====== CALCAREA ARSENICOSA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Calcarea Arsenica. {{anchor:s2}}Arseniate of Lime. {{anchor:s3}}3 Ca O2 Az O5 {{anchor:s4}}Prepared and proved by C. Hg., in 1848, in the 4th centesimal trituration, and by five other well experienced provers, who did not know of each other until 1851. {{anchor:s5}}Some cures were published to induce more provings. {{anchor:s6}}The few given here contain elements of great promise. {{anchor:s7}}We want more cures, even reports of failures, but, above all, good provings of the higher potencies. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Mind seems dull and unable to digest any subject.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Unable to attend to any business, on account of headache.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Delirium evenings in dark. {{anchor:s12}}~ Typhoid with albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Great depression of mind.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Mind much depressed with great anxiety, about still greater evils in future. {{anchor:s15}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s16}}With exertion of mind headache lessens but is much agg. afterwards.\\ {{anchor:s17}}The slightest emotion causes palpitation of heart. {{anchor:s18}}Comp. Lith. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s20}}Vertigo when moving head. {{anchor:s21}}See 11.\\ {{anchor:s22}}In sudden attacks he feels as if he was flying or swimming in the air, as if his feet did not touch the ground; feels indescribably well, as if in heaven, the most wonderful visions pass before his eyes, it seems to be a great many different things but lasts only a second, it passes like lightning, but is infinitely much.\\ {{anchor:s23}}A pressing heaviness first on top of head, then in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Head seems to get heavier and heavier.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Congestion to head before an epileptic attack. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s27}}Dull stupefying headache in different parts of head, but principally above and behind ears.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Head gets heavier and heavier, and quick movement makes him giddy.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Rush of blood to head before an epileptic attack.\\ {{anchor:s30}}(In sick:) Violent pains over right eye.\\ {{anchor:s31}}The headache was worst in front and above left ear, most on a place where he had a headache before.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Between ear and right forehead a burning, lasting some months.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Boring-jerking in front over right ear and on lower border of acquisitiveness and in occiput in region of sociableness, with a chill, has to go to bed; after getting cold outdoors in winter.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Stitches in left side of head, above neck towards region of temples and across forehead from right to left.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Pressing heaviness; first in vertex, afterwards in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Mornings, going out-doors, very peculiar headache; boring-shooting in occiput in regular measure, and simultaneously a sensation as if one was drawing on a thread in larynx from front backward, and repeated once soon afterwards.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Violent headache beginning at noon, agg. towards evenings, agg. after supper; a digging, pressing beating throughout left half of head, from front backward; lying on forehead it is agg. in occiput over nape of neck; lying on back it is agg. in forepart of head, same lying on either side, always agg. opposite side. {{anchor:s38}}It causes a feeling of lameness in whole body; it was followed by a tearing pain in upper and lower jaw, as if jerking down from head; relieved by Pulsat.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Headache commencing very slightly, but gradually increasing to such violence that he is unable to do any business; it is most in forehead, as if it would split the head and tear it to pieces. {{anchor:s40}}The beating of pulse gradually has increased from 80 to 100; each beat of heart he felt in head as if every beat was striking against a wedge. {{anchor:s41}}Stooping and going out-doors agg. he had to go home again, on the 7th day, could do nothing and felt exceedingly weak. {{anchor:s42}}From the 4th day of the proving it had increased gradually up till noon of 7th day.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Burning in head, first left then right.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Headache: amel. with mental exertion, but agg. after; agg. after slightest error in diet; and palpitation of heart agg. and amel. together; with stiffness of neck, wakens him towards 4 A. M.; he had no sleep after it and could not lie; weekly, stitches in right forehead.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Beating in head and back drive him out of bed. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s47}}Temples edematous. {{anchor:s48}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Head is hot. {{anchor:s50}}~ Albuminuria. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Letters seem to run together.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Delirium in the dark.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Eyes have little brilliancy. {{anchor:s55}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Violent pain in right eye and above it.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Headache over left eye.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Blue rings under eyes. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Headache and toothache extend into ears.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Benumbing headache is most above and behind ears. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Sneezing with fluent coryza in morning.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Sneezing with a jerking-shooting pain near left side of breast bone, region of 4th and 5th ribs.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Before breakfast, catarrh in head, spitting of mucus, which falls down from choanae.\\ {{anchor:s66}}At 3 A. M., wakefullness, restlessness, sweat and running catarrh, next morning frequent sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s67}}No phlegm through nose, only from choanae.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Crusts are formed in choanae. {{anchor:s69}}See 25. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s71}}Tearing pain in upper and lower jaw; jerking down from head; after Glonoine taken for headache, Pulsat. relieved.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Heat in face with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Pale face and blue rings under eyes with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Looks pale and suffering. {{anchor:s75}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Face swollen, especially about eyes. {{anchor:s77}}~ Albuminuria. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s79}}Tearing pain in upper and lower jaw from head down.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Itching on upper lip.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Lips dry. {{anchor:s82}}~ Albuminuria. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Toothache in decayed molars, extending into ears, recurring weekly. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s86}}Flat unpleasant taste, sometimes metallic, sometimes alkaline.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Sour taste with sore throat.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Taste like garlic during swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Tongue dry. {{anchor:s90}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Burning on tip of tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s93}}Saliva runs together in mouth like water, with a tasteless belching.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Sour taste. {{anchor:s95}}See 13. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Choanae. {{anchor:s98}}See 7.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Tickling in back of throat. {{anchor:s100}}See 25.\\ {{anchor:s101}}After belching a burning in esophagus as from pepper, with garlicky taste when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s102}}A roughness and scratching in throat as if he had eaten nuts.\\ {{anchor:s103}}A sensation as if a scab was in upper part of throat and occasioned tickling and cough, which shakes whole chest and feels as if bruised.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Copious hawking of tough white phlegm.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Dryness in pit of throat and roughness of voice.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Pressing pain in throat, in clavicular region, with sour taste and waterbrash. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s109}}No craving for food for body or mind.\\ {{anchor:s110}}No appetite during evening after fever, with thirst in afternoon. {{anchor:s111}}See 40.\\ {{anchor:s112}}No appetite, with pain in loins and groins. {{anchor:s113}}See 19.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Thirst for cold water.\\ {{anchor:s115}}No appetite, can enjoy only soup, eating which often causes eructations and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Great thirst, but when she drinks too much, pain in belly and diarrhea supervene. {{anchor:s117}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Desire for wine or other spirituous drinks. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s120}}Can bear turnips now and cornmeal, even when costive; had given him headache since 20 years and pain in sternum; after sweet potatoes, diarrhea in night.\\ {{anchor:s121}}After drinking wine, pain in groins or in spermatic cords.\\ {{anchor:s122}}After least error in diet headache increases.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Torpid condition of body and mind; the food he eats seems to lie in stomach without digesting. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s125}}Pressing as if to belch, ending with a sudden beat of heart. {{anchor:s126}}See 20.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Belching, followed by burning in pharynx; with a running together of saliva.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Nausea when sitting down.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Waterbrash with sour taste. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s131}}Acidity of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Burning heat in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Anxiety in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Dull pressing stitches below stomach, with cutting across abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Digging in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Painful stitches in pit of stomach, started by some movements of arm; pain is followed by a cutting in right side.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Sensation as if stomach was expanded.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Region of stomach distended. {{anchor:s139}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Gastric ulcer, in a girl with scanty menses.\\ {{anchor:s141}}May be indicated in pancreatic diseases with albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Cancer of pancreas, when there is burning pain. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s144}}Cirrhosis of liver in typhus with albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Sensation of fullness below short ribs, at 1 P. M.; feels weary and drowsy. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s147}}Sensation as if diarrhea would appear; soon after colicky pain around navel with pressure downward.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Colic and looseness of bowels.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Sensation in both groins and loins as if a hernia would be forced out, with loss of appetite after drinking some wine; lasting ten weeks.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Bowels very tense. {{anchor:s151}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Swelling of inguinal glands, with tearing pain in legs.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Very painful shooting, cutting jerk across abdomen going from right to left.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Sensation as if abdomen was expanded, with fever. {{anchor:s155}}See 40. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s157}}Faintness; cold hands followed by a stool without relief.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Urging to stool with palpitation and oppression of chest.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Burning with the passage.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Stool with ascarides, and itching at anus from evening until midnight.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Diarrhea at midnight after sweet potatoes.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Looseness and colic; also during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Infantile diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Stool tardy, but not hard.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Hard and difficult stool for months. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s167}}Great sensitiveness to pressure in region of kidneys. {{anchor:s168}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Must pass urine every hour; urine containing very much albumen. {{anchor:s170}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Burning with scanty urine.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Albuminuria. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s174}}Pain in spermatic cords after great exertion and drinking some wine; has to go home; hands turn cold; faintness and stool without relief. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Scanty menses. {{anchor:s177}}~ Gastric ulcer.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Bearing down and prolapsus. {{anchor:s179}}See 24. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s183}}During pregnancy bearing down, prolapsus vaginae and other complaints. {{anchor:s184}}See 30 and 31.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Albuminuria during pregnancy. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Drawing as with a thread from larynx backward, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Dryness in pit of throat and roughness of voice, followed by a feeling as if a crust was in upper part of throat, which caused a tickling and a cough, shaking the whole chest; feeling all over chest as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Loses voice and afterwards consciousness; before an epileptic attack. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s192}}Kind of asthma, awakens soon after midnight with difficulty in breathing as from fullness in chest; gets uneasy, turns all night in bed from side to side, falls asleep and gets awake again; has such an attack every night, but each night somewhat later until it reaches the morning, after he rises; breathing not free all day, but without palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Feeling as if he would suffocate, with palpitation. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s195}}Cough shaking whole chest, caused by a tickling from a crust in upper part of throat; chest feels as if beaten. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s197}}In clavicular region pain in throat.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Dull pressure on chest, with roughness of throat.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Fullness in chest. {{anchor:s200}}See asthma, 26.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Chill extends from back towards chest. {{anchor:s202}}See 40.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Burning and heat in chest. {{anchor:s204}}See 29.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Precursory symptoms, with violent pains on left side. {{anchor:s206}}~ Epilepsy. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s208}}Immediately oppression and increased soreness of heart, with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Rush of blood towards left chest.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Jerking shooting pain about 4th and 5th ribs, left, side, near breast bone. {{anchor:s211}}See sneezing, 7.\\ {{anchor:s212}}The prover never took a medicine which acted so strongly on the vascular system; two nights in succession, throbbing in head and back drove him out of bed.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Pains in region of heart and fearful palpitation, with burning and heat in chest, followed by shooting in back, extending to feet and arms.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Attacks of pains in heart, with violent attacks of palpitation and fear of suffocating; face pale, deep rings below eyes. {{anchor:s215}}~ After suppression of intermittent by opium.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Pains in heart; before epileptic attack. {{anchor:s217}}See 36.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Constriction of heart. {{anchor:s219}}~ Before an epileptic attack.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Constriction of heart like from a rush of blood to left chest, with palpitation and urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s221}}(In sick:) His habitual palpitation, not caused by an organic disease, increases very much.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Beat of heart very strong. {{anchor:s223}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Frequent attacks of palpitation, with heat of face, lasting several days, after each, even slight emotion of mind; before such an attack always heat of hands and tremulousness.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Violent palpitation, with an urging to belch and unable to get wind up, as if something in heart prevented it; suddenly follows a violent beat, like an explosion, commencing in pit of stomach and extending up into head, after which he feels every beat of pulse. {{anchor:s226}}Carb. veg. antidoted.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Palpitation and headache increase and decrease together.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Palpitation, with oppression of chest, disturbing sleep. {{anchor:s229}}See 37. ~ Before epilepsy.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Every fourth beat of pulse omits with great regularity. {{anchor:s231}}See 36.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Pulse increased in number continually from 80 to 100, is quicker and harder; he feels with it all beats of heart during 3 to 4 days; somewhat amel. on 5th day.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Pulse 120, easily compressed. {{anchor:s234}}~ Albuminuria. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s236}}Dull pressure on chest. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s238}}Pain very near nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Stiffness of neck with headache, on waking in morning.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Shuddering over back extending into feet and arms.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Throbbing in back, drives out of bed at night.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Violent backache between shoulders and sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Could not straighten back. {{anchor:s244}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Frequent shooting in small of back, after diarrhea with colic; in 6th month of pregnancy after 30 cent. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s247}}Lame pain as if beaten, in left shoulder and arm, morning in bed; amel. after lying on it.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Lame feeling of left arm, with a painful drawing about 3 inches above wrist to upper arm and into shoulder; later same feeling in right arm, but less marked.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Backache extends into arm.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Pains in left hand and arm before epileptic attack.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Cold hands and fainting after pain in spermatic cords.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Chill from back to arms.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Heat of hands before palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Back of hands edematous. {{anchor:s255}}~ Albuminuria. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s257}}Pain in his left knee of a neuralgic character.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Backache extends into lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Tearing pain in legs, with swelling in groin.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Lower extremities edematous. {{anchor:s261}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Weariness in lower limbs, most in knees.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Weariness amounting to lameness of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Feet heavy. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s268}}Stooping causes headache, like pulse beating against a hedge.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Sitting down: nausea.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Lying down: throbbing in head and back; sleeplessness; causes headache on opposite side lain on; on left arm amel.; pain as if beaten; epileptic attack ceased.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Motion: of head causes vertigo; giddy, from quick motion; of arm causes stitch in pit of stomach and cutting in right side.\\ {{anchor:s272}}After great exertion: fainting; pain in spermatic cord. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s274}}Weary, with fullness under ribs.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Lame sensation in whole body, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Great weariness and drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Bodily and mental relaxation.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Collapse, in heart and kidney affections.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Very weak, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Restless in morning, with difficult breathing.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Tremulousness before palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Lightness of whole body, as if swimming or flying in air.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Fainting, after great exertions.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Epileptic attacks since 10 years, begin with a pain in left arm, appear only at daytime.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Epileptic attacks, commence with a pain in heart or a constriction; without any organic disease of heart.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Epileptic attacks, most at night, appeared first after total abstinence, in a drunkard, commenced with strong palpitation, rush of blood to head, loss of speech and consciousness; every fourth beat of pulse omits regularly.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Epileptic attacks appeared earlier, more violent and at shorter intervals, and then ceased on lying down.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Strength pretty well gone. {{anchor:s289}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Epilepsies proceeding from valvular diseases of heart. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s292}}Drowsy and weary, with a sensation of fullness under short ribs.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Desire to sleep in middle of day, with heavy legs.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Sleep at night very restless, disturbed by headache and palpitation; he turns from one side to another.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Rolls about all night, sleeps and wakes, with asthma.\\ {{anchor:s296}}After 3 A. M., sleepless, restless and perspiring; followed next morning by a running coryza and frequent sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s297}}For weeks nearly without sleep; he could not bear to lie down.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Every night an attack of difficult breathing; each night later.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Dreams of people he had not seen for twenty years and had not in his mind the day before; often repeated.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Throbbing in head and back drives him out of bed for two nights. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s302}}Evening: delirium; headache agg. after supper; no appetite after fever; until midnight itching at anus.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Morning: headache; headache wakens him 4 A. M.; sneezing, fluent coryza; catarrh in head and choanae; 3 A. M., wakefullness, restlessness, sweat, catarrh; pain in shoulder and arm in bed; restless, difficult breathing.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Noon: headache towards evening; chill, agg. towards evening and after supper.\\ {{anchor:s305}}At 1 P. M.: weary and drowsy; fullness below short ribs.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Afternoon: thirst; fever and distended abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Midnight: diarrhea; asthma, after, later each night; throbbing in back.\\ {{anchor:s308}}All day: breathing not free. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s310}}Winter: chill after getting cold out-doors.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Out of doors: headache. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s313}}Chilly crawl over back towards arm and chest; it originates always inwardly with a sensation as if skin and adjoining parts were hot.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Chill with headache from getting cold. {{anchor:s315}}See 30.\\ {{anchor:s316}}She feels a shuddering or shivering running over back; sometimes has gooseflesh, especially at night, and is sleepless. {{anchor:s317}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Fever in afternoon, with sensation as if abdomen was puffed up; much thirst for cold water and afterwards loss of appetite in evening.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Heat in chest, with palpitation. {{anchor:s320}}See 29.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Night sweat after 3 A. M. See 37. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s323}}Every hour: must pass urine.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Commencing slightly, increasing to violent splitting headache.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Weekly: headache; toothache. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s327}}Left side is generally most affected.\\ {{anchor:s328}}From right to left stitches in forehead; cutting jerks in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s329}}First left then right: burning in head; drawing in upper arms.\\ {{anchor:s330}}From front to back: headache.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Right: pain over eye; burning between ear and forehead; boring jerking front of ear; stitches in forehead; arm and shoulder, lame pain.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Left: above ear, headache; stitches in side of head; digging, pressing beating through half of head; violent pain in chest before epilepsy; shoulder and arm, lame pain; hand and knee pain; neuralgia. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s334}}As if flying or swimming in air; as if feet did not touch ground; as if a scab was in upper part of throat; as if stomach was expanded; as if diarrhea would appear; as if a hernia would be forced out in groins and loins; as if one was drawing on a thread in larynx, from front backward; as if beaten in left shoulder and arm; as if skin and adjoining parts of back were hot.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Boring jerking: over right ear and in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Boring shooting: in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Jerking shooting: over left side of breast bone.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Jerking: from head to jaw.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Tearing: in upper and lower jaw; in head; in legs.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Digging: through left half of head; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Cutting: across abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Stitches: in left side of head; across forehead; in right forehead; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Shooting: across abdomen; in small of back; in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Colicky pain: around navel.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Splitting: in head.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Dull pressing stitches: below stomach.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Neuralgia: in left knee.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Drawing: of arms.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Soreness: of heart.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Burning: between ear and right forehead; in head, first left then right; on tip of tongue; in esophagus; in pharynx; in stomach; in cancer of pancreas; with passage; with scanty urine; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Bruised: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Pressing: through left half of head; in throat; in clavicular region; on chest.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Bearing down: with prolapsus and during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Undefined pain: over right eye; in right eye; over left eye; in groins or spermatic cords; in left chest before epilepsy; in region of heart; in heart; near nape of neck; left hand and arm.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Stupefying: different parts of head; behind ears.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Beating: through left half of head; in head; in back.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Throbbing: in head and back.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Pressing heaviness: on top of head, then in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Heaviness: of head: feet.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Fullness: below short ribs; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Scratching: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Roughness: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Weariness: in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Constriction: of head; of heart.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Tickling: in back of throat.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Stiffness: of neck.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Benumbing: headache above and behind ears.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Lameness: in whole body; of left arm.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Itching: on upper lip; at anus.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Heat: in face; in stomach; in chest; in hands.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Shuddering: in back; to feet and arms.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Chilly crawl: over back towards arms and chest.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Dryness: in pit of throat. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s375}}Emboli in albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Obesity; fatty degeneration.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Heart and kidney diseases. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s379}}Infantile diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Scrofulous, tuberculous diseases with albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Complaints of drunkards after abstaining.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Complaints of fat women when approaching the climaxis.\\ {{anchor:s383}}In lymphatic, scrofulous and tuberculous persons after Conium. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s385}}Antidotes: Carb. veg. (palpitation), Glonoin (headache), Pulsat. (headache, tearing pains in face).\\ {{anchor:s386}}Compatible: Conium, Glonoin, Opium, Pulsat.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Compare: in mental symptoms, palpitation, Lith. carb.; in headache, Glonoin, Pulsat, Sepia, Sulphur; in bad effects from drinking, Arsen.; in desire for wine and alcoholic drinks, Nux vom.; in gastric ulcer, Arsen., Kali jod., Phosphor.; in asthma, Arsen., Ipec.; in heart, beat intermittent, constriction, palpitation, spasms, Arsen., Carb. veg., Digit., Glonoin, Lith. carb. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 03, 1881 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r253|Calcarea arsenicosa]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r253|Calcarea arsenicosa]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}