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en:mm:hering:nitri-spiritus-dulcis-r592 [2013/10/21 11:39] (current)
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 +<span tc1>​{{anchor:​s1}}Nitri Spiritus Dulcis.</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s2}}Sweet Spirits of Nitre. {{anchor:​s3}}C2 H5 NO2.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s4}}Alcoholized nitric ether is colorless, perfectly limpid, of a strong and agreeable smell, a sweetish, aromatic taste. {{anchor:​s5}}It should be kept in well-stoppered vials, filled completely. {{anchor:​s6}}--Am. Hom. Pharm.
 +{{anchor:​s7}}Provings by Lembke (Zeit. fr Hom. Klin., vol. 4, p. 145, and Neue Zeit. fr Hom. Klin., vol. 17; p. 36).
 +{{anchor:​s9}}- <span grade2>​Prosopalgia</​span>,​ Liedbeck, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 187; Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 73, p. 66; <span grade2>​Soreness of mouth</​span>,​ Georgii, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 203; <span grade2>​Diarrhea</​span>,​ Liedbeck, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 424; Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 73, p. 66; <span grade2>​Typhoid</​span>,​ Hahnemann, Fielitz, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 758; Hering'​s Cond. Mat. Med., p. 751.
 +====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
 +{{anchor:​s11}}Lethargy.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s12}}Sensorial apathy, a sort of half paralysis of mental organs; can be aroused, when he answers slowly but relevantly, and again goes into a stupor.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s13}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Typhoid fever.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s14}}Lies indolently without sleeping or speaking; scarcely answers; appears to hear without understanding what is said or without allowing it to make any impression upon him. {{anchor:​s15}}The few words he says he whispers, but not irrelevant; he appears to feel almost nothing and to be almost immovable, and yet not quite paralyzed.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s16}}Vertigo with dullness; while sitting, upper part of body sways to and fro.
 +====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
 +{{anchor:​s18}}Confusion,​ fullness, heaviness or violent boring pains in forehead.\\ {{anchor:​s19}}Drawing,​ tearing pains or pressure and heaviness in head.\\ {{anchor:​s20}}Boring or pressure in temple; heaviness.\\ {{anchor:​s21}}Stitches in vertex.\\ {{anchor:​s22}}Pressure,​ heaviness and heat in occiput.
 +====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ======
 +{{anchor:​s24}}Drawing or horripilation on scalp.
 +====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
 +{{anchor:​s26}}Black spots and rings float before eyes; pupils contracted.\\ {{anchor:​s27}}Stitches in eyes and lids; burning in margins.\\ {{anchor:​s28}}Twitches in right upper lid.
 +====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
 +{{anchor:​s30}}Sensation as of a cloud over upper part of face.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s31}}Prosopalgia after catching cold during stormy weather; both sides affected; photophobia;​ burning heat in cheeks; vomiting followed by lassitude; at times attacks accompanied by pains in arms and back; if pain is confined to right side it is less severe, but vomiting is agg., often thirteen times in twenty-four hours; if pain is on left side it is very severe and vomiting is amel.; eye sympathetically affected, pupil contracted, eyelid hanging, shortness of breath and wheezing before an attack, especially while eating; least mental disturbance brings on or aggravates attack; attacks more frequent and severe during Winter and Spring; very sensitive to cold.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s32}}Boring and pressure in bones of face; stitches in muscles.
 +====== LOWER FACE. [9] ======
 +{{anchor:​s34}}Boring in lower jaw, in angles.\\ {{anchor:​s35}}Twitching in middle of left upper lip.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s36}}Chronic soreness in corners of mouth; patient eats much salt.</​span>​
 +====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
 +{{anchor:​s38}}Tearing drawing pain in teeth.
 +====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
 +{{anchor:​s40}}Taste:​ salty on tip of tongue; of lye.\\ {{anchor:​s41}}Cutting,​ burning and stitches in tongue, fine stitches in tip.
 +====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s43}}Cankers after eating cheese.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s44}}Much mucus in mouth; salivation.
 +====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
 +{{anchor:​s46}}Increased mucus, dryness in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s47}}Cramp extending from elbow upward in esophagus.
 +====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s49}}After eating cheese cankers in mouth.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s51}}Eructations of air.\\ {{anchor:​s52}}Qualmishness,​ nausea, vomiting.
 +====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
 +{{anchor:​s54}}Paroxysmal cutting deep in stomach, flushes of heat and hot sweat.\\ {{anchor:​s55}}Heaviness,​ fullness and oppression in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s56}}Pressure in stomach: extending up esophagus; as from a dull instrument.\\ {{anchor:​s57}}Aching,​ contracting pain from eating too much salt, fullness in stomach after a meal, with sour or slimy vomiting; loss of appetite; heartburn; acidity.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s58}}For more than ten years has suffered from an affection of stomach supposed to be cancer; passive motion like riding greatly aggravates his suffering; eats too much salt and salted food.</​span>​
 +====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s60}}Incarcerated gall stones (with yolk of egg beaten up applied inwardly and outwardly).</​span>​
 +====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
 +{{anchor:​s62}}Rumbling in abdomen; cutting in umbilical region.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s63}}Colic.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s64}}Stitches in left side below navel, extending towards bladder.
 +====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s66}}Bloody diarrhea after purpura caused by excessive use of salt.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s67}}Epidemic dysentery with lethargy.</​span>​
 +====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
 +{{anchor:​s69}}Frequent desire to urinate, urine clear.\\ {{anchor:​s70}}Increased urination; diuretic effects.
 +====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
 +{{anchor:​s72}}Violent cutting stitches in tip of urethra.
 +{{anchor:​s75}}Tickling in larynx; short, dry cough.\\ {{anchor:​s76}}Stitches in larynx and constriction.
 +====== RESPIRATION. [26] ======
 +{{anchor:​s78}}Inhalations intermit.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s79}}Breathing slow and regular; on walking a short distance it becomes very hurried; if attempt is persevered in it becomes quick, difficult and painful, and a most distressing sense of painful constriction is felt underneath sternum.</​span>​
 +====== COUGH. [27] ======
 +{{anchor:​s81}}Short,​ dry cough.
 +====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
 +{{anchor:​s83}}Pressure and stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s84}}Cramp rising up in esophagus; pressure behind sternum.
 +====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
 +{{anchor:​s86}}Violent beating of heart; feeling of pressure.\\ {{anchor:​s87}}Small intermitting pulse.
 +====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
 +{{anchor:​s89}}Violent pressure in nape of neck and cervical vertebrae.\\ {{anchor:​s90}}Pressure and stitches in region of spine.\\ {{anchor:​s91}}Sensation as if hot water creeping through back from below upward.
 +====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
 +{{anchor:​s93}}Painful weakness in left shoulder and in several fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s94}}Stitches in shoulder joints, muscles of arms and finger joints.\\ {{anchor:​s95}}Violent pain in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:​s96}}Pressure in clavicles, shoulder joints, shoulders, muscles of arms, wrists and fingers.
 +====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
 +{{anchor:​s98}}Persistent,​ pressive pain in left hip joint.\\ {{anchor:​s99}}Boring,​ pressive pain in lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:​s100}}Boring in left hip, tibiae and feet.\\ {{anchor:​s101}}Drawing,​ pressure and stitches in knee.\\ {{anchor:​s102}}Violent pressure in right leg, ankle and malleoli.\\ {{anchor:​s103}}Tearing,​ drawing, boring in feet.\\ {{anchor:​s104}}Stitches in toe joints.
 +====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
 +{{anchor:​s106}}Pressure,​ boring and stitches in muscles and joints of extremities.\\ {{anchor:​s107}}Drawing in calves and scapulae.\\ {{anchor:​s108}}Wandering pains in limbs.
 +====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
 +{{anchor:​s112}}Lies in bed motionless.\\ {{anchor:​s113}}While sitting: upper part of body sways to and fro.\\ {{anchor:​s114}}Walking:​ a short distance, breathing becomes hurried.
 +====== NERVES. [36] ======
 +{{anchor:​s116}}Loss of muscular power; laming of muscles.\\ {{anchor:​s117}}Exerts a stimulant action upon nervous system; has the same action upon disturbed innervation as the so-called anti-spasmodics.
 +====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
 +{{anchor:​s119}}After catching cold during stormy weather: prosopalgia.\\ {{anchor:​s120}}Cold:​ very sensitive to.
 +====== FEVER. [40] ======
 +{{anchor:​s122}}Chilliness:​ internal, with cold hands; frequent; creeping under skin, from small of back to lower limbs; followed by heat; in back and limbs.\\ {{anchor:​s123}}Heat:​ in head and face; in nape of neck and occiput; with swollen veins; from cervical spine into occiput; in head and face, with chilliness in back, and cold hands; in back; with inclination to perspire.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s124}}Sensorial apathy, a sort of half paralysis of mental organs; lies in bed motionless, and without sleeping or speaking; will hardly answer when urged to do so; appears hardly to feel anything, and yet there is not complete stupor.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s125}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Typhoid.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s126}}Wild,​ staring eyes; hears nothing; dry, brown lips; desires nothing, unconscious of natural necessities,​ great prostration;​ murmuring and delirium during sleep; cannot be wholly aroused from her apathy, and appears to be unconscious of touch.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s127}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Typhoid.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s128}}Adynamic rather than sthenic fevers; fever with nervous symptoms, such as startings, jerkings, etc.
 +====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
 +{{anchor:​s130}}In twenty-four hours: vomiting thirteen times.\\ {{anchor:​s131}}For more than ten years: suffered from an affection of stomach supposed to be cancer.\\ {{anchor:​s132}}During Winter and Spring: attacks of prosopalgia more frequent and severe.
 +====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
 +{{anchor:​s134}}Right:​ twitches in upper lid; pain on side of face less severe; violent pain in shoulder; violent pressure in leg, ankle and malleoli; crawling in forepart of tibia.\\ {{anchor:​s135}}Left:​ pain on side of face very severe; twitching in middle of upper lip; stitches in side below navel; painful weakness in shoulder; pressive pain in hip joint; boring in hip; stitching in axilla.\\ {{anchor:​s136}}From below upward: cramp in esophagus.
 +====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
 +{{anchor:​s138}}As of a cloud over upper part of face; pressure as from a dull instrument in stomach; as if hot water was creeping through back from below upward.\\ {{anchor:​s139}}Pains:​ in arms and back.\\ {{anchor:​s140}}Violent pain: in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:​s141}}Violent boring pains: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:​s142}}Tearing,​ drawing, boring: in feet.\\ {{anchor:​s143}}Drawing,​ tearing pains: in head; in teeth.\\ {{anchor:​s144}}Cutting:​ in tongue; deep in stomach; in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:​s145}}Boring:​ in temple; in bones of face; in lower jaw; in left hip, tibiae and feet.\\ {{anchor:​s146}}Boring,​ pressive pain: in lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:​s147}}Violent cutting stitches: in tip of urethra.\\ {{anchor:​s148}}Stitches:​ in vertex; in eyes and lids; in muscles of face; in tongue; in left side below navel towards bladder; in larynx; in chest; in region of spine; in shoulder joints, muscles of arms and finger joints; in knee; in toe joints; in muscles and joints of extremities;​ in skin of left axilla.\\ {{anchor:​s149}}Fine stitches in tip of tongue.\\ {{anchor:​s150}}Wandering pains: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:​s151}}Aching,​ contracting pain in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s152}}Cramps extending from below upward in esophagus.\\ {{anchor:​s153}}Drawing:​ in scalp; in knee; in calves and scapulae.\\ {{anchor:​s154}}Persistent pressive pain: in left hip joint.\\ {{anchor:​s155}}Violent pressure: in nape of neck and cervical vertebrae; in right leg, ankle and malleoli.\\ {{anchor:​s156}}Pressure and heaviness: in head; in occiput.\\ {{anchor:​s157}}Pressure:​ in temple; in bones of face; in stomach; in chest; behind sternum; about heart; in region of spine; in clavicles, shoulder joints, shoulders, muscles of arms, wrists and fingers; in knee.\\ {{anchor:​s158}}Painful weakness: in left shoulder and in several fingers.\\ {{anchor:​s159}}Soreness:​ in corners of mouth.\\ {{anchor:​s160}}Burning heat: in cheeks.\\ {{anchor:​s161}}Burning:​ in margins of lids; in tongue.\\ {{anchor:​s162}}Heat:​ in occiput; in head and face; in nape of neck; from cervical spine to occiput; in back.\\ {{anchor:​s163}}Dryness:​ in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s164}}Constriction:​ in larynx; painful underneath sternum.\\ {{anchor:​s165}}Fullness:​ in forehead; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s166}}Heaviness:​ in forehead; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s167}}Confusion:​ in forehead.\\ {{anchor:​s168}}Twitches:​ in right upper lid; in left upper lip.\\ {{anchor:​s169}}Crawling:​ in skin and forepart of right tibia.
 +====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ======
 +{{anchor:​s173}}Passive motion like riding greatly aggravates affections of stomach.
 +====== SKIN. [46] ======
 +{{anchor:​s175}}Crawling in skin and forepart of right tibia.\\ {{anchor:​s176}}Stitches in skin of left axilla.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s177}}Warts from having used too much salt.</​span>​
 +====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
 +{{anchor:​s179}}Young girl, otherwise healthy, suffering two or three years; soreness in corners of mouth.\\ {{anchor:​s180}}Boy,​ after recovery from purpura, caused by excessive use of salt; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:​s181}}Woman,​ aet. 33, unmarried, blonde, anemic, five years ago had pneumonia and measles, and was bled much; prosopalgia.\\ {{anchor:​s182}}Man,​ aet. 50, small stature, smoker, suffering ten years; affection of stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s183}}Woman,​ aet. 55, weak during typhoid; stupor.
 +====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
 +{{anchor:​s185}}Antidoted by: <span grade2>​Calc. ostr., Camphor</​span>,​ <span grade3>​Carbo veg.</​span>,​ <span grade3>​Caustic.</​span>,​ <span grade2>​Conium,​ Kali carb., Natr. carb.</​span>,​ <span grade4>​Natr. mur.</​span>,​ <span grade2>​Nitrum,​ Opium, Sepia.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s186}}Incompatible:​ <span grade2>​Digit.</​span>​ and <span grade2>​Ran. bulb.</​span>​
 +^ Source: | [[en:​mm:​hering:​start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 08, 1889 |
 +^ Description:​ | Clinical materia medica of [[en:​rem:​r592|Nitri spiritus dulcis]] |
 +^ Remedies: | [[en:​rem:​r592|Nitri spiritus dulcis]] |
 +^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
 +^ Year: | 1889 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |}
en/mm/hering/nitri-spiritus-dulcis-r592.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/21 11:39 (external edit)