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 +{{anchor:​s2}}%%*[%%Report read before the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Cayuga County, December 8th, 1863.]
 +{{anchor:​s3}}BY C. W. BOYCE, M. D., AUBURN, N. Y.
 +{{anchor:​s4}}The subject of the committee is so extensive that it is practicable in the short time allowed at a society meeting, to treat only a single division and that for which one remedy is homoeopathic. {{anchor:​s5}}The condition chosen for this time is one not uncommonly met, and has perplexed the writer more than any other. {{anchor:​s6}}The patient, sooner or later, after taking cold, complains of a tickling or irritation behind the sternum or in the throat-pit, which is constant, causing cough. {{anchor:​s7}}The only interval is perhaps from midnight till morning. {{anchor:​s8}}There is very little or no expectoration,​ yet the cough seems to come from a region filled with fluid. {{anchor:​s9}}Old and young are alike subject to such attacks. {{anchor:​s10}}In children the cough is short, constant and continues during sleep. {{anchor:​s11}}Infants often cough for hours at night so loud that no one can sleep within hearing. {{anchor:​s12}}This catarrhal condition often lasts for months, unless cured by the proper administration of medicines. {{anchor:​s13}}In adults the cough is so wearing that they often seek relief from Morphine. {{anchor:​s14}}The following cases are respectfully submitted:
 +{{anchor:​s15}}I. Mrs. D., 50 years old, large and fleshy, at the critical period, had Buffered several years with dilatation of the left ventricle, aorta and carotid artery.{{anchor:​s16}}†[She finally died of aneuriam.] The beats of the heart weae audible over the whole chest, and the respiration in the bronchial tube which crosses the aorta was very loud. {{anchor:​s17}}When perfectly quiet the patient could lie down-and sleep soundly for one or two hours. {{anchor:​s18}}When the nervous or circulating systems were in the least excited, she was obliged to sit by the open window and the stronger the breeze upon her the better the breathing. {{anchor:​s19}}There was very little disposition to cough, unless she took cold, which was sure to travel from the nasal membrane to the utmost ramifications of the bronchiae. {{anchor:​s20}}The thickening of the mucous membrane seemed to fill her lungs completely. {{anchor:​s21}}She could only breathe in the upright posture, and that with great labor. {{anchor:​s22}}There would be constant cough from titillations behind the sternum, seemingly at the bifurcation of the bronchiae. {{anchor:​s23}}There would be no expectoration,​ yet the chest seems full of fluid when she coughed. {{anchor:​s24}}In this condition several remedies were tried without success. {{anchor:​s25}}My experience with Lachesis at this time was quite limited, but as no remedy had done any good so far, it was given in solution every three hours. {{anchor:​s26}}The result was gratifying in the extreme. {{anchor:​s27}}The first few doses completely removed the cough and irritation, and allowed her to lie down and sleep which was very grateful to the patient, after seventy-two hours in the upright posture.
 +{{anchor:​s28}}II. A maiden lady, 40 years old, has been for fifteen years subject to attacks of catarrh; she is large and fleshy. {{anchor:​s29}}The symptoms are as ordinary, manifesting themselves at first in the nose. {{anchor:​s30}}The mucous membrane is thickened, with much sneezing; she expresses it as a dry stuffed feeling through the whole front part of the head. {{anchor:​s31}}This condition gradually passes to the fauces and chest. {{anchor:​s32}}There is constant cough night and day; sitting, lying or walking. {{anchor:​s33}}The cough is short and dry, with wheezing respiration. {{anchor:​s34}}The face is red and puffed, while the eyes seemed almost pressed out. {{anchor:​s35}}None of the ordinary domestic remedies have the least effect. {{anchor:​s36}}This case has been prescribed for by homoeopathic physicians here, and in New York and Brooklyn with no relief. {{anchor:​s37}}The attacks always last for weeks. {{anchor:​s38}}She had come to feel that there was no relief for her. {{anchor:​s39}}The family passed into my care some four years ago together with this interesting case. {{anchor:​s40}}My success with Lachesis before led me to give it now. {{anchor:​s41}}The twelfth dilution had no effect; the two hundredth controlled the cough, but did not cure it; one pellet of the two thousandth in six tablespoonfuls of water, and one table spoonful taken night and morning cured the condition before the six doses were taken. {{anchor:​s42}}Lachesis<​sup>​2000</​sup>​ always has cured the attacks since, and so sure is she of relief that now, when there is the least appearance of cold, one pellet of the high dilution in water always arrests the development. {{anchor:​s43}}In fact the Lachesis has cured the disposition to take cold, the patient having had no attack for the last year.
 +{{anchor:​s44}}III. A lady, in Utica, N. Y., 70 years old, had an attack of influenza in October, 1862, which left her with a dry, harrassing, concussive cough, lasting all winter and the spring following. {{anchor:​s45}}In the month of May, 1863, she placed herself in the care of Dr. L. B. Wells, who prescribed for her until June. {{anchor:​s46}}Several remedies were given, including Lachesis<​sup>​200</​sup>,​ with no curative result. {{anchor:​s47}}The peculiarity of the case was that after sleeping the cough was more dry and decidedly worse. {{anchor:​s48}}On consultation it was decided to gave Lach.<​sup>​{{anchor:​s49}}2000</​sup>​ One pellet was dissolved in six table-spoonfuls of water, of which one table-spoonful was to be taken night and morning. {{anchor:​s50}}Dr. Wells tells me this day, now six months since, that before the six doses were taken the cough was permanently cured.
 +{{anchor:​s51}}IV. A lad, of eight years, got cold in bad wet weather. {{anchor:​s52}}There was constant cough from titillation behind the sternum. {{anchor:​s53}}The writer sat by the little patient more than an hour during which time there were no fifteen seconds passed without coughing. {{anchor:​s54}}The mother said this was the case both night and day. {{anchor:​s55}}There was no expectoration. {{anchor:​s56}}The appetite was good. {{anchor:​s57}}No uncomfortable feeling was complained of except the uneasiness behind the sternum. {{anchor:​s58}}Acon.,​ Bell, and Ipecac did no good. {{anchor:​s59}}Six pellets of Lachesis<​sup>​12</​sup>​ were dissolved in one-third of a glass of water, and one tea-spoonful ordered every three hours until the cough ceased or lessened, when no more was to be given. {{anchor:​s60}}The child slept during, the entire interval of three hours, which had not been the case before for three days. {{anchor:​s61}}The case was cured in forty-eight hours.
 +{{anchor:​s62}}V. A child of twenty-one months, with light hair, and complexion, and blue eyes, took cold last Christmas. {{anchor:​s63}}During the night of the 26th, there was fever and rapid respiration. {{anchor:​s64}}At eleven a.m., December 27th, the child had a spasm lasting fifteen minutes. {{anchor:​s65}}From this time until January 8th, there was continued lever, greatly increased at night, with pulse 150. {{anchor:​s66}}The respiration was 70 per minute on actual count, and at no time was itless. {{anchor:​s67}}Generally there was a red spot on one cheek frequently changing sides; when <span grade2>​one</​span>​ cheek was red the other was generally white. {{anchor:​s68}}All this time the left lung was impervious to air. {{anchor:​s69}}Auscultation revealed slight bronchial respiration but no vesicular murmur. {{anchor:​s70}}The right lung was not implicated. {{anchor:​s71}}There was constant cough yet much increased in violence at night. {{anchor:​s72}}The case had gradually but surely got worse until the 8th of January, when the right lung began to be affected. {{anchor:​s73}}This day the child became uneasy and restless; throwing itself in all directions and in all positions, in its efforts to get breath. {{anchor:​s74}}The face grew dark. {{anchor:​s75}}There was constant spasmodic cough with labored breath; the little thing in its agony striking its mother for controlling it at all. {{anchor:​s76}}When it fell asleep for a few moments the throat became so dry that a condition resembling croup came on, and all the sufferings were increased. {{anchor:​s77}}This fearful condition was rapidly hurrying the sufferer to its grave. {{anchor:​s78}}All the prominent remedies for the condition had been given, including Lach. <​sup>​200</​sup>,​ with no result. {{anchor:​s79}}At this juncture, Lach.<​sup>​12</​sup>,​ three pellets, was given, dry on the tongue; instantly the cough stopped and the breathing was relieved for four hours. {{anchor:​s80}}At the end of this time the cough gradually returned with all the sufferings, when another dose of Lachesis <​sup>​12</​sup>​ produced the same decided relief which lasted sixteen hours. {{anchor:​s81}}Four doses, at twelve hours intervals, so changed the condition that the child slept nearly all night, and the air again passed freely to all parts of the before obstructed lung.
 +{{anchor:​s82}}There is a lady, at No. 18 South Street, who for integrity and truthfulness has never had a superior, who will tell you word for word what I have here written, if any of you need confirmation of this case as here detailed. {{anchor:​s83}}And here let me add, that in those troublesome night coughs of children, where they wake and cough continually for one or two hours, Lach.<​sup>​12</​sup>​ hardly ever fails at once to stop it.
 +{{anchor:​s84}}VI. Cannot be considered conclusive, but as it was decidedly influenced by the remedy under consideration,​ perhaps it is better to give it. {{anchor:​s85}}A child, tour and a half years old, complained in the night of November 1st, 1863, that worms were in her throat. {{anchor:​s86}}During the night of November 2d, there was constant swallowing and restlessness,​ with slight fever. {{anchor:​s87}}November 3d, there appeared on the right tonsil a white spot. {{anchor:​s88}}The mucous membrane of the whole fauces was red and thickened. {{anchor:​s89}}For three days the inflammation increased and the white spot appeared until nearly the whole throat was covered; with this condition there was continual fever. {{anchor:​s90}}At eleven, p.m, of the seventh, the child started from sleep and gave one single hoarse croupy cough. {{anchor:​s91}}There was no cough the next day, but next night it had several spells of dry hoarse coughing. {{anchor:​s92}}The cough increased and became continuous, but always worse at night, when there came to be no rest at all. {{anchor:​s93}}On the 13th there was but little difference between the night and day. {{anchor:​s94}}There was continuous croup, but always worse after sleeping and generally before midnight. {{anchor:​s95}}The white spots were yet in the throat and as far as could be seen a white, film extended down into the larynx. {{anchor:​s96}}At this time the case was considered hopeless. {{anchor:​s97}}Mercurius biniod. certainly controlled the inflammation of the mucous membrane but not the cough. {{anchor:​s98}}Brom.,​ Kali bichrom., Spong., Hepar, nor Lachesis<​sup>​12</​sup>​ did any good. {{anchor:​s99}}All these dangerous symptoms gradually increased until the 13th or six days after the first appearance of croup. {{anchor:​s100}}There was no expectoration. {{anchor:​s101}}The same characteristic was always present. {{anchor:​s102}}The child would wake with crying, which resulted in a paroxysm of croup. {{anchor:​s103}}During the night of the 13th, four doses of Lachesis<​sup>​200</​sup>​ were given, which held the case for the first time. {{anchor:​s104}}November 14th, on consultation,​ other remedies were given but with no benefit. {{anchor:​s105}}November 16th, Lach.<​sup>​200</​sup>​ was given every six hours; five doses completely stopped the cough for twenty-four hours; after this the cough came back but never as bad as before. {{anchor:​s106}}Lach. did no more good but every dose was followed by fever, dry mouth and yellow coated tongue. {{anchor:​s107}}Spongia<​sup>​6</​sup>​ then acted favorably and completed the cure.
 +^ Source: | The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 04 No. 09, 1864, pages 415-419 |
 +^ Description:​ | Lachesis in Bronchial Catarrh. |
 +^ Remedies: | Lachesis |
 +^ Author: | Boyce, C.W. |
 +^ Year: | 1864 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |
en/ahr/boyce-cw-lachesis-in-bronchial-catarrh-158-10375.txt · Last modified: 2012/07/12 10:55 (external edit)