====== AMMONIUM CARBONICUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Ammonium Carbonicum. {{anchor:s2}}Smelling Salts. {{anchor:s3}}Ammoniae Sesquicarbonas. {{anchor:s4}}2NH4O, 3CO2. {{anchor:s5}}Much used and abused by the Old School and the people. {{anchor:s6}}Introduced by Hahnemann in 1828. {{anchor:s7}}Classed among the antipsorics in 1835, in the second edition, with additions from the six later provers. {{anchor:s8}}In 1859 were published Professor Martin's provings on himself and students under his direction. {{anchor:s9}}Buchner's proving was omitted by Allen. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Very forgetful and absent-minded; makes mistakes in writing and speaking.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Confusion and dullness of head.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Disposition to weep, particularly in evening.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Aversion to work, not disposed for anything.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Gloomy, depressed, with feeling of impending trouble, with sensation of coldness.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Anxious concern about one's sickness.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Anxiety, with inclination to weep.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Anguish as if a crime had been committed.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Listlessness and lethargy. {{anchor:s20}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Utter dejection of mind. {{anchor:s22}}~ Chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Ill humor: during wet, stormy weather; after dinner, lasting whole day.\\ {{anchor:s24}}From thinking: pain in face.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Hearing others talk, or talking himself, affects him.\\ {{anchor:s26}}After vexation or fright, red spots in face. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Feeling of lightness in head.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Giddiness, especially in morning, when sitting and reading; better when walking.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Frequent giddiness, as if surroundings were turning with him in a circle, in morning after rising, lasting whole day, worse in evening; also at night, when moving head.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Congestion of blood to head at night and when awaking, heat of face.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Vertigo mostly in morning; on moving his head sensation as if brain fell to and fro, towards the side where he stoops; sometimes with stinging pain. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Heaviness and beating in forehead after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Pressing fullness in forehead as from vapor of coal.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Sensation as if all was to be pressed out at forehead.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Sense of oppressive fullness, pushing as if forehead would burst.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Severe pain in forehead. {{anchor:s39}}~ Undeveloped measles.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Pulsating, beating and pressing in forehead, as if it would burst; worse after eating; while walking in open air; better from pressure; in warm room.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Headache, thrusts in forehead, as if it would burst.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Tearing: in whole head; in temples; back of left ear, ascending to vertex.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Boring, stitching headache at night.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Stitches in various parts of head.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Sensation of looseness of brain; as if the brain fell to side towards which he leaned.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Congestive and menstrual headache.\\ {{anchor:s47}}When stooping, sensation as if blood was accumulating.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Headache: in morning in bed, with nausea and risings in throat, as if to vomit; in morning, but agg. in afternoon. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Pain on head resembling hammering or hacking with a flat instrument.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Drawing pain in periosteum of forehead, wakens from sleep in morning, passes off after rising.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Severe itching of scalp, especially on occiput.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Sensation as if hair would stand on end, with crawling and cold feeling on head, after coming into room from open air.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Scalp, even hair, painful to touch. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s56}}Double vision.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Aversion to light, with burning in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Optical illusions, particularly in white or bright colors.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Sparks before eyes at night. {{anchor:s60}}~ Headache.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Large black spot floats before eyes after sewing.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Eyes weak and watery, especially after reading; muscular asthenopia; affections from overstraining eyes.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Yellow spots on looking at white objects.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Cataract of right eye.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Burning in eyes all day.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Inflammation of eyes; vision obscured.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Eyes bloodshot, with lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Pressure on eyelids so that he cannot open them, even though internally awake.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Pressure with cutting or stitching in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Smarting in eyes and itching on margin of lids.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Stye on right upper eyelid, with tension. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Painful sensitiveness of dull ear to loud noise.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Dull sense of hearing.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Humming and buzzing before ears.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Hard hearing; ear itches and discharges pus.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Indistinct hearing.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Itching above ears, spreads over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Hard swelling of right parotid gland. {{anchor:s80}}~ Scarlatina. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s82}}Nosebleed; dry coryza, especially at night, without slightest air passing through; redness of tip of nose, when stooping.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Nosebleed; severe pain as if brain was forcing itself out just above nose.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Nosebleed: when washing face or hands in morning nose bleeds from left nostril; from right several days in succession, weakening boy. {{anchor:s85}}~ Undeveloped measles.\\ {{anchor:s86}}When stooping, blood rushes to tip of nose.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Bloody mucus blown from nose frequently. {{anchor:s88}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Burning water runs from nose; agg. when stooping.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Stoppage, mostly at night; must breathe through mouth, with long-lasting coryza. {{anchor:s91}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Child's nose stopped up, starts from sleep; rattling of phlegm in trachea.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Coryza in hysterical females, in feeble or aged people.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Pustules on nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s96}}Heat in face: during mental exertion; during and after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Heat in face, with red cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Redness of left cheek.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Pale face, bloated.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Hard swelling of cheek, also of parotid and cervical glands.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Pustulous eruption on forehead, cheeks and chin.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Small boils and indurations, emitting water and blood on cheek, at corner of mouth and on chin.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Freckles. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Herpetic eruption around mouth.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Itching eruption on lips.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Upper lip pains, as if cracked.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Lower lip cracked in middle, bleeding and burning.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Painful burning blister on inside of lower lip.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Blueness of lips. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Pricking pain, especially in molars; agg. when masticating or touching decayed teeth with tongue.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Pressing teeth together sends a shock through head, ears and nose.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Teeth feel too long, too dull.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Violent toothache, evenings, immediately on going to bed.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Stitching pain in molars when biting; can use incisors only.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Drawing toothache during menses; amel. from eating, agg. from warm fluids.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Sensation as of an ulcer at root of a tooth.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Looseness and rapid decay of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Gums swollen, easily bleeding. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s122}}Taste: sweetish; of blood, offensive; of food, sourish or metallic; bitter in morning.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Talking difficult at times, like from weakness of parts; also from pain.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Vesicles on tongue, at tip, on borders, burning, hindering eating and speaking. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s126}}Redness and inflammation of inner mouth and gullet; pain as if raw.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Sensation as if mouth was swollen.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Great dryness of mouth and throat. {{anchor:s129}}~ Scarlatina. {{anchor:s130}}~ Headache.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Swelling of internal mouth, especially inside of cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Has to spit a great deal.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Salivation with headache. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Pain in throat, as if right tonsil was swollen when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Enlarged tonsils, bluish, much offensive mucus there. {{anchor:s137}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Sensation as if something had lodged in throat, impeding deglutition.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Putrid sore throat; glands engorged. {{anchor:s140}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils. {{anchor:s142}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Angina after checking an old ulcer on leg; ceased when ulcer returned.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Dryness of throat.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Burning pain in throat and down esophagus as from alcohol.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Roughness and scraping in throat.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Diphtheria, when nose is stopped up; child starts from sleep, cannot get its breath.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Diphtheria; nose stopped both sides, membrane extends to upper lip, which is excoriated from watery discharge. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Continual thirst; no appetite, excepting for bread and cold food.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Great hunger and appetite, yet a small quantity satiates.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Unconquerable appetite for sugar. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Cannot eat (dinner) without drinking.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Worse during eating: heat in face; headache, nausea and prostration; dizziness.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Worse after eating: nausea; pressure in stomach and forehead; speech becomes difficult; sweat increased.\\ {{anchor:s158}}After dinner: is ill-humored; has headache; face is hot.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Worse from warm diet.\\ {{anchor:s160}}When masticating, decayed tooth pains more.\\ {{anchor:s161}}After eating: heartburn; drawing toothache during menses amel.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Toothache during menses agg. from warm fluids. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s164}}Hiccough, morning after chill.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Eructations: empty; imperfect; taste of food; sour.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Heartburn after eating.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Nausea and vomiting of all that has been eaten; afterwards sour taste in mouth. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s169}}Stitches in pit of stomach, with cough.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Burning and heat in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Pain as from constriction in stomach, with nausea, waterbrash and chilliness, amel. by pressure and lying down.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Stomach feels full, trembling.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Empty feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Pressure in stomach after eating or at night; clothes feel oppressive.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Heat in stomach, spreading through bowels.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Pain in stomach, with tendency to waterbrash. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Burning pain in liver.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Boring stitches in liver in evening while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Pressure or sore feeling in hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Numbness in right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Stitches in hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Splenic affections. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Pressure above navel, as from a button.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Pressive pain in left side of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Sudden painful contraction of bowels, extending to epigastrium; amel. from pressure; on lying down it ceases.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Cutting pain, with retraction of abdominal walls.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Colic with pain between scapulae. {{anchor:s190}}~ Amenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Stitches through abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Elastic swelling (size of a fist) in left groin, evenings; bruised pain therein; cannot lie on left side; on awaking, both swelling and pain gone.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Painful concussion in lower part of abdomen when stepping. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s195}}Painful diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Stool of feces and mucus.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Stools at first retarded, later soft.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Costiveness on account of hardness of feces.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Constipation; stool hard and dry, difficult to expel, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Constipation with hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Protrusion of hemorrhoids after stool, with long lasting pains; cannot walk.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Hemorrhoids protrude, independent of stool.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Burning at anus with tenesmus, prevents sleep at night; must rise from bed on that account.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Itching at anus. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s206}}Pressure of urine on bladder, with cutting pain.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Frequent urination at night.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Involuntary urination during sleep; urine pale with red sediment.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Pale urine, with sandy sediment.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Whitish sediment.\\ {{anchor:s211}}(OBS:) Diabetes.\\ {{anchor:s212}}During micturition, vulva and anus, which are sore, become painful. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s214}}After coition, excited circulation and palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Forcing (wurgend) pain in testicles and seminal cords; sensitiveness of testicles to touch, aggravated by erections.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Testicles and scrotum relaxed, necessitating a supporter.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Erections without sexual desire, mornings.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Violent sexual desire, almost without erections.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Seminal emissions almost every night.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Itching of genitals. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Great excitement of female sexual organs. {{anchor:s223}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Before menses: face pale; pain in belly and small of back; want of appetite.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Cholera-like symptoms at commencement of menses.\\ {{anchor:s226}}During menses: toothache; colic; face pale; very sad; great fatigue, especially of thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in small of back and chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s227}}After a long drive in open air, courses come on four days too soon; they are very copious, especially at night, and when sitting and driving previously; she experienced griping colic, with want of appetite.\\ {{anchor:s228}}The courses come on six days too soon.\\ {{anchor:s229}}The menstrual blood is blackish, often in clots, passing off with spasmodic pain in belly and hard stools, with tenesmus; flow abundant.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Menstrual blood acrid, makes thighs sore; soreness causes a burning pain.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Acrid leucorrhea, with sensation of excoriation or ulceration in vulva. {{anchor:s232}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Leucorrhea: watery, burning, from uterus; acrid, profuse, from vagina.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Violent tearing in abdomen and vagina.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Irritation of clitoris. {{anchor:s236}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Swelling, itching and burning of pudenda.\\ {{anchor:s238}}(OBS:) Vulvitis with tendency to gangrene.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Menses premature, abundant, blackish, often in clots, preceded by griping and colic.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Menses scanty and too late, always accompanied by frontal headache. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s244}}During pregnancy; albuminuria; yellow spots before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Right mamma painful to touch. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s248}}Slight difficulty in speech; incipient paralysis of laryngeal nerves. {{anchor:s249}}~ Softening of brain.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Great dryness of throat and hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Hoarseness: with roughness in throat; cannot speak a loud word; agg. from speaking.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Larynx as if drawn shut from both sides of throat.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Rattling in larynx as from mucus.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Accumulation of mucus in trachea. {{anchor:s255}}~ Softening of brain.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Catarrh. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s258}}Shortness of breath and palpitation after every exertion.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Dyspnea, with palpitation of heart.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Great difficulty of breathing in going up even a few steps; less in open air.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Dares not come into a warm room, in which he becomes deathly pale and can do nothing but sit quiet. {{anchor:s262}}~ Asthma.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Difficult breathing; causing short cough.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Oppression of breathing.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Catarrh, dyspnea, asthma.\\ {{anchor:s266}}One of the best remedies in emphysema.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Chronic asthma, tendency to hydrothorax.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Edema pulmonum with somnolence from poisoning of blood with carbonic acid. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s270}}Dry cough at night with tickling in larynx, headache.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Cough dry and worse at night, like from feather down in throat.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Cough at night; every morning, at 3 o'clock, dry cough from tickling in throat, as of dust.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Cough: with spitting of blood, previous sweet taste and great dyspnea, with stitches in small of back and pit of stomach; short, asthmatic, from irritation in larynx, with painful sensation of spasmodic contraction of chest; with asthma, evening in bed; with hoarseness, body being warm; with spitting of bloody phlegm, heaviness on chest, short breath, especially on ascending a hill.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Coughs up dark blood.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Roughness and bloody taste in mouth, succeeded by cough and sputum of light-red blood, with burning and heaviness in chest, face red and hot, body trembling.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Much hawking of saltish mucus at night.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Expectoration seldom; or morning and during day.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Sputa thin, foamy; adynamic state, with rattling of large bubbles in chest. {{anchor:s279}}~ Bronchitis in the aged. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s281}}Chronic weakness of chest and coryza.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Cracking in chest.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Burning in chest; also with hydrothorax.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Stitches in right chest: when stooping; when walking; when raising up in bed.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Stitches in left chest, prevents lying on left side.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Lower part of chest most affected.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Heaviness as from accumulation of blood in chest.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Rush of blood to chest (after writing).\\ {{anchor:s289}}Tearing from upper left chest to scapula.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Heaviness and oppression at sternum at night.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Heaviness and tightness when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s292}}(OBS:) Pneumonia with great weakness and suspected heart-clot. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s294}}Vehement palpitation of heart and great precordial distress, followed by syncope. {{anchor:s295}}~ Hysteria.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Palpitation of heart. {{anchor:s297}}~ Headache.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Palpitation and asthma after every exertion.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Frequent palpitation, with contraction of epigastrium and weak feeling in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Audible palpitation, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying; cold sweat; involuntary flow of tears; unable to speak; loud, difficult breathing and trembling of hands.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Pulse hard, tense, frequent.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Ebullition of blood at night; seems as if heart and veins would burst.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Angina pectoris. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s305}}Small pimple on sternum; when touched it feels as if it had a splinter in it.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Red rash on chest. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s308}}Burning on throat externally.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Lymphatic glands swollen. {{anchor:s310}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s311}}(OBS:) Goitre.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Pain in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Pain between scapulae.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Violent pain in small of back, with great coldness. {{anchor:s315}}~ Amenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Pressive drawing pain in small of back and loins, only when at rest, during day; passing off when walking.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Stitches at coccyx, where before there was itching. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s319}}Axillary glands painful and swollen.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Tearing, also bruised pains in shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Weight and lameness in right arm; has no power in it, must let it hang; hand swollen.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Cramp in right arm, drawing it backward.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Rigidity of arms and fingers as if dead, at night, early in morning, and when grasping things.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Cracking of elbow joint when moved.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Boring pain in olecranon depression.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Itching eruption on inside of right forearm.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Pain in wrist joint which had been sprained some time ago.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Pain in wrist; in back of hands; in fingers and thumbs.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Trembling of hands.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Cracking of skin of hands.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Peeling of skin from palms.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Hands look blue and veins distended, after washing in cold water.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Fingers swell when hands hang down.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Whitlow, in beginning: red streak up to axilla.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Panaritium; finger inflamed; deep-seated periosteal pain.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Fingers "go to sleep." ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s338}}Restlessness in legs.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Great weakness and languor of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Soreness between limbs of children.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Violent pain in hip joint when walking.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Blue spot, with great burning, above knee.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Boring and drawing pains in knees.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Leg frequently "goes to sleep" when sitting or standing, also when lying on it at night.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Drawing pains in legs when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Cramp in leg; also in soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Severe pain in heels when awaking in morning, as if ulcerated to bone.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Heel hurts when standing or walking much; sometimes suppuration.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Tearing in ankle and bones of feet; ceases when warm in bed.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Cold feet, particularly when going to bed.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Trembling of feet.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Ball of great toe painful and hot.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Great toe becomes red, swollen and painful, particularly in bed, evenings.\\ {{anchor:s354}}The big toe is hot and burns; agg. from pressure of boots.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Feet and toes swollen.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Crawling in toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s358}}Pain in limbs at night, with gnawing pain in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Inclination to stretch limbs.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Burning of hands and feet. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s364}}At rest: pain in back and loins agg.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Relieved lying on abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Lying down: pain in stomach amel.; pain in bowels ceases; leg goes to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Must lie down from debility.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Cannot lie on left side: bruised pain in left groin; stitches in left side.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Raising up in bed: stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s370}}When sitting: dizziness; boring stitches in liver; leg goes to sleep; drawing in legs.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Ascending steps: difficult breathing.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Ascending a hill: shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Stepping causes painful concussion in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Standing: leg goes to sleep; heel hurts.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Walking: dizziness better; pulsating pressure and beating in forehead; painful commotion in bowels; stitches in chest; heaviness and tightness in chest; improves pain in back or loins; pain in hip.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Every exertion: heel hurts; weakness in limbs; palpitation and asthma.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Moving head: giddiness; sensation as if brain fell to and fro.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Stooping: brain seems to fall towards side leaned to; nosebleed; burning water runs from nose; rush of blood to tip of nose; stitches in chest. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s380}}Tetanic or epileptic convulsions from violent cerebral irritation.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Debility, must lie down; also with soreness of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Feeling of weakness in limbs amel. walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Great lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Exhaustion with defective reaction.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Hysteria with symptoms simulating organic affections.\\ {{anchor:s386}}(OBS:) Epilepsy. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s388}}Loses breath at moment when falling asleep; wakens to get breath.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Must sleep in afternoon, or eyes pain.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Restless, unrefreshing sleep; tosses about.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Frequent violent starting out of sleep, with great fear afterwards.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Nightmare every night, sometimes in a sweat when awaking. {{anchor:s393}}~ Heart disease.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Somnolence, with blood overcarbonized. {{anchor:s395}}~ Edema pulmonum.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Dreams: vivid; romantic; lewd; anxious; of danger and want; of ghosts; of dying; of dead persons; offensive, of lice; of scolding.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Talks during sleep.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Heart-beats disturb sleep; stupor. {{anchor:s399}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Sleepless until 4 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Unrefreshing sleep. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s403}}Night: giddiness; rush of blood to head; boring and stitching in head; nosebleed; stoppage of nose; pressure in stomach; burning at anus and tenesmus; frequent urination; seminal emissions; cough agg.; hawks much saltish mucus; heaviness and oppression at sternum; ebullition of blood; rigidity of hands and arms; pain in all limbs; continuous sweat.\\ {{anchor:s404}}At 3 A. M.: dry cough from tickling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Early morning: rigidity of arms and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s406}}Morning: vertigo; headache with nausea, etc.; nosebleed when washing face; bitter taste; hiccough; erections without desire; expectoration; pain in heels on awaking; sweat most about joints.\\ {{anchor:s407}}All day: burning in eyes; continuous sweat.\\ {{anchor:s408}}During day: expectoration; pains in back and loins.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Afternoon: must sleep to relieve pain in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Evening: disposed to weep; giddiness agg.; violent toothache; boring stitches in liver; swelling in left groin; cough with asthma in bed; great toe swollen and painful in bed; chill alternating with heat till midnight; much flatus.\\ {{anchor:s411}}At 7 P. M.: strange uneasiness arousing child from sleep.\\ {{anchor:s412}}At 10 P. M.: child falls asleep suddenly after previous uneasiness. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s414}}In wet, stormy weather: ill humor; agg. headache.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Winter: stout women readily take cold.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Very sensitive to cold air out-doors.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Worse in cold air; menorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:s418}}Worse from wet poultices.\\ {{anchor:s419}}From washing: reappearance of symptoms; nosebleed; blue hands, swollen veins.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Children dislike washing.\\ {{anchor:s421}}In a warm room: headache amel.; get deathly pale. {{anchor:s422}}~ Asthma.\\ {{anchor:s423}}Better in-doors, from warmth, in dry weather.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Worse while walking in open air, evening.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Averse to walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s426}}After entering warm room from open air, sensation as if hair stood on end.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Aversion to walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Open air: increases headache while walking; difficult breathing amel.; heaviness and tightness in chest when walking; weakness of limbs when walking; chill increased.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Warmth of bed: relieves tearing in ankle and feet.\\ {{anchor:s430}}In bed: great toe becomes red and painful.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Warm room: chill lessened. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s433}}Chill evening; frequently alternating with heat, till towards midnight.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Chill increased in open air, lessened in warm room.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Great chilliness with headache.\\ {{anchor:s436}}Thirst before chill.\\ {{anchor:s437}}In afternoon a chill followed by heat.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Heat, evening, particularly of face; with cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s439}}Hectic fever. {{anchor:s440}}~ Scurvy.\\ {{anchor:s441}}Sweat in morning, mostly at joints.\\ {{anchor:s442}}Sweat on lower part of body.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Continuous day or night-sweat.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Cold, cyanotic, semiconscious, pulseless. {{anchor:s445}}~ Beginning of spotted fever. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s447}}Worse during new moon. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s449}}Right: stye on upper lid; cataract; swelling of parotid gland; tonsil feels swollen; numbness in hypochondrium; stitches in chest; weight and lameness in arm; cramp in arm.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Left: tearing behind ear; cheek red; stitches in hypochondrium; pressing pain in side of abdomen; swelling in groin; tearing from upper chest to scapula. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s452}}Lightness in head; as if surroundings were turning with him; as if brain fell to and fro; as from vapor of coal in forehead; as if all were to be passed out at forehead; as if forehead would burst; of looseness of brain; as if hammering with a flat instrument on head; as if hair would stand on end; as if brain was forcing itself out above nose; a shock through head, ears and nose on pressing teeth together; as if mouth was swollen; as if right tonsil was swollen; as if something had lodged in throat; as from a button pressing above navel; larynx as if drawn shut; as of dust in throat; spasmodic contraction of chest; as of a splinter in pimple on sternum; fingers and leg "go to sleep"; as if ulcerated to bone, in heels; as if joints were sprained; as from festering under skin.\\ {{anchor:s453}}Pain: in forehead; between scapulae, with colic; in nape of neck; in small of back; in wrist; in back of hands; in fingers and thumbs; in hip joint.\\ {{anchor:s454}}As of an ulcer: at root of a tooth; in heels.\\ {{anchor:s455}}Thrusts: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Stitches: in various parts of head; in eyes; in molars; in scrobiculum, with cough; in hypochondrium; through abdomen; in small of back and pit of stomach, with cough; in chest; at coccyx, preceded by itching.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Boring stitches: in head; in liver.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Boring pain: in olecranon depression and in knees.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Stinging: in head; thrusts in forehead; in warts.\\ {{anchor:s460}}Pricking: in molars.\\ {{anchor:s461}}Cutting: in eyes; in abdomen; in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s462}}Tearing pain: in head; temples; back of left ear to vertex; in abdomen and vagina; from upper left chest to scapula; in shoulder; in ankle and bones of feet; in joints; in warts.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Burning: in eyes; of lower lip; vesicles on tongue; in throat and down esophagus; and heat in stomach; in liver; at anus; leucorrhea; of pudenda; in chest; on throat; of hands and feet; in spot above knee; in warts; in vesicles and pustules.\\ {{anchor:s464}}Smarting: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Rawness: of mouth and gullet.\\ {{anchor:s466}}Painful constriction: in stomach; in bowels; of chest.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Cramp: in right arm; in leg; in soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Painful concussion: in lower part of abdomen when stepping.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Bruised pain: in swelling in groin; in shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s470}}Pressive drawing: in small of back and loins.\\ {{anchor:s471}}Forcing pain: in testicles and seminal cords.\\ {{anchor:s472}}Drawing: in periosteum of forehead; in teeth during menses; in legs; in knees.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Gnawing pain: in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s474}}Pressure: outward in forehead; on eyelids; in eyes; in stomach: in right hypochondrium; above navel; in left side of abdomen; of urine on bladder.\\ {{anchor:s475}}Pulsating: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Itching: of scalp, especially on occiput; on margin of lids; in and above ear; of genitals; at anus; at coccyx, followed by stitches; and stinging in skin; of eruption on inside of right forearm.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Tickling: as from feather in throat; in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Crawling: on head; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Heaviness: and beating in forehead; in chest; at sternum; in right arm; of internal parts.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Loose sensation: of brain.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Weak feeling: in pit of stomach; of legs.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Roughness and scraping: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Tension: on right upper eyelid, as from shortness of muscles.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Swollen feeling: in mouth; in right tonsil.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Lameness: in right arm.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Numbness: in right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Coldness: on head; with backache.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Dryness: of mouth and throat. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s490}}Hemorrhagic diathesis, from fluidity of blood and dissolution of red blood corpuscles; tendency to gangrenous ulcerations.\\ {{anchor:s491}}Hemorrhages: dark; from nose, gums and bowels.\\ {{anchor:s492}}Lymphatic and parotid gland swollen and indurated.\\ {{anchor:s493}}Erythema, then vesication; finally gangrenous degeneration.\\ {{anchor:s494}}Long used, it develops a scorbutic condition; muscles soft and flabby; teeth drop out; hemorrhages; hectic. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s498}}Worse from pressing teeth together.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Outer pressure: headache amel.; constrictive pain in stomach amel.; pain in bowels amel.\\ {{anchor:s500}}Pressure of boot aggravates pain in big toe.\\ {{anchor:s501}}After a ride: menses come four days too soon; agg. at night and when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s502}}Touch: scalp painful: testicles sensitive; right mamma painful; sensation of splinter in pimple.\\ {{anchor:s503}}Scratching: burning blisters appear afterwards.\\ {{anchor:s504}}After a fall from a horse and sprain of left great toe, frequent inflammation, joint red, hot and painful, and so sensitive to touch that he could not bear the bedcovers; continual sensation as if joint was dislocated. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s506}}Chronic miliary eruption.\\ {{anchor:s507}}Violent itching; after scratching, burning blisters appear.\\ {{anchor:s508}}Itching lessened by scratching.\\ {{anchor:s509}}Desquamation.\\ {{anchor:s510}}Itching and stinging of skin keep him awake.\\ {{anchor:s511}}Burning stinging, tearing in warts.\\ {{anchor:s512}}Burning vesicles and pustules.\\ {{anchor:s513}}Putrid flat ulcers with a pungent sensation, pain amel. by keeping limb elevated and from outward pressure; pus white and putrid.\\ {{anchor:s514}}Child becomes sore between legs.\\ {{anchor:s515}}Brought out measles after three months' delay.\\ {{anchor:s516}}Strange uneasiness every evening, 7 o'clock, which arouses child from sleep; it tosses about in bed and screams until it falls soundly asleep, about 10 P. M.; during uneasiness head feels bloated and burning; next day rash on face as if scarlatina would break out.\\ {{anchor:s517}}Body red as if covered with scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s518}}Malignant scarlatina with somnolence, starting from sleep; dark red or putrid sore throat; sticky salivation; parotitis; external throat swollen; stertorous breathing; involuntary stools with excessive vomiting; body red, with miliary rash, or faintly developed eruption; threatened paralysis of brain.\\ {{anchor:s519}}Scarlatina receding.\\ {{anchor:s520}}Erysipelas of old people when cerebral symptoms are developed; while eruption is still out, debility and soreness of whole body; tendency to gangrenous destruction.\\ {{anchor:s521}}(OBS:) Psoriasis.\\ {{anchor:s522}}(OBS:) Lepra vulgaris. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s524}}Scrofulous children.\\ {{anchor:s525}}Stout women, who lead a sedentary life, have various troubles in consequence, and readily catch cold in winter.\\ {{anchor:s526}}Erysipelas of old people. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s528}}Similar to its relatives, Amm. mur., Am. phosph., etc., and to Ant. tart. (emphysema, etc.; blood poisoned with carbonic acid); Arnic.; Arsen. (inflammations); Aurum (heart); Apis (scarlatina, miliaria; burning stinging); Bellad.; Coccul. (muscular asthenopia); Calc. ostr. (parotitis in scarlatina; pale, flabby, etc.); Hepar; Kali bichr.; Kali carb.; Laches. (erysipelas); Lauroc.; Natr. mur. (muscular asthenopia); Phosphor.; Pulsat.; Rhus tox. (rash, scarlatina with parotitis, etc.); Ruta (muscular asthenopia); Staphis.; Sulphur; Veratr. (cholera-like symptoms during menses).\\ {{anchor:s529}}The presence of miliary rash may distinguish it from the sometimes similar Bellad. in scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s530}}Inimical to Laches.\\ {{anchor:s531}}Antidote to: poisoning with Rhus tox.; stings of insects.\\ {{anchor:s532}}Antidoted by: Arnic., Camphor, Hepar; vegetable acids, fixed oils, as castor, linseed, almond and olive oils.\\ {{anchor:s533}}The Chenopodium vulvaria exhales pure ammonia during its whole existence. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 01, 1879 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r42|Ammonium carbonicum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r42|Ammonium carbonicum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1879 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}