinations of Arsenic, which are even less active than kitchen salt, we must presuppose that this may be the case with many other substances. And according to observations hitherto made, many articles of food and taste act far differently by means of their volatile substances, volatile oils and the like, than by their alkalies. So also the alkalies vary far more than do the effects; that is, the variations in the definite symptoms from the same animal or vegetable substance from different localities, is far less than the variation in the quantity and quality of the alkalies.

Signature and Law of Distribution of Medicines. — As far as we still are from reliable conclusions from the chemical composition of vegetable or animal substance (we have as yet not even the first triangle as a basis for our mensuration), just so far are we removed from a clear understanding of the significance which the aspect, form, and numerous other appearances possess. Yet it is exceedingly probable, from knowledge hitherto of effects that an analogy exists between form and effect. This is signature. I consider everyone a coward in science, who is afraid of such a word, when it embodies truth. Flocks alone are cowards, and if a bell-wether believes that he owes it to the dignity of science to make a side jump, inasmuch as a wolf skin hangs over the fence, so the whole flock becomes terrified and jumps about. This I know, but yet assert it. Hahnemann rejected in toto the doctrine of signature, at which we also do not wonder. A pair of miserable numbskulls supposed Homoeopathy to be the revived signature that also was not to be wondered at. Helbig had courage enough to show by example that there was something in it. Thereupon the common adverse critics replied with scurrilous words, as was expected. But it manifests itself in the farther and farther advancing investigations it shows itself in that, to a certain extent, there is a chemical homogeneousness in the families of plants. Just so does the accordance in the action of the various plants of the same family present it, which explains itself as soon as there was chemistry. But now are the plants grouped into families according to their form. But if the botanist found essential similarity of form whereby one plant is placed by another, if the chemists found in such similarly formed plants similar substances, if a similarity of action shows itself between them, and they must show it, because all action is chemically conditioned, so must there be an accordance between form and action. Granted, that this similarity between members of the same family be only superficial, which, however, do not wholly concede, yet is this next proposition to be considered, whether also the differences in form between individual members exhibit a corresponding difference in their action. For example, whether the distinction in form accord with the difference in action in Nux vomica and Ignatia, in Aconite and Helleborus, in Belladonna and Capsicum. The law of action of members of a family, which I intend to discuss in the preface, may be represented in general, as follows:

a a a a a
b 5 b4 b3 b2 b1
c1 c2 c2 c4 c5

That is a part of the action marked “a,” is the same in all the members of the same family; another,“b,” preponderates at one end of the series, decreases and is almost wanting at the other end. A third, “c,” deports itself reversed. The Solanaceae furnish an example, which are considered on the one hand narcotic, and on the other acrid. The last predominates, for example, in Capsicum, the first in Tobacco. In the Ranunculaceae, which as a family exhibit great diversity of action, the same law shows itself in the distribution of medicinal property; and those known can be arranged in a series, more properly in a half circle; at this end Ranunculus would be placed; at the other Helleborus or Paeonia. The Malvaceae have at one end the Oxalic acid, sour Sabdariffa rubra; at the other the strong offensive smelling Sida graveolens, etc. What have been considered exceptions prove to be end-unfoldings.

The chief thing to be done is to prove particular plants on a number of persons. Then only can we take the next step, compare those nearly related. Any thing beyond may be conjectured in order that we may have a goal before us, but it brings us no nearer to it until we have a sufficient number of such pairs. One of the most important side relationships exists between Allium cepa, the onion, and Allium sativum, the garlic. Many of us are already experimenting on the latter.

It is very natural to think that garlic and onion act alike, only the former more powerfully. Doubtless then is it very convenient to trifle still further, but we must investigate the action of garlic, without which the similarity in structure, composition or smell, might possibly trouble us; just as Hahnemann investigated Nux vomica and Ignatia without concerning himself about having relatives before him, indeed without knowing, that in each were contained Strychnia and Brucia. We know that the two are not interchangeable, that their action is essentially different; that, also, everything depends on being acquainted with their difference.

This we know of the onion and garlic, perhaps now we shall be able to understand what it signifies, that Allium cepa gathers no young brood about the onion-placenta, as do the other species, especially the garlic; hence it was called unio, from which oignon and onion are derived. Something similar induced historians to designate the king Frederick “den Einzigen.” The common onion bears its brood above in the crown. There is, however, a variety known as the potatoe-onion, which will fill the whole bed in the garden yet bear no seeds.

Possibly our bed will soon become quite full, provings and clinical experiences accumulate, so also will the crown above fill with young onions, which will continue to grow.

Should we obtain a history of the onion from the ancients, and a copy of the several provings be desired, I can for the most part furnish them. Till then the customary pathogenesis, which I have made as complete as possible, will suffice.

The Names of the Provers, - C. Hering took the tincture of the onion on the 15th of September, 1847, and the following days; on the 13th of November, five drops of the tincture after twelve o'clock, and five drops about one o'clock, from which appeared most of the symptoms. Many single symptoms are from other persons and designated by the letters, ab, gg., etc.

Dr. Jeanes proved Cepa on himself, and has used it very extensively to the present time.

Drs. Williamson, Neidhard and Lingen have enriched the present collection by very important observations.

Dr. W. Wesselhoeft, Boston, took two drops of the tincture in two spoonfuls of water for four or five days in succession, in the morning.

Dr. Geist took one drop of the third potency on the evening of the 16th of December, 1847; two drops on the 19th, at eleven, a.m.

An especially good proving is that of Dr. J. N. Eckel. He took, on the morning of the 17th of December, 1847, (fasting) two drops of the tincture on sugar of milk; on the 19th, four drops of the tincture in water; and in May, 1848, and experienced therefrom, with slight variation, the same symptoms.

Dr. Zumbrock took ten drops of the tincture frequently repeated, and though he had great aversion against onions in food, he experienced only a few symptoms.

Dr. Alleborn obtained several male provers, sedentary manual labors, tailors and weavers, who had lived quite homoeopathically, for many years, without coffee, tobacco, beer, brandy and spices. They took the strongest tincture, even as much as fifty drops, repeated for many days; designated. G. W.P.L.

All these provings could be printed in day-book form; at present we can only spare room for the symptomen register and divers matter from ancient and modern works. The reports and opinions of the Greek and other ancient as well modern physicians, are noted with the name or Gr. P. - A. P. - M. P.

W. Wirsung Arzneibuch, 1597.

T ., Tabernaemontani Kraeterbuch.

Sch. Sch., denotes Scheibler Schaltjahr, reprint from various old writers. O. V., Osiander Volksmittel.

Hong., Honigberger Fruechte Maus dem orgenlander.

Tahfet, according to the preceding, from the Materia Medica of the Eastern physicians.

Register of Symptoms

Mind and Disposition :

1. To Mandragora we may join the excessive use of garlic, onions and leeks, because all physicians consider them very injurious, as occasioning deeply corrupted, malignant humidity; which inflame the blood, injure the eyes, the head, the brain and stomach; predisposing to lethargy, sopor, somnolency, vertigo, epilepsy and indeed insanity. Wm. Ramsey, Treatise de Venenis, 1661, p. 68.

- Onions go to the head with their acridity and injure the brain, and if one eats too much of them they can indeed cause insanity and madness. Col. Oec., 53.

- If many are eaten raw, they make a person foolish by reason of their aromas, which mount into the head. Sch. Sch.

- If too many are eaten, the onion juice takes away the senses, by reason of its great heat and acridity, and greatly injures the stomach. Spigel, Isag. in. rem herb., 1,2, c.16. Koschwitz. 5. I find something injurious in the onion and consider the opinion of Spigelius well founded, that a too free and continued use of it as food causes disturbances of the brain. Haller.

- The pains, 34 and others were endurable, but yet of the character that he could scarcely help fearing they might become worse and unendurable. Lingen.

- Inexpressible anxiety, turning himself hither and thither full of despair, with severe colic; 328. * Pains with sore fingers, make him frantic. 549.

- Very melancholy, with catarrh. 508.

- In the afternoon, after wine and coffee, he was completely confused and absent minded by much business, forget and twisted everything in the utmost confusion; the fourth day. C. Hg;

10. He makes mistakes in spelling a foreign language. L., C.Hg.

- Apathetic, mornings. 611.

- Working people take in the morning onions with bread and salt for the bad air, as they do treacle, but idlers are made foolish, melancholy and sleepy by its use. Koesslin Krauterbuch,1550.

- Cardanus affirms that even the offspring of those who eat onions freely are disposed to insanity. Wm. Ramsey, 1661.

Confusion of the Head and Vertigo:

- Vertigo, etc. 1, * on rising up. 589.

15. Dull feeling in the head which after a while becomes a headache, which draws from the forehead into the vertex. L. Alleborn.

- The sensation in the head as if the space was too small and every thing would press out of the forehead. P. Alleborn.

- Pressive pain in the occiput, with a benumbed sensation in the left elbow joint; forenoon of the second day. Geist.

- Pain in both sides of the occiput and a dull confusion from the crown backward and downward in the regions “conscientiousness” and love of approbation; continued the whole forenoon; went away in the evening after drinking beer. C. Hg.

- Confusion in the occiput, first on both sides and towards the upper part, pressing down sideways, then behind the ears around the whole occiput; after one hour. C. Hg.

20. Pressure and confusion in the upper part of the occiput in the regions “conscientiousness, “love of approbation” and “caution,” the whole evening, better in the open air, worse on returning to the warm room; first day. C. Hg.

- Headache on both sides of the occiput, afterward in only two large round places in the upper posterior part of the head, in the region “love of approbation;” still later a general and humming sensation of the part being asleep. C. Hg.

- The pressure in the upper part of the occiput in the evening became about eleven a sensation of being asleep; on touching it he first noticed that it was not in the scalp, but as if in the bone. C. Hg.

- Confusion of the head, 270; * with coryza. 170. Dullness in the head with some coryza and lachrymations, in the evening on cutting onions. Th., C. Hg.

25. Dullness in the forehead and whole head as after inhaling chloroform. E., C. Hg.

Heaviness, Pressure in the Head:

- The head is full and heavy. Gn., C. Hg.

- Heaviness in the head. Jeanes.

- Heat and heaviness of the head, lasting from the forenoon till near evening; after cutting onions. C. Hg.

- Fullness and heaviness in the head as if it were bound up, with flickering of the eyes. 77.

30. Dull oppressive pain in the head. G. Alleborn

- Oppressive headache over the eyes; frequently going through the head like an electric shock; the first day. Eckel.

Pains in the Head :

- Aching of the head. Jeanes.

- Tingling pain behind the left mastoid process. Williamson.

- Stitches over the whole left forehead, externally, they draw into the ear, the upper jaw and the teeth of the same side; immediately after inspiration.; evenings. Lingen.

35. Stitches as of needles in the forehead. 660.

- Pains deep in the head, sticking to the ear. 136, 137.

- Like electric shocks through the head. 31.

Local :

- Pains deep in the head over the left brow; after one hour. C. Hg.

- Headache the next morning, especially in both temples. C. Hg.

40. Pains in both temples, most severe in the right, aggravated by winking, afterward the pain extends over the forehead, worse on the left side. Williamson.

- Headache from both sides of the head, downward and inward toward the middle; after ten minutes. C. Hg.

- Pain, left of the crown; after seventy minutes. C. Hg.

- As if swollen and heavy on the crown. 77.

- Headache in the region of the organ of concentration. Jeanes.

45. Headache first in the occiput, then in the forepart on the right side over the eye. Z., C. Hg.

Headache, according to Conditions and Concomitants :

- Headache, better in the open air. Eckel., 50, 163.

- Worse on return to the warm room. 20, etc.

- In the room, evenings, with coryza. 163.

- Headache with coryza. 162, 163.

50. Headache and coryza, worse evenings; the fourth day. Eckel.

- *Severe headache with slight coryza. 171.

- Pain in the forehead with catarrh. 508.

- Headache and gastric troubles. 291.

- Head confused, especially in the forehead, after renewed eructations. 348.

55. Confusion of the head, after it had risen up from the stomach into the throat. 270.

- Headache and yawning. 594.

Undefined :

- Headache. Gr. P.

- But those, in whom they produce headache, should avoid them. Dioscorides.

- Make a decoction of leeks in water and bathe the head in it, for headache. Galen.

60. Raw, they are very injurious to the head and to the eyes. Rhases.

- They frequently excite headache in inflammatory constitutions. Elbasai.

- They afflict the head and eyes, hence they should be avoided by those who study and have a humid weak head, sight and hearing. Tabernoemont.

- If they are eaten too much, they cause headache. Koschwitz.

External Head :

- With pressive headache is the sensation as if the whole head-externally were wrapped up in warm water. X. Eckel.

65. The whole head became hot. 77.

- Heat of the head. 28.

- Needle stitches upon the head, in the forehead. 660.

Hair :

- For alopecia, Hippocrates directed the spots to be rubbed with onions. De Morb. Mul. II, 667.

- *The hair is made to grow by anointing the bald spots with onions.

70. *It promotes the growth of hair in baldness better than Alcyonium. Gr., P,

- *It may be used externally for making the hair grow, anointing the shaven head with it. The juice also makes the hair grow. Zacut. and Simon. Pauli 2 B.

- *If the head be rubbed with onion juice, the hair is caused to grow. Bronzet.

- *To rub bald spots with onion juice. O. V.

- *For promoting the growth of the hair; the head is washed at evening with French brandy which has stood over freshly cut onions. Fechner, Hauslexicon.

75. *Bald spots are to be rubbed with a cut onion till they are red, to make the hair grow. Caspari. Compare nails and hoofs.


- On becoming sleepy while reading, the letters appear to him very small; soon after the second dose. C. Hg:

- Flickering and blinding before the eyes, every thing dances hither and thither, therewith fullness and heaviness in the head, as if bound up, the whole head becomes hot, and feels swollen and heavy on the vertex; together with so much general weakness that she must lie down. After cutting onions. C. Hg.

- A bright dazzling in the distance and dimness near by G., Allerborn.

- The eyes are sensitive to the light, particularly to the left. Eckel.

80. Cloudy sight by candle-light. Jeanes.

- Injurious to the eyes. Rhases.

- They affect the eyes, as to be avoided by the weak eyed. Tabernoemont.

- They weaken the sight. Koshwitz.

- Onions sharpen the sight. Hippocrates.

85. *They make the sight clear, and remove the commencement of cataract. Dioscorides.

- *For weak eyes. Gr., P.

- It makes dim eyes clear. Platearius.

Eyes :

- It causes biting in the eyes, irritates to tears. An undoubted action of onion.

- At evening on cutting up onions, there was a continual dropping from the eyes, then they became painful. O., C. Hg.

90. Pungent smell, biting and weeping of the eyes, and sneezing, after taking it. Jeanes.

“And if the boy have not a woman's gift
To rain a shower of commanded tears,
An onion will do well for such a shift,
Which in a napkin close conveyed
Shall in despite enforce a watery eye.”

Taming of the Shrew (Introduction).

- It acts on the eyes, causing lachrymation. Pereira Mat. Med.

- *The juice represses the excessive lachrymation. Elbasai.

- The eyes water, after a few hours; the first day. Eckel.

95. The left eye pains the next morning; fine stitches in it; after cutting the onions in the evening. E., C. Hg.

- The lachrymation of the left eye with coryza was much greater, the eye was much redder and more sensitive to the light than the right; the first day. Eckel.

- Excessive lachrymation of the left eye with redness of the eyeball, after frequent sneezing; the third day. Eckel.

- The eyes are no longer watery and dim; the sixth day. they have their natural lustre; the seventh day. Eckel.

- The lachrymation is for the most part in the evening, in the warm room; the left eye weeps more and also is more sensitive to the light. Eckel.

100. Watering of the eyes and nose. 158.

- Lachrymation with coryza. 162, 164.

- *Lachrymation, 508, mild (not excoriating) with Coryza. 170.

- *Blear-eyed. Hong.

- Burning on the outside of the right upper lid; after three minutes. C. Hg.

105. Burning in the lids. L. Alleborn.

- As if there were smoke in the eyes under the upper lids, mostly in the right; the first day. C. Hg.

- *Redness of the lids with catarrh. 507.

- After drinking coffee, an irritation on the left upper lid, which necessitates frequent rubbing; worse in the warm room, disappearing in the open air; the first day and and morning of the second. Eckel.

- Irritation of the left upper lid reappears very strikingly after the thirtieth. Eckel.

110. Itching in the supra orbital region, more on the left side; after one hour. C. Hg.

- Burning itching in the brows, the supra-orbital region and the upper lids; evening of the first day. C. Hg.

- Heat in the left eyebrow. Williamson.

- Needle stitches in the brows. 660.

- Pressive pain over the right eye; after twenty minutes. C. Hg.

115. Feeling of heaviness over both eyes and in the forehead; after a few minutes, lasting two hours. Neidhard.

- Pains in the eyes as if they would be torn out, as if the loose eye hung, posteriorly, on a string and would be bored into with the fingers and torn out. O., C Hg.

- Drawing pains in the left cheek, going into the interior of the left eye; better in the cold air; the second day. Eckel.

- Pain over the right eye to the root of the nose. 178.

- Pain from the cheeks into the left eye. 179.

120. *Onion juice either alone or with white wine, is an excellent eye salve, which wonderfully removes the heat of the eyes. Joh. Proevot.

- *Commencing ecchymoses in the eyes. Gr. P.

- *Ulcers, spots in the eyes. Gr. P.

- *Irritant affections of the eyes, used with ashes. Gr. P.

- *A sty is to be rubbed with a piece of raw onion. O. V.

125. Swelling of the lids and around the eye; with coryza. 170.


- Ringing in the ears now and then; also soft, in both ears as from sounds far distant (mostly in the right ear, from which he hears); the fourth to the seventh day. C. Hg.

- Humming in the ears on lying down. gg., C. Hg.

- Roaring in the left ear, as heretofore only after a severe cold; afternoon of the first day. Eckel.

- *Whizzing and ringing in the ears. A. de Villanuova.

130. * Hardness of hearing. Apollonius.

- *Onion juice for impaired hearing. Wirsung.

- *It removes deafness and strengthens the hearing, Phil. Muller; but it must be done with discretion. Koschwitz.

- For some kinds of deafness, the juice is to be dropped into the ear. Hahnemann.

- To be avoided by those who have weakness of hearing. Tabernoemont.


135. Pecking behind the right ear; after one minute. C. Hg.

- Pains moving from deep within the head to the ears, like thick threads, about a finger in length, remaining in particular spots, from a pea to a hazel-nut in size; after fifty minutes. C. Hg.

- Pain behind the ears deep within the head, from backward and inward to the ears; a sensation entirely new and peculiar to him; after one hour. C. Hg.

- Stitches drawing from the left forehead into the ear. 34.

- Under the left ear a hard swelling the size of a hazel-nut, extending from over the angle of the lower jaw to the ear, from which pains go into the ear, especially on pressure. O., C. Hg.

140. A painful sensation from the throat to the ears; after five minutes. C. Hg.

- Chilling or burning twitching on the right side of the throat in the region of the eustachian tube, then above it a kind of gnawing, neither painful; after one hour. C. Hg.

- Pains in the throat drawing into the right ear. 229.

- The ears, the throat, especially about the root of the tongue were decidedly effected; fifteen minutes after the second dose. C. Hg.

- Stitches through the right car the next morning. gg., C. Hg.

145. It is dangerous to pour the juice into the ears. Paracelsus

- *Dropped into the ears, it removes the pains, as well as the roaring and ringing. Arnold e Villanuova.

- *For earache, the juice. W. and others; Volksmittel.

- The heart of the onion is to be put into the ear for tearing in the ears. Vm., Raue.

- *The juice is to be put into the ear on cotton. Russian Volksmittel.

- Onions boiled in oil promote the discharge in ulceration of the ear. Wirsung.

150. *Discharge from the ear. Apollonius.

- Salt onion juice dries and stops the purulent discharge from the ear. Wirsung.


- Pain from over the right eye into the root of the nose. 178

- *Mixed with vinegar and put into the nose, it stops the bleeding, which the simple smell of the onion also does. Koschwitz.

- *For nose bleed, put onions on the neck. Van Swieten.

155. *Applications of cut onions to the neck for nose bleed. O. V.

- b. *For severe nose bleed, strong vinegar with onions in the nose. Ch. G. Hoffman's companion and aid.

- At evening, walking in the street, increased dropping from the nose, quite unusual, from both nostrils without the sensation of coryza; the first day. C. Hg.

- *Dropping from the nose. 507.

- Copious watery discharge from the nose and watering of eyes. (C.) Jeanes.

- a. *Discharge of ichorous fluid from the nose in convalescing scarlet fever. Jeanes.

- Crawling in the right nostril as before sneezing, must frequently blow thin mucus out of the nose; one hour after one drop of the third; forenoon. Geist.

160. Frequent sneezing in the evening when he comes into warm room; the second day. Eckel. Sneezing. 90, *508.

- a. Since collecting onions in the harvest, four years before, a brother and sister, each in the thirtieth year, experienced for the first time a coryza recurring at the same time each year and continuing two to three weeks; they would sneeze severely twenty to thirty times every morning and were obliged to avoid peaches on account of their rough skin, as well as all flowering trees and plants; Nux vom. relieved very greatly but still other medicines had to be administered. Dr. Raue.

- b. The most violent sneezing as if she would be torn to pieces, as soon as she steps out of bed. G. B.

- In the evening after drinking beer and eating hering; excessive thirst; heat and severe coryza with much lachrymation, headache; acrid burning discharge from the nose, so that the upper lip became red and sensitive; the first day. Eckel.

- Nasal discharge and headache, better in the open air, the first day; not so severe the next morning; at evening, worse in the room, distinctly relieved as soon as he goes into the open air the second day; on awaking, very slight the third day; after repeating the dose, more severe. Eckel.

Note. - Symptoms marked ”a“ or ”b“ have been lately received from Dr. Hering, and are additional to the original proving. G. B. refers to a slight proving on a woman, remarkable on account of the alternating action. R. R., signifies relata refero. [Translator.

- Much irritation in the right nostril, soreness of the nose, sneezing lachrymation, morning of the fourth and fifth day, with less headache. Eckel.

165. Some soreness of the nose yet; the eighth day. Eckel.

- a. Coryza, at times with stoppage that she speaks “through the nose,” at times with profuse mucous discharge. G. B.

- With coryza, trembling of the hands at evening. 541.

- *Acrid discharge from the left nostril. 508.

- *Coryza. Eckel. In many cases with the best results. Dr. Thayer.

- *With frequent success in the coryzas prevailing here in the winter, 1848. Lippe.

170. After rapid alternations of cold and warm days, in November, 1852, a young lady complained that she had suffered for a few days from coryza, worse every evening. Water ran profusely from the nose, she sneezed frequently, her head was confused, the lids and about the eyes were swollen, much lachrymation (not acrid as in Euphrasia), frequent cough, tension in the upper part of the chest, loss of appetite. She took Cepa30 in the evening, slept the whole night, was quite well the following day and remained so. A. Lippe.

- *The nose is humid with slight coryza, but with severe pain in the forehead, which this time was not relieved by lying down, as is usually the case with her coryzas. In a woman 50 years old; better in the evening. Pehrson.

- *Fluent coryza, dropping clear water (on the right side as usual with him), had not lasted only twelve hours as customary, but many days in spite of cold bathing; it disappeared within a few hours after Cepa. Pehrson. Drawn into the nose it clears the head of slime and mucus. Dioscorides.


- Expression of anxiety and despair with pain in the abdomen. 328.

175. Pain in the right upper jaw, like a thread in a nerve which goes from above downwards, from the median line to the side, deep with the bone, at evening; the first day. C. Hg.

- The pain in the right upper jaw on lying down in the evening extends, on the morning of the second day, from the nose outward and downward. C. Hg.

- Drawing stitches from the left forehead into the upper jaw. 34.

- Severe pains (like neuralgia) from the upper half of the right eye to the root of the nose. Zumbrock.

- Drawing pains in the left cheek extending into the left eye; third day. Eckel. Compare 117.

180. *Paralysis of the left half of the face which is also somewhat noticed in the limbs of the same side, together with an altogether too copious secretion of urine. Jeanes.

- Spots warmer than usual on the right cheek; after fifty minutes. C. Hg.

- Heat especially in the face, every time after eating onions. Several sisters. C. Hg.

- Heat of the face in the evening. 632.

- *Facial erysipelas. Jeanes.

185. (Parree produced a nettle-rash eruption on the face and on the body, also on many in the family. C. Hg.

- (Swelling of the checks with toothache. 215.)

- The upper lip is red and sensitive from the acrid nasal discharge. 162.


- It has a sweet and aromatic acrid taste.

- Sweet and nauseous taste after taking it, and so also on the third day. Eckel.

190. On awaking, nauseous taste; the third day and morning of the fifth. Eckel.

- A sickish sweet taste, also again after the 30th though in a less degree. Eckel.

- Burning taste, more on the gums and upper part. C. Hg.

- Loss of taste. Wirsung.


- The tongue has a foul coat, especially in the morning on the back part, the third day; slimy the fifth day. Eckel.

195. The tongue is furred the next morning. 632.

- Dryness at the root of the tongue, on the right side. Williamson.

- Month and tongue as if scalded. 632.

- Pains under the tongue, at the lower insertion of the frenum it is surrounded with a half circle of small sore elevations; the next morning and the whole day. O., C.Hg.

- Paralysis of the tongue. Celsus.

200. Draughts of onion water relieve those who are struck dumb from the bite of animals that they cannot read. Rosslin, Krauterbuch, 1850.

For swollen tongue. Wirsung.


- The mouth is not as coated in the morning; the second day. C. Hg.

- Dryness in the mouth without thirst. 632.

- It causes an offensive breath. General experience.

205. *Onions remove the bad taste in the mouth. Pliny.

- Onions remove the offensive breath. Coleri Oecon., 53.

- The juice is of service in putrid sore mouth. Paracelsus

- *Antiscorbutic. Hahnemann. Should be eaten for scorbutus. O. V.

- Pecking in the two hindermost back teeth; after three minutes. C. Hg.

210. In the first upper teeth, right side, sensitive drawing from the root to the crown; after-thirty minutes. Later, the same feeling in the corresponding teeth on the left side; the first day. C. Hg.

- Pressive toothache in the right upper and lower back teeth with the inclination to bore the tongue into and suck them, which relieves, lasting an hour; after traveling against the north-west wind, the fifth day; again the sixth day after going against the north-west wind. Geist.

- Slight pressure in the right back teeth on going into a warm room. At breakfast (with warm cocoa) painful; relieved by cold water; the seventh day. Geist.

- At breakfast, the back teeth pain from eating bread, so that only soft food can be eaten. A pressive pain remains for some time afterward. Toward noon the pain disappears on the right side and settles in the root of the left eyetooth; the gum around the root is inflamed, the pain frequently ceases suddenly and commences in an instant in a right back tooth; in the eyetooth it is pressive, growling; cold water, cold in general relieves; the eighth day. Geist.

- The pressive toothache comes on after walking against the North wind, is relieved by poking and sucking with the tongue, is much aggravated on eating warm soup and disappears after a swallow of cold water; always the same after repeated experiments. Geist.

215. (Pressive pain in the root of the left eyetooth disturbs the sleep, with excessive heat in the cheeks, toward morning remission and sweat, the cheeks feel swollen); ninth day. Geist.

- During sleep, feeling as if the back teeth were too long, with some pain; disappears on rising. Two nights. Geist.

- Drawing stitches from the left forehead into the teeth. 34.

- The seeds kill the worms in the teeth. Dioscorides. Wirsung, p. 192.

- It does not relieve toothache. Paracelsus.

220. Onion-leaves in the mouth, for toothache. O. V.

- a. Immediately after eating onions, raging pain attacks a broken tooth. Arnica high in water relieved just as speedily. R. R.

- The teeth are a smutty yellow in the morning, they remain so the whole day; in one who has very white and sound teeth, continues three to five days. Eckel.

Throat and Pharynx:

- The throat was decidedly affected; after fifteen minutes. 143.

- A constrictive pain in the forepart of the throat, low down in the region of the os hyoides, after five or six minutes; low down posteriorly, on the right side; after seven minutes. C. Hg. Compare 143.

- Drawing pain in the left side of the throat, relieved by cold air; the second day. Eckel.

225. Some redness on the back part of the palate on the right side. Gg., C. Hg.

- Pain in the throat extending to the ear. 140.

- In the throat and orifice of the eustachian tube, chilling or burning twitching and gnawing, not painful. 148.

- Heat low in the pharynx extending into the stomach. Williamson.

- Pain in the throat m the lower half of the larynx, as after swallowing too large a mouthful, or as if swollen, the pains extend every little while into the right ear; the whole afternoon, coming on after midday, ten drops. t., Zumbrock.

230. In the pharynx the feeling as if the, food remained stuck behind the breast-bone. 516.

- Throat ache, as if there were a lump in the throat, which is sore, but only on swallowing and elevating the tongue, the next morning; after twenty-four hours. Gg., C. Hg.

- *In chronic difficulty of deglutition “like a ball in the throat,” she brought up, a lump of mucus and was then relieved. C. Hg.

- For swelling of the tonsils it is serviceable, applied as a poultice. Koschwitz.

- *Quinsy, used as an embrocation. Gr., Ph.

235. *Good for angina. Dioscorides, Pliny.

- *Ulcerations of the throat. Hong.

- For a gargle when leeches are applied to the throat. W. S., 203.

- Throat ache as after taking, cold. 577.

- *Soreness of the throat with catarrh. 507.

240. A sense of nausea extending into the throat. 270.

- A benumbed feeling in the back part of the throat, persistent; the first day. C. Hg.

- Great dryness of the soft palate after breakfast, continuing two hours and a half; the first day. Eckel.

- With great dryness of both nostrils, considerable thick, white, frothy, tasteless mucus collects in the fauces, which is easily expectorated without cough. Lingen.

- Dryness in the throat. 501.

245. He hawks up mucus which has a sweetish nauseous taste; the third day. Eckel.

- Toward evening, collection of mucus behind the choanae. Zumbrock.

- In the posterior fauces, in the choanae and on the posterior surface of the soft palate, a soft bland mucus constantly collects which compels one either to swallow or hawk it up; evening of the first day. C. Hg.

- In the morning, a raw feeling in the fauces with tickling in the region of the epiglottis, first on the right then on the left side; together, with a sensation of weakness in the stomach, very Annoying hiccough and uprising of frothy salivary mucous fluid; eructations of wind and passage of offensive flatus. Therewith constant inclination to hacking to relieve the tickling in the larynx. After breakfast severe pain in the right ankle and rumblings in the abdomen; the second day. Jeanes.

- *Diminished secretion of mucus in the throat, with chronic catarrh of the fauces. W. Wesselhoeft.

250. Mucus in the fauces. 486.


- Onions promote an appetite; but if one eats too many they cause a revulsion of the stomach. Dioscorides.

- The appetite is increased. Ebn Masavia.

- a. The appetite is excited even to canine hunger. G. B.

- They produce an appetite, which, however, disappears immediately as soon as he begins to eat, food is disgusting to him. L. Alleborn.

- *No desire to eat. W. S., 364.

255. *Loss of appetite with coryza. 170.

- *For canine hunger. W. S., 412.


- The priest's were forbidden its use because it produced thirst. Plutarch de Is. Et Osir, p. 451.

- Onions excite thirst. Gr. Phys, Hong., 291.

- Garlic does not cause thirst as onions do. Sch., Sch.

260. Onions weaken the bowels and cause thirst. Platearius.

- Thirst excessive, with stomach ache, 328; with tympanitis. 344.

- Thirst with heat, evenings with coryza, 162; after chilliness, 620; after flushes of heat at evening. 275.


- *Nausea. Gr. Phys.

- A horrible deathly nausea in the very stomach with very slight eructations, which however relieve somewhat; every day after eating, in one who did not know what she took. C. Hg.

265. Feeling of nausea after fifteen minutes. C. Hg.

- Nausea in the posterior part of the throat is forced up as with a thrust; after thirty minutes. C. Hg.

- Nausea, seems more properly to be seated in the stomach; very soon. C. Hg.

- Nausea. 349.

- Slight warmth in the abdomen and squeamishness; soon after taking it. W. Wesselhoeft.

270. Squeamishness and slight attacks of nausea from the bowels up into the throat, then slight confusion of the head; soon. W. Wesselhoeft.

- There are some who, smelling onions in a distant kitchen, taste them in their mouth, so that afterward everything tastes of them and produces nausea. C. Hg.

- *Nausea on becoming erect. 589


- Frequent eructations; he tastes onions in the afternoon, after taking four drops of the tincture in the morning. Eckel.

- Immediately after eating onions, long continued eructations, but not after the tincture. Zumbrock.

275. At evening, eructations of wind; flashes of heat over the whole body, and thirst; the fourth day. Eckel.

- Eructations still incessant on the morning of the fifth day, without repetition of the dose. Eckel.

- Eructations of wind, 248, 348, 349, 579; with distension of the abdomen, 351; with rumblings. 350.

- Slight eructations relieve the horrible nausea in the stomach, 264.

- It stops sour eructations. Elisraili. (Allium sativa is still more efficacious. C. Hg.)


280. Even the smell of onions makes her vomit; she cannot swallow the tincture in water, it came up again, she is so averse to it. a. b., C. Hg.

- Vomiting frothy, slimy fluid. 248.

- Vomiting and disease which resulted in death, after eating onions. Jeanes.

- For severe vomiting without cessation, put a slice of an onion in the axilla. Domestic Practice.

- It is serviceable in bilious and mucous vomiting. Elbasri.


285. Injurious to the stomach. 1, 4, etc.

- Annoying hiccough. 248.

- Stimulates digestion. Gr. Phys.

- Irritates the stomach and promotes digestion, excessive use however, gives rise to dyspeptic troubles. Kosteletzky.

- They are injurious to the stomach and become disgusting. Pliny.

290. Injurious to the stomach. Spigelius, 4.

- Raw onions give rise to injurious secretions in the stomach, thirst, inflammation, flatulence and headache. Sch. Sch.

- Feeling of emptiness, and drawings back and forth in the stomach, with some pain. P. Alleborn.

- Sense of weakness in the stomach. 248.

- Pain on the left side of the stomach. P. Alleborn.

295. Oft repeated pressure deep within the epigastrium, as if it were at the orifice of the stomach and on the posterior side, evening at ten; the first day. C. Hg.

- Dull pain below the breast bone, more to the right side, on moving in bed, evening at ten, after five min. Geist.

- Pain below the sternum on stooping, morning. Geist.

- Pain in the region of the pylorus. Jeanes, compare 267, 295.

- Pressure in the stomach and fullness in the head. P. Alleborn.

300. Pressure in the stomach. 349.

- Pressure in the stomach and yawning. 594.

- *Stomach ache. Dioscorides.

- Distension of the abdomen before dinner. 355.

- After dinner all the symptoms vanish (after one and a half hours). C. Hg.

305. After supper the symptoms again disappear as after dinner; the first day. C. Hg.

- Pain in the bowels, worse after eating. 322.

- Heat extending into the stomach. 228.

- *For weak stomachs from cold, onions cooked with saffron. W. S., 357.

Region of Liver:

- Pressive pain in the liver region which extends through the whole abdomen. G. Alleborn.

310. The pains seat themselves for some time in the right hypochondrium, with which are cold shudders down the back, so that he can scarcely get warm, evening at nine; the third day. Eckel.

Region of Spleen:

- Contractive pain in the left hypochondrium with the sensation of wind moving about. Williamson.

- Stitches in the left side, toward evening the first day, morning of the second day, worse on lying the fourth day. Eckel.

- *For induration of the spleen, cooked with Gilgen oil W. S., 450.


- Onions appear to be beneficial to the bowels; Dioscorides. Other writers, however, state, that they are injurious to the bowels. Tabernoemontanus.

315. Pain about the navel, an hour after dinner (three, p.m.) Williamson.

- Pain in the umbilical region. L. Alleborn.

- The pains in the bowels are most severe, while sitting, on moving about there is passage of flatus and relief to the pains; the first day. Eckel.

- Half an hour after drinking coffee in the afternoon, the pains in the bowels returned more severe, mostly in the left inguinal region, mote pressing than burning, but with heat in the abdomen; the second day. Eckel.

- With rumbling in the abdomen the pains return more severe than before, with passage of much flatus; morning of the third day after the second dose. Eckel.

320. Flatulent colic. Hong.

- Pain in the abdomen and shoulder (right half?). Hong.

- Pains in the abdomen, worse every time after eating. Eckel.

- Pain in the left side of the abdomen, as though he had punched himself in this place. L. Alleborn.

- On walking a sudden burning or chilling cutting - a pain thin as a thread - in the hypogastrium from both aides inward toward the middle and upward; after 1 hour. C. Hg.

325. Burning glow or chilling sensation, as if scattered, with confused feeling in the right side of the abdomen; thereupon slight passage of half-loud very offensive onion-flatus; after an hour and a half. C. Hg.

- A warm or chilling sensation as if a glow within beat against the abdomen, on the right side, and over the external and upper parts of both thighs. Evening of the first day from nine to ten. Repeated later. The sensation was as if a glowing heat beat against one, but without the same heat, only warmth. C. Hg.

- Heat in the abdomen, 350; with pain. 318.

- Severe pains in the abdomen so that he wanders through several rooms with indescribable anxiety, he throws himself again on the bed, from which he soon again rises. Continuous severe pains in the left side of the abdomen, less in the upper than in the middle and lower regions and bladder, with frequent severe urgency to urinate and burning passage of urine drop by drop; suppressed stool, severe thirst. In the face an expression of anxiety and doubt; increased warmth of the skin, especially in the places of pain in the abdomen which are very sensitive and painful to every touch; pulse somewhat accelerated, full and hard; a quarter of an hour after eating a dull red napiform, Brunswick onion, lasting for four hours; passing away after vomiting, chamomile tea, etc. Prollius (Frank's Magazine, 1, 671).

- A woman, 40 years old, had for twenty years a hernia on the left side, which formerly became frequently strangulated and on the last occasion, two years since, she suffered frightfully, at that time the hernia receded in half an hour after a dose of Aconite30. Afterward she became again pregnant, for the first time in nine years, had a severe labor and child-bed fever. Since then the rupture had occasioned her no trouble. Last Sunday, she ate cooked onions, which, as she now remembers, had formerly caused various disturbances. Shortly after this meal she was seized with pains in the left side of the abdomen; these increased and compelled her to leave church and go home, I was called in the afternoon and found the hernia in the left inguina, much protruded and strangulated; very severe pains from high up in the left side of the hypochondrium drew toward the incarcerated hernia; she was very restless, had much fever, etc. I gave a single dose of Aconite400; after fifteen minutes the pains were quieted and the hernia returned. No further remedies were necessary. Lippe, in a letter, 1848.

330. Pains drawing from the region of the liver through the the whole abdomen. 309.


Source: The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 06 No. 11-12, 1866, pages 538-572
Description: Allium Cepa.
Remedies: Allium cepa.
Author: Allen, T.F.
Year: 1866
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum
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