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en:ahr:fincke-b-clinical-cases-and-observations-on-high-potencies-04-158-10453 [2012/07/12 10:57]
en:ahr:fincke-b-clinical-cases-and-observations-on-high-potencies-04-158-10453 [2012/07/12 10:57] (current)
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 +{{anchor:​s2}}BY B. FINCKE, M. D., BROOKLYN.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s3}}FOURTH SERIES.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s4}}"​Major in exiguo regnabat corpore virtus.{{anchor:​s5}}"​ — STATIUS.
 +{{anchor:​s6}}The following presents a report of some cases treated with the high-globule-dilution potencies, described in our third series, but where they were further refined by a refraction of the dose.
 +{{anchor:​s7}}They were administered by globules in a powder of sugar of milk, and either taken dry at certain periods of time or dissolved in one gill of water and taken by teaspoonful at stated hours. {{anchor:​s8}}The solution made fresh every day, as a general rule.
 +{{anchor:​s10}}1. ENDOCARDITIS. — S. B., of New York, a girl five years old, of German descent, blonde hair and blue eyes, rather large for her age, was reported to labor under the following complaints:
 +{{anchor:​s11}}November 19th, 1860. {{anchor:​s12}}Three weeks ago patient had inflammatory rheumatism, which was treated allopathically without success. {{anchor:​s13}}About a fortnight ago, a hollow hard cough set in with pain in the pit of the stomach, weeping, turning red in the face, and scanty expectoration of thick white mucus, excited by crying and aggravated in the evening and night. {{anchor:​s14}}Dread to cough. {{anchor:​s15}}Difficult respiration. {{anchor:​s16}}Short and loud expiration. {{anchor:​s17}}Sleeplessness,​ jactitation,​ pains all over, heat in the nights, otherwise cool. {{anchor:​s18}}Won'​t eat nor play. {{anchor:​s19}}Urine red, turbid in passing. {{anchor:​s20}}Large ring-worm at the right fore-arm and wrist, radial side. {{anchor:​s21}}Bowels regular. {{anchor:​s22}}Hooping cough prevailing in the neighborhood. {{anchor:​s23}}Verat. 1/2400, in each of two powders of sugar of milk, to be dissolved in one gill of water and one teaspoonful to be taken once in three hours.
 +{{anchor:​s24}}21st,​ three, p.m. {{anchor:​s25}}Patient was brought to the office. {{anchor:​s26}}She was the two last nights extremely restless and delirious and complained much, especially of pains in the abdomen, chest and throat, when coughing. {{anchor:​s27}}Cough less in frequency, of metallic sound, short loud expiration. {{anchor:​s28}}Hands hot. {{anchor:​s29}}Fever at nights with slight perspiration. {{anchor:​s30}}Dropsical swelling of the face, abdomen and feet. {{anchor:​s31}}Urine red, turbid and scanty. {{anchor:​s32}}Cannot sleep in the recumbent position. {{anchor:​s33}}Wants to be carried all the time, her body leaning forwards as much as possible. {{anchor:​s34}}Peevishness. {{anchor:​s35}}Pulse almost imperceptible. {{anchor:​s36}}Distention of the chest over the region of the heart. {{anchor:​s37}}Heart'​s action labored. {{anchor:​s38}}The sounds of the heart are like the ticking of a distant watch; the first sound accompanied with a blowing noise at the apex which was found in its normal position. {{anchor:​s39}}The ring-worm presents no unusual aspect. {{anchor:​s40}}Patient received at once Spig. 2/730 <span grade2>​and was directed to take when at home, Spig.</​span>​ <​sup>​1/​730</​sup>​ in one powder, to be dissolved in one gill of water one teaspoonful to be taken once every hour.
 +{{anchor:​s41}}22d,​ ten, a.m. {{anchor:​s42}}Patient got no sleep yet; had, however, more rest last night. {{anchor:​s43}}She drank often water, but little at a time. {{anchor:​s44}}Urine slightly increased in quantity, clear, brown like beer and without albumen. {{anchor:​s45}}Less dyspnea. {{anchor:​s46}}Legs very much swollen, especially one of them. {{anchor:​s47}}Sometimes circumscribed red spots on the cheeks, sometimes a deadly pallor of the face; face last, night cool. {{anchor:​s48}}Same hard dry cough. {{anchor:​s49}}Patient had a hard stool and passed about one pint of urine last night and this morning. {{anchor:​s50}}Decided aversion against food. {{anchor:​s51}}She wants to be carried on the arm, the body lying motionless against the shoulder of her mother, the head hanging down over it. {{anchor:​s52}}Utter impossibility to lie down. {{anchor:​s53}}The herpes itches intolerably and is very dry, the vesicles at the circumference being all dried up. {{anchor:​s54}}Patient is so low that further examination must be dispensed with. {{anchor:​s55}}Lyc. 2/30 3/0 in each of seven powders, to be taken dry. one every night and morning.
 +{{anchor:​s56}}25th. {{anchor:​s57}}Slept well last night. {{anchor:​s58}}Fever gone. {{anchor:​s59}}Stool normal. {{anchor:​s60}}Urine copious and clear. {{anchor:​s61}}Patient can now lie flat on her back. {{anchor:​s62}}Got some appetite. {{anchor:​s63}}Breathing natural. {{anchor:​s64}}The chest presents no distension. {{anchor:​s65}}The swelling of the legs increased November 23d considerably,​ and then went down gradually to a slight swelling on the insteps. {{anchor:​s66}}Very impatient. {{anchor:​s67}}— Coughing from passion. {{anchor:​s68}}The herpes itches, so much that she scratches it bloody. {{anchor:​s69}}Sep.1/​200 J. (Jenichen).
 +{{anchor:​s70}}29th. {{anchor:​s71}}Remarkably improved. {{anchor:​s72}}The swelling is gone, and she runs about.
 +{{anchor:​s73}}December 9th. {{anchor:​s74}}Patient called at the office. {{anchor:​s75}}The heart presented nothing abnormal except that the left side of the chest seemed a little fuller than the right one. {{anchor:​s76}}The herpes heals up from the hand towards the arm; there are only a few scales left. {{anchor:​s77}}Complains of sometimes pains under the navel in the abdomen, which is somewhat enlarged. {{anchor:​s78}}Merc. v. 2/30 3/0 in each of seven powders, to be taken dry, one every night.
 +{{anchor:​s79}}After that the patient rapidly recovered and was healthier than ever before. {{anchor:​s80}}It was reported lately that she remained perfectly healthy ever since.
 +{{anchor:​s81}}2. RHEUMATISMUS ACUTUS. — Mr. W., German, 50 years old, locksmith, robust, of dark complexion, and violent choleric temper, hard beer-drinker,​ sleeping regularly four to five hours; had many years ago a disease in his stomach which ever since had been weak. {{anchor:​s82}}Dr. Epps, of London, ten years ago treated him successfully for rheumatism in the back. {{anchor:​s83}}Patient suffered habitually from hemorrhoids. {{anchor:​s84}}It was about a month ago at a fire when he took cold from being drenched thoroughly with cold water after profuse perspiration. {{anchor:​s85}}He used for it "all and everything,"​ also Iodide of potassium which aggravated the case considerably,​ and applied mustard-plaster and plaster of turpentine and sulphur.
 +{{anchor:​s86}}November 28th, 1860, ten, a.m. {{anchor:​s87}}Patient is reported by his wife to complain of the following symptoms: incessant lancinating pains in the right loin extending as far as the right knee and sometimes going to the back, worse on moving. {{anchor:​s88}}If he tries to rise, he "cries aloud like a baby.{{anchor:​s89}}"​ After the exertion, profuse perspiration breaks out with the odor of Iodide of potassium (taken in large quantities). {{anchor:​s90}}Tongue clean, but turning white during the most violent paroxysm of pain. {{anchor:​s91}}Salty taste (cannot bear salt and farinaceous food generally). {{anchor:​s92}}Thirst. {{anchor:​s93}}Pale face. {{anchor:​s94}}Urine clear and of strong odor. {{anchor:​s95}}Emaciation. {{anchor:​s96}}"​Want of appetite and sleep for the last eight days. {{anchor:​s97}}Some pain in the chest. {{anchor:​s98}}Cannot sit nor lie, Continual fever for the last two days. {{anchor:​s99}}Bry. 3/10000 3/0 in each of four powders, dry, night and morning.
 +{{anchor:​s100}}29th. {{anchor:​s101}}After taking the first dose in the forenoon, patient felt better in the afternoon and for the first time since over a week slept for two hours soundly, when the pains woke him up again. {{anchor:​s102}}At ten, a.m., (the second dose was taken at nine, p.m.,) all a of sudden the pain became so violent as to make him faint; then followed some relief till morning. {{anchor:​s103}}Right knee swollen. {{anchor:​s104}}Tearing pains in the right thigh towards the knee, aggravated at the least motion. {{anchor:​s105}}Had a stool yesterday morning. {{anchor:​s106}}Flatus. {{anchor:​s107}}Much thirst. {{anchor:​s108}}Urine thick and red. {{anchor:​s109}}Constant perspiration,​ but now without odor. {{anchor:​s110}}Bry. 6/10000 3/0 in each of two powders, to be dissolved in one gill of water, and one teaspoonful to be taken every third hour.
 +{{anchor:​s111}}December 1st. {{anchor:​s112}}Better. {{anchor:​s113}}Fever gone. {{anchor:​s114}}Slept well and got an appetite. {{anchor:​s115}}Less perspiration;​ Bowels regular. {{anchor:​s116}}Urine smelling strongly, thick and red like blood with red sediment. {{anchor:​s117}}Moderate swelling from the right knee to the hip, When lying quiet on the affected limb he feels well, but on the least motion the pains return. {{anchor:​s118}}Bryonia as above.
 +{{anchor:​s119}}3d.,​ nine, a.m. {{anchor:​s120}}Can walk over the room now and can sit up for half an hour without pain. {{anchor:​s121}}After the urine had a thick clayey sediment like rags, day before yesterday, it continued to be clear since. {{anchor:​s122}}The pain is now stinging and jerking in the hip-joint as far as the knee. {{anchor:​s123}}Much fetid flatus Patient used to smoke tobacco during the pains which started the flatus. {{anchor:​s124}}Pain. when laying on the painless side. {{anchor:​s125}}Rhus tox 2/10000 2/0 in each of six powders, to be taken dry night and morning.
 +{{anchor:​s126}}7th. {{anchor:​s127}}Took the first powder in the evening. {{anchor:​s128}}The next morning he had violent pains in the head. {{anchor:​s129}}It is reported now, that the taking of the powders in the evening always brought on severe pains in the affected parts for a while, but not so last night; Profuse sour perspiration last night. {{anchor:​s130}}Feels much better this morning. {{anchor:​s131}}The stinging is less, and only in the thigh, the hip-joint is entirely free. {{anchor:​s132}}The thigh feels cold, like dead between the skin and bone with cold drizzling during the pains. {{anchor:​s133}}Was up for half a day yesterday. {{anchor:​s134}}Urine like beer. {{anchor:​s135}}Much flatus. {{anchor:​s136}}Berb. v. 2/30 in each of Six powders, to be dissolved in One gill of water, one tea-spoonful to be taken once every third hour.
 +{{anchor:​s137}}July 20th, 1860. {{anchor:​s138}}From a gentleman who wanted my advice in a similar complaint, I learned that the patient was Well ever since.
 +{{anchor:​s139}}3. HOOPING COUGH. <span grade2>​P. H</​span>​.,​ <span grade2>​of New York, a boy ten months old of German descent. {{anchor:​s140}}November 29th,</​span>​ 1860. {{anchor:​s141}}Had ever since he was born a rough croupy cough, which was treated allopathically and since July, <span grade2>​a.</​span>​ c, assumed the form of true hooping cough, which was prevailing in the neighborhood. {{anchor:​s142}}He has now coughing spells with rattling in the chest, hooping, vomiting of food and slime, want of breath, and turning bluish red in the face, worse before midnight. {{anchor:​s143}}Constant restlessness. {{anchor:​s144}}Sleeps very little. {{anchor:​s145}}Very much gone. {{anchor:​s146}}Dros. 21/300 in each of fourteen powders, to be taken dry, one every night and morning.
 +{{anchor:​s147}}December 9th. {{anchor:​s148}}This helped him in a few days. {{anchor:​s149}}The first day after taking the medicine, the stools Were loose. {{anchor:​s150}}The rattling in the chest and hooping cough disappeared. {{anchor:​s151}}There is some dry cough yet on waking up from sleep which is disturbed**.** {{anchor:​s152}}Dros. 21/30000 in each of fourteen powders, to be taken dry, one every night.
 +{{anchor:​s153}}August 17th, 1862. {{anchor:​s154}}From a neighboring patient I learned that the cough shortly after the last prescription had all at once disappeared,​ and the child was well ever since.
 +{{anchor:​s155}}4. RHEUMATISMUS ACUTUS. — Mr. G. B., of New York, of Irish descent, 46 years old, laborer, middle stature, dark blonde, habitually suffering from irritation of the neck of the bladder, complained as follows:
 +{{anchor:​s156}}May 29th, 1862. {{anchor:​s157}}Drawing stiff pains in the left upper arm with inability to lift it, aggravation on moving, fever and uneasiness about the stomach. {{anchor:​s158}}Bry. 2/30 in each of four powders, to be dissolved in one gill of water, and one tea-spoonful to be taken once every third hour.
 +{{anchor:​s159}}June 2d. {{anchor:​s160}}About the same. {{anchor:​s161}}The pain is right in the bone at the head of the humerus, fixed and aching, running down along the bone of the upper arm, night and day. {{anchor:​s162}}Both hands swelled considerably with thick veins. {{anchor:​s163}}Pulse small and frequent, probably compressed by the swelling. {{anchor:​s164}}Much fever. {{anchor:​s165}}Urine dark colored. {{anchor:​s166}}Applied a liniment which did him no good. {{anchor:​s167}}Prostration. {{anchor:​s168}}Rhus tox. 62/100000 each of four powders, to be dissolved in one gill of water, and one tea-spoonful to be taken once every hour.
 +{{anchor:​s169}}9th. {{anchor:​s170}}Patient began to feel easy as soon as he began to take that medicine and wants more of it. {{anchor:​s171}}Can lift the hand to the head now. {{anchor:​s172}}Swelling gone. {{anchor:​s173}}Appetite good. {{anchor:​s174}}Ann worse on moving it. {{anchor:​s175}}Rhus tox. 23/100000 in each of four powders, to be dissolved in one gill of water, one tea-spoonful to be taken every third hour.
 +{{anchor:​s176}}September 19th. {{anchor:​s177}}After that, patient reports he got entirely rid of his rheumatism.
 +{{anchor:​s179}}"​Natura nullibi magis quam in minimis tota.{{anchor:​s180}}"​ — PLINIUS.
 +{{anchor:​s181}}In continuation of our observations on the process of healing by homoeopathic high potencies, we beg to submit the following:
 +{{anchor:​s182}}1. Homoeopathic,​ globule-dilution potencies are efficacious and curative when administered in watery solution, or in refracted doses.
 +{{anchor:​s183}}2. By such prescription a further attenuation or refinement of the potency is obtained, without reaching the terminus of efficacy.
 +{{anchor:​s184}}3. In a <span grade2>​physical</​span>​ aspect the mutual action which constitutes the process of healing by homoeopathic high potencies, has been well noticed by Hering, to be illustrated by the process of <span grade2>​Interference</​span>​ which is known and established alike in Optical, Acoustical, Thermological,​ and Hydrodynamical science.
 +{{anchor:​s185}}4. The interferential process appears to rest upon the general principle for the mutual action of coinciding similar series or systems of motions, molecular, vibratory and oscillatory,​ by which, under certain conditions and at certain points they augment, at others diminish, and at others entirely destroy each other, producing darkness by adding light to light, silence by sound meeting sound, cold by heat overcoming heat, and rest by wave encountering wave.
 +{{anchor:​s186}}5. Since the conditions for Interference are mutual action, molecular motion, simility and contrariety and infinitesimal quantity, and since its effect is neutralization and conversion, it is clear that the conditions and effects of Interference are the same as observable in the homoeopathic healing process by high potencies, and the analogy is obvious.
 +{{anchor:​s187}}6. The <span grade2>​law of Interference</​span>​ serves as an illustration of the <span grade2>​physical</​span>​ principle of Homoeopathy.{{anchor:​s188}}%%*[%%Since the above was written (1860), Kirchhoff and Bunsen published their paper on "​Chemical Analysis,"​ by observation of the spectrum (<span grade2>​Pogg. {{anchor:​s189}}Aun.</​span>​ Vol. CX, p. 161).
 +{{anchor:​s190}}This spectral analysis is actually a process of Interference. {{anchor:​s191}}The wares of the solar light coinciding with the waves of unequal length of the light of incandescent particles of metallic vapors, which are supposed to come from the solar atmosphere, interfere and produce the dark lines of Fraunhofer. {{anchor:​s192}}A similar process of Interference is experimentally effected, when a solar beam is thrown upon <span grade2>​the spectrum of</​span>​ a less luminous flame containing similar incandescent substances, similar to those as are supposed to exist in the solar atmosphere. {{anchor:​s193}}Here the less luminous flame with the incandescent substances represents the solar atmosphere. {{anchor:​s194}}The substances are indicated by bright lines of different colors in certain localities of the flame-spectrum,​ and correspond to those substances contained in the solar atmosphere, indicated by Fraunhofer'​s lines. {{anchor:​s195}}Now by Interference with the sun light, the bright lines of the less luminous flame-spectrum are converted into dark ones, owing to inequality of wave length. {{anchor:​s196}}Their precise coincidence with the original dark lines of Fraunhofer prove, almost beyond doubt, that the sun contains, in an incandescent state, similar substances as our planet.
 +{{anchor:​s197}}The analogy of this analysis to Homoeopathy is obvious. {{anchor:​s198}}It appears in the infinitesimality of the action as well as in the convertibility of contrasted states of the spectrum into one another. {{anchor:​s199}}The met, that the lines, representing the contrasted states of the spectrum, are by the same agencies converted from darkness into brightness and from brightness into darkness corresponds exactly to the fact that the symptoms, representing the contrasted states of the organism, are by the same remedies converted from health into disease and from disease into health.
 +{{anchor:​s200}}The light, as reflected in the spectrum, would represent the organism, and the bright and dark lines in the spectrum would represent the symptoms produced in the organism by certain substances in infinitesimal quantity in virtue of their specific relation to the organism. {{anchor:​s201}}The Fraunhofer lines, being the normal state of the solar spectrum and restored by the solar light, would mean, that one given substance producing symptoms of disease in the healthy organism is neutralized by another similar one coinciding, which produces symptoms of health in the diseased organism, where the susceptive power is strong enough to admit of it at all. {{anchor:​s202}}If the power of the organism is lowered, as represented by the less luminous flame, the substances burning in it with bright lines, produce symptoms of disease according to their Specific relation to the organism; and, especially, if those substances burn on their own account, being present in the telluric atmosphere (Sodium, etc.), they stand for natural disease, and if they are artificially introduced into the flame (Lithium etc.), they stand for artificial disease — our proving. {{anchor:​s203}}By the experiment of Hahnemann as well as by that of Kirchhoff and Bunsen the qualities of the substances experimented on are elicited, with the only difference, that what in spectral analysis are lines, in Homoeopathy are symptoms; in other words, we find by Kirchhoff and Bunsen'​s experiment the physical, by Hahnemann'​s the medical properties of the substances.
 +{{anchor:​s204}}These very substances which produce bright and dark lines in the same locality of the spectra of sun and flame light, convertibly,​ and as the case may be, are applied by us in proper potentization to the organism as remedies, when we direct the sun-beam of health upon the leas luminous spectrum of disease. {{anchor:​s205}}The substances producing the lines in disease in the healthy, are neutralised by Interference,​ as it were, of the similar substances producing the solar spectrum — here potencies as well as there, though differing in degrees — and thus by the same — remedy — the morbid symptoms like the bright lines disappear together with what is abstractly called disease, and the normal symptoms like the Fraunhofer lines are restored together with what is abstractly called health.
 +{{anchor:​s206}}Quantitively considered, this new analysis furnishes new evidences for the efficaciousness,​ directness and specificness of infinitesimal action of attenuated substances, and already have Ozanam, Bloede and others, taken the bearings upon the homoeopathic potencies. {{anchor:​s207}}In fact, it proves again the the correctness and general applicability of the Maupertuisian law of the least quantity of action, and that infinitesimality which we claim as the quantitative principle of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s208}}Qualitatively considered it is another evidence for the correctness and general applicability of the Newtonian low of contrariety (and equality) of action and reaction, and that mutuality which we claim as the qualitative principle of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s209}}But it is not less striking as an illustration of the correlation and conversion in which we recognize the rational character of all homoeopathic processes, including Interference,​ and which we claim as the logical principle of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s210}}And in as much as this conversion is here demonstrated,​ <span grade2>​ad oculos,</​span>​ and verified, to take place really, and physically, and unerringly so under certain conditions; and in as much as in this new analysis again the same element and conditions (motion and change of motion; simility and contrariety;​ molecularity and infinitesimality),​ and the same effects (change of the given state, neutralisation,​ and conversion) are observable which we find to be common to all homoeopathic processes; this important and beautiful discovery elucidates and confirms the correctness and general applicability of the principle of mutual conversion of physical forces of matter into one another, and that Homoeosis which we claim as the physical principle of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s211}}7. Assimilation,​ physiological as well as pathological;​ and affinity, chemical as well as medical; and conversion logical as well as remedial; and Interference,​ physical as well as therapeutical;​ altogether have in common the same elements and conditions, viz.: mutuality of action, motion and change of motion, simility and contrariety,​ molecularity and infinitesimality;​ and also the same effects, viz.: change of the given state and neutralization and mutual conversion.
 +{{anchor:​s212}}8. The same common elements and conditions and effects mentioned (<span grade2>​Obs.</​span>​ 5) are observable to exist and take place in many other processes of nature, <span grade2>​e. g.,</​span>​ in the <span grade2>​biological</​span>​ (physiological and pathological) processes of absorption and resorption; ablation and apposition; alimentation and nutrition; digestion and congestion; arterialization and circulation;​ chylification and lactification;​ hematosis and cholepoesis;​ albumination and fibrination;​ excretion and secretion; exudation and suppuration;​ irritation and counterirritation;​ contagion, infection and disinfection;​ thrombosis, coagulation and tuberculization;​ inflammation,​ ulceration and cicatrization;​ tumefaction and delitescence;​ induration and ossification;​ respiration,​ perspiration and transpiration;​ inhalation and exhalation; innervation and enervation; crescation and atrophy; eutrophy and hypertrophy;​ vaccination and syphilization;​ intoxication and paralysis; ovulation, fecundation and embryonization;​ incubation and gestation; generation and germination;​ domestication,​ breeding and crossing, etc. {{anchor:​s213}}Also in the <span grade2>​botanical processes</​span>​ of inoculation,​ gemation, foliation, floration, fructification,​ vegetation, propagation,​ etc. {{anchor:​s214}}Also in the <span grade2>​physical</​span>​ (and <span grade2>​chemical)</​span>​ processes of osmosis and capillarity;​ endosmosis, exosmosis and diosmosis; absorption and resorption; allotropism,​ homomerism, isomerism, metamerism and polymerism; crystallization and granulation;​ aggregation,​ disintegration and catalysis; — vaporization,​ evaporation and condensation;​ solidification and liquefaction;​ congelation and colliquation;​ saturation and rarefaction;​ fermentation and putrefaction;​ carbonization and cineration; combustion and explosion; mixtion and distillation;​ solution, resolution and reduction; fusion and diffusion; undulation and vibration; flection, deflection and reflection; fraction, refraction and diffraction;​ radiation and irradiation;​ coloration and spectration;​ adhesion, cohesion and ruption; elasticity and expansion; deposition and incrustation;​ pulverization and precipitation;​ petrefaction and adipociration;​ phosphorescence and fluorescence;​ annealing and steeling; amalgamation and combination;​ oxydation and disoxydation;​ vulcanization and calcination;​ galvanization and magnetization;​ electrization and induction; telegraphy and photography;​ polarity and astasy. {{anchor:​s215}}And also in the <span grade2>​general</​span>​ phenomena of morphosis and amorphism; anamorphosis and metamorphosis;​ homoplasia and heteroplasia;​ accommodation and acclimatization;​ composition and decomposition;​ formation and function; determination and gradation; specification and variation; qualification and modification;​ production and reproduction;​ differentiation and development;​ and, indeed, in all generation, degeneration,​ and regeneration,​ and in all organization,​ disorganization and reorganization.
 +{{anchor:​s216}}9. In a general point of view all such, and similar processes appear to rest upon, and to be governed by one common principle which, if found, might scientifically be considered as a general principle, or law of nature.
 +{{anchor:​s217}}10. Such principle seems to grow out of Grove'​s conception of the existing universal correlation of the physical forces of matter, supported by Berthelot and Faraday, and out of what might be called <span grade2>​a. polarity of action</​span>​ as being discernable in all the processes by the conditions and effects mentioned.
 +{{anchor:​s218}}11. As such general principle or law of nature, might be proposed <span grade2>​the principle of the mutual conversion of physical forces of matter into one another, or the equalization of bodies according to the ratio of their assimilability;</​span>​ UNIVERSAL ASSIMILATION OR HOMOEOSIS.
 +{{anchor:​s219}}12. Physically considered, then, the homoeopathic curative process of healing by high potencies, appears to be such a homoeotic process as described, being governed by the same conditions, and presenting the same effects, as all homoeotic processes.
 +{{anchor:​s220}}13. Likewise, the homoeopathic probative process, of producing by medicines disease in the healthy, appears to be a homoeotic process, being governed by the same conditions, and presenting the same effects as the cure in the reverse.
 +{{anchor:​s221}}14. Also, the homoeopathic potential process of preparing medicine by trituration,​ dilution, contact and otherwise, appears to be a homoeotic process, being, again, governed by the same conditions and presenting the same effects, as all homoeotic processes.
 +{{anchor:​s222}}15. In fact, all processes of modification and sanation, aegrotescence and convalescence,​ nosansis and hygiansis, pathopioea and hygiopoeia, with or without medication, are homoeotic processes and reducible to the same principles.
 +{{anchor:​s223}}16. Accordingly,​ the <span grade2>​law of homoeosis,</​span>​ Similia Minimis, would serve as the <span grade2>​physical principle</​span>​ of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s224}}17. In a <span grade2>​mathematical</​span>​ conception, everything in nature has been always, since Heraclitus, Anaxagoras and Aristoteles,​ considered to be reducible to motion, and change of motion, and thus the system of man in its life must also be conceived to be constituted by certain motions and changes of motion, in certain forms, conditions, and relations.
 +{{anchor:​s225}}18. For the same reason the different states and conditions or forms of existence of the organism: health, disease, and restoration of health, are reducible to certain motions, and changes of motion, in certain forms, conditions, and relations.
 +{{anchor:​s226}}19. Consequently,​ every homoeotic process, and among them the process of healing by homoeopathic high potencies, necessarily,​ besides quality and relation, involves and implies quantity and form, modality and motion, and relation.
 +{{anchor:​s227}}20. Therefore, Homoeopathic and indeed all Therapia, is really amenable to, and under the dominion of, mathematical condition, and a proper subject for mathematical demonstration.
 +{{anchor:​s228}}21. The <span grade2>​laws of motion</​span>​ serve as the <span grade2>​mathematical</​span>​ principle of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s229}}22. Under these laws the homoeopathic remedial process, probative and curative, is <span grade2>​geometrically</​span>​ demonstrable,​ being, as Hering observes, comparable to the diagonal of two forces, and <span grade2>​the parallelogram of forces is</​span>​ its geometrical illustration.
 +{{anchor:​s230}}23. Since every organism is at the same time a mechanism, the homoeopathic process in the organism is subject to the laws of mechanics, statical and dynamical.
 +{{anchor:​s231}}24. In this aspect, since the sum of the physical forces of matter is always constant in the universe (as was already remarked by Leibuitz, and latterly scientifically established by Helmholtz and sustained by Faraday, and physically carried out by Mayer, Baumgartner,​ Tyndall, a. a.,) the physical forces of matter in reality are constantly exchanging and compensating each other: <span grade2>​statical and dynamical equivalence.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s232}}25. Accordingly,​ that system of motions which constitutes the organism of man, presents in its actual state a natural oscillating equilibrium which is normal in health and perturbed in disease, and this is what was recently so well elaborated and applied to medicine by von Grauvogl: <span grade2>​physiological and pathological equivalence.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s233}}26. Consequently,​ that process in the organism which constitutes the cure or restoration of health, as the converse of disease or perturbation of health, represents that compensation,​ <span grade2>​i.e</​span>​.,​ that equation, and converse of equation, of forces and motions of the organism which is effected by remedy, and. is the restoration of the normal oscillating equilibrium of the organism by medical action: <span grade2>​therapeutical or hygiopoetic equivalence.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s234}}27. Likewise that process in the organism which constitutes the homoeopathic probation, or perturbation of health, as the converse of cure or restoration of health, represents that compensation,​ i <span grade2>​e.,</​span>​ that equation and converse of equation of forces and motions of the organism, which is effected by remedy, and is the perturbation of the normal oscillating equilibrium of the organism by medical action: <span grade2>​nosantic or pathopoetic equivalence.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s235}}28. Herewith the real character and criterion of a "<​span grade2>​remedium</​span>"​ which means, etymologically,​ the restitution of the <span grade2>​medium,</​span>​ is shown to be in the similarly and contrarily pathopoetic and hygiopoetic quality, and quantity, and modality of the drug, and its equally similarly and contrarily morbific and curative relation to the organism, which is in fact our Homoeopathicity.
 +{{anchor:​s236}}29. In this regard <span grade2>​equation</​span>​ serves, as the analytical formula for the homoeopathic treatment and cure in its perfection; <span grade2>​homoeopathic equation, homoeoma.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s237}}30. The <span grade2>​law of compensation or equivalence</​span>​ serves as the <span grade2>​mechanical,​ statical</​span>​ and <span grade2>​dynamical</​span>​ principle of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s238}}31. From this is correctly deduced von Grauvogl'​s <span grade2>​law of the therapeutical motion, equivalence,</​span>​ by him proposed as the <span grade2>​law of dose.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s239}}32. Since there is in reality no sameness (homon) or absolute equality of any two real things, and there can be no identity (ison) in the aspect of any two existing forms, as Draper expresses it, — real things, if compared with others, and if by such comparison appearing to be nearer to absolute equality than to absolute difference, can only be similar (homoion) to others, or to each other.
 +{{anchor:​s240}}33. This fact furnishes the natural and correct answer to the vexed question, "what is the simile?"​ by the etymology of Hahnemann'​s original "​ahnlich"​ which is the German word for the Greek "​homoion"​ and the Latin "​simile.{{anchor:​s241}}"​ The word according to Adelung'​s authority, recognized as such in Hahnemann'​s time, is as much as "​angleich,"​ Anglo-Saxon "​anlic"​ or "​onlic"​ (English "​alike"​),​ and in its signification opposed to "​gleich,"​ Anglo-Saxon "​lik"​ (English "​like"?​),​ for which the Greek is "​homon;"​ and it means, etymologically and literally, "​onlike,​ "<​span grade2>​i. e.,</​span>​ "near on like," somewhat "​homon,"​ near to equal, and in a measure so, more or less equal.
 +{{anchor:​s242}}The great von Wolff whose mathematical and philosophical works were used as text-books in Hahnemann'​s younger days, defines "<​span grade2>​AEhnlichkeit</​span>"​ (similarity) to be the accordance of that by which the things are discriminated by the understanding,​ and concludes, that similar things can not be discriminated if they are not brought together either in reality or in the mind by means of a third thing as, <span grade2>​e. g.,</​span>​ a measure.
 +{{anchor:​s243}}35. In this sense, "<​span grade2>​AEhnlichkeit</​span>"​ or simility, denoting equality as the highest degree of simility, admits a series of gradations, and this again is already in language indicated by the use of the comparative and superlative "​aehnlicher,​ tehnlichste,​ similius, simillimum, "<​span grade2>​i. e</​span>​.,​ more similar, most similar.
 +{{anchor:​s244}}36. Since there are many degrees and gradations conceivable between inequality and equality, as already pointed out by Mill and others, there are such degrees and gradations conceivable of simility and contrariety which represent the gradations of affinity, and indeed of all homoeosis, within the limits of proportionality.
 +{{anchor:​s245}}37. These gradations are determined by the quantity of action which applies, the least possible of it being sufficient to change the same into one another, and to increase or diminish each of them more or less.
 +{{anchor:​s246}}38. This is again the principle established by Maupertuis to which we referred before, and which in fact, seems to be the <span grade2>​spiritus rector,</​span>​ or regulator, by which everything, and every motion in existence is prevented from being and becoming identically the same or absolutely equal with any other, and by which everything and every motion, when becoming comparable with others, is made or kept in this state of simility and the given gradation of the same.
 +{{anchor:​s247}}39. Consequently,​ all motions and changes of motion, here concerned, pathogenesis and cure, and all homoeosis, indeed all motion and change of motion throughout the universe, proceed by and are under the control of the law of the least quantity of action.
 +{{anchor:​s248}}40. In this view the <span grade2>​law of the least quantity of action</​span>​ (maxima minimis) serves as the <span grade2>​cosmological</​span>​ and <span grade2>​metaphysical</​span>​ principle of Homoeopathy.
 +{{anchor:​s249}}41. The degrees and gradations of simility, and homoeosis, may be different in quantity, in modality, and in qualitity, and infinitely many of all such different degrees and gradations are conceivable.
 +{{anchor:​s250}}42. Therefore infinitely many proportionate remedies, and as many proportionate forms and quantifications of remedies, are corresponding to the homoeotic degrees and gradations which are represented by the varying susceptibility of the organism.
 +{{anchor:​s251}}43. For the same reason, in order to insure the curative effect of oar remedies, we want to be prepared with infinitely many proportionate medical qualities and relations, known to be curative.
 +{{anchor:​s252}}44. Only with such complete apparatus we would be fully able to meet all cases and to carry out the rule of individualizing symptoms and remedy, susceptibility and assimilability:​ <span grade2>​medical proportionality,​ pathopoetic and hygiopoetic.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s253}}45. Such infinite variety of medical qualities and relations is furnished by the exact homoeopathic provings, such as are already made and such as are continually being made, and may be made in all future time. {{anchor:​s254}}MATERIA. {{anchor:​s255}}MEDICA PURA, PATHOPOEIA.
 +{{anchor:​s256}}46. Likewise, for the purpose of insuring the curative effect of our remedies in all cases, we want to be prepared with infinitely many proportionate different remedial modalities, forms and quantities, and corresponding relations, that is <span grade2>​potencies,</​span>​ known to be curative in the given case.
 +{{anchor:​s257}}47. Only with such complete ammunition we would be fully able to meet all cases, and to carry out the rule of individualizing the actual susceptibility of the organism and the potency and the dose: <span grade2>​pharmacopoetic proportionality.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s258}}48. Such infinite variety of ammunition is to be acquired by preparing the homoeopathic remedies in various modes, and forms, and quantities, and by infinitesimal or high potentiation,​ so that they may be administered in various ways and different degrees of fineness, from the lowest to the highest, proportionable to the requirements of the given case. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s259}}Pharmacopeia pura.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s260}}49. Being so prepared with such exact knowledge of the effects of the potencies upon the organism in the healthy state, changing the same into disease, and being prepared with a full ammunition of potencies for the application;​ then we are enabled to apply the potencies to the organism in the diseased state, and when that is done according to the principles of Homoeopathy,​ proportionally to the requirements of the organism in the given case, then, and then only, we are certain, of the effects of the potencies upon the organism, changing disease into health, that is of the cure: <span grade2>​therapia pura, hygiopoeia.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s261}}50. <span grade2>​Pharmacopoeia</​span>​ is the art and science of potentiating the drugs or preparing the medicines for application upon the organism so as to render them susceptible and assumilable by the same.
 +{{anchor:​s262}}51. <span grade2>​Pathopoeia</​span>​ is the art and science of applying the potencies upon the organism in the healthy state and thereby converting health into disease.
 +{{anchor:​s263}}52. <span grade2>​Hygiopoeia</​span>​ is the art and science of applying the potencies upon the organism in the diseased state and thereby converting disease into health.
 +{{anchor:​s264}}53. Since all the motions, forms, quantities and relations here concerned are under the dominion of mathematics,​ they must and possibly can be submitted to Calculation.
 +{{anchor:​s265}}54. As they arc altogether infinitesimal,​ the proper; calculus for them required seems to be the <span grade2>​infinitesimal calculus,</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s266}}55. As the invention of this calculus proceeded, and indeed only rendered possible, the high development of physics and chemistry as positive and exact sciences, so its proper application to medicine would carry medical science to a point of scientific exactness which it could not reach without Homoeopathy and its high potencies.
 +{{anchor:​s267}}56. The <span grade2>​infinitesimal calculus</​span>​ would serve as the <span grade2>​proper method of investigation and computation</​span>​ for Homoeopathy and high potential Therapeutics in particular.
 +{{anchor:​s268}}57. Since all theory must rest on reliable facts, the medical quality and relation as well as the remedial quantity and modality of the drug, is only to be found and secured by experiment, observation,​ and experience, and for this reason, the homoeopathic <span grade2>​provings</​span>​ and their counterpart,​ our <span grade2>​clinics,</​span>​ are and for ever will be the ground-work and only safe foundation for Therapeutics and medical science in general.
 +{{anchor:​s269}}58. In conclusion, if it is moral, to do the most good and the least evil possible to our fellow-men, then Homoeopathy is the true <span grade2>​ethics of medicine.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s270}}59. If it is the policy of nature itself to effect the greatest amount of good with the least expenditure of force, then Homoeopathy is the natural and true <span grade2>​medical policy.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s271}}60. If it is religious, to believe, and live conformably to belief, in the harmonious and unique government of the Universe, whether personified,​ singly, or plurally, or other-wise, then Homoeopathy is the true and universal <span grade2>​religion of medicine,</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s272}}61. If it is the doctrine of Christianity and the bible, to do unto others as we would be done by, then Homoeopathy is the truly <span grade2>​biblical and christian</​span>​ medicine.
 +{{anchor:​s273}}62. If the true regular practice is that which is supported by a correct theory, then Homoeopathy is the true regular <span grade2>​practice of medicine.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s274}}63. If the true theory is that which is resting on positive facts and exact observations,​ and borne out by practice, and in accordance with the laws of universe, then Homoeopathy is the true <span grade2>​theory of medicine.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s275}}64. If the true art of healing is that which is fully supported, and borne out, by theory and practice, and in perfect harmony, accordance and conformity, with the Laws of Nature and God, then <span grade2>​the only true, natural, rational and real system of medicine is</​span>​ HOMOEOPATHICS.
 +{{anchor:​s276}}65. When this true system shall be appreciated by Physiology, Chemistry and Physic; when Du Bois Reymonds'​ <span grade2>​beau ideal</​span>​ of analytical mechanics of all biological processes, and Draper'​s high idea of Analytical Physiology, both of them subsumable under Newton'​s grand conception of applying the mechanical principles to all phenomena of nature,​%%*[%%"​Utinam castera nature phenomena.ex principiis mechanicis eodem argumentandi genere, derivare liceret! {{anchor:​s277}}Nam multa me movent, ut nonnihil suspicere ea omnia ex viribus quibusdam pendere posse, quibus corporum particulae, per causae noadum cognitas, vel in se mutuo impelluntur et secundum road figuras regulares cohaerent, vel ab invicem fugantur et recedunt; quibus viribus ignotis, Philosophi hactenus Naturam frustra tentarunt. {{anchor:​s278}}Spero autem quod vel huic philosophandi modo, vel veriori alicui, principia hic posita lucem iquam praebebunt.{{anchor:​s279}}"​ — <span grade2>​Principia</​span>​ <span grade2>​Praefatio,</​span>​ Op<​sub>​.</​sub>​ em., Horsley, Vol. II X.] shall be realized; and when the instruments of the higher mathematics shall be brought to bear upon the investigation and analysis of morbific and therapeutical processes; all of which may be done, the doubts of Comte and Mill to the contrary notwithstanding,​ according to and by the homoeological principles and methods of Homoeopathy and its high potencies; then a true comprehensive and correct Biology, and the corresponding therapia, will be accomplished,​ and Medicine, through the stadium of homoeopathic comparative medicine, will be elevated to the real dignity of a positive and exact science, answering-the highest conception of ANALYTICAL MEDICS.
 +^ Source: | The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 04 No. 03, 1863, pages 115-132 |
 +^ Description:​ | Clinical Cases and Observations on High Potencies 04. |
 +^ Author: | Fincke, B. |
 +^ Year: | 1863 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |
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