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en:mm:hering:kreosotum-r65 [2013/10/21 11:39] (current)
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 +====== KREOSOTUM ======
 +<span tc1>​{{anchor:​s1}}Kreosotum. {{anchor:​s2}}(Creosote.)</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s3}}A product of distillation of wood tar.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s4}}Provings by Syrbius, Hartung, Sen. and Jun., Immisch, Lange, Koch, Heinemann, Lunderstadt,​ Wahle, Eichhorn, Thomas.
 +{{anchor:​s5}}See Allen'​s Encyclopaedia,​ vol. 5, p. 408. {{anchor:​s6}}Additional verified symptoms from provings by Hering and Kummer, MSS.
 +{{anchor:​s8}}- <span grade2>​Difficulty of hearing during menses</​span>,​ McClatchey, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. Pa., 1881, p. 157; <span grade2>​Syphilitic deafness</​span>,​ Teste, B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 780; <span grade2>​Cancerous tumor on lower lip</​span>,​ Thompson, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 97; <span grade2>​Carious teeth</​span>,​ Liedbeck, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 463; <span grade2>​Hemorrhage after extraction of tooth</​span>,​ Kleinert, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 859; <span grade2>​Vomiting</​span>,​ Wahle, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 557; <span grade2>​Gastromalacia</​span>,​ Kreuss, Rummel, Goullon, Krummacher, Arnold, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 605; <span grade2>​Painful,​ hard spot in stomach</​span>,​ Wahle, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 637; <span grade2>​Diarrhea</​span>,​ Kurz, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 836; <span grade2>​Enuresis,​ Perrussell</​span>,​ Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 137; <span grade2>​Boenninghausen</​span>,​ Sommer, Rampal, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 43; <span grade2>​Chronic ovarian affection</​span>,​ Prll, B. J. H., vol. 34, p. 737; <span grade2>​Uterine affection</​span>,​ Wahle, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 354; Reisig, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 354; <span grade2>​Uterine affections in middle-aged women</​span>,​ Kurtz, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 354; <span grade2>​Ulcers on neck of uterus</​span>,​ Wahle, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 353; <span grade2>​Cauliflower excrescences around os uteri</​span>,​ Neidhard, Org., vol. 2, p. 105; <span grade2>​Menorrhagia</​span>,​ Glzon, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 103, p. 51; Wesselhoeft,​ Hom. Clin., vol. 4, p. 87; Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 178; <span grade2>​Leucorrhea</​span>,​ Landrey, B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 166; Molin, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 363; <span grade2>​Puerperal metritis</​span>,​ Bentsch, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 448; <span grade2>​Perichondritic laryngismus</​span>,​ Unsin, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 740; <span grade2>​Whooping cough</​span>,​ A. R., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 723; <span grade2>​Hemorrhage from lungs</​span>,​ Wahle, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 217; <span grade2>​Consumption</​span>,​ Frank, Kurtz, Lobethal, Schron, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, pp. 377-379; <span grade2>​Phthisis</​span>,​ (2 cases), Wahle, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 216; <span grade2>​Gangrene of lungs</​span>,​ Willard, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. Pa., 1876, p. 297; <span grade2>​Hemorrhages</​span>,​ Trinks, B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 318.
 +====== MIND. [1] ======
 +{{anchor:​s10}}Stupid feeling in head; vacant gaze; neither seeing nor hearing.\\ {{anchor:​s11}}Frequent vanishing or failure of thought.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s12}}Weakness of memory; forgetfullness.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s13}}~</​span>​ <span grade2>​After nosebleed.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s14}}Thinks herself well.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s15}}~</​span>​ <span grade2>​Metritis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s16}}Sorrowful mood, inclined to weep, or longing for death; music and similar emotional causes impel him to weep.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s17}}Anxious,​ apprehensive mood.\\ {{anchor:​s18}}Ill humor; moroseness: peevishness,​ ill temper, obstinacy.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s19}}Fretful,​ irritable, agitated, screams nights.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s20}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Bronchitis during dentition.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s21}}Excited condition; ailments from emotions.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s22}}Confounding ideas; also in puerperal fever with putridity.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s23}}Seeks for unpleasant things and broods over them.
 +====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
 +{{anchor:​s25}}Stupefaction,​ dizziness and vacancy in head, with complete loss of thought, sight and hearing.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s26}}Painful dullness of head, as after a carouse.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s27}}Vertigo:​ mornings, in open air, with staggering like from drunkenness,​ must hold on to something; passes off in room; danger of falling on turning round quickly.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s28}}Roaring in head.</​span>​
 +====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s30}}Throbbing and beating in forehead from left side of head.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s31}}Dull feeling in head as from a board across forehead.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s32}}Pulsation in forehead and vertex, when awaking in morning, with heat in face.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s33}}Chronic periodic headache in forehead, piercing pain; wheals or swellings on scalp.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s34}}Heaviness or pressure in various parts of head, with sensation as if brain would force through forehead.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s35}}Occipital headache; much pain and soreness.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s36}}Headache:​ after a carouse; with sleepiness; tearing, drawing and jerking pains; jerking, tearing, sticking, burning pains in anterior part of head; semilateral and extending to cheeks, jaws, teeth and neck; induced by talking, moving, sitting up or lying on side not affected, with great excitability and nervous irritability.</​span>​
 +====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s38}}Eruptions on forehead, as with drunkards.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s39}}Falling off of hair.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s40}}Sensibility of scalp to touch, and when hair is combed.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s41}}Scales in large, indurated masses fall off freely.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s42}}Scald head.</​span>​
 +====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s44}}Dim-sighted:​ as if looking through gauze; as if something was floating before eyes, obliging to wipe them constantly.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s45}}Staring,​ dull, lifeless and stupid look.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s46}}Itching and smarting sensation in eyes, on edges of lids; agg. rubbing.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s47}}Suggilation on conjunctiva of right eye.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s48}}Burning and redness of conjunctiva.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s49}}Acute aggravations of chronic keratitis; hot, smarting lachrymation.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s50}}Blenorrhea of conjunctiva,​ with moderately profuse discharge and much smarting in eyes.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s51}}Heat in eyes, with ulceration.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s52}}Burning heat in eyes, with tears, agg. by bright light.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s53}}Hot,​ acrid, smarting tears, like salt water; agg. in a bright light, on rubbing eyes and early morning.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s54}}Slight inflammation of Meibomian glands.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s55}}Eyes sunken, with blue rings around, or protruding.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s56}}Chronic swelling of eyelids and their margins; agglutination of lids.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s57}}Uncontrollable twitching of lids.</​span>​
 +====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s59}}Hardness of hearing with buzzing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s60}}Roaring in head; also humming and difficulty of hearing before and during menses.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s61}}Girl,​ aet. 9, syphilitic deafness; teeth wedge shaped; old looking; had snuffles when a baby; attacks of vomiting.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s62}}Stitches in ears; otitis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s63}}Heat,​ burning, swelling and redness of left outer ear, proceeding from a pimple in concha, stiffness and pain in left side of neck, shoulder and arm.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s64}}Itching in ears.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s65}}Humid tetter on ears, with swelling of cervical glands and livid grey complexion.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s66}}Affections of external ear.</​span>​
 +====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s68}}Subjective putrid smell with loss of appetite; in morning, on awaking.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s69}}Nosebleed:​ with heaviness and throbbing in forehead, sleepiness; thin, bright red blood.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s70}}Frequent sneezing: especially in morning; with stoppage of nose; rough and scraping sensation in throat; with dry, nasal catarrh.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s71}}Nasal secretion thick.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s72}}Catarrh fluent or dry, with much sneezing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s73}}Chronic catarrh with old people.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s74}}Epithelial cancer on right ala nasi.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s75}}Lupus on nose; left side.</​span>​
 +====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s77}}Sick,​ suffering expression; old looking children.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s78}}Complexion:​ wretched; earthy; livid; pale, green, with swelling of cervical glands; pale, bloated; coppery appearance.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s79}}Burning pains; agg. from talking or exertion, amel. lying on affected side; nervous, excitable.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s80}}Face cold, of pale, bluish tinge, especially on temples and around nose and mouth.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s81}}Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of cheeks.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s82}}Face hot, cheeks red, feet cold.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s83}}Great heat and brown redness of face (during siesta), with throbbing in cheeks and forehead, and frequent micturition.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s84}}Scaly herpes on eyelids, cheeks and around mouth.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s85}}Acne in face.</​span>​
 +====== LOWER FACE. [9] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s87}}Dry lips, peeling off, easily cracked.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s88}}Wants to moisten lips frequently, without being thirsty.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s89}}Tumor,​ size of a pea, on lower lip, with acrid, watery ichor, making surrounding parts sore.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s90}}Eruption on under lip.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s91}}Pustulous pimples, with yellow scabs on chin and cheek.</​span>​
 +====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
 +<span grade4>​{{anchor:​s93}}Bad odor from decayed teeth.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s94}}Toothache:​ extending to temples and to left side of face; drawing, extending to inner ear and temples; caused by caries.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s95}}Teeth wedge shaped.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s96}}~</​span>​ <span grade2>​Syphilitic deafness.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s97}}Great restlessness,​ wants to be in motion all the time, and screams whole night.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s98}}~</​span>​ <span grade2>​Dentition.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s99}}Teeth show dark specks and begin to decay as soon as they appear.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s100}}Gums:​ bluish red, soft, spongy, easily bleeding, inflamed, ulcerated, scorbutic.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s101}}Protruding gums infiltrated with dark watery fluid.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s102}}After extraction of tooth, persistent oozing of dark, slightly coagulated blood, finally checked by application of alum; hemorrhage reappeared at shorter or longer intervals, at first only from teeth, later entirely from nose, continuing one year, and causing great debility.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s103}}Absorption of gums and alveolar process.</​span>​
 +====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s105}}Bitter or flat taste.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s106}}Bitter taste, especially in throat.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s107}}Everything eaten tastes bitter; bitter taste of food, not perceived until just as it is being swallowed.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s108}}Tongue dry; with mucous coating; coated white.</​span>​
 +====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
 +<span grade4>​{{anchor:​s110}}Putrid odor from mouth.</​span>​
 +====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s112}}Pressure on right side of throat when swallowing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s113}}Scraping in throat, with roughness and dryness.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s114}}Small,​ round, bluish red spots (petechiae) on throat.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s115}}Diphtheria;​ malignant form, when confined to fauces, with terrible fetor oris.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s116}}Fever,​ vomiting, loss of appetite, restless sleep, general languor, swelling of glands; three days later, suddenly, very much exudate in fauces; fetor oris.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s117}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Diphtheria.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s118}}Scrofulous and lymphatic patients, with black softening and decomposition of mucous membrane, with atony and extension of softening, especially towards esophagus.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s119}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Diphtheria.</​span>​
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s122}}Greedy drinking followed by vomiting; great thirst.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s123}}Keen appetite, especially for meat; craves smoked meats.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s124}}Loss of appetite, aversion to meat, vomits after it.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s125}}Desire for spirituous drinks, weakening leucorrhea.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s126}}Stomach aches, from acid food.</​span>​
 +====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ======
 +<span grade4>​{{anchor:​s128}}Water,​ after it is swallowed, tastes bitter.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s129}}Worse from eating cold food; amel. from warm diet.\\ {{anchor:​s130}}Dares not remain fasting.
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s132}}Belching and hiccough, especially when sitting up or being carried.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s133}}Belching:​ sour; empty; after dinner, with throwing off of frothy saliva, and with scraping roughness in throat.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s134}}Deep and lasting disgust for food in convalescents.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s135}}Nausea:​ during pregnancy; constant inclination to vomit without doing so; with chilliness morning and evening.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s136}}Vomiting:​ of sweetish water; of undigested food; in evening of all food eaten during day; of undigested food two or three hours after eating; with dimness of vision; of everything eaten; of large quantities of sour, acrid fluid, or of white, foamy mucus.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s137}}Continuous vomiting and straining to vomit.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s138}}Sympathetic vomiting, as of phthisis, of cancer of liver or uterus, of pregnancy, and of chronic kidney disease.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s139}}Seasickness.</​span>​
 +====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s141}}Cold feeling at epigastrium internally, as if cold water or ice was there.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s142}}Feeling of fullness, as after having eaten too much.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s143}}Tension over stomach and scrobiculum;​ tight clothing is intolerable.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s144}}Painful hard spot, at or to left of stomach.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s145}}Malignant induration, fungus and ulcers of stomach; painless gastromalacia;​ pressing, gnawing, ulcerative pain in stomach, with hematemesis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s146}}Gastromalacia,​ preceded by great restlessness and sleeplessness,​ and accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s147}}Sudden vomiting of all food, soon followed by lienteric stools; slimy coating on tongue; rapid and extreme emaciation; constant whining; sleeplessness.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s148}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Gastromalacia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s149}}For several weeks diarrhea, finally smelling cadaverous; vomiting; extreme blueness of face, as from nervous congestion.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s150}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Gastromalacia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s151}}Rapid emaciation in children, vomiting, intense thirst, bloating in region of stomach, greyish white or chopped offensive stools.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s152}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Gastromalacia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s153}}Very frequent and sudden vomiting of food; frequent hiccough, belching, especially when raised up; remarkably rapid emaciation of whole body, but particularly of neck and face; bluish pale appearance of face, especially about temples, nose and mouth; dull, staring, vacant look, eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings; coldness of face and hands; drowsiness, with half open eyes; feeble whining; quick, scarcely perceptible pulse; red, slightly elevated eruption on left forearm.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s154}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Gastromalacia.</​span>​
 +====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s156}}Stitches in region of liver.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s157}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Pregnancy.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s158}}Bruised pain in region of liver, with sensation of fullness.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s159}}Constriction of hypochondria,​ cannot tolerate tight clothing.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s160}}Pressure in region of spleen; spleen painful to pressure.</​span>​
 +====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s162}}Ulcerative pain in abdomen.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s163}}Pain in region of umbilicus.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s164}}Sensation of contraction in abdomen, as if a hard twisted ball was lying in umbilical region.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s165}}Distension of abdomen, as after a copious meal.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s166}}Abdomen distended and tense, like a drum.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s167}}Burning in bowels.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s168}}Labor-like pains in abdomen, with drawing in upper abdomen, extending to small of back and pressing toward lumbar vertebrae, with flushes of heat in face, palpitation of heart, frequent pulse and ineffectual urging to urinate, finally small quantities of hot urine are passed; after paroxysm chill, and discharge of milky leucorrhea.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s169}}Sore pain in abdomen during deep inhalation.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s170}}Shattering sensation in abdomen.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s171}}Painful sensation of coldness in abdomen; icy coldness in epigastrium.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s172}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Dyspepsia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s173}}Violent abdominal spasms, agg. in groins.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s174}}Colic,​ resembling pains of labor.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s175}}Tabes mesenterica,​ with hypertrophied glands in fleshy, flabby subjects.</​span>​
 +====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
 +{{anchor:​s177}}Stools;​ watery; papescent; dark brown; watery, putrid, containing undigested food; greyish or white, chopped, very fetid; frequent, greenish, watery; cadaverous smelling.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s178}}Ineffectual painful urging to stool.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s179}}Constipation,​ stool hard, expelled after much pressing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s180}}Cramplike pain in rectum during stool.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s181}}Children struggle and scream during act of defecation, and seem as if they would go into fits.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s182}}Diarrhea in nursing infants during dentition.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s183}}Diarrhea,​ with vomiting; continued vomiting, straining to vomit predominates;​ child resists tightening of anything around abdomen, which increases restlessness and pain; much thirst; gums hot; coldness of hands and feet.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s184}}Cholera infantum, second and third stages, with bloody, shreddy, mucous evacuations,​ with or without oppressiveness,​ gagging, dull, leaden countenance,​ somnolence; incipient hydrocephaloid.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s185}}Constant vomiting and greedy drinking; belching or hiccoughing when carried.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s186}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Cholera infantum.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s187}}Much blood, often in clots, in diarrheic, thin, fetid stools, which are always followed by great prostration.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s188}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Typhus.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s189}}Stitches in rectum, extending towards left groin.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s190}}Constriction of rectum in case of uterine cancer.</​span>​
 +====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
 +<span grade4>​{{anchor:​s192}}Frequent urgency to urinate, with copious, pale discharge; at night cannot get out of bed quick enough.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s193}}Diminished secretion, though drinking much.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s194}}Urine:​ chestnut brown; clouded; reddish, with red sediment; depositing white sediment; colorless; fetid; alkaline.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s195}}Wets bed at night, wakes with urging, but cannot retain urine, or dreams he is urinating in a decent manner.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s196}}Urine flows during deep, first sleep, from which child is roused with difficulty.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s197}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Enuresis nocturna.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s198}}Chronic enuresis; patient thin, emaciated.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s199}}Smarting and burning in pudenda during and after micturition.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s200}}Diabetes mellitus.</​span>​
 +====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s202}}Sexual desire too weak.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s203}}Burning in genitals, during coition, with swelling of penis next day.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s204}}Prepuce bluish black with hemorrhage and gangrene.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s205}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Syphilis.</​span>​
 +====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s207}}After chill menses suppressed for six months; unable to lie on either side; dull pain in region of ovaries, could not bear strong pressure; morning urine colorless; brownish yellow, acrid leucorrhea; constipation.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s208}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Chronic ovarian affection.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s209}}During coition, burning in parts, followed next day by discharge of dark blood.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s210}}Hard lump on neck of uterus; ulcerative pain during coition.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s211}}Ulcerative pain in cervix uteri.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s212}}Severe pain in small of back and uterine region, extending to thighs; deep in pelvis burning as of red hot coals; whimpering and whining; discharge of offensive blood in large clots; vagina swollen and burning hot, mucous membrane greatly puffed; uterus high up, neck hard and swollen; at orifice of uterus small, warty growths; parts extremely irritable and painful to touch; externally, fundus of uterus swollen, painful like a blood boil on slightest touch; pulse small and hard; great debility; sleeplessness.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s213}}Painful pressure towards genitals; stitches, from small of back through pelvis to external genitals; constant burning pain in small of back; bland leucorrhea finally acrid, watery, occasionally ichorous, bloody, with pungent, offensive smell; severe pain during coition, with fear and trembling at thought of it; general aggravation during menses; sick, suffering appearance; prostration from least exertion; amel. during rest; dwindling and falling away of mamma, with small, hard, painful lumps in them; cervix scirrhous, hard and very painful to touch; os open, almost everted, inner surface like cauliflower;​ pulse small, weak, 100; anxious, fearful.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s214}}Putrid state of womb after childbirth.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s215}}Inveterate ulcers on neck of uterus.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s216}}Uterine affections of middle aged women; long lasting leucorrhea, or frequently recurring uterine hemorrhages,​ both accompanied by pressing sensations; finally discharges become offensive, bloody and watery, acrid, ichorous or clotted; burning, occasionally stitching in back and lower abdomen; on standing sensation as if a load was resting in pelvis; coition painful; general aggravation during menses; examination painful; vagina hot, mucous membrane puffed and follicles often hypertrophied;​ at mouth of uterus warty or cauliflower excrescences.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s217}}Cancer of uterus (much improved).</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s218}}Menses:​ too early, too profuse and too protracted; succeeded by an acrid smelling, bloody ichor, with itching and biting in parts; more or less pain during flow, but much agg. after it; flow intermits, at times almost ceasing, then recommencing;​ in third month of pregnancy.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s219}}Menses very profuse; blood clotted; sometimes with uterine pain, and always a week too late, with severe headache before and during menses.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s220}}Menorrhagia,​ agg. lying, amel. getting up and walking about.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s221}}Before menses; hardness of hearing; foamy eructation or vomiting of mucus; bloatedness;​ griping about navel; burning in back; leucorrhea; excitement and restlessness;​ looks swollen as if pregnant.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s222}}Buzzing in head, before, during and after menses.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s223}}Severe headache before and during menses.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s224}}Menses with uterine pain.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s225}}During menses: hardness of hearing; rushing sound in ears; humming and pressing outwards in head; stitches in side; cutting pain in abdomen; borborygmi; diarrhea; chills; sweat on chest and back.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s226}}Painful urging toward genitals.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s227}}Bearing down and weight in pelvis; as if something was coming out of vagina; agg. by motion.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s228}}She thinks she is almost well when the discharge reappears.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s229}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Menses.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s230}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Metrorrhagia.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s231}}Her hemorrhage seems to pass into a corrosive, ichorous discharge, and then to freshen up again and go on.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s232}}After menses: labor-like abdominal cramps; uterus tender; constricting pain in vagina, followed by fluor albus; prolapsus.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s233}}Metrorrhagia:​ blood dark and offensive; in large clots; fainting; pulseless.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s234}}Metrorrhagia continuing four weeks; fainting and pulseless; discharge dark and offensive.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s235}}Constant flow of thin, watery and offensive blood, agg. lying; emaciation; debility.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s236}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Menorrhagia.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s237}}Leucorrhea:​ putrid, acrid, corrosive; stains clothing yellow, stiffens like starch; mild or acrid, causing much itching; milky, after coccyodynia;​ agg. between menses; or for a few days before menses; with great weakness; agg. standing or walking, not sitting; flowing like menses.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s238}}Discharge from vagina frequently looks quite white, and then had odor of green corn.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s239}}Bland,​ yellow leucorrhea, preceding each urination, with frequent desire to micturate.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s240}}Drawing pains along coccyx down to rectum and vagina, where a spasmodic, contractive pain is felt; amel. when rising from sitting; subsequent milky leucorrhea.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s241}}Sterile from leucorrhea.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s242}}Electric-like stitches in vagina, seem to come from abdomen, always make her start.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s243}}Voluptuous itching deep in vagina.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s244}}Violent itching of vagina, so that she is obliged to rub it; posteriorly there is smarting; external genitals swollen, hot and hard; on urinating, vagina pains as if sore; in evening.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s245}}Corrosive itching in vulva; sore and burning after scratching.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s246}}Scirrhus of vagina, painful to slight touch.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s247}}Burning and swelling of labia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s248}}Violent itching between labia and thighs.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s249}}Aphthous or inflammatory state of external parts, symptomatic of ovarian or uterine disease.</​span>​
 +<span grade4>​{{anchor:​s253}}During pregnancy; nausea and vomiting; ptyalism; vomiting of sweetish water before breakfast; vomiting after supper; metrorrhagia threatening abortion (third month); leucorrhea; tightness across pit of stomach.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s254}}Lochia:​ blackish, lumpy, very offensive; excoriating;​ almost ceasing, freshen up again, persistent, brown and offensive.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s255}}Chill,​ then general heat, finally sweat; pulse soft and quick; trembling, anxiety, confusion of mind, weakness of memory, thinks herself well; lochia dark, lumpy and very offensive; vagina moist, not very hot; abdomen soft and sensitive; constipation.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s256}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Puerperal fever.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s257}}Mamma:​ stitches; dwindling away; small, hard, painful lumps in them; hard, bluish red and covered with little scurfy protuberances,​ from which blood oozes whenever scurf is removed.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s260}}Voice and Larynx Trachea and Bronchia.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s261}}Scraping and roughness in throat; hoarseness, ceasing in morning, after sneezing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s262}}Perichondritis of larynx, septic form, with softening and degeneration affecting mucous membrane of larynx, and particularly that of esophagus.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s263}}Heavy pressure on sternum.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s264}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Bronchitis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s265}}Bronchial irritation accompanying dentition; child extremely fretful, irritable, much agitated, and screaming in night.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s266}}Chronic bronchial and laryngeal catarrh, with hoarseness; hawking mucus from trachea and bronchi, sometimes bloody, especially that from trachea; heavy pressure on sternum when turning over in bed in morning; agg. on approach of warm weather; no cough.</​span>​
 +====== RESPIRATION. [26] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s268}}Shortness of breath, heaviness, anxiety, frequent desire to take a deep breath; chest feels bruised, as if beaten; as if sternum was being crushed in.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s269}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Nervous asthma.</​span>​
 +====== COUGH. [27] ======
 +{{anchor:​s271}}Cough:​ whistling; dry; tormenting; evening, in bed; caused by crawling below larynx, or, as if in upper bronchi; with dyspnea; convulsive, with desire to vomit; dry, spasmodic, in morning, causing retching; concussion of abdomen and escape of urine; with easily detached white expectoration;​ scraping, with profuse, thick, yellow, or white mucous expectoration;​ dry, wheezing, hollow; during dentition; with pain in chest and sternum, compelling to press hand on it; stitches and soreness in chest.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s272}}Aggravation of cough; morning and evening; while exhaling; from motion; from music; when awaking, when lying on side or turning in bed.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s273}}During cough; scratching in throat; stitches and bruised pain in chest; asthma; jarring of abdomen; retching; discharge of urine; chills and heat; sleepiness.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s274}}After coughing spell, copious, purulent expectoration.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s275}}Periodical blood spitting, greenish yellow, pus-like sputa.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s276}}Expectoration:​ white; thick yellow; black coagulated blood.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s277}}Frequent blood spitting, severe pains in chest, afternoon fever, and morning sweat.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s278}}Fatiguing cough with old people, copious sputa.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s279}}Violent winter cough of old people, with spasmodic turns at night, and very copious light colored mucous sputa; pain or pressure referable to sternum.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s280}}Whooping cough.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s281}}Cough for several weeks; vomiting of tough, white phlegm with the cough, sometimes of a yellowish color; cough agg. in evening and morning; after lying down and from exercise; crawling below larynx, which excites cough; perspires after coughing and feels weak; stomach swells in evening, has to unfasten clothes; sometimes sneezes when he coughs.</​span>​
 +====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s283}}Dreadful burning in chest; constriction.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s284}}Stitches:​ in left chest, just over heart; across chest, during morning till noon; first in left then in right chest; in right chest, interrupting breathing; under scapula.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s285}}Acute stitches in middle of chest, agg. during inspiration,​ attended with feeling of lameness and extending to elbow joint across right shoulder, where pains are most violent on lifting arms; chronic leucorrhea.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s286}}Pains in chest, amel. from pressure.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s287}}Anxious feeling of heaviness and oppression in chest.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s288}}Breath quick and labored, puffing of cheeks and violent working of nostrils.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s289}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Pneumonia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s290}}Periodic attacks of blood spitting, with fever, and expectoration of greenish yellow pus; pains in chest; can lie only on one side.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s291}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Phthisis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s292}}Suddenly seized with cough and expectoration of blood; lies in bed, greatly emaciated; is afraid to open mouth; heaviness and oppression of chest; constipation;​ during night coughed up much black blood; appetite lost; pulse weak, suppressed, intermittent;​ face greyish yellow.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s293}}Coughing spells every Autumn and Spring, with expectoration of yellowish green pus and blood, fever and inability to lie on one side.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s294}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Phthisis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s295}}After whooping cough, accompanied by inflammatory affection of lungs and larynx, phthisis purulenta; with every paroxysm of cough, expectoration of a large mass of pus, followed by such great prostration that he can hardly speak; severe evening exacerbations;​ loss of appetite; emaciation; must stay in bed.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s296}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Consumption.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s297}}After neglected pulmonary catarrh, severe, persistent, spasmodic cough, often attended by vomiting; expectoration,​ profuse, slimy and purulent; must sit up nearly all night; constant stitches in left chest; bitter taste in mouth; fetor oris; frequent greenish, watery diarrhea; hectic fever.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s298}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Consumption.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s299}}Must stay in bed; face and body greatly emaciated; cough with profuse and frequent expectoration;​ frequent blood spitting; severe pains in chest; fever in afternoon; sweats in morning; consumption.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s300}}Emaciation;​ intense hectic fever; night sweats; shortness of breath; dry, teasing cough; great debility.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s301}}Gangrene of lungs.</​span>​
 +====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s303}}Anxiety at heart; oppression of breathing.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s304}}Stitches:​ over heart: in heart.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s305}}Pulsation in all arteries, when at rest.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s306}}Pulse:​ small, weak and quick; soft, quick and trembling; small and hard; slow; rapid, scarcely perceptible;​ falls from eighty to sixty, even to forty-seven.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s307}}Pulse small and weak, with orgasm of blood.</​span>​
 +====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s309}}Glands of neck swollen.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s310}}Pain in back: at night; agg. when lying.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s311}}Pain as if small of back would break; agg. during rest, amel. from motion.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s312}}Pain in small of back and sacral region, like labor pains; urging to urinate and ineffectual desire for stool.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s313}}Spasmodic drawing from behind forward, into genitals, or down into thighs; stitches.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s314}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Cancer uteri.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s315}}Drawing pain along coccyx to rectum and vagina, where a spasmodic, contractive pain is felt.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s316}}Continuous burning in small of back.</​span>​
 +====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s318}}Pain in shoulders as if they had been uncovered all night.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s319}}Scapulae as if bruised.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s320}}Stitches in arm, from shoulder joint through to fingers, which feel as if asleep, without power or feeling.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s321}}Pain as if bruised when touched inner side of upper arm.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s322}}Pain in elbow joint, as if tendons were too short.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s323}}Slightly elevated red blotches on left forearm.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s324}}Pain in ulnar muscles, extending to little finger; cramplike in left arm; drawing, with lameness in right.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s325}}Fingers become white and insensible, especially in morning after rising.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s326}}Left thumb pains as if sprained and stiff.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s327}}Cracking of skin of hands.</​span>​
 +====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s329}}Bruised pain on crest of ilium, as if from a heavy burden, or after running; stitches from same through abdomen; pain in same and in lumbar vertebrae, in morning, as if tired.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s330}}Pain in left hip joint, as if luxated; as if leg was too long when standing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s331}}Boring pain in right hip, alternating with numbness and loss of sensation of whole thigh.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s332}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Rheumatic gout.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s333}}Tingling or buzzing sensation in lower limbs.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s334}}Pain in whole leg, as from an ulcer.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s335}}Sensation as if knee joint would suddenly give way.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s336}}Alternate swelling of knee joints and wrists, with sensation of numbness and rigidity of limbs.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s337}}Swelling and stiffness of feet; white, cold swelling.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s338}}Stitches in right ankle and left heel.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s339}}Ulcerative pain in soles; burning itching in soles.</​span>​
 +====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s341}}Alternate swelling of knees and joints of hands, with disagreeable sensation of numbness and stiffness in limbs.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s342}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Rheumatic gout.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s343}}Pain in all limbs, as if beaten, or as after a long walk; lassitude or heaviness with drowsiness.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s344}}Stitches in joints.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s345}}Red,​ scaly skin on bends of knees, like herpes.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s346}}Skin on extremities dry and rough.</​span>​
 +====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
 +{{anchor:​s350}}Rest:​ symptoms of female organs amel.; pulsation in all arteries; pain in back agg.; restlessness agg.; chill agg.; seems to increase pains.\\ {{anchor:​s351}}During repose: a sensation as if all parts of body were in motion.\\ {{anchor:​s352}}Lying down: cough agg.; pain in back agg.\\ {{anchor:​s353}}Lying on side: cough agg.\\ {{anchor:​s354}}Lying on side not affected: causes pains in anterior part of head; burning pains in upper face.\\ {{anchor:​s355}}Can lie only on one side: phthisis.\\ {{anchor:​s356}}Unable to lie on either side.\\ {{anchor:​s357}}Sitting:​ leucorrhea amel.\\ {{anchor:​s358}}Must sit up nearly all night: cough.\\ {{anchor:​s359}}Sitting up: causes pains in anterior part of head; belching and hiccough.\\ {{anchor:​s360}}Standing:​ sensation as if a load was resting on pelvis; leucorrhea agg.\\ {{anchor:​s361}}Rising from sitting up: contractive pain in vagina amel.\\ {{anchor:​s362}}Least exertion: causes great prostration;​ faintness.\\ {{anchor:​s363}}Motion:​ causes pains in anterior part of head; bearing down and weight in pelvis agg.; cough agg.; pains in back amel.; restlessness amel.\\ {{anchor:​s364}}Wants to be in motion all the time.\\ {{anchor:​s365}}She cannot keep quiet after getting up from sleep.\\ {{anchor:​s366}}Turning over in bed: heavy pressure on sternum; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:​s367}}Turning around quickly: danger of falling.\\ {{anchor:​s368}}Lifting arms: pains most violent.\\ {{anchor:​s369}}Walking:​ leucorrhea agg.\\ {{anchor:​s370}}Staggering,​ must hold on to something: vertigo.
 +====== NERVES. [36] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s372}}General weakness and prostration;​ great debility.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s373}}Faintness in morning, when rising earlier than usual.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s374}}Fatigue from least exertion.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s375}}Weariness,​ as if from too long a foot journey.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s376}}Prostration,​ with sleeplessness.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s377}}Great restlessness and excitation of whole body, agg. in repose than during motion.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s378}}Spasms during dentition; swelling over a tooth not quite through.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s379}}Child moans constantly, or dozes with half open eyes, or is cross and sleepless; during dentition.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s380}}Very severe, old, neuralgic affections, with tearing pain.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s381}}Perfect depression of trophic nervous system.</​span>​
 +====== SLEEP. [37] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s383}}Great drowsiness, with frequent yawning.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s384}}Sleeplessness,​ agg. before midnight.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s385}}Will only sleep when caressed and fondled.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s386}}Tosses about all night, without any apparent cause.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s387}}Starting,​ when scarcely fallen asleep.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s388}}Laughs aloud during sleep.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s389}}Dreams:​ of crying; of falling from a height; of being out in a snow storm; of being poisoned; of bright fire; of very dirty (clothes) wash; that he is urinating, and awakes to find the dream a reality.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s390}}Very difficult to waken child out of sleep.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s391}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Enuresis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s392}}Generally better after sleep.</​span>​
 +====== TIME. [38] ======
 +{{anchor:​s394}}Morning:​ vertigo; pulsation of forehead and vertex; hot, acrid tears; loss of appetite; frequent sneezing; chilliness after sneezing; hoarseness amel.; turning over in bed pressure on sternum; dry, spasmodic cough; cough agg.; sweat; stitches across chest; fingers white and insensible; pain in lumbar vertebrae; faintness; sweat.\\ {{anchor:​s395}}Afternoon:​ fever.\\ {{anchor:​s396}}Evening:​ chilliness; vomiting; vagina as if sore; cough agg.; stomach swells; exacerbations;​ itching drives him almost wild; herpes on palms of hands, in ears, elbows, knuckles and malleoli agg.\\ {{anchor:​s397}}Before midnight: sleeplessness agg.\\ {{anchor:​s398}}Night:​ screaming; cannot get out of bed quick enough to urinate; wets bed; spasmodic cough; coughed up much black blood; sweats; pain in back; tosses about.
 +====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
 +{{anchor:​s400}}Warmth:​ herpes amel.\\ {{anchor:​s401}}On approach of warm weather: heavy pressure on sternum.\\ {{anchor:​s402}}Open air: vertigo; herpes agg.
 +====== FEVER. [40] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s404}}Transient chill without thirst.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s405}}Chill,​ predominating when at rest.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s406}}Shaking chill, with severe flushes of heat in face, red face and icy cold feet; after the chill, thirst.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s407}}Chill:​ great bodily restlessness;​ alternating with heat.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s408}}Coldness of face and hands.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s409}}Heat mostly in face.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s410}}Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of face.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s411}}Sweat scant and only during morning, with heat and redness of cheeks.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s412}}Putrid fever.</​span>​
 +====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
 +{{anchor:​s414}}Periodic:​ headache; blood spitting.\\ {{anchor:​s415}}Two or three hours after eating: vomiting of food.\\ {{anchor:​s416}}For several weeks: diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:​s417}}Before and during menses: humming and difficulty of hearing; headache; buzzing in head.\\ {{anchor:​s418}}For six months: suppression of menses.\\ {{anchor:​s419}}Every Autumn and Spring: coughing spell.\\ {{anchor:​s420}}Winter:​ cough.\\ {{anchor:​s421}}For one year: hemorrhage from teeth and nose.\\ {{anchor:​s422}}Day after coition: swelling of penis; discharge of blood.
 +====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
 +{{anchor:​s424}}Right:​ suggilation on conjunctiva of eye; pressure on side of throat; stitches in chest; lameness in elbow joint and shoulder; drawing and lameness in arm; boring pain in hip; stitches in ankle.\\ {{anchor:​s425}}Left:​ throbbing and beating in side of head; heat, burning, swelling and redness of outer ear; stiffness of neck; lupus on nose; toothache extending to side of face; slightly elevated eruption on forearm; stitches in groin; stitches in chest; red blotches on forearm; cramplike pain in arm; pain in hip joint; stitches in heel.\\ {{anchor:​s426}}First left then right: stitches in chest; pain in wrists.\\ {{anchor:​s427}}From behind forwards: drawing into genitals.\\ {{anchor:​s428}}Stitching downward; pressing inward.
 +====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
 +{{anchor:​s430}}As if a board was across forehead; as if brain would force through forehead; as if looking through gauze; as if something was floating before eyes; as if cold water or ice was in epigastrium;​ as if a hard twisted ball was lying in umbilical region; as if children would go into fits during defecation; burning as of red hot coals deep in pelvis; as if a load was resting on pelvis; as if something was coming out of vagina; vagina as if sore; chest as if beaten; as if sternum was being crushed in; as if small of back would break; as if shoulders had been uncovered all night; scapulae as if bruised; fingers as if asleep; inner side of upper arm as if bruised; as if tendons of elbow joint were too short; left thumb as if sprained; as of a heavy burden on crest of ilium; lumbar vertebrae as if tired; hip joint as if luxated; as if leg was too long when standing; pain in leg as if from an ulcer; as if knee joint would suddenly give way; limbs as if beaten, or as if after a long walk; weariness as if from too long a foot journey; sensation in skin as from ulceration.\\ {{anchor:​s431}}Pain:​ in occiput; in left side of neck, shoulder and arm; in teeth extending to temples and left side of face; in region of umbilicus; in uterus; in vagina; in chest and sternum; in small of back and sacral region; in shoulders; in arm; in elbow joint; in ulnar muscles; in left thumb; in abdomen and lumbar vertebrae; in left hip joint; in whole leg; in all limbs.\\ {{anchor:​s432}}Violent pain: elbow joint across right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:​s433}}Severe pain: in head; in small of back and uterine region, extending to thighs; during coition; in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s434}}Violent spasms: in groins.\\ {{anchor:​s435}}Cutting:​ in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s436}}Tearing,​ drawing, jerking pains: in head.\\ {{anchor:​s437}}Piercing:​ in head.\\ {{anchor:​s438}}Stitches:​ in ear; in region of liver; in rectum; from small of back through pelvis to external genitals; in side; in chest; just over heart; across chest; in right chest; under scapula; in middle of chest; in heart; from back into genitals; in arm from shoulder joint through to fingers; from crest of ilium through abdomen; n right ankle and left heel; in joints.\\ {{anchor:​s439}}Electric-like stitches: in vagina.\\ {{anchor:​s440}}Stitching:​ in back and lower abdomen; in chin and cheeks.\\ {{anchor:​s441}}Ulcerative pain: in abdomen; during coition, in cervix uteri; in soles.\\ {{anchor:​s442}}Pressing,​ gnawing, ulcerative pain: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s443}}Drawing:​ in teeth, extending to temples and inner ear; in upper abdomen; along coccyx down to rectum and vagina; from behind forward into genitals or down into thighs; in right arm.\\ {{anchor:​s444}}Griping:​ about navel.\\ {{anchor:​s445}}Cramplike pain: in rectum; in left arm.\\ {{anchor:​s446}}Labor-like pains: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s447}}Contractive pain: in vagina Colic: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s448}}Throbbing and beating: in forehead; in cheeks.\\ {{anchor:​s449}}Burning pain: in right hip.\\ {{anchor:​s450}}Bruised pain: in region of liver; on crest of ilium.\\ {{anchor:​s451}}Shattering sensation: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s452}}Rheumatic pains: in joints.\\ {{anchor:​s453}}Pulsation:​ in forehead and vertex.\\ {{anchor:​s454}}Burning pains: in face; in small of back.\\ {{anchor:​s455}}Sore pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s456}}Burning:​ of conjunctiva;​ of outer ear; in bowels; in pudenda; in genitals; in female sexual organs; in back and lower abdomen; of vagina; of labia; in chest; in small of back.\\ {{anchor:​s457}}Soreness:​ in head; in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s458}}Smarting:​ in eyes; in pudenda; in vagina.\\ {{anchor:​s459}}Biting:​ of female organs.\\ {{anchor:​s460}}Heat:​ in face; in eyes.\\ {{anchor:​s461}}Constriction:​ hypochondria;​ rectum; vagina; chest.\\ {{anchor:​s462}}Painful dullness: of head.\\ {{anchor:​s463}}Dull pain: in region of ovaries.\\ {{anchor:​s464}}Painful pressure: towards genitals.\\ {{anchor:​s465}}Painful hard spot: at left of stomach; in mamma.\\ {{anchor:​s466}}Scratching:​ in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s467}}Rough and scraping sensation: in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s468}}Dull feeling: in head.\\ {{anchor:​s469}}Fullness:​ in stomach; in region of liver.\\ {{anchor:​s470}}Tightness:​ across pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s471}}Contraction:​ in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s472}}Bearing down and weight: in pelvis.\\ {{anchor:​s473}}Pressure:​ on sternum; in region of spleen.\\ {{anchor:​s474}}Anxious heaviness and oppression: in chest; at heart.\\ {{anchor:​s475}}Heaviness or pressure: in various parts of head; of forehead; on right side of throat.\\ {{anchor:​s476}}Stiffness:​ of left side of neck, shoulder and arm: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:​s477}}Stupid feeling: in head.\\ {{anchor:​s478}}Numbness:​ of thigh.\\ {{anchor:​s479}}Roaring:​ in head.\\ {{anchor:​s480}}Buzzing:​ in head.\\ {{anchor:​s481}}Tingling and buzzing: in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:​s482}}Crawling:​ below larynx.\\ {{anchor:​s483}}Burning itching: in soles.\\ {{anchor:​s484}}Voluptuous itching: deep in vagina.\\ {{anchor:​s485}}Itching:​ in eyes; in ears; of female organs; from leucorrhea; in vagina; between labia and thighs.\\ {{anchor:​s486}}Painful sensation of coldness: in abdomen.
 +====== TISSUES. [44] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s488}}Hemorrhages;​ small wounds bleed much.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s489}}Profuse,​ passive hemorrhages,​ epistaxis, haemoptysis and haematuria.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s490}}Typhoid hemorrhages,​ with fetid stools, followed by great prostration.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s491}}Fetid evacuations and excoriation of mucous surfaces generally; skin wrinkled; restless and sleepless nights.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s492}}Profuse and offensive secretions of mucous membranes and ulcerations of same, with greatly depressed vitality.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s493}}Rheumatic pains in joints, also stitches, most of hip and knee; numbness of whole limb as if asleep.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s494}}Rapid emaciation.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s495}}Scrofulous and psoric affections.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s496}}Spongy,​ burning ulcers; pus acrid, ichorous, fetid, yellow.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s497}}Gangrenous,​ cancerous and putrefying ulcers.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s498}}Epithelioma;​ carcinoma ventriculi or uteri.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s499}}Carbuncle.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s500}}Tendency to decomposition;​ great irritability,​ agg. at rest.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s501}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Anthrax.</​span>​
 +====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ======
 +{{anchor:​s505}}Touch:​ scalp sensitive; orifice of uterus painful; fundus of uterus painful like a blood boil; cervix scirrhus very painful; on inner side of upper arm, pain.\\ {{anchor:​s506}}Pressure:​ region of spleen sensitive, in region of ovaries unbearable; of hand amel. pain in chest and sternum.\\ {{anchor:​s507}}Rubbing:​ smarting in eyes agg.; hot, acrid tears.\\ {{anchor:​s508}}Tight clothing is intolerable:​ constriction of hypochondria.
 +====== SKIN. [46] ======
 +<span grade4>​{{anchor:​s510}}Itching;​ toward evening so violent as to drive one almost wild.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s511}}Wheals like urticaria.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s512}}Sensation in skin as from ulceration, especially on face and chin.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s513}}Eruption of nodosities and blisters like bug bites.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s514}}Eruption dry as well as moist, in almost all parts of body, especially on backs of hands and feet, in palms, in ears, in popliteal region, and on knuckles of hands, with much itching.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s515}}Large,​ greasy looking, pock-shaped pustules, over whole body; skin tense, shining, deep red; greasy moisture.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s516}}Painless,​ pustular eruption all over body, especially on chin and cheeks; sticking pain.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s517}}Watery or sero-purulent herpes, on back of hands and fingers and joints, itching violently towards evening.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s518}}Herpes in palms of hands, in ears, elbows, knuckles and malleoli, agg. evenings and in open air, amel. from warmth.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s519}}Old ulcers, painful, putrid.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s520}}Skin remarkably pale.</​span>​
 +====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
 +{{anchor:​s522}}Dark complexion, slight, lean.\\ {{anchor:​s523}}Complexion livid, disposition sad, irritable.\\ {{anchor:​s524}}Often indicated for old women.\\ {{anchor:​s525}}Torpid,​ leuco-phlegmatic temperament.\\ {{anchor:​s526}}Old looking children, hard to awaken.\\ {{anchor:​s527}}Child,​ aet. 6 weeks, bottle-fed; gastromalacia.\\ {{anchor:​s528}}Girl,​ aet. 3 months; gastromalacia.\\ {{anchor:​s529}}Boy,​ aet. 6 months, bottle-fed; gastromalacia.\\ {{anchor:​s530}}Boy,​ aet. 2 1/2, weak, delicate, irritable and willful; suffering nine months; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:​s531}}Girl,​ aet. 5, blonde, delicate; enuresis.\\ {{anchor:​s532}}Child;​ daily attacks of vomiting.\\ {{anchor:​s533}}Girl,​ aet. 8, two sisters sick with violent diphtheritis;​ diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:​s534}}Girl,​ aet. 9, had snuffles when a baby, teeth wedge shaped, very old looking, syphilitic dyscrasia; deafness.\\ {{anchor:​s535}}Boy,​ aet. 10, strong; hemorrhage after extraction of tooth.\\ {{anchor:​s536}}Girl,​ aet. 13, tall for her age, fair, blonde, delicate; menstrual ailment.\\ {{anchor:​s537}}Boy,​ aet. 18, dark complexioned,​ slight and lean, stature ill developed, suffering since childhood; enuresis.\\ {{anchor:​s538}}Girl,​ aet. 18, suffering 3 months; consumption.\\ {{anchor:​s539}}Man,​ aet. 18, weak, poor circumstances,​ suffering since childhood; incontinence of urine.\\ {{anchor:​s540}}Girl,​ aet. 20; consumption.\\ {{anchor:​s541}}Woman,​ aet. 25, brunette, with bright red complexion and not very mild disposition;​ chronic ovarian affection.\\ {{anchor:​s542}}Woman,​ aet. 26, full blooded, after two abortions, a birth, then two more abortions; affection of uterus.\\ {{anchor:​s543}}Young woman, after difficult labor, two years ago; attacks of vomiting.\\ {{anchor:​s544}}Young woman, scrofulous; frequent attacks of pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:​s545}}Woman,​ phlegmatic, mother of four children; puerperal metritis.\\ {{anchor:​s546}}Man,​ aet. 30, tall, good constitution,​ cheerful disposition;​ hemorrhage from lungs.\\ {{anchor:​s547}}Woman,​ aet. 32, married, suffering ten years; leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:​s548}}Woman,​ aet. 33, small build, childless; uterine affection.\\ {{anchor:​s549}}Woman,​ aet. 40, mother of three children; menorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:​s550}}Woman,​ aet. 41; rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:​s551}}Tailor,​ aet. 46, weak, drunkard; consumption.\\ {{anchor:​s552}}Woman,​ aet. 50; painful, hard spot in stomach.
 +====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
 +{{anchor:​s554}}Antidoted by: <span grade2>​Acon.</​span>​ (vascular erethism); <span grade2>​Nux vom.</​span>​ (violent pulsations in every part of body).\\ {{anchor:​s555}}Compatible:​ before <span grade2>​Sulphur</​span>;​ before <span grade2>​Arsen.</​span>,​ in cancer; frequently followed well by <span grade2>​Bellad.,​ Calc. ostr., Kali carb., Lycop., Nitr. ac., Rhus tox., Sepia.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s556}}Incompatible:​ <span grade2>​Carbo v.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s557}}Compare:​ <span grade2>​Ant. tart., Carbo an., Graphit., Hepar, Iodium, Ipec., Laches., Mercur., Petrol., Phosphor.</​span>​
 +^ Source: | [[en:​mm:​hering:​start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 06, 1888 |
 +^ Description:​ | Clinical materia medica of [[en:​rem:​r65|Kreosotum]] |
 +^ Remedies: | [[en:​rem:​r65|Kreosotum]] |
 +^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
 +^ Year: | 1888 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |}
en/mm/hering/kreosotum-r65.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/21 11:39 (external edit)