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en:mm:hering:senega-r143 [2013/10/21 11:39] (current)
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 +====== SENEGA ======
 +<span tc1>​{{anchor:​s1}}Senega.</​span>​
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s2}}Seneca Snake Root. {{anchor:​s3}}Polygalaceae.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s4}}This plant grows wild in all parts of the United States.
 +{{anchor:​s5}}The alcoholic tincture is prepared from the powdered, dried root.
 +{{anchor:​s6}}For general effects obtained from experiments with the powdered root and tincture see Allen'​s Encyclopaedia,​ including Seidel'​s and Lembke'​s collections,​ vol. 8, p. 586.
 +{{anchor:​s8}}- <span grade2>​Hypopion</​span>,​ Noack, B. J. H., vol. 23, p. 341; <span grade2>​Paresis of oculo-motor nerve</​span>,​ Allen, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 106; <span grade2>​Catarrh of pharynx</​span>,​ Gerstel, A. H. Z., vol. 91, p. 150; <span grade2>​Sore throat</​span>,​ Haynes, Org., vol. 3, p. 97; <span grade2>​Catarrh of bladder</​span>,​ B. J. H., vol. 27, p. 142; <span grade2>​Influenza</​span>,​ Hermann, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 50; Trinks, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 706; Weinke, A. H. Z., vol. 91, p. 150; <span grade2>​Asthma</​span>,​ Müller, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 802; <span grade2>​Whooping cough</​span>,​ A. R., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 728; Gerstel, A. H. Z., vol. 92, p. 148; <span grade2>​Soreness in chest</​span>,​ Ockford, Org., vol. 3, p. 377; <span grade2>​Pleurisy,​ Pneumonia, Hydrothorax</​span>,​ Gallavardin,​ Strecker, Lorbacher, B. J. H., vol. 26, p. 338; <span grade2>​Pleuro-pneumonia</​span>,​ Strecker, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 335; <span grade2>​Pneumonia</​span>,​ Kallenbach, Pop. Hom. Ztg., 1867, No. 12; B. J. H., vol. 27, p. 141; <span grade2>​Hydrothorax and Ascites</​span>,​ Lorbacher, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 64.
 +====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
 +{{anchor:​s10}}Confused or reeling sensation in head.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s11}}Dullness and stupefaction of head, with pressure in eyes and obscuration of sight.</​span>​
 +====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
 +{{anchor:​s13}}Aching pain in head, in sinciput and occiput, not increased by pressure, every day when sitting in a warm room, accompanied by pressure in eyes which did not bear touch.\\ {{anchor:​s14}}Pressing pain in forehead and orbits after dinner, especially left side, agg. in open air.
 +====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ======
 +{{anchor:​s16}}Shuddering on hairy scalp.
 +====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
 +{{anchor:​s18}}Drawing and pressure in eyeballs, with diminution of vision.\\ {{anchor:​s19}}Weakness of sight and flickering before eyes when reading, necessitating frequent wiping of eyes, which aggravates.\\ {{anchor:​s20}}While reading eyes feel dazzled.\\ {{anchor:​s21}}Flickering and running together of letters when reading.\\ {{anchor:​s22}}Flickering before eyes and weakness of sight when continuing to read or write.\\ {{anchor:​s23}}On walking toward setting sun, another small sun seemed to float beneath it, on turning eyes outward it changed into a compressed oval, disappeared on bending head and closing eyes.\\ {{anchor:​s24}}Weakness of eyes with burning and lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:​s25}}Obscuration of cornea.\\ {{anchor:​s26}}Sensitiveness of eyes to light.\\ {{anchor:​s27}}Obscuration of sight, with glistening before eyes, agg. from rubbing them.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s28}}Hypopion in scrofulous subjects.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s29}}To promote absorption of lens fragments after cataract operations or injuries to lens.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s30}}Paralysis of muscles of eye.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s31}}Iritis and specks upon cornea.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s32}}Opacities in vitreous.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s33}}Paresis of superior oblique.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s34}}Oculo-motor paresis; Mr. A., aet. 33, four years ago eyes began to be weak with difficulty in seeing clearly; drooping lids, was obliged to pull them open; began to see double with right image obliquely above real one; stopped using eyes and improved; this summer visited Mammoth Cave, followed by a return of double vision; walked into room with head thrown backward (occasionally shutting his left eye and holding his head straight), this position relieving confusion of vision; double vision caused him to make missteps, etc.; paresis of left oculo-motor nerve, with paralysis of superior rectus; upper lid very weak, falling half over eye; difficult convergence;​ weak back; deficient muscular power; subject to bilious headaches.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s35}}Aching over orbits, eyes tremble and water when he looks at an object intently or steadily; eyes weak and watery when reading.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s36}}Eyes pain as if they were pressed out, as if eyeballs were being expanded, especially in evening in candlelight.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s37}}Congestion of blood to eyes, with pulsation in them on stooping.\\ {{anchor:​s38}}Swelling of eyelids, with tingling in them.\\ {{anchor:​s39}}Hardened mucus in morning in eyelashes.\\ {{anchor:​s40}}Lachrymation in open air when looking intently at an object.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s41}}Blepharitis ciliaris, agg. in morning, much smarting, dry, crusty lashes.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s42}}Cilia hang full of hard mucus; smarting of conjunctiva as if soap were in eyes, mornings; blepharitis;​ sometimes lids stick so after sleep they must be soaked before they can be separated.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s43}}Pimple on margin of left lower lid.\\ {{anchor:​s44}}Stye on lower lid.\\ {{anchor:​s45}}Hydrophthalmia with intraocular compression.
 +====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
 +{{anchor:​s47}}Painful sensitiveness of hearing.
 +====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
 +{{anchor:​s49}}Sneezing for five minutes, so violent and long continued that the head became quite heavy and dizzy; afterward a large quantity of thin watery fluid flowed from nose.\\ {{anchor:​s50}}Troublesome dryness of Schneiderian membrane.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s51}}Frequent coryza, commencing with feeling as if red pepper were throughout nostrils and air passages, followed by distressing cough.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s52}}~</​span>​ <span grade2>​Influenza.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s53}}Smell of pus before nose.
 +====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s55}}Paralytic feeling in left half of face.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s56}}Heat in face.
 +====== LOWER FACE. [9] ======
 +{{anchor:​s58}}Burning blisters on upper lip and in corners of mouth.
 +====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
 +{{anchor:​s60}}Tongue coated white, yellowish-white or slimy in morning, with slimy unpleasant taste.\\ {{anchor:​s61}}Taste:​ metallic; like urine.
 +====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
 +{{anchor:​s63}}Increased secretion of saliva; offensive breath.\\ {{anchor:​s64}}Burning in throat, mouth and on tongue.
 +====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
 +<span grade2>​{{anchor:​s66}}Very dry, sore throat; short hacking cough, which tears and scrapes throat; loss of voice, even whispering is very painful to throat and causes cough; agg. in open air.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s67}}Inflammation and swelling of throat and palate.\\ {{anchor:​s68}}Dryness in throat and accumulation of tough mucus which is difficult to hawk up.
 +{{anchor:​s71}}Much thirst, with loss of appetite.\\ {{anchor:​s72}}Gnawing hunger with sensation of emptiness in stomach.
 +{{anchor:​s74}}Nausea,​ vomiting of mucus.\\ {{anchor:​s75}}Nausea as from stomach, with vomiturition and straining to vomit.
 +====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
 +{{anchor:​s77}}Pressure below pit of stomach; sense of gnawing hunger.\\ {{anchor:​s78}}Digging pain in epigastrium,​ disposition to flatulence; outbursts of ill-humor.\\ {{anchor:​s79}}Cramps and burning in stomach.
 +====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
 +{{anchor:​s81}}Ascites accompanying hepatic diseases, peritonitis or abdominal tumors.\\ {{anchor:​s82}}Colic,​ with pressing pain.\\ {{anchor:​s83}}Warmth and oppression in upper part of abdomen when inhaling.\\ {{anchor:​s84}}Gnawing in upper part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:​s85}}Griping in bowels.
 +====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
 +{{anchor:​s87}}Mushy or copious watery stools.\\ {{anchor:​s88}}Purging,​ vomiting and anxiety; watery stools, spurting from anus.\\ {{anchor:​s89}}Stools:​ scanty, hard, dry and large, insufficient.\\ {{anchor:​s90}}Watery diarrhea, with griping pain in bowels; nausea and vomiting.
 +====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
 +{{anchor:​s92}}Urine:​ diminished; dark and frothy for a long time after passing; passed only night and morning; at first mixed with mucous filaments, afterward thick and cloudy; frequent, with greenish tinge depositing a cloudy sediment; acrid, increased in quantity.\\ {{anchor:​s93}}Involuntary micturition at night in bed.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s94}}Irritability of bladder.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s95}}Urging and scalding before and after micturition;​ mucous shreds in urine; on cooling becomes thick and cloudy, or deposits a thick sediment, yellowish-red with the upper stratum yellow and flocculent.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s96}}~</​span>​ <span grade2>​Catarrh of bladder.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s97}}Subacute and chronic catarrh of bladder.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s98}}Burning and stinging in urethra during and after micturition.
 +====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ======
 +{{anchor:​s100}}Menses come on too soon; has to press in her left side at tenth rib to relieve gnawing pain.
 +{{anchor:​s103}}Sudden hoarseness when reading aloud.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s104}}Aphonia from severe cold or excessive use of voice.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s105}}Irritation in larynx inducing a short, hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:​s106}}Sudden tickling in larynx excites cough.\\ {{anchor:​s107}}Tenacious mucus in larynx inducing frequent hawking, which results in discharge of small lumps of mucus.\\ {{anchor:​s108}}Constant inclination to clear throat and swallow saliva.\\ {{anchor:​s109}}Great dryness of throat impeding speech.\\ {{anchor:​s110}}Titillating,​ scraping feeling in throat.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s111}}Catarrh of pharynx in a tenor lasting six months; not hoarse but when mucus collected in fauces was uncertain of his ability to bring out either high or low tones; voice feeble; throat red, covered with a thin layer of dark green, half-transparent mucus; burning and raw feeling in throat and hawking.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s112}}Influenza:​ constant tickling and burning in throat and larynx, leaving patient not a moment'​s rest and preventing him from lying down; fear of suffocation.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s113}}Grippe with stitches in right eye when coughing.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s114}}Constant burning and tickling in larynx and throat, with danger of suffocation when lying; copious expectoration of tough mucus; relief by outdoor exercise.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s115}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Influenza.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s116}}Laryngeal phthisis.\\ {{anchor:​s117}}Increased secretion of mucus in trachea, which he is constantly obliged to hawk up.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s118}}Copious accumulation of tough mucus in air tubes which causes the greatest, often ineffectual,​ efforts at coughing and hawking for its expulsion.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s119}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Bronchitis.</​span>​
 +====== RESPIRATION. [26] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s121}}Sensation as if chest were too narrow, with tendency to relieve this feeling by taking deep inspirations and respirations.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s122}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Asthma.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s123}}Short breathing and oppression of chest when going up stairs.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s124}}Dyspnea as from stagnation in lungs.\\ {{anchor:​s125}}Oppressed breathing, as if chest were not wide enough, especially in open air and when stooping.\\ {{anchor:​s126}}Shortness of breath from accumulation of mucus in chest and trachea.\\ {{anchor:​s127}}Dyspnea,​ especially during rest.
 +====== COUGH. [27] ======
 +{{anchor:​s129}}Dry cough with oppression of chest and roughness in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s130}}Frequent short and hacking cough, occasioned by an increased secretion of mucus in larynx, especially in open air and when walking rather fast.\\ {{anchor:​s131}}Dry cough with aphonia; agg. in cold air and walking, amel. by warm air and rest.\\ {{anchor:​s132}}Irritating cough with secretion of mucus, with much pain about chest.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s133}}Soreness of chest, dry cough; throat dry; hoarseness, later much mucus in bronchi and trachea.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s134}}Cough agg. in morning, while dressing and before breakfast.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s135}}Irritating,​ shaking dry cough, in chronic bronchitis in the aged.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s136}}Loose,​ faint, hacking cough, with expectoration of a little phlegm.\\ {{anchor:​s137}}Cough often ends in a sneeze.\\ {{anchor:​s138}}Shaking cough like whooping cough, from burning and tickling in larynx, in morning, with copious expectoration of tough, white mucus like white of egg.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s139}}Whistling cough; great oppression of chest; pressing pains when breathing; cough dry or yellow expectoration,​ at times streaked with blood; inflammatory conditions of chest; useless in convulsive stage.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s140}}~</​span>​ <span grade2>​Whooping cough.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s141}}Whooping cough: chubby children; tough expectoration clear like white of egg; cough agg. toward evening; expectoration difficult to raise; crushing weight on chest; agg. at night with excessive rattling of mucus.</​span>​
 +====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
 +{{anchor:​s143}}Congestion to chest, with flushes of heat in face and frequent pulse in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:​s144}}Tightness and oppression of chest, especially during rest.\\ {{anchor:​s145}}Rattling in chest; loose but feeble cough with little expectoration;​ hydrothorax.\\ {{anchor:​s146}}Feeling as if thorax were too narrow, with constant inclination to widen it by deep inhalation; burning in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s147}}Certain movements, especially stooping, cause a pain in chest as if it were too tight; there is a disposition to expand chest by frequent stretching; this leaves considerable soreness in chest.\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s148}}Soreness through chest, with feeling of oppression when in open air and when reposing; headache amel. in open air.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s149}}Soreness in chest, agg. by pressure, coughing and sneezing.\\ {{anchor:​s150}}Violent aching pain in chest, at night, when waking.\\ {{anchor:​s151}}Burning sore pain under sternum, especially during motion and on every deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:​s152}}Stitches in chest when coughing and breathing.\\ {{anchor:​s153}}Shooting stitches in chest agg. during inspiration and rest.\\ {{anchor:​s154}}Dull stitches and burning pain in chest when lying on right side.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s155}}Walls of chest sensitive or painful when touched or when he sneezes (often as a remnant of colds).</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s156}}Stepping hard, walking fast or running causes pulling, sore pain as if through mediastinum.\\ {{anchor:​s157}}Accumulation of mucus in chest.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s158}}Constant accumulation of phlegm in bronchial tubes, with irritation in bowels, tendency to diarrhea; irritation may alternate from chest to bowels and vice versa.</​span>​\\ <span grade4>​{{anchor:​s159}}Profuse secretion of mucus in lungs of old people, with loose, rattling cough.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s160}}Great rattling of mucus in chest, with flying pains in chest.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s161}}Great soreness in walls of chest and great accumulation of clear albuminous mucus which is difficult to expectorate;​ pressure on chest as if lungs were pushed back to spine.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s162}}Profuse expectoration of clear, transparent mucus; whole chest filled with large mucous rales.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s163}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Grippe.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s164}}Tough mucus causes the greatest, often ineffectual efforts of coughing and hawking for its expulsion.</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s165}}~</​span>​ <span grade3>​Bronchitis.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s166}}Bronchitis of old people; irritating, shaking cough.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s167}}Twentieth day of pneumonia in a woman, aet. 56, right side, violent stitches, sinking strength, small, scarcely perceptible pulse, short rare cough without expectoration,​ great rattling of mucus in chest, somnolence, dejected features.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s168}}Adynamic pneumonia; low fever and much prostration.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s169}}Pleuro-pneumonia in left lung; at first Bry., Acon., Bell. had been given; the lancinating pains had completely disappeared,​ but there was still some oppression; expectoration was without blood, but very difficult, and strength was greatly reduced; in evening covered with cold sweat; pulse very small and wiry; oppression so great he must sit upright constantly; mucus stagnating and rattling in chest.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s170}}Pleurisy in a latent form; dullness in lower three-fourths of right side of chest; aegophony of same side toward upper part of lung; pulse 110; Seneg. removed not only the effusion but also the thickening of the pleura consequent on the pleurisy.</​span>​\\ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s171}}Pleurisy;​ after inflammation has passed; copious mucous secretion with difficult expectoration;​ tightness and burning in chest.</​span>​\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s172}}Subacute or chronic exudations of pleura; catarrhal pleuro-pneumonia.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s173}}Hydrothorax and ascites after scarlatina; anasarca; ascites; hoarse and feeble cough, with little expectoration.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s174}}Phthisis mucosa.</​span>​
 +====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
 +<span grade3>​{{anchor:​s176}}Boring pain about heart.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s177}}Heart'​s beat shakes the whole body; violent palpitation while walking.\\ {{anchor:​s178}}Pulse hard and frequent.
 +====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ======
 +{{anchor:​s180}}General sensitiveness or simple pain of walls of thorax, especially when touching them, it is felt less during a deep inspiration.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s181}}Soreness of walls of chest on moving arms, particularly left.</​span>​
 +====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
 +{{anchor:​s183}}Pressing pain between scapulae, especially when stepping hard, or on other movements which concuss the chest.\\ {{anchor:​s184}}Pulse rather hard and accelerated.\\ {{anchor:​s185}}Pain under right shoulder blade, as if chest would burst, when coughing or drawing a long breath.
 +====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
 +{{anchor:​s187}}Sensation as if wrist were sprained.
 +====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
 +{{anchor:​s189}}Sensation of great weakness or debility in legs; joints feel as if lame.
 +====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
 +{{anchor:​s193}}Most symptoms, especially those of chest, are agg. when at rest and amel. when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:​s194}}Rest:​ dyspnea; dry cough amel.; tightness of chest; shooting through chest.\\ {{anchor:​s195}}Cannot lie down: tickling in larynx; fear of suffocation.\\ {{anchor:​s196}}Lying on right side: pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s197}}Stooping:​ oppressed breathing; pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s198}}Motion:​ pain under sternum; of arm, soreness of walls of chest.\\ {{anchor:​s199}}Going up stairs: shortness of breathing and oppression of chest.\\ {{anchor:​s200}}Stepping hard, walking fast or running; causes pulling, sore pain as if through mediastinum;​ pressing pain between scapulae.\\ {{anchor:​s201}}Walking:​ fast, causes short, hacking cough; violent palpitation.
 +====== NERVES. [36] ======
 +{{anchor:​s203}}Faintness when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:​s204}}Great mental and bodily lassitude.\\ {{anchor:​s205}}Lassitude and slight trembling of upper extremities.\\ <span grade3>​{{anchor:​s206}}Sensation of trembling, with no visible trembling.</​span>​\\ {{anchor:​s207}}Legs feel weak, joints feel lame.\\ {{anchor:​s208}}Great debility with stretching of limbs, confusion, heaviness and beating in head.\\ {{anchor:​s209}}Great weakness which seems to originate in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s210}}Mental and physical debility, with dropsical effusions.
 +====== SLEEP. [37] ======
 +{{anchor:​s212}}In evening, as soon as one lies down, heavy sleep; in morning awakes frequently with dyspnea.
 +====== TIME. [38] ======
 +{{anchor:​s214}}Morning:​ hardened mucus in eyelashes; blepharitis ciliaris agg.; tongue slimy; cough agg.; awakes from dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:​s215}}Afternoon:​ heat in face and frequent pulse.\\ {{anchor:​s216}}Evening:​ pressure in eyes agg.; toward, whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:​s217}}Night and morning: urine passed only.\\ {{anchor:​s218}}Night:​ involuntary micturition;​ whooping cough agg.; aching in chest.
 +====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
 +{{anchor:​s220}}Warm air: dry cough agg.\\ {{anchor:​s221}}Warm room: pain in head.\\ {{anchor:​s222}}Open air: pain in forehead agg.; lachrymation;​ sore throat and cough agg.; oppressed breathing; short, hacking cough; headache amel.; oppression of chest; faintness when walking; chilliness and chill only in.\\ {{anchor:​s223}}Cold air: dry cough agg.
 +====== FEVER. [40] ======
 +{{anchor:​s225}}Shuddering over back, heat in face, weak, burning eyes, beating headache, difficult breathing, body feels bruised.\\ {{anchor:​s226}}Flushes of heat; skin hot; skin becomes warmer and moister.\\ {{anchor:​s227}}Chilliness and chill almost only in open air, with weakness in legs and dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:​s228}}Shudders over back with heat in face and chest symptoms.\\ {{anchor:​s229}}Sudden flushes of heat.\\ {{anchor:​s230}}Perspiration wanting.
 +====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
 +{{anchor:​s232}}Alternate:​ irritation from chest to bowels and vice versa.\\ {{anchor:​s233}}For five minutes: sneezing.\\ {{anchor:​s234}}For six months: catarrh of pharynx.
 +====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
 +{{anchor:​s236}}Right:​ stitches in eye; stitches in side; pain under shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:​s237}}Left:​ pain in forehead agg.; pimple on margin of lower lid; paralytic feeling on half of face; must press side to relieve pain; pleuro-pneumonia in lung; moving arm causes soreness of walls of chest.
 +====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
 +{{anchor:​s239}}Eyes pain as if they were pressed out; as if eyeballs were being expanded; as if soap were in eyes; as if red pepper were throughout nostrils and air passages; as if chest were too narrow; dyspnea as from stagnation in lungs; as if lungs were pushed back to spine; as if chest would burst; as if wrist were sprained; joints as if lame.\\ {{anchor:​s240}}Pain:​ about chest; in walls of thorax; under right shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:​s241}}Flying pains: in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s242}}Boring pain: about heart.\\ {{anchor:​s243}}Digging pain: in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:​s244}}Shooting stitches: in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s245}}Stitches:​ in right eye; in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s246}}Dull stitches: in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s247}}Cramps:​ in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s248}}Gnawing:​ in bowels; under tenth rib left side.\\ {{anchor:​s249}}Pressing pain: in forehead and orbits; in abdomen; between scapulae.\\ {{anchor:​s250}}Drawing:​ in eyeballs.\\ {{anchor:​s251}}Aching pain: in head; over orbits; in chest.\\ {{anchor:​s252}}Stinging:​ in urethra.\\ {{anchor:​s253}}Smarting:​ of conjunctiva.\\ {{anchor:​s254}}Burning:​ of eyes; in throat, mouth and on tongue; in stomach; in urethra; in larynx; in chest; and under sternum.\\ {{anchor:​s255}}Soreness:​ of chest; in walls of chest.\\ {{anchor:​s256}}Scraping feeling: in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s257}}Heat:​ in face.\\ {{anchor:​s258}}Beating:​ in head.\\ {{anchor:​s259}}Pressure:​ in eyes; below pit of stomach; on chest.\\ {{anchor:​s260}}Tingling:​ in eyelids.\\ {{anchor:​s261}}Titillating feeling: in throat.\\ {{anchor:​s262}}Dryness:​ of Schneiderian membrane of throat.\\ {{anchor:​s263}}Oppression:​ in upper part of chest.\\ {{anchor:​s264}}Tightness:​ of chest.\\ {{anchor:​s265}}Dullness:​ in head.\\ {{anchor:​s266}}Emptiness:​ in stomach.\\ {{anchor:​s267}}Weakness:​ of legs.\\ {{anchor:​s268}}Reeling sensation: in head.\\ {{anchor:​s269}}Paralytic feeling: in left half of face.
 +====== TISSUES. [44] ======
 +{{anchor:​s271}}Catarrhs that tend to leave sore and tender places in walls of chest as if there were left circumscribed spots of inflammation.\\ {{anchor:​s272}}Diseases of mucous membranes; especially of lining of larynx, trachea and bronchia.\\ {{anchor:​s273}}Subacute or chronic exudations of pleura, catarrhal pleuropneumonia (after Bry.) in cachectic pleuritis, in hydrothorax,​ edema pulmonum, in diseases of heart, primary and secondary anasarca; in dropsies after albuminuria;​ hydrophthalmia with intraocular compression;​ in ascites accompanying hepatic diseases, peritonitis and abdominal tumors; in lymphatic constitutions with tendency to mucous and serous exudations.\\ {{anchor:​s274}}Dropsy of internal organs (especially after inflammation).\\ {{anchor:​s275}}Inflammation of internal organs.
 +====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ======
 +{{anchor:​s279}}Touch:​ walls of chest painful; of vesicles causes itching.\\ {{anchor:​s280}}Pressure:​ on left side amel.; pain; soreness of chest agg.\\ {{anchor:​s281}}Rubbing:​ glistening before eyes agg.\\ {{anchor:​s282}}Bites of poisonous or enraged animals.
 +====== SKIN. [46] ======
 +{{anchor:​s284}}Burning vesicles, itching when touched.
 +====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
 +{{anchor:​s286}}Especially suitable for plethoric, phlegmatic persons.\\ {{anchor:​s287}}Girl,​ aet. 5; after scarlatina; ascites.\\ {{anchor:​s288}}Girl,​ aet. 13, after miliary fever; hydrothorax and anasarca.\\ {{anchor:​s289}}Tenor singer, aet. 26, suffering six months; catarrh of pharynx.\\ {{anchor:​s290}}Miss X., aet. 30, small stature, poor constitution,​ pale, thin face; latent pleurisy.\\ {{anchor:​s291}}Man,​ aet. 33; oculo-motor paresis.\\ {{anchor:​s292}}Man,​ aet. 33, slender, leading a sedentary life, first noticed trouble with eyes four years ago; paresis of oculo-motor nerve.\\ {{anchor:​s293}}Woman,​ aet. 56; pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:​s294}}Man,​ aet. 60; pleuro-pneumonia.
 +====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
 +{{anchor:​s296}}Compare:​ <span grade2>​Ammon.</​span>​ in bronchial affections; <span grade2>​Calc. ost.</​span>​ in fat and plethoric people predisposed to catarrhs; <span grade2>​Caustic.</​span>​ in muscular asthenopia, loss of voice, paralytic conditions; <span grade2>​Phosphor.</​span>​ in laryngeal and pulmonary catarrh; <span grade2>​Spongia</​span>​ in bronchial catarrh.
 +^ Source: | [[en:​mm:​hering:​start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 09, 1890 |
 +^ Description:​ | Clinical materia medica of [[en:​rem:​r143|Senega]] |
 +^ Remedies: | [[en:​rem:​r143|Senega]] |
 +^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
 +^ Year: | 1890 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |}
en/mm/hering/senega-r143.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/21 11:39 (external edit)