====== ASIMINA TRILOBA/UVARIA TRILOBA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Asimina Triloba. {{anchor:s2}}Paw Paw, or Custard Apple. {{anchor:s3}}Anonaceae. {{anchor:s4}}A valuable proving of the late Dr. George Bute on himself, his daughter, and his 15-year-old grandson, from 1864 to 1868; afterwards also proved by E. H. Eisenbrey in 1869-70, in the 1st, 2d and 4th centesimal potencies. {{anchor:s5}}Bute used alcoholic extracts from all parts of the plant, ripe and unripe fruit, the green leaves, the bark, and the root. {{anchor:s6}}The tree grew in his garden. {{anchor:s7}}Dr. Eisenbrey proved the same preparation. {{anchor:s8}}H. W. Taylor communicated in Cincinnati Medical Advance, 1878, a kind of poisoning of five children after eating freely of the fruit. {{anchor:s9}}The symptoms are marked t. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Did not care to hold conversation with any one, even his best friends; with aching in lung.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Could not dismiss from his mind what occurred through the day previous; at night. {{anchor:s13}}See 37. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Frontal headache, with pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Frontal headache, with nausea; t.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Did not rest well the night previous, arose with an unusual headache in left temporal region, involving eye, with an occasional sharp pain over it, increased by a single cough.\\ {{anchor:s18}}On morning of 4th day headache increased; felt uncomfortable all day; stomach felt increased in size; insufficiency of stool; inactivity of bowels and rectum.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Headache, with chill, nausea and belching. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s21}}Discharge from nose altered in character from yellow, thick, and at times, especially in morning, hard, flakey, dark grey consistency, at times offensive, to a natural mucous secretion. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s23}}Face turns blue, with spasmodic interruption of breathing. {{anchor:s24}}See 26. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s26}}Corroding sensation in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Aphthae of children. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s29}}Soreness of throat; t.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Fauces red, swollen; tonsils and submaxillary glands enlarged next day; t. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Thirst, with heat; drinks much; desire for ice cold things. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s35}}Soon after eating, a loose stool. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s37}}Nausea and belching.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Constant belching.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Vomiting. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Stomach felt increased in size, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Soreness on pressure in region of stomach. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s44}}Exercised a good deal through day; experienced a pain in left hypochondrium, and a soreness in region of stomach on pressure. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s46}}Soreness in abdomen on pressure; slight pain resembling colic.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Sensation of distension by wind; colic.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Rumbling and pain. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Insufficiency of stool; inactivity of bowels and rectum. {{anchor:s51}}See 3.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Diarrhea after eating.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Rumbling pain in abdomen, with desire for stool, which resulted in passage of a soft, pappy, insufficient stool; in evening.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Soreness of anus when wiping it.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Sudden urging to stool, with a sensation as if a stick, thickness of a thumb, passed down rectum; followed by a sudden diarrheical stool, repeating every ten to fifteen minutes, with chilliness, drowsiness and a weak voice.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Diarrhea of yellowish discharges next day; t.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Diarrhea lasting more than four weeks; t.\\ {{anchor:s58}}All children had diarrhea a long time after other symptoms had disappeared; t. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Urine clear as water.\\ {{anchor:s61}}(OBS:) Diuretic.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Urging to urinate, and burning when urinating. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s65}}Weak voice. {{anchor:s66}}See 20.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Quite hoarse in morning.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Hoarseness, requiring much effort to talk, and seeming as though mucous membrane was thickened and organs slow to respond to effort of speech.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Throat not very sore, not so much so as hoarseness seemed to indicate; slight cough, which is dry. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s71}}Talking difficult.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Cramp in chest, lasting three hours, with blueness of face. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s74}}A single cough increased pain over eye.\\ {{anchor:s75}}A slight, dry cough. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Dull, aching pain in upper left lung; headache continuing. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s79}}Lower end of sternum sore on pressure. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s81}}Chill over whole back.\\ {{anchor:s82}}All children had scarlet eruption on neck and upper limbs; t. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Pain in left shoulder, seeming to involve pectoral muscles. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s86}}Sharp pain in left hip joint, lasting about half an hour, 11 1/2 A. M., returned half-past 1 P. M.; in evening other pains in joint more mild than former, lasting but a short time.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Eruption in front, below knee, like nettles; itching when uncovering.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Carbuncle on anterior aspect of left thigh; suppuration lasting two weeks; t. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Fever, heat with sleepiness. {{anchor:s91}}See 40.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Did not rest well night previous, kept turning and moving all night; could not dismiss from his mind what had occurred through day.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Got up feeling unrefreshed; headache no amel.; quite hoarse; pain in left shoulder. {{anchor:s94}}See 32.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Drowsiness and sleeplessness alternating. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Morning: headache agg.; hard discharge from nose; hoarseness; languid and pale.\\ {{anchor:s98}}At 11.30 A. M. and 1.{{anchor:s99}}30 P. M.: pain in left hip joint.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Evening: diarrheic stool; pain in left hip joint slight. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s102}}Uncovering knee: itching agg.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Open air: exercise in open air is followed by relief of headache. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Chill. {{anchor:s106}}See 3 and 31.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Chilliness. {{anchor:s108}}See 20.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Heat with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Fever heat: with desire for something icy cold; with drowsiness; with much thirst.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Chill over back. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s113}}Aching in chest more on left than on right side.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Left: headache temporal region; pain in hypochondrium; pain in upper lung; pain in shoulder; pain in hip joint; carbuncle on thigh.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Left to right: eruptions in provers. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s117}}As of a stick in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Sharp pain: over left eye; in left hip joint.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Corroding: in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Soreness: in throat; in stomach; in abdomen; of anus.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Dull aching: in upper left lung.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Cramp: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Undefined pain: over eye; in chest; in left hypochondrium; in left shoulder. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s127}}Pressure: soreness in epigastrium and abdomen; lower end of sternum sore.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Wiping: anus sore. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s130}}Itching red pimples.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Pustules like smallpox, with a red halo, itching, and after scratching forming thick crusts, lasting from six to eight weeks; t.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Itching when undressing in the evening.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Abscesses ripening.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Eruption first on left then on right side.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Nettlerash.\\ {{anchor:s136}}At 10 P. M.: violent fever; had vomited, and was covered with a bright scarlet eruption; pulse 130, full and steady; temperature 105; t.\\ {{anchor:s137}}General desquamation followed; t. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s139}}Collateral relations: the Anonaceae, of which the Asim. tr. is the only one proved, although a very important family.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Compare: Illic. anis. (colic); Liriodendron.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Skin of fruit and seeds are fetid, somewhat similar to Stramon. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r797|Asimina Triloba/Uvaria Triloba]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r797|Asimina Triloba/Uvaria Triloba]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}