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 +{{anchor:​s2}}and Studies of the Materia Medica,</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s3}}BY DR. G. H. G. JAHR.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s4}}(Translated from the Journal de la Societe Gallicane,​)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s5}}BY E. E. MARCY, M, D., NEW YORK.
 +{{anchor:​s6}}GENERAL REMARKS:​-The clinical observations which we propose to publish in successive numbers of this REVIEW, and which will be, for the most part, extracts from German publications,​ are designed chiefly as <span grade2>​studies of the therapeutic character of medicines,</​span>​ as well as a collection of clinical facts derived from French practitioners. {{anchor:​s7}}But in order that our readers may understand the arrangement of these facts, with reference to the study of characteristic symptoms, we find it necessary to precede these studies by a few general remarks which have already appeared, in part, in our last work on the practice of homoeopathy,​ but which require a little more explanation.
 +{{anchor:​s8}}As a general rule, there is nothing more erroneous than to suppose that we can comprehend the therapeutic character of drugs, by a presentation of clinical facts. {{anchor:​s9}}In the first place, those facts which, by chance, have been published, do not form perhaps the thousandth part of the cases which homoeopathic physicians treat every day, without publishing them; consequently,​ if we had all of them before our eyes, the conclusions which would result from them respecting the curative sphere of a medicine would perhaps be quite different from those which are now obtained from the study of facts we already possess. {{anchor:​s10}}The true character of medicines cannot then be obtained except from <span grade2>​pathogenetic</​span>​ symptoms derived from pure experimentation. {{anchor:​s11}}But clinical observation may serve to complete and elucidate these studies. {{anchor:​s12}}But in order to accomplish this last point, it is necessary that they should be arranged with discernment and a knowledge of cases, that is to say, we should not retain <span grade2>​all</​span>​ of the symptoms which furnish these facts, but confine ourselves exclusively to those which are in a condition to furnish <span grade2>​indications.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s13}}It is in this way that beginners usually commit a grave error, in supposing that, above all, they ought to collect the symptoms which have <span grade2>​constituted the principal malady</​span>​ of the clinical cases given ; that is to say the <span grade2>​pathognomonic</​span>​ symptoms, and to eliminate from them carefully those which appear to be purely <span grade2>​accidental</​span>​ or <span grade2>​accessory.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s14}}But in order to arrive at the truth an opposite course must be pursued, For, indeed, all <span grade2>​pathognomonic</​span>​ symptoms are <span grade2>​necessary</​span>​ symptoms, in all cases which appertain to a malady of the <span grade2>​same name,</​span>​ and they ought consequently to be found in the most diverse cases of this same disease, for if the phenomena of medicines are unknown, we shall miss their most valuable indication in all special cases of this same malady. {{anchor:​s15}}To know the particular circumstances which causes one medicine rather than another to cure a given case, it is necessary to seek it, not in those invariable symptoms which occur in all cases of the same malady, but, on the contrary, in these <span grade2>​accidental</​span>​ symptoms which may be joined to a case, and without which the disease would change its name. {{anchor:​s16}}Besides this, nothing is more uncertain than the pathognomonic symptoms of clinical cases, because that all ought necessarily to disappear together, when the principal lesion upon which they depend is cured; for it would be very wrong to insert them among the curative effects of a medicine, if the <span grade2>​pathogenetic</​span>​ study of their substance has not already revealed them as actually appertaining to the sphere of action of the drug. {{anchor:​s17}}This is even so much the more important, as it is not sure to see a malady cured by means of a medicine whose pathogenesis does not contain in a striking manner, any pathognomonic symptom, but whose <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ symptoms respond in a most marked manner to the <span grade2>​accidental</​span>​ .symptoms of a given case. {{anchor:​s18}}The same thing obtains in other cases where a medicine whose pathogenesis contains positively all of the <span grade2>​pathognomonic</​span>​ symptoms of the disease in <span grade2>​name,</​span>​ but does not produce any good effect, in consequence of the single fact that it does not possess at the same time the characteristic symptoms or <span grade2>​indicators</​span>​ which distinguish the given case as a special one.
 +{{anchor:​s19}}In order to profit by a knowledge of the true therapeutic character of medicines, the study of clinical cases ought to be undertaken in such a manner as to combine, in each case, symptoms which are particularly <span grade2>​indicators;</​span>​ that is to say, <span grade2>​accessory</​span>​ symptoms which, in diseases the most diverse relative to their <span grade2>​name,</​span>​might indicate the efficacious and salutory use of this medicine.
 +{{anchor:​s20}}Made from this point of view, this study, absolutely inadmissible as it is, when it comprehends only pathognomonic symptoms, becomes not only more useful, but actually indispensable,​ in throwing a more vivid light upon the character of pathogenetic effects, especially when facts of the most diverse nature combine to confirm the salutary influence of a medicine as such or such <span grade2>​accessory</​span>​ symptoms always characterize a given case. {{anchor:​s21}}This rule is so general, that all symptoms confirmed in this manner, may be boldly regarded as perfectly equivalent to the pathogenetic symptoms, even when these experimentations have not yet demonstrated any simile. {{anchor:​s22}}The same rule holds good up to a certain point, with all morbid symptoms which disappear in a manner <span grade2>​isolated</​span>​ under the influence of a medicine, and while the principal malady is not materially ameliorated:​ as, for example, vomiting which, in consequence of a dose of <span grade2>​Ipecacuanha,​ alone</​span>​ ceases in a case of cholera; as the rapid pulse and the intense febrile heat which <span grade2>​alone</​span>​ disappear after a dose of <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ in the treatment of an inflammatory disease, and so on. {{anchor:​s23}}All symptoms thus cured may be included in the symptomatology as equivalent to the pathogenetic symptoms, even when they have not yet been observed as such, provided only that we take the precaution to distinguish them, by some sign, from the latter. {{anchor:​s24}}Hahnemann in his treatise on <span grade2>​Chronic Diseases</​span>​ [Chronic Maladies in orig. text] has included some of these, among other symptoms, at the end of the preface upon medicines called <span grade2>​antipsorics,</​span>​ and which have been very erroneously confounded with <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ symptoms. {{anchor:​s25}}This contusion, which still exists in many writings, is so much the more deplorable, as Hahnemann himself has, in the most formal manner, protested against everything which tends to contribute to it. {{anchor:​s26}}Already,​ in the last edition of his <span grade2>​Organon,</​span>​ he says positively that it is not necessary to regard those <span grade2>​clinical</​span>​ symptoms, collected by him, as <span grade2>​indicators</​span>​ (or <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ symptoms) for the choice of the medicine, because that they are only signs <span grade2>​ah usu in morbis,</​span>​ incapable of furnishing any definite <span grade2>​indication:</​span>​ and, in the second edition of his <span grade2>​Chronic Diseases,</​span>​ page 150 of the German edition, he reverts to the subject as follows: We translate.
 +{{anchor:​s27}}"​This shameful indolence, in a work which requires so much accuracy, is often applicable to pretended homoeopathists <span grade2>​who only select medicines according to clinical signs (ab usu in morbis) such as they find enumerated in the preface of medicines,</​span>​ and is a mode of procedure absolutely false, and very similar to that adopted by allopathists. {{anchor:​s28}}For these clinical signs only express isolated symptoms capable of confirming to a certain extent the choice which should be made, according to the characteristic <span grade2>​pathogenetic</​span>​ symptoms, but which <span grade2>​ought never to be taken as a guide in the choice itself, especially as they are only problematical. {{anchor:​s29}}Notwithstanding,​ there are authors who advise this empirical mode of procedure.'</​span>"​
 +{{anchor:​s30}}To this passage, imperfectly rendered in the French translation of Jourdan, we may add that the "​authors"​ of whom Hahnemann speaks are <span grade2>​homoeopathic</​span>​ authors whose names we could cite, as we were at that time writing under the dictation of the master. {{anchor:​s31}}We claim the right therefore of deciding what Hahnemann regarded as <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ symptoms capable of serving as <span grade2>​indicators</​span>​ for the absolute choice of remedies. {{anchor:​s32}}Indeed these clinical symptoms, placed by him at the head of the pathogeneses of his antipsoric medicines, are, as he himself observes, nothing less than <span grade2>​special indicators,</​span>​ simply THERAPEUTIC signs, which, like <span grade2>​pathognomonic</​span>​ symptoms of pathogeneses,​ declare in a <span grade2>​general</​span>​ manner in what affection a medicine may do good, when it will be <span grade2>​specially</​span>​ indicated, but which in themselves do not declare <span grade2>​when,</​span>​ or by the presence of what <span grade2>​particular</​span>​ symptom, this medicine will be specially indicated against one or the other of these clinical signs included at the head of the pathogeneses. {{anchor:​s33}}This does not imply that there may not be <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ signs or <span grade2>​special indicators</​span>​ among these clinical symptoms; but those which have this quality do not possess it in virtue of their character of <span grade2>​clinical</​span>​ symptoms, but in virtue of the special role which they play, besides this, in the general therapeutic physiognomy of the medicine.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s34}}Clinical</​span>​ and <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ symptoms of a medicine are not identical, unfortunately for those who confound them in practice. {{anchor:​s35}}The first, when well selected, are signs that the medicine can cure, particularly if it is specially indicated. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s36}}Characteristic</​span>​ symptoms are those which indicate the medicine, and which can be selected as well by the study of its <span grade2>​pathogenesis</​span>​ alone as by that of clinical cases. {{anchor:​s37}}Thus most of the <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ symptoms which Hahnemann has pointed out to us, especially of <span grade2>​Pulsatilla,​ Ignatia, Nux vomica,</​span>​ and other substances of his <span grade2>​Materia Medica,</​span>​ have been recognized by him, not in practice, but from comparative studies which he has made of pathogenetic symptoms among themselves, and according to which he employs medicines with perfect tact, without knowing a single clinical symptom. {{anchor:​s38}}These <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ symptoms even now fail us with regard to all <span grade2>​antipsoric</​span>​ medicines, notwithstanding the great number of clinical signs with which Hahnemann has accompanied their pathogeneses;​ and if we had remained with him a longer time, during the last years of his sojourn in Germany, he would perhaps have done for them what he has done for many medicines of his <span grade2>​Materia Medica;</​span>​ for. indeed, we had commenced, with him, a very extensive preparatory work for the <span grade2>​comparative</​span>​ study of all the symptoms of many antipsoric drugs. {{anchor:​s39}}Later,​ we have continued this work alone, according to the indications and views of Hahnemann, with the intention of thus filling one of the most essential defects of his works. {{anchor:​s40}}But,​ as clinical observations,​ although incapable of furnishing all of the characteristic symptoms, may however, contribute much to the confirmation of those which pathogenetic studies have included as such, we have preferred to join the results of both, which we have constantly done to retard the publication of our works of this kind.
 +{{anchor:​s41}}The series of publications which we have commenced today is designed to place before our readers the <span grade2>​first</​span>​ part of our work, that is to say, the <span grade2>​clinical</​span>​ elements. {{anchor:​s42}}We expect to dispose of these elements in such a manner that they shall be associated with the characteristic symptoms which constitute the pathogenesis of each medicine. {{anchor:​s43}}To this end, we shall first give, in the most precise manner, the chief symptoms of all cases which any given medicine has cured. {{anchor:​s44}}Then,​ after having reviewed all these cases, we shall arrange the symptoms which, both from clinical observations and from the pathogenetic character of the medicine, appear to have the most general application to the most diverse cases of disease. {{anchor:​s45}}In this work we shall follow precisely the method indicated by Hahnemann, when we worked under his supervision,​ and according to the same method by which we together achieved the study of the character of many medicines, especially of <span grade2>​Aconite,​ Sulphur, Silicea,</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Arnica.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s46}}We hope that two things will result from this work, viz, to know:
 +{{anchor:​s47}}1st. {{anchor:​s48}}That the symptoms which Hahnemann himself regarded as <span grade2>​characteristic</​span>​ for the choice of medicine are not <span grade2>​identical</​span>​ with the <span grade2>​clinical</​span>​ signs which he has placed at the head of the pathogeneses of his antipsorics.
 +{{anchor:​s49}}2d. {{anchor:​s50}}That the works and opinions which Hahnemann has published in this sense, in order to make known the <span grade2>​character</​span>​ and symptoms indicative of <span grade2>​Pulsatilla,​ Bryonia, Quinia,</​span>​ etc., do not include <span grade2>​all</​span>​ the signs which he regards as characteristic for the choice of these substances; and which he would have given, if he had intended to publish thereupon a <span grade2>​complete</​span>​ work. {{anchor:​s51}}This remark applies with still greater force, to all medicines respecting whose therapeutical character we possess only a few notes made by him; that is to say, incidentally,​ as for example, upon <span grade2>​Aconite,​ Camphor,</​span>​ etc.
 +{{anchor:​s52}}We commence our work to day with <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ where our readers may see how we intend to satisfy both the exigencies of a <span grade2>​clinical bulletin,</​span>​ by the publication of practical facts, and those of a work upon the <span grade2>​character</​span>​ of medicines. {{anchor:​s53}}In a word, we expect in future, to publish alternately a series of new observations,​ and a series of observations made with a single medicine, both, for the benefit of the practice.
 +{{anchor:​s55}}VERTIGO.-1. {{anchor:​s56}}A man forty years of age, with light hair, red face, healthy, but accustomed to sanguineous discharges until four years since, was taken with an attack of general heat, with sweat, redness of the face, violent vertigo forcing him to sit down, and the paroxysm continuing about two hours. {{anchor:​s57}}Four weeks afterwards he had two new attacks, the last of which was accompanied with vomiting, great weakness, and slow and uncertain step. {{anchor:​s58}}After the use of six doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 3d, one drop morning and evening, the attacks disappeared.{{anchor:​s59}}-<​span grade2>​Gazette Homoeopathique Leipzig, vol.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s60}}XXXII <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 228, <span grade2>​Lembka.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s61}}2. A young man of an apoplectic constitution,​ and suffering from repeated attacks of vertigo, forcing him to support himself-with buzzing in the head, and difficulty in collecting his ideas, was cured of his complaint with a drop of Aconite 3d, daily.{{anchor:​s62}}-<​span grade2>​Hygea,​ vol. {{anchor:​s63}}V,​ page</​span>​ 102, <span grade2>​Schroen.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s64}}3. A woman forty-three years old, after a fright, had attacks of vertigo whenever she attempted to rise, and forcing her to remain in bed-with great anguish, as if she was about to die. {{anchor:​s65}}Immediately after the fright she had felt a whirling sensation in the stomach, which soon ascended to the head, with trembling, and a sensation of faintness and vertigo. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s66}}Aconite</​span>​ 15th, followed by two doses of <span grade2>​Opium</​span>​ 9th, sufficed to cure the malady.{{anchor:​s67}}- <span grade2>​Annales de Hartlaub et Trinks, vol.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s68}}I</​span>,​ <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 72, <span grade2>​Bethmann.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s69}}4. Aconite decidedly produces vertigo, faintness, weakness, <span grade2>​apoplexy,</​span>​ and singing in the ears, and its curative power against these affections is very positive as experience has already demonstrated.{{anchor:​s70}}-<​span grade2>​Hahnemann,​ Studies respecting a new principle for the discovery of the curative virtues of medicines.</​span>​{{anchor:​s71}}- <span grade2>​Journal of Hufeland, vol. {{anchor:​s72}}II,​ sheet</​span>​ 3.
 +{{anchor:​s73}}5. Aconite produces all the morbid phenomena which we observe in persons who have had a fright accompanied with vexation, and it is the most efficacious remedy in these cases. {{anchor:​s74}}-<​span grade2>​Hahnemann,​ Materia Medica,</​span>​ preface to Aconite.
 +{{anchor:​s75}}6. <span grade2>​General indications.</​span>​{{anchor:​s76}}-Vertigo which forces the patient to sit down, to support himself, to lie down; <span grade2>​apoplectic</​span>​ constitution;​ <span grade2>​fright</​span>​ as the cause.
 +{{anchor:​s77}}7. Vertigo as if he would have to <span grade2>​fall down,</​span>​ or with <span grade2>​tottering,</​span>​ not much when seated, but strongest when rising from his seat.{{anchor:​s78}}- <span grade2>​Materia Medica,</​span>​ symptoms 2, 3, 5.
 +{{anchor:​s79}}APOPLEXY.-8. {{anchor:​s80}}A young girl twenty years old, in full health, of an apoplectic constitution and very plethoric, menstruating profusely, was attacked with apoplexy, after a fright with vexation. {{anchor:​s81}}She fell suddenly as if stricken with lightning. {{anchor:​s82}}Respiration slow and rattling, face and body like a corpse, marbled with violet; pulse imperceptible,​ beatings of the heart slow and trembling, pupils insensible to light; involuntary emission of urine; limbs cold and rigid. {{anchor:​s83}}After five doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 1st, at intervals of a quarter of an hour, and the simultaneous application of cold compresses to the head, and of warm napkins to the limbs, the first signs of a return to life manifested themselves. {{anchor:​s84}}At the end of eight hours, after a few new doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ at intervals of sixty to ninety minutes, life and consciousness completely returned, but the entire left side was paralysed, the arms and feet of this side being cold and incapable of any movement; speech stammering, tongue drawn to the left side, left ear deaf, ringing in the whole head, the left side of the lips elevated in a sensible manner during respiration;​ the breast is cold to the touch, and leaves the impress of the finger. {{anchor:​s85}}At the expiration of thirty hours, after a drop of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 3d every two hours, the entire condition was ameliorated,​ with the exception of the congestion of the head, the buzzings, the stammering, and the paralysis of the tongue and limbs, which were cured with <span grade2>​Opium.</​span>​{{anchor:​s86}}- <span grade2>​Sturm,​ Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s87}}I,​ page</​span>​ 66.
 +{{anchor:​s88}}9. A man sixty-four years old, having a short neck, large shoulders, addicted to spirituous drinks and sexual pleasure, had an attack of sanguineous apoplexy, with all signs of life upon the point of being extinguished. {{anchor:​s89}}At the end of four hours, after drop doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 1st. every hour, life returned. {{anchor:​s90}}At the expiration of twelve hours, after a dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 3d every three hours, consciousness,​ vital heat and complete mobility of the upper extremities were restored. {{anchor:​s91}}Nothing remained except paralysis of the lower limbs, of the bladder and rectum, and strong pains in the back and lumbar region, which were cured with <span grade2>​Nux vomica.</​span>​{{anchor:​s92}}-<​span grade2>​Sturm,​ loco cit., page</​span>​ 67.
 +{{anchor:​s93}}10. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ appears to correspond especially to <span grade2>​sanguineous apoplexy,</​span>​ and is particularly adapted to persons of an apoplectic constitution,​ or to those who have suffered from maladies in the sphere of the circulatory system, as well as to apoplexy caused by a suppression of habitual hemorrhages. {{anchor:​s94}}In general it is indicated when the head is hot to the touch, with violent pulsation of the carotids, skin rather hot than cold to the touch, pulse full, strong and hard, or nearly suppressed, <span grade2>​but not intermittent.</​span>​{{anchor:​s95}}-<​span grade2>​Dose:</​span>​ 15th to the 18th dilutions.{{anchor:​s96}}- <span grade2>​Kreussler Therapeutique des Maladies aigues ct chroniques, page</​span>​ 126.
 +{{anchor:​s97}}11. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is particularly capable of producing transient apoplectic and paralytic affections, partial or general, and its curative efficacy is the same in maladies of this kind.{{anchor:​s98}}- <span grade2>​Hahnemann,​ Etudes sur un nouveau principe, etc., Journal de Hujeland, vol.</​span>​ 1, <span grade2>​sheet</​span>​ 3, 1796.
 +{{anchor:​s99}}12. <span grade2>​Symptoms which are particularly indicators.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s100}}Sanguine temperament,​ plethoric constitution,​ pulsation of the carotids, face hot and red, or cold and pale; paralysis of the left side.
 +{{anchor:​s101}}MENINGITIS.-13. {{anchor:​s102}}In a young girl ten years old. {{anchor:​s103}}Heat and redness of the whole body, especially of the head and eyes; pupils contracted, complete loss of consciousness,​ furious delirium, dry tongue, vomiting of greenish matter, twitching of the tendons, accelerated respiration,​ pulse suppressed, and from 120 to 130 in the minute. {{anchor:​s104}}At the end of six hours, after <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 18th, (one drop in six spoonsfull of water, of which tea-spoonfull doses were given every half hour) consciousness returned and the fever and vomiting disappeared. {{anchor:​s105}}The remaining symptoms were cured with <span grade2>​Bryonia.</​span>​{{anchor:​s106}}- <span grade2>​Gastfreund,​ Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig; vol. {{anchor:​s107}}XXIV,​ page</​span>​ 114.
 +{{anchor:​s108}}14. A woman thirty-two years old, who had suffered frequently from headache, was taken suddenly with all the symptoms of an imminent encephalitis. {{anchor:​s109}}She walked her chamber as if in despair, complaining of a pain in her forehead as if every thing would burst out of it. {{anchor:​s110}}Head burning hot to the touch; nausea, tongue covered with a white fur, pain in the kidnies; no stools for two days; pulse and temperature of the skin natural. {{anchor:​s111}}After a drop of Aconite 6th, she lay down overcome with pain, slept until morning, and woke up cured. {{anchor:​s112}}- <span grade2>​Kreussler Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s113}}XXIX,​ page</​span>​ 113.
 +{{anchor:​s114}}15. A little boy five years old, was taken with the ordinary symptoms of encephalitis,​ among which the most striking were the following: partial convulsions of the extremities,​ alternating with trembling of these parts; on raising his head, immediate vomiting of undigested food or of mucus substances; he wakes up with a start and delirious, or with pain in both sides of his head; skin dry and hot; much thirst; pulse hard, full, accelerated. {{anchor:​s115}}A cure was effected in three days by <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 30th, dissolved in water, a tea-spoonful at first every hour and then every two hours.{{anchor:​s116}}- <span grade2>​Weber Archives de Stapf vol, XVI, sheet</​span>​ 2, <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 4.
 +{{anchor:​s117}}16. A young girl fourteen years old, suffered twenty-four hours with the following symptoms: on raising her head, vertigo and vomiting, continual pain in the forehead; delirium, somnolency, waking with a cry, fixed look; face sometimes pale, sometimes red; skin hot and dry; absence of stools; frequent thirst. {{anchor:​s118}}A complete cure was effected in three days by fourteen doses of Aconite 30th, with the single exception of the stools.{{anchor:​s119}}- <span grade2>​Weber,​ loco cit.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s120}}17. A young girl nine years old, attacked with encephalitis against which Belladonna was inefficacious;​ presented, thirty one hours after the use of this medicine, the following symptoms; loss of consciousness,​ continual movement of the lower jaw as in mastication;​ the child talked to herself in an unintelligible manner; pupils contracted; expression uncertain and indifferent;​ face moderately red; skin moist; pulse full, a little hard and accelerated. {{anchor:​s121}}Sleep,​ tranquil at the end of five hours after having taken one drop of Aconite 3d every hour; then after a sleep of four hours, she awoke with consciousness,​ and by the third day all the morbid phenomena had disappeared.{{anchor:​s122}}-<​span grade2>​Noack,​ Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig vol. {{anchor:​s123}}XXVI,​ page</​span>​ 81
 +{{anchor:​s124}}18. <span grade2>​Symptoms which are particularly indicators:</​span>​ signs of <span grade2>​irritation</​span>​ before the period of exudation: vomiting of greenish or mucus substances; vomiting of drinks; pain in the head as if every thing would burst out from its sides or the forehead; agitation or furious delirium; pulse frequent, full, hard, and accelerated.
 +{{anchor:​s125}}HEADACHE.-19. {{anchor:​s126}}A woman fifty-four years old, irritable, morose, susceptible,​ <span grade2>​and breaking out</​span>​ into complaints and reproaches <span grade2>​at trifles,</​span>​ complained after a chill, of a pain in the head so violent as to destroy her consciousness,​ with loss of appetite, and sleeplessness. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s127}}Aconite</​span>​ cured her in four hours. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s128}}Gaspary Annales de Hartlaub et Trinks, vol. {{anchor:​s129}}I,​ page</​span>​ 234.
 +{{anchor:​s130}}20. Pain on the point of the left parietal bone, at every touch or from contact with the air; prosopalgia of the same side with swelling of the lower jaw.{{anchor:​s131}}-<​span grade2>​Annales de Hartlaub et Trinks, vol. {{anchor:​s132}}II,​ page</​span>​ 71.
 +{{anchor:​s133}}21. Violent pains in the head; the patient lies down without consciousness,​ with momentary attempts to vomit, groans, complaints, fear of death; the least noise and every movement are insupportable;​ pulse very small, and sometimes intermittent;​ pulsative and lancinating or a squeezing pain below the nape of the neck; aggravation from the conversation of others.{{anchor:​s134}}-<​span grade2>​Hering,​ Domestic Medicine.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s135}}22. Pain in the head in consequence of a chill, with cold in the head, buzzing in the ears and colic.{{anchor:​s136}}-<​span grade2>​Hering</​span>​-<​span grade2>​Ibid,</​span>​ (Materia Medica,) symptom 68.
 +{{anchor:​s137}}23. Catarrh, pain in the head, with cold in the head, and with amelioration in the open air; symptoms aggravated by talking.{{anchor:​s138}}-<​span grade2>​Hering</​span>​-<​span grade2>​Ibid.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s139}}24. Painful sensation, as if a ball traversed the head and diffused through it a fresh breeze.{{anchor:​s140}}-<​span grade2>​Hering</​span>​-<​span grade2>​Ibid,</​span>​ Materia Medica, symptom 641.
 +{{anchor:​s141}}25. Tearing and lancinating pain behind the left eye, with nausea and vomiting; aggravation by every shake of the head.{{anchor:​s142}}-<​span grade2>​Hering</​span>​-<​span grade2>​Ibid.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s143}}26. Sensation of fullness and tension in the head, as if it was pressed by a band.{{anchor:​s144}}-<​span grade2>​Black,​ Gazette Homoeopathique de Lepzig, vol. {{anchor:​s145}}XXXVI,​ page</​span>​ 221.
 +{{anchor:​s146}}27. <span grade2>​Characteristic Symptoms of the Materia Medica.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s147}}Headache as if a part of the brain elevated itself, increased by the least movement, by drinking and by talking; symptom 37- sensation as if he was drawn and raised up by the hair; symptom 29-lancinating pulsations, as if from an internal abscess, which sometimes prevents him from speaking; symptom 39 -pressing in the forehead, behind the eyes and at the nape of the neck, as if he was about to lose his reason; symptoms 52, 55-headache as if the brain was filled up, especially in a heated chamber; symptoms 16, 17-<span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s148}}28. Principal indications:​ aggravations of the headache <span grade2>​from speaking,</​span>​ by the conversation of others, the least noise or movement and every jar; pressure in the frontal sinuses; brain as if filled up or the head as if pressed by a band; aggravation of symptoms in a heated chamber.{{anchor:​s149}}-<​span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s150}}EYES.-29. {{anchor:​s151}}Ophthalmia in a man forty-five years old, addicted to spiritual liquors. {{anchor:​s152}}The malady of seven days standing. {{anchor:​s153}}The eyelids, especially the upper, much swollen, red, hot, painful; abundant discharge of muco-purulent matter and lachrymation at every attempt to open the eyelids; conjunctiva much swollen, bright red, and forming a cushion around the cornea; cornea of the left eye dim, muddy, opaque (and covered with ulcers,) photophobia;​ sensation as if the globe of the eye was too large; lancinating pains around the eyes, more at night. {{anchor:​s154}}A cure was effected in ten days with <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 12th, at first a drop every hour, and then Aconite 15th. {{anchor:​s155}}The ulcers on the cornea which remained were cured with Sulphur.{{anchor:​s156}}- <span grade2>​Knorre,​ Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig vol. {{anchor:​s157}}XIX,​ page</​span>​ 65.
 +{{anchor:​s158}}30. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ should be preferred when the eyelids are swollen, hard, red, yellowish red or bright, as if transparent,​ with burning heat, dryness, tension; abundant secretion of mucus in the eyes and nose.{{anchor:​s159}}-<​span grade2>​Hering</​span>​-<​span grade2>​Domestic Medicine.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s160}}31. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is one of the most efficacious medicines in traumatic ophthalmia, either recent or chronic, especially if there are violent pains with photophobia.{{anchor:​s161}}-<​span grade2>​Stapf,​ Archives, vol. {{anchor:​s162}}VIII,​ sheet</​span>​ 3, <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 185.
 +{{anchor:​s163}}32. A violent traumatic ophthalmia was cured in a few days by a solution of eight drops of <span grade2>​strong tincture of Aconite</​span>​ in eight oz. of water, applied externally by means of compresses, and introduced into the eye by drops.{{anchor:​s164}}-<​span grade2>​Dudgeon,​ Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s165}}XXX VII, page</​span>​ 357.
 +{{anchor:​s166}}33. A violent case of ophthalmia of the same nature was cured in four days with Aconite 15th-ten globules to four oz. of water, and a tea-spoonful every three hours.{{anchor:​s167}}-<​span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s168}}34. Ophthalmias of newly born children are often cured speedily with Aconite 30th, when administered in time.{{anchor:​s169}}- <span grade2>​Gross,​ Archives de Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s170}}X sheet</​span>​ 2, <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 36.
 +{{anchor:​s171}}35. In a recent case of ophthalmia in a newly born infant, Aconite 200th cured the malady in twenty-four hours.{{anchor:​s172}}- <span grade2>​H. de S., Nouvelles Archives de Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s173}}III,​ sheet</​span>​ 2, <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 118.
 +{{anchor:​s174}}36. In <span grade2>​rheumatic</​span>​ ophthalmias,​ <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ deserves particular attention, since it often suffices alone to effect a complete cure. {{anchor:​s175}}- <span grade2>​Kreussler,​ Therapeutique,​ page</​span>​ 64.
 +{{anchor:​s176}}37. In <span grade2>​Catarrhal</​span>​ ophthalmias I have often seen Aconite do good.{{anchor:​s177}}-<​span grade2>​Grusselich,​ Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s178}}V,​ page</​span>​ 218.
 +{{anchor:​s179}}38. <span grade2>​Principal indications. {{anchor:​s180}}Excessively painful ophthalmia;</​span>​ burning and heat in the eyelids; sensation as if the ball was swollen; severe photophobia;​ abundant discharge of tears and muco-purulent matter.{{anchor:​s181}}-<​span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s182}}NOSE BLEED.-39. {{anchor:​s183}}Aconite 18th has proved efficacious against nose bleeding accompanied with violent congestion of the head; red face, heat in the head, and injected eyes.{{anchor:​s184}}- <span grade2>​Kreussler,​ Therapeutique,​ page</​span>​ 136.
 +{{anchor:​s185}}40. Violent and very debilitating nose bleedings which sometimes affect women about the critical period, and which are caused by congestion of blood towards the head, have been often cured by Aconite. 3d, in frequently repeated doses. {{anchor:​s186}}-<​span grade2>​Schroen,​ Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s187}}V,​ page</​span>​ 101.
 +{{anchor:​s188}}41. Aconite has proved especially efficacious in the nose bleedings of plethoric young persons subject to sanguineous congestions.{{anchor:​s189}}- <span grade2>​Webber,​ Archives de Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s190}}XVI,​ sheet</​span>​ 2<span grade2>, page</​span>​ 13.
 +{{anchor:​s191}}TOOTHACHE.-42. {{anchor:​s192}}In a pregnant woman, Aconite 200th rapidly cured a violent pulsative toothache.{{anchor:​s193}}- <span grade2>​H. de S. Nouvelles Archives de Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s194}}III,​ sheet</​span>​ 2, <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 120.
 +{{anchor:​s195}}43. Aconite cures pulsative and lancinating toothache, with heat and redness of the face. {{anchor:​s196}}It has also proved efficacious against difficult dentition with congestion of the head.{{anchor:​s197}}- <span grade2>​Kreussler Therapeutique,​ page</​span>​ 33.
 +{{anchor:​s198}}44. Aconite does good in cases where patients are beside themselves; pains difficult to describe; also when the pains are pulsative; have been caused by a chill, with congestion of blood towards the head, and burning face, especially in infants. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s199}}Hering Domestic Medicine.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s200}}45. Aconite is principally indicated when in consequence of a chill from exposure to a dry and cold wind, there occurs fever with congestion of blood to the head, burning heat of the face, hard and rapid pulse, mental and bodily agitation, and pulsative toothache, for the most part semilateral,​ and affecting the whole jaw, with redness of the cheeks.{{anchor:​s201}}-<​span grade2>​Boenninghausen Archives de Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s202}}XV,​ sheet</​span>​ 2, <span grade2>​page</​span>​ 5.
 +{{anchor:​s203}}46. Aconite is efficacious against pulsative toothache, with congestion of blood towards the head.{{anchor:​s204}}- <span grade2>​Lobethal,​ Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig vol. {{anchor:​s205}}XIII,​ page</​span>​ 22.
 +{{anchor:​s206}}47. Aconite is beneficial in inflammatory toothache, after a chill, with pulsative pain, congestion of blood towards the head, burning of the face. {{anchor:​s207}}Also in congestive toothache, after a suppression of the courses by a fright and vexation.{{anchor:​s208}}-<​span grade2>​Altschul,​ le Dentist Homoeopathique.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s209}}48. <span grade2>​Principal indications:​ pulsative pains; congestions of blood to the head; redness of the face or of the cheeks; exasperation;​ agitation.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s210}}Causes:​-Age of infancy; difficult dentition; suppression of the courses by a fright with vexation.{{anchor:​s211}}-<​span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s212}}ANGINA.-49. {{anchor:​s213}}A woman aged twenty-nine years, of a delicate and irritable constitution,​ nursing her child, was attacked after a chill, with an angina presenting the following symptoms: pressing pain and weight in the head; sensation of dryness in the mouth with moist tongue; deep redness of the veil of the palate and the tonsils, which are swollen; lancinations in the throat; speech and deglutition difficult and painful; darting pains in the chest, burning in the limbs; hot skin; rapid, small and hard pulse. {{anchor:​s214}}After the use of <span grade2>​Pulsatilla,</​span>​ which was of no benefit, there occurred on the second day of the disease: bitter taste; accumulation of mucus in the mouth; pustules upon the tonsils; convulsions;​ lancinating pains throughout the body; skin moist; heat less intense. {{anchor:​s215}}On the third day <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 3d, every hour, was prescribed, and after a good night, the cure was complete on the fourth day. {{anchor:​s216}}(Dr. Y., <span grade2>​Epitres homoeopathiques p.</​span>​ 104.)
 +{{anchor:​s217}}50. A robust man, thirty years old, having drank very cold water when much heated, was attacked with a kind of <span grade2>​esophagitis:</​span>​ violent pains in the chest, at the upper part of the heart, but more towards the middle, and extending to the back, increased by every movement of the body, but especially during deglutition,​ with a sensation as if the substances swallowed had stopped in the cesophagus, in the region of the heart; the pains increase daily until he can no longer lie upon his back; fever. {{anchor:​s218}}One dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 12th, every day for one week, cured him in a short time.{{anchor:​s219}}- <span grade2>​(Segin,​ Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s220}}XVII,​ p.</​span>​ 55.)
 +{{anchor:​s221}}51. Nine cases of severe inflammation of the tonsils, with great heat, frequent and hard pulse, in six men and three women, between the ages of twelve and thirty years, were entirely cured with two and four doses of <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ at intervals of from three to six hours. {{anchor:​s222}}After the remedy the fever always subsided promptly, the pulse became natural, and a few doses of <span grade2>​sulphur,​ Mercurius</​span>​ or <span grade2>​Kali,</​span>​ completed the cure.{{anchor:​s223}}-( <span grade2>​Hartung Fragments des oeuvres posthumes de Hahnemann</​span>​.)
 +{{anchor:​s224}}52.<​span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is efficacious against anginas, when the throat is red, with pain on swallowing or speaking, fever, burning, pricking, and contraction of the throat; restlessness and anxious agitation.{{anchor:​s225}}-<​span grade2>​(Hering Domestic Medicine.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s226}}53. Rheumatic anginas are always cured with <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ when they affect the soft palate and the pharynx. {{anchor:​s227}}Ordinarily deglutition is difficult, or rather transient lancinations extend from the throat to the ears, while the throat, the tonsils, and the veil of the palate are of a deep red color.{{anchor:​s228}}-( <span grade2>​Enlenberg,​ Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s229}}XXII,​ p.</​span>​ 352.
 +{{anchor:​s230}}54. When, in tonsilitis, there is imminent danger of suppuration,​ with high fever, <span grade2>​Mercurius</​span>​ or <span grade2>​Belladonna</​span>​ does not always avert the danger. {{anchor:​s231}}In many cases of this kind a drop of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 18th every two hours, has promptly cured the malady without suppuration.{{anchor:​s232}}- <span grade2>​(Schroen,​ Gazette Hom., vol.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s233}}V,​ p.</​span>​ 145, <span grade2>​et Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s234}}V,​ p.</​span>​ 101.)
 +{{anchor:​s235}}55. From the commencement of tonsilitis to the end of the third day, I give <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ which alone cures light rheumatic angina, with pains in the muscles of deglutition,​ and striated redness of the veil of the palate.{{anchor:​s236}}-(<​span grade2>​Goullon,​ Archives de Stapf, vol XIX, cah II, p</​span>​ 99.)
 +{{anchor:​s237}}56. When, in <span grade2>​aphthous tonsilitis,</​span>​ the tonsils, swollen and lobulated, appear covered with white points, which become confluent and enlarged, as the disease progresses, with burning and lancinating pains, even without deglutition,​ and then disappear about the fifteenth to the nineteenth day, with a sort of desquamation of the epithelium, we treat them most successfully at first with <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ and afterwards with a few doses of <span grade2>​Carbo vegetabilis.</​span>​{{anchor:​s238}}-<​span grade2>​(Goullon,​ ibid, p</​span>​ 102.)
 +{{anchor:​s239}}57. <span grade2>​Symptomatic indicators in tonsilitis: high inflammatory fever; bright redness of the affected parts;</​span>​ lancinating pains on swallowing; imminent danger of suppuration;​great agitation and uneasiness.{{anchor:​s240}}-<​span grade2>​(Jahr.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s241}}VOMITING;​ HEMATEMESIS.-58. {{anchor:​s242}}A child immediately after its birth was attacked with <span grade2>​hematemesis,</​span>​ with dark and bloody stools; he pined and refused the breast. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s243}}Aconite</​span>​ 200th cured the vomiting in two hours, so that the child took the breast, and in four days the stools became natural.{{anchor:​s244}}- <span grade2>​(Schreten,​ Nouuelles archives de Stapf, vol III, cah</​span>​ 11, <span grade2>​p</​span>​ 135.)
 +{{anchor:​s245}}GASTRITIS.-59. {{anchor:​s246}}A woman thirty-six years old, poor, mother of four scrofulous children, and nursing a child, had a child while bathing in cold water, and was attacked with pain in the stomach, which degenerated into a <span grade2>​gastritis</​span>​ on the third day, presenting the following symptoms: violent lancinating,​ pressing and burning pains in the region of the stomach; frequent thirst; continued nausea and retching; the smallest tea spoonfull of water rejected by vomiting; • continual stretchings and yawnings; anguish and fear of death; frequent and hard pulse. {{anchor:​s247}}Two drops of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 1st in a tea spoonfull of water, was ordered every hour. {{anchor:​s248}}After the first dose the vomiting ceased. {{anchor:​s249}}The <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ was continued every two hours for four days, and the cure was complete.{{anchor:​s250}}-<​span grade2>​(Geyer,​ Hygea, vol XI, p</​span>​ 358.)
 +{{anchor:​s251}}60.A man twenty years old, of a melancholy temperament suffered from debility, with loss of appetite, nausea, thirst, weak eyes, tongue covered with thick and white mucus, putrid taste, irregular stools, morose humor, rigors towards evening, sleeplessness. {{anchor:​s252}}After three doses of <span grade2>​Pulsatilla</​span>​ daily, there occurred on the fourth day the following symptoms: gastric region <span grade2>​very sensitive</​span>​ to pressure, increased thirst, desire to vomit, vomiting without relief, small and slightly accelerated pulse. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s253}}Aconite</​span>​ 1st every two hours cured him in three days, notwithstanding the simultaneous use of petroleum ointment.{{anchor:​s254}}-<​span grade2>​(Maly,​ Hygea, vol XXI, p</​span>​ 356.)
 +{{anchor:​s255}}61.In a light erysipelatous gastritis, characterized by severe nausea and violent vomiting, first of food and then of bile, and then passing to retchings with acute pressing pains, great thirst and <span grade2>​extreme</​span>​ heat, a few doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ followed in twelve hours with <span grade2>​Belladonna,</​span>​ appeased the fever, the vomiting and the pains, although the erysipelatous affection continued lightly until the fifteenth day, when it entirely disappeared.
 +{{anchor:​s256}}62.<​span grade2>​Symptomatic indicators in gastritis:</​span>​ acute sensitive pains; intense thirst; <span grade2>​anguish as if death was imminent.</​span>​{{anchor:​s257}}- <span grade2>​(Jahr.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s258}}HEPATITIS AND JAUNDICE.-63. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s259}}Aconite</​span>​ is one of the most efficacious medicines in acute hepatitis, especially when it is characterized by pungent pain, with a short dry cough, and a severe inflammatory fever.{{anchor:​s260}}-<​span grade2>​(Jahr.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s261}}64. When the pain in hepatitis, is deeply seated, dull and pressive, with an inflammatory fever, <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 12th twice daily, will be indicated. {{anchor:​s262}}It often alone suffices to effect a cure.{{anchor:​s263}}- <span grade2>​(Kreussler,​ Therapeutique,​ p</​span>​ 104.)
 +{{anchor:​s264}}65. In hepatitis, I know by experience that Aconite is indispensable,​ especially when there is a burning and pungent pain under the false ribs, with difficult and anxious respiration,​ and dry and short cough, which aggravates the pain; the affected parts swollen, tense, hot to the touch, with strong synochal fever; dry heat; pulse a little hard, full, and accelerated.{{anchor:​s265}}-<​span grade2>​(Hartmann,​ sur l'​emplir de l'​aconite p</​span>​ 14.)
 +{{anchor:​s266}}66. In rheumatic inflammation of the serous-membranes of the stomach, intestines, or <span grade2>​liver,</​span>​ with shifting pains manifesting themselves with violence, sometimes in the gastric region, sometimes in the right hypochondrium,​ and sometimes in the umbilical region, <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is a remedy of certain efficacy.{{anchor:​s267}}-<​span grade2>​(Enlenberg,​ Hygea, vol XXII, p</​span>​ 353.)
 +{{anchor:​s268}}67. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ often cures <span grade2>​jaundice</​span>​ in a few days, if it is of recent origin.{{anchor:​s269}}-(<​span grade2>​Rummel,​ Gaz horn, de Leipzig, vol XXVIII, p 265.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s270}}68.A young girl eighteen years of age, apparently in fine health, with regular and abundant menstruation,​ suffered for many months with a painful sensation, which manifested itself sometimes in the epigastrium,​ sometimes in the right hypochondrium,​ and sometimes in the umbilical region. {{anchor:​s271}}When the pain fixed itself in the epigastrium there were swelling and tension at the pit of the stomach with a bitter taste in the mouth; increase of pain from external pressure; tongue lightly furred or reddish, with much thirst; gums scorbutic, swollen, and bleeding from time to time; vomiting of food after eating; diarrhea or constipation.{{anchor:​s272}}- <span grade2>​When the pain occupied the left lobe of the liver,</​span>​ with aggravation by external pressure, <span grade2>​the conjunctiva and sclerotica became yellowish,</​span>​ with photophobia and rheumatic ophthalmia of the <span grade2>​right eye;</​span>​ vertigo when stooping, or shaking the head. {{anchor:​s273}}When the pain affected the umbilical region, there was sometimes diarrhea and sometimes constipation. {{anchor:​s274}}After an unsuccessful treatment of four months, strong tincture of <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ in doses of five drops four times a day, were employed. {{anchor:​s275}}After having taken half an ounce, the patient was cured.{{anchor:​s276}}-<​span grade2>​(Enlenberg,​ Hygea, vol XXII, p 353.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s277}}69.A small boy, twelve years old, had an attack of jaundice of fifteen days standing, after an eruption. {{anchor:​s278}}The entire body was of the color of sulphur, except the cheeks, nose, and lips. {{anchor:​s279}}No fever, <span grade2>​dry</​span>​ tongue, <span grade2>​natural</​span>​ taste for food and drinks; bitter and frequent eructations in the morning; later, bitter vomiting, especially after having eaten; at evening and at noon he can eat without inconvenience;​ pit of the stomach swollen and tender to the touch; right hypochondrium perfectly insensible; bowels distended with wind, and hard; burning around the navel; stools soft and quite yellow; urine yellowish; continued burning in the forehead.<​span grade2>​{{anchor:​s280}}Aconite</​span>​ 3d morning and evening, one drop at a dose. {{anchor:​s281}}At the end of three days the cure was complete with the exception of the tympanitic condition of the bowels.{{anchor:​s282}}-<​span grade2>​(Sommer,​ Gaz. hom. de Leipzig, vol XXXVI, p</​span>​ 331.
 +{{anchor:​s283}}70.<​span grade2>​Symptoms of the Materia Medica: burning around the navel,</​span>​ 184,​185.{{anchor:​s284}}Pressure in the region of the liver; difficult respiration;​ then, after a short time, pain in the region beneath the navel, 190. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s285}}Jaundice</​span>​ 191. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s286}}White stool</​span>​ and red urine 212, 213.
 +{{anchor:​s287}}ENTERITIS AND PERITONITIS.-71. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s288}}Aconite</​span>​ is the only medicine which responds to all the symptoms of enteritis. {{anchor:​s289}}It may then be regarded as a true specific in this disease, and its use should be long continued, in affections of this kind.{{anchor:​s290}}-(<​span grade2>​Hartmann,​ Therapeutique vol. {{anchor:​s291}}I</​span>​.)
 +{{anchor:​s292}}72. Hartmann commends very highly the employment of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ in enteritis. {{anchor:​s293}}After the favorable action of <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ it is <span grade2>​Belladonna</​span>​ which is usually required to remove the remaining symptoms.{{anchor:​s294}}-<​span grade2>​(Kreussler,​ Therapeutique,​ p</​span>​ 97.)
 +{{anchor:​s295}}73. I have had but few cases of enteritis to treat; but I have cured all of those I have had with <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 30th, repeated at intervals of three or four hours. {{anchor:​s296}}From twenty to thirty doses were usually sufficient, followed with a few doses of <span grade2>​Belladonna</​span>​ or <span grade2>​Sulphur</​span>​ to remove any remaining symptoms. {{anchor:​s297}}(<​span grade2>​Weber,​ Archives de Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s298}}XVI,​ cah.</​span>​ 1<span grade2>, p</​span>​ 84.)
 +{{anchor:​s299}}74. A man thirty-six years of age, of a bilious temperament,​ had a cold in the head in consequence of a chill from exposure to a humid sea atmosphere, and experienced a painful shock in the bowels whenever he sneezed. {{anchor:​s300}}After a few days the cold had much diminished, but <span grade2>​peritonitis</​span>​ with <span grade2>​tensive and pressive pain occupied the entire left side of the bowels,</​span>​ and extending towards the right, a little beyond the median line. {{anchor:​s301}}The most severe pain was in the <span grade2>​left side,</​span>​ above the navel; bowels distended with wind, and very tense, and hard like a drum. {{anchor:​s302}}Fever with hot head and burning in the throat, at the lower part of the larynx. {{anchor:​s303}}Half a drop of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 3d every hour, and cold and wet compresses to the navel. {{anchor:​s304}}Towards evening the pain had extended upwards and downwards as far as the vesical region; fever more intense. {{anchor:​s305}}During the evening a dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ was given every two hours. {{anchor:​s306}}The next day, good sleep; <span grade2>​moderate perspiration;</​span>​ stool; reddish-yellow urine, but without deposit; bowels softer and less painful. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s307}}Aconite</​span>​ every three hours. {{anchor:​s308}}On the following day the patient sat up, having a good appetite. {{anchor:​s309}}I then gave <span grade2>​Bryonia</​span>​ 1st (why? {{anchor:​s310}}Jahr),​ one drop every four hours, and the next day the patient was cured.{{anchor:​s311}}-(<​span grade2>​Frank,​ Gaz, hom, de Leipzig, vol XIX, p</​span>​ 74.)
 +{{anchor:​s312}}75. A student, aged twenty-four years, well-fed, with black hair, brown complexion, mild disposition,​ tendency to abdominal colics, complained, after a chill of five hours, of <span grade2>​enteritis</​span>​ with the following sufferings: contortion of the facial muscles when speaking; bowels burning, tense, and incapable of sustaining the least touch throughout the entire umbilical region; the incisive and burning pains increased by contact; the bed-covering even appearing too heavy. {{anchor:​s313}}Skin hot and dry; pulse 120-small, irregular, and a little hard; tongue dry, deep-red at the sides, and covered in the middle with a thin, white fur. {{anchor:​s314}}Great thirst, and drinks cause pain and a sensation of anguish in the umbilical region. {{anchor:​s315}}Respiration accelerated,​ and short, with a sort of disquietude in the body, and a desire to change position, which the pain prevents. {{anchor:​s316}}Stool in the morning, but no urine for many hours. {{anchor:​s317}}A drop of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 18th every four hours was prescribed. {{anchor:​s318}}In the morning after the third dose, some relief; pulse 98; urine scanty and deep red. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s319}}Aconite</​span>​ continued. {{anchor:​s320}}At the end of thirty hours the inflammation was cured by seven doses of <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ except a pressive pain in the abdomen and constipation,​ which were cured on the fiftieth day with <span grade2>​Nux vomica</​span>​ 24th, <span grade2>​Belladonna</​span>​ 30th, and <span grade2>​Carbo vegetabilis</​span>​ 9th.{{anchor:​s321}}- <span grade2>​(Schuarze,​ Guerisons homoeopathique,​ p</​span>​ 92.)
 +{{anchor:​s322}}76. A single woman thirty-six years old, of a sanguine temperament,​ and delicate constitution,​ but regular in her habits, was attacked with colic. {{anchor:​s323}}After an ineffectual use of allopathic remedies for five days, <span grade2>​peritonitis</​span>​ supervened with the following symptoms: face pale and expressive of fear and anguish; lancinating pains in the forehead, with hot head; tongue moist and charged with a yellowish white fur; bitter taste, excessive thirst, frequent eructations with desire to vomit, frequent vomiting of a liquid of the color of verdigris bowels swollen with wind <span grade2>​(meteorism),</​span>​ and throughout their entire extent, excessively painful to the least touch; constant darting, tearing pains, worse at night; no stool for many days; urine scanty, hot and red; temperature of the skin much increased, but with sweat; feet cold; pulse 100, small, contracted, and hard; sleeplessness. {{anchor:​s324}}A drop of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 1st in water, was prescribed every two hours. {{anchor:​s325}}On the following night general aggravation;​ the next day, diminution of anguish, vomiting and pains. {{anchor:​s326}}On the third day, continuation of the improvement,​ diminution of the <span grade2>​meteorism,</​span>​ hard stool, pulse 80. {{anchor:​s327}}On the fourth day pulse <span grade2>​66,</​span>​ and no fever. {{anchor:​s328}}On the fifth day, a slight return of colic, which was cured with <span grade2>​Colocynth. {{anchor:​s329}}(Huber,​ Journal Autrichien, vol IV, p</​span>​ 441.)
 +{{anchor:​s330}}77. A woman forty years of age, generally pretty well, except a disposition to sanguineous congestion towards the head, was attacked with an <span grade2>​hepatitis</​span>​ which was relieved so much in two days by <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Bryonia</​span>​ that she could move about. {{anchor:​s331}}On the second day, after a dose of <span grade2>​Mercurius</​span>​ 12th, and an increase of the pains, against which she applied leeches in the afternoon, there supervened in the evening, burning pains, in the umbilical region, and on the morning of the next day a <span grade2>​metastatic enteritis</​span>​ presenting the following symptoms: in the umbilical region, but rather below than above the navel, acute, burning, tearing pains, becoming almost insupportable at the slightest touch, and the covering seeming too heavy; great increase of the pain on turning upon the right side, which restores also the hepatic pain; bowels much swollen and tense; easiest position upon the back; continual paroxysms of anguish; frequent hiccoughs, which increases the pains; lower limbs more cold than the rest of the body; decided fever, great thirst, dry mouth; rapid, small, and rather hard pulse; constipation;​ urine deep-red and flocculent; no appetite or sleep. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s332}}Aconite</​span>​ 24th, two doses from three o'​clock in the afternoon until the next day. {{anchor:​s333}}On the three following days one dose daily was given, and repeated every time the symptoms appeared to increase. {{anchor:​s334}}After the second day there was an amelioration of all symptoms. {{anchor:​s335}}On the sixth day constipation ceased. {{anchor:​s336}}On the tenth day, from the commencement of the attack of hepatitis, the patient departed cured, without having had any trace of a crisis. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s337}}(Hartmann,​ Annales de Hartlaub et Trinks, vol I, p</​span>​ 207.)
 +{{anchor:​s338}}78,​ A young girl of twenty-nine years, having been treated for two attacks of Intermittent Fever within eight weeks, with <span grade2>​Quinine,</​span>​ suddenly ceased menstruating after having lifted too heavy a weight. {{anchor:​s339}}Rigors,​ heat, and colic-pains came on, and on the second day she was attacked with an <span grade2>​enteritis</​span>​ presenting the following symptoms: violent, burning pain over the entire abdomen, especially from the navel to the pubic region; piercing cries at the slightest touch; tearing and shooting pains alternately across many parts of the bowels; abdomen tense and swollen; respiration difficult, short, rapid, painful; face pale and distorted; skin dry and hot; great thirst; loss of appetite; confusion of the head; no stools; urine scanty, deep-red and burning; great nightly agitation; pulse rapid and somewhat hard. {{anchor:​s340}}Eight doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 18th in 24 hours, were followed by profuse perspiration,​ two stools, and an amelioration of the symptoms. {{anchor:​s341}}On the morning of the third day <span grade2>​Pulsatilla</​span>​ 12th was prescribed, and a complete cure was effected in a few days.{{anchor:​s342}}-(L. <span grade2>​de F. Gaz. hom. de Leipzig, vol XXVIII, p</​span>​ 26.)
 +{{anchor:​s343}}79. A little girl six years old, had, in consequence of a chill, the following symptoms: violent pain in the bowels, with drawing and cramp-like sensations; pinching and retraction of the navel; frequent white stools, with pressure and lancinations in the anus; general heat and pain throughout the body; every touch is intolerable;​ yellowish color of the skin and of the whites of the eyes; intense thirst, dry mouth; stiffness of the whole body. {{anchor:​s344}}After drop doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 6th every two hours, there were a general perspiration,​ and a diminution of all the sufferings in 24 hours. {{anchor:​s345}}On the fourth day the cure was complete.{{anchor:​s346}}-(<​span grade2>​Scholz</​span>,​ <span grade2>​Gaz. hom. de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s347}}XIV,​ p</​span>​ 202.)
 +{{anchor:​s348}}80. A man with weak abdominal organs was attacked with enteritis from having drank cold water when heated. {{anchor:​s349}}The progress of the disease was rapid, but the disease appeared to remain stationary after the force of the malady had been subdued. {{anchor:​s350}}The bowels continued very sensitive, the pain was supportable during repose, but always excited anew by frequent paroxysms of retching, and the shocks which these produced. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s351}}Antimonium crudum</​span>​ 6th by olfaction rapidly cured the retchings, and a few doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Chamomilla</​span>​ completed the cure.{{anchor:​s352}}-( <span grade2>​Wolf,​ Archives de Stapf, vol XII cah. {{anchor:​s353}}II,​ p</​span>​ 32.)
 +{{anchor:​s354}}81. A young girl fourteen years old, had been treated allopathically for ten days for an enteritis, and was in imminent danger of dying. {{anchor:​s355}}Two doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 24th at intervals of three hours cured her in a short time.{{anchor:​s356}}-<​span grade2>​(Krammer,​ Gaz. horn, de Leipzig, vol V, p</​span>​ 298.)
 +{{anchor:​s357}}82. <span grade2>​Predominant indications:​ burning, lancinating or incisive pains; griping pains especially in the umbilical region;</​span>​ face pale and disfigured; intense thirst; greenish vomiting; frequent, white stools; <span grade2>​suppression of urine;</​span>​ <span grade2>​urine scanty, red, hot,</​span>​ burning; respiration short, rapid and painful; <span grade2>​inflammatory fever, with hot and dry skin; pulse rapid, hard and small; anxious jactitation and anguish; great anguish,</​span>​ and anxious expression; <span grade2>​aggravation of the pains from the least touch,</​span>​ even from the bed-covers.{{anchor:​s358}}-<​span grade2>​(Jahr.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s359}}83. <span grade2>​In acute inflammations of all organs, Aconite is the first and principal remedy,</​span>​ especially when, besides thirst and a rapid pulse, there are, anxious impatience, inconsolable exasperation,​ and a sort of agonizing jactitation.{{anchor:​s360}}- <span grade2>​(Hahnemann,​ Matiere Medicale, I, preface de I, aconite.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s361}}INCARCERATED HERNIA.-84. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s362}}Aconite</​span>​ is the best remedy in all cases of incarcerated and inflamed hernia. {{anchor:​s363}}According to the susceptibility of the patient, we may administer it in the 3d, 24th, or 200th attenuations,​ in globules or in water, at intervals of one to two hours. {{anchor:​s364}}In recent cases, with violent and persistent pains, this medicine should be employed until the violence of the symptoms has subsided. {{anchor:​s365}}It is equally appropriate in all other incarcerations accompanied by inflammation.{{anchor:​s366}}-(<​span grade2>​Gauwerky,​ Gaz. hom. de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s367}}XL,​ p.</​span>​ 220.)
 +{{anchor:​s368}}85. In two cases of incarcerated hernia, accompanied by a high degree of inflammation,​ <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 18th and 24th, repeated every hour, effected cures in eight and twelve hours, both patients being quite well on the next morning.{{anchor:​s369}}-(<​span grade2>​Goullon,​ Archives dc Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s370}}XIV,​ cah.</​span>​ 11, <span grade2>​p.</​span>​ 138.)
 +{{anchor:​s371}}86. When there are, in the incarcerated parts, violent pains, burning like live coals, with great pain and sensitiveness at the least touch, nausea, bitter, bilious vomiting, anguish and cold sweat, <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is the appropriate remedy and should be given until the pains subside.{{anchor:​s372}}-( <span grade2>​Hering'​s Domestic Medicine.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s373}}87. When the affected parts are already rigid, painful, swollen, tense, hot and red, a single dose of Aconite 12th, will often effect a cure in a few hours, if the physician is called in time.{{anchor:​s374}}-(<​span grade2>​Kreussler,​ Therap. hom., p.</​span>​ 99.)
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s375}}Particular symptoms indicating Aconite.</​span>​ -88. {{anchor:​s376}}Severe inflammation of the affected parts; burning pains like coals of fire, or pulsations; nausea, bilious vomiting.{{anchor:​s377}}-(<​span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s378}}VERMINOUS AFFECTIONS.-89. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s379}}Aconite</​span>​ is a remedy which generally agrees well with children, and it is often particularly beneficial in verminous affections of small children.{{anchor:​s380}}- (<span grade2>​Kreussler Therap.,</​span>​ 18.)
 +{{anchor:​s381}}90. In all verminous affections <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is often of great service, and should always be taken into consideration in the first instance. {{anchor:​s382}}In worm colic with desire to vomit, accumulations of phlegm in the throat mouth and stomach, hardness around the navel, tympanitic distention of the abdomen, tenesmus and discharges of glairy matter by the anus, <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ deserves a preference over <span grade2>​Cina</​span>​ or <span grade2>​Sulphur.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s383}}91. A woman thirty years old, otherwise in good health, had suffered for many weeks with a violent cough against which she had in vain tried various narcotics. {{anchor:​s384}}The cough was racking, more violent after eating, but without exciting vomiting, and causing only fatigue and a bruised pain in the chest. {{anchor:​s385}}There was a sort of smarting in the stomach, and a sensation as if something rose from the stomach toward the throat.{{anchor:​s386}}-Prescription:​ <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 3d, a dose every evening. {{anchor:​s387}}During the first three days the patient rejected by the mouth two lumbrici, after which the cough disappeared without leaving a trace.{{anchor:​s388}}-(<​span grade2>​Maly,​ Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s389}}XVIII,​ p.</​span>​505.)
 +{{anchor:​s390}}DYSENTERY.-92. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s391}}Aconite</​span>​ is the best remedy when dysenteries occur during very hot weather, followed by cold nights, and when they are characterized by a violent chill, great heat and thirst, with rheumatic pains in the limbs, head, neck, and shoulders.{{anchor:​s392}}-( <span grade2>​Hering'​s Domestic Medicine</​span>​.)
 +{{anchor:​s393}}93. In epidemic dysentery with inflammatory symptoms, it is necessary to administer at first a few doses of <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ before we can count on the efficacy of <span grade2>​Mercurius.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s394}}Here <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ proves its efficacy as an antiphlogistic,​ in curing the inflammation in twenty-four hours. {{anchor:​s395}}But it is necessary to repeat the doses at intervals of from four to six hours.{{anchor:​s396}}-(<​span grade2>​Engelhardt,​ Communications Peatiques, cah, III, p.</​span>​ 34.)
 +{{anchor:​s397}}94. A little girl ten years old, attacked with dysentery, took a few doses of <span grade2>​Veratrum</​span>​ 12th on the 20th of September, and on the 22d of September a dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 24th, and many doses of <span grade2>​Mercurius sol.</​span>​ 12th. {{anchor:​s398}}On the 24th of September there were: griping pains of such violence as to cause her to scream with pain; frequent alvine evacuations,​ bloody mucous, greenish, and mixed with whitish fibres; nausea, retchings, and occasionally mucous vomitings; bowels much bloated, and excessively sensitive to the touch; violent thirst, painful micturition,​ skin dry and very hot, headache and delirium. {{anchor:​s399}}After the administration of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 24th, a dose every four hours, the external heat ceased on the next day, thirst still remained, the gripes were less severe, the stools less frequent, less painful and less bloody, micturition not painful, still some delirium during the night, no perspiration.{{anchor:​s400}}-(<​span grade2>​Engelhardt,​ Commen: Peat., p.</​span>​ 35.)
 +{{anchor:​s401}}95. <span grade2>​Symptoms particularly characteristic.{{anchor:​s402}}-Inflammatory fever,</​span>​ skin hot and dry, great thirst, <span grade2>​rheumatic pains in the limbs,</​span>​ headache, <span grade2>​greenish</​span>​ and bloody <span grade2>​stools,</​span>​ acute pains in the intestines.{{anchor:​s403}}-<​span grade2>​(Jahr.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s404}}CHOLERA.-96. {{anchor:​s405}}In a case of <span grade2>​sporadic</​span>​ cholera in a young man, following a chill and errors in diet, the following phenomena were present in the night: suddenly a cramp-like pressure and tension in the stomach; then, at the expiration of two hours, shaking chills, nausea, vomiting of acid mucous matter, cramps in the legs, watery diarrhea, cold sweats, coldness of all the limbs, agitation, convulsive movements and distortions of the limbs, face sunken and earthy, pulse weak, extreme weakness, eyes dull and expressionless,​ prostration of all the vital forces, inability to speak. {{anchor:​s406}}A few minutes after a dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 24th, the vital heat returned, and the pulse became stronger; in two days the patient was cured.{{anchor:​s407}}-( <span grade2>​Kammerer Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s408}}IV,​ p.</​span>​ 490.)
 +{{anchor:​s409}}97. In <span grade2>​asiatic cholera, Aconite</​span>​ is indicated when <span grade2>​veratrum,​ cuprum, ipecac.,</​span>​ or <span grade2>​camphor</​span>​ have arrested the evacuations,​ and an inflammatory condition only remains.{{anchor:​s410}}-(<​span grade2>​Quin. {{anchor:​s411}}Ther:​ du chol: asiatique, edit, allem, p.</​span>​ 24, 27.)
 +{{anchor:​s412}}98. In 1835, Doctor Baertl of Venice observed an epidemic cholera characterized by discharges of lumbrici with the evacuations. {{anchor:​s413}}The first period of this epidemic manifested itself by vertigo, pressive headaches, nausea with desire to vomit, coldness, vomiting, and diarrhea. {{anchor:​s414}}In the second period, there were: vomiting of bitter and greenish matter, vertigo, increased heat, thirst, irritable and frequent pulse, but occasionally full and strong. {{anchor:​s415}}At the third period, the pulse becomes extinct, with icy coldness of the hands and feet, continual agitation, and accelerated,​ short and anxious respiration. {{anchor:​s416}}Doctor Baertl found <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ the best remedy for this condition. {{anchor:​s417}}He prescribed dessert spoonfull doses of an aqueous solution of <span grade2>​extract of Aconite</​span>​ every hour, joining with it, if speedy improvement did not occur, injections of a weak watery solution of <span grade2>​Extract of Aconite.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s418}}In all stages of the malady, this treatment was followed by speedy success, generally, within forty-eight hours.{{anchor:​s419}}-( <span grade2>​Gazette hom, de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s420}}IV,​ p.</​span>​ 161.)
 +{{anchor:​s421}}99. After the third period of cholera is happily passed, there often returns a reaction of the vascular system, in consequence of which, blood accumulates either in the liver, the lungs, or the brain. {{anchor:​s422}}The cure then depends upon the promptness with which the physician recognizes the seat of this congestion. {{anchor:​s423}}In cases where the violence of this reaction does not permit us to distinguish at once the organ most threatened, we ought to make use of an aqueous solution of from six to ten drops of <span grade2>​Aconite.</​span>​-(3<​span grade2>d Reubel, Hygea, vol. {{anchor:​s424}}VII,​ p.</​span>​ 397.)
 +{{anchor:​s425}}The dose indicated is absolutely too strong. {{anchor:​s426}}Six to ten globules dissolved in 90 grammes of water is quite sufficient to accomplish the object.{{anchor:​s427}}- <span grade2>​(Jahr.)</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s428}}100. After the cessation of the actual cholera symptoms, sanguineous congestions often occur, which may become so violent as to result in inflammations. {{anchor:​s429}}In such cases Aconite is an efficacious medicine.{{anchor:​s430}}-(<​span grade2>​Tretzer,​ hom. de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s431}}XXXVII,​ p.</​span>​ 82.)
 +{{anchor:​s432}}101. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ has been employed with success against the first symptoms of cholera, and is an indispensable medicine in the tumultuous reactions which follow these attacks. {{anchor:​s433}}A few doses are quite sufficient to combat these reactions.{{anchor:​s434}}- (<span grade2>​Kummel Gaz. hom. de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s435}}XXXV,​ p.</​span>​ 328.)
 +{{anchor:​s436}}102. A few doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ suffice in almost all cases to subdue the vascular excitement which accompanies the development of the first stage of <span grade2>​simple</​span>​ cholera.{{anchor:​s437}}-(<​span grade2>​Schneider Gaz. hom. de Leipzig, vol. {{anchor:​s438}}XXXVI,​ p.</​span>​ 277.)
 +{{anchor:​s439}}103. I ought to observe that <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ has been employed with great service by myself, as well as by one of my confreres, against the ischuria which accompanies cholera,​-three doses of the 9th attenuation having afforded relief in about twelve hours.{{anchor:​s440}}-( <span grade2>​Peterson,​ Annales de Hartlaub et Trincks, vol. {{anchor:​s441}}III,​ p.</​span>​ 75.)
 +{{anchor:​s442}}104. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is especially indicated when the evacuations are whitish, with discharges of lumbrici, excitement of the arterial system producing congestion, with heat, redness full and accelerated pulse, and palpitations.{{anchor:​s443}}-(<​span grade2>​Marchesani.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s444}}105. <span grade2>​Especial indications for Aconite.</​span>​{{anchor:​s445}}-<​span grade2>​Strong excitement of the vascular system;</​span>​ bitter, greenish vomitings; <span grade2>​passage of lumbrici with the evacuations.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s446}}-(<​span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s447}}HEMORRHOIDS.-106. {{anchor:​s448}}In hemorrhoidal affections, <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is often of great service, when blood flows, but with pressive and lancinating pains in the anus; sensation of fullness in the bowels, with tension, pressure, and colic pains; bruised sensation in the kidneys.{{anchor:​s449}}-( <span grade2>​Hering,​ Domestic Medicine</​span>​.)
 +{{anchor:​s450}}DYSURIA.-107. {{anchor:​s451}}In the fever which accompanies cystitis, especially when it is of a synochial character, repeated doses of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ are indispensable.{{anchor:​s452}}-(<​span grade2>​Hartman,​ Ther. Hom.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s453}}108. In cystitis as well as in Nephritis, Aconite may be employed with success; for, although the principal indication for Aconite is the violent fever which accompanies the local affection, yet it acts with equal efficacy upon the latter. {{anchor:​s454}}It often suffices to cure the entire affection.{{anchor:​s455}}-( <span grade2>​Kreussler Ther. {{anchor:​s456}}Hom,​ p</​span>​ 111.)
 +{{anchor:​s457}}109. Nephritis can sometimes be cured by <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ alone. {{anchor:​s458}}In all cases, this medicine should be kept in view, since the local phenomena are usually accompanied by a violent fever. {{anchor:​s459}}-(<​span grade2>​Kreussler Therap.p.</​span>​ 104.)
 +{{anchor:​s460}}110. Cases of ordinary cystitis, with painful and very scanty micturition,​ or rather the discharge of a few drops only, of deep-red, turbid urine, etc., can almost always be cured with <span grade2>​Aconite,</​span>​ especially in women and children, and by repeating the dose whenever the pain recommences. {{anchor:​s461}}We ought always to consider <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ when with urinary tenesmus and pains in the bladder, this region is swollen, with aggravation of the pains on urinating, urine of a blood-red color, or mixed with small clots of blood.{{anchor:​s462}}-(<​span grade2>​Hering Domestic Medicine.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s463}}111. A man thirty years old, with firm muscles, and black hair, experienced after wetting his feet, the following symptoms : violent chill and afflux of blood to the head, with violent pain immediately under the symphysis pubis, as well as behind and beneath the scrotum; continual and urgent desire to urinate; urine burning, red, mixed with blood, and only emitted drop by drop; pubic region tense, painful to the touch, and a little hot; burning, lancinating pain extending to the base of the urethra; disagreeable sensation in the <span grade2>​meatus urinarius,</​span>​ decided fever; pulse a little full, hard, and 115; tongue red and dry; skin dry and hot.<​span grade2>​{{anchor:​s464}}Aconite</​span>​ 18th, one drop every three to four hours. {{anchor:​s465}}At the end of twenty four hours, there was a sensible remission of all the symptoms, pulse 95, inflammation visibly diminished, urine less red. {{anchor:​s466}}On the third day the pulse was 75, and there was no fever. {{anchor:​s467}}The few symptoms which remained were cured by <span grade2>​Pulsatilla.</​span>​{{anchor:​s468}}-<​span grade2>​(Schwarz,​ Exper. hom. p.</​span>​ 95.)
 +{{anchor:​s469}}112. <span grade2>​Symptoms particularly indicating Aconite:</​span>​ vesical region swollen and painful; <span grade2>​urinary tenesmus; urine scanty, red, bloody,</​span>​ and only emitted drop by drop; aggravation of the pains on urinating; strong inflammatory fever.{{anchor:​s470}}-(<​span grade2>​Jahr.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s471}}113. Respecting the efficacy of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ against the ischuria of <span grade2>​cholera,</​span>​ see number 103.
 +{{anchor:​s472}}ORCHITIS.-114. {{anchor:​s473}}A man twenty-seven years of age contracted a gonorrhoea with inflammation at first in the left testicle, and afterwards at the expiration of six months, the right testicle became involved. {{anchor:​s474}}Both testicles considerably swollen hard, hot, and very sensitive to the touch; scrotum red; constrictive,​ tensive, pressive pains extending even into the bowels and the thighs, augmenting by jerking paroxysms, and worse in the afternoon and night; moderate fever, increased thirst, sleep disturbed in consequence of the pain.{{anchor:​s475}}-<​span grade2>​Pulsatilla,​ Clematis, Nux vomica</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Nitric acid</​span>​ were employed without success.{{anchor:​s476}}-<​span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 3<span grade2>​d,</​span>​ one drop every three hours, effected a cure in four days.{{anchor:​s477}}- <span grade2>​(Guyler,​ Archives de Stapf, vol. {{anchor:​s478}}XIX,​ cah.</​span>​ 2, <span grade2>​p.</​span>​ 156.)
 +{{anchor:​s479}}MENSTRUAL DERANGEMENTS.-115. {{anchor:​s480}}An <span grade2>​amenorrhoea</​span>​ of six months standing, in a plethoric young girl twenty-one years old, and accompanied with dyspnea, and oppression in the precordial region, without any other notable sufferings, was cured by <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ alone-a few globules of the 24th having been dissolved in water and given in spoonful doses four times a day.{{anchor:​s481}}-(<​span grade2>​Malaise.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s482}}LEUCORRHEA.----116. {{anchor:​s483}}In copious and viscid leucorrhea <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is sometimes efficacious.{{anchor:​s484}}-(<​span grade2>​Molin.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s485}}117. <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ is indicated in leucorrhea when patients complain of a sensation of heat, with fullness and tension in the internal parts, continual tingling, not disagreeable,​ but forcing them to scratch; burning on urinating; febrile symptoms.{{anchor:​s486}}- (<span grade2>​Hartmann,​ Therap., II, p.</​span>​ 154.)
 +{{anchor:​s487}}SYMPTOMS DURING GESTATION AND ACCOUCHEMENT.-118. {{anchor:​s488}}A woman thirty-eight years old, poor, dissipated, hysterical, having had many miscarriages,​ always suffered during the first half of her pregnancies with vomitings. {{anchor:​s489}}In this her sixth pregnancy, there was a strong exacerbation against which bloodletting and antispasmodics were of no avail. {{anchor:​s490}}At the third month, after having suffered for six weeks, she presented the following symptoms: every morning, nausea and retching, and sometimes even yellow mucous vomiting. {{anchor:​s491}}After having eaten, even with relish, she would experience violent gastralgia, nausea, retchings and vomiting with violent pressure in the forehead, beneath the eyes. {{anchor:​s492}}After one dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ (a drop of the mother tincture) there occurred violent excitement, loss of consciousness,​ headache, but an immediate cessation of the vomitings and of all the accessory symptoms during the entire remaining term of pregnancy.{{anchor:​s493}}-(<​span grade2>​Gaspari,​ Annales de Hartlaub et Trinks, vol. {{anchor:​s494}}I,​ p.</​span>​ 250.)
 +{{anchor:​s495}}119. A woman thirty-four years old, and in the seventh month of her pregnancy, was attacked with vomiting so violent that she supposed herself to be poisoned. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s496}}Ipecac.,​ Stibium, Nux vomica,</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Cuprum</​span>​ were of no service. {{anchor:​s497}}There were lancinating pains in the stomach, extreme and continual anguish in the precordial region, augmented by each act of vomiting; vomiting of such violence that the patient in the end threw up pure, bright red blood. {{anchor:​s498}}The anguish increased to an extreme point; syncope supervened and a miscarriage became imminent. {{anchor:​s499}}The first close of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 200th produced tranquility;​ the anguish and pain yielded to a pleasant sleep, and the <span grade2>​accouchement</​span>​ occurred at the proper time.{{anchor:​s500}}-(<​span grade2>​Ruckert.</​span>​)
 +{{anchor:​s501}}120. A woman of full habit, suffered much during the last month of her pregnancy, with violent congestions of the chest. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s502}}Aconite</​span>​ afforded so much relief that she could afterwards sleep tranquilly without fear of suffocating.{{anchor:​s503}}-(<​span grade2>​Griesselich,​ Hygea, vol. V.p.</​span>​ 218.)
 +{{anchor:​s504}}121. <span grade2>​During accouchement,</​span>​ when the labour is arrested in consequence of the large size of the head, or from an unfavorable position of the child, and the severity of the pains cause the most robust woman to scream, while no progress is made towards delivery, and the patient is feverish, thirsty, red in the face, and covered with sweat, a dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ will be of service. {{anchor:​s505}}It is true that this is not easy to confirm in cases of this kind, but I think I have obtained essential service from the use of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ in two cases of this description.{{anchor:​s506}}-( <span grade2>​Wesselhoeft,​ correspond. {{anchor:​s507}}Americ. No.</​span>​ 14, <span grade2>​p.</​span>​ 153.)
 +{{anchor:​s508}}MORBID PHENOMENA DURING CONFINEMENT.-122. {{anchor:​s509}}A woman twenty-eight years of age, was attacked on the third day after an artificial accouchement,​ with a violent shaking chill succeeded by the following symptoms: tumultuous febrile disturbance with a hard and frequent pulse, dry and hot skin, intense thirst, tongue dry and slightly coated, violent headache, fixed and ferocious expression; lochia arrested; breasts flaccid and without milk, violent pains in the bowels on the slightest touch; bowels a little bloated. {{anchor:​s510}}An aqueous solution of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 2d in spoonful doses was prescribed every half-hour. {{anchor:​s511}}There was an amelioration during two days, and then an attack of dysentery (in consequence of this unnecessarily large dose? {{anchor:​s512}}Jahr),​ which was cured by <span grade2>​Belladonna.</​span>​{{anchor:​s513}}-(<​span grade2>​Bosch,​ vol. {{anchor:​s514}}XIX,​ p.</​span>​ 103.)
 +{{anchor:​s515}}123. An intelligent woman, on the eighth day of her confinement,​ after having taken cold, was attacked with the following symptoms: considerable heat, with continual cutting and contractive pains in the bowels, tension of the bowels and sensitiveness at the least touch; diarrheic stools every fifteen to thirty minutes; pressive and stupefying cephalalgia;​ frequent and tense pulse; violent thirst, tongue dry and covered with a white fur, desire to vomit. {{anchor:​s516}}The lochia was at first scanty and finally suppressed; the secretion of milk kept pace with the frequent nursing. {{anchor:​s517}}A dose of <span grade2>​Aconite</​span>​ 4th was prescribed every three hours. {{anchor:​s518}}At the expiration of twenty-four hours, all the inflammatory symptoms had ceased and the lochia had become regular. {{anchor:​s519}}(The cramp-like pains in the bowels, occurring before each stool, were then cured with <span grade2>​Chamomilla</​span>​.)-(<​span grade2>​Diez l</​span>'​ <span grade2>​Homoeopathic,​ p.</​span>​ 102.)
 +^ Source: | The AMERICAN HOMOEOPATHIC REVIEW Vol. 01 No. 06-09, 11, 1859, pages 255-263, pages 299-305, pages 349-353, pages 406-411, pages 488-496 |
 +^ Description:​ | Collection of Clinical Observations and Studies of the Materia Medica. |
 +^ Remedies: | Aconitum napellus |
 +^ Author: | Jahr, G.H.G. |
 +^ Year: | 1859 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |
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