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 +====== PERISCOPE ======
 +{{anchor:​s3}}DR. FALLIGANT writes upon dengue fever, giving a very interesting and instructive paper so far as history and diagnosis are concerned. {{anchor:​s4}}But when he comes to the treatment, there is no homoeopathy in it. {{anchor:​s5}}Who can gather any clinical information from the prescription,​ in alternation,​ of “ //Aconite// and //Arsenic// with //Ipecac//, as an intercurrent;​ or “//Nux V//., //China// and //Merc. sol//., and continue stimulants”?​ {{anchor:​s6}}Is there any improvement over the poly-pharmacy of the old school in such prescriptions as the above? {{anchor:​s7}}Is there any justification for the existence of a separate school, if these are good homoeopathic prescriptions?​ {{anchor:​s8}}When he boldly states, p. 546, that he gives //Aconite// and //​Bryonia//,​ and fifteen grains of Quinine, in five grain doses,” is there any likelihood of convincing an old school skeptic that there “is anything in” homoeopathy?​ {{anchor:​s9}}Will he not say that the Quinine did the work, and the little powders had no influence?
 +{{anchor:​s10}}“S. L.” translates a case by Dr. Heichelheim,​ showing the use of //Silicea// in diseases of the bones. {{anchor:​s11}}Principal symptoms were, in the one case: tearing in extremities;​ stiffness of joint in right arm; shining deep scar in the bone; thick crusty eruption in left popliteal space, //​discharging acrid ichor//; left big toe stiff in joint, and covered with crusty scars; bones of toe denuded with fistulous openings, discharging ichor; offensive perspiration in axilla; somnambulism and frightful dreams. {{anchor:​s12}}Cured in six months. {{anchor:​s13}}Another case was inflammation of the tibia, with caries, and discharge of thin pus; itching eruption over whole body. //​{{anchor:​s14}}Silicea//​ (after first taking //​Sulphur//​)//​.//​ {{anchor:​s15}}Cured in four months. {{anchor:​s16}}The keynote of //Silicea// is //​erethism//,​ //with exhaustion from malnutrition,​ sweat of the head, offensive sweat of feet, headstrong children.// {{anchor:​s17}}Commenting upon some other cases, S. L. makes several comparisons,​ from which the following are extracted: //Sulphur// and //​Psorinum//​ both have weakness of memory, melancholia and disinclination to work, but in //​Sulphur//,​ “venosity” and hypochondriasis are at the root of the evil; whereas in //​Psorinum//​ it is attributable to exhaustion. {{anchor:​s18}}In //Sulphur// there is foolish pride and happiness, even rags appearing beautiful. {{anchor:​s19}}The //​Psorinum//​ patient is dull and stupid, or full of evil forebodings. {{anchor:​s20}}Both have congestive headaches and dizziness, less marked in //Psorinum. {{anchor:​s21}}Sulphur//​ has aggravation after meals, and after sleep, and amelioration when sitting, or when lying with the head high. {{anchor:​s22}}The //​Psorinum//​ patient feels better after eating and washing; headache and rotary vertigo are worse in mornings. //​{{anchor:​s23}}Psorinum//​ has aversion to having head uncovered, even in hot weather. //​{{anchor:​s24}}Sulphur//​ worse from heat of bed, from rest; better from motion. //​{{anchor:​s25}}Psorinum//​ excretions are distinguished by fetor and acridity, thus: offensive otorrhoea; offensive rhagades; nauseating discharge from nose; foetid flatus, relieving colicky pains; fluid stools, smelling like rotten eggs or carrion; leucorrhoea in large lumps, and of foetid odor. {{anchor:​s26}}In //​Sulphur//,​ foetor takes secondary character and discharges, even if chronic or catarrhal. //​{{anchor:​s27}}Psorinum//,​ coughs for a long time before expectorating,​ from debility and exhaustion; chest symptoms better from rest, and when lying down. //​{{anchor:​s28}}Sulphur//,​ expectoration fails to bring relief, and the weakness in chest feels worse when lying down and talking. //​{{anchor:​s29}}Sulphur//,​ voluptuous tingling, and itching of skin, with burning and soreness after scratching; itching worse in warm bed. //​{{anchor:​s30}}Psorinum//​ , the skin is dirty, greasy looking, at times itching; pustules without itching; the body has a filthy smell, even after a bath. //​{{anchor:​s31}}Sulphur//,​ patient imagines effluvia arising from the body which disgust him, though nobody else can detect any foul odor.
 +{{anchor:​s32}}From //Hygea// is translated a case of headache //at vertex//, so severe that the whole brain seemed as if //it would be pressed asunder. {{anchor:​s33}}Hyper//​. //perfol.// cured in an hour.
 +{{anchor:​s34}}In another case, where there was an accompaniment of painful, irregular menses, the same symptoms indicated the same remedy, which greatly relieved.
 +{{anchor:​s35}}Some cases of whooping-cough were not relieved by the usual and apparently indicated remedies; a closer examination showed enlarged abdomen and picking at nostrils. {{anchor:​s36}}CINA caused discharge of ascarides and cure of the cough.
 +{{anchor:​s37}}Of HYPERICUM, “S. L.” remarks: “It //is the arnica of the nervous system.//​{{anchor:​s38}}” Excruciating pains from //​laceration of the nerves.// {{anchor:​s39}}Asphyxia after a fall; jerking, shooting pains. {{anchor:​s40}}After a fall upon the occiput, sensation as if being lifted up in the air. {{anchor:​s41}}Fracture of skull, bone splintered. {{anchor:​s42}}Convulsions from blows upon the head. {{anchor:​s43}}Epileptiform spasm after hard knocks. {{anchor:​s44}}Prevents lock-jaw from wounds in soles of feet, palms of hands or fingers. {{anchor:​s45}}Headache,​ //throbbing in vertex//; //the brain seems compressed.//​
 +{{anchor:​s46}}An unmarried woman became troubled with melancholy; indifference;​ aversion to work; would sit still for several hours, with eyes fixed; wept bitterly; avoided company of even her best friends; despair of recovery; suicidal ideas; thinking only of death; trembling; irritable and forgetful; sleepless at night until morning; would like to sleep all day. //​{{anchor:​s47}}Psorinum//​ 6th, frequently repeated caused complete cure.
 +{{anchor:​s48}}Another woman had stubborn, dry cough; flying stitches in chest; dyspnoea during motion or when ascending. //​{{anchor:​s49}}Psorinum//​ 6th relieved immediately,​ and caused an eruption like itch all over the body, but mostly on chest; itching at night in bed. {{anchor:​s50}}The medicine was stopped, and the eruption disappeared. {{anchor:​s51}}Complete cure of all symptoms in eight weeks.
 +{{anchor:​s52}}A baker had racking night cough, with copious expectoration of various colors; sometimes cheesy yellowish lumps, of an offensive odor when crushed. {{anchor:​s53}}Every two weeks coughed up a tube-like concretion half an inch long, of greenish color and bad odor. {{anchor:​s54}}It comes up, when there are paroxysms of cough, with anguish and suffocation. {{anchor:​s55}}Relief follows. //​{{anchor:​s56}}Psorinum//​ 6th followed by //Sulph.// 1st, and then //Hepar// 1st caused complete cure.
 +//​{{anchor:​s57}}Sulphuric Acid// is indicated for the following symptoms: Appetite good, but food is soon vomited up; vomiting of mucus; everything vomited is sour; vomiting is perfectly easy, without nausea or faintness; whilst in company, feels a desire to vomit; leaves the room, vomits, and returns to her friends; loud eructations becoming painful; violent contractive pain in epigastrium,​ //​temporarily relieved by port-wine or food easy of digestion//;​ coldness and relaxed feeling of stomach; water causes coldness of stomach, unless mixed with alcoholic liquor; desire for brandy; after eating, pain in stomach and vomiting of food; //sour vomiting.//
 +//​{{anchor:​s58}}Robinia pseudo-acacia//​ has excessive acidity of stomach; vomiting of intensely sour fluid, setting the teeth on edge; frequent eructations of sour fluids. {{anchor:​s59}}Steady dull, heavy aching distress of stomach and sensation of soreness when moving and upon pressure. {{anchor:​s60}}Sensation as if stomach were full of hot water, with nausea oppression and debility.
 +//​{{anchor:​s61}}Oxalic Acid.// {{anchor:​s62}}—Burning pain in stomach and throat; burning pain in small spots in abdomen; slightest touch causes excruciating pain.
 +//​{{anchor:​s63}}Mur. Ac.// —//​Putrid//​ eructations;​ gulping up of contents of stomach into the oesophagus; empty sensation in stomach, extending through whole abdomen, but no hunger.
 +//​{{anchor:​s64}}Nitric Acid.// {{anchor:​s65}}—Liver and spleen enormously enlarged and deranged; several symptoms better from lying down and from carriage riding.
 +//​{{anchor:​s66}}Lactic Acid.// {{anchor:​s67}}—//​Eructations of hot acrid fluid//, which burns from stomach to throat. {{anchor:​s68}}Eructations of burning hot gas from stomach, causing a profuse secretion of tenacious mucus, which must be constantly hawked up.
 +{{anchor:​s69}}A young man about an hour after every meal, was obliged to vomit bitter or sour matters; loud talking or singing caused vomiting; tension over stomach worse from pressure; trouble caused probably by drugging. //​{{anchor:​s70}}Nux V.// cured.
 +{{anchor:​s71}}A case of gastralgia; almost constant pain, much aggravated from binding anything tight around the wrist; sensation of contraction in stomach; tedious, dry spasmodic cough, increasing the gastralgia; cough worse from talking, running, emotions, etc. //​{{anchor:​s72}}Conium//​ tincture cured.
 +{{anchor:​s73}}Chronic diarrhoea in a child; painless, watery or mucous stools; pale bloated face; skin cool; indentation of skin remaining after pressure of the finger; weakness from long continuance of the diarrhoea; //China// failed; //Ferrum// in massive doses cured.
 +{{anchor:​s74}}An article upon “The Centre of Speech and Homoeopathy by Dr. Mossa is translated from //A. H. Z//., 4-6, 1881. We gather the following indications for aphasia.
 +//​{{anchor:​s75}}Bell.//​ {{anchor:​s76}}—Stammering,​ weakness of organs of speech with full consciousness;​ speech difficult, whining, stammers like one intoxicated;​ temporary speechlessness;​ cannot utter a sound; low soft speech, with headache close above orbits, preventing the opening of the eyes.
 +//​{{anchor:​s77}}Hyos.//​ {{anchor:​s78}}—Patient hears everything, but can answer only by signs and motions; tries to speak, but cannot utter a word; these symptoms had been caused by abuse of //Merc//. //sol//., and were observed by Hahnemann.
 +//​{{anchor:​s79}}Stram.//​ {{anchor:​s80}}—Constant murmuring, stammering; speech difficult and unintelligible;​ speaks abruptly in a raised voice—voice of higher pitch; cannot utter a sensible word, and gets angry; thinks long before being able to speak, and then it is a mere stammering; trembling of tongue when protruded.
 +//​{{anchor:​s81}}Cannab. sat.// —Misses words in speaking; words in torrents or else faltering in speech; repeats same word several times.
 +//​{{anchor:​s82}}Cannab. Ind.// —He begins a sentence but cannot finish it, because he forgets what he wants to say or write.
 +//​{{anchor:​s83}}Caust.//​ {{anchor:​s84}}—Speech lisping, mouth drawn to right side; paralysis of right arm.
 +//​{{anchor:​s85}}Lachesis.//​ {{anchor:​s86}}—Loss of memory; mistakes in writing; heaviness of tongue.
 +//​{{anchor:​s87}}Zincum.//​ {{anchor:​s88}}—Repeats every question asked him in a singing tone.
 +{{anchor:​s89}}Loss of memory.{{anchor:​s90}}—For letters, //Lyc//.; for proper names, //Sulph//., //Anac//., //Crocus//, //​Guajac//​.,​ //Olean//., //Puls//., //Rhus//.; for thoughts, //Nat. mur//.; for what has been heard, //Hyos//., //Lach.//; for what has been read, //​Guajac//​.,​ //​Helleb//​.,​ //Acid phos//., //Staph.//; for persons, //Crocus//; for spelling, //Lach//.; for words, //Baryta//, //Lyc.// There are many other indications,​ but we have not space for them.
 +{{anchor:​s91}}AMERICAN OBSERVER, APRIL.
 +{{anchor:​s92}}Dr. Pope gives a review of the provings of //Kali Bichrom//., with some clinical cases cured by its use. {{anchor:​s93}}Among the latter may be mentioned: //Constant discharge of matter//, //thick and yellow//, //from left nostril//, //and having fetid smell//; //pain in muscles of left side of// //neck to one small spot in side of head//, //brought on and made worse by blowing the nose//; //severe smarting pain in left nostril, extending to molar bone below the eye; a tumor of the nose//, //highly vascular//, //and filling whole cavity of right nostril with severe pain; syphilitic nodes on shin//, //tender to touch//, //with gnawing scraping pain.// {{anchor:​s94}}It is noticeable that two important characteristics of //Kali Bichrom.// are not mentioned; they are: (1)//​headache//,​ //preceded by blindness//;​ //the blindness gets better as the headache increases//;​ (2) //the gastric symptoms alternate with the rheumatic symptoms.// {{anchor:​s95}}It is worthy of remark that Dr. Pope, who is usually considered as a champion of the “liberal” or eclectic sect, commits himself to the following square homoeopathic sentiment: “Because a drug gives rise to a state similar to bronchitis, it does not follow that it will cure all cases of that disease. {{anchor:​s96}}It is only that kind of bronchitis—that particular attack where the symptoms are like those a given drug will produce—and the nearer like, the better—that you can expect to cure with that drug. {{anchor:​s97}}It is from a want of recognition of this fact that so many failures occur, in endeavoring to put the homoeopathic theory into practice,​” There is also, in this number, a report of a case of puerperal convulsions horribly maltreated. {{anchor:​s98}}It is followed by some comments by the editor, which are severe and just.
 +//​{{anchor:​s99}}Homoeopathic World// , April and May. Dr. Burnett gives some cases of cough cured with //Aralia Racemosa.// {{anchor:​s100}}The indications are://Cough coming on at night when first lying down accompanied by asthma. {{anchor:​s101}}Cough at night in bed after having slept an hour or two//; //occurring before midnight. {{anchor:​s102}}It wakens the patient.//
 +{{anchor:​s103}}Dr. Berridge gives his impressions of “Homoeopathy in America.{{anchor:​s104}}” The May number opens with the ludicrous details of Lord Beaconsfield’s medical treatment, in which Dr. Kidd proved to be “the man Friday” to the regulars. {{anchor:​s105}}An interesting case of hemorrhage from extraction of teeth, with oozing of blood from gums, vomiting of blood, and flowing of blood from the bowels, were all cured by //Phos.// after styptics had failed. {{anchor:​s106}}The case appears to have been treated by an Allopathist who thus innocently testifies to the truth of homoeopathy. {{anchor:​s107}}The //World// dares the //Lancet// to publish the case.
 +{{anchor:​s108}}Dr. Berridge gives an exceedingly interesting case of hydrophobia which was wonderfully relieved by Hydrophobinum,​ C. M. (Swan). {{anchor:​s109}}Although the patient died, yet the sufferings were so much relieved that it may be considered a case of true euthanasia.
 +//​{{anchor:​s110}}New England Medical Gazette// , April. {{anchor:​s111}}In the proceedings of the “Worcester County Homoeopathic Medical Society,” is reported a case of parenchymatous nephritis characterized by albuminuria,​ oedema of face and hands, and morning diarrhoea thin and yellow, on rising. //​{{anchor:​s112}}Apis//​ 2 M cured. {{anchor:​s113}}Also,​ prolapsus uteri of eighteen years’ standing, with sensitiveness to cold air, dark-yellow complexion, despondency and retiring disposition,​ empty feeling in stomach, greenish-yellow leucorrhoea. {{anchor:​s114}}Cured by //Sepia// 30 in four months.
 +^ Source: | The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 08, 1881, pages 390-396 |
 +^ Description:​ | PERISCOPE. |
 +^ Author: | HPhys01 |
 +^ Year: | 1881 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |
en/hphys/hphys01-periscope-159-11063.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/04 17:40 (external edit)