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en:mm:hering:ptelea-trifoliata-r190 [2013/10/21 11:39] (current)
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 +====== PTELEA TRIFOLIATA ======
 +<span tc1>​{{anchor:​s1}}Ptelea Trifoliata.</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s2}}Hop Tree; Wafer Ash. Rutaceae.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s3}}An indigenous shrub, from six to eight feet high, growing west of the Alleghanies.
 +{{anchor:​s4}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh bark.
 +{{anchor:​s5}}Provings by Hale, Trans. Am. Inst. Hom., 1868. The provers were Nichol, Fish, Train, Burt, Cowles, Cowperthwait,​ Lutes, Pierces, Marshall, Parsons and Hayward; fragmentary proving by Williamson, Trans. Amer. Inst., 1870, sec. 2, p. 381.
 +{{anchor:​s7}}- <span grade2>​Pityriasis versicolor</​span>,​ Hale; <span grade2>​Erysipelas</​span>​ (two cases) Miller, Hale's Monograph.
 +====== MIND. [1] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s9}}Marked forgetfullness.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s10}}Memory weak; intellect slow; by collecting thoughts could recall things read many years ago.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s11}}Dull and stupid feeling.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s12}}Inability to concentrate thoughts, they seem to be chasing each other through the brain.\\ {{anchor:​s13}}Disinclined to mental work, with languor rather than inability.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s14}}Malaise of body and mind.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s15}}Aversion to society; a wish to be alone.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s16}}Fretful and irritable at very slight causes.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s17}}Annoyed and irritated by ordinary conversation;​ intolerance of noise.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s18}}Nervous,​ irritable; starts at the sound of a voice.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s19}}General depression of spirits.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s20}}Sad,​ irritable; hurried manner, but dazed and confused, with muddled feeling in head.
 +====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
 +{{anchor:​s22}}Dazed,​ confused, as in a bilious attack; raises a bitter fluid.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s23}}Feels sick and faint.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s24}}Vertigo,​ agg. turning head or from sudden motions; with dullness and languor, rumbling about navel; nausea, griping, aching in stomach; agg. when writing, rising or in a warm room.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s25}}Giddiness of head, and when walking reeling as if intoxicated.</​span>​
 +====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
 +{{anchor:​s27}}Dull aching in forehead, with depression and sour stomach; racking pain, with hurried manner and red face.\\ {{anchor:​s28}}Pain from forehead to root of nose; sensation of nail driven into brain; agg. in morning on rising.\\ {{anchor:​s29}}Racking frontal headache, with heat of face and head, and great desire to hurry his business.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s30}}Frontal headache all day; pressing from within outward.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s31}}Headache over eyes.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s32}}Throbbing over one eye.\\ {{anchor:​s33}}Darting pains over left eye, deep into head.\\ {{anchor:​s34}}Hot flushes and pain in top of head and eyes.\\ {{anchor:​s35}}Pain in left temple running across to right.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s36}}Sudden,​ pressive pains in temples, agg. in right.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s37}}Piercing pains shooting through temples, with increased headache and nausea.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s38}}Frontal and occipital headache.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s39}}Headache in occipital region, passing to frontal over eyes.\\ {{anchor:​s40}}Pressive feeling at base of brain, compared to the bruised headache of Ipec.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s41}}Shooting pains in head, before rising in morning.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s42}}Constant dull headache, agg. by going up-stairs and by walking.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s43}}Headache while reading.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s44}}Headaches agg. from mental exertion, moving eyes, stooping, walking, noise, warmth and on waking.\\ {{anchor:​s45}}Headache in bones of skull.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s46}}Bilious headache.</​span>​
 +====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s48}}Heavy feeling over eyes.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s49}}Pain in eyes.</​span>​
 +====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s51}}Sensitiveness to sounds; impression of sounds last heard continues for a long time.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s52}}Intolerance of loud talking.\\ {{anchor:​s53}}Ringing in ears; slight giddiness.
 +====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
 +{{anchor:​s55}}Breath seems so hot that it burns nostrils.\\ {{anchor:​s56}}Nasal passages sore.\\ {{anchor:​s57}}Sneezing.
 +====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
 +{{anchor:​s59}}Expression sickly, pale, especially around eyes; color yellow, skin dry and hard.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s60}}Burning heat of cheeks and face.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s61}}Heat of head and face, especially of forehead.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s62}}Yellowish face, with dry hot skin.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s63}}Sickly paleness of face, especially around eyes.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s64}}Pressure at root of nose.</​span>​
 +====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
 +{{anchor:​s66}}Teeth feel as if elongated.\\ {{anchor:​s67}}Carious teeth sensitive; gums sore.
 +====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
 +{{anchor:​s69}}Taste:​ sour, mornings; bitter.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s70}}Frequent bitter taste in mouth, with dryness.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s71}}Food seems tasteless.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s72}}Fine prickling sensation over whole surface of tongue.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s73}}Coating:​ white fur, tongue swollen; yellow, feels rough; papillae red and prominent; brown, yellow, dry.</​span>​
 +====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
 +{{anchor:​s75}}Dry,​ with bitter taste.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s76}}Great dryness of mouth and throat.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s77}}Saliva profuse; drooling at night.
 +====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
 +{{anchor:​s79}}Hawking of mucus from pharynx; lips and tongue dry.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s80}}Roughness of fauces with nausea.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s81}}Soreness and inflammation of fauces; soft palate and uvula (agg. right side).</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s84}}Voracious appetite; food had not its natural taste; pain in epigastrium following every meal; despondency.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s85}}Appetite poor, with muddled feeling or pains in liver.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s86}}Thirst;​ or no thirst, with bitter taste.\\ {{anchor:​s87}}Craves acid food.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s88}}Repugnance to animal food and rich puddings, of which he is ordinarily fond; to butter and fatty foods; even a small quantity aggravated epigastric pain.</​span>​
 +====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ======
 +{{anchor:​s90}}Worse from cheese, meat, pudding, etc.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s91}}Hepatic and gastric symptoms agg. after meals.</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s93}}Eructations:​ sour, bitter: tasting of rotten eggs.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s94}}Nausea:​ rising of a bitter fluid, confused head, dizzy, sweat on forehead, bilious; with distress in umbilical region and headache; with heat of skin and profuse perspiration on forehead after dinner; and vomiting, without relief from frontal headache.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s95}}Persistent nausea and vomiting, with giddiness and unsteadiness of legs; amel. by walking.</​span>​
 +====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s97}}Pressure as of a stone at pit of stomach, agg. by a light meal.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s98}}Sense of weight and fullness even after a moderate meal.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s99}}Distress in epigastrium and right hypochondrium,​ with drawing pains in fingers and ankles.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s100}}Stomach feels empty after eating; a sensation of goneness.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s101}}Empty feeling; faint feeling in stomach; sour risings.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s102}}Pain in epigastrium,​ with nausea.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s103}}Burning distress; oppression; vomiting; chronic gastric catarrh.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s104}}Griping,​ cutting pains in epigastrium;​ pressure causes nausea.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s105}}Griping in epigastric region, with dryness of mouth, yellow-coated tongue and a bitter taste.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s106}}Griping,​ contractive pain in stomach, moving downward.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s107}}Gastralgia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s108}}Obstinate chronic dyspepsia.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s109}}Chronic gastritis; a constant sensation of corrosion, heat and burning in stomach, with vomiting of ingesta, constipation and afternoon fever.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s110}}Gastric symptoms agg. after meals.</​span>​
 +====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s112}}Constant feeling of weight in both hypochondria when walking; a dragging pain.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s113}}Occasional pains in right hypochondrium,​ shooting downward.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s114}}Sharp pain in right hypochondrium.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s115}}Awoke with hard, aching distress in base of liver.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s116}}Weight,​ aching distress on right side; turning to left causes a dragging sensation.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s117}}Sharp,​ cutting pain in liver, agg. from deep inspiration.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s118}}Liver swollen and tender to a light touch.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s119}}Live swollen, sore on pressure, causing dull and aching pain or stitches; griping in bowels; clothes feel too tight.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s120}}Jaundice with hyperemia of liver; stools generally brown or grey, with considerable odor.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s121}}Congestion of liver; chronic hepatitis.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s122}}Hepatic and gastric symptoms, agg. toward morning, awaking at 4 o'​clock.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s123}}Severe aching distress in left hypochondrium.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s124}}Tenderness of splenic region, with soreness on pressure.</​span>​
 +====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
 +{{anchor:​s126}}Bloating with weight on stomach.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s127}}Abdomen swollen and tender with severe splenic pain.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s128}}Rumbling in bowels and bloating, with tenderness on pressure.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s129}}Feeling of warmth in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s130}}Aching distress in bowels, back and legs.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s131}}Aching of bowels while walking.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s132}}Pulsation in umbilical region, synchronous with heart.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s133}}Soreness of abdomen, agg. by motion, amel. supporting it with hands.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s134}}Pain and soreness across abdomen and in epigastrium,​ agg. by standing and sitting erect and amel. by stooping forward.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s135}}Severe abdominal pain near umbilicus; agg. on motion.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s136}}Stitches in abdomen, amel. by pressure.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s137}}Frequent drawing pains in epigastric and umbilical regions.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s138}}Griping,​ colicky pains; heavy aching; throbbing; about navel.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s139}}Colic,​ bitter taste; rumbling and discharge of wind from bowels.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s140}}Pain in hypogastrium and bladder, with headache, intermitting during paroxysms.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s141}}Retraction of abdomen with pulsations isochronous with heart.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s142}}Chronic intestinal catarrh.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s143}}Ascites,​ probably from hepatic disease.</​span>​
 +====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s145}}Sudden and unexpected urging to go to stool, which was diarrheic with slight tenesmus, accompanied by sweat on forehead and head.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s146}}Diarrhea:​ bilious, thin, fecal, dark, offensive, even cadaverous in smell, or sulphuric; with tenesmus; preceded by griping pain and rumbling; smarting in anus.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s147}}Chronic diarrhea.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s148}}Constipation with a continual urging in rectum.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s149}}Constant ineffectual urging to stool; a continual pressure in rectum.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s150}}Continual urging, with pressure on rectum; with scanty or absent stool; rectal torpidity.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s151}}Constant urging to stool, with rumbling in bowels all day.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s152}}Small,​ hard stool, with much straining.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s153}}Hard and difficult stool, followed by smarting in anus.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s154}}Constipation;​ passes balls of hardened feces.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s155}}Constipation and diarrhea alternately.</​span>​
 +====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s157}}Urine:​ high-colored;​ yellowish-red;​ of a deep color and scalding slightly on its passage; clear of deep reddish-yellow,​ scanty; deposit of epithelia, phosphates and urates; scalding, scanty and difficult of retention; smarting in urethra during and after micturition.</​span>​
 +====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
 +{{anchor:​s159}}Sexual desire increased; later lost.
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s162}}Great hoarseness; inability to speak aloud.</​span>​
 +====== RESPIRATION. [26] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s164}}Uneasiness and difficulty in breathing.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s165}}Feeling of pressure on lungs and of suffocation when lying on back; on awaking 1 A. M.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s166}}Pressure on lungs with a sense of suffocation.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s167}}Dyspnea;​ walls of chest feel as if they would sink in.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s168}}Asthma (from retrocession of erysipelas).</​span>​
 +====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
 +{{anchor:​s170}}Uneasiness,​ difficulty in breathing, dull pain in right infraclavicular region, hacking cough; dullness on percussion (following gastric and hepatic symptoms).\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s171}}Phthisis with purulent expectoration of sweetish taste and hectic form (probably a bronchial catarrh).</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s172}}Hectic fever with purulent expectoration of a sweetish taste, but without any other chest symptoms than a slight mucous rhonchus and sibilant rale.</​span>​
 +====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s174}}Cramplike pain in cardiac region.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s175}}Pulse accelerated and intermittent.</​span>​
 +====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s177}}Drawing aching pains in left scapula and shoulder joint.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s178}}Dull backache every morning on waking.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s179}}Hard aching distress in dorsal region, for an hour in morning.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s180}}Aching distress in back, bowels and legs; rumbling of wind.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s181}}Severe aching in lumbar and sacral regions.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s182}}Lumbar pains; severe aching distress, soreness on awaking, or awakes him at 4 A. M.
 +====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s184}}Hands and fingers cold, numb, clumsy and stiff.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s185}}A tickling prickling in fingers and hands, like that produced by electricity.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s186}}A prickling numbness in hands, which seem larger than usual and clumsy.</​span>​
 +====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s188}}Great weariness of lower limbs with trembling.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s189}}Aching pains in back part of thighs.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s190}}Constant aching distress in calves of legs.</​span>​
 +====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
 +{{anchor:​s192}}Aching bruised feeling in muscles and joints on waking; drawing pains in gastro-hepatic region.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s193}}Hands and feet hot, dry and feverish.</​span>​
 +====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
 +{{anchor:​s197}}Supporting abdomen with hands: soreness amel.\\ {{anchor:​s198}}Sitting erect: soreness of abdomen amel.\\ {{anchor:​s199}}Lying on back: suffocation.\\ {{anchor:​s200}}Lying on right side: liver amel.\\ {{anchor:​s201}}Standing:​ soreness of abdomen agg.\\ {{anchor:​s202}}Stooping:​ headache agg.; soreness of abdomen amel.\\ {{anchor:​s203}}Motion:​ sudden, causes vertigo; of eyes, headache agg.; soreness of abdomen agg.; abdominal pains agg.\\ {{anchor:​s204}}Rising:​ vertigo agg.\\ {{anchor:​s205}}Turning head: vertigo agg.\\ {{anchor:​s206}}Walking:​ giddiness agg.; constant dull headache agg.; nausea, vomiting and giddiness, weight in both hypochondria;​ aching of bowels.\\ {{anchor:​s207}}Going up stairs: dull headache agg.\\ {{anchor:​s208}}Writing:​ vertigo agg.
 +====== NERVES. [36] ======
 +{{anchor:​s210}}Restless,​ uneasy; malaise.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s211}}Great languor and indifference to duties.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s212}}Loss of energy; languor and depression of spirits.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s213}}Feeling of weakness, languid, irritable; sick, faint sensations, as in bilious patients.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s214}}Very languid and faint, with flushed face and feverish.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s215}}Aching distress in all the joints, with great languor.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s216}}Great lassitude and weariness, with a disposition to hurry through duties.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s217}}Extreme weakness of limbs, brain, memory, thought and will as if from a powerful and all pervading disease.</​span>​
 +====== SLEEP. [37] ======
 +{{anchor:​s219}}Heavy sleep.\\ {{anchor:​s220}}Awoke 2 A. M., restless; headache, etc.\\ {{anchor:​s221}}At 4 A. M.; aroused by gastric and hepatic symptoms.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s222}}Sleep broken and restless and disturbed by frightful or annoying dreams; awaking in a profuse perspiration.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s223}}Nightmare.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s224}}Languid on awaking and unrefreshed.</​span>​
 +====== TIME. [38] ======
 +{{anchor:​s226}}At 1 A. M.: suffocation.\\ {{anchor:​s227}}At 2 A. M.: awoke restless, headache.\\ {{anchor:​s228}}At 4 A. M.: aroused by gastric and hepatic symptoms.\\ {{anchor:​s229}}Morning:​ pain from forehead to root of nose agg.; before rising shooting pains in head; hepatic and gastric symptoms agg., awaking at 4 A. M.\\ {{anchor:​s230}}Afternoon:​ fever.\\ {{anchor:​s231}}All day: frontal headache; urging to stool and rumbling in bowels; feverish heat.\\ {{anchor:​s232}}Night:​ drooling.
 +====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
 +{{anchor:​s234}}Wants to be near fire: chilliness.\\ {{anchor:​s235}}Warmth:​ headache agg.; spots on limbs agg.\\ {{anchor:​s236}}Warm room: vertigo agg.\\ {{anchor:​s237}}Generally amel. in open air (except lung); agg. in warm room.
 +====== FEVER. [40] ======
 +{{anchor:​s239}}Chilliness:​ shivering; with stool; wants to be near fire.\\ {{anchor:​s240}}Dry,​ general heat; agg. face hands; irritable, intolerant of noise.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s241}}Hot,​ dry feeling on body, with cold feet.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s242}}Hot flushes and slight headache; feverish hot head, dull frontal headache.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s243}}Feverish heat, lasting all day, with pains in limbs and nausea.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s244}}Sweat profuse on awaking; on forehead during stool or with raising of a bitter fluid.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s245}}Tertian ague, with profuse vomiting of bilious matter.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s246}}Attacks of quartan ague, continuing for two years, resisting many remedies.</​span>​
 +====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
 +{{anchor:​s248}}Right:​ pressive pain in temple agg.; soreness of uvula agg.; fauces agg.; distress in hypochondrium;​ occasional pains hypochondrium;​ sharp pains in hypogastrium;​ dull pain in hepatic region amel. lying on side; pain in infraclavicular region; white blisters on red base on ear.\\ {{anchor:​s249}}Left:​ darting pains over eye; pain in temple; turning to side causes a dragging sensation; aching distress in hypochondrium;​ pain in left scapula and shoulder joint.\\ {{anchor:​s250}}From within outward: pressing frontal headache.
 +====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
 +{{anchor:​s252}}Reeling as if intoxicated;​ as of a nail driven into brain; teeth as if elongated; as of a stone at pit of stomach; as if walls of chest would sink in.\\ {{anchor:​s253}}Pain:​ from forehead to root of nose; in top of head and eyes; from left temple to right; in eyes; in epigastrium;​ in liver; in right hypochondrium;​ in hypogastrium and bladder.\\ {{anchor:​s254}}Racking pain: in brain.\\ {{anchor:​s255}}Severe pain: near umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:​s256}}Sharp pains: in right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:​s257}}Cutting:​ in epigastrium;​ in liver.\\ {{anchor:​s258}}Darting:​ over left eye, deep into head.\\ {{anchor:​s259}}Piercing:​ through temples.\\ {{anchor:​s260}}Shooting:​ in head.\\ {{anchor:​s261}}Stitches:​ in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s262}}Pricking pain: in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s263}}Pricking:​ all over tongue; in fingers and hands.\\ {{anchor:​s264}}Drawing:​ in epigastric and umbilical region; in gastro-hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:​s265}}Dragging:​ in hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:​s266}}Cramplike pain: in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:​s267}}Griping:​ in epigastric region; in stomach; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:​s268}}Burning:​ in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s269}}Smarting:​ in anus; in urethra.\\ {{anchor:​s270}}Soreness:​ of fauces; in epigastrium;​ of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s271}}Tenderness:​ of splenic region.\\ {{anchor:​s272}}Dull pain in head; in hepatic region; in liver; in right infra-clavicular region; in back.\\ {{anchor:​s273}}Aching:​ in stomach; in forehead; in frontal and occipital regions; in hepatic region; of bowels; about navel; in lumbar and sacral regions; in back of thighs; in muscles and joints.\\ {{anchor:​s274}}Drawing,​ aching pains: in left scapula and shoulder joint.\\ {{anchor:​s275}}Aching distress: in umbilical region; in hepatic region; in left hypochondrium;​ in bowels, back and legs; in dorsal region; in calves; in all joints.\\ {{anchor:​s276}}Pressive pains: in temples.\\ {{anchor:​s277}}Pressure:​ in forehead; at base of brain; at root of nose; at pit of stomach; in rectum; on lungs.\\ {{anchor:​s278}}Heavy feeling: over eyes.\\ {{anchor:​s279}}Fullness:​ in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s280}}Weight:​ in stomach; in both hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:​s281}}Goneness:​ in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s282}}Empty feeling: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s283}}Faint feeling: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s284}}Throbbing:​ over one eye; about navel.\\ {{anchor:​s285}}Weariness:​ of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:​s286}}Heat:​ of face and head; of skin; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s287}}Itching:​ all over.\\ {{anchor:​s288}}Roughness:​ of fauces.\\ {{anchor:​s289}}Dryness:​ in mouth; of throat; of lips.
 +====== TISSUES. [44] ======
 +{{anchor:​s291}}Mucous membranes are congested and irritated, with sense of roughness, smarting or prickling; causes congestion of liver, stomach and bowels and secondarily of lungs; is indicated briefly when there are irritability,​ and dull, confused frontal headache; bitter taste, eructations like rotten eggs or bitter; swollen liver, relief from lying on right side, bilious stools; languor; muscular soreness.
 +====== SKIN. [46] ======
 +{{anchor:​s293}}Itching all over as from flea bites.\\ {{anchor:​s294}}White blisters on a red base on right ear, discharging a watery fluid; later desquamation or pus and scabs form; boils.\\ {{anchor:​s295}}Spots on limbs red, later purple; agg. when warm or excited; annoying itching; on disappearing they leave yellowish marks like bruises.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s296}}A peculiar reddish, clouded appearance of entire surface of skin, lasting two days.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s297}}Erysipelas;​ quinia and iron had been used in large doses without success.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s298}}Pityriasis versicolor; eruption on all parts of body except hands and face.</​span>​
 +====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
 +{{anchor:​s300}}Erysipelas;​ two cases.\\ {{anchor:​s301}}A middle-aged man; pityriasis versicolor.
 +====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
 +{{anchor:​s303}}Compare:​ Other Rutaceae, <span grade2>​Arnic.,​ Bryon., Chelid., Nux vom., Berber., Podoph., Hydrast., Mercur.</​span>​
 +^ Source: | [[en:​mm:​hering:​start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 08, 1889 |
 +^ Description:​ | Clinical materia medica of [[en:​rem:​r190|Ptelea trifoliata]] |
 +^ Remedies: | [[en:​rem:​r190|Ptelea trifoliata]] |
 +^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
 +^ Year: | 1889 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |}
en/mm/hering/ptelea-trifoliata-r190.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/21 11:39 (external edit)