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en:mm:hering:menyanthes-trifoliata-r145 [2013/10/21 11:39]
en:mm:hering:menyanthes-trifoliata-r145 [2013/10/21 11:39] (current)
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 +<span tc1>​{{anchor:​s1}}Menyanthes Trifoliata.</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s2}}Buck Bean; Bitterklee. {{anchor:​s3}}Gentianaceae.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s4}}A perennial which grows in boggy places, indigenous to America, Europe and Northern Asia. {{anchor:​s5}}It blossoms in May and June; flowers rose colored or whitish. {{anchor:​s6}}The tincture is made from the fresh plant just coming into bloom.
 +{{anchor:​s7}}Introduced by Hahnemann and proved by himself and his provers (Materia Medica Pura, vol. 5, p. 15).
 +{{anchor:​s9}}- <span grade2>​Headache</​span>,​ Dunham, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 287; <span grade2>​Amaurosis</​span>,​ Teste, Hughes'​ Pharmacod., p. 517; <span grade2>​Pain in chest with nausea</​span>,​ Hering, MSS.; <span grade2>​Affection of chest</​span>,​ Wells, Trans. {{anchor:​s10}}World'​s Hom. Con., 1876, p. 554; <span grade2>​Jerking of legs</​span>,​ Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 581; <span grade2>​Sciatica</​span>,​ Lilienthal, Times Retros., vol. 1, p. 121; <span grade2>​Cramps in legs</​span>,​ Org., vol. 3, p. 269; <span grade2>​Intermittent fever</​span>,​ Charg, Trans. {{anchor:​s11}}World'​s Hom. Con., 1876, p. 418; Wells, Trans. {{anchor:​s12}}World'​s Hom. Con, 1876, p. 554; Dunham, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 314; <span grade2>​Quartan ague</​span>,​ Fisher, Allen'​s Int. Fever, p. 171; <span grade2>​Ague</​span>,​ Douglas, Allen'​s Int. Fever, p. 172.
 +====== MIND. [1] ======
 +{{anchor:​s14}}Taciturn,​ reflective; sad, weeping; likes to be alone.\\ {{anchor:​s15}}Anxiety about heart, as if some evil was going to happen.\\ {{anchor:​s16}}Indifference alternating with too great joy.\\ {{anchor:​s17}}Ill humored, cross.
 +====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s19}}Constant heaviness of head.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s20}}Painful dullness of head after eating.\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s21}}Pressure in head from above downward, amel. better during hard pressure with hand.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s22}}Pressive,​ stupefying headache, mostly involving forehead, during rest and motion.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s23}}Dull headache in room, with difficult flow of ideas; amel. in open air.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s24}}Compressive headache in vertex from both sides, on ascending steps, sensation as if a weight pressed upon brain with every step.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s25}}Stitches in left side of brain extending toward vertex.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s26}}Stitchlike tearing in right side of forehead near temporal region.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s27}}Burning pain in forehead.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s28}}Pain in forehead, more severe in left side, eye and ear, extending through occiput; much amel. by pressure with hands.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s29}}Headache agg. lying down, by sleep and application of cold water.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s30}}Cold feeling of head, as if cold wind was blowing on it.</​span>​
 +====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ======
 +{{anchor:​s32}}External gnawing on vertex.
 +====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
 +{{anchor:​s34}}When reading everything becomes black before eyes.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s35}}Amaurosis.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s36}}Pressing in eyes.\\ {{anchor:​s37}}Eyelids feel stiff as from tonic spasms.
 +====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
 +{{anchor:​s39}}Stitches in ears.\\ {{anchor:​s40}}Feeling of coldness in ears.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s41}}Cracking in ear when masticating.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s42}}Otorrhea,​ especially after exanthemata.</​span>​
 +====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
 +{{anchor:​s44}}Tension in root of nose.\\ {{anchor:​s45}}Subjective nauseating smell, as from rotten eggs.
 +====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s47}}Visible,​ though not painful twitching of facial muscles, especially of right side, agg. during rest than when walking.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s48}}Heat and redness of face when sleeping.\\ {{anchor:​s49}}Heat in face with cold feet.\\ {{anchor:​s50}}Pain and cracking in articulation of jaw when masticating.\\ {{anchor:​s51}}Pimples on face.
 +====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
 +{{anchor:​s53}}Taste in mouth, bitter sweet.
 +====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
 +{{anchor:​s55}}Dryness of palate causing a stinging when swallowing.
 +====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
 +{{anchor:​s57}}Great dryness of throat without thirst.\\ {{anchor:​s58}}Paralytic feeling on left side of throat when yawning and coughing.\\ {{anchor:​s59}}Dryness and roughness in throat preventing deglutition.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s60}}Sensation of coldness extending up esophagus, with great nausea, following pressure in stomach.</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s62}}Empty eructations.</​span>​
 +====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s64}}Throbbing in epigastrium like a pulse.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s65}}Continuous rumbling in stomach as from emptiness.\\ {{anchor:​s66}}Constriction in stomach.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s67}}Weak stomach, with pressing in head and hard stools.</​span>​
 +====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
 +{{anchor:​s69}}Sensation of coldness in abdomen, especially when pressing with hand on it, in morning when rising.\\ {{anchor:​s70}}Sensation of soreness of abdominal walls.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s71}}Distension and fullness of abdomen, as if overloaded by food, all day, with undiminished appetite, together with a sensation as of incarcerated flatus and frequent ineffectual efforts to emit it; in evening fullness much agg. by smoking.</​span>​
 +====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
 +{{anchor:​s73}}Constipation hard stool, with pinching pain in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s74}}Bleeding hemorrhoidal tumors.
 +====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s76}}Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge.</​span>​
 +====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
 +{{anchor:​s78}}Increased sexual desire, without amorous fancies or erections.\\ {{anchor:​s79}}Both testicles are drawn up, right more than left.\\ {{anchor:​s80}}Spermatic cord painful to touch.
 +{{anchor:​s83}}Rough,​ hoarse voice, ears feel obstructed, as if something had been stretched across.\\ {{anchor:​s84}}Stitch in anterior region of larynx, impeding deglutition.\\ {{anchor:​s85}}Spasmodic contraction of larynx; effort to inspire causes cough.
 +====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s87}}Sharp pain through middle of upper right chest to lower part of shoulder, causing nausea and faint feeling; can scarcely move.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s88}}Pressure on both sides of chest, with sharp stitches, agg. on inspiration.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s89}}Constriction and stitches on both sides of chest.\\ {{anchor:​s90}}Stitches in (r. side) of chest agg. during motion and when breathing.\\ {{anchor:​s91}}A man about fifty years of age consulted me for a trouble in his chest; great oppression of breathing, with violent and irregular action of heart, agg. from slight exertion; feet and legs below knees habitually cold, agg. about 8 A. M., for an hour or two, during which time chest symptoms agg. <span sbita>​{{anchor:​s92}}~</​span>​ Affection of chest.
 +====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
 +<span grade4>​{{anchor:​s94}}Anxiety about heart, as if some evil was going to happen.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s95}}Stitches in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:​s96}}Pulse slow during chill, accelerated during heat.
 +====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
 +{{anchor:​s98}}Heaviness and stiffness in muscles of neck and throat.\\ {{anchor:​s99}}Dull,​ boring stitch on left shoulder blade.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s100}}Dull boring sticking in left scapula, extending across spine.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s101}}Extremely painful tearing between scapulae, extending downward, especially on deep breathing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s102}}Bruised pain in small of back, agg. when stooping, also when walking.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s103}}Pain in back, when sitting still, disappearing on touching; pressure as from a thumb, and tingling in it, which increases pain, agg. on stooping, drawing upward.
 +====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s105}}Muscular twitches in right upper arm.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s106}}Cramplike pain in muscles of left forearm, extending to palm of hand, almost like paralysis.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s107}}(In sick:) Tingling from elbows into hands and fingers, at 11 A. M., on walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:​s108}}Tension and paralytic tearing in arms, hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s109}}Spasmodic stiffness of arms, fingers involuntarily clenched.\\ {{anchor:​s110}}Painful jactitation of muscles of right upper arm and little finger.
 +====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s112}}Stitching,​ contractive pain in region of hip joint; cramplike drawing in of anterior portion of thigh when sitting; when sitting, thighs and legs are spasmodically jerked upward; pain amel. by motion and pressure, agg. evening, during rest and when lying down; after abuse of quinine.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s113}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Sciatica.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s114}}Bruised feeling of thighs.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s115}}Right thigh and leg are spasmodically jerked upward while sitting, not when standing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s116}}Legs constantly jerked up with cramps, preventing sleep.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s117}}Cramplike pain in muscles of right leg, extending from below upward, like a paralytic pain.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s118}}Painful spasmodic jerking of lower extremities in gouty persons, with calcareous deposits in joints.</​span>​
 +====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
 +{{anchor:​s120}}Stinging,​ pinching pain in limbs. <span sbita>​{{anchor:​s121}}~</​span>​ Arthritic affection.
 +====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
 +{{anchor:​s125}}Rest:​ pressive, stupefying headache; twitching of facial muscles agg.; pain in thigh agg.\\ {{anchor:​s126}}Lying down: headache agg.; pain in thighs agg.; sweat in bed.\\ {{anchor:​s127}}Sitting still: pain in back; cramplike drawing in thigh; thigh and leg jerked upward.\\ {{anchor:​s128}}Stooping:​ pain in small of back agg.\\ {{anchor:​s129}}Slight exertion: irregular action of heart agg.\\ {{anchor:​s130}}Swallowing:​ stinging in palate.\\ {{anchor:​s131}}Masticating:​ cracking in ear; pain and cracking in articulation of jaw.\\ {{anchor:​s132}}Motion:​ pressive, stupefying headache; almost impossible, sharp pains through chest; stitches in chest agg.; pain in thighs amel.\\ {{anchor:​s133}}Ascending steps: compressive headache.\\ {{anchor:​s134}}Walking:​ twitching of facial muscles amel.; pain in small of back agg.; tingling from elbows into hands and fingers; great debility.
 +====== NERVES. [36] ======
 +{{anchor:​s136}}Great debility, especially when walking, often with chilliness.\\ {{anchor:​s137}}Painless twitching of muscles in different parts (face and thigh), principally when at rest.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s138}}Injuries to nerves (teeth broken when pulled, etc.).</​span>​
 +====== SLEEP. [37] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s140}}Vivid unremembered dreams.</​span>​
 +====== TIME. [38] ======
 +{{anchor:​s142}}Morning when rising: coldness in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s143}}At 8 A. M., for an hour or two: coldness of feet and legs agg.\\ {{anchor:​s144}}At 11 A. M.: tingling from elbows into hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s145}}All day: distension and fullness of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s146}}Evening:​ fullness in abdomen agg. by smoking; pain in thighs agg.; general heat; sweat in bed.\\ {{anchor:​s147}}All night: sweat lasting.
 +====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
 +{{anchor:​s149}}Warm stove: chill passes off.\\ {{anchor:​s150}}Open air: dull headache amel.; tingling from elbows to fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s151}}In room: dull headache.\\ {{anchor:​s152}}Cold water: headache agg.
 +====== FEVER. [40] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s154}}Shivering on upper part of body, with yawning.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s155}}Shuddering without chill (like from hearing horrible tales), only on upper body.\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s156}}Coldness of abdomen, especially on pressure with hand.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s157}}Chilly sensation in abdomen.</​span>​ <span sbitared>​{{anchor:​s158}}~</​span>​ <span grade4>​Intermittent.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s159}}Coldness of dorsal spine, with shaking.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s160}}General chill, which passes off near warm stove, remaining only on back.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s161}}Feet cold as far up as knees, as if they were in cold water.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s162}}Icy coldness of hands and feet, with warmth of rest of body.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s163}}Veins of lower arms and hands distended, while feet are icy cold.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s164}}Chilliness,​ especially of fingers and toes.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s165}}Heat without thirst.\\ {{anchor:​s166}}Hot face, with cold hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:​s167}}General heat in evening, most severe on head, attended with cold feet.\\ {{anchor:​s168}}Sensation of heat, particularly in back, with intermingling coldness, particularly in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s169}}Sweat in evening in bed immediately after lying down, frequently lasting whole night.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s170}}Intermittent fever, with chilliness in abdomen, lasting six days, when a disagreeable feeling of heat comes on, alternating or intermingling with chilliness, with cold feet and legs and slow pulse.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s171}}Paroxysm of fever daily at 9 A. M.; heat, thirst, restlessness and redness of face and eyes lasted till 3 P. M.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s172}}Irregular intermittent paroxysm consists chiefly of a cold stage which is incompletely developed, hands or ends of fingers, and toes or feet, and end of nose alone becoming very cold.</​span>​
 +====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
 +{{anchor:​s174}}Alternate:​ heat and chilliness.\\ {{anchor:​s175}}Daily at 9 A. M.: fever.\\ {{anchor:​s176}}Lasting from 9 to 3 P. M.: heat, thirst, restlessness and redness of face and eyes.\\ {{anchor:​s177}}Lasting six days: intermittent fever, with chilliness.
 +====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
 +{{anchor:​s179}}Right:​ stitch-like tearing in side of forehead; twitching of facial muscles; testicle drawn up; sharp pain through upper side of chest; stitches in chest; muscular twitches in upper arm; thigh and leg jerked upward; cramplike pain in muscles of leg.\\ {{anchor:​s180}}Left:​ stitches in side of brain; pain in side of forehead; paralytic feeling on side of throat; dull boring stitch in shoulder blade; dull boring sticking in scapula; cramplike pain in muscles of forearm.\\ {{anchor:​s181}}From above downward: pressure in head.
 +====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
 +{{anchor:​s183}}As if some evil was going to happen; as if a weight pressed upon brain; as if cold wind was blowing on head; abdomen as if overloaded by food; as of incarcerated flatus; as if something had been stretched across ears; as if a thumb pressed on back; as if feet were in cold water.\\ {{anchor:​s184}}Pain:​ in forehead; in articulation of jaw; in back.\\ {{anchor:​s185}}Sharp pain: through middle of upper right chest.\\ {{anchor:​s186}}Jerking and pinching pain: in outer parts.\\ {{anchor:​s187}}Stitchlike tearing: in right side of forehead.\\ {{anchor:​s188}}Paralytic tearing: in arms, hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s189}}External painful tearing: between scapulae.\\ {{anchor:​s190}}Stitching contractive pain: in region of hip joint.\\ {{anchor:​s191}}Stitches:​ in left side of brain; in ears; in anterior region of larynx; in chest; in both sides; in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:​s192}}Stinging,​ pinching pain: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:​s193}}Stinging:​ in palate.\\ {{anchor:​s194}}Burning pain: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:​s195}}Pinching pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s196}}Cramplike pain: in muscles of left forearm; in muscles of right leg.\\ {{anchor:​s197}}Cramplike drawing: in anterior portion of thigh.\\ {{anchor:​s198}}Dull boring, sticking: in left scapula.\\ {{anchor:​s199}}Bruised pain: in small of back; in thighs.\\ {{anchor:​s200}}External gnawing: on vertex.\\ {{anchor:​s201}}Painful spasmodic jerking: of lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:​s202}}Painful jactitation:​ of muscles of arm and little finger.\\ {{anchor:​s203}}Muscular twitches: in right upper arm.\\ {{anchor:​s204}}Throbbing:​ in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:​s205}}Anxiety:​ about heart.\\ {{anchor:​s206}}Compressive pain: in vertex.\\ {{anchor:​s207}}Pressive,​ stupefying headache.\\ {{anchor:​s208}}Dull pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:​s209}}Tingling:​ in back; from elbows into hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s210}}Soreness:​ of abdominal walls.\\ {{anchor:​s211}}Heat:​ of face; in head; in back.\\ {{anchor:​s212}}Paralytic feeling: in left side of throat.\\ {{anchor:​s213}}Spasmodic stiffness: of arms; fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s214}}Stiff feeling: in eyelids; in muscles of neck and throat.\\ {{anchor:​s215}}Dryness:​ of palate; of throat.\\ {{anchor:​s216}}Tension:​ in root of nose; in arms, hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s217}}Constriction:​ in stomach; in both sides of chest.\\ {{anchor:​s218}}Pressure:​ in head; in eyes; in stomach; in both sides of chest; in back.\\ {{anchor:​s219}}Heaviness:​ of head; in muscles of neck and throat.\\ {{anchor:​s220}}Fullness:​ of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s221}}Coldness:​ of abdomen; of dorsal spine; of hands and feet; of end of nose.\\ {{anchor:​s222}}Cold feeling: of head; in ears; extending up esophagus; in abdomen; in feet and legs.\\ {{anchor:​s223}}Chilly sensation: in abdomen; of fingers and toes.\\ {{anchor:​s224}}Shivering:​ on upper part of body.
 +====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ======
 +{{anchor:​s228}}Touch:​ spermatic cord painful; on back, makes pain disappear.\\ {{anchor:​s229}}Pressure:​ pain in forehead amel.; coldness of abdomen amel.; pain in thighs amel.\\ {{anchor:​s230}}Hard pressure: amel. pressure in head.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s231}}Injuries to nerves.</​span>​
 +====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
 +{{anchor:​s233}}Child,​ aet. 22 months; intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:​s234}}Man,​ aet. 78; cramps in legs.\\ {{anchor:​s235}}Man,​ aet. about 50; respiratory and heart trouble.
 +====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
 +{{anchor:​s237}}Antidote:​ <span grade2>​Camphor.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s238}}It antidotes chronic effects of <span grade2>​Cinchon.</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Quinia.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s239}}Compatible:​ <span grade2>​Capsic.,​ Lycop., Pulsat., Rhus tox.</​span>,​ which follow well.\\ {{anchor:​s240}}Compare:​ <span grade2>​Mag. mur., Paris quad.</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Pulsat.</​span>​ in headaches; <span grade2>​Carbo veg.</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Lycop.</​span>​ in gastric symptoms; <span grade2>​Laches.</​span>​ in chills and fever; <span grade2>​Calc. ostr.</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Gelsem.</​span>​ in icy cold feet and legs.
 +^ Source: | [[en:​mm:​hering:​start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 07, 1888 |
 +^ Description:​ | Clinical materia medica of [[en:​rem:​r145|Menyanthes trifoliata]] |
 +^ Remedies: | [[en:​rem:​r145|Menyanthes trifoliata]] |
 +^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
 +^ Year: | 1888 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |}
en/mm/hering/menyanthes-trifoliata-r145.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/21 11:39 (external edit)