====== BOVISTA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Bovista. {{anchor:s2}}Puffball. {{anchor:s3}}Fungi. {{anchor:s4}}Hartlaub, Sen., proved in 1828 the spores of this fungus, following the example of Hahnemann, with Lycopodium. {{anchor:s5}}He published it in 1831 as an antipsoric; 640 symptoms. {{anchor:s6}}It belongs to the most important remedies for the treatment of chronic diseases. {{anchor:s7}}Aegidi's case of urticaria, Knerr's translation of which was published in the May number of the North Amer. {{anchor:s8}}Journal, 1880, is a model cure, and the symptoms are decidedly corroborative, particularly those of the mind. {{anchor:s9}}The symptoms are included in our collection. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Absence of mind and difficulty in fixing his attention. {{anchor:s12}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Misapplies words in speaking or writing.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Awkwardness, which makes him drop things from his hands. {{anchor:s15}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Slowness of understanding and comprehension; does not hear well.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Vacant, thoughtless staring. {{anchor:s18}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Sad, depressed and desponding when alone.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Doleful; restless; distressed.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Sensitiveness; great irritability; takes everything amiss. {{anchor:s22}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Moroseness; ill humor; aversion to all things. {{anchor:s24}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Quarrelsome and contentious. {{anchor:s26}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Weak memory. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s29}}Absence of mind, abstraction.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Mental dullness.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Stupefying giddiness, with vanishing of senses.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Stares vacantly into space.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Vertigo early in morning, falls over to one side, loses his senses for awhile.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Sudden attacks of vertigo and feeling of stupidity in head while standing; she loses consciousness for a moment; preceding and following a headache in morning. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s36}}Great sensitiveness.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Sensation as if head was much enlarged; headache, deep in.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Head seems bruised inside.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Beating in head as if there was an abscess there, attended with a sensation of wild confusion; beating is excited by cold air, particularly early in morning, or only in right side.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Stupefying pain, particularly in forehead and vertex.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Pressing pains in head.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Pressure from side to side.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Headache: right side in morning, left in evening; at night; at 3 A. M.; agg. on raising head, with increased secretion of urine; agg. from sitting up; agg. from pressure.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Pains in head pressing inward; pains from side to side pressing outward.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Dull headache with weariness.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Distensive pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Pain in occiput, as if a wedge would be pressed in.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Lacerating pain in sinciput and forehead.\\ {{anchor:s49}}On awaking, head aches, as from too much sleep. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s51}}Sensation as if head was enlarging.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Scalp tender to touch.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Sore spots on head.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Beating in a small spot on left side; itching in hairy scalp, particularly on getting warm in bed, obliging one to scratch until parts bleed, but not amel. by scratching, particularly early in morning.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Itching over whole scalp, extending to neck, especially if he became warm, so that he was obliged to scratch forehead, which was not relieved by scratching.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Pimples or reddish vesicles on hairy scalp with itching; painful blister on temple; itching, suppurating blister on forehead; objects seem too near eye.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Falling off of hair. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s59}}Blindness of right eye from paralysis of optic nerve.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Objects appear too near.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Perpendicular half-sight.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Pressure in orbits, in bones.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Staring at one point.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Eyes dim, without lustre.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Inflammation of eyelids, with nightly agglutination. {{anchor:s66}}~ Urticaria. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s68}}Hearing indistinct, misunderstands much that is spoken.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Itching in ears relieved by boring with finger in ear.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Discharge of fetid pus from ears.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Boil in right ear, with pain when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Thick oozing scurfs on ears. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Every time nose is blown, drops of blood issue from it.\\ {{anchor:s75}}A few drops of blood from nose every time on sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Bleeding of nose in morning.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Nosebleed during morning sleep, with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Watery coryza, with dizziness.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Stoppage of nose with fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Nose stopped up, cannot breathe.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Soreness and redness of septum narium; scurfs and crusts about nostrils; scurfy pustules under nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s83}}The face is very pale in morning on rising.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Marked alternation of color of face, now very red then pale.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Cheeks hot, feel as if they would burst.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Convulsive motions of facial muscles. {{anchor:s87}}~ Before asthma.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Pale swelling of cheek after toothache.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Eruption on face and cheeks. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Pale swelling of upper lip. {{anchor:s92}}~ After toothache.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Stitching like from a needle or splinter in lips.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Chapped or blistered lips.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Corners of mouth sore, broken out.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Lips cracked, in some places crusty. {{anchor:s97}}~ Urticaria. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s99}}Tearing in lower jaw anterior to ears; glands under jaw swollen and throbbing.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Violent drawing-aching in carious teeth; amel. in air and in warmth; agg. in evening.\\ {{anchor:s101}}After toothache, pale, swollen cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Violent drawing pain in hollow back teeth of lower jaw for two evenings in succession in bed.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Scorbutic gums; bleed easily. {{anchor:s104}}~ Urticaria. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s106}}Taste: putrid; bitter.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Stammering, stuttering speech.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Cutting pain in tongue, like with a knife. {{anchor:s109}}~ Before asthma.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Sores or ulcers on edge of tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Sensation, as if inner mouth was numb (pithy) and crisp early in morning on waking, sometimes with dryness of mouth and bitter, slimy taste.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Putrid smell from mouth.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Increased flow of saliva.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Great dryness of mouth, as if sand was in it; burning in tip of tongue and numbness of posterior portion early in morning on waking; deep ulcers in right border of tongue, painful like a sore; stuttering, especially when reading, with inability to pronounce several words rapidly. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s117}}Burning in throat.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Sore throat, with scratching and burning in esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Great dryness in throat; when awaking in morning, tongue feels almost like wood.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Stitching in throat. {{anchor:s121}}~ Before asthma. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s124}}No appetite for breakfast, relish for other meals.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Little appetite. {{anchor:s126}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Hunger, even after meals.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Longing for cold drink.\\ {{anchor:s129}}No appetite for cooked food, desire for bread only.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Loss of thirst.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Desire: for brandy; for wine; for milk.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Worse from: spirituous liquors, wine, cold food.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Better from hot victuals. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s135}}Better after breakfast. {{anchor:s136}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Hiccough before and after eating.\\ {{anchor:s138}}While eating: stitches through chest; tired; sleepy; crawls or flushes.\\ {{anchor:s139}}After eating: stitches in chest; tired; sleepy; colic; amelioration of gagging; cutting in belly. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s141}}Hiccoughing before and after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Frequent empty eructations.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Nausea, with shivering all forenoon.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Nausea in morning. {{anchor:s145}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Vomits a watery fluid; nausea amel. by eating breakfast. {{anchor:s147}}~ Morning sickness. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s149}}Pressure and fullness in pit of stomach; tension in temples; mental anguish.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Cold feeling in stomach, as if a lump of ice was lodged there, with pain, mostly mornings.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Intolerance of tight clothing around waist. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s153}}Stitches in region of last rib, either side. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Cutting pains around navel.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Griping; amel. when at rest.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Stitches in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Cutting colic, with coldness, teeth chattering, limbs tremble; agg. after stool.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Colic; with bright red urine; relieved by eating.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Abdomen: bloated; puffed up at single spots.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Bloatedness of abdomen; with softness, flatulency, or rumbling; with constipation.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Abdomen tender, most in mornings.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Coldness moving about in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Distension of abdomen, with rumbling, shifting of flatulence and emission of much flatus. {{anchor:s165}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Colic, which causes patient to double over; sometimes voiding red urine (not in Coloc), and relief by eating (not in Coloc.). ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s168}}Stinking flatus.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Disposition to diarrhea, frequent attacks, each evacuation being followed by tenesmus. {{anchor:s170}}~ Urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Diarrhea before and during menses.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Fruitless urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Diarrhea with cutting pains.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Stools first hard and difficult; last thin, even watery. {{anchor:s175}}~ Affections of prostate gland.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Stool at first hard, last part thin, with pain in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s177}}After stool, tenesmus and burning at anus.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Itching in rectum, as from worms.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Darting from perineum to rectum and genitals.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Itching on tip of os coccygis, has to scratch the parts raw and sore.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Stools: liquid, yellow, fecal.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Morning diarrhea, with urging pain.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Before stool: urging; colic. {{anchor:s184}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s185}}During stool: twisting pain in abdomen. {{anchor:s186}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s187}}After stool: languid; tenesmus; burning at anus; burning and itching in anus, as if worms were crawling. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s189}}Frequent desire to urinate, even immediately after urination, with emission of a few drops.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Urine: bright red; yellow green; becomes turbid; bright yellow, with slowly forming cloud; turbid, like loam water, with violet sediment.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Stinging-itching burning in urethra; orifice inflamed, feels glued up.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Hard node in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Gleet. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Seminal emissions.\\ {{anchor:s197}}After coition, reeling and confusion in head.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Complaints from sexual excess. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s200}}Voluptuous sensation in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Burning in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Menses: four days too soon and more profuse than usual; every two weeks much dark and clotted blood; too late and scanty; only at night, or only in morning; too late and scanty; only at night, or only in morning; during intervals occasional show of blood.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Ovarian cyst, tapped twice within a few months.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Every few days a show between the menses.\\ {{anchor:s205}}The menses flow most profusely in morning, but scanty during day and night.\\ {{anchor:s206}}After midnight painful urging towards genitals, with great heaviness in small of back, which was somewhat relieved next day with discharge of menstrual blood.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Diarrhea frequently before and during menses.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Before menses: spasm in chest; painful bearing down in genitals; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Before, during and after menses: pain as if bruised, and weary in loins, belly and thighs, impeding going up-stairs.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Leucorrhea a few days before or a few days after monthly; while walking like white of eggs; yellow green, acrid, corrosive, leaving green spots in clothes; thick, slimy, tough.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Soreness between labia and thighs. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s215}}Jaundice of newborn children. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s218}}Hoarseness in morning.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Roughness in throat, mornings, with catarrhal speech.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Scratching sensation in larynx, with viscid phlegm. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Shortness of breath from every exertion with hands.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Oppression of chest, desires to loosen clothes.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Spasmodic laughing and crying, with asthma, face dark red. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s226}}Evening, loose; morning, dry.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Dry cough from tickling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Cough from tickling in chest, mornings, after coming into room from cold air.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Cough with so viscid an expectoration that it can scarcely be discharged. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s231}}Stitches in various localities of chest.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Stitches in left side, extending through to back. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s234}}Ebullitions, with much thirst.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Palpitation: with tremor of hands; restlessness; vertigo; chilliness; sick headache; profuse menses.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Visible palpitation, after going up-stairs; as if heart was working in water; after overexertion.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Pulse accelerated. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s239}}Burning in outer chest. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s241}}Stitches in neck.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Stiffness of neck in morning.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Backache, with stiffness after stooping.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Shooting and other pains between shoulders, along borders of scapulae; has to "straighten up" to be relieved.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Intolerable itching at tip of os coccygis; must scratch until parts become raw and sore. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s247}}Sweat in arm pits, smelling like onions.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Tension in shoulder joint, cannot write.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Stitching, boring and tearing pains in upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Joints of arms and hands feel disabled and wrenched.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Itching on arms.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Affections of wrist joints.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Sharp stitches in right external malleolus.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Tremor of hands, with palpitation of heart and oppressive anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Great weariness in hands and feet the whole day.\\ {{anchor:s256}}She has no power in hands, especially in right, and almost allowed lightest objects to fall from weakness.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Hygroma on hand.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Moist tetter on back of hand.\\ {{anchor:s259}}The skin of fingers becomes unusually dented by the instruments with which she was working.\\ {{anchor:s260}}The hands are covered with small, dry, reddish pimples, which gradually disappear after a few days.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Runaround, or whitlow, on fingers. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s263}}Sensation of soreness in hip joints.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Limbs "go to sleep," cannot stand on them.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Stitching pain in knees.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Muscles of calves feel too short; cramp in morning.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Edematous swelling of (r.) foot even years after a sprain.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Violent stitching in outer malleolus of right foot, with painfullness of inner.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Cramp in leg.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Eruption on both feet of small, red, rashlike pimples, with an itching burning pain, with which feet are covered, as far as half way up calves, lasting two days; scratching does not affect them. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s272}}Great weakness of joints.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Sensation: as if beaten; lame, aching; tearing; tension, stitches.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Rheumatic paresis and marked muscular atrophy of affected leg. {{anchor:s275}}~ Urticaria. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s279}}Rest: griping worse.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Sitting up: headache worse.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Must straighten up to relieve pains between scapulae.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Colic causes patient to double up.\\ {{anchor:s283}}While stooping: head dull and heavy; stitches in belly.\\ {{anchor:s284}}After stooping: backache and stiffness; vertigo worse.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Exertion with hands: shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Walking: leucorrhea like white of eggs. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s288}}Rheumatic lameness.\\ {{anchor:s289}}General languor and enervation, particularly in joints.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Drops things from hands, as from weakness.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Hysteria, with abdominal symptoms. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s293}}Great sleepiness early in evening.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Spasmodic gaping before asthma; morning sweat in bed.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Great drowsiness in afternoon and early in evening.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Night rest disturbed by burning and itching of nettlerash.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Restless sleep, with many anxious, frightful dreams.\\ {{anchor:s298}}On awaking, head aches as from too much sleep; on rising, face pale. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s300}}At 3 A. M.: headache.\\ {{anchor:s301}}From 5 to 6 A. M.: sweat.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Early morning: stools.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Morning: vertigo; right-sided headache; itching of scalp agg.; nosebleed; face pale; sensation as if mouth was numb; tongue feels like wood; nausea; cold feeling in stomach; abdomen tender; menses most profuse; hoarseness; roughness in throat; dry cough; stiffness of neck; cramp in calves; sweat in bed.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Forenoon; nausea and shivering.\\ {{anchor:s305}}During day: menses scanty.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Whole day: weariness of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Afternoon: drowsiness; alternate shuddering and flying heat.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Evening: left-sided headache; toothache agg.; cough loose; great sleepiness; chilliness; stools.\\ {{anchor:s309}}At P. M.: chill with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Night: headache; menses scanty; rest disturbed by nettlerash; agglutination of eyes; stools. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s312}}Cold air: beating in head worse.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Air: toothache better.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Warmth of bed: itching of scalp agg.; toothache better.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Hot weather: red, scabby eruption appears on thighs and bends of knees, and again with the full moon.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Hot food: symptoms better.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Cold food: symptoms worse.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Coming in room from cold air: cough worse.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Very sensitive to draughts. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s321}}Chill predominating, even near a warm stove, morning and evening, and even at night; generally with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Chill with the pains.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Shivering in evening, spreading from back; drawing pains in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Chills: immediately after going to bed at night, commencing in back; every evening at 7 P. M. with thirst, followed by drawing pains in abdomen. {{anchor:s325}}~ Intermittent.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Alternate shuddering and flying heat, most in afternoon, with burning thirst, more with shuddering.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Heat, with thirst, anxiety, restlessness; oppression of chest.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Fever heat during sleep.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Sweat every morning, 5-6 A. M., most profuse on chest.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Sweat in axilla smells like onions.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Chilliness whole evening. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s333}}Full moon: red, scabby eruption appears on thighs and bends of knees; also in hot weather. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s335}}Right: beating in head; morning headache; boil in ear; deep ulcers on border of tongue; stitches in external malleolus; no power in hand; edematous swelling of foot.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Left: evening headache; beating in a small spot in side; pain in side; swelling in groin.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Right to left: headaches, right in A. M., left in P. M. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s339}}As if head was enlarged; as if there was an abscess in head; as if sand was in mouth; as if a lump of ice was lodged in stomach; as if a wedge would be pressed in; as if heart was working in water.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Lacerating: in forehead; in sinciput.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Cutting: in tongue; around navel; in abdomen; with diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Darting: from perineum to rectum and genitals.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Stitching: in lips; in throat; through chest; in region of last ribs; in abdomen; in chest; in left side through to back; in neck; in upper limbs; in right external malleolus; in knees; in outer malleolus; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Stitches: in chest; in neck.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Shooting: between shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Boring: in upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Tearing: in lower jaw; in upper limbs; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Beating: in head.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Twisting: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Griping: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Wrenched feeling: in joints of arms and hands.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Bruised feeling: in head; in loins, belly and thigh.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Beaten feeling: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Pressing: in head; from temple to temple; in orbits; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Distensive pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Wedge pain: in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Drawing: in lower molars; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Drawing-aching: in carious teeth.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Burning: in tip of tongue; in throat; in esophagus; at anus; in outer chest; nettlerash; in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Stinging-itching burning: in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Soreness: in hip joints; between labia and thighs; of nose.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Cramp: in calves; in leg.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Scratching: in larynx; in esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Roughness: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Throbbing: in head, as of an abscess; in submaxillary glands.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Fullness: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Heaviness: in arms and hands.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Tension: in temples; in shoulder joint; in muscles of calf; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Stiffness: of neck; of back.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Crawling: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Tickling: in throat; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Numbness: in mouth; of posterior portion of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Weariness: in hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Coldness: in stomach; moving about in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Itching: over scalp; in ears; in rectum; on tip of os coccygis; in anus; on arms; nettlerash.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Dryness: in throat; of mouth. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s378}}The phlegm from nose, bronchia, vagina, is very tough, tenacious; also pus from ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Weakness of all joints.\\ {{anchor:s380}}As if muscles were too short in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Tettery constitution, eruptions moist or dry. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s385}}Touch: scalp tender.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Scratching: does not relieve itching of scalp; causes soreness of os coccygis; itching continues.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Pressure: headache worse.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Boring in the ear with finger: itching better.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Raising head: headache worse.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Exertions with hands: shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Overexertion: palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Unusually deep impression on finger from using blunt instruments (as scissors or knife).\\ {{anchor:s393}}Sensitiveness to touch, pressure with hand is painful.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Cannot bear clothing.\\ {{anchor:s395}}(OBS:) In bleeding gums after extraction of tooth, apply pieces of fungus to cavity; two or three applications will cure worst case of hemorrhage; for any other kind of wound, a piece large enough to cover wound, held firmly on, or bandaged on, will arrest flow of blood; in epistaxis, hold a good-sized piece of fungus close to nostrils, and direct patient to inhale with all possible force fumes arising from it under pressure of hand. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s397}}Urticaria covering nearly whole body; some blotches nearly two inches in diameter, caused by tar.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Rash, pimples, with burning itching.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Warts and corns, with shooting pains.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Itching on getting warm, continues after scratching.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Red scabby eruption on thighs and bends of knees, appears with hot weather and with full moon.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Moist or dry herpes.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Tetter on back of hand; after bright red pimples rough, dark red, moist spots.\\ {{anchor:s404}}Urticaria, with rheumatic lameness; disposition to diarrhea, each evacuation being followed by tenesmus; scorbutic gums; inflammation of eyes and nightly agglutination; morning sweat in bed, together with ill humor, moroseness, irritability, sensitiveness, great excitability; takes everything amiss; aversion to all things; quarrelsome and contentious; stares vacantly into space; awkwardness, which makes him drop things; absence of mind and difficulty in fixing his attention.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Intolerable itching at tip of os coccygis; he must scratch till the parts become raw and sore. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s407}}Woman, aet. 36, married; after inflammation of bowels, a swelling in left groin; tapped a pint of fluid from ovarian cyst; after some time again, five, six pints; after some time a third tapping was considered necessary, but Bovista [6] cured. {{anchor:s408}}~ Unilocular ovarian cyst.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Old maids; palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Children: stammering. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s412}}Antidote to Bovista: Camphor.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Bovista antidotes bad effects of tar, externally applied.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Useful when Rhus tox. fails in urticaria.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Alumina followed well in rheumatic pains after asthma. {{anchor:s416}}Calc. ostr., Rhus tox. and Sepia follow Bovista with good effect.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Suffocation from carbon vapors.\\ {{anchor:s418}}The smoke from burning Bovista acts more on bees than other smoke. {{anchor:s419}}(How would smoke of Rhus tox. act on bees ?)\\ {{anchor:s420}}Compare: Calc. ostr., Rhus tox., Sepia, Phosphor., Pulsat., Staphis., Sulphur, Veratr., Bellad., Bryon., Carb. veg., Caustic., Kali carb., Lycop., Mercur., Natr. mur., Silica, Spigel., Strontian, Valer.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Incompatible: coffee. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r94|Bovista]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r94|Bovista]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}