====== CALCAREA SULPHURICA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Calcarea Sulphurica. ====== Calcium sulphate. Ca SO4. ====== {{anchor:s4}}1847. Extracts from provings of C. Hg., Withy, and that of a young lady. {{anchor:s5}}1873. Extracts from provings with the 30th and 200th by C. M. Conant (Trans. Am. Inst. of Hom.). {{anchor:s6}}Cured symptoms by C. Hg., Koeck and Knerr. {{anchor:s7}}Symptoms from Schuessler and Old school authorities are marked with : (OBS:). {{anchor:s8}}t. stands for toxicological symptoms. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s10}}Loss of consciousness; t.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Loses memory and power of thought suddenly, after lunch.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Sometimes a desire to walk, to attend to something; as soon as she sets out to do it the desire is gone.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Awoke screaming.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Great depression at times.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Liveliness and good spirits change to grief and melancholy, afternoon and evening. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s17}}While walking, dizzy in head and weakness and oppression from head and across stomach.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Vertigo with deathly nausea. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s20}}Pain in left forehead and head.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Severe frontal headache, agg. after dinner and in evening.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Ache across forehead and in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pain around head, several times before going to bed.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Tearing around whole head, with nausea, when rising from lying, amel. while lying.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache: from concussion; with feeling as if eyes were sunken; during menses; with pain in chest. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s27}}Sensation around head as if he had his hat on, 4 p. m.\\ {{anchor:s28}}On region of anterior fontanelle two red pimples, and a burning sore feeling on a place as large as a dollar.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Painful pimples on scalp leave a yellow scab.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Hard tender swellings in scalp in edge of hair, bleeding when scratched.\\ {{anchor:s31}}(OBS:) Crusta lactea or "scald head" of children.\\ {{anchor:s32}}(OBS:) Cranio tabes. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Sees only half an object.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Looking at a piece of paper pains right eye.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Occasional blindness, with twitching of eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s37}}(OBS:) Deep ulcers on cornea.\\ {{anchor:s38}}(OBS:) Ophthalmia, pus thick and yellow.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Cornea smoky, pus in anterior chamber, sensation as from a foreign body; has to tie up eye; after injury to eye from a splinter.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Continued dull pain over right eye; evening.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Twitching of muscles on a supraorbital foramen, near outer corner of left eye.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Pressing pains in left eyeball; cutting in left eye with soreness in evening, as if eyes were sunken in head, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Protrusion of eyes; t.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Inflammation of eyes, evening and night, with slow fever; sensation of heat, eyes red.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Conjunctiva yellow.\\ {{anchor:s46}}(OBS:) Eyes bleared, red; with colic.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Tears from left eye, with left-sided coryza.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Twitching of eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Smarting in inner canthi.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Severe inflammation in canthi.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Boil over left eye. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s53}}Singing in her ears Otitis after a slap on ear.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Dark brown earwax from right ear; A. M.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Pimple on top of right ear.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Soreness of right parotid gland; amel. walking in open air. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s58}}A quivering on root of nose, extending to cheek.\\ {{anchor:s59}}(OBS:) Nosebleed.\\ {{anchor:s60}}(OBS:) Coryza, with thick, yellow, lumpy, mattery discharge.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Yellowish mucus from left nostril and tears from left eye.\\ {{anchor:s62}}During day right nostril discharges watery mucus, left dry; at night vice versa.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Yellowish-green phlegm from posterior nares.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Scanty phlegm, mostly from posterior nares, morning and evening.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Posterior nares closed, watery coryza from anterior.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Influenza and sneezing, amel. in open air; coryza on right side after a bath, amel. out-doors.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Blood-streaked mucus from left nostril after a bath.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Excoriating watery coryza in open air, amel. in-doors and after washing with cold water.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Edges of nostrils slightly sore, excoriated. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s71}}(OBS:) Swollen cheek with toothache; if suppuration threatens.\\ {{anchor:s72}}A small swelling on left inferior maxilla, about lower and middle part of buccinator.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Swollen hard pimple on left cheek.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Darting pains in right side of face.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Pain in right upper jaw.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Flushes of heat.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Exceedingly pale, sickly appearance (workers in plaster).\\ {{anchor:s78}}Herpetic eruptions on face.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Pimples and pustules on face. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s81}}Blister-like sores on right lower lip, ulcerate, ooze bloody matter, and extend to right corner of chin.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Many tender pimples under beard discharge blood or oily transparent matter.\\ {{anchor:s83}}On outer lower lip a raw sore, forming a scab. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s85}}(OBS:) Rheumatic toothache.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Pain in right upper jaw, with swollen and tender gums about a decayed molar.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Toothache:\\ {{anchor:s88}}(OBS:) with swollen cheek; after dark, and in sleep; first agg. by cold water, soon amel.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Right lower molar decayed; is tender and sensitive to cold air, water, etc.\\ {{anchor:s90}}(OBS:) Inside of gums swollen and sore.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Gums bleed while brushing his teeth. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s93}}Taste: (OBS:) flabby; soapy; sour acrid; bitter.\\ {{anchor:s94}}At base of tongue slightly puckered sensation.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Tongue coated yellow at base; (OBS:) resembling a layer of half-dried clay.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Tongue seamed with a deep red line.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Glossitis; (OBS:) when suppuration begins. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s99}}Inside of upper lip sore.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Dryness of mouth; t. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s102}}Soreness, left side of roof as if burned, while eating.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Pharynx red and sore, tonsils affected.\\ {{anchor:s104}}(OBS:) Diphtheritis of soft palate; fauces are much swollen; also in scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s105}}(OBS:) Tonsillitis if a discharge of pus is anticipated. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s108}}Excessive appetite and thirst.\\ {{anchor:s109}}No appetite for meat.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Great desire for tea, claret, green sour vegetables and fruit. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s112}}While eating: roof of mouth sore.\\ {{anchor:s113}}After maple sugar, diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s114}}After eating: better; lunch, loses memory; dinner, headache. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s116}}Nausea: with vertigo; with headache; with pain in pelvis. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s118}}(OBS:) Pain in stomach; motions and burnings; pain extends into liver. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s120}}Severe pain in region of liver. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s122}}Sensation of weakness across stomach, as if from head.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Colic: with rumbling; with diarrhea; with bleared eyes.\\ {{anchor:s124}}A feeling in lower part of abdomen as if skin was too tight, with pain.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Pain in right side of pelvis, followed by weakness, nausea and pain at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s126}}(OBS:) Intestinal ulcers, with typhus.\\ {{anchor:s127}}(OBS:) Buboes: to prevent suppuration. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Diarrhea, with pain in abdomen, from change of weather or after eating maple sugar.\\ {{anchor:s130}}(OBS:) Diarrhea: with discharge of pus, or bloody pus; with typhus.\\ {{anchor:s131}}(OBS:) Dysentery, if passages consist of pus-like slime.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Painful abscesses about anus in cases of fistula.\\ {{anchor:s133}}(OBS:) Prolapsus ani.\\ {{anchor:s134}}(OBS:) Costiveness; with hectic fever; with difficult breathing. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s136}}Chronic nephritis.\\ {{anchor:s137}}(OBS:) Bright's disease, if symptoms correspond.\\ {{anchor:s138}}(OBS:) Red urine, with hectic fever. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s140}}(OBS:) Spermatorrhea with impotency.\\ {{anchor:s141}}(OBS:) Gonorrhea; in suppurative stage.\\ {{anchor:s142}}(OBS:) Chronic syphilis. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s144}}Menses came later and continued longer; usual symptoms, headache, twitchings, great weakness, etc., were aggravated. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s148}}(OBS:) Mastitis, when pus begins to form or to prevent suppuration. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s151}}(OBS:) Croup.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Catarrh, with thick, lumpy, white yellow or pus-like secretion. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s154}}Short-breathed, costive and cachectic (workers in plaster of paris).\\ {{anchor:s155}}(OBS:) Asthma, with hectic fever.\\ {{anchor:s156}}After great dryness of mouth, suffocative attacks with protrusion of eyes, loss of consciousness, an death; t. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s158}}(OBS:) Cough, with hectic fever.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Chronic cough of the tuberculous. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s161}}Pain in sternum became so much agg., she was obliged to double up.\\ {{anchor:s162}}At times a pain across chest.\\ {{anchor:s163}}(OBS:) Pain in chest, and headache.\\ {{anchor:s164}}(OBS:) Pneumonia, third stage.\\ {{anchor:s165}}(OBS:) Empyema; after thoracocentesis. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s167}}Pain from anterior of heart down to lower part of thigh. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s169}}Pain across back of her neck.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Pain in lower part of back.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Chronic pain in os coccygis was greatly aggravated. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s173}}The third phalanx of index finger had been bruised; had a misformed surface, suppurating, full of granulations, bone was bare, pains very violent.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Fingers are stiff in a dream; stiff and painfully rigid, puffy and stiff, mainly on right hand, A. M.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Swelling of phalanges of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Inflammation and swelling of little finger.\\ {{anchor:s177}}(OBS:) Whitlow, when suppuration begins. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s179}}(OBS:) Inflammation of hip joint; in suppurative stage of hip disease.\\ {{anchor:s180}}(OBS:) Ischias and podagra.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Pain from heart to lower thigh.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Painful rigidity of legs, A. M., especially right; later, upper part agg. {{anchor:s183}}P. M.; the worst in early evening.\\ {{anchor:s184}}A weakness in her legs.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Weariness in knees after walking.\\ {{anchor:s186}}(OBS:) Pain in knees from a blow.\\ {{anchor:s187}}(OBS:) Stitches in knee.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Lameness in inner part of left knee when in bath, A. M., when stooping or walking fast, later in posterior part.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Legs tender to touch; feet slightly swollen and tender.\\ {{anchor:s190}}A great burning and itching of soles of her feet.\\ {{anchor:s191}}(OBS:) Burning on soles, with hectic fever.\\ {{anchor:s192}}The basis of fourth left toe suddenly tender while walking. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s194}}(OBS:) Pain in joints. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Better while lying; headache.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Stooping: agg. lameness in eye.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Obliged to double up to amel. pain in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s201}}When rising from lying down: headache.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Better walking in open air; improves soreness in parotid gland; desire to walk.\\ {{anchor:s203}}While walking; dizzy; toe tender.\\ {{anchor:s204}}After walking; weariness in knees; walking fast, lameness in knees. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s206}}Twitchings during menses.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Great disposition to lie down and stretch out.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Weakness and oppression from head down to stomach.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Weakness during menses.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Much exhausted after a dream.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Great lassitude, 2 p. m. till evening.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Weak, languid, no pluck; intolerable lassitude after siesta.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Weariness after pain in pelvis. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s215}}(OBS:) Sleepy during day, wakeful at night.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Before going to bed, pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s217}}She dreamed she had a convulsion from fright, awoke screaming and much exhausted.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Internal lassitude after siesta. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s220}}In morning: lameness of knee, in bath.\\ {{anchor:s221}}At 2 p. m. till evening: lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Afternoon and evening: liveliness alternates with melancholy.\\ {{anchor:s223}}At 4 p. m.: external headache.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Evening: toothache; pain in legs.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Late p. m.: half-sightedness.\\ {{anchor:s226}}About 10 p. m.: pain in eye.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Before going to bed: headache.\\ {{anchor:s228}}At night: toothache. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s230}}(OBS:) Burns and scalds; when suppuration begins.\\ {{anchor:s231}}(OBS:) Suppurating chilblains.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Open air: agg. walking in it; desire to be in it.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Suffered unusually from cold, while taking his usual bath, A. M.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Knee pains in bath.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Sensitive to water, first agg. then amel., toothache.\\ {{anchor:s236}}From change of weather: diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s237}}After washing with cold water: coryza. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s239}}(OBS:) Quotidian or tertian fever.\\ {{anchor:s240}}(OBS:) Intermittent fever; back of tongue has a coating, resembling dry clay.\\ {{anchor:s241}}(OBS:) Typhus: when diarrhea sets in; intestinal ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s242}}(OBS:) Hectic fever: with costiveness and red urine; with asthma, cough and burning in soles of feet. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Right: over eye dull pain; in eye, pain; soreness of parotid gland; earwax dark; pimple on top of ear; watery mucus from nostril; pain in upper jaw; sores on lip; toothache; pain in pelvis; fingers stiff; rigid legs.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Left: pain in forehead; twitching of muscles about eye; pressing pain in eyeball; cutting in eye; tears from eye; boil over eye; coryza from nostril; swelling on infra maxilla; pimple on cheek; soreness roof of mouth; knee lame; toe tender.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Direction of pain across: in head, stomach, liver, chest and neck.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Above downward: heart to leg. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s249}}As if he had his hat on; as if eyes were sunken; as of a foreign body in eye; as if skin was too tight in lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Cutting: in eye Darting: in right side of face.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Stitches: in knee.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Burning: sore feeling on anterior fontanelle; in stomach; of soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Rheumatic pain: in teeth.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Pressing pain: in left eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Tearing: around head.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Smarting: in inner canthi.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Soreness: of right parotid; roof of mouth; inside of upper lip.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Aching: across forehead; in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Dull pain: over right eye.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Undefined pain: in left forehead and head; in right upper jaw; in stomach; in region of liver; in lower abdomen; in right side of pelvis; in anal abscess; across chest; in chest; from heart to thigh; across back of neck; in lower part of back; in joints; in sternum.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Puckered sensation: at base of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Weakness: across stomach.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Lameness: in knee.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Itching: of soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Dryness: of mouth. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s267}}(OBS:) Its sphere of action is in the connective tissue; inflammation with suppuration.\\ {{anchor:s268}}(OBS:) Arrests hemorrhage and blennorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s269}}(OBS:) Abscesses which have their seat in the connective tissue, if they are the result of stasis in the connective tissue tubuli.\\ {{anchor:s270}}(OBS:) Serous swellings, post-scarlatinal dropsy, in rare cases.\\ {{anchor:s271}}(OBS:) Hard or suppurating glands.\\ {{anchor:s272}}(OBS:) In third stage of inflammation; lumpy or bloody discharge.\\ {{anchor:s273}}(OBS:) Acute and chronic rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s274}}(OBS:) Discharge in cough, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, etc., yellow, thick and lumpy, sometimes bloody.\\ {{anchor:s275}}After mechanical injuries, when in neglected cases suppuration has set in.\\ {{anchor:s276}}(OBS:) Greenish, brownish, yellow crusts.\\ {{anchor:s277}}(OBS:) Cystic tumors; fibroma; fibrous polypi. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s281}}Legs tender to touch; toe tender while walking.\\ {{anchor:s282}}From a blow or concussion: headache; pain in knee.\\ {{anchor:s283}}After a slap on ear: otitis.\\ {{anchor:s284}}After a bruise: suppuration of finger.\\ {{anchor:s285}}After a hurt by a splinter: sore eye.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Cuts and wounds, to control suppuration, thick yellow matter.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Burns and scalds, if suppurating. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s289}}Itching on soles.\\ {{anchor:s290}}(OBS:) Scarlet rash; scarlatina, with excessive swelling of soft palate.\\ {{anchor:s291}}(OBS:) Suppurating pustules and nodules.\\ {{anchor:s292}}(OBS:) Skin affections, with greenish, brownish or yellowish scabs.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Yellow scab follows pimples on scalp.\\ {{anchor:s294}}(OBS:) Boils and furuncles.\\ {{anchor:s295}}(OBS:) Abscesses and carbuncles, to control the formation of pus. {{anchor:s296}}[Obs. Anthracin is much better. {{anchor:s297}}--C. Hg.]\\ {{anchor:s298}}(OBS:) Tetters.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Many little matterless pimples under hair, bleeding when scratched.\\ {{anchor:s300}}(OBS:) Ulcers discharging thick yellow matter.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Greyish, lead-colored skin (workers in gypsum).\\ {{anchor:s302}}(OBS:) Chilblains, when suppurating. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s304}}Compatible: after Kali mur., Natr. sulph., Silica.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Compare: Calend., in suppurations; Hepar, in suppurative processes, but has wider sphere and acts with more intensity; Kali mur. in milk crust and other skin affections, swollen cheek, croup, dysentery; Natr. sulph., in post-scarlatinal dropsy; Silica, in hard or suppurating glands, ulcers of cornea, tonsillitis, mastitis, frostbites. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 03, 1881 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r178|Calcarea sulphurica]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r178|Calcarea sulphurica]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}