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en:hphys:carleton-smith-c-some-key-notes-159-11021 [2013/06/04 17:39] (current)
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 +====== SOME KEY-NOTES ======
 +{{anchor:​s3}}EVER since Dr. Guernsey called the attention of the profession to his system of Key-notes, it has been badly abused.
 +{{anchor:​s4}}In making prescriptions in homoeopathic practice, there is no short cut by which we can jump at once to the proper remedy in a given case. {{anchor:​s5}}We only become sharp-shooters through hard study, and the more we thumb our materia medica, the greater will be our success and our glory.
 +{{anchor:​s6}}If the Key-notes are looked upon by us in the light of guide-posts,​ pointing us to the //group// of remedies, among which we are to find, by close comparisons,​ //the remedy// in each particular case of illness, then are they indispensable,​ and become at once, if thus rightly used, of incalculable value. {{anchor:​s7}}But if, on the other hand, we attempt to base our prescriptions simply upon these Key-notes as such, we will most assuredly find them stumbling-blocks instead of helps. {{anchor:​s8}}Let us be careful, therefore, that we do not misinterpret the true meaning and intent of this system.
 +{{anchor:​s9}}It is my purpose to call attention to some Key-notes which I have been collecting for some years, and many of which I think are not familiarly known.
 +{{anchor:​s10}}ACONITE.{{anchor:​s11}}—Everything tastes bitter except //water.//
 +{{anchor:​s12}}ACTAEA RAC.—Children wake suddenly at night //​terrified//​ and //​trembling//,​ covered with //cool, clammy sweat.//
 +{{anchor:​s13}}AESCULUS HIP.—Pains //shoot up the rectum// (Ign.) from the haemorrhoidal tumors, with lameness of the back and aching.
 +{{anchor:​s14}}ALOE SOCOT.{{anchor:​s15}}—Hard stools drop out without causing the least sensation.
 +{{anchor:​s16}}ALUMINA.{{anchor:​s17}}—Disposition to //grasp// the seat of the water-closet tightly while at stool. {{anchor:​s18}}Perspiration breaks out, and the patient despairs of having a stool.
 +{{anchor:​s19}}ANTIMON. {{anchor:​s20}}CRUD.{{anchor:​s21}}—Child cannot bear to be washed in //cold// water; while under //​Sulphur//,​ the child cannot bear to be washed at all.
 +{{anchor:​s22}}ANTIM. {{anchor:​s23}}TART.{{anchor:​s24}}—//​Deathly nausea// relieved by gaseous eructations.
 +{{anchor:​s25}}NOTE.{{anchor:​s26}}—Children who are not rapidly impressed with this drug in coughs, are by //Hepar S.// In the latter drug we have //purring// and //​wheezing.//​
 +{{anchor:​s27}}APIS MEL.—Can scarcely retain the urine a moment, and, when //passed, scalds// severely. {{anchor:​s28}}Feels as if he could not take another breath.
 +{{anchor:​s29}}ARNICA RAD.—Child wants //water// right after nursing, which it always throws up. {{anchor:​s30}}Eructations bitter, and like rotten eggs. {{anchor:​s31}}In constipation,​ when there is violent burning down the back, when the rectum becomes loaded and faeces won’t come away. {{anchor:​s32}}Haemorrhage from the womb in facial erysipelas, relieving the latter. {{anchor:​s33}}In pregnancy, foetus feels as if it laid crossways. //​{{anchor:​s34}}Deathly//​ coldness in //​forearms//​ of children in //​Hydrocephalus.//​
 +{{anchor:​s35}}ARSENIC.{{anchor:​s36}}—Pain in half of head like a partition from //left forehead// to left occiput: worse at midnight. {{anchor:​s37}}The pulse of //Ars//. is //more// rapid in the morning than in the evening. {{anchor:​s38}}(See //​Sulphur.//​)
 +{{anchor:​s39}}BAPTISIA.{{anchor:​s40}}—In tuberculosis,​ chill every //morning// at 11 o’clock and //fever// each afternoon.
 +{{anchor:​s41}}BARYTA C.—Suffocating breathing from enlarged tonsils on lying down.
 +{{anchor:​s42}}BELLAD.{{anchor:​s43}}—Flicking before the eyes, with nausea, worse on stooping. //​{{anchor:​s44}}Wets//​ the //bed// after eating sugar or sweet things. {{anchor:​s45}}Cough causes acute pain in //left// hypochondria,​ shooting upwards, worse //lying// on either side or //walking// much. {{anchor:​s46}}Throbbing in sacrum; has to have pillow stuffed in small of back in order to sit in chair.
 +{{anchor:​s47}}BENZOIC ACID.{{anchor:​s48}}— //Watery// stools, running //right through// the diaper.
 +{{anchor:​s49}}BERBERIS.{{anchor:​s50}}—//​Cutting//​ pain in //left side// of region of bladder, extending into urethra. {{anchor:​s51}}Bubbling sensation in //​kidneys.//​
 +{{anchor:​s52}}BORAX.{{anchor:​s53}}—Sensation of //​distension//​ and //​stitching//​ in clitoris at night.
 +{{anchor:​s54}}BOVISTA.{{anchor:​s55}}—Metrorrhagia in //evening// on //lying// down. {{anchor:​s56}}Menses only at //night// (also //Magn. carb.//​)//​.//​
 +{{anchor:​s57}}BROMIUM.{{anchor:​s58}}—Feeling as if breathing through a //sponge// in the throat. {{anchor:​s59}}Sharp pain extending into //right// ear from throat in swallowing. {{anchor:​s60}}( //Kali. {{anchor:​s61}}B//​.,​ left side.)
 +{{anchor:​s62}}BRYONIA.{{anchor:​s63}}—Neuralgic pain, left side of head and face, relieved by //hard// pressure and cold applications. {{anchor:​s64}}Water tastes //bitter// (opp. of //Acon.)// Swallowing liquids or saliva more painful than solids. {{anchor:​s65}}Hiccough //after eating.// {{anchor:​s66}}(//​Nux. V.// from eating //too much// or from //cold drinks.//) //​Tightness//​ above mid-sternum. {{anchor:​s67}}Swellings of a pale-red blush, with //​heaviness//​ and //​hardness.//​
 +{{anchor:​s68}}CACTUS GRAND.{{anchor:​s69}}—Discharge of //pure blood// from rectum. {{anchor:​s70}}Cactus heart-pains come on slowly, increase up to a certain point, and then as gradually subside. {{anchor:​s71}}(See,​ also, //​Platina.//​)
 +{{anchor:​s72}}NOTE.{{anchor:​s73}}—Constriction is the key-note of //Cactus. {{anchor:​s74}}Arn//​.,​ //Bufo//, //Iod//., //Lil. T.// and //Nux mos//., all have constriction in or about the heart; but //Cactus// is the only drug that has the feeling of a //hand// of //iron grasping the heart.//
 +{{anchor:​s75}}CALADIUM.{{anchor:​s76}}—Pruritis vulvae during //​pregnancy//​ and after //​miscarriage.//​
 +{{anchor:​s77}}CALCAREA C.—Flashes of light shoot up from the eyes, then break and fall down in a shower of sparks. {{anchor:​s78}}She feels better in every way when she is constipated. {{anchor:​s79}}Strangury brought on by standing on cold damp pavement.
 +{{anchor:​s80}}CARBO ANIMAL.{{anchor:​s81}}—Headache at night; has to sit and hold head with both hands to prevent it from falling to pieces. {{anchor:​s82}}Deafness;​ she can hear human voices in the room with her, but cannot tell from whence the sound comes.
 +{{anchor:​s83}}CARBO VEG.—Insatiable thirst for cold water; gazing longingly at the empty tumbler, when it is removed from her lips, and asks for more. {{anchor:​s84}}After-pains felt only in the shin-bones.
 +{{anchor:​s85}}CAUSTICUM.{{anchor:​s86}}—//​Peevish//​ just before the menses (//​Cham.//​)//​.//​ {{anchor:​s87}}Larynx feels very //stiff.// {{anchor:​s88}}Inveterate constipation;​ stools thin and long-drawn out.
 +{{anchor:​s89}}CEPA.{{anchor:​s90}}—Tickling in larynx is temporarily relieved by eating a piece of apple.
 +{{anchor:​s91}}CHAM.{{anchor:​s92}}—Pressure in the head from within; outward as if top of head would //fly off or// be //blown// off.
 +{{anchor:​s93}}CHELIDONIUM.{{anchor:​s94}}—Excessive lachrymation in orbital neuralgia; the tears fairly gush out, and eyes cannot bear the least light. {{anchor:​s95}}Flying out of detached lumps of mucus on coughing; the cough reechoes in the stomach.
 +{{anchor:​s96}}CINA.{{anchor:​s97}}—//​Enuresis//,​ with profuse discharge of strong ammoniacal urine. {{anchor:​s98}}The child is afraid to speak or move for fear she will bring on a paroxysm of cough.
 +{{anchor:​s99}}NOTE.{{anchor:​s100}}—//​Silicea//​ follows well in vermiculous subjects when //Cina// fails.
 +{{anchor:​s101}}CHINA.{{anchor:​s102}}—In icterus, when there is great //​depression//,​ feebleness and //​breathlessness.//​
 +{{anchor:​s103}}QUININE.{{anchor:​s104}}—Can only see objects by looking sideways.
 +{{anchor:​s105}}COCCULUS.{{anchor:​s106}}—Umbilical hernia if //Nux// fails and there is stubborn constipation.
 +{{anchor:​s107}}COLCHICUM.{{anchor:​s108}}—Nose,​ color of bleached wood-ashes. {{anchor:​s109}}Tongue covered with a //downy// white fur. {{anchor:​s110}}Nausea in the sick from odor of cooking food.
 +{{anchor:​s111}}COLOCYNTH.{{anchor:​s112}}—Aggravation from //cheese.//
 +{{anchor:​s113}}CROCUS.{{anchor:​s114}}—Thumping and knocking throughout the brain.
 +{{anchor:​s115}}CUPRUM MET.—Cough sounds as if water was being poured from a bottle.
 +{{anchor:​s116}}CUPRUM ACET.{{anchor:​s117}}—Constant protrusion and retraction of the tongue like a snake. {{anchor:​s118}}In epilepsy, aura begins at knees, ascending until it reaches the hypogastric region, when unconsciousness occurs, foam at the mouth, and falling down convulsed. {{anchor:​s119}}Soon as patient goes into a high ceiling room, the head reels and she loses her senses.
 +{{anchor:​s120}}CYCLAMEN EUROP.{{anchor:​s121}}—After confinement,​ patient has colicky bearing-down pains, each pain accompanied by a gush of blood, which relieves the pain momentarily.
 +{{anchor:​s122}}ARANEA DIADEMA.{{anchor:​s123}}—She awakens at night with hands feeling twice their natural size, so that she cannot make any use of them.
 +{{anchor:​s124}}DIGITALIS.{{anchor:​s125}}—Shuddering in the mammae; feels as if heart would stop beating if she dared to move. {{anchor:​s126}}(//​Gels.//​ just the opposite.)
 +{{anchor:​s127}}DULCAMARA.{{anchor:​s128}}—Catarrhal ischuria in grown-up children from wading with bare feet in water, with discharge of mucus and milky urine.
 +{{anchor:​s129}}EUPHRASIA.{{anchor:​s130}}—Cough always excited if exposed to //south wind.//
 +{{anchor:​s131}}GELSEMIUM.{{anchor:​s132}}—In “ague,” patient wants to be //held// during the shakes; sleeps throughout the heat; thirst //during sweat//; muttering delirium when half awake.
 +{{anchor:​s133}}GRAPHITES.{{anchor:​s134}}—Feeling of cobweb on right forehead; tries hard to brush it off. {{anchor:​s135}}Hearing is improved in deaf people while riding in a carriage; hears better when in a //noise.//
 +{{anchor:​s136}}HEPAR SULPH.{{anchor:​s137}}—Feels as if eye-balls were //drawn back into head.// {{anchor:​s138}}(Also,​ //​Asterias//,​ //​Bovista//,​ //Cham//., //Plumb//., //Rhod//., //Sil//., //​Strychnia//,​ //Sulph//., //Paris Quad.//) Looking at an object steadily makes eyes water.
 +{{anchor:​s139}}IGNATIA.{{anchor:​s140}}—Trembling of hands; worse right side when writing, and when being watched; worse, also, from extending the fingers.
 +{{anchor:​s141}}Iodium.{{anchor:​s142}}—Child very cross, cannot bear to be looked at or touched (See //Ant. Tart.//). //​{{anchor:​s143}}Itching//​ in the lungs low down, and extending upward through trachea to nasal cavity. {{anchor:​s144}}The itching in end of nose is the signal for the cough to begin. {{anchor:​s145}}Sensation as if heart were //​squeezed//​ ( //​Cactus//​).
 +{{anchor:​s146}}JATROPHA.{{anchor:​s147}}—Great dizziness, with constant nausea; better in open air.
 +{{anchor:​s148}}KALI BROM.{{anchor:​s149}}—He imagines he is especially singled out as an object of Divine vengeance. {{anchor:​s150}}Thinks all her friends have deserted her. {{anchor:​s151}}Extreme //​drowsiness//;​ constant hacking cough proceeding from the //chest//, during pregnancy. {{anchor:​s152}}Irresistible desire to urinate, but no flow except after great urging, and then with difficulty.
 +{{anchor:​s153}}KALI CARB.{{anchor:​s154}}—Sensation as if a stick extended from throat to left side of abdomen with a ball on each end of stick. {{anchor:​s155}}Belching of putrid gas like rotten eggs. {{anchor:​s156}}Stomach feels as if it would surely burst. {{anchor:​s157}}Hard,​ white, round masses fly from mouth when coughing or hawking. {{anchor:​s158}}(//​Chelidon.//​) Heart feels as if suspended from left rib.
 +{{anchor:​s159}}LACHESIS.{{anchor:​s160}}—The least movement causes feeling of suffocation around the heart. {{anchor:​s161}}Intolerable pinching and itching in spots on lower extremities relieved only by plunging in //cold// water; worse after sleep. {{anchor:​s162}}The tenesmus caused by this drug is relieved by //Sepia.//
 +{{anchor:​s163}}LYCOPODIUM.{{anchor:​s164}}—Sensation as if //hot// balls dropped from each breast through to back, running down back, along each leg to heels and dropping off at heels. {{anchor:​s165}}This sensation alternating with feeling as if balls of ice followed the same course. {{anchor:​s166}}The foetus seems to be constantly turning somersaults within the womb.
 +{{anchor:​s167}}NOTE.{{anchor:​s168}}—Especially useful in dry cough, day and night, in feeble, emaciated boys. {{anchor:​s169}}Chill every seventh day.
 +{{anchor:​s170}}MAG. MUR.—Stools knotty like sheep’s dung, crumbling at the verge of the anus and covered with mucus and blood. {{anchor:​s171}}Urine scanty, can only be passed by bearing down hard with the abdominal muscles.
 +{{anchor:​s172}}NOTE.{{anchor:​s173}}—Always to be studied in uterine diseases connected with //​hysterical//​ complaints. {{anchor:​s174}}Tendency of head to sweat (like //​Calc//​)//​.//​ {{anchor:​s175}}Has headache (like //​Silicea//​)//​.//​ {{anchor:​s176}}Better from wrapping up the head, but unlike //Silicea// worse in open air. {{anchor:​s177}}Inability in children to digest milk, it always causes pain in stomach and passes undigested.
 +{{anchor:​s178}}Metrorrhagia,​ always worse at night in bed, accompanied with spasms of uterus, causing hysteria. {{anchor:​s179}}Tendency of feet to sweat (//​Silicea//​).
 +{{anchor:​s180}}MANGAN. {{anchor:​s181}}ACET.{{anchor:​s182}}—Pain in right ear proceeding from //sound// teeth. {{anchor:​s183}}Ear so sore cannot lie on that side. {{anchor:​s184}}Burning of ears as if from very hot stove.
 +{{anchor:​s185}}MERCURIUS SOL.—Greenish painless //​gonorrhoea//,​ especially at night. {{anchor:​s186}}Agg. from cold air coming in contact with exposed parts; for instance, exposure in out-door water-closets.
 +{{anchor:​s187}}MERC. {{anchor:​s188}}COR. SUB.—Gonorrhoea at first thin, afterward thick, and at last with //biting// pain on urinating, and stitches extending //back// through the //​urethra.//​
 +{{anchor:​s189}}MURIAT. {{anchor:​s190}}ACID.{{anchor:​s191}}—All the time keeps pushing his finger down his throat, or keeps //clawing// at his mouth.
 +{{anchor:​s192}}NUX VOM.—Child cries and squirms for an hour after eating. {{anchor:​s193}}Sweats only on right side.
 +{{anchor:​s194}}OLEANDER.{{anchor:​s195}}—Headache improved by looking either sideways or cross-eyed.
 +{{anchor:​s196}}OPIUM.{{anchor:​s197}}—Violent movements of the foetus, especially toward night, preventing sleep.
 +{{anchor:​s198}}OXALIC ACID.{{anchor:​s199}}—//​Burning//​ in throat accompanying abdominal pains.
 +{{anchor:​s200}}PETROLEUM.{{anchor:​s201}}—Vertigo in //back// of head. {{anchor:​s202}}Gastralgia when the stomach becomes empty.
 +{{anchor:​s203}}PHOSPHORUS.{{anchor:​s204}}—Vertigo as if a veil obstructed the sight, with inability to //think.// {{anchor:​s205}}Feels that he will surely fall. {{anchor:​s206}}Don’t know where he is; worse at noon. {{anchor:​s207}}During pregnancy she cannot drink water; the sight of it causes her to vomit, and she must close her eyes while bathing. {{anchor:​s208}}Anus remains open all the time; the childstrains at stool. {{anchor:​s209}}Small ulcers clustering around large ones, some healing, and others healed.
 +{{anchor:​s210}}PHOS. {{anchor:​s211}}ACID.{{anchor:​s212}}—Can’t get up after sitting, from pain in left hip.
 +{{anchor:​s213}}PHYTOLACCA.{{anchor:​s214}}—The tumefied breast neither heals nor suppurates, is of a purple hue and as hard as old cheese. {{anchor:​s215}}This drug stands between //Bry.// and //Rhus//., and cures when these fail, when apparently indicated.
 +{{anchor:​s216}}PLUMBUM ACET.{{anchor:​s217}}—Sensation of a body rising up to the throat and extending to both ears pressing up into them, causing swallowing which makes it descend, soon to return; worse from 9 A. M. to noon.
 +{{anchor:​s218}}PSORINUM.{{anchor:​s219}}—Pain in occiput from right to left as if a piece of wood was laid on back of head. {{anchor:​s220}}Eructations like //rotten eggs.// {{anchor:​s221}}Also,​ //Arn//., //Tart. Em.// and //Graph. {{anchor:​s222}}Arnica//​ has taste of rotten eggs, especially in A. M. //Tart. Em.// at night, and //Graph//, only in A. M., after rising, disappearing on rinsing the mouth.
 +//​{{anchor:​s223}}Psor.//​ {{anchor:​s224}}—Has stools smelling like rotten eggs. //​{{anchor:​s225}}Cham.//​ has stools smelling like //spoiled eggs//, but //not// the //spoiled egg// flatulence or eructations. {{anchor:​s226}}Under //​Psorinum//​ the soft stool is voided with difficulty, //from weakness.// {{anchor:​s227}}Normal stool, but passed in a great hurry, can hardly reach the water-closet,​ with quantities of flatus. {{anchor:​s228}}Prolapsus recti with //burning// and //​sticking.//​ {{anchor:​s229}}Must keep the arms spread wide apart in order to breathe freely. {{anchor:​s230}}Want of breath in the open air, has to hurry home and lie down in order to breathe freely. {{anchor:​s231}}Weakness in all the joints of the body as if they would not hold together.
 +{{anchor:​s232}}RANUNC. BULB.—{{anchor:​s233}}Superficial pains upon the external chest of a //sharp//, //​shooting//,​ //​tearing//,​ //​stitching//​ character, coming in paroxysms.
 +{{anchor:​s234}}RHEUM.{{anchor:​s235}}—Hunger,​ but a //​mouthful//​ satisfies.
 +{{anchor:​s236}}RHODODENDRON,​—Has improvement from wrapping head up warmly, like //​Silicea.//​ {{anchor:​s237}}Speechless and breathless from violent pleuritic pain, running downward in left anterior chest after standing on cold ground. {{anchor:​s238}}Paroxysmal chorea, //left arm//, //leg and face// on approach of a storm. {{anchor:​s239}}Cannot get to sleep or remain asleep, unless legs are crossed.
 +{{anchor:​s240}}SABADILLA.{{anchor:​s241}}—Headache better from looking //fixedly// at some object.
 +{{anchor:​s242}}SAMBUCUS.{{anchor:​s243}}—Child //​inspires//,​ but cannot //expire//; face livid.
 +{{anchor:​s244}}SARSAPARILLA.{{anchor:​s245}}—Urine only dribbles while sitting, but when //​standing//​ it passes freely. {{anchor:​s246}}Feels as if bound down to the bed by a powerful //​suction//,​ with sharp pains in back and shoulders.
 +{{anchor:​s247}}SEPIA.{{anchor:​s248}}—Child coughs till breath is gone, and then gags and vomits mucus. {{anchor:​s249}}Cough constant when the child is laid down.
 +{{anchor:​s250}}STANNUM.{{anchor:​s251}}—Has colic better from leaning over something hard (like //Coloc.//) In worm fever child lies on abdomen during the pains.
 +^ Source: | The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 09, 1881, pages 431-437 |
 +^ Description:​ | SOME KEY-NOTES. |
 +^ Author: | Carleton Smith, C. |
 +^ Year: | 1881 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |
en/hphys/carleton-smith-c-some-key-notes-159-11021.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/04 17:39 (external edit)